HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-09-11, Page 5TI•I(Yi$DArY, semi'. 11th, 1958 Pa iyRAttf. rv.q...„ r�. RSt... Mtli... .. . . • Goderich still is exactly 10 per- cent, better than any other Huron County town and should be made to pay, for this • "distinction," in the opinion of the majority of County Councillors. .After an unsuccessful attempt last year, Town Council decided ir' +this year not to appeal the equaliz- ed assessment : whereby Goderich properties are assessed 10 percent higher than properties in other towns for county tax purposes. If last year's appeal had been successful, Goderich stood to save several thousands of dollars pos- sibly. Reeve James Donnelly took up the local cause in County Council ' this year. He appealed to County Councillors' sense of justice; He also pressed the cause in the county equalization committee, of which he was appointed a member this year, but the County Council- lors declined to• .put Goderich on an equal basis with other towns. `, For some years, Goderich had been assessed five percent higher than other towns in the county. Then, in 1951, when Goderich was not represented on the equaliza- tion committee, the differential was changed to 10 percent by the coun- ty assessor and approved by . the committee. In 1955, Goderich•paid $95.374.05 into the county treasury. The an- nual levy has been going up stead- ily Since and this year the ''town ispaying the county $76,477.95. Technically, the assessor con- e uuailu�F siders Goderich the "par" totwn in Huron, Other towns are assessed 10 percent less, villages,are assess- ed 20 percent lower than Goderich and some farms are' assessed 35 percent lower, it is understood. At last year's assessment appeal, J. K. Hunter, town solicitor, con- tended• that the assessor had failed to show just how he ,arrived at a figure 'of 10 percent. Local Paintings Chosen For Fair Five paintings by members of Goderich Art Club were chosen for display at the Western Fair .in London. They can be, seen in the Confederation Building at the fair this week. Included in the Goderich exhibit are water color paintings by Mrs. Harry Watson and J. C. Milling and oil paintings by Mrs. Willard Legg, Miss Mary Howell and Mrs. Alex Smith, who is president of the local group. A new electronic machine• was used this year to help judges select paintings for the fair. Each juror sets a dial noting the percentage he, allots ., to each• painting: A master .machine tallies up each juror's percentage to a •total figure for the picture viewed. The machine system eliminates the possibility that one juror could be swayed by the ,decision •of another. • _SUNDA.Y.. SERVICES IN GODERICH. CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Sept. 14, Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School. and Bible Class. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 4. North: Street 'United Church 10 .a.m. SundaySchool. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP._ Subject- Participation In Worship." The Sacrament of Baptism at this Ser3ice. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD. KLINCK, Music Director.• Knox,Presbyterian.Charch REV. R. G.. ,MacMILLA.N,• • MISS -B.--.1. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of. Praise 9.30 A.M. - MORNING SERVICES = 11 A.M. .10 a.m. Church School. The services will be conducted .by Rev. R. G. MacMillan. 11 a.m. Nursery and Junior' Congregation: A FRIENDLY WELCOME, AWAITS YOU. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE: AT WATERLOO ST." SUNDAYS -- 10 -A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M. and 7.30 P.M. -- GUEST PREACHER. TUESDAY, AND FRIDAY SERVICES AT 0'"P.M. "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU." Victoria St--Benrniller• United and Union Churches 10 a.m. Sunday' School service only in Victoria St. Film: "The Prodigal Soni." 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. BENMILLER ANNIVERSARY. Guest: REV. J; W. PATTON, :BA.; a past minister. Themes -"Adventuring with Christ!' "The Elder Son." All members and friends welcome. MINISTER,' REV. S. A. MOOTE,- G.A., B.D. Choir Leader: Mrs. Ben Straughan. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 IA.M. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE, followed by the ordinance of The Lord's Supper. , (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service). Evening Service withdrawn in favor of Auburn Baptist Anniversary at 7.30 part.. Tuesday, 8 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.Q. - MINISTER MRS. R, GOOD. - ORGANISTS Welcome to ' he Church That Cares SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 a.m. - .. . 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. -Prayer and Bible Study Hour. Free Methodist Church Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor A YI ' Y ,wV'?r"S Tl�,M >("D: Rau. - f FR.1 pYK 1(1rwxi .l ..Y .... SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. Holiness. Meeting. 2.30 p.m. rDirectory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. ,-,i7nisassow,Satvatle EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. LIEUT. LESLIE ROWSELL (OTT 3) CORNWALL, ONT., SEPT. 5 -=- AERIAL VIEW - Here is an aerial photograph of the tailrace side of the .adjoining powerhouses at the St. Lawrence Power- Project. Visible is they; crowd of some -2,000 persons which today. witnessed the official opening of the project. The opening ceremony took place at a spot straddling the international boundary between New York Stote"and• Ontario. s (Cly-`Wirep-hofo) 1t1513' (Oniarno -Hydro) Additional Classified Ads ALL L persons having claims against' the estate of Frederick J. Shannon, late of the Town o f •Goderich, in the County of Huron, Retired Civil Ser- vant, who died on or about the 2nd day of August, 1958, are required to file the same with full particu- lars with- the undersigned - 15y the 13th day of September, 1058, as after that date the assets of •the estate •will be distributed. Dated at •Goderich, in the County of Huron, this• 15th day of August, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 34-36- Solicitors ,for the Estate. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Hattie Carey, late' of the Town of Goderich, in the Coun- ty, of Huron,: married woman, -who died on or about the 4th- day of August, 1958, are retiuired to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by. the 20th day of ,September, 1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be. distributed: Datedat Goderich, in the County 'of Huron, this 2nd day of Septem ber, 1958: HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 35-37- Solicitors for the Estate. AIL persons having claims 'against ,the estate of Colin Kenneth Mac- Gregor, late of the Township % of Ashfield, in the Courcy of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 11th day. of August, 1958, are required to 'file the same with full . particulars . with the undersigned by the 27th day of September, 1958, as after.hat date the assets of the ',estate will be distributed. • Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 8th day of Septem- ber, 1958. HAYS *and PREST, Goderich, . Ontario,. _ ... a 36-38- - Solicitors for the Estate. GOI)lER1CH. Shoe Repair, East' street, . under new management. 30 years• experience in all types of shoe repair. Work hilly guaranteed. -35-42 USE SHARP TOOLS! Save power] HandMsaws;'and-electric •hand pow, er lawn mowers, axes and cutlery wet ground. Farm work part time, harvesting, etc. C. H. Homar, Huron road. „Opposite Store. 35-36x ALL persons Tia11141, claims against the estate of Christena B. Mcllwain, late of the Township of Goderich, 'in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 22nd 'day of August, .1958, are required to file the samewith full particu- lars with the . undersigned by the 27th day of September, 1958, as afterthat' date the assets of the' estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron; this 4th day of Septem- ber, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 36-38- Solicitors for the Estate. ALL persons having claiins`agairift" the estate of Matilda Dickson,.. late of the Town of ' Goderich, in the County of Huron, Widow, Who died on or about the 26th day of December, 1957, are required to file the same with full particu- lars with the undersigned by the 217th day of September, • 1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 4th day . of Septem- ber, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich; Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 36-38- 21. Business Notice VISIT OR PHONE REED'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534 'til p p,m. for an estimate. We ha%'e the cover- ings and the' know-how. 'Pick ,up .and delivery. -9ti SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kit- chen cupboards and furniture re- pairs.184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19tf SHARPENING - Saws: hand and electric; axes and knives wet ground; shears, scissors, etc. Farm work, part time. C. H, Homar, Huron toad, Opposite store. ' 35-36, CARPENTRY, building, remodel- ling, dear in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom , fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asph : it. roofing, Frank McMichael, FOR artificial insemination service or more information telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m: week days, 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows in heat on Sunday can be insemin- ated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey; Brown Swiss, Red Poll. Hereford (polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The -cost is low. -30tf 22. Lost and Found - HANDKNIT boy's cardigan, grey with green corduroy front at Trade Fair. Finder please phone 8621 Reward...: LARGE doll i with. ^blonde saran hair lost on Monday on Square. Finder please phone 519W. Reward. -36 23. Used Cars 52 BLACK 'Pontiac deluxe coach motor in good condition, five snow tires, good upholstery, cash $575. Melvin Mitchell, 296 Maitland road. 36x f . PERSONALS Mr. Robert Baechler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Baechler, has left for Toronto to attend Upper Can- ada' 'College: - ' Miss Eva Somerville has return- ed home from an overseas trip to Europe and the Middle East. ---4eeent--guests-•-with- Mr:and=Mrs.• Earl MacLaren, St. David street, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox, Sault Ste. , Marie; also Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Dempsey, of Cleveland, Ohio.' . Mr. Donald McBride, of the Royal Military College, Kingston, is re- cuperating at his home here after being confined to •the Westminster Hospital, London, following a car accident. Bill Linfield, a graduate of Gode rich District Collegiate Institute, is now enrolled at Teacher's College in Toronto. He is the son of Mr: and Mrs, Allin Linfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Josling were in Toronto on. Monday where their Kenneth, enrolled in the elec- tronics course` at Ryerson Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'Page, of Windsor, were week -end visitors • with Mr. 'and Mrs. D. J. Patterson, St. Patrick street. Mr. and Mrs. Grant O. Sallows, of Drumheller, whohave been -visiting the former's 'sister, Mrs. Jarvis McBride, have left for their TOR -FLIGHT VALUES IN USED CARS 55 FORD Fairlane Tudor, two-tone paint, four new tires, automatic transmission, turn indicators, low mileage. 54 FORD Tudor, - two-tone, low mileage, good tires. 53 MONARCH Four -door _Sedan, automatic . transmission, Y radio, turn signals, new -tires. 53 PONTIAC Four -door Sedan, ex- cellent condition. 52 METEOR Convertible, automatic transmission; radio, turn signals, good tires. 52 FORD 'Custom Sedan, excellent. condition. 1952 WV, EAPO,LIS-NLOLINE Mod - CO-OPERATORS' Insurance, auto, home, liability, accident and sick- ness.' Geo: Turton, R.R. 5, Gode- rich, ' phone Carlow 179, of at -f utchinson's Radio and TV, Wed- nesday' and Saturday afternoons' -20'tf"' -f home in Alberta. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rill Leggett, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent a couple of days with Mrs. John Foster. Miss Kay Whateley .visited in. Toronto) last week with Miss Helen Goodrow, and in Welland with,Mr. -and--M-Bruce -Reid;• Mr; Gerald hTewton, associate editor 'af The London Free Press, and a native of Goderich, accom- panied by Mrs. Newton and their daughter, Mrs. William Dyer, .visit- ed in, Goderich on Tuesday. Elmer gook, six year old son of Mr. and • Mrs. Jos. Coo Goderich Township, had ".the .misfortune to .fracture his collarbone on Sunday last. He was visiting his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lock Cook, at Leeburn, when ,the accident be-' curred.- Miss Marylin Anderson, a recent graduate . of Stratford Teacher's College, commenced teaching at Bra'htford and over th€ week -encs 'visited her 'parents, Mr. and • Mrs. Harvey Anderson, Dungannon. , Miss Shirley Love left on Mon- day for. Hamilton -to commence a nurses' training course at the Gen- eral Hospital there. Shirley is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Charles,. Love and • attended, the public school and GDCI. Prior •to her de- parture she was entertained by the. Baptist Churchwomen at thehome of Mrs. -Geo, Griffiths when she was presented with a shower of per- sonal gifts. Rev. and Mrs. S. H. Findlay and two children, Barbara and Allan, have returned from their holidays. They enjoyed a motor trip of over 7,000 miles, going as far as Vic- toria, B.C., and returning via Yel- lowstone Park, U.S.A. • Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Anderson, of Ottawa, are renewing acquaint- ances in town Mr. Anderson is a son of the late Rev. James An- derson who was a former 'minister of Knox Presbyterian Church and left here in 1910. tte has made several visits" in the intervening years. el Z, excellent condition.- MASSEY- HARRIS Model 102, re- cently overhauled. 1952 MASSEY-HAS tii5 Pony Trac- tor, with scuilier. • 1 CASE Tractor, $150. 1 1949 FORD Tractor with new loader, tractorrecently over- hauled. ALSO 1950 FORD Tractor and 1949 Ferguson Tractor, all in good • condition. Many more good used Cars, Trucks and Farm implementsto choose from at GODERICH MOTORS LTD. Ford - Edsel Dealer :South St. Phone 83 -36 SAVE QN THIS WINTER'S COAL ,BUY THE Famous Sterling Anthracite 'STOVE or NUT SIZB at $26.00 PER TON CASH. Buckwheat $22,00 Pocahontas $22.50 Alberta Lump ... ; $23.00 Stoker Coal .. , . $19.50 OVERHOLT COAL, CO. HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE Yu Ladies Prepare -Fashion Review: Swish fall fashions will be on parade at the Goderich Pavilion next Wednesday evening,' Septem-• ber 17, at 8.30 o'clock when the Tall Fashion Review, sponsored by, the Maple Leaf Chapter of the I.O.D.E., is staged. < Co -conveners of the fashion, re- view are Mrs.. Harold Bettger and Mrs. J. K. Sully. Iii charge of entertainment . is Mrs. J. Leitch. Looking after properties is Mrs. Gordon McManus. Tickets are be- ing handled by Mrs., Gordon Kerr and publicity by Mrs. Bryan Ainslie, The set-up at the Pavilion is being arranged by• Mrs. Roy Breckenridge. . Fashions are_being provided by a number of Goderich merchants, some of whose advertisements re same appear in this issue of the Signal -Star.. • Draw prizes will be a' car coat and a rhinestone .set. At intermission, coffee and Pas- tries wilt be 'served. Tables ,can be reserved by phoning 419 er 472R.- -* QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ • 1. In what year was the Hudson's Bay Company charter granted? 2. By population totals rank Can- ada's five Largest cities: 3.Of Canada's 1.4 million labor union members, how many be- long to the international unions? 4. What is the origin of the -name of the province of Saskatchewan? 5. In 1939 federal government tax- ation averaged less than $39 per person. What was the 1958 figure? ANSWERS: 5. About $250 per person. .3. About 1 million. 1. In 1670. 4. It derives from the Indian name of the Saskatchewan River, Kisiskatchewan, meaning "swiftly 'flowing water: " 2. Montreal, 'Tor- onto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Hamil- ton: • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • THANK YO1J CARDS atytEe cy ItlTER-NATIONAL-ART(RA[iS Featuring "THERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTINt (Raised Lettering) LET. US ASSIST YOU-'WITI-I YOUR WEDDING PLANS ... You may select your Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Ackngwledgments with complete confidence as to' quality and 'correctness of form. 0 WE ALSO NAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPttINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES Pttc.)NE 71 o eriC• igna - ar WEST ST. , . V Y DRUG STORE, Corner - West and Square - Phone 45 . Bargains For Thursday. Friday and Saturday . • FREE DEALS 69c Tube Brylcreme Pocket • Comb FREE U JJ9c--•Colgate•'•a.� �oot,h • Paste. -.,....Plastic Hair Brush FREE 89c Brisk Tooth ••Paste Pkg. of 5 Combs FREE $1.09 Vicks Vapo Rub ' Vicks Cough Drops FREE -Twox 35c Tubes Colgate's' Tooth Paste • ... one FREE Tooth Brush One 63c Tube Pepsodent Paste .. Ball Point Pen FREE Extra ' Speciais $1.75 LADY ESTHER CREAM .. ' 119 98c VITALIS •:. , ,. , 80c '',6-OZ.Y JAR NOXZEMA 98c $1.30 INSTANTINE TABLETS 99c 3 INFANTS DELIGHT .SOAP 19c 1290 SHEETS FAGELY„E 98c ..-.P'E"A titX OVES,--New-• and• .Saver .,:: , 98c $1.10 WOODBURY'S SHAMPOO 69c PALAD1C for CHILDREN Contains nine important vitamins for. cialclren - looks, urs tastes• like oral pice two 4.Z. 'BOT',riaEE, REG:Mali 4.50 , Special 395 .