HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-09-04, Page 6"AAA slx. 1(1NGSBRIDGE: M $Dj\lGSBRA-- E; Sept, 1. r. yy y1�Jis]y;y:a r>. aSGAy ��11?J.1 I [ A !% �rL^irt nor du•ing the paint week: Mr. vand Mrs. Eugene O'Keefe and family; of Hamilton, are visit- ing with the Joe' O'Keefe -family here. • Mr. and firs. Walter Judge, and son Jimmy, of Jackson, 3.4ich., spent last week with the Courtney rela- tives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moon (Mary °Arens), Frank Owens and Mrs, John Jos. ''Owens and daughter, and Mr. Dennis Moon, of Saginaw, Mich., were alsos week -end visitors with the Courtrieys. Mr. and Mrs, Nick Perry and Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Brinker, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the Earl Drennan home. Miss Pat- ricia Drennan and Sister, Mary Lou Drennan, returned to hts,1. 1'1/me here with the Perry family after a two -weeks' visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin'Collinson, son Gordon, and Mrs. Wm. Drennan are visiting with relatives in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Pauhl, of Hamilton, . Mrs. Nora Sinnett and daughter Shannon, of Detroit, Mrs. Ursula Hebert, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Green, of Corunna, Mrs. Jack, Green, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Hansford and family, of Galt, Miss Frances C><,ilmore, of• �e_,., 1Y� Twee en'd" visitors here. Congratulations to Mr, and, Mrs. Eckert (newly-weds). We , wish to welcome, them to our community, as Mr. l Eckert ha,, he t, engaged as teacher for ou tel ol. They are residing at. the h me of Mr. John O'Connor. Miss Kay Macht, of orth Battle - ford, Sask., and cousin, of 'Flint,, Mich., were Visitors with Mrs. Don Frayne and family last week. Mr. and, Mrs. Ed,, Shea 'and fam- ily, of Detroit,' and Mr. and. Mrs. Albert O'Loughlin and daughter Sheila, of Detroit, were week -end guests with Mrs. Jack Kinney here. Mr. and Mrs. Shea and family also motored' to Martyr's Shrine, Mid- land, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne, and daughter Marianne, attended the Kraemer-Veneski wedding in Kit- chener on .Saturday, August 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin, and Mrs. J. O'Connor visited with Miss Anne McKinnon in Wingham dur- ing the past week. Happy O'Reilly Reunion.— Rev. IL Van Vynckt celebrated the 10.30 a.m. mass here on Sunday morn- memory-of orn- memory-of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Reilly as a gift from their family of eight child- NItE NILE, Sept, 2.-41rs. 4104Atin>�ia Ma' , wif ti's , � . "'I�Ck= h son, and her sister, Mrs. Jim Mc- Intyre. , Dr. S. C. Stpthers, of Winnipeg, was a recent guest with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Bere. Miss Alma McPhee, of 'North Bay, is holidaying with ,her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Chester 'Mc,v Phee Mary ' Stewardson, Ross Rutledge and David McGee. '- Ross Rivett Was- n „Toronto over - the week -end and attended the "• ,t„ FIGURE IT our '4`!-' FOR YOURSELF! 407NMEMBERS'. SAVINGS IN 1957. PAID O -LOANS AND SAVINGS AUTOMATICALLY INSURED. ONE IN EVERY EIGHT CANADIANS BELONGS. , . . COME IN NOW! SEE STEPHEN HELE'SIC. MANAGER. MON., TUES., THURS., FRI. 10 a.m. -- 6 FRIDAY: EVENING 7.30 — 9 SATURDAY ` 10 a.m. --- 1 `CLOSEDi ALL DAY: WEDNESDAY ,GODERICH -• COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION P.M. p•m•" P.m. 40 HAMILTON ST. P.HONE 184 IN THE BIG NEW GRANDSTAND . 4 Fabulous Production Numbers .plus 10 Great New Acts MONDAY AFTERNOON — Chiidron'S Day with Junior. Olympics . . . a6' chance to participate and win valuable prizes. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY"and THURSDAY AFTERNOONS — Harness racing with the country's best horseflesh. FRIDAY AFTERNOON and SATURDAY MORNING Wild Animal Exhibition with Jungle Racing. SATURDAY AFTERNOON — Warrior's Day with Armed Forces Display. ' 34 ••NEW COMMERC1AlEXHIBITS , • 2 BIG MIDWAYS .-. • SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION • .�' • LIVESTOEK COMPETITIONS • AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY DISPLAY • POULTRY SHOW • HORSE SHOW • • OLD-TIME FIDDLERS' CONTEST �J r•: P �',. �8 Pr.34&r'%C nt .E::Y�, nl� Handicrafts and hobbies exhibits ff', Flower Show . . . Fruit, honey and vegetable exhibits ... Women's exhibits. WIN SHRINE SHOW -HOUSE uR WESTtRN rAIR f$ q FAMILY AFFAIRt• 56.4 • Mr. ad''d Nrs. William Sproul and Gilda, of Toronto, spent the we end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nee. Miss Mary Lou Plunkett, of Wingham, visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogie, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Bere attend- ed the Meissen -Rutherford wedding at Arthur on Saturday. ' Miss Helen Rutledge, of Toronto, spent ,the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Rut- ledge. Regular services will be held in the United Church on Sunday at 9.45 a'm. with Rev. Roy Kennedy in charge. q'he W.A. will hold their Septem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. William Wiggins on Tuesday next at 8.30 p.m. Recent visitors with the Graham 1VIcNee family were Elton Orr, Lois and Bob, of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Underwood and Debbie, of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave • Davidson, of Windsor. School reopened on Tuesday with two new teachers ill the com- munity. . At S.S. No. 17 West Wawanosh, • Mr. Hugh Sinnamon is the teacher and at the Nile school, Miss Audrey McCabe. Also four beginners at Nile, .Linda Mabon, ren, all of whom 'were present to- gether with several of their child- ren and grandchildren from many distant cities. The Seminarians Choir- of the Resurrectionist --Col- lege here was ,present for this special occasion, and the 'w 'altars were beautifully adorned with pink and. white gladioli (gift of the family). Rev. Father Van Vynckt welcomed the members of the O'Reilly family "back home" again; and conveyed best wishes and con- gratulations to them on this fes- tive occasion. Following the mass, which was largely attended, the members of the O'Reilly family visited the school and recalled many fond memories of school days here. Then they visited the old homestead (which is now oc- cupied by ' Mr. and 'Mrs. John Austin) and then visited the graves of their parents for the family Ros ry. 'At- 4 p.m., a bountiful turkey dinner was served to 50 guests at the -Hotel Sustset, with the guest of honor being' Russell (the • oldest member of the. family) who left Canada 55 years ago and new resides at Spokane, Wash. This was the first reunion of the family in all these years. Mr. Mel- vin O'Reilly was master of cere- monies an.l called on his youngest brother, Myron, to give the "Wel- " . greetings to Russell, the week -end nt Lynden, Ontario. Taylor's Corer TAYLOR'S CORNER, Sept. 2.— Graduating to Goderich Collegiate ,this year are Barbara Watson, Lois McMillan, Sandra Jean Collyer and Jackie Howard. or In the heart of Western Ontario l O'N fl O ONTARIO Tkket>1< atvtllllli le met Illackktone's and Creigie's. ,,, • ., III - his wife Faye, and daughter, Eileen. (Mrs. Brooks) and her husband, who fie'w from Spokane, Wash., to join -•the family. A specially "decor- ated "Welcome Home" cake was presented to the guest bf honor, by Mrs: Melvin O'Reilly, of Wind- sor. Among the special guests at this dinner besides the immediate families, was Mrs. Jas. Foley, 901, years, the only aunt remaining, and ohe uncle, Mr. Thos'. Drennan, and' Mrs. Jas. Drennan, Jos. Finn,Mrs.' Ila Garvey, , Mrs. Bernardine Kin -1 ney, Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank,uMcCarthy. The reunion festivities%were continued at the home of ,Mr. Myron O'Reilly, where many more relatives and friends gathered during the even- ing, and also on Saturday evening. A special vote of thanks is extend- ed to the O'Reilly family, for their great hospitality , and untiring ef- forts to make this such, a happy reunion. , Among the O'Reilly family pre- sent for the reunion, were Mr. and Mrs. Russel O'Reilly, their daugh- ter, Mrs. Eileen Brooks and hus- band, of Spokane, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Chester O'Reilly, of Detroit, and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Eleanor Feeley, Mrs. Betty Jane Dingman, and familes; Mr, and Mrs. Jas: Ganter,,,tTthel). Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Gantcr, Mr. and Mrs. ,Bronson and son Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin O'Reilly, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O'Reilly, of Toronto, daughter . (Constance) Mrs. Dunn and husband, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs; Ralph 'O'Reilly, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs., Keith O'Reilly, of Sarnia; Mr• and Mrs. Stanley O'Reil- ly, jr., Toronto; Miss Olive O'Reilly, of Chicago; Miss Isabelle O'Reilly, of London; Mr. Myron O'Reilly, of Goderich, Marlene, Michael and Patricia, 4" Beginners ihis year are Randy Schmidt, Heather Whitely Nancy Ginn, Johnny Sturdy and Elmer Cook. , . ��. oMdroz�r., spent the.M« � week-end 'with .Mr. and Mrs. H. Prouse. Mr, and }Mrs. D. A. StirliLg have had as visitors, Mrs. Stirling's daughter, Mrs. Robert Dawson, Brenda and Sharon, of Winnipeg. -Mrs. Dawson and family are visit- ingother friends in the district. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Harris and Mr, and Mrs. H. May, of Hamilton, spent the holiday week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Westbrook and farcy+ ,• ' Mr.: and -Mrs L. S. Gorrie, of Oshawa, are •holidayin this week g NIAALVA...2t,L44106-814/ca-G414-and Mr. fayNorman ' t el , o t�m •`et is spending a few days With Mr. and Mrs. D.. A. Sti'rlln . Carol and Heather Whitely holi- dayed last week with Misses Helen and Jean Whitely , in Toronto. Mrs. D.. A. Stirling visited last week in Sarnia with her, sister, Mrs. W. J. Moody, and nephews, Russell and Leslie. don't be caught by the Jon Ginn spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. S. Gorrie, in Oshawa. . , Mr. and Mrs. Len Collyer and, Sandra Jean . had as -.:week-, ence faun'ders " and Osewald, all Of Kalamazoo,' Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinclair and family, of London. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Matheson and Heather; of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H, Mathe- son, of Vancouver, and Dr. and Mrs. Norman Truernner, of Arthilr. Mr. and Mrs. ]E+. R. Rostron and boys, .of Hamilton, visited d'iing' ' the week -end With Mr. • and M Geo. 'Gina. A z ,, Sunday visitors with Mr. ,and Mr" o Wilson were Mr. anal' Mrs. Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Oke, of Sarnia, enjoyed the week -end with Mr. • and Mrs. Albert Oke, and on Monday tools in the races. Mr. and ' Mrs, Bert Holmes and children, of Toronto, and Miss Lois Holmes, of London, were ' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Holmes for the -holiday week -end,..... .b .b. Large or small, your 3(310 wartime Victory Bond can bring extra, benefits to you and Canada now. Exchange it today—earn up to 5010 more interest. Choose from four maturities. • See your BANK, INVESTMENT DEALER, STOCKBROKER, TRUST OR . LOAN THE HOUSE ANp CAR WE MUST REPAIR MONEYS SCARCE AS ELEPHANT HAIR! "QUICK CASH WOULD MAKE YOU WORRY -FRE E SO. GET A LOAN AT "T.C.C../ a• COMPANY, :31 WELL -THAT WAS EASY, FAST AND NICE. •1'M GLAD WE TOOK TRUSTY'S ADVIC. 11= WISDOM SHOWS THE NEED TO BORROW, • CALL 't, C. C. FOR A LOAN TOMORROW. A4 V sur r3R• 43 TRANS CANADA CREDIT ser, _ _ .. -a-:, stit'C7i71''1C°iC3I`ys, C O R P O 'RAT I O N I M ITE , D 148 THE SQUARE, -PHONE 797 Bilis end Income don't add 'up? Whenever a loan will solve a money problem, Trans Canada Credit's All -Canadian loan service. stands ready to help you. or even more. Repayment, plans are flexible—small monthly' or seasonal sums to fit your budget —over 12, 18, 24 or 30 months. 4.4144. '•Y �IP