The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-21, Page 7r. a ' THURSDAY,. AUGUST 21st, 1060 r - SAVE HUNDREDS on these DEMONSTRATORS ! 1. Only - 1958 EDSEL CITATION SEDAN, fully equipped, really ,beautiful. 3 *Only — 1958 FORDS (HARDTOPS and COACHES) 1 QnIy— 1950 FORD Pick-up 1 Only—New 195.7 Ford Tractor PRICE SLASH, • 1 only New Combine, price. REDUCED TO CLEAR. SEE OUR EXHIBIT at the Goderich Trade Fair. Then,- see the grand line-up of New and Used Cars at our lot. To celebrate the fair, we're slashing prices 'way down ! ! LTJ. f ..'' ;i►r ,'. . o,OP!e?S wi' DEAL NOW Goderich Motors Ltd:- FORD-EDSEL DEALER SOUTH STREET PHONE .83 • ABOUT TWO-THIRDS Of .- COUNTY THRESHING DONE Threshing and combining is `ap• proximately two-thirds completed on Huron County farms, according to the County Agriculture Office at Clinton. A good deal of com- bined straw will be gathered and stored during the next week, Grain Born crops continue to make good progress and early crops are Gob- bing ' very well. , Farmers in the south end of the county are taking advantage of the good weather to harvest second cut hay. F__SUNDATSERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Aug. 24, Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 'a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregattion and Nursery) 'REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church - 10 a.m. Sunday Schobl. 11 a.m.' MORNING 'WORSHIP. REV. A. E. EUSTACE. Junior Congregation and -Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox.Presbyterian Church, •REV. R. G. • MacM1LLAN, MISS B. J. ' WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR.. W. H..BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 9.30 A.M. — MORNING SERVICES — 11 A.M. The services will be conducted by Rev. R. G. MacMillan. SERMON—•"A MIIRACLE, PLEASE." 11 a.m. Nursery and Junior Congregation. A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Victoria StreetUnited Church. FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOUR AMILY....._.... µ.. , ....•... 10 a.m. 'SUNDAY SCHOOL THROUGH THE SUMMER. 11 a.m. Guest Preacher for all three Churches, Rev. John W. Patrick. • Junior Congregation. 10 a.m.' BENM1U ER •CHURCH BEFORE SUNDAY SCHOOL," 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH. MINISTER, REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST, MR. FRANK BISSETT. • BETHEL .PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST. SUNDAY= 10 A.M.— SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 A.M. and 7.30 P.M. — GUEST PREACHER. TUESDAY AND ' FRIDAY SERVICES AT 8 P.M. "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU." GODERICH BAPTIST : CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL 11 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service). 7 p.m. The Fellowship Hour.• Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Bible 'Study,andt Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D. — MINISTER MRS R. GOOD — ORGANIST. Wekre to he Church That Cares Itrommuctrvr 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.mi Morning Worship. - 7 p.m. Evangelistic Services Wednesday, 8 p.m., ---Prayer and Bible Study Hour. Free Methodist thatch . Verlyn R. Snell, 8.A., Pastor SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY °SERVICES 11 a.m. Holine%s Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 . .m. Su day School. Pam p. Speaker—Bros. A. Wolf arid T. Gower. EVERYONE. IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, testimonies and GoSpe1M messages. LIEUT. r LESLIE ROWSELL, PERSONALS Mrs. George Atkey is spending several weeks with her sister, Miss S. A. Mallard id Detroit. - ,Recent, visitors at the -home of M-r.James-Leonard, -Elgin avenu were Mrs. E. Sciver, Detroit, , Mrs. Jos. Tiz and children, Nancy, Ralph, Laurn andBetsy,a#.Flossm oAr,l- . 'Tfnois, 'Mips. -C: E.'Graven, Chicago, and Wendy Assman, of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Rev. and Mrs. 'C. L. Langford, of London, have been visiting . the former's sister, Mrs.', D. J. Burns, Mill road. Miss Lois Cunningham, of Gode- rich, is enjoying two weeks' holi. days in Montreal. Mrs. Alice 'Marlatt is visiting.,her sister, Miss Jean Fraser, East street. --Mrs. "Martha Millian--and Mrs, Pete McCall, of Lucknow; spent a few days..with Mrs. John Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heard and children, of Ottawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thofnes. Master Jimmy Boyes has re- turned from a •month's visit with his father, Mr. Mel.. Boyes at .Re- gina, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smithers, , of 'London, renewed acquaintances in town this week en .route to a holt; day in Algonquin Park. ' Mrs. L. H. Widmeyer, of Oshawa, was a guest this week of her cousin, Mrs. •.George' ,Ellis and 'Mr, Ellis, Wellington street. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Thomson and family, of Kingston, are guests with Mr. Thomson's mother, Mrs. Jas. Thomson, ,and also with Mrs. Thomson's mother, Mrs, R. E. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wiggins, John and Karen, of Kingston, visit- ed last week with Mrs. J. C. Wig- gins, Wellington street. • Miss Alice Nesbit has joined the office staff of London Lffe lnsur- ,, ince Company;,London. Miss Nes- bit has been attending e Goderich Business College during the past year. Miss Rita Johnston has secured employment at the MacEwanIn- surance' Agency. Miss Johnston is a graduate of the Goderich Busi- ness College. ' Mr, George Buchanan -,and Miss Mary Buchanan have returned from spending holidays at Dun - church in the Parry Sound district. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barnes, of Windsor, are spending holidays here. . Mr. and Mrs: Ivan Papernick and son, Larry, visited Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm .Campbell, at Flint, Mich., .and while there they were guests at,.the Campbell -'Bendall wedding on Saturday last. Mrs. Alex McGregor, of Toronto, .,visited 'The Signal -Star office on Saturday. She was once aoinember• _of the staff of the Goderich Star. .Since 11927,. she has been 'a resident. of Toronto. On her visit to Gode- rich, she was accompanied 'by her ,daughter, Mrs. Bert Miles, and Mr. 'Miles. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. • Thomas, of Picture •Butte, Alta.,. are Visiting Mrs, Thomas' sinter, Mrs, .J.`' -Me- Gratten, Essex street. Mrs. Thomas is the former Nellie Ryan, of the Nile district, and while 'here is renewing other acquaintances. Mrs. George A. Ross, of the Goderieh district, was a winner in -the Handicraft competitions of the Canadian National Exhibition. Mrs. Knyvet. Na£tel, who has been visiting in '.Muskoka with Mr, " and Mrs. 'Leslie Naftel, at their summer cottage, has returned to town. •I N GODERICH ' TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salkeld, of Toronto, spent the week -end' with the former's mother, Mrs. H. L. Salkeld. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chisholm and amity,:; arsompanied....by-:;•Mr..- and Mrs. Guy IDuguay and Barry Cormier all of Sault Ste. Marie, ri e .nusited the pasteek-with Mr., and Mrs. Tlios. Chisholm, Colborne Township. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs, F. Melady, of Belle River, hnd Mr. and Mrs. T. Koviak and family, of Detroit, • _ Mr. and Mrs: M, J. Dundas, 'of .London, are,. staying at the Bedford' Hotel; and renewing acquaintances in town. ' -Mr. and Mrs. . Joseph• . M. Priddle and Jim and John,{ of Ottawa, visited Mr. Priddle's mother, Mrs. 'Pearl a Priddle, Caley street. The .visitors. were 'accompanied' by Mrs. McNiven, mother of Mrs. J. Priddle, and Miss Thompson,,4oth of Lon- don. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Elson and John and Elizabeth, of Oakville, are guests this week ,of Miss Lillias r.MacVicar, , '• Mr. Reg. Williams, of Toronto, Iis visiting his brother, Mr. Harry Williams and 'family at Saltford and' also renewing acquaintances "around town. ' Miss Edna Fell has returned from a trip to Grand Rapids, Mich., where 'she visited relatives. - Mrs. John" Robinson and baby sorra of Toronto, ' are visiting her mother, Mrs. Graeme Cameron. Messrs. Peter Oliver and -Douglas Cockburn, of Toronto,- visited friends in 'town at the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Blanchard and daughters, of Downsview,'visit- ed for a few days with Mrs, Blanch- ard's father, Mr. George Dowker. Dr. and Mrs. R.- W. 'Hughes, Nancy and John, returned this week from a motor trip to Winni- peg where theyc visited with rela- tiv. :4esIr. and Mrs. Lyle Galbraith and p,son and slaughter, •of Burns Lake, B.C.,.accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elliott . Taylor; pf Ripley, isited recently with., Mrs. Galb aith's aunt, Mrs. Rose Bradnock, here they also called on Mrs. Gal- braith's cousins, Mrs. Roy 111eriam and Mrs, Stuart Robinson as well as Mr, Jack Lockhart of Auburn. Mrs. Agnes ' Denhol►nc, of St. Catharines, is at present visiting Mrs. Rose, Bradnock. Mrs. 'Cleta Brown, of 'Modesto, Calif.,' is visiting Mrs. R. J. Howard and other relatives in the district. Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Elliott, of Chippaqua, N.Y., are guests at the Sunset Hotel and renewing ac- quaintances. • '.Mrs. Bertha Turner, and •-Mrs: Belva Clark, of "Woodstock, visited the Misses Davies last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl MacLaren at- tended the. funeral in Detroit on Tuesday of Mrs. Michael O'Hara, formerly of 'Wi•arton. f A little-known but important in• dustry is discussed in the Book of Knowledge Annual;' the maple - sugar industry of southeastern Qua= hec, where the trees supply enough sap to' produce yearly 2,0(}0,000 • gallons of syrup and over 1,000,000 'pounds of 'sugar. How deep is the -sea? It varies greatly from place to place, but the deepest' 'sounding yet taken was in the region of th' Philip pine -Where a depth of 35,410 t'cct was found. 'That is over six miles. I However, the average depth of the ocean is from 10,000 to 15.000 feet. UNION UNION, Aug. 19. :The August meeting of the Union 'WMS was held at Union United Church. The Union CGIT group took the wor- ship service and sang a musical number. An inspiring message on P gg the -23=1E�aa�lrn,w.was given -by t guest speaker, Mrs. G. Johnston. On behalf of theUnion WMS group,,. Mrs:. S.,, Mcllwarn;-presented Mrs. J. Stoner with a WMS life membership. The CGIT girls pre- sented .,her, 'with the ,WMS pin. Lunch was served and • the''group enjoyed a social half hour. SHEPP'ARDTON SHEPPARIYPON, Aug. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dougherty, -of Pres- cott, are visiting with the former's father, George Dougherty. Mrs. Agnes Foster returned home Monday after spending three weeks vacationing in Scotland, England, France and several other European points. Quite a few of the farmers of the district have finished harvest- ing. . Miss Shirley Brown, nurse's as- sistant of the Wingham hospital, is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr.. and .Mrs, Ben BroWn. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown and Evelyn, were in Blair Saturday for the -wedding of -the former's niece, Miss Fielder, 'Evelyn was a brides- maid for her cousin. DONNYBROQK • DONNYBROOK, Aug. 22. — Threshing is about completed in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson and Elaine and. Mrs. J, C. Robin- son, of Wingham, . were recent visitors with. Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald Jefferson, at Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald and family', of St. Helens, were Sunday visitors, with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and girls. /Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Naylor on the arrival of a baby gird on Thursday in Winghani hospital. Recent visitors •with Mr: and Mrs. R, Chamney were their daughter, 1lrs- Verna Doerr, of Niagara Falls; their granddaughter, Mrs. (Cpl.) William S. Nurse,,.and child- ren, Susan and Michael, of Downs- view; Mrs. Stan Strasser ' and daughters, Barbara and ,Beverly:. of Sault Ste,' Marie, and William J: Craig; of Auburn. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. How many radio.•and television stations are there in Canada? 2. When was uranium first discover- ed in Canada? 3. In 1956- Canadian labor inco►he totalled $14.2 billion. What was the 1957 total? 4. What was the difference, between the wigwam and the teepee? 5, Since 1951' federal government spending has decreased by one- , quarter, increased by one-half, more than doubled? ANSWERS: 5, More than doubl- ed, will exceed $6 pillion in the .current year. 3. $15.3 billion, 1. Atmost recent count 200 radio sta- tions, of which 178 are privately' owned and 22 gaverninent=owncd; 47 television stations,, of which 37 .art" privately -owned. 4. •The' wig - warn, huilt by eastern Indians, was coy„ered with birch -hark;. teepee of Plaint fndians was covered with fi,lfl"a10 hides. 2. 'In 1930, by.. (lith, bert LaBine. e OBITUARY JAMES ALFRED CART) ILt The funeral service' was held last Friday at Clinton of James Alfred Carter, of Clinton, who died in his 72nd year; He was a son Year; pf the late James Carter and Eliza- b-eYit f errs---Rev:,'^l ;`"J: .Lane officiated. Interment *as at 'Clin- ton. Tie servt?d �in th'e 16tst'Battalion in the first World War, He is sur- vived by two sons and three daugh- ters, ,Mrs. Ernest Carter, of Luck- now, Mrs. Peter Carter, of Holly - rood, Mrs. Michael Willie, of Wing- ham, Wm. T. Carter, of Spartans- burg, Pa., and George, of Wingham; also three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Bolton and Mrs. Melville Martin, of Gode- rich, and Sarah Doreen, of Clinton. It was a hundred years ago this Year, , the Book Of. Knowledge re- minds us, that -the dollar became the standard unit of money in Canada., Up to that time different provinces had different systems, some retaining the British cur- rency.. ur-rency.. New Grades For Spuds Sept. 1st Designed to . provide more uni- formity in site and quality and, atthe same time permit.. of more •a ttrlttttve"pa'c g, -grew .-grade` standards for Ontario grown pota- toes will come' intoeffect oSe - r tembe' •1, it has' beneir� announced' by Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of Agriculture. The new. standards have been adopted after an extensive survey of. wholesalers, retailers, processors and consumers conducted by the Oil,tarrio Potato, GroWerS' Associa- tion' and officials of the Ontario Department of Agriculture.-, The new grades, which apply to potatoes produced and sold, within the province, are as follows—On- tario No. 1 grade; Ontario Noe large grade; Ontario N•o: 1' small' grade;• and Ontario No, 2. Potatoes shipped outside of the province 'will continue to be graded under standards established. by Federal regulations. All grades for ship - ment outside of Ontario must be marked with' the prefix of "Cane ada." Special attention to size, toler- ances from 'damage and freedom from late blight is given under the new Ontario regulations. The size range for Ontario No. 1 grade ,will be 2 inches to 3% -incheali dliffili Uw_at.'1eaat:75i per cent of the lot 21✓4 inches in i ' r be r This . m ...`.tom t re_..._._ uniform° size range ' ' ball be par ticularly suitable for packaging into 5-1045- and 50 pound contain. ers. The Ontario No. 1 large grade. • 'with potatoes over 31, inches will fill the demand for french frying,' baking and' other special uses. The Ontario No. 1 small grade will be retained to facilitate the packaging of washed potatoes -1% inches to 21,4 inches when packed in 5 and 10 pound transparent bags. , In announcing the new 'grades, ell- _.i ted . u._ both Mr. Goodfellow pointed out- that they had been requested by• both .•. growers and the trade and he was. confident that • all Connected with the industry would .bend every. effort to adhere to, or improve upon, the now standarts. Dads know more than the good picnic spots "Whet it's a perfect dA for a *ilk, mod Dads knout where the grass is cool and green ... where the swimming's safe , where the family can have fun. Dads know a lot of useful things like that. And one of the things they also know is that it pays to be realistic about life insurance protection, The family income, the children's education, their home --- these ale things worth safeguardinga " You can provide the full protection your family needs s -- by selecting the company that offers life insurance • at low net cost. 'That's The Mutual Life of Canada the company with the outstanding dividend record. 1 141 ILLFJ.,E ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ESTAOLISHED I)N, HEAD OFFICE 'WATERLOO. ONT. r 47 1/4 r///// te 4e See him and find out what the Air Force offers you in valuable aviation . trades training -- pay — pension — and other benefits ! rzA tit 3 THE TOWN HALL Time: 3'1).m,-6 p.m. Representative: FRANK 'R E I D, Goderich, Ontario, Phone: 446. • ti