HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-07, Page 8' 4 A" • • , ^ 0,5.4.:155,555, 4,545‘5154,55,4115: ' • ;44:0 455:444e..44x, 54-5 50 4,4". 54%4,4 .Yr ;::4551,55 .4.,5;r55 " • duction Of goods„and zervices was down by twoper cht# in the first quarter of 11150'2i cornered tq 1957, but duct mra4 for the 'period because Of hgher Prices.- • THE GODERICIt 014 -,ATA fat P;4- 14,v • •440114-4r . • 1 , .. . • BUSINESS DIRECTOBT' I CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D,C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9.a.m.. to 5 p.in. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. and Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road.. Phone 341. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office House 343J 343W 33 Hamilton St. Goderich ALBERT SHORE Public Accountant OFFICE: RESIDENCE: 38 Hamilton St. 39 Victoria 'St. S. Goderich, Ont. Goderich, Ont. ..P.O, Box 797 P.O. Box 797 Phone 975 Phone 444 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478 Phone 1011 GODERICH — ONTARIO Stiles Ambulance Roomy --comfortahlo Afly*hir�—Anytimit PHONE 399 77 Montreal St. Godorich FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business Insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST • Phone 1100 for appointment. SQUARE GODERICH rr, ,5i55 416 .555.4,,,V5 ts"jr4V, trla""7,117;1 lit'4•;•1••••%,•-••••••"14' " '5554.555, )1.;t01.0 4:41,5445v 4 5 o5,46.44,455,tr..11 Ar1,14, izens Information 'onpa housiug project speetally designed for snior 'citi- zens has been received from Cn- tral Mortage & Housing Corpor- ation by Town Council. With the Federal Government looking. after most of the tinancing,., asksted by a grant from the Po- vincial Government, only a com- paratively small amount of money would have to be raised locally to startsucha project. The money needed from the town could be raised by Town Council or by some service club or other ,interested group. The information was sent along to Council by W, H. Swales, man- ager of the Kitchener branch office of CMHC, as a result of an inform- al conversation he had with a town official. Apparently the senior citizens' housing plan is 'About the only CMHC service which Goderich has not taken adVantage of yet. Coun- cil decided to put the matter over to a later meeting for discussion. Mr. Swales informed Council that there is a row housing project for senibr cit#eiN in 'Windsor. There are aartmeut„roje,ts for Pensioners at Qwen Sound, Strat- ford and Brantford. There are still a few small de- tails to be ironed out in connec: tion with the 21 -unit, reetcal houa big project which is to be built near Goderish District Collegiate Institute. J. K. Hunter, town sOliitor, has inspected the proposed three-way agreement between the town and Prajncial and Federal authoritie, In his report to Council, Mr. Hunter suggested'1 that the ,new project be called the "Galt Pro- ject," He explained: "The original sub- sidized subdivision is named after Dunlop and, as Galt was a con- temporary of his, I believe .the names would go well together and would honor a pioneer of this community who, I believe, is not otherwise commemorated in any of our street or park names." • THESE WATER SAFETY RULES IN CARTOON BEING BROKEN There -are no lest'than 27 Tules of water safety being broken in the cartoon appearing elsewhere in this issue. How many of them were you able to detect? Following is the complete list of rules being. brokn:' 1. Boating in storm. 2SwinurgiAttt nto laict for, Ong ifiStancei- Withlitit' companying boat.' • 3. Drinking while boating. 4. Dumping garbage into water (ans, bottles, etc.). 5. Flowers in fire -pail. -6:-Jumping into unknown waters. 7. Ignoring "rules"—speeding. 8. Pushmg others into water — small children not wearing life- jackets. - O. Light on boat not sufficient. 10. Eating before swimming. - 11. Fooling in water. 12. Snorkle users should •swim in quiet areas. ALEXANDER 8c tHAPAAAN- GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderich.- Phone 268. . A. .J. Alexander, Res. 860 C. F. Chapman. Res. 18. 4555kumwmar T. Pryde & Son MEMORIALS Goderich Representative MR. FRANK Mc1LWAIN CARLOW 27 Eventide and Reek of Ages registered memorials. 18tf • 04 fAert ADY-MIXED CONCRETE — FOR — WALLS • FLOORS 0 WALKS 0 BARNYARDS ETC. • Delivered to the job in the quail. tity you require. The fast clean *ay to pour con crete. Call or *rite us for a free estimate. Huron Concrete Supply Ltd. GODERICH PHONE 174 Also suppliers of Concrete Bleck. 16tf NOTICE WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS • THE WEEK OF AUGUST 11. We would apreciate 'it if our customers would provide ahead for this week. RYAN Elk SON •• PHONE 345 • ONLY AT HFC... 304 Money service backeti by t39 years' experience' —11Parfatittrittenttritairt'serrytee-fram-speciolly-trainedr courteous people, come to UPC—Canada's leading con-, sumer finance company. Borrow up to $1,000 in privacy; With Up 80 80 months torepiiiy ofl terius you mica, Wiles' always wokonscat HFC EHOLD FINANCE '' R. K. Fitch, Mandger 45A Wed Street Telepheea 1501 , •' GODERICH • • . .V„.05)55005%,,alsw45,4,54-5474 4354,441,015. 13. Don't swing or swini under rafts. 14. Only one person in the boat for waterskiing — can't watch the "road" and skier tool Skier has no lifejacket. 15. Has mind on other things when driving this boat—should watch for swimmers. 16,. Water' skiing near swimmers for skier. 17. Water ski Only in open waters —skier MUST wear lifejacket. lg. Diving into unknown waters, not watching: for rocks and other obstacles. " • 19. Does not know Artificial Respir- ation—should learn. 20. Overloading bat. 21. There are probably non -swim- mers in the boat—they MUST wear lifejackets. -4 22, Boat not seaworthy, 23. Standing in boat. 24. No baling can in boat—this boat is either overloaded or unseaworthy: 25. Cannot throw ringbuoy accur- ately. • „ 26. Smoking• while filling motor with gas. 27 Panicking in weds. Should watch for them and avoid • them. Two general rules from this Poster— .1. Boats must stay out Of swim- ming areas. 2. Swim only in supervised areas. 4botti50..-mittbers Of the Cook afluIy gathered at Seaforth Lions Park for the' annual reunion Sat - *clay afteynodln. Sports were -enjoyed by young •.1 • •'• Go Ahead" Given and old, ilteti ,ts,Ms., tkIlder ., Lindaqe,ifiatn 'tindeti,, Linda Strauiban boy under Ifla.rOd- Alum ecinan;sien cki; th-slir47 A b 11 game- was played by the young folks while older members enjoyed several bingo games. Win- ners were:, Aileen Emmons, Xi's. Maud Horton, Bob Cook, Mrs. OL -5515"" . . e • intuilsbAt Atormor JTtt� .55. C01( Wm. C99.k arid glIP next yearthe picnic will be held 421.01,4e.,,N41, PiPt.;:fcL, The new *.x.0 ORrelidellt...1',;• • • • • - iiori Mr. Ber relrian; 8eretary, gra Addle Freeman; sports, .Mr. and Mrs. Fpank Nation. Russia is a couutry where you never guess wrong on an Pleetion. - • ...1111111111.50.00 ONTAIi110 HOSPITAL 111SURAINCE sis • '000$5.18114811. effective January 1 1959 YOU MUST • TO BENEFI 1"cs- ' rt" • On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commissioii will be the only :ikency offering standard ward hospital iiisuratice, in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward hospital services after December 31, 1958. • - "The Department of Public Works at Ottawa has directed their district engineer at London to 'go ahead with the eat walk at Snug Harbor," says a letter from Elston Cardiff, MP., to Mrs, G. Filsinger. Mr. Cardiff was instrumental in securing ,a substantial sum of money from the government for this purpose, Owners of cabin cruisers who have been into Snug Harbor this summer have been loud in their praise at the work done so far which has included. picnic, tables, barbecue pits, new lighting, elec- trical plug -ins, etc. A Canadian flag now flies from a pole at the entrance to Spug Harbor 'and 'a large sign also ex- teeds an official welcom. to the visiting boats. Snug Harbor, with- in the course of the next year or so, will be a much improved spot arid will attract many more visit- ing craft. • HOG MARKETING VOTE --"'"OffleturregultS-Orlbe cite among Ontario hog pro- ducers showed a vote of 67.5 per ,cent in favor of keeping their co-operative 'marketing plan, Agriculture Minister Goodfellow has announced, A. 66.5 majority Was needed to re- tain the marketing program, FALL FAIR DATES SET A list of Ontario Agricultural Societies' fairs, for 1958 includes the following: Arthur—September 23, 24 Bayfield—September 24, 25 Blyth—September 16, 17 Brussels—September 25, 26 Clifford—September 10, 11 Collingwood---October 2-4 Dungannon—October 3 -Elmira—August 29; 30, Sept. 1 Exeter—September 17) 18 Forest—September 16,.. V1• Harriston—September 17, 18 Kincardine --September 10, 19 Listowel—September 22, 23 Lucknow—September 23, 24 Milverton—September 19, 20 Mitchell—September 23, 24 New Hambrirg—Septembr 12, .13 Owen Sound—October 8-11 in,—ember:m11 ary Seaforth—September 18, 19 Stratford—September 15-17 London Western Fair—SePt. 8-13 Tavistock—September 5, 6 Toronto Canadian National Exhibi- tion—Augtrt 20 -September 6 Toronto, Royal Winta Fair — November 14-22 Walkerton—•Nvem'lr 5, 6 Zurith—September 20 aritt *22' The Internatipal Plowing Watch will be held in Stormont County, October 7-10. An advertisement In the signal. Star brings quick results.. '--4.11111111 ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolmentis open to every resident of Ontario—re- gardless of age or physical condition—either through' a group, or individually ma Pay -Direct basis. Non-residents of Ontario are not eligible. • -.mem -.0•1111,, PREMIUMS The low premiums of $2.10 a ,month for a single person and $4.20 a month for the family (husband, wife and children under age 19)' are made 'possible through • extensive financial contributions by the Federal and Provincial Governmeiits. • • WHICH OF THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE YOU IN? 1. Are you employed where there are 15 or more includidgthe employer? If so, you are subject to compulsory enrol- ment through your place of employment. ' Your employer must enrol you by August, 31, 1958, and begin payments in December 1958. Your employer will register you. 3. Are you a member of a professional 'association, 'medical co-operative, craft .union, credit union, retail federation, or like group? If number 1 or 2 does not apply to you, check with your organization to determine if it is acting as a collector for its members. Group applications must be in by August 31, 4958. 11 isot efigitreis;s4r 1; 2,4;1,;s7s may enrol as an individual and pay pre. Miums directly to the Commission. Indivi- duals applying for Pay -Direct enrolment must make Application by September 30, 198. Application forms are now available at public hospitals and banks (or the Post Office if there is no bank in your com- munity.) Do 1101 delay. • 14 including the employer? """55.1.111111. If so, you may be enrolled as one of a group, if the employer applies for approval as a "Mandatory Group" and • if. all employees, including the empoyer, agree to participate. Geoup application must be made by August i 31, 1958. .1. 5 PAYMENT OF • ,, • - GROUP PREMIUMS will be roable monthly in .one remittance to the Commision beginning in December, 1958. ' INDIVIDUALS remitting to the Commission ori a Pay -Direct basis will fiay as follows: One montlits premium at the time of application on or before Septmbr. 30, 1958 — and after that payable on a quarterly premium basis begin- ning in January, 1959. • PREPAID 'CUSHION' — The first payMent of one month's premium by groups and individuals rekistered prior to the closing dates stated above, will cover a benefit period of three months: from • 4.saleem- , iii.111111150.0- 411111111iso.- eseise-. 111111110.- 11111111..- • 111111"...- 111111Mis... •Ila=7;_ PREMIUMS January 1 to March 31, 1959. This will set' up a ",prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times when a person may be laid off changing jobs, or temporarily out of theprovince. LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE COSTLY Groups and individuals nofregistered by the closing dates stated ,above under given classifitations will not only fail to qualify for the two months' free coverage but will be required to wait three months following application before benefits become avail- • able. For exaple, alroup or resident applying in February will not have protection effective 'until' May 1. '11111110.55555- 111111151.*.- VOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO° BENEFIT ----ONTAITTO-110,SrivgAr""SERVICE164"*"" SSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION — TORONTO 7, ONTAIRIO Telephone WAIrtut 4.3301 '4001440.60, 0550001111511110.0 .04.400.— ....0.44.0550.44001111,5 .55 ..55.54111111111050... K..44.se 1,‘ _. _. I . Ho ding Viciory BoindS If you told any of the 5th, 6th, ,7th, 8th or 9th Victory • Bonds . . . now is the time fo take them to your nearest Royal Bank Branch and convert them into the new CANADA CONVERSION LOAN BONDS. " Th'i new Bonds earn a higher .rate of interest and, in addition, you receive an immediate cash adjustment for every Victory Bond you convert. Consult your local Royal Bank manager about this attractive offer. • THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA , . ...1111111111.50.00 ONTAIi110 HOSPITAL 111SURAINCE sis • '000$5.18114811. effective January 1 1959 YOU MUST • TO BENEFI 1"cs- ' rt" • On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commissioii will be the only :ikency offering standard ward hospital iiisuratice, in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward hospital services after December 31, 1958. • - "The Department of Public Works at Ottawa has directed their district engineer at London to 'go ahead with the eat walk at Snug Harbor," says a letter from Elston Cardiff, MP., to Mrs, G. Filsinger. Mr. Cardiff was instrumental in securing ,a substantial sum of money from the government for this purpose, Owners of cabin cruisers who have been into Snug Harbor this summer have been loud in their praise at the work done so far which has included. picnic, tables, barbecue pits, new lighting, elec- trical plug -ins, etc. A Canadian flag now flies from a pole at the entrance to Spug Harbor 'and 'a large sign also ex- teeds an official welcom. to the visiting boats. Snug Harbor, with- in the course of the next year or so, will be a much improved spot arid will attract many more visit- ing craft. • HOG MARKETING VOTE --"'"OffleturregultS-Orlbe cite among Ontario hog pro- ducers showed a vote of 67.5 per ,cent in favor of keeping their co-operative 'marketing plan, Agriculture Minister Goodfellow has announced, A. 66.5 majority Was needed to re- tain the marketing program, FALL FAIR DATES SET A list of Ontario Agricultural Societies' fairs, for 1958 includes the following: Arthur—September 23, 24 Bayfield—September 24, 25 Blyth—September 16, 17 Brussels—September 25, 26 Clifford—September 10, 11 Collingwood---October 2-4 Dungannon—October 3 -Elmira—August 29; 30, Sept. 1 Exeter—September 17) 18 Forest—September 16,.. V1• Harriston—September 17, 18 Kincardine --September 10, 19 Listowel—September 22, 23 Lucknow—September 23, 24 Milverton—September 19, 20 Mitchell—September 23, 24 New Hambrirg—Septembr 12, .13 Owen Sound—October 8-11 in,—ember:m11 ary Seaforth—September 18, 19 Stratford—September 15-17 London Western Fair—SePt. 8-13 Tavistock—September 5, 6 Toronto Canadian National Exhibi- tion—Augtrt 20 -September 6 Toronto, Royal Winta Fair — November 14-22 Walkerton—•Nvem'lr 5, 6 Zurith—September 20 aritt *22' The Internatipal Plowing Watch will be held in Stormont County, October 7-10. An advertisement In the signal. Star brings quick results.. '--4.11111111 ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolmentis open to every resident of Ontario—re- gardless of age or physical condition—either through' a group, or individually ma Pay -Direct basis. Non-residents of Ontario are not eligible. • -.mem -.0•1111,, PREMIUMS The low premiums of $2.10 a ,month for a single person and $4.20 a month for the family (husband, wife and children under age 19)' are made 'possible through • extensive financial contributions by the Federal and Provincial Governmeiits. • • WHICH OF THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE YOU IN? 1. Are you employed where there are 15 or more includidgthe employer? If so, you are subject to compulsory enrol- ment through your place of employment. ' Your employer must enrol you by August, 31, 1958, and begin payments in December 1958. Your employer will register you. 3. Are you a member of a professional 'association, 'medical co-operative, craft .union, credit union, retail federation, or like group? If number 1 or 2 does not apply to you, check with your organization to determine if it is acting as a collector for its members. Group applications must be in by August 31, 4958. 11 isot efigitreis;s4r 1; 2,4;1,;s7s may enrol as an individual and pay pre. Miums directly to the Commission. Indivi- duals applying for Pay -Direct enrolment must make Application by September 30, 198. Application forms are now available at public hospitals and banks (or the Post Office if there is no bank in your com- munity.) Do 1101 delay. • 14 including the employer? """55.1.111111. If so, you may be enrolled as one of a group, if the employer applies for approval as a "Mandatory Group" and • if. all employees, including the empoyer, agree to participate. Geoup application must be made by August i 31, 1958. .1. 5 PAYMENT OF • ,, • - GROUP PREMIUMS will be roable monthly in .one remittance to the Commision beginning in December, 1958. ' INDIVIDUALS remitting to the Commission ori a Pay -Direct basis will fiay as follows: One montlits premium at the time of application on or before Septmbr. 30, 1958 — and after that payable on a quarterly premium basis begin- ning in January, 1959. • PREPAID 'CUSHION' — The first payMent of one month's premium by groups and individuals rekistered prior to the closing dates stated above, will cover a benefit period of three months: from • 4.saleem- , iii.111111150.0- 411111111iso.- eseise-. 111111110.- 11111111..- • 111111"...- 111111Mis... •Ila=7;_ PREMIUMS January 1 to March 31, 1959. This will set' up a ",prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times when a person may be laid off changing jobs, or temporarily out of theprovince. LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE COSTLY Groups and individuals nofregistered by the closing dates stated ,above under given classifitations will not only fail to qualify for the two months' free coverage but will be required to wait three months following application before benefits become avail- • able. For exaple, alroup or resident applying in February will not have protection effective 'until' May 1. '11111110.55555- 111111151.*.- VOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO° BENEFIT ----ONTAITTO-110,SrivgAr""SERVICE164"*"" SSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION — TORONTO 7, ONTAIRIO Telephone WAIrtut 4.3301 '4001440.60, 0550001111511110.0 .04.400.— ....0.44.0550.44001111,5 .55 ..55.54111111111050... K..44.se 1,‘