The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-21, Page 2•
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Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited
Subscription Rates--Canad_ sand Great l ig Ads x,00 a year; to United 0
States, t►9 W.
Advertising Rates w+ request Telephone 71r • *V /4.4
Authorized as se0o nd-C1'asa mail, Post ,Office Department, Ottawa.
OUt•of-Towna sentative:.C.)L C.W.N.A. 237 Fay Bldg., 89 lei"out St.. W. Toronto.
lk tier 9,00¢—Largest cl lation of'any newspaper published in Huron ' County—Over.. 3,000
tttMmber of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Member of Ontario, Weekly Newspapers
Association, Member of Audit Bureau of -Circulation
GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and. Publisher. '
' Attendance figures' at the Huron County
6fuseuin reveal that its popularity has'e;ceeded
fondest 'expectations. Little did its founders
realize that the time- would come rvhel�i the
total attendance in any oueseasou would reach
• a figure -in excess of twice the entire_population
of Goderich. Yet that would seem to lie sonie-
thiug that will be realized this year.
On Friday of last Week Sergeant. 0. "E.
Apachtholz, of•Selfridge Air Force Base, Michi-
gan, signed the register and when 'he did, so
it marked the 10,000th i•isitor for the season.
Last -year it was not until August :4th that
this figure was -reached. Illness the at'tendaitee
this year so far gives every indication that all
previous' attendance records will be broken,
when the Museum ends the year.
As has been the ease in the past, the vast
majority of visitors come from a distance and
Not all of us agree ;-about the benefit to be
had freint_-studying the -past=. People -who he-
' its experieuces sht iild be used to .day and
-Ppasaed .ntoi g in trust" to---t-heir --seiaessor:s rub
elbows • with those who think that 'tradition
and pri-cedent are a ball and chain hinderirt
What 0 pity it is that this should he, -so!
The vital' beliefs and good prac,ticess of our
western world rest on the fulcrum of historic
knowledge. There is no basis for our society
There its past.: There is no guide' to ,httsiness
decisions t xeept that given by ex}►erienee.
There i,, no personal maturity that is not built
'•upon reflection on events of 'yesterday,
The record of things to he recalled is con-
tained in books', ' in the 'minds of parents, in
-utliversities, mid in bei iness .files. What are
The push-button cera hasn't cramped wo.-
men in the use of their hands; tit,•'. ,till man-
age to get at least one of therm into the b'read-
winner's pocket on payday."
This bit (if editorial'comment i11 an ( )r1-
taria daily exemplifies 0- theme that I)as been
word threadbare in comic strips and, indeed.
in ,joke�books before thele -vere coiui� features.
sure" --fire Whit, comic artists evidently think.
results from picturing a woman arriving house
with an armful of parcels, the.; • purehase8
charged to the, account af'li r husband, shown
suitably dismayed in the final panel, It is
regarded as.'hilarinusl� funny to depict a wo-
man going throucgh her hltshand-.- pockets
while lie ;leer's. . 111 Qielc-,. Province, a reeent
court delnvlt,t i'atrd, there is a, legal,'' com-
munity of interest- on the part of ,llllsl)a1111
Imlagine 0 mail walking into shall we say,
a•'priiiting .,hop looking' for a job and being
te1(1 _lltat. he could start • wor'k Monday ----pro-
vided 110 brought his own libotypcn►aehinc
, Ile could l)c forgiven 'if he figured the
offer somewhat Ittiusual, but sotitet line, We
wonder how many employees in ruanufact 1rin1r
industry have ever figured• out, first, Is -here all province, of Can ada,. It must he speller}
the motley Oodles from to provide them with the out that it is an average figure; ()bvioirsly job
tools of production and. second, just tvhat is cots in heavy industry tend 10"1)0 higher than•
the do!lar-s-arid-cents. rust of providing 'them in a small- opetation with 1055 expensive plant
with thi-ir .}obs. and equipment. '
if they think about it 01 all, they will, 1t might also be noted that, hand in han(1
...,......w..........».........�,....««..,.....,..�w.M.,«...-...,,env, ....p.....,- .... ......,.., ,w., ........ ,... ....,. v:.... .. ...-.,........ „ ..... .,, ..,,,......,...,...,—...-. .r ...... y. --..
after a. tnolmrrit or::;o of reit( cti()tl, rcatlizeTta tt It.11 flie expartsloit (lf nianiifaiit.iriirf; tri Cai'i
the money eorues 'frons individuals who are ada in the last ten years, .the investment per to' take -a (hone(' on, the sueoess of the w(i,rker has horn -steadily rising." In 1948. the
ente:Trise I,Itt Wh() fire equally aware that year the Assneiatiotl'5 annual stinly was 1)egtln4
profit,, unlike death and taxes,' can never he'the' figtlr•e was $6 4-33. Five years later it had
guaranteed, -risen to 110,743,
This is simple,enough, hilt es.tiniating All n.f which •goes to. show that, in this era
(Not of their job 'might he at little more diff`ieult..' of rising costs, the l►provision of rrew jolts is
A„limirig that. more people airs aware that.,,, beer) lling an inereasingl'y expellSivr pr•oposi-
in ales days ot` a tv.aticing te(-hnrtlog,v, machin. tion, Pnrtl►na•tely. tiri.• is not (ieter•rirrg the
cry and equipment is •becnnling mor(•_ eonipli- at -my (f inv,stor•.a which has complete faith in
cKated 'rind expensive, a -n(1 that jiiore investment , ('anadals• future. ---Industry,
not from the immediate vicinity. So far this
year, 8;688 persons have conte from points out-
side of the 'town of •>oderich. From the town
of Goderich itself there have been 501 visitors.
The number from points in tile United' States
has been 487.
From -Western Canada have conic 169,
from the Maritimes, 48, and from the Province
of Quebe,, 64.'
\visitors have included : those from 0 con-
siderable ditanee who have been visiting,irl
Canada. The countries and the number from
there have been as folio\yos ; British Isles, 17;.
Australia, two; New Zealand, One; Ceylon;
one :; Yukon,
one; Germany, four ; Holland, two ; Turkey,
one ; Belgium, one; South America, two.
Yes, the Huron County Museum is a real
asset in the way of a point of interest in Gode-
rich- for tourists to, visit. .
books but 'the thoughts of emelt, of their time
p.ut-dutru_.iu.type ?. • What _has ,a..naive rsit.y'_to
proffer -exe pt-what.--it--has----absorbed--o-f,t'lte-past,
to be eonimunieated to every new generation
with interpretation and -'-adaptation'?' What
has any mother to pass on to her ' children
except the accumulated wisdoiu of mothers of
the past and the lessons of her own experience?.
What is the purpose of .all our office work from
the clay tablets of Babylon to the punched tape
of today's electronic - machines except to pro-
vide the '.history of transactions?
There, is one c11ia31•ifieation to be made,: we
must use only What is true, significant; and.
applieablE, \Ve,'n1utit, as, Jean .Taures, French
statesulana, philosopher and orator said it :
..take from the altars of• the past the fire ---
not the ashes. ---Royal Bank Monthly Letter.
and wife. Without some such -theory, sequeS-
tration'of a partner's property would seem to
come under the head of theft. -
The wife as .a part .lei' ought not to have
�wn- Memory' s Lane
45 Years Ago,
According to the 1913 assess-
ment roll, the populdtion of '•the
town had increased by 132 during
the past year. The new total was
4,906. There were only 88 dogs
in town, according to the figures.
Dr. Macklin planned to go to
Europe for a few months to do
medical work, .in _.London., _and_
A lodge of the order of the Elks
-was being. organized... in:_Goderich.
by L. D. Corbett, of Toronto.
The barn of Thomas Menary at
Sheppardton burned to the ground
after it was struck by lightning.
The Colborne Rifle Association.
was to be 'represented at the pro-
vincial matches in Toronto by C. A.
Robertson, Peter Bisset, James
Bisset, George Symonds, Will Sym-
onds and John Chisholm. _
25 Years Ago
Statues of. two stags, their horns
interlocked in mortal combat, were
unveiled on the grounds of George
Laithwaite's Huron road residence.
The statues were the handiwork of
Mr.•Laithwaite.• •
It was announced that Andrew
Porter,, collector of inland revenue
for the port of Goderich, would
retire ' at the end of. August. He
was a bank manager before .enter-
ing the civil service.
The home .of Russell •Hill, divi-
sion line, north of Benmiller, 'was
destroyed by fire. He planned to
to -•beg for a dole each tune she needs money. There was some excitement on
There are families, it is" said. where the wife t St. .David' street the other night,
takes Over the pay envelope and the other or •rather arly morning, With
yMr. anti .N1rs•e. Hat'ry Sanderson at-
half of the sketch has to make out a' case for tending the World's Fair at
Chicago, their house had been un-
occupied. .Suddenly lights 'appear-
ed in the windows. A neighbor
checked up with relatives of Mr.
Sanderson and established that he
had not come home. The police;;
• That the haphazard ways portrayed in the 1 responded edNeighborsasurrounded
vom11(, are not genera lly true to life i1 amply the house while the officer crawled
each_ instalment he draws. but unless there
are, 'eo111pelling reasons that setup is no more
de,irrhfe. The comics' favorite theme is in-
ept.' because.. many- couples share the
lfamily, income on an agreed basis.
proved lav 1 ,statistic well known to 'eeonoriliSts :
Eighty or 85- per cent of retail buying in Can-
ada is done by women.—The Printed Word:
opine,- i, nee(10(1 to provide more jobs, never-
theless' 1( s;' it nrinhfi. Orel l_come as •a bit •-(,f 0 shoe 1.
10 bearn that average capital investment per
employee in Canadian manufacturing industry
air 1f157 was $11.1-46. - ,
This figure Was (1)tained from the, sales
dollar i(reakr-lown ,urvev conducted aann11011'
hy the ('.M.A• among its member companies in
P 1{ RS-'--P't'1 .1 ... '1" OR; -14EMSE V E S
Quito ,t'ten you Bear the complaint, "I
can't pay for 1h(, paper and 1 am goings lo cut
it off'." This statement is made without giv-
ing proper thought of tvh'at your paper is
doing for yon whether it is a daily or a weekly.
'i'1ie '.,vet •v1'pr9aper• knotrti tli ' val•ate of 1 }i.e
hometown paper an(1 reclaims the cost many
times (luring the year in money ,saved 1.hrougli
study of the ads. .}list the Other tiny a renin
purehase'tf erne seenn(1 hand doers, whir..}1 were
advertised in neer classified section, avhiA savew
hitn the price of a ttyo-yeaa• subscription.
'fills is only ern` isolated instance as people
A mall who (1i(lnt snbseril)e to his hmne•
town newspaiter 'sent Ills; little h(jy t0 borrow
a copy from his neighbor, in haste the boy
ran over a stand of bees and in ten minutes
looked like a wart summer squash.
His father ran to his,assristanoe an(l, fail -
;fug ttr1tG i he''bhi+ed•-Wire fenee, -tore 'and trrFke- tip 14 setting - hen* -and the ea -Ives got-
mi.ned a $fl Alfa,^of -pants. cortt4ind chewed the tails off four shirts on the
Thea twirl' b&t1 took advantage of theap elo-the.4 lisle.
in the fei"ldh gi5tt' into the field and killed her- Moral—Don't borrow ymir neighbor's
f!telf eating greet►, eor t. Hearing the coal- newspaper. It's too risky. -••-Atchison GlohL
with .ehildroi► save the price of their Varier in
the purchase,+of a coat or dress when they take
•ad'vantage of lneal ssileti advertised in tie
hometown paper.
Every issue of, your paper more than pays
for itself in new of what is happening- in
your town :Anti in providing yoit wit14 aad'vie�
on where you ran buy things and at what price.
If .you don't e.aire what is mint,►, on around
you 11n(1„(100•'t 'want •to save money then hy a,lt
means camel your paper but not many of
.11s are in the position that, we can take the
oxygen out of the air we i)reathe,-----Meliford
motion, the farmer's wife tan out, ,rpget fl
four -gallon churn of cream into a basket of
•litatle chickens, drowning tiie entire hatch.
Thi baby, 'beim; ' 1 ft –alone, crawled
" through the erea'tp into the parlor, ruining a
$5O, carpet, Dnring the excitement, the oldest
daughter eloped with thi; hired man, the dog
through a window and descended,
to the cellar, gun in hand. Su-
ddenly an upstairs window shot up
and a friendly feminine voice call-
ed out, "Who's.there?" It was dis-
closed that friends of the Sander -
sons had come from Toronto and
had pre -arranged permission to use
the house.' The constable and all
went back to their beds.
15 Years Ago
Shortages of materials' were de•
laying construction of •,a new re-
creation hall and barracks for' the
air school at Sky Harbor.
'E. H. Hill succeeded Harold Wit.
Hams as manager of the Selective
Service office in the Masonic Tem-
ple on West street.
The wrecker O'Connor Dick was
in port to raise the derrick scow
which had been Shull• for some.
time at the east end of the harbor:
When raised, the ' scdw was to be
taken to Georgian. Bay to join the
M`c'i�Jaiirara""o1 tfit:
A Royal Air Force student pilot
died when his training plane crash-
ed ^and burned on the faun of
Jarvis -McBride, concession 8, Col-
vvE HAVE heard of old that
it pays a young man to be
polite, But if that is the only rea-
son he would try to be, polite. he
would laugh at you "up his sleeve"'
and, mock you when your back
is t.yrued. It does pay to be hon-
est, -"but that is not the prime rea-
son a man should be honest. Even
the devil himself has ho, respect
for the mortality of expediency.
Pori when God asked Satan if he
had considered Job as a perfect
and an upright man, Satan sneered
that Job was good. only
paid and tha1* under change of for-
tune. Job would. curse God to His
„...anjk&wali an -e of for.
tune, Job mainta'ned his int. gr ty i
and abundantly proved that t;, re
is disinterested goodness in the.;
World, goodness apart from n'i11l
self-interest find hope of reward.
So men are to be good because
Ood is good and because it is His'
will tor inen to be good. Men are
to be good and true not primarily
to escape hell and gain 'heaven,
but to obey and serve a Loving
'rather.' - •
And so will they become more
and more like Clad as their deSires
coincide more and more with His.
sA _.
itlu d-. and- ". t�'t1d
'1 'illo dale, are_ spending this week
With,l1r. and Mrs. E. A. Feather-
Mr. and Mrs. John Shea and two
sons, Toronto, are vacationing at
their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs., Lloyd Edighoffer,
1Vlitchell, are spending a few days
` at their cottage.
Mr. and...Mrs. Jas. 'P. Ferguson,
London, spent the, weekend at
their cottage. , •
Mr. and M'rs. pale Leonard and
four children, Willowdale, are
spending two weeks at their home.
Master Terry Fitzsimons is
spending ten days at Huron Church
Camp.. •
Miss Vicki Cluff returned to her
home after completing a sum er
course at Teacher's College, Tor-
onto. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker spent
Sunday at Mitchell.
The Reerend and Mrs: H. M.
Langford Wand daughter, Mrs. L.
Bricker, Waterloo, are spending a
borne Township. Another student.
flier from Sky Harbor escaped in-
jury when he brought his plane
in 'for a forced landing on the
farm of Victor Young, concession
7, Colborne. •
There' were 1,670 paid admis-
sions on the first night of the Lions
Club carnival in the West street
10 'rears Ago
Dudley E. Holmes was appointed
-magistrate; succeeding- the
late J. W. Morley. H. Glenn Hays,
of Seaforth, succeeded Mr. Holmes
as crown attorney.
John 'W. 'Hanna, • MEPP for Huron-.
Bruce, announced that he would be
a candidate for the national leader:-
eader=ship of the Progressive ,Conserv-
ative Party at its forthcoming con-
vention in Ottawa.
One hundrpd and 15 boys. and
girls re'istered forswimming and
diving instructions . at the south
pier oft Monday. This was one
of the first projects in the recrea-
tion, program proposed by H. Li
Brace, ,the town's new recreation
director. The swimming instruc-
tor was Miss Hilda Smith.
Goderich Legionettes were elim-
inated by the Kincardine girls soft-
ball team in a thrilling group play -
'of series. Goderich Lions Midgets'
won their' group championship by
ousting the Clinton team.
Goderich District Collegiate In-
stitute Board awarded bus con-
tracts to the following'. James A.
McMillan, Rex Duckworth, William
Clark and Alvin Sherwocfd.
Taylor's Corner
The sympathy of the community is
extended to the Fuller family. At-
tending the funeral from a dist-
ance were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Culver,, of St. Thomas, Lloyd Gra-
ham, of Fingal, Mrs. Hugh Silcox,
of Sheddeta, Mr, and Mrs. Keith
Rutherford and Mrs. Douglas Pratt
and son, of. London.
, Sunday visitors with Mr: and
Mrs. Irvine Oke were Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Oke, Bradley', 'Wayne and
Randy, of Zurich. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder en-,
joyed the week -end -- at Waterloo
with Dr :and Mrs. Paul Trueniner
and family.. ` .
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam McNall were Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington McNall and Gor-
don Colhoun, of Welland and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Russell and Allan,
of Toronto.
vacation at their cottage.
Mrs. Wm. Norris and son,- Wil_
liken, Detroit, were at their cottage
rover he .w .. _e - �
,s. rat d.AI rO. Ate , - ,�.
family,, 'Windsor, pre visiting their
grandfather, Chas. Widcombe.
Wm. Stewart and daughter, Bar-
bara, Windsor, are spending a
vacation at' Marsville.
Mrs. E. L. Cooper and two sons,
Birminghafn, Mich., are at their
cottage for two weeks. -
Miss Ethel Blair, London, was
at her home over the week -end.
John Oates, Hatnilton, spent ,the
week -end with his wife and family.
Misses Jeannine and Pat Denby,
Buffalo, N.Y., . 'are visiting. their.
sister, Mrs. Kenneth Brandon.
Pastor and Mrs. I. Bodenham are
spending ten days at ,Hamilton.
Evans Cameron is visiting his
father, James Cameron.
Kerr, of Benmiller, and: Allan
MdNee, of Nile, both grade 12
graduates of GDCI, and Mem-
bers of Maitland Air Cadets
have received their 4i private
pilot's license. They received
their training at The London
Flying Club in July and were
sponsored by The Air Cadet
League of Canada and Maitland
Aft Cadets.
'Winston ',intends to resume
his studies at GDCI, but Allan
has joined the RCAF' and
leaves Monday for St. Johns,
Quebec, where he 'will begin
his training.
0 •
• • •
a• • • .• • • •
by f cw %'dam -
Peach jelly what a wonderful
addition to your jelly cupboard,
yet one which is- new to many
women! Here's the recipe.
• 3 -cups juice • (about 3 quarts
ripe peaches) - •
..61 ,cupt'-(2r lbs:) sugar.
1 bottle Certo fruit pectin
First prepare the. juice. Pit (do'
not peel) about 3 quarts soft ripe
peaches, Crush thoroughly: Add
1/2 cup water; bring to a boil. Sim-
covered, 5 ,minutes. Place in
jelly bag and squeeze out juice.
Measure 3 cups into a very large
Now make the Jelly. 4,dd sugar to
Nice in saucepan and mix well.
Place over high heat and bring to
a boil, stirring constantly. At once
stir in Certo. Bring to a full roll-
ing boil and boil hard 1 minute,
stirring constantly. Remove from
heat, skim off foam with metal
spoon, and pour quickly into
glasses. Cover at once with •' y8
inch hot paraffin. Makes about
11 medium glasses.
Some women think 'of pectin as a
sort of "secret weapon" that
makes jelly jell. No secret here!
It is simply the jelling: substance
found in all fruits in 'varying •
amounts. Certo is pectin extracted
from fruits rich in this natural
substance, thenrefined, concen-
trated 'and performance -control-
led. Certo and the 'tested Certo
recipes make your jam and jelly
turn' out exactly right.
Preserving Pointers: Pickling
time is almost upon us. Too much
salt will cause pickles to shrivel
and to toughen ... too much vine-
gar will bleach and shrivel them.
Don't use iron utensils _ they'll
discolor your pickles, Use an alu-
'minum or enamel kettle instead—
with a wooden spoon for stirring.
Had problems to do with jam and
jelly 'making? If you'd like any
help, I'd be glad to oblige. Write
and let me know. Lie with you
soon in my next column.
Note: There are plenty of peaches
available at Goderich now and
next week will see them near
their peak. •
r Recommended by millions of satisfied Neccht
owners 4
✓ Modern design for most modern way of sewing
V Precision built, full-size round bobbin'
✓ lifetime guarantee bond
✓ Sold and serviced by over
2800 dealers in Canada and,U.S,A,
Liberal trade-in allowance on
your old machine'.
Value for value, nothing can beat this smooth perform.
ing NECCHIsewing machine that comes with accessories
for every sewing job from ruffling to tacking at only
Head Office: 3445 Park Avenue, Montreal •
enhart's TV Service