The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-21, Page 9•••,• A • }- .44 .1 • T11UBSD' AY, A1.101YST 21st, 1938 QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. What is the origin: of the name • of the city of Vancouver? 8. What class of workers are on the •• 44,440,o11,411:4). =AP- ••J.;•...1,0Careitin.?:"'•„:v,.. The•Dominion of Canada has had bow many Goyernors-General? 1957? ANSWERS: 5. In.,1957 consumer apending increased to $19.5 billion,. bas eont1died to increase through the first quarter of 1938. 3. IncIfd. 111,g,,,,aartx110.trzeneral, Masse city is is named for the great English navigator Captain George Vancou- ver, who charted the Pacific coast 4. Of the 18.4 million members of in 1791-3. 4. One million are in the international trades unions, Canada, 17.4 million in the US. Wbat ntunben are in Canada? 5. Consumer spending in Canada in 1956 was $18,,5 biltion. Did stieh spending increase or,decrease in 2. Engineers and architects, in most recent year of records there were 1,870 of them and average income was $14,007. • 250 Canadians an hour borrow '* from HFC At HFC you deal with specialists in solving money problems: people who understand your needs and who can give yon one -day serVice on loans up to $1 000. Borrow in privacy with up to 30 months to rep on terms you select. I ti Borrow with confidence from HFC • HOLD FINANCE- af, amei& M. R. JENKINS, Manager. 35A West Street. Telephone 1501 GObERICH • Ir• • 444"..mONS -.1•1111.1011 ...safigra •r .16..81611.0. .•••••••000.1.•• oe.,...11.111.1711.1.** • • , If • • • • """ Plan To Form • • 01 • 0 • k Plans are under way to form a St. John's Ambulance Brigade in •Goderich. rhe brigade would be- composed of men who have had St. John's Arebulance training in first aid to the injured and 'would have as It purpose the following:, -To provide a team of men who would be trained in first aid and who would work in co-operation with police, fire department, civil defence, etc., to provide first aid protection 'at public gatiaerings such as hockey and baseball games, at the waterfront, and, at times of- emergency such As major fires and disafers. -Jro have immediately available first aid supplies encl.-equipment when needed in Goderich or vicin- Anyone interested in joining the brigade should contact Joe Meody, Charlie Breckow or Jack Cory. • THE SHAW FUNERAL • PallbearerS at the funeral of Mrs. C. G. Shaw were Wilfrid Doc,k- stader, David J. Allan, Leslie Riley, Harold Shore, Charles Ruffell and Jack Freeman, ' NEED. YOUR HOUSE PAINTED? FOR ALL YOUR PAINTED NEEDS ,CONTACT YOUR PARA PAINT DEALER AT • Huron Tower TV ,--WIES,Tt.4TREET ' • For free estimates on all jobs contact Gorden Smith at 1167 or Jack Little at 78. 31.3 10 tio'JI-.0 OUT ON A L111411 WITH Ulu: SMILEY Next week we take bur 'holidays. Bit deal. A whole' week. Person- ally, -my idea of a real holiday Would be to come down and hang around the office all week, hugging the beautiful, inner knowledge that there vyas-no paper to publish, on Thursday. • 4; 1. 41 • But my solicitous family will have no part of anything as simple as that. The best is none too good for dear old Dad.. My wife'. is determined that I'm going to get away from it all and get rid of all' my tension and junk.like that. I'm going to have a real holiday. 4. 41 • "You've' been working hard in that heat all summer," she says. "Now don't you worry about the kids and me. We've been on holi. days since school stopped, You never get a break. This year, you plan to do just wAgit,,ever you• want * "Yes, poor -old Daddy," says Kim. "We, go swimming nearly every day, and he has to work." And Hugh chimes in with his sympath- etic: "Yeah, Dad, you sure work a lot, don't you? You hardly ever have time for any fun. Why don't 4 ONTARIO :.'ARE''1f011:11EGISTEREP? • ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE !, effective January 1, 1959 • On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Service's. ,Commission will be the only agency offering standard ,ward 'hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward a hospital services after December31, 1958. tost-4" ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolment is open to every resident of Ontario -re- gardless of age or physical condition -either through a group; or individually on a Pay -Direct basis. • Non-residents of Ontario are not eligible. PREMIUMS The low prerniuM§ of $2.10 a- month for a single person and $4,20 a month for the family (husband, wife and wider age 19) are made possible through eXtensive financial contributions by the Federal and4Provincial Governments. ' WHICH OF THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE YOU IN? 1. Are you employed, where there are 15 or more including the employer? If so, .you are "subject.to compulsory enrol - 'meat through your place of employment. Your 'employer must enrol you by August • 31, 1958, and begin payments in December 1958. Your employer will register"yOu. Are you employed where there are 6 to 14 including the employer? ' If so, you may be' enrolled as one of a group, if tlje employer- applies- for approval as a "Mandatory Group" , and, if , all employees, • including the eniployer, agree tO"particippte. • Group applicationmust be made by August 31;1958. 3. Are you a member of a professional association, medical co-operative, craft union, credit union, retail federation, or like group? •- If number 1 or 2 does not apply to you, check with your Organization, to determine if it is acting as a collector for its members. Group applications must be in by August 314'1958. 11 you are not eligible under 1, 2, or 3, you may enrol as ••an individual and paypre- miums' directly to the Commission. Indivi- duals applying for Pay -Direct enrolment must make application by .September 30, 1958. Applicato-n forms are now available at, public hospitals and banks (or the ,Post Office if, there is no bank in your coin. munity.) Do not delay. PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS GROUP PREMIUMS will be payable monthly in one remittance tp the Commission beginning in Deeember, INDIVIDUALS remitting to the Commission on a Pay -Direct basis will pay as follows: One trionth'S premium at the time of application, on or before September 30, 1958 - and after that payable on a quarterly premium basis begin- ning in January, 1959. PREPAID 'CUSHION' - The first payment of .one. month's premium by groups. and-infliVitleals. registered prior Ib the closing, dates stated above, will cover a benefit period of three months from • January 1 to March 31, 1959. This will set up a "prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times . when a person may be laid off, changing jobs, or temporarily out of the province. , • LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE'COSTLY ' GrOups and individuals not registered by the closing • dates; stated above under given -classifications will not only fail to qualify for the two months' free ' coverage but will be required to wait three- moaths. following application before benefits become avail- able. For example, a group or resident applying in February will not have protection diectiye until May 1. • • • Visit our Information Centre in the Queen Elizabeth Building CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION VOU MUST BE REGISTEFIEp TO DEMERIT ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION -- TORONTO 7, ONTARIO '• • 111111111- 111111.m.-- 111111m*.-- eamem.-- 111M1m...- r k A, , r • .. 44 „4 - v te2- e4e.,#,,tp oa n attic Sure-fire • Searching for a way to overcome bloat in dairy cattle,. agricultUrists concluded that there is po stfre- lire preventive agent. • Tostt...at. Canada Department of Agriculture's Summerland Ex- perimeatal Farm showed that mineral oil and penicillin only 're- duced the number of cattle requir- ing treatment: Although penicillin lost its effect\after ten 'days, min- eral oil continued, to reduce the incidence of bloat when used for longer treatment periods. Turpentine, short -duration phos- phorus treatments, methyl sili- cones, detergents, and various re- storatives did not reduce the, in- cidence of bloat In the series of experiments, all materials were administered once daily, after the morning milking. you have a really good holiday?" 4: '4; This , used to touch me deeply. "How thoughtful they are," I would think, "how sweet." The tears would well up in my eyes and I'd get a big lump in my throat as I realized how lucky I was to have this unselfish loving trio for a family. •', * That was the first couple of times they went into this song -and - dance. Now 1 just emit a loud, resonant snort 'and snarl: "Sure! Sure! Poorold Dad. I hope you've all got your lists drawn up of all the places you want 'me to take you on MY holidays." burn with shame when I recol- lect what a wide-eyed innocent 1 was the first time my wife pulled that "you do whatever you want 'r all. holiday'L-rou- tine. I ,toek her literally, 1 made plans to fish, golf, lie around and read a little, and do a lot of eating and drinking I normally haven't time to enjoy. • , * * * . , "Well," she began,with ominous calm, as 1 ,revealed these crazy ideas; "if you •want to be an ab- solute selfish pig and run around enjoying yourself and leave me 'stuck here with the kids who haven't given mea•minute's peace all summer, why', 90 right ahead. Go right ahead." 4, * That- year, recall, I hada dandy holiday, taking the, kids on jolly outings, getting .th.eir„.±rneals and looking all over town for theni to get them 'to ,,,bed, while tiler Mo- ther spent a few lays, in the city, roughing it at the Royal. York. 4 * * Next year, when 1 got the "poor old Dad working so hard" waltz, before holidays, was a little, cagier. 1 asked the Old Girl where she wanted to go this year. ' where' at all," she said. "All 1 . want is for you, to have a good rest and enjoy -yOurself.'-" -:So 1 -planned ,- a week's• fishinn trip, with some, friends, about 180 miles from home and loved ones. * * • * The day before I was to go, both 1 brats developed rqnny noses andF slight fevers. That was in the ! days before' 'Salk vaccine,' and it Was made quite cl-ear to me that'i 'if I went, I wouldn't even be home.' for the funeral, when they both' died_ of polio. • e • , Management practices . Which maintain more than 50 percent E445,-.0 n 1,490istoop...1s. he the Most usefull), VOottve• avail. "able. • Whenever bloat develops •'MOW b40400V 0-a•driiie - and watched carefully. Preventive treatments should be considered economical. only when a bloat outbreak is of long dur- ation. So the trip was cancelled. The little devils were in bed for one day and up the next, full'y recover- ed. To make up for the hardships: they'd been through, Dad was dele- gated to take them to the, Ex. • Have you ever spent your holidays! trudging around the CNE grounds in the heat, being pulled simul- taneously in oppopite directions by a kid on each arm? * * Where_was Mom? Well, it just happened that an old friend of hers %,aspending that week at a swanky 'resort, and wanted com- pany, So Mom was sitting around in a brand new $18 bathing suit beside the pool at a posh summer hotel, thinking how nice it was for Dad to have a chance to really "get to know the children" on his holidays., •••••••••••••••••••••••• fit& ONOMY 07: A word not in the dictionary but meaning false economy to eke out small savings by denying your- i.`11f the ,best in lifel Just try our cleaning soh/ice once and you'll find that home clean- ing mehods save you nothing when your clothing will stay clean so much longer with our methods. Written Guarantee Authorized dependable service BACKED BY IMPERIAL 011 Because Esso Heating Equipment is engineered to meet your home's spe- cial requirements, you get maximum heating efficiency without any waste. And; for the last word in dependable heat, use Esso Furnace Oil too. It burns super clean, greatly reduces. deposits on furnace parts -you get uniform higher quality in every gallon. cunsult the Yellow Pagesnf your phone directory for your nearest' tisiitUriler Maier. ' ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR. THE iqst . 0•••••••••••••4401100041410 MacDONALD ELECTRIC •-CO. LIMITED Britannia Road Goderiett •, A •„ • k *. ..r. 41 •