HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-28, Page 10.14 r{7 4 TFN -THE GODERICH SIGNAI,STAR -v ESVILLE AWP. 11V144 AugZ5.--The _A Il tOst Meeting.. sit the .W: M. S, a. `f 4o1mesville United, Church was held with Mrs E. Potter' group pC{F: �r rt +lSYlt jC theme of the meeting was "In the Garden." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Biggin and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha led in prayer. Others carrying out the ,theme, in i their readings were 'Mrs. E. A. Yeo, Mrs. E. J, Trewartha and Mrs, • • • BUSINESS DIB 1QTORY Stiles Ambulance Roomy Comfortable Anywhere 4 —., ' Anytime • PHONE '399 ' 77 Montreal St. Goderich 1 'FRANK REID LIFE UNPEIt~WRITFR ,life, annuities, business Insurance. •- Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST • Phone 1100 for appointment. SQUARE GODERICH ALEXAIVpER & CHAPMAN GENERAL 1NSUitANCE AND • 'REAL ESTATE Bank of-Coiii'tnerce "'Blag: - Goderich, Phone 268. A., J. Alexander, Res. 860 C. F. Chapman. Res. 18. T. Pryde & Son MEMORIALS Goderich' Re'presentative MR. FRANK MCILWAIN CARLOW 27 Eventide and Rock of Ages registered memorials. • 18tf • CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C.' __Ductn.r:..o,L thixopractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m, to 5 p.m: Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. • 7 p.m, to 8 p.m. Wed. and §at. -,-9 to 11.30 a.m. . Vitamin Therapy • Office -•-Corner of South St,, and Britannia Road, Phone 34't E. Potter. The business. was con- ducted by the president, Mrs, N. Wyatt Earp' Style Heard. Mrs, E. Potter read` an erne a o'n r: `Alcoholism" a_n;d. 'Mrs. Mulholland read a letter from Miss Rose, of Korea. Mrs: , "K. Harrl"s read an article on "Lepers in. Angola,,, the president, "Mrs. :"n t h°a , tri , the chair. The president read the Scripture lesson and gave - the comments on it. Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. K. Harris and Mrs. L, Bond were appo'inted'F a, committee to make arrangements• for the fall i bazaar, I -f ostesses for the day were Mrs. F. Mulhollanrt; 1V ts. 1• Tebbutt and `'.Mrs. W. Yeo. Cdlrgratulations tpp Cpl. and Mrs. R. Cameron on the birth of a daughter on Tuesday,. August 19. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo enjoyed a trip to Manitoulin Island recently. Mr. Dewar Norman and Bob Nor- man spent a few days on a trip to Noranda; Que., where they visited . Mr. Jack Norman. An advertisement In the Signal - Star brings quick results. FAST RELIEF FOR RHWMATI C PAIN MINARD'S,� `.`KING OF PION" LINIMEFiL READYM1XED FOR -- • WALLS I► >" LOO S 0 WALKS , • BARNYARDS ETC. Delivered to the job in the quan- tity you require4 • The fast clean way to pour con- crete. Call or. write "us for a' free estimate.' Huron (oncrete supply Ltd: GODERICH . PHONE •17.4 Also suppliers of Concrete Block. 16tf A. M. HARPtat Chartered Accountant Office House 343J 343W 33 Hamilton S. Goderich ti SHORE Public Accountant OFFICE: RESIDENCE: 38 Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St. S. Gpdeyikh, Ont. "Goderich, Ont, P.O. Box 797 P,00, acx 797 Phone 975 "Phone 444 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT , P.O. Box 478 •Phone 1011 GODERICH — ONTARIO Just a stepfrom the G.N.E. 1 H, TORONTO'S LORD SIMCOE HOTEL "offers ,AMPLE PARKING.; TV, RADIO, BATH . gild SHOWER in every one of it -4 90-0 rooms SPECIAL C.N,ErP RATES S4 00 $575 $ i50 DAILY PER PERSON DAILY' PER PERSON DAILY ' For o Party For a Party Fc* of Three of TWO One Person , 250 room.$ available at these economical ratest, Nn Charge for Children under 141 M......,:�. Live well on a budget at • A husky, 17 -year-old sailer, who dressed like Wyatt Earp, was fined a total of 250 and costs, or two months, i;n jail, for his part in. a fracas at the Kingsbridge garden party. James Morten pleaded not guilty in magistrate's Court -here but' Was convicted of assaulting and caus- ing bodily harm to Grant Chisholm, of R.R. 3,'AGoderich, and Robert Farrish, 17, of R.R. 7, Lucknow. For his court appearance, Morton was attired in a dark jacket, white shirt wan soft -roll collar and a Kentucky string bow tic—just like Wyatt Earp wears on TV. Ernie Gurney, :13, of Arichat, N.S., was fined $50 and costs, or three weeks in jail, for striking Chisholm during the same .fracas. Gurney, ,,like;. Morton, was a mem- ber, of the crew of Maunaloa IL Dr, W, N. Watters, of Goderich, who attended Chisholm, 'said• that six stitches were needed' to close cuts to his left eye -lid, left cheek and upper lip. Later, .x-rays dis- closed a fractured cheek -bone. The young man's left eye was full of blood and the 'pupil widely dilated, said Dr. Watters, who re- ferred him to an eye specialist in Stratford. It is not known yet whether there has been serious in- jury to the eye or not. In his court appearance, ,Chisholm wore a patch over the eye, Was In, Hospital ',Morton himself spent, several days in Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital following the brawl. Wearing his right hand in a cast, he told the court that he had suf- fered cut tendons,- and his little finger had been broken: He said he didn't know how his hand was injured --..unless-.his.-.fist--Iiad str- the wall. "It's very uncertain • yet as to how much use he's going to have • of the hand," the . court was told by Morton's lawyer, Campbell Grant, of Walkerton. Mr. Grant pointed out that the youth's other hand is practically useless because he lost the fingers in a buzz -sawing accident. "That's a fairly peaceful corn- munity out there at Kingsbridge,"' commented Magistrate Holmes in delivering judgment. The people tried to, keep it respectable, he said, but Morton, 'Gurney and com- panions ba,d-,ghne out to the garden party in their 'old clothes, sh,otving that they had no Desire to fit in ,with the• rest. ' "They went there looking for trouble," • observed the magistrate. Speaking to Morton, Magistrate Holmes said: "The only reason that I'm not sending you to jail is that you're pretty young." He said he was also taking into consideration that' Morton had suffered due to the hand injury, Describes Events Bob Farrish told the court that he arrived at , the garden party around midnight and was, talking to Danny Dalton when 'Morton came. "He shoved me and asked me what I was looking so tmigh about," saia Farrish; a much smaller boy than Morton who ' weiglhs 180 pounds and, stands 5 feet, 11 inches., Morton punched Farrish in the mouth but Grant Chisholm broke it up.' There "was no further viol- ence until some time later when Bob Farrish was leaving the party. "Morton stopped me and said something about wanting a fight," said Farrish. The smaller boy de, dined to mix it up "but he hit me and knocked me down." Two of his teeth were broken off by the blow. Once more, Grant Chisholm ar- rived on the scene and stopped Morton from hitting Farrish again, Then Ernie Gurney moved in and -hit •Chisholm• on the side of the face, Farrish testified. Apparently' Farrish, whose mouth s. -bleeding; •lef-t the---fray-at-this stage but five minutes later he saw Gurney standing over Chisholm, who was lying on the ground. Morton was looking at his cut hand. Further evidence was given by David O'Neil, 14; Larry McIntyre, 17, and Mrs. L. Hodges, of Dun- gannon, who is a sister-in-law of Grant Chisholm. Mrs. Hodges said that Morton struck Chisholm when he was down. "I figured they were going to kill him before they quit," she commented. Danny Dalton, 15, told of seeing "ruffles in their old clothes" at the garden paf'ty, He said he saw five or six youths with beer bottles in a car. The next witness ' was Gordon Valad, who pulled Grant Chisholm out of the fray that climaxed the night, When his own turn to give evid- ence came, Chisholm said• he was leaving to go home when he saw a crowd at the south-east corner of the church. Farrish .was lying on the ground, while Morton, Clif- ton Freeman and Tony Knox 'were standing around in a half -circle. Chi s?raltfi-`testi fit tkr-"'Maf'ton- d me to mind my own business." Then "the battle was on. • Who'drank aII the `Y KIST Ginger Ale? Festive, sparkly KIT Ginger Ale is the life of every party. So keep Tots on 'hand. You'll rfind KIST Ginger Ale is the perfect partner for family fun' too I =:: • __• - There's o KIST* !layout tor every taste. In carton or cooler . . a . ported "pick. Ny: o fresh ' yov TA.vi Tuckey Beverages 451 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario . Phone Exeter 515 London 2.5921 41411B00101001110411111101111.16010•111641 There is many a suit headed for the discard that could be ,restored to its orginally smart, tailored • Perfection threughr our careful cleaning and 'pressing! Leet us prove, it. tri He PRESERVIN6 KETTLE _. 'by OF GENERAL FOODS KIT.CIIENS Whatls autumnoy ithout grapes? And What jelly cupboard is, com- plete without Grape Jelly? Why, not make your own• using this successful 'recipe? GRAPE JELLY 4 cups juice (about 3 quarts, ripe Concord grapes) 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar I/2 bottle Certo' fruit pectin irirst,. prepare the' j'uice.. Stem about' 3 quarts fully ripe grapes. Crush thoroughly. Add y cup water; bring to a boil. Simmer, covered, 10"minutes. Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze,but juice. Measure 4 cups ibto a very large saucepari. , Now make the jelly. Add sugar to juice in. saucepan; and mix well. , Place over high heat, -Brine t� a' " boil, stirring constantly. Stir in • Certo at once. Then bring to a full rolling boil. Boil hard l minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, skim, off foam with metal spoon. Pour quickly into glasses. Cover at once with ! t inch hot paraffin, "Maker about 10 medium glasses. Morton Testifies Mrs.. Grant Chisholm was the last crown witness: Then Campbell j Grant caclled Morton -to the stand to testify in his own defence. The dark-skinned youth said that fotir sailors frorli the Maunaloa I1 and one «other youth from Gode- rich'were in the group which went to Kingsbridge on the night of the incident. He claimed he was hit on the back of the head and knocked down. 11e didn't see who did it bqt someone told him it was Chis- holm, so he punched Chisholm, he told the court. Morton admitted he had been drinking. Ernie Gurney claimed that he hit 'Chisholm "in self-defence." After the brawl, and apparently at the suggestion of the parish priest, Morton and Gurney went to Chis- holm, who was sitting in his car, to apologize. They shook hands with Chisholm. For assaulting and causing bad- ily harm to Farrish, Morton was fined $100 and costs or one month. For punching and causing injury to Chisholm, Morton was fined $150 and costs or one month, consecu- tive with the first sentence. The Southampton youth's parents were present and arrangements were made to pay the fines. • One 'woman to another: "Why, no, 1, didn't tell anyone --I didn't know it was a secret." Knox WMS Meets I,n SummerGarden The 'W.M.s of Knox Presbyterian ,:Dili C�..•w1? ?; : riAu •-m"fie in -Ila elOvel en t thti•- a n' •n cottage of Miss G. Gracey at ! ene- setung. The president, Mrs. G. Schaefer, presided for the business- session, when'members were asked to bring Christmas gifts for men in Hamil- ton Sanatorium to the September meeting. �-�-- 1t was announced that the Fall Rally ,of Huron Presbyterial. 'will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on Tuesday, September 9, and members 'wishing to attend were asked tohand in their names. The Seyipture lesson and medita- tion was read by Mrs. H. Harrison, followed by • prayer by Miss 1I. Gordon. An ,, interesting article entitled "Weaving for Peace" was read, by Mrs. B. Durfee. It told the story of a rug woven by the women of Ecua- dor, designed by a refugee: Colors were black, White, brown;t, afire and brick red. It• took 12 women six months to weave the rug, and it was presented for use in the United Nations building, represent- ing prayer for peace from the wo- men of all nations, irrespective of race or color. Mrs. Wilson expressed the thanks of the members to Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Durfee- for . presenting such a fine program, and to the hostess, Miss Gracey, for her kind- ness, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. A. Taylor, and a social half, hour with refreshments served' by the social conveners, •Mrs. G MacEwan and Mrs. H. Rivers was enjoyed by all. ONLY AT HFC.,.. -- MoneyieMce— backed by years' -experience PROGRAM ENJOYED AT RED SHIELD REUNION A R4 Shield reunion was held at ,the home of Mrs. H. Johnstone on Wednesday o last week when a program was enjo ed. ' lows: Mrs. F. Lynch, . dropping clothes pins; Mrs. F. Beevers, and Mrs. E. Baechler,.,best fish out of newspapers; Mrs. V. Kneeshaw, throwing clothes " pins; Mr. E. Baechler, best fish story. Prizes were awarded to and for, - as follows: Miss June Stinson, hold- er',of secret cup; Mrs. James Rud- dock, wearer of Red Shield brooch; Mrs. C. Carey, •oldest member; pre- TH,LJ SDAY, AUGUST' 2 th,. 1958. , sent. Mrs. Stinson moved a vat& of thanks to " t ►e hostess' for the enjoyable • gathering. Flick: "My wife is always askin& foie" f b1iey ht's Two &311ai —6 Sled-0- day, es r. -day, end five dollars today • and money, n R 1'r.., ; Smith: ;What does she do with it all?" Flick: "I don't know; I haven't given her any yet!" Of the•18,400,000 inembSrs of Me international trades: union, about 1,000,000 members are Canadians. Total 'income from 'dues of mem- bers of these unions is estimatedt'~° at $20,000,000 a year. Imiedeminny James Richardson & Sons Ltd. ' "Serving the Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" "Serving the Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE 543 AND 544,��ar PHONE '$43 'AND 544, GODERICH•3eTF UCTIQN AOT r0 111112111210.16- I logs .oiit the weather The -perfect -fit, of -overlapping• ribs •in -adjoining -sheets•_ _-- of Eastern -Steel's galvanized `Tito -Lap' roofing and building. at -side and end tress 'for your farm 8 sichn guarantees weatherth g laps, -this snug`Tite-Lapt keeps' out driving wind and ram. `Tite-Lap' can be laid right oyer old wooden shingle - or asphalt roofing without the original rdof- Ang material. Each 5 -rib sheet covers a full 32" width. Eastern ,Steel manufactures , several distinct types of' metal roofing and : siding—each designed with a different application in mind. To help you choose the right covering, write today for your free copy of Bulletin 140, showing the best roofing, siding and accessories for the covering job you have in mind. , Remember, when applying eastern Steel roof- ing or siding ,be sure to use, 'Preston' spiral *shank Led-Hed nails—the roofing nails with tke lead seal underneath the head which plugs the nailhole with tustproof, weathertight lead. What is pectin? It's 'the jel3ng substance found, in all fruits, in -varying• antotints. Certo is. pectin extracted' f rom frsfits rich in this natural substance, then' refined,' concentrated and performance - controlled, Your jam and jell set exactly right when you use 'Certo and follow the tested Certo recipes. Preserving Pointer. Never Open a jar after sealing; to fill. the space which may appear at the top. If the -sealer is completely air -tight and has been properly and suffici- ently processed, the food will keep perfectly. Breaking the Seal and adding more fruit may easily cause spoilage,,and waste the whole .jar! Tris it my last rolu.rn.n for ' the yehr. What fun it's been visaing with 1/010 1 know that you'ond your' foniillt trill truly enjoy all the gond things you've been able to preserve so su.cressfullu hl1 fnlI01t'ifl these tested GOrto Por fast, friendly loan service from specially trained, courteous people, come to HFC—Canada's leading con- sumer finance company:•Borrow up to $1,000 in privacy, with up to 30 months, to repay on terms you select. You're always welcome et HFC t_ HOUSEHOLD FINANCE e [..est M. R. JENKINS, Manager. 35A West Street. • Telephone 1501 GODERICH a EAST•ERN STEEL - ESP "rooU ,i.F,n cp PRODUCTS LIMITED rurstoo sospere aomrssei a member of She Combined ,Enterprises group 5639.5r SWITCH i STERLING HAMPI FUEL FOR CLEAN DEPENDABLE HEAT MORE HEAT PER GALLON FOR ALL RESIDENCE FURNACE OIL ACCOUNTS 27, WE EXTEND AN EXPLOSION INSURANCE *-POLICY FOR 'THE, PROTECTION OF YOUR FAMILY AND HOME, ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR LIFE .INSURED BUDGET PLAN I2,tJ00 GALLONS LOOAL STORAGE Backed by a I 30,000,000GALLON .STORAGE in our Marine Terminal Port Stanley, Ontario NO DANGER FROM GASOLINE ° CONTAMINATION We carry no gasoline iii our fuel oil storage trucks, nor do we store it .in our storage tanks so there• is no possible way,'•gas can be Mixed.. with your oil. 'Champion" Oils are performance tested in Countless Western Ontario Homes and In- dustries. "Triple •+Tested" to assure 100% free Burning "Champion" is• guaranteed to provide more hee,t per Gallon. 4. Metered Delivery Trucks are at your service whenever you call Goderich 75. • Try "Champion" once and you'll be convinced that • here is a, fuel unexcelled for complete heating satisfaction! P YOUR. EXCLUSIVE GODERICH DEALER Res. Phone 6 110ITEL University Ave.'at Ring St., Toronto . ±Tellphone E11tpirtt '2'-1848 Note: Ontario grown grapes will make their -appearance locally in about one or two weeks.. 205 NELSON ST. E. --GODERICH, ONT. 3448 • fi T ti