The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-21, Page 12ys.sts t • Sestssoisseepeises„...,, 7•;•., , Soss-sses...•',PSOSSS, t•Ss•Stel. ,,,,,,,,sossist,i4.44,:s.'".„„ • an, , •74 • 4 st, -PAGE 'TWELVE* noen is deadline for Classified Ads. - lines or less. 500 10c for each additional line. - 25c extra for o1c. box numb.r.• • -464iakiiit-,,,-.-61,0?-4,i‘uc.*P., • , ' Sj••• , • ••• • • . , 41W11SD4Y, AUGUST 214, 1958 Classified Ads on CASH BAfilf. • Charge of 25c extra If sdinot paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publizerkin .,zr• PrO4i f..41.00•0.4441441....-tt**.,4144$000.140.164g IA. For Sale (General) PIANO in good shape; chest of drawers; % size bed and mattress; FOR the best buy in, used appli- ances, see Shore Appliances, in the rsquare. Your Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent • for CNIt money orders, -12t1 N EW and used refrig,erators, ranges, washipg machines, dryers; home air conditioning. Best prices, low terms, good trade allowances. Oe Lumbys, 39 St. David street, Goderich. -19a CEDAR posts, poles and stakes. John Hinclmarsh, R.R. Goderich., Phone 1190J. -41.1 ----e• HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed • envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $100. Mall Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WIE,, specialize and carry a com- plete steak for all Sparton TV's, and all tubes and most parts for other makes of TV. 13. R. Si.lunday, TV, Radio and Sound Service. Phone 598. 127 Widuer street. -2'7tf 1000 R X R pulletS, starting to lay. Phone Jack Curran, Dungannon 78 r 3. * -31t1 BOX trailer, 4' x 6', in ,good con- dition; 'small Quebec heater with pipes. Phone 794R. , -32 . SIX combination .aluminum storms. and screens, 55" X 35o2"; two 63" x 91/2".. Half-herse , heavy duty • Wagner motor. Six folding chairS. - Phone 171W. -32-33 ' -as • '---NO-T-HOUSEWIVES-Now- that the season .for •• canning peaches, pears, pluins, etc. has roll- ed around why not 'visit the,•.Bell- view Fruit•Farms, 6 miles south of Goderich, 1 mile east from High- way 21 -and pick up -your tree - ripened fruit. We also have ,good cooking and eating apples. Call and order yours today. Don't put it off, Phone 1260 W 4 or write R.R. 2, Goderich. -33 TORCH-1ER floor lamp .(1. only), , regular $24.00, sale price $9.95. Blackstone's Furniture, West street. PIPELESS furnace, in good condi- tion, burns wood or coal, must be •s-' removed in a week's 'time. May be seen at C. M. Robertson's, 106 Park street, phone 673J. 33x DRY maple and beech body wood, 14" long, cedar 12" long. R. T. Kilpatrick, Secretary„Ashlield Twp. Scheel Area. Phone' Dungannon 77-2. R.R. 7, LuCknow. -38 writing dok; Keivinator frig, suit- able for a ',cottage; brass jardin- ieres. Phone 1072W. -33 s SEVERAL different makes of used milking. Machines. Let -us install. one of these or a ..new WOOds„ on trial: Beevers Auto. and- Bicycle Supply. -21-43 McCO-RMICK-DEERING thresher, 28-36,' equipped with Ebersel feed- er,' Used a• few years, in perfect condition. Price $400 cash. Phone Chatham -Elgin 2-2357,, collect. • •• ' 33x FLOWERS and shrubs, rnoStly per- ennials, to_plant, in September: ,,sweet william, dianthus, eanterbuty bells, carnations, chrysanthemiims1 roses; hibiscus, Rose of Sharon,' lilac, Japanese • snowball, peonies, rock garden plants, red nico- tine, sage, orie or two year aspara- gus.- Clip and save this ad .for future 'reference, Bentleys, Blyth. . 33x "Ik IB, Real Es -ate HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER Beat the Heat-es•Suy a Summer Cottage Rug Brick - Jew Bunvalow Only occasionally, does a henie as modern, yet so completely de- signed for comfortable living come on the Market. All on one floor, there are three spacious bedrooms, with large clothes closets, four. piece tiled bathroom, ultra -modern living room with anglestone fire- place, bright dining room aid a kitchenfilled with Luift-in cup - "beards and counters. Toe Sloors are linoleum tile and ViiiStlite -tile with, wall-to-wall broadloom iu the living room. In the full basernent is a recreation room clone in Ma- hogany harti board. with ,tile floor; an oil -fired foreedsair furnace and lots of addstional space for work- shop, etc., and all the windows are the new type of Aiding plate with aluminum storms and screens ex- cept the picture window which is a twindow With all these :lee features, .this home could not be .n, the low price bracket, but, it is considerably low- er priced than other comparable,' modern homes that have been sold in town recently, so see tins home today for real value and modern comfortable -living. _ LARGE arm chair, rocker chair, leather upholstered arm chair, also rangette. Phone 1369. -33 USED Singer treadle type sewing machine. Phone 1498W. • -33 RIP saw with junior; can be bought ,with or without motor; double cement lauridry tubs with stand, trap and taps. 'Apply at 179 Elgin avenue. .s ' -33 ' GLADIOLUS, zinnias, shops, other , seasonal flowers, by dozen', -flower arrangements, baskets, etc. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron street. Phone 722. -,33tf incairie-Pkiptkrties- - — Demand for rental accommoda- tion is 'becoming more acute every day in-Goderich. Here is a chance to make an*exceptionally profitable. investment in duplexes and trip- lexes. We have several listed each having completely self-contained apartments now felly rented.Call today for •complete particulars. • • Three, Bedrooms -Bayfield Road Just a few Steps from the Public School this frame house has three beslroomsand three-piece bath - teeth on the -.second floor -and living robin; dining room and kitchen first floor: A real buy at .listed price of $5,750. , GAS space heaters and •floors fur- naces now on display, ' • SPECIAL summer clearance .on Rogers Majestic TV. PLANNING ‘1.° cook with gas? See th,e MeClary gas stoves with 1001e safety shut off, • WILF, REINHART'S • TV SERVICE PEACHES: Red Haven now ready, Jubilee, Vedette to follow; ,bring os semittrinerss :and plek Wfc• Priced right. Govenlock Orchard, • oh mile north if -Forest. 33-34x ••, Frame Storey and 'One -ha -If - Cen- tral LoCation .Just a few•years old, this home has modern kitchen, ,,,dining room, living •room with broadloom, two comfortable bedroorns, *and fur - piece bathroom, full basement 'and hot air coal furnace. Good terms available. • . . Farms -Wirth and Soult1 of Goderich -68 acres --Port -Albert district cosy house, good bank barn ,.. • 200 acres-Sheppardton districi., pasture and bush, no buildings. . 95 acres -Near BaYfieldlarge house and barn, eleetripily. Harvey Lassaline, 'RR, 2, Gode- rich, phone ,1599 J 2, Farms...Sales,' man. •eISTINGS AND .ittcaltRies , • . INVITED Phone 766; ." Hamilton Street Goderich apartMents, each' having a separate bathroom. This is a prcsfitable proposition to invest' in for oWner who desires a home plus income. A real buy. • West end, close to lake, house needing repairs and two , lots. $1,500. • Lovely 7 -room, brick home, hot water oil heating, sunrooms, up and down, good 'location. This home must be seen to he appreciated. Fuel business ,with large storage Shed and Office, r.r, siding, includ- ing all the loading equipment, truck, .office equipment and many other iteins; very reasonably priced. • Located four miles from Gode- rich on highway, five 'acres of land, tw6 bedroom house and barns Only $4,500.00. Choice list of farms in Huron County.-*' Commercial properties in Huron County including.many stores: Ineerne properties for invest- ments. We'll look after your real estatesand rentals. . Summer cottages. For buying and selling, contact JOHN BOSVELD. „ Reel Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Srreet, Goderich Phone 1108. Salesmen: Joseph McConnell; Seaforth Angela Bosveld, Goderich JOHN BOSVELD Real. Estate Broker 17hree bedroo-m asbestos shingled wartime home, living room. dining room,, kitchen, bathroom, oil fur - mice, $4,000 down payment will handle„ Two berilroom bungalow, double living room, kitchen, bathroom,. garage, workshop, "an eXrra shady lot for only $4.000, down payment $1,500. -Brand new modern 2 -bedroom bungalow, tiled 'bathroom, spacious living room, large modern kitchen, full basement, forced air -oil ftir- nace, choice location. Niced ,to sell. ' MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE- •, ke front subdivided lots in a beatitiful setting -at -Martin's Point. near P -ort Albert. - , A centrally' located one-flocfr bongalow; ..3 bedrooms; new oil furnace, many attractive .features. A new small bungalow on Gib- bons street, near the schools. Two bedrooms, attractive •living room and kitchen, utility room, ell furnace. In a central locatio-n, a good two- storey stucco dwelling. In addi- tion •to the living room, dining. room and kitchen, there is•a gias ed -in sunporchsand a bedroom an main floor; upstairs arrtlir'T •bed- room's and &throom, NeW Esse oil furnace, At ,Port Albert, Ont., nicely site-, ated"' on the -river, amongst ever- greens, with a good view of both river and lakes, o -rustic summer dwelling, on two levels; rooms including sleeping :Porch, dining room, sunporch and living room with open 'fireplace. Includes all -equipment and 'furnishings, also. outboard boat and 15 h.p. Gut - board motor, -,water skis, etc, $7,000.00. MALCOLM MATHERS .46 West St. .,. Phone 115W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker Lorge four bedroom modern red brick home, new furnace, hot water heating, two natural fireplaces, garage, everything in exceptional good condition; •size of lot 82' x 132', priced far belovV its value. A remodelled foitr-ledroom insbl- brick home, modern "kitchen and bath, 2 -piece washroom. downstairs, spacious 'living and dining ' room, den with , natural fireplace and• built-in :thesterfield. New . forced air oil furry -ice,' fully insulated, choice location, shady lot 108 x 140 -only $9,500.00. • $8,500 will buy this two-story 1frick.horne divided into three Als • Classified Acis On Cash Basis , • or less 50c Each additional line, 10c Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NOON of week Df publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver tiement. for bookkeeping expenKs- • LISTINGS Wanted -Farms, Sum- mer Cottages and Town Property. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, Bank of Commerce building, Gode- rich. 'Phone 268. -18 WE .have sold many homes in Goderich lately. Good prospects for quick sale. If you want to sell, list with us, now. JOHN BOSVEL6"- Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St. Goderich Phone 1108. MOW 'imiitagairmemiroomiormommin. 3.. Agents Wanted AGENTS wanted to sell high qual- ity ,products at low price'.. Excel- lent commission. Do pot miss this money making proposition. Open- ing in: .Brussels, Clinton, Goderich, Exeter, Seaforth, Wingham, Zurich and surroundings. ,Information: Familex, Dept. T, Section C, 1600 Delorimier, ,Montreal, Que. -31-34 11111111=111.11111111111111110100.1111., • Keep in mind the Salvation Army rummage sale on the Citadel lawn, Saturday, August 23. Proceeds to be used for needy purposes. Your donation t•hankfull•y received. -33 The Goderich branch of the Wo- men's Institute will hold a bake sale in their booth at the Goderich Trade Fair on Friday, Augest 22, afternoon and evening. Will the members who want baking picked up please get in touch with Mrs. H. Talmay or Mrs. N. Clairmont. -33 -A picnic at Harbor Park, Sunday afternoon, Auggst 24, will be held in honor of Mrs. J. Thomas, of Picture Butte, Alta.' Anyone wish- ing to renew her acquaintance is cordially invited. Please bring Your picnic baskets, ' -33 Dancing every'Friday and Satur- day nights at Bayfield Pavilion - Friday music by Ken Wilbee and his orchestra, Saturday by the Bee - Bops. Adinission $75c-es$1.25 per ,couple. -33 4'...1Ielp Wanted,. - 10 - WOMAN wanted for housework ' Brie& one day a week. Write Box 114, Signa -Star. • -324 WHITE Manor, across from the Shaeffer Pen Faetork, No, 8. high- way, white brick, house, 11 rooms, 3 -piece bath, good • basement, 4 acres surrounded by maple,, spruce' and cedar trees. Can be seen by appointment. .Jas. White, Huron road, Goderich. P.O. Box 292. Phone 723R. -29t1 LARGE brick.house in a lovely locator', looking over the LAI: and Harbor Park. Apply at 181 West street or phone 574 between the 'hours of 5.30 to 8 o'clock. -32tf ONE acre of. land situated three miles north' of Goderich on High- way 21, has a cement foundation, 24' x '32' x 7', reason for selling, poor health. Phone 440J, Gode- rich, -32 BUILDING lot, 108 feet by 65 feet, 100 Britannia road. Phone 588. -19tf • PROGRESSIVE manufacturing firm in Goderich requires an experienc- ed office girl to ' perform book,. keeping and general office duties. Please apply in own handwriting stating age and experience to Butler, Doeley, and Co., P.O. Box. 201, Kitchener. -33 OFFERS will be considered for purchase of 16- acres of.land situ- ated at the cornee•of Bennett and Eldon streets; also 24- acres at end of South street. Write P,O. Box 561, Goderich. - -33-36 2. Real Estate Wanted MIDDLE .age, gr young woman _ to occupy furnished -bedroom, with- out charge, in return for company of semi -invalid. Phone 274 or apply Miss Rose Fox, ,West street. - SALES girl wanted, 18-20 age group prefeered, to start SePtember 2. Experience desirable but not essential. Phone Mrs. Mel Culbert at Culbert's Bakery, 465. -33 5.. Emplpympnt Wanted COLLEGE student willing. .to do any kind of work for two 'Weeka. Phone 1517, • 33x WANTED.--il-Listings ot properties* for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. Malcolm Mothers, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St„ Goderich. Phone 115W, • -12tf SELLING your property? List where you obtain the best results. List today With HARQLD W. pH0RE • —Far •Estate-tsrolter • • 38 Hamilton 'St., Goderich Phone 766. COME SEE US AT THE TRADE FAIR! • Our. display will be on Agricultural Park .grounds. LET'S SHOW ,YOU THE LOVELY PONTIACS AND WICKS A4b THE EFFICIENT GMC TRUCKS. SI • ', A .4 i 11. A 1 • :fa"' AnCertileRS . GODERICH-,-Irr..1...f. ONTAR.I0 ,...., , • •••• dilante; 6. Wanted (General) " s."`"s".*,-"sissi•oss1*-:•-.S.‘"1-"Ss.,-*".•,se' OLD horses wanted at 3Ssc lb., and dead cattle at value. lf .dead, phone at •orice, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect 1483J 4 or 1483J 1. • -1tf ROOM and board in private home for elderly lady, ground floor room essential, Write Box 418, Signal - Star, • 33x Order Shell furnate oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell 'Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf • Photograpns ror all occasions. Also religious goods, picture -frames and framing. Filers, flash bulbs, photographic supplies. Open even- ings... MacLaren's Studio. -26t1 See our stock of 'famous ZEISS IKON' Catheras--MoVie and - projectors, screens, light meters and accessories. Technical 'advice freely given. MacLaren's Studio. • -26tf , WOOD6.4nele4ving memoky Of, a ' dear wife and mother, Mary Adele (PollY) Woods; who pass- ed away August 21, 19441 • Dearer still as tbe years depart, Your memory lives within our , hearts. With tender love and deerrregret, We who loved you will never for- get. • -Always remembered by Milton, Irene and Jim, Isabel and Donald, 33x ROOMERS, 'The Kent House" has comfortable rooms for gentlemen. Meals optional. Phone 1570 or 332. • --33-34 7. To Rent . TYPEWRITERS Portable and standards. Skeech Office Supplies, phone 611, Goderich. -36tf MAKE your ,housework easier by renting a floor polisher and vacuum cleaner from Shore Appliances, on the Square. , -1tf LARGE; comfortable, furnished rooms. Phone 213. -25tf UNFURNISHED .apartment, four rooms, and bath. Apply O'Brien's Meat Market. s -31tf Broadloom carpet in all shades, in rug size or, wall ,to Wall, expert- ly laid. Let us give you an estim- ate., Geo. W. Schaefer and Sons: • -31tf Qntario Motor League Member- ships and Inforinaloon, George Jenner, District Rep. OISIL-CAA. 'Phone 1500. • - 34-35x Mrs. Mary Mellard, 'dressmaking. Wedding, and formal gowns a specialty, also morning and after - non dresses. Phone 336R. • • 32-33x Summer prices ar,e now effective on Sterling Fuel and Texaco fur - pace and stove oil at Overholt Col Co. Phone 1002. •t3ltf We invite you Co visit our exhibit at the Trade Fair, August 20-23, MacLaren's Studio. -32-33 15. taids, of Thanks • See the new fall samples of drapery. Your choice of •fiorals, DOUBLE garage, Convenient to business • 'section. 57A Church street. -32 ROOMS to rent in the. village of Auburn: kitchen with built-ih ettp-' boards, hot and cold water, living room and sunporch, three bed- rooms upstairs, share three-piece bath. Basement and garage, rent reasonable, prefer elderly people. Apply Mrs. J, Taylor, Auburn. -32tf SELF-CONTAINED, one -bedroom, -heatecisapartment,.. sunparehyove- looking lake, laundry facilities pro- vided, •Possession September 1. Phone 1017. -32tf FOUR -ROOM fureished apartment, upstairs, available after September 1. Apply at 43 North street. $3x COTTAGE, self-contained, furnish- ed, two. bedrooms, Jiving room, kitchen and bath. Phone 3478J after 6.30 p.m. -33 ROOM, with breakfast, suitable,for refined, quiet, business woman. Phone 962R after 6 p.m. -33 8. Wanted to Rent • FURNISHED bed -sitting rooin by man for year or lager, meals out. Write Box 117, Signal -Star. 33•34x CANTELON.-For the kinek acts, beautiftil floral tributes, Yban of cars 'arid messages of sympathy in this our loss of a dear mother, grahdma and sister, Mrs. Itubena Cantelon, we thank our 'Light- house street neighbors, Stratford friends, and Drs.' Wallace and Jarrott. - Special appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Curfy, Rev. Clifford Waite and 'the Stiles funeral home for the patie'nees understanding and wonderful 'famiry atmosphere which helped to ease our loneliness -even to "Mebbie" for her good care of , Richards Sincere' thanksotor'eaels of you:. " -Catherine,, 13i11 and Richard, Robb, Strat,ford; Arthur and Georgie"McLeen, Chatham. • -33 CONNELL. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy • Connell wish' to thank their friends, relatives and neigbbors for the lovely cards,' letters and flowers sent' to them while Mr. Connell was a patient in the hos- pital at Excelsior Springs, Mis- souri. . - • • 33x FULLER:se-s-IVIrssitobert Fuller and - daughter, Mrs. Jas. McMillan, -.tharils._ the neighbors, friends and relatives who were - so kind to them in their bereave- ment; they are ',especially grate- ful for the offer of cars, the floral tributes and the messages of -53 sympathy. •• HODGES.-Mr. GeorgeHodges• and family wish to exprepe their ap- preciation to those who sent spiritual and floral' tributes and • cards.of,sym,pathy.. We especial- ly wish to thank the neighbors and kind friends who helped us insourtime- of -need and 'sorrows -33 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EACH, . „ , Chocolate Malted Layer take 40i Cinnamwonithan*Md 7areshistillow Filling, Malted' Creme king. ' Coffee Cakes . ea' 35c SATURDAY ONLY EACH Raspberry ar Strawberry Pies 50c • OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT 'TIL 10 P.M. CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" WEST STREET • PHONE 465 will take place at St. Michael's R.C. Church, Blyth, on September 6. 33x Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P.:Carmich- ael, Wingham, wish to announce -thesengagewrent 4f -their -daughter, Patricia Lou, to 'Mr. Donald E. Hawthorne, Toronto, formerly of Goderich. The wedding to take place on Saturday, September 6th at 2.30 p.m. in the United Church, Wingham. . 33x se....eeeeeeese NEEDHAM.-Mrs.• Reg. Needham „ wishes to thank 'the -pony friends Who' remembered her with cards, flowers and gifts while a patient in Alexandra Marine and Gener- al Hospital. Also a special thank " you to Dr. Jackson, the nurses and aides for their kindnesS. 33x _ STEWART.-Mrs, Bertha Stewart wishes to thank her neighbdrs,1 friends and Saliford Community Club for 'their cards, giftS and flowers sent to her, during. her recent illness. She would like to thank. Dr. J. R. Leitch especially for his thoughtfulness. 33x SHAW. -We wish to express heart- felt thanks and appreciation to our many • relatives and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our dear- ly loved wife and daughter, Beth Shoos * We especially wish to tlfank the Rev, Dr, K. E. Taylor ", for his consoling words, all the I donors of the mahy beautiful floral offerings, the pallbearers, abstracts, or, plain cloths. We the 'neighbors, friends and mem- measure your windows, custom bers of St. Patrick's Ward of the make and instal. A, co. plete win- Women's Guild of St. George's dow service. Geo. W. Schaefer & Sons, -32tf Verna's 'Beauty. Salon will be closed from September 1 to ,10 inclusive for annual vacation. -33 Ask to see our new baby'Braggin Book at our booth at the Fair..Mac- Laren's Studio, St. David street. • -33 Reed's- Upholstering Shop, 48 East street, wilt be closed from August 23 to September 2. -35-34 c• • Goderich Pavilioo every Friday, TeenTsVenty Record Dance Party. Every Saturday, caboret ,dancing, Paul Cross and his orchestra. Special holiday midnight donee, August 31, -32-34 • s •••••,-„,, Scott's' Anti -Gray Hairtope im- parts natural -looking colour and lustre to gray, streaked and faded hair. Not a dye, not a tint, a white greaseless cream equally ef- fective on all shades of hair. „ At Emerson's Drug Store. -33 A car of Alberta lump coal has arrived at Overholt's ,coal yard. For prompt delivery phone 1002. -33-34 • • 14. In Memoriam loVing_ Memory of tira India -Who PJid'1 one year ago. LOve's greatest -OTT, remembrance. -Losingly remembered by Minnie.. • 33x HORNEY.-In loving memory of Edwin Horney who passed away 'August 22nd, 1956, sAllthepain and grief are over, Every restless tossing passed; He is now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 33 STEWART.--eIn loving memory of my dear son, Ray, who passed _away eight years ago August 17, 1950, at the age of 19 years. A beautiful memory dearer than gold Of a son whOsnworth can never be • told. Alone, unseen, he stands by my side; se _And whispers don't grieve, death - •' -e - * Deep • in my ,heart, a memory is kept, Of the one I loVe and can never I, forget -Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by Mum, Mrs, l'il Stewatt. • • 33x '•• ,ss „ss, sAs- tes,„ •,,. , Nt• 'Anglican Church for all their , many acts of kindness and sthe Stiles funeral :home for their kind and efficient Managerhent of the services and those Who offered cars, for the ,fuperal. • -Sgt. Chas. G. Shaw •ansl' Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morris and Family. •33 16. Engagements Capt. Chs. and Mrs. Stowe Wish to announce •the •agement of their daughter, JiYe Doreen, to Mr, Donald IVIartin Stokes, son of Mr. Chas'. Stoko and the late Mrs. Stokes, all of Goderich. The mar- riage will take place on September 6, at Knex Presbyterian Church at two o'clock, - 33x 18. Births DESSARDINS.-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on August 16, -1958, to Mr. and • Mrs. John Des- jardins,_ Goderich, a 'danghter SusareDebra. — GOOD. - At Alexandra Hospital, ,Goderich,,,on Augenst 13, 1958, to, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Good, Gode- rich, a son. HIND. - At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 19; ,1958, to • Mr. and Mrs. John Aind, Gode- rich, a 'son. SPROUL.-At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 19, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald Sproul, « Goderlch, a •son, Ronald Douglas. VINT...* At Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on August 18, 1958; to Mr. and-Mrs.''Carman Vint, Gode- rich,a son Carman Wayne • •Mr. and Nfts, .Dan liallairan, of Blyth, wish to announce the en gagement of their elder daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr. Lloyd William 'Aubin, ' son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Alex Aubio, of Clinton. The wedding 19: Notice to Creditors NOTICE • Ti.) CREDITORS AND OTHERS Insthe Estate of James A. Graham, Dental Surgeon, late of the Town of Goderich ,in the County of Huron. All persons having claims against the Estate ..of the above named de- ceased, late of -the • Town of Gode- rich; in the County of Huron, who, died on or about thes3Oth day of July, 1958, ale hereby notified, to send to the underSigned, 'on or 'before the "30th day of August, 1958, their names and fullparticul- ars of their claim's:. After the said date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which .notice has been received. Dated 5th day of August, 1958. John 0. Graham, Solicitor for the Executors Box 698, Goderich, Ontario • •„, 3133- . •1141.1110 20. Public Notice HERE'S your chance to learn to Television, " isi•on7Lcahday"nneplko8g,ra,wminCgKhalsInX1 22. Lost and Found features a special. Weekly series, "Swim by Television," commencing Tuesday, August 28, at 4.00 p.m. Filmed at, the ' „Teeswarter Lions' swimming pool; this is the first serieS of this, kind in Canada. Don't miss a single lesson. -33 SID sBullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kit- chen cupboards and furniture re- pairs. 184. Gibbons street, phone 1234. • -19t1 tOsSAIss. ING.-Sep ic tank cleaning, re- pairs oo drains, watermains, ,etc. New installations on cement septic tanks, drainage tile arid drains to meet your requiremepts, Roy Elliott, Clinton, phone 1111. 2-3281 or Bill Finch, Grand Bend, phone , 205. , • 28-34x • • N1OTICE to. all local„painters. We have now received the dealership, for 'Para Paints, For your con- venience, come .in and see „our. , sSII.PPLys Huron Tower .TY, Wed , street. -31-34 ANYONE wanting sand or gravel fill sfor -rro' cost, -or -anyone Wanting -so • -• a free estimate- on all types of roofing, any type of carpenter Work, piease contact Bruce E. Ryan, Building Contractor'. All. Work done by skilled tradesmen. -28 FOR artificial insemination service •or more information telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ-, ation collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 betWeeil 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week' days, 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not.eaLfor,se,rvice on Sunday. COINS in heat on Sunday canbeinsemin-- ated satisfactorily on Monday. We pupply service to top*quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss,.Red Poll., Hereford (Polled and horned) Beef Shorthorrripolled and horned), and , Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. '-30tf COsOPERATORS' Insurance, auto, home, liability, accident and sick- ness. Geo. Thrton, R.R. 5, Gode- rieh, phone CarloW 179, ,or .at Hutchins.on's Radio and TV, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons. -20tf' CARPENTRY, buildipg, remodel- ling, dealer in Epps pumps, 'water softeners, • bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael. phone Carlow 1108. • 23-30x USE SHARI' TOOLS!. Save power! Hand saws and electric, hand pow- er lawn mowers, 'axes and cutlery wet ground. Farm work part time. harvesting, etc. C. H. Homar. Huron road, Opposite Store. 33-34% vorstimmemornmokoms 21. Business Notice SEPTIC tanks, cess -pools, ' etc., ptunped and cleaned •with modern equipment.All work guaranteed Write or phone Louis Blake, R.R, 2, Brussels, or phone 42 r 6, 'Brussels. 10-32x VISIT OR PHONE REID'S NE' ' Upholstering Shop, 48 East Street, , Phone 1534 'til 91 pm. for, an estimate. We have the cover- ings and •the know-how. Pik up' kind delivery. •• • • -9t1 BULLDOZING and excavating; land clearing, grading and levelling; .1. ahd G. Postill, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone HU 2-7436. -27tf $40 (in two $20 bi1ls1 lost on Friday afternoon- on Square hetween Campbell's Drug Store and Royal. Bank: Reward $5. Phone 1546 w 1. 33x GRAY striped kitten, strayed from vicinity of Britagnia road, east. Child's pet. Finder please phone 562W. ' 33,4 GRA V and white kitten lest, child- ren's pet; Tuesday morning in vicinity of North and Nelson streets, Phone 394. • -33 - , • - 23. Used Cars 1954 PLYMOUTH sedan, first-class shape, new motor and new tires. HortOtt "Taltriay, 108 East Str6et,' phone 211, 32-33x 1957 PLYMOUTH six, automatic, all accessories. Phone 14-44, Goderich. 33x 4 u GAS FURNACE • S a ..ts, • " smartly • designed 10 provide . warmth for ik .4, • A 4 , Here is a furnace to keep your home warm and comfortable in the very coldest weather. It is deigned exclus- ively for the Canadian home and is sturdily constructed for a life- time of thrifty comfort. And, because it carries* the N'Furnd name, you can Always rely on it. 'You'll appreciate its easy, economicid in- stallation, too -just two simple connections, real y smart COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION homes 00144.41410•001 • s'ek.o., at Service Electric lc 0 la tree Heating, wiring, n•A-ey :iittalpictIcIP*Oxtiir.4,,, )1* vpilt iv'41\‘‘. .Phone 808W. or J. • Plumbing. '• `,,".tt,"kottss•ts•ir's.s.s'S:teos "s. s , , 0 0 • -•.•• •