The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-14, Page 4160 11•• •w h alae (!iiirit ' HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY O Established 1848. �>n its 111th year of public tion .: t Published 'by Signal -Star _.Publishing r.,. Dtatr14: • St1"�r.ra�7 ",•..is;an. ,`"="'S�!pz,,.,.' °4°4; Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71. C«y 1,16 Authorized as secdnd-class mail, Post Office Department. Ottawa. Out -of -Town Representative: C.W•N.A. 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over 3,000•—Largsst circulation of any newspaper ,ptbtIshed in Huron . Count*. -flyer 3,,000 Member' of CanadianWeekly Newspaper Association..; Member of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of A?lilt Bureau of 4lrciltation GEO. L ELLtS, Editor and Publisher. • • THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1958 GODERICJ SIGN TAR CONSTANCY OF "Igy, but (here have been .;j, lot, of people die at (ipderi •h during the past year,- an out-of-town. resident who vvat,thos therocal scene remarked to . us the other day, He is of an age when obituaries are' of-' particular interest' to him, ' Ile thought there wore urbre deaths during the past t,'ar than fur some Fears past, But he is wrong. ' .'t ording to a loom resident, who keeps. -afiivai .1'•taiis on r .b,filar:.',, there are ap- pro?i:rr,.t,'•';y 1.!() deaths in (lodet'ich and its immediate area e ieh year. This figure vurit-; very.,i:tt;e frvni year t'1 year• i.o','ortLul:' to his statist. There may he more ,l.•at hs during on+• month rliure than. for a ,corresponding per.u•1 f the pI.f“,,i,ois year but averaged +,y:•I• a year year's time the totd, annual take of the Gr:iil Reaper is 1'20 for liod •ri,:}i and, ,1i,triet. . 1)ver the y'Cirs one hears comments about "an •Inu;ucl;ly eolt1 winter” or •'`an awfur.y hot sororner ' Vet there are statistics also ON PURCHASI A_ 4}leris---Iim-b)tiorl , fyf ffi$ii`t`--te.r=jpfe}--- Qa•r•Li.c:iliar'4s.2t•A--own-a. tlrrtrt3C�i" CUttar', S.tr?. It�.S .�1.I it' .ail right, would. warn ,thorn not to ret so enthusiastic about it that they pir•k up a "wonderful'. wonderful'. building lot hastily w'phont giving due atten- tion to the legal cud' of it. F)nce a property IS sold, all responsibility in connection with the land is” transferred to the purchaser. And a few ;ii L'}i p Ir+.'hti ierA of lite along Lake'. Huron's shore,., have found that theyrdo 'not own a;i t}i., property the: thought they ,pm:: ;:hase+d sonic' time ago. There are a few , simple guides should he folloWe,d in purchasing 'property. Inspee. it, and soya if it is as suitable for a druil'rlin� as ad~` 'rtis.1. I>N t'Prtain that the property of,rPd is. in fact. the property which will ultimately be transferr •rl. Tlreral are instances ,herr' persons hay.' been shown ,lake • Shore property and found later. that the pro- • DEATHS, CLIMATE to prove that the average temperature over a y e•ar's time varies very little from year to year. For many years, Imperial Oil Limited ha, kept a log of the temperature for each day at Goderich—spring,, surhmer, autumn and \sinter. And, strange to say, the mean or average temperature over• a period of a year is fairy constant. This, of course, means that in a year's time the amount of fuel, consumed :n any one home shouldn't vary very much from year to year. 'Death and taxes.are always. with us," ,it ha, been said. To this should be added) the weather, also. While the number of deaths annually- in any one municipality .remains about the same, ,provitded the-.po-pulatijn,Js., r• ii6nablr constant and the annual mean tem p •rature in any ' one municipality remains -iib+,rut tilt same, this is not so with taxes. This is no doubt due' to the fart that taxes are under a ditierent management than are deaths. and climate. 'L ' NILE, 4 2,- '.awl :t Ar Ruth tYe,re iii, Stratford recently to attend the ,Shakespearean Festival. Miss Donna McNee is a leader at the Junior Girls - camp this week; also attending are Helen McNee and Maribelle Bere, of Nile. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Seltehombe, jr, and son, of` Tordnlo, visited re- cently with Mr,- and Mrs. Ross McPhee. ' We are glad Co' see~ Roy Connell home • from Excelsior Springs, Mis- NG- PROPERTY --- eT,-.- p -transferred-was Several `hundred feet •--' hm--the-w•at e r:-- -677--s-ho --sh o wt7t `Zero. titifui' bu 11 .�„hzr r.., g r.i.� t:...a i�d,...•late�f-L.-::..t=h- ----fie ir"-'d eel --en=• titles them to either a hopeless gully or a piece of 'unsuitable land. ' Do .not 'purchase lots by reference to a plan which has not been regL,tered. Consult with 'a lawyer to be as- sured that the title to the property is clear: ('heek- with the municipal office to determine what municipal by-laws have. been enacted which would..affect the use of the property. P„ aware of the commitments associated with th'e purchase of the property. Is the purchase prir•e the only thing or are there other hidden expenses about which' you are unaware? De- «,'rniine what seryiees the munieipality and/or the developer is able to,. and will, provide. In' other words, be .sure you know' what own -. --tribry's ....ane 45 Years Ago The town was notified that it would have to pay $2,702.95 into the county treasury in 1913. (In 1951, the county collected $70,585.- 98 from the town,) The Goderich elevator had hand- led four . and- one-quarter -million bushels, jf grain -up_te the . end of 'July 'ilia season. P,arsnns....dri.ving,..on---the-r•13ay&eld road- Wednesday night witnessed the rather unusual sight of a herd of cattle being driven by an auto- mobile. "The auto has its uses as well as, its dangers," commented', The Signal. . Dr. Caesar, R. J. Acheson, W. McLean and, J, 'Andrews spent a few days on a motor trip to the. Beaver River, near Flesherton, where they did some fishing. The, weekly outdoor concert of the 33rd Regiment Band was can- ,celled because Manager Nairn could not find" a cornet player. • 25 Years Ago The Huron County Court Howse' almost went up • in smoke when fire, believed caused by defective you are doing. when you buy piece ofpro-wiring, broke out between the cell - 1 ing and floor at the south end of perty. It may save you. bitter disappointment the hall; County 'Clerk George and financial loss later, on,, STRATFORD. SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL Thanks ' to the publi(.• relation, 1, part various provinces in Canada, the Festival is, meat r,1' thr Stratford iilakeslx a r,a' n ori . to dIl i.nLe.rll.a.tirai141..,ta t res it was niir privil'i,ge tri be given three excei!ent orchestra . at, to the +'v.'ninLr po-rfurnnan-e f .'',Much Al,,+About Nothiii i;i.,t Friday. T+) be better ,10(ptii iite d tri tkt ,, sire 'rd, r)f young love, 'r•e read the 1, ,1" ov-r. before seeing' it aet.',1. 11.'. .•nuidu •t ,:et a5 enthused over it as wr., llxy v r r�t'h"r'+iii., of :`i'ha,j; - r si•; u, i spa r e , t _i_d •(i at >'...��«�i. t r,ri.,r,riuf•nt s• :i 7 we inr,�1rnt :,,r i1 '' ill• �1••• x'11 ,:i•n t', a#tr'i-1'1 one of fly, lesser pia; s. Nath;rig •rrubi 1) forth 'r front the `r•-itbr.,.:acct manner in which. tYir rr ' xriin plat' ,11 , i f�f'1', r• n. .;f" SS'Yx; iI'ti'1'+' trrlir:'l,n'r 11�;r,,i�n na'�tr" },;,, not t'han:r•,1 Sin^r• the ma -ter f }l. 1in�':,,il ,fir']"li%1' % \\T - ham `�ild}ir'Spr'itr", is 'I �'li'v J1'� '1%�YI 1rl d'•:a`}i sort :;-12 year, ago. - .\n1 h:iti,an nor*ilr. .t; por!rav,•,1 hy- -hak:,;l,,ar. ,n "Thieh Ado,. A},r.';` ,+hire+�.'" �`,xs fly lei+ t• ,} with •refreshing., clarity ;and. finesse 1,•,' the the ;;tratf,,r,d S hak''spear+'au F«•:twill, F'a:!,ire to +ak,. ;n ;,nr re.rf+,riiiat, •' , ler(vin'r r ne„'lf,ati ,on,l«r••-rrlf'nt to, ,i dr,rrree only fully r_,:a'lzed. 'by attending one. t1 rat f -)rd r -an he .justly 1,t'oud of thr' na- tional, ;n.,t.itrlti(,n to ;vhir'h it gavr• birth soon, Six year;; a&;u. Indeed, ju(tginf4 by the nurnh• r of ears sofi►i bearing, Jir'ense frl"ate,3 from rano. ° sf ftt,.5 cif tfic.. warder as well as frr;m Letters To R.R, 2, Goderich, August 7, 1958. ,IfFiitor, ,Sinal -Star. Dear Editor: A matter I feel should he brought the attention of proper author - ties is the' selfish and unlawful at- tempt being made by Bluewater Beach Property Owners Association to bar the public front using the portion of township road leading ' from top of lake bankqo the beach. This spring a fence was erected and a chain gate installed "for use of cottagers” only, they hoped. The center post of this fence is a six-inch. steel tube, filled with, and set in, concrete. "Private" and "No Paing.' signs hang every. where, 'Persons wishing to walk to the lake via the public road,Aor parking to watch the sunset, are usually met by a posse of bel- ligerent cottagers, male and fe- Male,, and threats of prosecution should they "set foot inside that chain." Most parties, not knowing the- true situation or simply not wishing to male an issue, are eintthaloassingteeesseaesewara In view of the very limited ac- cess the public have to their beaches in this area, this area seems especially short-sighted and unfair. Yours truly, J. C. Nindmarsh. -Editor, Signal:Star. Dear Editor': As a Canadian citlrcfi; .i would like to register my opposition to the teaching of French in - the 1 . . l,roue.oht treinendous publicity.:. to . the Classic ('its-. 1\ it'h it has come financial by-products, "'its well. this «as_.noted in the difficulty ex- p,=.r.r•nc in getting 'served in the' several new and also in t}ir• beautifully- renovated old : ,tabi.sh'•' l restaurants which eater to the 'Vi,itinrc, Festival patron,,. Other lines of bu.si- ri • s benefit, a, v,- 11. Thea various firms ,hoof d remember to give support in various t W1-1,',', t;, the Festival and never for+:.let the goose w ) ir•h iii the vol de n erre for then. , - 1'}i,a. meager 'curtail; «•}ii�'}I iit..- iispossible "••, together for a life of William .Shake - Holman and Caretaker George James rushed to. extinguish the flames with pails of water. Large congregations greeted• am forer local minister, Rev. R. C. McDerri id, of Toronto, when he preached in Knox Presbyterian Church at God.erich__on_ Sunday'_ Goderich Township residents were keeping their doors locked'. at night. There were several re- ports of stolen chickens, potatoes, grain and clothing. A great in- crease had been noted in the num- ber of hoboes on the :roads, Lightning started a fire which, destroyed a learn owned by Charles Jones, of. Nile district. Eleyen hogs, some hens, machinery and. he season's crops were lost inM the blaze. Rev. •J. E. and Mrs. Ford observv ed the 54th anniversary of their marriage. Despite advancing years, Mr. Ford could still preach a vigorous sermon. 15 Years Ago The J. T. Wing, last three -masted chooner on the Great Lakes, was owed into Goderich harbor by the i ug John R. Stover. Her skipper xplained• the presence of the tug y stating it was now impossible `;,ear•r' halo- been tilt' despair of biographers and ei.o.on-Fol'xtnr;. The only true bio'^rap}ler S},itkesp;.'are `kr kr.si)--lrr'. A- his works s his t e h .tr his best binrraphv : ,+, ;, that song 1,;,,t ,,f epitaphs:— r' X or i,44'r pitaph.s:--- rx+,rr'is,('r 1.10; n th N. n witt•hr,,aft ('harm thr,e (r)ir,.;t utittiid farebr'ar thee! Nothing ill come near thee! Quiet consummation :have .1nd renowned be thy ;.gray', Three hundred and forty-tti-o. years ! The (idiot, the renowned grave at Stratford in f;n+rlanif ^rives us back the words in the form of 0 propheey, Anti -the Festival' Theatre at Stratford, Ontario, proclaims the, truth of I I t,h'4 lro )heew The Editor schools of Ontario. I was amazed to read the editor- ial in your paper a few weeks ago on this subject and to think' that aliyenee would have the gall to advocate the teaching of .French, a 'dying language, in the public schools of', Qntario. If a person wants to study French it is up to him but to try and cram that lang- uage down the throats of the child- ren of Ontario, would pu•t'Ontario in the category of Russia. Canada is an English speaking churitry, It has made the greatest progress of any country on earth, under the English language and T don't think the real Canadian will stand for :some politicians to cram that French- down the throats of their children, )r have---- talked with .many Am- erican tourists who have returned from Quebec. They are disgusted that in an English speaking coun- try, many of the French at -Quebec cannot speak English. 1 tell them that is not Canada. If they want to see real Canada, and real Can- adians, visit Ontario. lily under- - ' 1 ; ' !•-. A :I.,, o s o' no teac English: I doubt if the rest of Canada wants the French language, a I consider it' a dying language. Yours very truly, E. R. TWEEDIE, 1676 Franklin Columbus, ;Ohio, Editor's Note: It was a letter to the Editor from Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, which supported the idea of teaching French to Ontario school children at art early age. The Signal -Star editorlal •(July 3rd) dill not advocate teaching French in public :schools 'of Ontario, Thank you. for your letter to the editor which letters we are always pleased to receive and publish re- gardless of ,views expressed in it. Editor, Signal -Star. Dear Editor: I, would like to congratulate the ,Ontario Provincial Police for their assistance to the Town of Goderich, Police Department. -- 1 would 'particularly like to' ex- tend my appreciation to M. Groves, R. Simms and C. Hard for the excellent job they have he doing, J. S. Cummings, Tra srariada Credit Office, God rich, Ont. , FOREST FIRES DELAY, TRIP FROM THE YUKON ' Sgt7 W. J. •Raithhy, Mrs, Raithhy and family, left for Ottawa on Tuesday following a week's visit with hi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rait 4 `:;p' eon pos e.�. Q ttawa after aving spent the past two years as a radiographer at the Can- adian Army MilitaryHospital at Whitehorse, Yukon erritory: On their way down from the Yukon they ran into numerous forest fires. At Swift River in the Yukon they were held up12 hours because of the forest fire jumping back and forth across the road they were .to travel. Telephone poles for a distance of 1.2 miles along one ,section of the road were burned to the ground. • • to find enough sailorrs in these parts who understood her canvas well enough to operate the schooner. In a letter to the editor, a visitor complained that the tomb of Dr. Dunlop, founder of •Goderich, was in. -.a neglected condition. -After an absence of 49 months- -„Which -13- 13- - were --Spent -on- .salt water — the_`canaller" William thtfiff ilnel eti .st`.G'od"ericli'.,'With cargo of grain. Aboard Was Fire- man Bob Muir,' a Goderich man who was •the lone remaining chem• ber of the crew which left here when navigation opened in 1942. Dr R. Hobbs Taylor, new MPP for'Huron, was mentioned as a pos- sible member of the Conservative cabinet being formed by Col: George Drew. Mts. Fred Murney, well-known resident of Goderich, consented to act as '.liaison officer in Goderich for the women's division of tlfe RCAF. ,Her daughter, Miss Ruth Mu'rney, was serving in the RCAF as a' sergeant 'dental assistant. 10 'Years Ago About 2,500 people attended a band tattoo held at Agricultural Park. , The evening was highlight- ed by the appearance of .the Pres- ton Scout House .Band. '- A swimming class had been formed for local boys and girls, with Miss Hilda Smith as instruc- tor, Edward Wise:; of R.R. -3,"Clinton, won a new car in a draw held at. the Kins$lell earnivai z; - -court House Park at Goderieh. ' • A fishing boat built at Mathie- son's welding shop, was shippped to Ravelle and Zimmer,' Grand Bend. Town Council turned down a request from Goderich Public School Beard. The 'proposed new public school was going to cost' much more than expected, so the board had asked Council to submit a by=law, authorizing the, expendi- ture of $75,000 more, to the On- tario Municipal Board for, approval. Huron County Magistrate James, Wilson Morley, KC, of Exeter, died in Victoria Hospital, ,London. He was 44 years old.. Do insects talk to one another? According to the Book of Know- ledge the social insects—ants, bees, andwasps—certainly communicate by, means of the long feelers with which they touch each other. - CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 23. 4 7.,:::;.:::.•.:::74,...* S 6 7 8 9 � ;;f' y.:,,,, 10 11 12 13 U 0 :;.{: 15f r f 16; ! 18 `S 19 20- 214 '"f. fl 23 ..4•..,•:.„,0•;:!:.;•?".?... .., ,, rev,. 25':"' brr.... ...r,,+,,.-n.«.M-"w .r.. stiW, 31 .•.-• :• _'...:''.2-<;,:.'M' 32' 'M' 33 26 27 28 2? 'NI30 :fix ...- ,- . - f, ,., 36 ter• 39 $x.,:;•• f; ` 44 40 pp:. r 45 41 f.•', 46 42 rr•y" •, 47 y' 1 43 - f , ! . •r, 4? � w �� 51 r: ,% 52^ , 55 56 57 • •.:,:*;:v 5g 59 60 61 ' 62 jiff:'. : 66 679 7 68 a , ACROSS 2 Rockfish 5 Floating In the water 10 Arab outer garment-(pl.) 14 Came to earth 15 City of Florida • 16 Missile weapon 17 Entranced 18 Negotiate 19 Appellation of Athena 20 Makes sate 22 Speech detect 24 Kobold 25 Catkin 28 Placed a. lel em - unruly 34 ouMa1tbsyreak 35 g 0. tIhbon eek malignant 37 spiryoyster fp" catcher of the Hebrides 38 Kind of horse • 46 Eats 49 Part of harness, 43 Of a branch• of the nrmed services 45 Washing compound 47 Chemical PUZZLE NO. 508 suffix 43 Short for office worker 50 Apes 52 Covered • with thin pieces of fired clay 54 Clock in shape of ship 55 Quieter 58 Deer's horns 62 Above 83 Century pl •65 Exteantnt of land .86 Wait for 67 0tankea swho • notes vehicle 70 Asterisks 71 Alleviate DOWN 1 Unusual 2 Ardor ,3.Blights '4 Make melodious 5 Bore wft1 nese to , 8 Armed conflicts 70 Core for fnehlontrig hollow metal 'objects 8 involuntary muscle eoutrncitrin-' 4,1'"rhe Mad 10 Slaughter - hose 11 Flee 12 Opposed to nweather 13 River of Europe 21 Skating arena 23 A single thing 25 Pertaining to a gland 26 Largo dog (pl.) 27 Gem weight 28 Desire 29 Goddess of discord 31 Chlacracter- 39 Mttan's name 33 Natives of Denmark 38 Line of }uncture 39 'Chaffed 41 Fishing lure (pl.) 44 Cut of meat 46 Let it stand 49 Gathers 51 Glowing 53 Grain fungus disease 55 Weeps a 58 wicked 57 Interpret ' 58 T state 59 Silkworm 60 Soaks 61 Satisfy 64 Indonesian of Mindanao SEEP PP S T R A V R AQP `$ LAVA,ANSA RE OBOE USER L I IMA N SL 0T 0_Y7RA T'E 5`8• A it 0) STS L A R _ SHINES L E.E A 0 t C AN 0 L D E'R S�1 Ey ORES 1.E I SH I Vt,R T E° 1l C H SEN A 11-E 'T 3 Ari R. E A V I,i w t AM-ER ICA EDIT R A'18 E I R A N N I NE EMDEN AJI'EN' Tip l)EtAL7 N,ANA Answer to t'tutsle Ks. 07 4 to make the most of summer fun, put pleasure before the unpleasant business of cleaning and pressing clothing and household articles. Our . convenient and depndable ckear>ta vice.y►tilf�.g_r e•.you more time to indulge yourself in those lhings--that, thake ilio 'featly -brie, insteadof merely existing.. ' GODERICH DRY CLEAN E RS WEST ST.,, /22 C.P. LOWERY, preop. - souri, and hope he continues to -im- prove rapidly. , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rutledge, .of lgiatui, Florida, and George Rut Ye„4;1rag'; . ; rt Bogie. " Congratulations to- Mn. and Mr -s. Gerald` Diistow on the arrival of a baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Don McCormick, of-' Wingham, Were Sunday visitors' with the Graham McNees. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickson and four children, of Kitchener, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dickson and family. The sympathy of the, community is, extended to Mrs. Tom McPhee TIfUASDAY, AUGUST .14th, 195g in the death of her brother and also to the Hodge family. Mr. and Mrs., Henry Matthews and • Joyce were Sunday visitors ithlallfr.kand•-Mrs,vvm •A.1 .iNe,y :,� Miss Mary Louise McNeil, daugh. ter of •Mr. and Mrs. Doug McNeil, came home from Goderich hospital Sunday. We wish her a speedy convalescence. There are more than 700 primary textile mills in Canada; spread -across Canada's 10 provinces, and until recent years the industry was the largest single •source of employ- ment in Canadian, Manufacturing Stamps and Coins Bought Neil Carmichael, owner of Canada's largest retail stamp and coin store, is now vacationing at Port Albert, Ontario. Anyone interested in selling a stamp or coin collection please write to him at Port Albert or to his store, Carmi,,chael's • Stamps & Coins, 311/2 Bloor St. E., Toronto. He -is the publisher of the Canada_.Coin Catalog. . Price $11.00. .32X SEE CLOSING EXERCISES __..•___...-CENT*: `COMMAND CADET CAMP DAMP IPPERWASH SAT., AUG. 16-10 a.m. 4 PROGRAM INCLUDES:" " GUARD OF HONOUR MARCH PAST FEU de JOIE MASS PT CAMOUFLAGE FREE ADMISSION AND PARKIIIFG P. .• • , NUAL LIN--ENSAiE 2070 OFF 3'3u/3% OFF 505 OFF Counter soiled discontinued lines and broken sizes of John S. Brown' & Sons' IRISH LINENS Linen Cloths, Luncheon Sets, Bridge Sets, Damask Cloths, ,Linen Towelling', Pillow Cases, Ladies' and Gents' - Handkerchiefs aoor u is Towels. • Replenish your Linen Supply NOW during our •'Animal Linen Sale. . E. HIBBERT Goderich °✓1.....+.«bow• w' , • An .. + Holders immediate Conversion '"citify: delay. For full shall be , The new enquiry -Wood, - Unusual • • Opportunity of Victory Bands can get up. to SO% more interest cash bonus by 'exchanging them for the new Loan Bonds. This valuable rght,is.for-.a..,limited• Wesuggest'tha •VrcTzfy_ Bo_chod�00 _t.o„It,_witFii.ftn ' details, fill in and send us the attached coupon today. pleased to look after the matter on your behalf. plus an Canada period .._. We Your : .. . ' 1 I Please send me without obligation your "Conversion Loan Pamphlet” containing details and instructions Aith an application form. — _.._ Name Address. - Bonds are also available for .cash subscription. by mail or phone will receive prompt attention. Gundy & Company Limited, Local Representative: W. A. Finley Virginia 466 T Avenue Riverside, Ontario Whitehall 5-2395 • , NUAL LIN--ENSAiE 2070 OFF 3'3u/3% OFF 505 OFF Counter soiled discontinued lines and broken sizes of John S. Brown' & Sons' IRISH LINENS Linen Cloths, Luncheon Sets, Bridge Sets, Damask Cloths, ,Linen Towelling', Pillow Cases, Ladies' and Gents' - Handkerchiefs aoor u is Towels. • Replenish your Linen Supply NOW during our •'Animal Linen Sale. . E. HIBBERT Goderich °✓1.....+.«bow• w'