HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-07, Page 5114. l'HUODAT, AtTGUK 7tb,, 1,958 KINGSEIRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Aug. " 4. — Mrt and Mrs. Baert and, twins, Mr. and -f:inestionervikwitutut, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sutter and family, of Detroit,. were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin. Miss Beta Forbes ami two friendt.tfrom• Detroit-are-visitin with Mrs. Louis Hogan and family. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Austin; Oarol Ann and Marlene, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Len Woodley and Mary Darlene, of 'Walton, •Mr, and Mrs. H., Menard and sons, Bobby and Danny, of Belleville, spent the week -end at the Clifton ',Austin home. Miss Florence Lambertus, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Seigner, of Guelph, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambertus. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Moerbeck and three children and Mrs. Ken- aeth Bee, of, Toronto, spent the week -end 'with the Leo Moerbeck Banally. Mr. and Mrs.. P. M. Ryan and 'family, of Detroit, Miss Ida Gres - pan, Miss Mary Gunzik, and Miss Olga Di Francesco, of London, were guestsat the Walter Clare home over the week -end, Rev. Father ,Moss, of London, was a visitor at the rectory, and also with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J C. Moss, at their cottage here, during the past week. The Very Reverend Gerard Van . .4 Vynckt, P.S.M., of, Yorktown, Sask., is a guest at the rectory with his lirother4 Rev..4Waa-Yckt, ;en -, .route4.0i/impeforthe the °Superior General and his council. Mr. Robert Howard purchased the farm of the late Jos. Buckley which was sold by public ,auction last Monday -evening,.for-the-sum of $11,000. We will be very haliPY1 to welcome Mr. and Mrs., Howard to this neighborhood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Berry and sons, of Goderich, -Mrs, Ed. John- ston, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Schuurman an* family, of London, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Murphy, a Tor- onto,Mrs. Lalonde, and family, • of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doherty, of Toronto, were other holiday visitors , here. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Joseph Gar- vey, QC, 60, Whose death occurred on Monday e'Vening at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, after a few days' illness. Mr. Garvey leaves: to mourn his loss his widow, the form- er Marie Foley, of Toronto, one son, Michael, and three daughters, Mrs. H. (Mary Agnes) Murphy, Mrs. (Dr.) Claude (Joan) MacDonald and Mrs. Peter (Margaret) Bolland, all residing in Toronto and seven grandchildren. The funeral will take place in Toronto on Thursday morning at Blessed Sacrament Church. The late Mr. Garvey and family were frequent visitors at SUNDAY SERVICES " IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. -GEM -CHU( 41, ON ...,f,s.i,-, „tr.?, :At:, • ".ruipit '01$ 10P, ...,• 4-,, Ptg7 Fred James '^ • . • . eday Doi4.Leti °' hgn:t1rltt 44sang.ar frequiem * 1413, mshrws., wereka,141xtbeaureornsa.dt livA1441rnaeue-ci John Marwick. Burial was made in • ' Colborne R.P.,, cemete_ry.. '- -,LDeceased-was-/B-4e° ars-ot,age and Was b,orn,in-Goderich a son' of , the late Mr. and. Mea. 'James Shan - nen: He had been in the civil service in Ottawa until he retired, to Goderich 16 years ago. .11e died in Alexandra Hospital on 'Saturday following a long ill- - 'less. There are no survivors. Friday htCouncil eatiNCIL' *tit meeting: came to or, er, Members of 'Council went OM f inspect some town property -adjoining Maitland cemetery. Two contrac- tors, R. J. Brewer, of Goderich, and George Radford, of Blyth, have asked if they can either buy some of this property or obtain a right-of-waY. Mr. Brewer was given temporary permission to use a road and Council will give fur- ther consideration to the sale of some land. MI-% Radford's request has been referred to Maitland Cemetery Board for its views. • • •• • • • . '7";•••••.... . . Aug. 10th, Tenth Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.rn.orMORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation end Nursery) REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster..., THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street -United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Guest Preecher:, Rev. Clifford F. Waite, Lion's Head, Ont. Junior Congregation and Nursery. ,TACELT MR. RONALD KACKVrcrrec 431 • Knox Presbyterian Churck REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., Director of Praise 9.30 A.M. — MORNING SERVICES — 11 A.M. fiieloservices will be conducted by Rev. R.,G. MacMillan. - 11 a.m. Nursery and Junior Congregation. -A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Victoria Street United Church FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOUR FAMILY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL THROUGH THE SUMMER. 11 a.m., Guett Preacher for all' three Churches, • , Rev. John W. Patrick. Sermon Subject — "DEDICATIONS." Junior Congregation. 10 a.m.- BENMILLER CHURCH BEFORE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH. • MINISTER, REV. S: A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. • ORGANIST, MR. FRANK ' BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST.". Suriday; August 10 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. PRAISE AND WORSHIP. 7.30 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. FAREWELL MESSAGE BY REV. R. J. ,GREEN Last service with Mr. and Mrs. Green prior to their moving to' Orangeville. EVERYONE URGED TO 'ATTEND. 'GODERICH BAPTIST- CHURCH ' 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M." FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service). 7 .p.m. The Fellowship- Hour. Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINOLAY, B.A., B.O. — MINISTER MRS. R. GOOD —ORGANIST Welcome to, That Cares SERVICES Aug. Tint10 West Ontario Conference and Camp. Thamtisford, Ontario. Roe Methodist' Chtirch Verlyn R. Snell, B.A.,°Pasioi • 4,A,..1161.14,04.4r.0.,,,c.,,m, 4..*. • • ------------- • SALVATION ARMY 11 aim Holiness Meeting.. . 230 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School.° 7,p.m. Salvation Meeting. Speaker — Bro. R. Peacock. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. -bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. LIEUT. LESLIE ROWSELL 6 Uri" Slitriinerliditirlitit'ctlie-G vey homestead) and will be greatly missed. Alsosurviving are two brothers, Rev. E. C. Garvey, of Assumption University, Windsor, and Gerald Garvey who is- spend- ing.the summer months here. Born at Kingsbridge, Mr. Garvey gradu- ated from Osgoode° Hall in 1923 and 'was appointed King's Counsel in 1933. He had an active career in Ontario law courts for more than 25 years. A' past president Of the Catholit Children's Aid So- ciety, he was a 'member of, the Fourth Degre.e Knights of Colum- bus and the Granite Club. He was immediate past president and chairman of the boar4,0 governors of the Newman Club at the Uni- versity of Tdronto, secretary of the Serra Club. Mr. and Mtrs. Chas. Brinker, of Detroit, were recent guests with the Earl Drennan family. The Lucknow centennial cele- brations were well patronized by the people of this community. Con- gratulations to the ScInolastics of Huronia College on the fie Kings- . bilagfliiiii;liShanireek had in the parade, showing . an Italian Chef "Luigi" ready to carve a huge. turkey, ancirextending an invitation for all 'to 'come to the annual turkey supper on August 7th. • ••••44, ' • '-t:•••:AT • .• •,-, • • „.„. : • „ • .,4,4-,stto•- ,. 7.• ' . . . • , •,• • „ (jiThe above scene will 1T ii ro1itffiiouS Goderich -and* HOLMESVILLE „ HOLMESVILLE, Aug. 5,—Miss Sandra Williams, a 1958 graduate of Stratford Teachers' College, will teach at S.S. No. 10, Goderich Township, starting in September. Sandra is the 'elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams. Guests at the week -end ,of Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCullough were Mr. and Mrs. John 'Beatty, of Wil- lowdale,‘ and, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keshnie and family, of Kitchener. Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Steepe and ,family,.,.spe.nt...theA.week-end with Mrs. Steepe's 'patents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W..M'agee, of Woodstock. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Aug. 5. — Mr, and Mrs. Francis Glossop and Betty, of London, are visiting with Mrs. Glossop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Forester. Mr, and Mrs. Tony Vrooman and 'family, -of 'COriCrina; 'spew the 'Week: end with Mr.' and Mrs. Will Vroo- man. Mrs. Harry _Leaner, Mrs, Mary Dickson,• Fred land Brian Johnson were aihong 'those ° who went to Stratford to see Prineess Margaret. Mrs. Lednor, with her daughter, Mrs. Jean Athil1, went on to FIamilton where they saw the Princess present the colors to the Highland Light Infantry of Canada: also the ceremony where the Princess was 'made the Regiment Colonel in Chief, Mrs. Lednor Will visit her daughters, Mrs. Roy Shut- ter and Mrs. L. A. Brentwood while in Hamilton. Mr. Earl Martin, of London, spilt the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Martin. The annual Quaid picnic was held Sunday P.m. at Maple Grove Beach with 44 present. Attiong these who came from a 'distance were Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid and family, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dahmer and Jean; Id Water loo; Mr. and Mrs. B. Braknis, of Hamilton, and Mrs., John McPher- son and Grant, of Teeswater. ' Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Hoy were: Mr. and Mrs. William Knight, 'Bonnie and Rictiy,,pof Sarnia, Vt. and Mrs. Don BoWden and Larry, of London, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Jardine and Cindy, of Toronto, and Mri.ond.Malsovalden4Gothevtlikaon, and Carol, of Dungannon. Mrs. Mable. McKenzie, of Kitch- ener, is visiting at, the home of her. son,,Mr. R.C. IVIcKenke _and Mrs. McKenzie. Dr. 'and Mrs. Ed. Sylvester .and f'aitily are holidayitig at their cot: tage at Port Albert beach. Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Taylor spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Mel Dickson. An advertisement In the Signal - Star brings quick results. , • . fia istriet-re-Sidents,rwhoqiaVe.visited---ithile-.onttliolidahisnsuimner: or in preceding years. Seenj.n the •foreground and in the distance are some of the "flower pots" at Flower Pot Island (nit in the lake from Tobermory. Ontario Dept. of Travel ,and Publicity Photo. AT THE WATERFRONT ROCK SALT SHIPMENTS OUT NOT IN -BY SUMMER OF 1959 Work has commenced moving the huge pile' of rock salt at 'the side of the, north pier whieh was brought-nr from Detroit some time ago by the boat, Alpena, for Sifto SaltLtd. This salt is shipped out from here for commercial purposes and also for distributing,to points_along, Western Ontario Highways for use in the winter months to keep the highways -Clear of---snew and Ailetlier ship load is due VS -arrive here some 'time 'this fall. This cargo in the fall will probably be the •last rock, salt ever to be brought to Goderich. HY about . this time next year the $10,000,- 000 rock salt plant of the ,Domin- ion Rock Salt Company, now tinder •construction at the Harbor, is ex- pected to be in proddction. From then on, rock salt will be shipped from Goderich—byboat, by train and by truck—instead of being brought into Goderich. The Royal ° Canadian Police boat, Tagish H, has been Working in and out of Goderich Harbor now for the past week,. chocking on small craft, etc. The Howard L. Shaw came in with a load of grain last Thursday and the Bricoldoc on Friday. Sun- day saw. the SuPerior arrive. On Tuesday, the J. F. Durston, a gaited' States' boat into this har- lad for Abe first time inyears, if ever ,Wore, arriyed with a cargo '4:tf- corn -from. a.Lake Michigan, pori. for Upper Lakes,iand'SL-LaWreziee Transportation Company. On Wed- nesday, the Imperial Hamilton was in with -a cargo of gasoline: MacDonald -Marine had sold more gasoline to visiting cabin cruisers up to the end of July of this year than they had sold •all of last sifin- mer; indicating an increased num- ber of such craft, visiting Goderich Harbor. , ' The temperature, of the water at Harbor Beach on Wednesday 1 afternoon was 73 while the air Mounted temperature was 80r. SHEPPARDTON ' SHEPPARDTON, Aug. 5.—Visi t- ors over the holiday week -end with Mr: and Mrs. Alvin Adki-ti were the lady's brothere‘, Mr. W. Cowan from Toronto and Mr. Donald, Cowan 'from Welland ,and also Mr'. and, Mrs. Clifford Johnson and family from Dresden, 'and Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Bosman and family, of Seaforth. Mr, and, Mrs. Frank McAvoy and son, of St, datharineS, spent . the week -end with Mrs. McAvoy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert- Bogie, Mr, ,and Mrs. Marvin Ross and f ainilY1,-riear GalCirolirthe'Veelc` end with Marvin's grandmother, Mrs. Jones; and other relatives. Mrs....Culbert„ of Stratford,..spe.nt the week -end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hoy, Mr. Norman 'Hoy and family. Mr. Bob Waterhouse and family, of Toronto, spent the week -end camping in the Sheppardton dis- trict. Several years ago Bob spent summer vacations with the late Mrs. Gordon. Mr, George Dougherty has start- ed threshing in the district while most of the farmers have their grain all tut and combining is also in full swing, Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. Berry and son, of Goderich, mited during the holiday with' Mrs. Berry's sister, Mrs. J. Tigert, Jack and family, Sharon and Stewart Pumphery. of Dresden, spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Hart and family. Mr.' and Mrs. Pumphery visited Sunday at the Hart home and Stewart and Sharon returned home with them. DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, Aug. 5. — Miss Joanne MacLaughlin has returned to her home in Detroit after a visit with Mr. and 1VIrS. Sam Thompson and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs; Cliff Henderson and Billy and Gail were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamney and gfrls'--6ail- remained for-' a holiday while Dia,ne.Chamney went home with the Hendersons for a YiSkt- Mr. and Mrs tr. 'Jefferson ,and Linda returned at the week -end fronratrip through Northern On- tario and a visit with Mr, and Mrs, Joe Jefferson at Port Arthur, Misses Joan and Betty Dever- eauare visiting in Detroit. A dance was held in Dungannon Hall on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jefferson (nee Marie Noble), Music was supplied by Tiflin's orchestra. During. the lunch hour, George Naylor read an ad- dress. expressing the good wishes of those' assembled and Roy„Ilardy presented them With a purse of Money. Donald made a fitting reply. The young couple have itaken up residence in the London i.area where Donald has secured emploMent, ungannon DUNG.ANNON, , Atig. 6.—Rev. Roy Kennedy, Mrs. 'Kennedy and family left for the month of Aug- ust to spend holidays at Rondeau Park, Lake Erie. ' Miss Margaret Disher, Toronto, formerly of Dungannon, returned home after spending three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Earl. Swan, Ashfield, friends in Goderich, Dr. H. S. Vokes, and Mrs. Vokes, of, the village and renewed, acquain- tances with many others,' - Miss Margaret Joy Durnin, and. cousin, Miss Lois Hefford, Toron- to, spent the week -end here with relatives.' They. have just return- ed from a' pleasant month's vaca- tion in Bermuda. Miss Olara Sproul, Stratford, spent the week -end with her sis- ters, . Misses Nettie and Rebina Sproul. . , Mrs. Winnifred , Widcombe, :Wiltdsor;°- -is vacationing . with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mc- Clure, and sister, Mrs, Herb Fin- nigan. Friends in this district were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Will °Smith, Goderich, whose funeral took place this Wed - Inesday afternoon with interment in Dungannon cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Smith were former residents of the 4th con. orAshfield:- Mr, J. J. Ryan held' -the United Church W.M.S, at her home last Friday afternoon. In the absence of the president, Mrs: C. Crozier, the chair was taken by, the first vice president, Mrs. Harvey Ander- son. After the usual opening, Mrs. J. Ryan; in the absence of Mrs. Chas. Fowler, secretary,. read the minutes and gave the roll call. A discussion took pltitoelz,on. the Sunday service to be held on Aug-" ust 24 and sponsored by the,W.M. S.' as a supplement during .the minister's holidays. Mrs. Arthur Elliott gave a temperance reading. Mrs. Matthew Shackletob „gave an article on Korea. Mrs. Melvin Reed read an article on "A life made over." Mrs. Lorne Ivers of- fered her home for the September meeting. , Mrs. Herb 'Finnigan, Mrs. W. Widcornbe, J. C. Durnin, Miss Mar- aretTJnytzDurnhrr-IVIiss41.*18,-Het-- ford and Mrs.. Wm. Atkinson, of Flint, Mich.,' were week -end visit- ors .to Wasaga Beaeh. Visitors with Mrs. Mary Rivett, Mrs. Thos, Rivett and Morris Simp- son for the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badman, Comber, and Mrs. Gordon Sampson, -Carol Ann and Paul, of Goderich. Visitors with Mrs." Jessie Oliver. and Mrs. E. McMillan, were Mr. ai.d Mrs. Gale Sehaferstine and lamily, of Swanton, Ohio, and Mrs. :George McGuire and family and Mr. John Green, of Detreit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Finlay and daughter, Elizabeth, ,of Saskatoon, SiSk., returned Tuesday after a week with Mr. and Mils. Cecil Blake and visited Lucknow cen- tennial, HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SIGNAL -STAR SUBSCRIPTION -A New Find for those with cl;x4•4**_. ,Ait,AtY /0.7. • No more temporary `cdver-up' rinses --no more tricky tints or dyes to use. SCOTT'S ANTI - GRAY HAIR TONE will restore natural looking-- colour and sheen to your hair gradually, over a two to three week per-, iod, if you follow directions. Then use only as required. It won't wash 'out,, nor rub off on clothing or pillows. Equally effotive for men and women, and this greaseless, cream has a lanolin base that is actually beneficial to the hair. Simply rub it into the hair once a day, for two to three weeks, and marvel at the nnatufal look- ing' colour and lustre coming back to Our gray hair. Start looking younger' now— try' either $3.00 size, _or $6.00 economy size, and you are pro- tected by a money -back guaran- tee if not satisfied. Now available at "Ernerson's Drug Store. • INVITATIONS • • ANNOUNC-EMENTS s. RECEPTION CARDS • THANK YOU CARDS SLd CL/ INITP-NATIONALAOMMTS' j ,'!""0111MTVICTirint 77; Angle km =modal es Idled lard ei. plank snakes 'exaellIa4 tom oak*. A Mr tips *Mks bisiesniik, will do OW mailing fob *his 'anal* kali la ebnodi WM tiaill: -. -.. -.,. Iss—as.4-;-...,— Featuring."THERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTING ,(Raised Lettering) LET US ASSIST YOU WITH- YOUK WEDDING PLANS, You ma select Acknowledgments with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of form. WE ALSO NAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, ..v..ATCH'i AND C.AXE BOXES Goderich Signal -Star PrioNE 71 ' WEST ST. r•