HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-09-04, Page 4-
'And and Other European countries..
Mrs. Maud Fremlin Was notliied
of the death of her nephew, Pr.
Richard Brandon, following a traffic
accident. He was engaged in
$1411/§: 10411#,P4sAKAt t14.-'
are his , t e—fonner Violet
Fremlin, of Clinton, -to whom he
was married last year.
GatewayProject, — The yorth
Huron Junior Farm4s organized a
farm and gateway project, to be
carried out in ,-the Spring andi
Summer months. -This project was
judged on Augus28 by Mrs. Wil-
liam T. Robison, past.gmftsident Of
the Auburn Horticultifre Society,
and, William McBride, assistant
Agriculture Representative of
Bruce County. Points were award-,
ed for: 1. Improvement; 2. Safety;
3. Originality; 4. Durability; 5.
Economic Factors; 6. Suitability to
Surroundings. First prize of $25
went to Mrs. Walter Oster, Green-
view Acres Farm, Morris, lot 1,
con. 8; 2nd prize of $20 to Mrs.
TIKIMESVILLe, Sept. 2. Cpl.:
• With. Mrs. Cameron's parents.
Sgt. and Mrs; L. E. Morton spent
the week -end in North Bay.
Miss Mary Helen Yeo, daughter
'of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yee, and
Miss Frances .McCullough, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul-
lough, were, -awarded 4omin1on-
Provincial bursaries on,- starting
their grade 13 at Clinton District
High School. Mary Helen and
Frances are graduates of S.S. No.
'3t Goderich Township, at Holnies-
Douglas Norman and Terry Pear-
son enjoyed a motor. trip through,
parts of :the U.S.A.
Mr. and ,Mrs. N. W. Heard, and.
A family spent the Week -end at Col-,
lingwood -ansilleaford and visited
at Arrowhead Ranch.
Master, Armand Morton was a
patient in. Clinton Public Hospital
. for a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Magee, of Wood-
stock, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
q. Steepe on Sunday:
THIMSDAY, an. 401, 1058
Alfred Nesbitt, Broad Acres Farm,
East W4wanosh, lot 30, con. 3rd
prize of $15 to Edgar Howatt, Bast
WaWanosli, lot 34, con. 5; 4th prize
of 11 to Mrs. Fred Keno' ,- Grey,
ti.,0*w • - ;.*!'
que.on ga eway stating that
"This farm was Crown land taken
by Jacob Keffor 1864died in 1904.
His son, Aaron, 1900, his grandson
in 1906. Now it is held by great-
grandson, Fred Keffor., since 1956."
5th prize of $5 went toSir, 'William
Smith, of Grey, lot 6, con. 5.
The: biggest elephant . in the
world is the African elePhant. It
stands from 11 to 12 feet at the
shoulders and weighs- Nur to five
tons. Its ears are enormous.
Ranking only 7th in size among
Canada's 12 law sehools, Dalhousie
,University's law faculty has gradu-
ated 10 provincial premiers and
three Prime !Ministers .of Canada.
Mrs. Alma , Johnston, Cameron
earne.4 of the sudden death
iltOn Johnston, on Friday last at
his home at Brandon, Manitoba.
Deceased was in his 83rd year and
was one of a family of eleven
children born to Mr. James John-
stfin and Margaret White, of Gode-
rich Township. ,
Ile is survived by his wife, a
daughter and a granddaughter as
well as two brothers, Hance', of
Macklin, §ask., and Homar, of
NingA, Man. A brother, William
Henry Johnston, of Goderich Town-
ship, predeceased him seven years'
I ir
. Remember! SEPTEMBER 30 is
the deadline when all subscriptions
to The Signal -Star expiring befo,re
that date must be paid. Do it
now before. you forget. -35-38
* 30 Years Experience mali
types of shoe repair.
Scissors 411nd Skates -
All work fully guaranteed.
ASHFIELD, Sept. 2.—Mr. and
Mrs. George MacLennan anA,,
daughter, of Toronto, spent UM
week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Emile
MacLennan. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blue and Don-
nie, of Windsor, called on friends
here last week.
Mrs. Bradford, of Detroit, is visit-
ing relative's in this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Towle, of l3ritish
Columbia, renewed old friendships,
• here over the week -end.
Miss Annie Mae Macdon-ald, of
Hamilton, was home for the week-
end. 4
Miss Audrey Ross. of London, is
yisithig_her parents, Mr, and Mrs._
Win -Ross. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Jackman, of Tor-
onto, spent the week -ed with Mr,
and Mrs. David MacKenzie.-
UNION, Sept. 2. --Students who
began their grade nine studies at
Goderich Collegiate , on Tuesday
from Union School are: Ethel Ful-
ler, Andrea Williams, Patricia Mc-
Ilwain, Roberta Huckins, Elaine
Wilson and Barry Sowerby.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllfater
inotore.d .to, DetrOit last Friday and
are, visiting with relatives in that
GARDEN — They're ebsy to grow; no bother once
they're planted And their display of spring colour
will be your favourite attraction. Bulbs con be
pkinted any time between the first of September
and the !pit of NoveMber, The types of spring -
flowering -ttutbs you plant depend on your vpersonal
preferences, Dolly Craig, our lovely mother prefers
the fringed beauty of Parrot tulips and the ruffled
loveliness of peony tulips. Dianne, her little daugh-
ter prefers the tall stately Darwin tulips, often
called the Aristocrats of Tulipdom and the Sing*
early tulips, which are always tile first out in thr,Y
spring. Dutch bulbs are reasonably priced and so
easy -to grow that everyone can have all of their,
favourite varieties. MALAK, Ott..
Iroquois Control Dam
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Glen were
among the people from this district
,who attended -the Cook picnic in
Harber Park at Goderich Sunday.
Altogether, about 50 were present
at the picnic. -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKenzie,
of Detroit,' called on their aunt,
Mis-.-Witl-McComiell, and Beth. -
Remember! „ SEPTEMBER 30 is
the dead line, when alt Ribscriptions
to The Signal -Star expiring before
that datemust be paid. Do it
now bef,Jra you forget. .35-38,
AUBURN, Sept. 2.—Mrs. Stuart
Ament and Mrs: Lorne Hunking
were hostesses at a party in honor
of Miss Delphine Honking, bride-
to-be. •
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph DI Munro
were honored recently when pupils
and parents of U.S,S. No. 11, East
Wawanosh, gathered to extend ccin-
gratulations and good wishes on
their recent marriage. They pre-
sented them with, a gift and a
social time was enjoyed.
Mr. Roy De Haas received pain-
ful injury—to--his- left—hand -while
plowing at the farm of his ,employ-
er, William Gow.
Mrs. Gordon Chamney a,nd Doug-
las are visiting this week with
Mrs. Verna Doerr and family, at
Niagara Falls.
„Miss Myrtle Phillips, of London,
visited last Thursday with her
-uncle, Ezekial Phillips, and Mrs,
Mr. Ray .Riordon and son Doug-
las, of Orillia, visited in the village
last Saturday evening.
Mrs. Peter Campbelland baby
son, of Wingham, are visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Daer and family. '
Mrs. Marguerite Chopin returned
last week from a European tour
and visitecld.theher parentS,..,Mr.„
will Mrs. J. C. Stoltz for a few
days before -returning to her posi-
tion on the tdaching staff of Wing -
ham District High School6
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Carter and
daughter, Barbara, wereNe,w York
visitors over the holiday week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut,
Marie, June, •Laura and George, of
Woodstock, were guests recently at
the Wagner home. _
Miss Ruth Daer ,visited in 'Mon-
treal. recently.
Guests laq Sunday with Mr. and
Ws. An ' K irk eon n ell and,
daughters were Mr, and Mrs, H. .1.
Youngblut, of Kitchener, and Mr:
and Mrs. Louis Blake, Faye and
Mary Anne, of Brussels.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,
Novinan,MsClinehey on the birth
of their' (laughter in Clinton hos-
pital last' week -end.
Sabbath School and Divine, Wor-
ship will he conducted next Sab-
bath at 1.15 p.m. and 2,15 p.01. by
Rev. D. J. Lane in Knox Presby-
terian Church
'Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Gary Byrd on their marriage last
Saturday at Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich. •
Mr, Gordon Daer, Mr. Earl
Youngblut and Mr, Bill Young re-
turned reoently to their homes
after a motor trip to Western
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Youn.gblut.
and family; of Hamilton, were
guests over, the week -end, with Mr.
and Mrs. Russel King.
Hutchins—McClinchey. — Beau-
tiful bouquets of gladioli..ferns,and
lighted candelebra formed a lovely
setting in Knox United Church,
Auburn, on Saturday, August 30,
when Gladys. Doreen MeClinchey
and Paul Leonard Hutchins ex-
changed wed.ding,vows. Rev, R. S.
Hiltz, of Auburn and Rey..R. Green,
of Orangeville, officiated. for the
double ring ceremony. Tho bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sydney McClinchey and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hutchins, of Goderich. Traditional
wedding music was played by Mrs.
Murray McDowell, of Dungannon,
and the guest soloiSt was Miss
Donna Walden, of London, cousin
of the bride, who sang 'The Wed-
ding Prayer" before the ceremony,
Madame det Kurthay's Ballet School
(Ballet,_ Tap -- Acrobatic)
For advance registration' phone 1140. 35-6x
Ballot boxes available for tickets. from s rower September 15 ,27
at Denomme'wer Shop.
* . • v..
Be sure and see the display of a few of the lovely prizes
at Denamme's. '
and during the signing of the, reg-
ister, sang,* "I Love You Truly."
Given in marriage by. her. father,
the bride looked lovely in a floor
length white gown, styled with lily -
point sleeves and a, fitted bodice
which was accentuated with a' sab-
rina neckline tripmed with ir-
ridescent sequins and pearls. A
cap 'styled tiara trimmed with se-
quins and pearls. "held her finger-
tip veil, edged with .tulle. lace.
She carried a' beautiful bouquet of
red roses.- John Forspr„ of
Bayfield, sister- of the bride, was
matron of honor. Gowns of nylon
.net over taffeta of- green and
lqw were worn by the bridesmaids,
iss Ruth Cook, of London, arid
Mrs, Ronald Crock; of Stratford,
sister of the groom. The pretty
little flower -girl, Miss Doreen Mc-
Clinchey, niece of the bride, Wore,
a little orchid velvet -flocked nylon
dress and carried a small basket
of flowers. The best ,inan was Mr.
John Forster,' of Bayfield, and the
ring -bearer was Master • Terry
Crock, of Stratford, nephew of the
groom. The ushers were Garth
McClinchey. of Auburn, and Ron-
ald Crock, of Stratford, brother-in-
law of the groom. Receiving the
guests at the wedding thither which
Was held in the Sabbath school of
the church, the bride's mother wore
a. dress of navy blue ,lace over
talfeta with pink and white acces-
sories. The groom's Mother assist-
ed w6aring a dress of pink brocad-
ed nylon over pink taffeta with
pink accessories. Waitresses were
Misses Geraldine Harburn, Hensall;
BarbaraSmith, London; Elaine
jeffersori, Donnybrook; Marlene
•Easom, London; Eunice Hoy and
Phyllis Hoy, Goderich, Guests
were present from Stratford, Ayr,
Detroit,-Goderich, Hensail, London
and the surrounding district. Mr.
and Mrs. Hutchins will make their
home in Goderich after their wed-
ding trip' to Northern -Ontario.
Wa•Ikerburn ladies of
the Walkerburn Club „met last
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Leonard Archambault with a good
attendance. The. president, Mrs.
Harvey "flunking was «in charge.
Contest winners were Mrs, Joseph
,VerwOY' and Mrs, Archambault.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swords'
and family, of Steep Rock, visited
last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred PIaetzer. '
,Mrs. .Charlie Riley, of Seaforth,
is assisting at the home of Mr.
Herbert Mogricige.: , ,
Congratulations t6 Mr, an Mrs.-
William Seers on the birth o eir
baby daughter last weele,in Clinton
Mr. and Mil. Gordon Miller and
son, Larry, , of .London, visited on
Sunday evening with her aunt,
Mrs. 'Maud Fremlin.
Mr. John Houston and Miss
Frances Houston, R.N., -Leriden",.re-.
turned home last Tii,esday after a
two months' holiday spent in Sc6t-
Another great source
of power
The Adjoining St. Lawrence Powerhouses
During the' past four years, your,HYdro,-in partnership -
'with the ,Power Authority of the State of New York,
has brought the international Rapids section of the
St. Lawrence River to the power producing stage.
On September 5th we join hands with our partner in
a ceremony officially opening the great power ioroject.
The 32 generating units, half of which will be, installed
in Ontario Hydro's'powerhouse, will haVe a maxiraum
capacity-aL1,80,000 Yilawatts . . . More power for
living better electrically---r-the safe, clean, modern way.
Reg. 67.50. Sale $47.
1 ONLY —4' 6'" StriOoth Top
Reg. 49.50. Sao $2950
en 'Til 10 p.m, Saturday
• :r*-