HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-07, Page 4a
*aa, ittiacda
sours Win HolidayPERSONAL 5
Mrs. John See and son, Robert, Mr. and Mfrs. J. C. Van Bruggen,
of Kalam o
azo Mi e
MO, derich.'ior .1F�..f'
n >d' it in t.
cwnngl-ow t on, visite
f to .ai 6 0oviste they were guests of Miss Marjorie
t��th Mr.
andMrs. D J Patterson C tl
Registering three wins and ao
plus, 'of 22 for an aggregate of 56,
. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Scrimgeour, l Swimmers
e1 G ideriut, •walked-away--with-•top
prrheoat the' annual Merchants. and
Manufacturers' tournament of the
Captue, Meet
Co4erich Lawn Bowling Club on
,Holiday. The host club carne out on 'top
From m Wingham, London, Han- b a wide margin when the annual
over, Tavistock and other centres . Y g
. eanie bowlers to make a total of swimming meet was held at the
32 entries in the mixed doubles, pool in Judith Gooderham Mem-
or & total of '64 bowlers competing. orial Park last week.
Chairman of the tournament was Goderich swimmers piled up 154
Stan McLean, assisted by John Mc- apoh4s, followed by St. Marys with
Leod. 59 Exeter -Centralia 26, Kincardine
Placing second were Mr. and 15� Listowel 1:2 and Walkerton 1.
Mrs. Cliff Vick, of+London, with a
score •of three wins and a 'plus of About 125 swimmers—none of
21 for an aggregate of 43. them older than 16 years -took
In third spot were "Chuck" part in, the met. A summer visi-
tor„ and Mrs. Kate Cutt, of tor,- David Booth, of Hamilton,
Goderich, with three wins and a who is Canadian indoor breast -
plus of 17 for an aggregate of 43: stroke champion, swam with the
• A Wingham pair, Frank McCor- Goderich team,
mick and Mrs. McIntyre were Another swim meet will,be held
fourth with two wins and, a plus of in St. Marys this Saturday. When
t9 for an aggregate of 54 while the series of meets has been com-
iiizififth-spot• were flays-parling and ,pleted, a trophy will be awarded
Mrs. E. Argyle, of Goderich, with to " the winning club. Goderich
two wins and a plus of .19 for an won the championship last year.
aggregate of 48. In sixth position John Gardiner, of Goderich,' won
was Stan McLean and Mrsp,.McLean third place <in'the back crawl event
with, two wins and a plus of 17 at the Canadian amateur
:anan seventh •:place -was Mr: and outdoor 'championships
Mrs, Ed. Sale 'with two wins and a ford recently'.
plus of 14. •
Many lovely prizes were donated
by Goderich merchants arid manu-
facturers. The names of the don-
ors appear among, the Cards of
Thanks on the classified advertising
page of this issue of The Signal -
Appreciates --Aid
From -The�. Press-
Thefollowing letter has been re-
ceived by The Signal -Star from
Rev. - Richar'd J. Green,- of Bethel
Pentecostal Tabernacle, who is
shortly leaving for a new charge
at Orangeville. Ontario.
Editor, Signal -Star.
Dear Editor:
I would like to voice personal
appreciation for the excellent cov-
in Strat-
crags of news you, are giving the
people of this community through
the ;pages of the Signal -Star,
Since coming to this town I have
been conscious. of the assistance
the press can offer even in the
work of the church. During the
time we have been ministering at
Bethel Pentecostal' Tabernacle coil
-have always been co-operative and
interested in otir' activities -to-"the
-extent-of-many-times. giving.p
in your newspaper for church news.
Now as ' we prepare to leave
Goderich to assume duties in an-
other church, allow me to offer
sincere thanks for the work you
and your. staff have done and the
help we have received by being
part of the news from time to time.
Yours very truly,
Richard J. Green.
Editor's .Note: Thank you.. We
appreciate such encouragement.
1958 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, showroom condition,
complete' with radio, ?Cather upholstery, etc.
1957 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, leather upholstery,
spotless, low niileage.
1954 EVROLET COACH, smart two-tone, a clean
1953 CHEVROLET COACH, radio, clean,
-- . and others to choose from at —
Firestone Tires and Texaco Products
Phone 20
Community Silver Sale
Filsinger's Jewelry & Gifts
From Your •
Huron Co-operative Medical Services
1—We wish to announce to our members that they are
registered with the Ontario Hospital Services Com-
' .mission.
I1 ---That we wash the pint reply card sent to each House-
holder, be returned to us as soon as possible.
III—After January 1, 1959, in order to remain a member
of Huron Co-operative Medical Services .,it will be
-n cessai'ry to have the MAJOR MEDICAL PLAN,
which pays:
(a) 80% up to $5,000.00 of Physic'ian's and burg-
Ontario Medical Association tariff;
,(1.),Services .performedby a. re4istered nurse *hen
orderedbey' a physician;
(e) Arnbu-lance service, special drugs, appliances,
therapy, when ordered by a• physician, Over the
$500.00 deduetible clause.
Vire, are a eo4i8 Bring an Xniproved Surgical Cdnt iatt,
'V We are. the o i; eial, collectors for the Ontario Hos-
pital COtnniitaion for OIM, K s n ; : , who wish us
to do so. -31
Macfie. Mrs. See is Canadian dele- 'a arson re+ en y4
gate to the Women's Auxiliary of Mr. James Redditt and children
the American Veterinarians' As- Toronto, spent the weeid
sociation; which will be holding a With Miss LllUas MaeVicar. ( �,
convention -in l'hiiadelpha•••s'hortiy. __-Misse$:.IGoyc®, Dianna -and K@d
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Evans, of Johnston; of Clinton, are visiting
Windsor, have been ,visiting with their grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bartlett, Rich Ernest Jghnston, Mill road,
set. Mr. Evans recently had a F.O. and -Mrs. Dona) Wheeler
reu 'ion at Sarnia ,;With his sister and -sons, Larry and Robby, of
for t ie first time in 36 years. Mr. Ottawa, spent a two weeks' ,visit
Evans' sister recently came out for •with` Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr.
Canada from England for the first and Mrs. Ernest Videan.
Mr. Elmer Weaver, popular man-
ager of the Goderich Public Util-
ities Commission, is a patient at
Victoria Hospital at London.
It is the first time he has
ever been. a patient in hospital and
he and his many friends are wish-
ing for his speedy recovery.
Recent guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Moorhead, of
Benmiller, were: 'Mr. and Mrs, C.
L. Garvin, of Cobburg, Ont., Mrs.
Wm. Martin, f Los Angeles, Calif.,
Mrs. G. L. Tracy and Dr. Mona L.
Tracy, of Vancouver, Dr. and Mrs.
D. A. Scott; and Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Moorhead, of Toronto. -
Mr. Harold Warrener is confined
to the hospital for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mills, of Lon-
don; spent the week -end with Mr.
and, Mrs. Emery Baechler. Robert
Mills, who has been holidaying
here, returned home with his par-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kahn, of St.
Louis, Mo., and Miss Clara Martin,
of Toronto, _ accompanied . by Mr.
W. L. Clues, of St. Louis, Mo,,
renewed acquaintances in town last
Mr. and Mrs. John Nivins return-
ed home after spending ten days
at Cornwall. While there, they
attericred-"the christening of thei
,great:grafind daughter,-- Illaine Muir;
hBrockvTllE:'~ ,
Mr. and Mrs...Ron Patterson and
family are visiting. with Mrs. Pat-
terson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Gladys McClinchey was hon-
ored at a miscellaneous shower
held July 31 at the home of Mrs.
R, J. Green. A. lovely corsage of
gladioli was pinned on the bride-
to-be by Miss Phyllis Hoy. Two
little' girls, Sandra Hutchins and
Diana Hoy, carried a prettily decor-
ated basket of gifts to the bride,
after which she thanked the ladies.
An evening of contests was foilow-
ed by,dainty refreshments:
Mrs. J. H. Cadman, of "Grand
Falls, Newfoundland; is a guest
with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cadman,
'Cambria road.
Holiday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, George Ellis were
the former's sister, Mrs: John An-
derson; of Detroit, arid a cousin,
Miss Marion Douglas, of Toronto,
and "Mrs. Jack Black, of -Windsor.
Guests with Mrs. W. G, Mac -
Ewan, Albert street, are her 'sister,,
Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Toronto,
and her daughter, Mrs. Don Mason
and son, Paul, of Omaha, Nebraska.
Bob Ward, of George Ilarvey
Vocational School, Toronto, spent
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C, F.
Stokes, West street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young, of
Los' Angeles, California, were
guests last week with their cousin,,
Mrs. T., Edward Pritchard.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Breckow
returned after ,spending holidays
with Mr, and Mrs. Fraser McTavish,
of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, Victor
,.Campbell, of London and Mr, and
Mrs. M. Brocklebank, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McClin-
tock, of Streetsville, were guests
of Mrs: Herb Morris over the week-
Mrs. George Goodrow and Miss
Helen Goodrow, of Toronto, were
week -end guests„ with Miss Kath-
leen Whateley, Nelson street.
• Miss Jennifer Prest and Miss
Joan Davis are visiting . Mrs. W,
Davis at Stratford,'• and will attend
the Stratford Festival.
Miss Annie Nesbit, who has.been
attending` Goderich Business' Col-
lege, has joined the office staff of
the Canada Packers Ltd., Clinton.
Miss Valerie Cyr has secured
employmeiat at the RCAF Station,
Clinton, Miss Cytr •• has• been at-
tending the Goderich Business
.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur --Keays and
Katharine, of Ottawa, were recent
guests of Mrs. L. E. Dancey. Mrs.
Keays was 'the former Ruth Cur -
wen,. of Goderich.
Miss Jean Beechey has joined the
office staff of London Life Insur-
ance Company, London, Ontario.`,
Miss Beechey is a graduate of the
Goderich Business College:
Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Salkeld and
family, of Windsor, are holidaying
at their cottage at Bogie's Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Foster and
two children, • Robin and Connie,
Mrs. Hattie Foster and Misses Mar-
garet and Marion, all of Kitchener,
spent the holiday with Mrs, John
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Foster and
two 'Children, John and Joan, of
Aberarde, spent the week -end with
Mrs. J. • Foster.
Mrs. Olive Fahrney and 'daugh-
ter, Mrs. Dean MacLaren, and three
children, of Detroit, visited recent-
ly with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Allister and other relatives in the
Miss Joyce .Sowerby has returned
to London after • two weeks' holi-
days spent at the home of her
parents, Mr., and Mrs. Carl Sowerby.
Mrs. McClure and Jim, of Ben -
miller, hid as their guests last
Sunday Mrs. •W.innieWidcombe,
RAN., of Windsor, and her parents,
'Mr. and Mrs, W. H. McClure, 'and
Mrs. herb Finnigan, of Dungannon.
ed from a visit with his niece,
Mrs. Lorne Blodgett, at Cobourg,
-.and ..also _his _sisters; furs Harry
Holmes at Niagara Falls and Mrs.
G.' E. Weaver, at Simcoe. '
Mr. and Mrs..Stanley Isherwood,
Miss Marion Isherwood and Miss
Denny Chisholm, of Detroit, Were
week -end guests with Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Stoddart d
David, Of Lions Mead, renewed ac-
quaintances in town . on Wednes-
-MacDonalds .Mark
Pets Win Prizes
At .Playground
A pet parade was held recently
at Kinsmen Playground, South
street, under the supervision of
Joan Alexander. Judging was done
by Ed. Ervine.
Prize winners were as follows:
Cats—largest: Dennis William-
son, Jo Ann Fisher, Judith Cham-
ney4, smallest: Marleen White,
Gwen Mugford, Linda Pierson.
Dogs — largest: John Kolohon,
Sharon Anstay, Carol Ann Samp-
son; smallest: ' John Williazns,
Bonny ..Rawson, Kenny Meriam;
prettiest: Linda Glousher.
Raccoons=largest: Ann Harnack,
Billy Twaddle, Janet Twaddle..
Best barnyard pet—Teddy Bark-
er (chicken).
Best water pet—Patsy Barker
(tadpoles). -
Best 'insect pet—Jinn Robinson
,Most uthisual pet — Jacqueline
Lewis (hampsters).
Best birdP et—Jo Ann Fisher
Campers -Attend
Baptist Service
About forty young people from
the Hermosa Baptist Young Peo-
ple's camp; north of ,Goderich, at-
tended the Sunday evening service
at the Baptist Church. Two fine
male quartet selections and a violin
solo- were. much appreciated by the
Mr. Wm.. , Ferguson and Mr.
'George Robertson were in ;charge
of the service. • •
Misses Marie Raithby and Beat-
rice Campbell, who were present
at the Baptist World Youth Confer-
ence in Toronto from June 26 to
July 2, .. shared their experiences
and impressions. There were
8,022 delegates from- 67 countries
throughout the world.,
Miss Raithby, who is, active •in
Baptist _young people's 'work in
Toronto, told many interesting
items about the planning of this
large conference as well as an in-
ternational conference which she
attended at the conclusion of Me'
conference. Miss Campbell report-
ed on several sessions and out-
standing• personalities at the con-
With Miss Raithby at the piano
and Mrs. Carol Good at the organ,
several conference hymns were
sung. ' Many. of the campers -pre-
sent at the ,service also attended
the conference in Toronto.
An advertisement in the
Star brings ,quick results.
Signal- I
Some 600 fans—about 35 per cent of them youngsters --
attended the wrestling show at Goderich Arena last Saturday
evening. And many of them including the writer of this
artielo--wondored• -wry"---there_.were=rnot--three-,tin s-.asV.raan ...
in attendance. • As wrestling shows go, it was a .;good card,
with plenty of action and should have drawn a far larger
atteranee n it did.
"What's the matter?" might well lad diked. Some sug-
gest that the Arena should put en more attractions, such as
wr stling, for example. But when a ,good card is put on,
wiere is the attendance? •
It was .suggested that Saturday was -not a good night
and a week night would be . better; also that the Lucknow
centennial hurt the attendance; also that the evening was
too warm; etc., etc., etc.
But the cold fact. remains that the attendance was
poor for a good wrestling cardsuchas was put • on, So let
the fans who are crying for .more entertainment at the Arena
explain that one.
One elderly, grey-haired lady seemed to be getting her
money's worth, however. At a ringside Seat, she,never failed
to jump from her seat and rush over to the ring, pounding
her fists on the mat to denounce' sgme action or other of a
"bad wrestler."
The card was put on by the Central Canadian Wrestling
Association, who hired the Arena for $100 for the night to
put on the show. In charge of -the wrestlers was a gentlemanly
young man, Bill Meliby, of Toronto, who learned his wrestling
at Central YMCA, Toronto. He wrestled'in one'of the events
With Mr. Moto, a top TV Japanese wrestler in the game. He
also took on a, big 550 pound bear in a wrestling match.
Four midgets were seen in team wrestling and although
they pulled, their punches more than the heavyweights, they
put in plenty of action. These same midgets remained on in
Goderich over the week -end -and. spent most of their time
swimming, or lying in the sun at Goderich' Harbor. Two
heavies staged a fast match in the opening event.
Museum Kept Busy Tracking
Down Ancestors .Of Visitors
:Returning to the scenes of one's
childhood after an absence oi• Y
years is a popular outdoor pastime
during. the,-summer::mant1is.-• EVe
hamlet, village and town has its
quota of such out-of-town visitors
each year.
.Goderich often has them. and
now the Huron County M'i.iseum is
being subjected to a barrage of
inquiries from visitors • inquiring
as to their ancestors in some part
of the County. Supposedly for
the displayof old, historical items, 1
the Museum finds now it is -being
asked to try and' track down facts
concerning ancestors of people
visiting the ,district after an ab-
sence of many. years. Mr._ George.
J. Currell at the Museum is armed
with numerous , old, historical
books and tries his best to give the
visitors what information they de-
-Take the case, for example, of
a woman from Victoria, British
Columbia, who visited the Museum
recently. She said she left Huron
County when only a' child but vag-
uely remembers walking • from the
village ' of Hensall a `distance of
about two miles to. a cemetery .be-
side a creek. Mr, Currell looked
up a map and found that could be
either' in, Stanley, .Tuckersmith or
Hay townships since two miles
from' Hehsall could land one up in
either of these 'townships.. lie
eventually found that the ceme-
tery the woman sought was in
Tuckersmith and even pointed it
opt to the woman on the map. In
other • cases, he • has, found the
names • of parents, "grandparents
and even great-grandparents for
visitors living in distant centres,
mostly in the United States, a
returning here for the first ti
in many years.
To date attendance for the sea-
son at the Museum is 8,609 visitors.
At this time last year it was 7,393
so that attendance is up by more
than -1400 -over -last: year. .
Orle visitor from Brazil left a
$ra liar•-bank-n`ole-fog€he =Muss
eum while another visitor from
British Columbia left. a silver dol-
lar with a' picture of a British Col-
umbia Totem Pole on it.
Nearly 30 Apply
Ford Police J�bs-
Close :to 30 applications, have
been received for the three posi-
tions becoming vacant on . the
Goderich police forge: A Police
Commission meeting was td have
been held Wednesday afternoon to
consider the applications, but .it
was postponed because all the
members could not be present.
Constable Lucien Theriault 'has
left already to take up a new posi
tion hare.. Within the next day or
two, Constables Martin Horan and
George .McIntyre willalso be leav-
The commission has requested
-the . Ontario -Provincial ' Police to
loan !nen to fill the gap between
the time the town' constables leave
and new men join the force.
The words "Goderich Police"
should be painted on each side
• of the tori'n police cruiser, Coun-
cillor C. M. Robertson -Suggested
when Council met Friday. He said
;that other towns, like Clinton for
example, have the name of the
department painted in large letters
on the patrol car,
100th Anniversay
Descendapts Coming To. Ashfield
Ornitirtigurditte.,;V, he Ile,
scendants of the late Donald and
Roderick MacDonald and their
sister, Christy MacDonald, celebrat-
ed the 29th annual reunion on
August- 2nd. :It was in 1848 that
they settled -in' 'Ashfield, coming
from. Rosshire in Scotland,
Several came from distant points
for the day. Dan A; Mal'Donald
registered 163 names. Mrs.. Emil
Norgard' came from Chicago; also
Miss Belle Anti' MacLennan. Sev-
eral came from Detroit and Wind-
sor, and several from Toronto to
celebrate with their cousins. Dan
MacKenzie came from Blyth and
his sister, Grace, R.N., from Tor-
onto, Sports were played: A
splendid lunch was enjoyed and
music by the pipers, D. A. Mac-
Lennan, Sandy MacDonald, Murray
MacDonald and Rev. N. D. Mc-
Combie, was also enjoyed.
;aria Mrs. tHattilejeotiariststrot
were holidaying with Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Budge, of Duluth,
called on friends in Icintaii. Mrs.
Budge was formerly Margaret Mac-
Gregor rvho•-was borti.on .the- horEs-,. -- . - .. - ..- ..
of Lake 1luron.
Mrs. Norgard, from Chicago, and
Mrs. Laving Bain, of Detroit, are
visiting with Mr. and M'rs. Bruce
Mr. and Mirs. Dorsh, of New Mann.
burg, are visiting with Annie May
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Allan and
Miss Margaret visited with Duncan
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Cameron
and children, of Buffalo, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Robiert Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. David Parrish and
family, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Bud Farrish.
Business College
Practical fiistruction in all commercial subjects.
Qualified Teachers — Modern Equipment
Examinations, set, 'narked, tind Diplomas issued by
The Business Educators' Association of Canada
For several years every seat has been filled.
Register now — East Street — Telephone 4'48
held: ,, --:
Monday, August 11 •, 7.30 p.m.
Classes will commence at 8 p.m.
Registration Fee.. -- $2.00
Stars -of Street Jamboree
Friday,. August 8
-- AT —
Goderich Memorial Arena
ADMISSION, 75c, 10 P.M. to 1 AIL
1Viodern, Old Tyme and Rock and Rol. -31
• • •
ervice On Orders