HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-14, Page 13" L, Y# . THURSDAY, AUGUST I4th, 1958 'jw'.i�15.1:a•. F1,M'K.Y :,pr '.`.: ',wi A4��_,y�'1f� '.Kfi"ocogc 2 -op Jar 390 v.. BLADE SHOULDER PRIME RIB R< MINCED BEE WIENERS PURE PORK SAUSAGE BREADED SHRIMP 2°."•g 119 RAINBOW TROUT IMPORTED 2" Pk953 _ . Blade Bone Removed CANNED GOODS SALE w r. l !vr.. rr`SF , Vii${;; r :kx i �`� r f} the ;•:.) r.ti*? yA y ..:..• v}. • � s;y:1f,� y }•,• �.;'r�: ,�,C}.'.: ,�^,, }r, ., �'';S�rY�fv�.•:`','''`., ' Full Cut SHORT CUT 2-lI cello A&P Sweet Reg. skin 37c—SAVE 110 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 48 -oz tins 1.00 Choice Red Pitted (New Pack): Reg. 2 for 37o --SAVE •11c A&P..,..CHERRIES.. 6 15 _z tins 1.0_ _ .)LilaSi ,..Q41811 Kr� �YY- Gk.) Reii.2ior. 1.:..SA 1,60 .#. &P. PEAS —. Choice Quality (New Pack) Reg. tin 28o—SAVE 12o STRAWBERRIES 415.az tin1.00 Small Whole Reg. 2 for 29c --SAVE 16c WHITE POTATOES , 8 2aoz tins 1'00 A&P LEADS AGAIN • /riv,. j�r•'f4'r.•'A•,r.••:y, kardp Yrs �•X•4..:"r ,vij'}�; f•Jsi�l CALIFORNIA -''VALENCIA, SWEET, JUICY, 'FANCY 'QUALITY 5 -Ib cello bag c FRESH, NO. 1'GRADE CALIFORNIA, JUICY — 4 LEMONS PER PACKAGE SUNKIST LE ONS 2Pk - \Io. 1 Grade, Large Dry BLU EBE$RIES A&P Brand, No. 1 Grade, Ontario Grown, Yellow Cooking ONIONS No. 1 Grade, Ontario Grown, Yellow, Large Cobs WEET CORN "'-•adford•1Plarshr, No. 1'''anid-e, 'Pasoal :ELERY STALKS pint box #' 5( 3 -Ib cello bag 2 3.c doz49C ifn19 c COFFEE. PRICES REDUCED MILD dD MELLOW '' CUSTOM GROUND S O'CLOCK 1-1b 69c 3 -Ib, pkg — $1.99 VIGOROUS & WINEY CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR .r 1.Ib %7t, 3 -Ib pkg — $226 .RICH & FULL BODIED CUSTOM GROUND, RED CIRCLE 1 -Ib 73c VACUUM. PACK 1-Ibtin 81c ,4 EXTRA SPECIALS •';.;•}:}i iiw.r.�%�.,�;:,••.;:->r,$:•,rfrf Ai'!f r•}}4:tiWr}:t/VrI b , r.Y1if/r}r •:'i'.r::}y: �:1yi ' - <fL'a0rdrti9i dt.. Lawrence CORN OIL Heinz WHITE ..VINEGAR Pep (Beef, Liver, Chicken) DOG FOOD Delicious Canned Meat SPAM Macaroni . • - CREAMET'TES Apple or Grape. KRAFT JELLY Lido 'ABEL BISCUITS N ucoa MARGARINE COLGA TE PALMOLIVE PRODUCT$ 7ecial 15cOff Offer 'ink Liquid Giant Size Pkg • c 12 -oz Tin AJAX Reg. tin 57c -SAVE 8o 25-.oz'tin 49c -142g: btl 25o -SAVE' 50 33 -oz btls 4 5 C. Reg. 2.tins 21c—SAVE 7o 316-oztins 25c Reg. tin 53c—SAVE 12d l2 -oz tin 41 c Reg. 2 for 210—SAVE 20 • -PZ.Rk9S i 9C - Rog. jar 27oSAVE 15a .2 9 -oz jars 3 9c Reg. pkg 37o—SAVE 8o pkg of 25 29c Reg. 2 for 51c --SAVE 4o 49 2 1 -Ib pkgs c BAKED IN.A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Parker (Large 8", 24:oz.-Pie), STRABERRY PIE Jane Parker W(Large 8", 24 -oz. Pie PINEAPPLE Jane Parker ANGEL CAKE Jane Parker ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE Reg. 65c—SAVE fic each 5 9c Reg. 55O—SAVE 6o each 49c Reg, 59c—SA1/.44or each fid 5 c Reg. 45c—SAVE 10c each 3 5 Jane Parker Plain, Sugar or Reg. doz. 29c—SAVE 90 CINNAMON DONUTS 2 doz 49c -, . .. «.-,•Reg. loaf 't8c'SAVir-.3c CRACKED WHEAT BREAD .2 24 -oz loaves 3 3 Jane Parkar 'Reg, pkg 33c77SAVE 11c FROZEN. FOOD SPECIALS LIMEADE Fancy Quality A&P, PEAS Reg. 2 for 27c—SAVE 22c 9 6 -oz tins 1.00 Reg. 2 for 370—SAVE 9c SAVE 0,N THESE LIBBY'S PRODUCTS AT AS.151 LiaY's (With Cheese and Tomato Sauce) SPAGHETTI • 15 -oz tins 31e New Pack, Fancy Quality Reg Tins 5c link Beauty Soap Cashmere Bouquet 2043 Prices In This Ad. Guaranteed Through Saturday, , -August 16th, PICK CLARK'S, THE LABEL WITH THE. SAILOR BOY c 'Stew CHICKEN44—TURKEY 15 -oz tin 3 SC TOMATO JUICE BEANS ovENCROCK 2 20 -oz tins 29c 20-oziar 23 TOMATO JUICE Libby'i&ep Brown BEANS (IN TOMATO SAUCE) PINEAPPLE '1#blibi:41EAPPLE JUICE TikOPICAL PUNCH 48.oz tin 33c 2 Mot tins 3 7e 26 -oz tln 3 3c 4142 tin 3 9e. 1 - ..,- , .,..__. ._. JU.DGE . AT ,,FLOWER SHOW ,HERE WILL BE NATIVE OF DENMARK The • entrants in the Goderit ' arborekum and flower beds on the ,Carripus. He teaches in the winter Horticultural Society Summer Flower Show to be held on Satur- months a.s an instructor in plant culture; is past president of the day at MacKay Hall haVe 61 classes Gardeners' and Florists' A-ssocia- from 'Which td choose'. , tion and, is a member of_the Lon- -Coming froth–London to judge don Horticultural Society.. Last who began•hig career in his native i.avelled to England and Denmark, Denmark in 1921 as an apprentice viSiting many of the famous_ gard- in commercial horticulture. In ens of both countries. lie par- 1930,,he graduated:from the Royal ticularly enjoyed his visit to Kew Veterinary and Agricultural Col- Gardens. lege in Copenhagen with a degree There are many lovely gardens similar'to the B.S.A. conferred by in Goderich and if only half of the Ontario Agricultural College. them belong to Goderich ilortieul; He came to Canada soon after his tural Society members, their en: graduation and worked for one tries ought to present an exciting summer with the Sheridan Nurs- challenge to Mr. Johannesen and eries in Toronto, then' for eight the various prize winners should years in Brampton with the Dale be justly' proud to have a man of Estate, famous for its roses and Mr. Johannesen's special knowledge . chrysanthemums. In 1937, Mr, and experience single out their to R.'G. Ivey, Q.C., in London and The show will be open to the from there moved to his preserA public froin 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. position at the University of West- and again from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m ern'Ontario in the Department of on Saturday, "AuguR 23rd. Come Botany. early. A bumper display is an. He is in charge of greenhouses, ticipated. ' ,,, W.I. Plan Booth fa e air The G`dderich-branch4-the-Wo-: men's Institute held their. annual picnic at Harbor PArk on,,,Thursday afternoon. There were 65 present, despite the,, threatening weather. The 'members of the Blyth brapeh, as guests, were welcomed '1-4 the president, Mrs. N. Clairmont. '.The, meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. N. ClairmOnt. • MinUtes of the last meeting were read by the secretary -treasurer, reported on receipts of Navy League Tag D,ay which was $211.91 and thanked her committee and the tuggers for their help, Mrs, A, Straughan reported on the bils , trip taken,' recently to Niagara The branch is privileged to be granted a display booth again this Year at the Kinsmen Trade Fair on .August 20 to 23. The following committee was appointed to decor- ate it: TIolland, Mrs. W. Wilkin, Mrs. J, Ryan, Mrs. N. Mil- ler. Mrs. J. Wilkinson and Mrs. C. wnlee., A bake sale will be ,featured on Friday afternoon and evening, August 22. Mrs: Robert Noble, of Blyth. entertained with a reading and Mrs. B. Mills led in community singing. Games, aild contests yvere enjoyed Under ihe leaderihip of Mrs. N. Miller,. Mrs. W. Doak and A penny fair, convened by Mrs. B. :Mills and Mrs, E. Patterson,. realiied $13." .PrIzes were wen by Mrs. J. „Johnston for being the old- est lady present and Mrs. A: Wilk in for having a birthday nearest the date of picnic, A simper was served by file branch directors, convened by Mrs. G. Inglis, Mrs. L. Bannister, Nit's. Walters. Mrs. W. K. Wilkinson. Also assistine wt%re Mrs A. Alex- ander, Mrs. C. Straughan and Mrs. D. McMillan. thp Blyth ladies; expressed thanks for the lovely afternoon and the and Dianne, all of„Goderich. The body rested at the Stiles fun- eral home until service at St• ,George's Anglican Church at 2 _milt will be made In__Naltlanti_ o'clock this afternoon. Rev..Ken- neth E. Taylor will officiate. Inter - The northwest coast of Canadk, ihas numerous tribes of Indians, each with its own language and traditions. The language of a par- ticular tribe may not even be re- lated to the speech of others a few OBITUARY F'uneral services will be held to- day for Mrs. Elizabeth Jeannette (Beth) Shaw, wh6 died suddenly at •Royal Victoria HoSpital, Barrie. on Monday. She was a daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James J. Morris, Bruce street, Goderich, and was born at Uxbridge, Ontario, 22 years ago. She came to Goderieh With her parents when 'she we's' Central Public School and the ef 16 years she went to West- minster Hospital, London, where ghe was employed as receptionist. After her marriaae Sereeant Charles G. Shaw, of the Royal Can-. Idian Regiment, they resided in London, moving to garrie two her of Trinity Anglian Chtirek, Barrie. Re§iaes her husband, Ole is sur- vived by a five-day old son, jetties rraig; her parents, two hrotherS, Tohn and James, and three sisters, OF GENERAL FOODS KITCHENS What could taste better 'on hot buttered toast than peach jam' Here's my very successful recipe, PEACH JAM 4 Cups prepared fritit (about 2 quarts ripe peaches) bottle Certo fruit pectin How to prepare fruit. Peel and pit about 2 quarts fully ripe peaches. Grind or chop yery ti-ne. Measure, 4 cups into a very large sauceliarr; Add V4 cup lemon. juice., , How to mike the jam. Add sugar to fruit in saucepan. and,mix well. Place over high heat, bring to full rolling boil. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly, Remove from 'heat; stir in Certo at once. 'Skim off foam with metal spoon, Stir and skim for 5 rniputes, to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Ladle into glasses. Cover at once with 1.4. inch hot paraffin:. Makes 'about i 1 Medium glasses.. Pectin: What is it? Here's the answer! Pectin is the jelling sub- stance found in all fruits in vary- ing amounts. Certo is pectin ex- tracted from fruits rich in this na- tural substance, then refined, con- • centrated and performance -con, trolled. Using CertO and follow- ing the tested Certo recipes, rneons your jam and jelly will always set Preserving Pointer: Certain frtilti, such as peaches, pears, apricols and apples darken easly while *you're preparing them preserving. To help -keep their col- or, place the fruit in a bath of 1/2 of vinegar. to "4""tups of water Then rinse them in clear water before yotr pack them in jars. That Way they'll look evety bit'as good as they taste! More recipes—ienore hada. Watch for,theml If you'vg• 'yid prob. in% drop tate a line. I'd be help. "ape for now. Note; Next week should :see peaehes at their best in." coderieh area for presetving,