HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-12-11, Page 7n r Mena. .DR. W. Ike GRAHAM, 198 King Street West, Toe: onto, Ont,, TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES --and gives Special atteution, to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimples, Ulcers, eto. PRIVATE. DISEASES—and Diseases of a Prieate Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Varfeocele, Nervous De- bility. etc., (tbe result of yonthfnl lolly and excess,) Gleet and Strtaturc of long standing. DISEASES OT WOIIEN-1'a?nful. Profiles or Sup •: pressed Menstruation, Ulceration, Leueorrhece, and, al Office II'o!rs-9 a.nl to ? p.m. Dispiacezne!1ts 4I the Womb. Sundays, Z men. to3p.m. FREEv 10 GRANO LOVE STORIES, a paekage of goods worth! two dollars to manufacture, and a large 100p Fietare Book, -neat will surely put you on the r ...1 to a handsome fortune. Write quick, and wend 5c. silver, to help gay hose tags.. Mention this paper. A, W.11{wl1AINEVi VA raroutht, POO insect Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feet Soreness. r ess. Ohafin r Cata btu pot Puts Piles AS Female Cornplaints 1'Iosquito ,Bites Sun urn AND Inflammation. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES BESURE:TUAi BOTTLE WITH 11 !'WRAPPER' ff LOOKS LIEiETHISr >if mammon* dols 1,Y PONDSEXTRACT COMPANY, ?G FlFTti AVE.71LW mit. Por CRAMPS, MPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use 0 PERRY DAVIS' v sae in Usedboth internally and externaliy. Itaote qui ckly,afrordingalmost instant relief from the severest pain. BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE 25o per bottle. MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED 1 .10 -EMULSION) F COD LIVER OIL P. Mid 1-1Ma.,aSGDA.1 increuses Weight, Strengthens Lungs and Nerves. Price 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle. rV'', 7 °"...wmYl Ministers and Public Sneakers use SPENCER'S Chloramine Pastilles Far Clearing and Strengthening tho voice. Cure Hoarseness and Soreness of Throat. Price 250 per bottle. Sample free on application to Druggists' - S rELMO TAR SOAP Ie Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet or Nursery, for cleaning the Scalp or Shin. THE BEST BABY'S SOAP KNOWN. Prise 28e. JESSESTEIBMEESISFMnaggemmazgran Physicians strongly recommend Wyeth's Malt Extract, (Liquid) To patients suffering from nervous exhaus- tion; to improve the Appetite, to 'assist Di- gestion, a valuable Tonle. - • 40 °ants per bottle. The most satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER is Channeng's Sarsaparilla, It ie z Grano IEALTf RESTORER. Will cure the viArzt form of skin disease ; wilt ours Rheumatism,: will cure Salt Rheum. Larges Bottles, 121,00. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSUMPTION,. Coughs, neglected Colds Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Lungs. In three sized bottles 25c, 500, and $1.00. FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, For Lumbago, Sciatica, "Cricks,' Tac'"Stltcbes," Rheumatic Pants and Chronic Rheumatism.. t . Each plaster in an air.415ht tin box. 25c, DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim.; MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents POR MOST OP THE POPULAR Proprietary or Pharmaceutical Medicines, , Taikat eirfic%g and ,Perfumery. .mat Itix a certain and apcedr care tar Cold !a the need sad Catarrh in lin its stases. SOOTHING. CLEANatNO, HEALING, instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure lnpossible. M sy so-called ea -stases aro Lm!Iyy sp.tp / lrs of Ca Nssit aria as heat- atehe pa ti t 1'catttes.. It,l .g at:matt ,mete t I 1 t -Ate luorktt g fwd knit- ting, e. - y, c + t a brei Etc• '' t r'an fro -Wed vrab �: Rif P tE u. 1 - a t Y t S 4 i O. , G s ottrl Mee is n g atottblld w e X• time ]A .e arne i Freie ...vert cath leo4 molts in tone. t� .•Ct cold to boat remelts is l at..r t 1• lowed by ea.: