HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-21, Page 5%IL 4,0., • Al Pts14X,. ,A,V9Ilfr ;Mt Yak KINGSBRIDGE • KaRiij18 -Mi. is visitiveittritis-brother; ahat- Beninger, of Dungannon. . • " Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lengevin and daughter, Sharon, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Reta Hogan -and - • Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Vinini; of Yg- , Rbm,Pounl- ..r.e.444. at the home 'of Mr. Frank Dalton. Mr. and., Mrs. Maurice Edwards and four children„ of London, are vaca#04:Ing. -WO, •their :felatiVe* fisie,'^the Mrs. Irene Murph4 Mr. and Mrs, atnarthw, OatAtiothotiaiwfettil nt., during. week. Mrs. Violet Sutter, of' De- troit, returned with them for a .k1B GODgRIOR$ week -end visit her!. - Relatives here were infermed of tbe.death of‘mx.a.406,11fotan,(fornio, erlY Martha Foran), of Ifolyrgod; ia. London,. during .the P..4At-WPYt Aga London erk.Satuidastmorning. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hartman, Shirley and Brian, of Kitchener, ti -T. GODERiC NA- iss 'Lily a‘bard4. the- stafr of Alexandra ,-14414ite an; Vitencietr-fto k" 0 New Zealand, where she visit' her sister, Mrs. V. V. •Robertsort. Miss Blanshard sails aboard the, RSE JI N4' VISIT • 350 ACRES.OFFON, INTEREST, ENTERTAINMENT ii,Lnway4 yAteinvdOeu 414"11$'66.''' If'7'411751714' Sept.eMber., -Atter ,013012 -• G4uetinePr*alatHellft4tatti4 #06191111.11;111:1- tA4.pp.,(ler.i9:1:41)° , • DO VOU KNOW THAT The best Spring lawns begin in the F011/ DAN NY tie KAYE-World-famed star of stage tic screen headlines the lavish C.N.E. Grandatand - Spectacular' every night at 8:00 p.m. with top entertainers, dancers, .singers . . . 'Climaxed by TICHETS•NrOW J SALE SWENSON THRILLCADE -During drivers per- form_ suicide stunts with cars at the exciting .Afternoon Grruzdstand Show -August, 21. to Sept. 1. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS Farnedproduets from ' • coutitrigatikaver_the. warld. . .; • • WORLD 9F WOMEN---a9hing..sch,:ds, fashion shows -iti tlze Queen Elizabeth building with 1,350 seat theatre. Give-away home, music, flawersandthe latest appliancesand furnishings. NATIONAL HORSE SHOW Aug. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 in the Coliseum. XHIBITI opens '2days earlier this year. for6 exciting days Every day is different at the 1958 C.N.E. with thousands of special events and 54 permanent • buildings filled with exciting exhibits. Visit the world's largest agriculture building. Enjoy new rides and games on the fabulous anile of midway. See the latest in science, industry, and the arts. Watch wcild champions performat theyaferfr011t_._ grandstand. Plan,npw tor_a_ visit the whole family_ will always remember. R.C.A.F. BAND Stirring music by the men in air force blue daily in , the Bandshell. NEW PRINCESS MARGARET FOUNTAIN -SOCIA-e-b'Ektiatilit new •landscaping 4tird gardens throughout Exhibition „„_„, WED. AUG. 20 -SEPT. 6 TORONTO . CANADA Fred T. Walsh, President Hiram E. McCallum, General Manager ^ s.• • Y. - • ' Use Subuillan Lawn Grass Seed Suburban Lawn Grass Seed Is a quality product . , . of . highest purity and growing properties. All seed has been carefully selected and blended to give you strong, healthy turf . . weed resistant and durable. 'Null need a 2 Ib. bag of Suburban Lawn Grass Seed to sow an area of 10 x 30 feet. For a lawn say 5Q x 35 feet, you would re- quire 10 lbs.; and so on. Yes, now in the Fall, is the time to s9w your Springlawn. Plant it now and you'll have one of the best lawns in your neighbourhood, come Spring. • Here's why: 1. Seedlings made in the Fall have several more months of cool grow-+ ing weather in which to become strong and established. 2. The grass will benefit from -the snow and plentiful winter moisture. 3. Next Spring, your lawn will be more mature . . the grass firmer, greener, lusher See our nearest seed merchant, or alawn to be tilna rtdhwearfeamsitioiart_ge amnde,nasaknol oyreiSiouwburbabl_n nuoi.tet , "How to Make and Keep -..p Lid Also write to us now for our new free is a Goud Lawn". •• Here are just a few of the pretty girls who make up the pre- cision dance line in ' "Spectorama" a •four scene musical extrava- ganza of spectacular and colorful splendor, featuring the ten act evening grandstand performance at Western Fair, London, Sep- ' Umber 8 ,,to la. For choice seats write Western Fair, now, en- closing marked chequecor money order and stamped • envelope. Prices sloe,- 11.5o. General grandstand admission $1.00 with seats on sale day of performance only. are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton, Austin. Mr. Dennis Dalton is at his home here for two weeks' vacation. Mr. Frank Sullivan is visiting 'with his sisters, Mrs. Ribar and Mrs, • Peter Vogt, and family, in Detroit. Mrs. Ella Bowler, • of Toronto,, is visiting with' relatives here. • Rev. Father Van •Vynckt accom- panied his brother, The vets, Reli: Gerard Van Vynckt to Malton Air- port on Friday, when the latter left for Europe -by plane. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietrich and ' family, of„ Kitchener, were week- end visitors at the Mark Dalton home. Mr. and Mrs. Lamber.tus motored to Guelph during the •past week. Mrs: Seigner returned to her home there with them, after a two-week t•TrWt hete: ' Be sure to get A quality product of JONES, MACNAUGHTON SEEDS LTD. SEED Landon, alszitt7r, Cre,diton leailtiirlae-o01-anditardware-Steres----: Our -Display_ at_ GOOERICH TRADE FAIR Aug. 20-23 Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. 33' IT'S THE • FURNITURE • SALE OE THE YEAR •••::',ft. • ..... " A4tatiftito00 -."•,4%e/ , • , . Agonise -- West Street Goderich $ SAVE $ VOlCKSI le'UR E KA GAKOZOOFICS1 WHAtair yziv,t,„ 4 4:$$ •r ,l • • •• • STORE - E St SAVE NCE DOWN GO PRICES! 441, We've gone crazy, slashing prices right at the peak of the set:mm.03W the savings are, yours - Sale starts' THURSDAY; Aug. 21 so- come early and save $ 1 ONLY - auk,. 5 -pc. Chrome. Suite -Reg.-$80.00-,SALE_449.50- KROEHLER Davend Bed Suite Reg. $239.00. SALE° $179:00 McLAGAN 5 -pc. Bedroom Suite Double Dresser, .'Chest, Bookcase Bed, Sealy Box Spring and Mattress. Reg, $414.00. SALE $295.00. HIGH CHAIRS FROM, $6.95 to $18.95 41/ BUNK BEDS • Reg.7$95.00: SAL,E $79.50 • CEDAR CHESTS. Reg. $65.00. SAFE $49.50 OTHER CHESTS REDUCED '2O% • 1 1 ONLY - • CHROME SUITE .ALE SEALY liEDI-BED with Spring -filled Mattress. • Rifg. '$279.00: SALE- -$21-9-.0 3 -PC. , WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE • Double Dresser, Chest, Panel , Bed, Spring • and Spring -filled Niaftress." . . . Reg. $199.50. SALE $14500 4 Continental Beds •Box Spring, Spring -filled Mattress, Legs and Headboards. FROM $59.50 TO $99.5.0 5 -pc. Bedroom Suite by Victoriaxille --in casual cherry. Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed, Marshal Box Spring and Mattress. • Reg. $410.95. SALE $26,9.95 SEALY - RESTONIC - MARSHALL MATTRESSES Reg. $59.50. " S'ALE' $18.88 • . • , • • 44, 1'444;1 SPECIAL - Extra I KROEHLER 2.4r)e,• 1 ONLY - 2 -PC. RED __-_pc.,_,Living.., oom reopi.,, ..i, ri ailk I Extra Chesterfield Suite Daveno-Bed Suite - • • • Hard-wearing Nylon Cover. • with Foam Rubber Seats.. 9keg:- 118,9.59: SALE • 411-9-9;---,71j 1- -1Z eg.-$269.507 • •SA;LE $199.-50. 1 including 2 -pc. Chesterfield' Suite, 1 OceasicMal Chair 2 Step Tables, .talsraim 1 Coffee Table, 2 Table Lamps, 1 Tri -Lite. REG. $375.00 - "I ONLY - Special $2,59.50 SPACE SAVER CONGOLEUM RUGS CLEARANCE dND OF LINE AND DISCONTINUED PATTERNS. 1 ONLY -No. 476 RUG.- Reg.113.'55 - "SALE $995 1 ONLY - No. 475 RUG - Reg.. $13.55 SALE •$9.95 1 ONLY - No. 435 RUG -66-113.55 - SALE.7, $995. 1 ONLY No. 436 RUG - Reg, $16.90 SALE $9.95 2 -.ONLY -• No. 436 RUG - Reg. $15,25 - SALE $8.95 1 ONLY No. 387 RUG - Reg. $11.95 - SALE $ 7.9 5 ONLY - No. 3•88 RUG Reg.: $10.15 - SALE $6.95 1 ONLY. - No. 387 RUG -, Reg. $10.15 - SALE $6.95 JUVENILE FURNITURE Hard-wearing Viscose Covdr. Reg. $65.g0. SALE • .• $49.50 Special, FIREKROME 5 -PC. COPPER TONE KITCHEN SUITE Reg $140 00 SALE $99,50 ittlianORS SPECi?:1L .24 X 36. Reg. $28.00. SALE $1895 OTHER MIRRORS REDUCED 15% sirommemslumomeio LARGE SIZE. ' 7 -pc. Chrome Suite Reg. $120.00. SALE $8995• LAMPS TRI -LITE' - TABLE - BOUDOIR 20% to 30 0 Discount 5 -PC. COPPER TONE • KITCHEN SUITE BY FIREKROME Reg. $129.50. SALE $89.50 • • • 2 ONLY - Medium size Cribs and Spring -filled MATTRESSES _Reg. 49.50 lea. SALE 34.95 ea. trtYrotrirtrt-taarriAt-Carritwe. 29.1'95 'LIMITED SUPPLY -; WHILE THEY LAST Baby Strollers ONLY, 5,95 EA. 1 ONLY - Youth Bed Reg:. $67.50 - SALE 48.50 A 1 ONLY, - DORMEYER DEEP FAT FRYER Reg. $29,95. SALE $9,95 • • •