HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-09-11, Page 4?AGE pcm4, * N • r Leaders .* - 1,*AnAnut,mo a,u vannuu, u1nuf THE GODERICH S1GNAL-STAR NURSES- TOLD ABOUT 'MEDICAL 1(40R-- ISKUIAOS4bART A Orli action without jury was Settled" by 'counsels for the two parties involved after Mr. Justice • M. King, :presiding at the Sipreme • Court, .sittmg at Goderich Monday, adVisecl the parties to get together in an adjoining mem of the court. Lloyd Bradley, of Ellice Town - skip, had filed a $50,000 suit of, mismanagement of the, estate of his father, Thomas Henry Bradley, ot Goderich, who died July 19, 1957. Defendents were Hernert,13ridte, of Clinton, son-in-law of the de- ceased and Henry George Bradley, eldest son. Both had been appoint. ed administrators of the estate. The writ was issued inFebruary of this year and the case was first heard in Strafford. After conferring for about a half 'hour in an ante -room of the court house, lawyers returned. and told the judge they had reached, an agreement. They said there would be no further actidn ,by either .party. Stratton and Stratton, of Strat- ford, were counsel for the plaintiff and Wilson -Thomson -Barnes and Walker, of Wikdsor, acted for the defense. Crown Attorney Glenn Hays, QC, welcomed Mr. Justice King to Goderich on behalf of the Huron County Bar Association and since no criminal cases were scheduled presented him with the traditional for this sittint;gfierifrifelson Hill white &yes. , ' Three Goderich men attended the Gilwell Reunion at Blue Springs Scout Reserve, near Acton; last week -end. The occasion was-esx reunion of 292 Scout, Cub and Rover leaders who have passed their wood •badge tests. The Goderich representatives were Jack Cory, cubmaster of 2nd Goderich Pack; Don Stemp, assist- ant cubmaster of the same pack, .and Jack McInnes, leader of the 4th Goderich Rover Crew. - Norman Coates, Who is also an assistant cubmaster of 2nd Gode- rich Pack, attended a training course at Blue Springs during Aug- ust. While there, he completed the second part of the course which leads to the wood badge. Forty boys turned, out here Mon- day night when 2nd Goderich Cub Pack held its first meeting of the 1958-59 term. In the 1947-1957 period Canada's exports increased from, $2,775 mil- lion _to $4,841 tnillion; imports' in- creased from $2,574 million to $5,623 million. Canada's population is about one- tenth of the population of the United States—about 17 million compared to 172 million. • Would You Like Your Lad To Become A Piper ? Would you like your lad to be- come a piper? Many parents would be 'Proud of it. The opportunity awaits any boy pr girl age eight years or older to • attend beginners' classes at the old high school gym Thtirsday even- ings at 7 p.m. under the direction of Pipe Major W. Millar, of Gode- rich. All necessary equipment, approx. $10 worth, will bemade available on weekly payments or outright purchase. A.. charge of 50c per lesson will' be made. Mr. Millar conies to- Goderich well qualified to teach thN instru- ment, • he having studied for a number- of years with top ranking pipers in the old country. -36 •• • REAL 1 --- Late Model Used VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe,. coral red, fully equipped, , clean. • BUYS! ' 1 — 1958 Deluxe • VOLKSWAGEN • fully' equipped, low mileage. • First With The Netv Models 'See the. NEW VOLKSWAGEN Window Van and Pick-up Truck and the .NEW VOLKSWAGEN. CARS . HERE THIS WEEK -END. — Many, other good, clean buys at TEXACO • SERVICE, VOW Friendly Volkswagen - Firestone Dealer Phone 2,0 "Hospitals and Nursing in The Arctic" was the subject of an ad- dress given by Mrs: A:'L. Fleming at a dinner meeting of the Gode- rich Graduate ?Nurses Association held at The Little Inn, Bayfield, Monday evening. Mrs. Ruth Jerry, president of the association, presided. Intro- ducing. Mrs. Fleming, wife of the late Anglican Bishop of the Arctic, was Mrs. Avice Bisset. Mrs. Fleining told of two men, Peck and Bilby, successfully ampu- tating the leg of an Eskimo in the Arctic in 1890., Between 1890 and 1901, missionary work was carried on in the Arctic by a few mission- aries. • In 1919, Bishop nettling took up his .post at Aklavik. By 1913 a nursing station had been erected. Any nurse going %o this station was supposed to sign up for five years' duty. Bishop Fleming frequently urged Ottawa td show an interest in the need for more missionary and nurs- ing work ip the Arctic at that time. •But the government at Ottawa showed little interest in the Eski- mos., said Mrs. Fleming. First interest showy by Ottawa was in 1920 when X-rays were 'taken of the natives for T.B. The Eskimos were quite suspicious of the machines as they were also of dental equipment sent up in 1930. ho'Spital -was at Baffin Land with 24 'beds. First nurse there remained for 32 years and opened up four hospital floors. When the Aklavik ,hospital burn- ed down„in .1936, a .plane flew out the four nurses to Edmonton. Bishop Fleming arranged to, have 'them' flown from , Edmonton to Toronto. , •• ,At the Sanatorium 'at Hamilton, Ontario, today there are between 200 and 300. Eskimos 'receiving treatment for tuberculosis. - In the Arctic, medical work is progressing but is suffering from a shortage of nurses, teachers and missionaries, Mrs. Fleming --said., Mrs. Phyllis, Johnston thanked the speaker. At the business meeting which followed cards of thanks were read from Mrs- Easter and Miss Clara Leddy. A note of apprect- ation was read from the relatives of the late Mrs. Rundle. , Plans were discussed for holding a square • dance this fall. Mrs. Evelyn Leitch was the winner of the draw. Japanese Bishop To Visit Goderich The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Gestin•ge's Chilich resumed their regular monthly meetings in the' Guild room on Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance. ' Mrs. E._ F. Sale read a passage .el Scripture and Air§, TO319/ the Litany, followed by prayers, atter which the usual reports were presented. . Mrs. Sale, Junior Aux- iliary leader, reported that one of their inembers, Lynn Parkinson, had won honorable mention in the Dominion Festival competitions for knitting. , • , The president, Mrs': R. Needham, announced that Bishop • Kurose, of mid -Japan, would address a meet- ing in the Parish Hall Friday, October ard, at 2.30 p.m. on the it-- of- the -church -in -Japan. Bishop Kurose is on his way home to Japan from. the Lambeth Confer- ence of Anglican Bishops held this past summer in England. After the conclusion of business, Mrs. A. M. Harper, through the courtesy of the Canadian Cancer Society, showed two • educational films. . this meeting, ' members brought donations to the Cancer Cupboard. Following ,films, 'Mrs. B. „Ifunday, assisted by Mrs: J. Middleton and Mrs. G. K. Brown, served tea. Mr. Bev. Bowra,: son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowra, left last week for Brantford where he will teach Grade 'Seven at Ryerson school„ Claims Pupils Should Be Reminded Of Cenotaph Memorial Service Solemnity Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., opened their fall activities at a -meeting on Tuesday,, night at, the home of Mrs. Gordon Kerr, with ari excellent 'attendance, Enthusi- astic reports were ;presented and final plans made for the forth- coming. Fashion Show under the supervision of Mrs. H. Bettger, ways and means convener. Mrs. G. L. Ellis, the regent, pre - _sided for the Meeting. Mrs. K. Hopkinson, reporting on th-ee-dtim-' tional work of the Chapter, stated ,that prize books had been purchaS ed for a student in both the public and separate schools. It was agreed to acknowledge the Goderich,,Busi- ness College with -a suitable award to be decided by the educational comMittee, The schools will be asked that instruction be given the pupils- emphasizing, the solemnity of cenotaph memorial ceremonies. Bursary winners will be selected JUNIOR BQWLU1WEEK SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 to SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 at Little Bowling Lanes CALLING ,ALL MOMS AND DADS to join their" sons and• daughters • ON JUNIOR. 'BOWLING DAY — ,SAT., SEPT. 13. • THIS IS THE DAY TO GET THE JUNIORS STARTED. Show them how, Mom! • Teach them how to rollthat ball and get those strikes. SATURDAY, SEPT; 20th IS PARENTS' DAY SPECIAL PARENT, AND Olt(tD TOURNAMENT. Motherand Daughter or Son — Father and Aon or Daughter. This will be a let of furr for everyoneplus good experience and -(or) possibly .a new adventure for the juniors. RULES- Group (a) Parent and Junior — Man or Lady (all boys and girls who have not reached .their 19th birthday on or before September 1st, 1588): Group (b) Parent and ..Junior — Boy or Girl (all boys 'and girls who have not reached their 14th birthday on or before September 1st, 1958). •• • Tournament is open to everYone. 3. The parent will bowl the first frame, the child will bowl the second frame etc., until three games are completed. 4. There is, an Entry Fee of $1,00 per combination match.' Ali Fees to be paid to the alley operator. 5. Trophies will be awarded to the, house winners in each group. .1 . The fool linevmuit be observed. Ektitv FORM PARENT ' . „, CHILD ADDRESS . ... TELEPHONE NUMBER Fee paid GROUP (a) 0 or (b) 0 (Check whichever is applicable) (Give the Entry corm to your alley operator). • 0 and announced at the 'October meeting. Miss J. Saunders, Empire and world affairs convener, read an article explaining the services of Alert in the control of Comniunism • propaganda. • under, .the cenvenership of Mrs. R. Breckenridge, the Chapter plans to entertain the New Canadians re- ceiving their citizenship on October 6th, folloyving the 'ceremony,. and also those who have become Can- adian—citizens- at previous--eere-- monies during the summer: In a discussion of the Opportun-. ity Shop it was decided to held regular " end -of -season • clearance sales and to have special sale tables. The Chapter will again purchase an inscribed wreath for the cent), taph for Remembrance Day. • No ,delegate will be sent this year to the semi-annual meeting being held in North Bay in October. Mrs. N. T. Ormandy, represent- ative to the local Girl 'Guide As- sociation, asked that members save their - nylons for the, stuffing • of toys for Christmas, a project being undertaken by the Guides. - Mrs. , MacLaren, membership conveneY, presented -the names of three . candidates _for membership into the Chapter. Mrs. F. Lodge took her affirmation and was wel- comed into' the Chapter by the regent. Mrs. D. Leitch and her committee served coffee at the close of •the meeting. • Kordloot-Partion! rotrirsoniethicng if; be avoided, But don't tl:ie afraid to look at the goldenrod colored mailing label -on the front page ef The • Signal -Star. It may have a • message" for you. On it is your .name and the date 'on which your subscription expires, • if you receive your paper by mail. •1f that ,,,date is one prior to September 30, 1958, that sub- scription /sin need of renewal. ' - Look at it now. And act now —before September 30—if you wish to have your paper keep coming to you without inter- ruption. Et is essential that all subscriptions be paid in ad - Vance. It is a definite require- ment of the Audit. Bureau of CircUlations, of which the Sig- nal -Star is a member. Help the Signal -Star keep its eel.- tified circulation high by re- newing , your subscription promptly. Gale Breaks Up Sand Pipe Line 4 Rugged winds and gale -like rains have been roughing things up. at the harbor. Theplpe line carrying sand from the harb-OTChiiinel to the site of the new, beach being built south of the C:P.R. round- house was on Tuesday torn apart. Various segments of it ate adrift and being carried to shore. The weather has also, put a crimp into the operations of the dredging company. • • Grain boats. have been noticeable by .their absence for more than a 'week now. Even the Bricoldoc is tied up here, having been in port for abouttwo weeks. "SOLD OUT" Mr. Ernest H. A. ,Horne, of Strath- roy, has written the following •poein about -Gavin -Green and the fact that all of his historical books have been -"sold out." How wise were they who bought their copies- early, Who did not wait until the last was sold! Now not for ,them, the seekers slow , and tardy, Are these. two books, soon worth their, weight in gold— Books by your fellow -townsman Gavin Green, Who near a century of life has - seen. "The Old Lo'g House," "The Old Log School"—how full Of Memories -these volumes I possess! I take them up—as I so often do— And ever find in them fresh happiness. Ah, many. are the books that line_ my wall, put 1 Could spare these two the least of all. Like to a harp are*they whosb strings are touched By fingers that the heart's com- mand obey; And to the slothful in this present age Like to a trumpet's challenge too are they! Kindness and sunshine in their pages dwell, And homely humor gay as marriage , bell. Turn On Gas ••• 1 Tues., At Mitchell The official "turning on of gas ceremony will be staged by the Union Gas Company at Mitchell and Dublin on Tuesday, September 16. This will be the first such ceremony • on the Stratford-Gode- rich line and will be followed by other •such ceremonies at other places along the line at a later date. The , ceremony at Mitchell will take place at noon next Tuesday at the Town GatenStation, ton and Herbert streets. The pro- gram wilLtake from 15, to 20 min- utes. AmOng those who will he present wilr' `re : Warden Earl .Boyes, of Perth County; Mayor A. E:"-Trobirison, of Mitchell; Gerry Holland, chairman of the Police The program will be concluded -with • a reception to be held 'at the Legion Hall at Mitchell. How wise Were they who bought their, copies early, Who did not wait until the last Was seld! There cannot be another First There may hot be a gecond, for he's old, He who has given largely of hiS best And well deserves, and well de- servel; srest. 'Ernest 11. A. Hemet,: 2nd Septeinber, 1958 r7 f. , n tfn ,„foon7n4,42, fnfa.,,,,tft.7 ,AA' ' , • f 7.4 n*.t.,24.ntft4';','4 "'" , . •-fat, rfnf ,Minf ,-4f - f!, . • / , • Bowling Tourney . 1 -4.-...4, , .- raws A pair of Clinton bowlers came out on top in the Carling Trophy competition held at Goderich Lawn Darling Club Monday night. Fred Elliott 'and Carl Draper scored three wins and a plus of 11, for an aggregate of 33. An- other, Clinton pair, Walter NeYv- combe and 'Hugh Havikins, were second with three wins and a plus of nine. Ranking third in the tournament were P. Bisset' and Walter Heitman, while fourth spot went to H. McNee and George MacEI;van. Twenty-tvvo rinks -10 from Gode- rich and 12 from out-of-town— took part in the tetirnament, Re -union Service At Leeburn Church COLD, WET WEATHER. IS DELAYING HARVESTING Cold, wet weather during the $ No. ValialogiStoWhitIV• u • Ur:. crops yet to be harvested, says the Huron County Agricultural Office. After harvest, cultivition and plow - in is the`order of the day on, many Many persons who once worship- ped at the old Leeburn church, moved some years ago to the Gode- rich Summer Sehool grounds, will do SQ again on Sunday, September 14, at 3 p.m. A special re -union service is being held at which the speaker will be Rev. It. G. Hazel - the -United - Church at Mount Forest, Qntario. Following. the service a basket lunch will be held at 4.30 p.m. at which a period of fellowship and reminiscing , will be enjoyed by present and former residents of the Leghorn and district. The service has been arranged by Mr. J. A: Snider i who has built. the Goderich Simmer School up to one of the best along Lake Huron's shores in this area. The Goderich Summer School grounds are 'locat- ed on thelakefroot off No. zi High- way about two • miles north of Goderich. g 44A4.,4444Ann,,,A•44. 4.1414.4.7,44 THURSDAY, SEPT. Nth, 1958 farms. Although we aiave no re- ports Of corn silage being made, some farmers indicate that they -plan to start silage making oper- duringAemne.04-er a° quate on most farms. APProxfm- ately one-third of the fall wheat has been sown during the past week. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Who designed Canada's first post- age stamp? 2. Where is Canada's greatest rail- • way terminal situated? 3. In 1957 did Canada's imports have a per capita value of $75, $195, or $335? 4. Who was Canada's first Governor- General? 5. In 1956 consumer spending in Canada totalled $18.5 billion. • What was the 1957 total? • ANSWERS: 5. 195'7 consumer spending reached the record high- of 9194 billion. 3. About $335 per capita.' '1. Sir Sandford Fleming, wilt, also helped build the Inter colonial and Canadian Pacific Rail- ways,. invented the standard time •system and was chancellor of Queen's University. 4. Viscount Monck, Who was instrumental in bringing about Confederation. 2. With_2811.14110$ of trAck the rail- way terminal at :Winnipeg has the greatest mileage of any individual yard in the world. -SWISH • • • will be the • , • Fall Fashion • Review SpoTored by the Maple Leaf Chapttir,,I.0,1).Z., at GODERICH PAVILION ___ ON ednesday, Sept. 17 • at 8.30 p.m. • Coffee and pastries at intermission. Tables Reserved.. Phone 419 or 472R Draw Prizes — Car Coat, Rhinestone Set. Tickets on sale from members or at the door. 75ceach? j 44.1,•,4 • N. T. Ormandy Jewellery • • takes pride in supplying the Finest in Fashion Jewellery, • for, the , .• • 1.0.D.E. Fall Fashrion Show 'Wednesday, Sept. 17 • NOTICE OF MOVING TO NEW LOCATION On and after October ist MacEwan Insurance Agency , WILL $E LOCATED AT 44 , North St. (Former Dr. Gallow Residence) instead of on West Street. • Rieck's Drug Store takes pleasure in supplying a . Dorothy Gray for the 1.0.D.E. Fall Fashion . Show on Sept. 17. 36 Beat 'Jack Frost - to the punch by' getting your home ready. NOW for greater comfort and- livability this winter. • INSULATION Insulate' your borne now, for snug warmth • and loWer fuel bills next winter and for many winters to come. Free estimate. STORM WINDOWS Keep your home warm and your fuel bills down all winter with our storm windows. Be sure your roof will protect you against winter's snows and blows. Re -roof at tow cost. Call us. 5' Beautify your home with storm doors from our wide selection of attractive designs and durable materials. All sixes in stock. "Your Headquarters For Alt Builders' Supplies" 4 • IPi 1,0 • •1 '• ,,,,u,,,,UtufuerAfrot1rorltriAlOrAtrf43,411,4;51,7514,41;=,,itata'Xit.