HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-08-07, Page 3‘,414.71.-a4fiE THuitspAy,,AITGUST .44,10) dean Air Friends, kaffii •••••,'" Make The Trailer Camp at Harbor Park has a larger number of people camping there this summer than .for•quite someyears-- To findOut reasons for the • camp's popularity, a newly arrived Goderich resident,0 Mrs. Jean Cyill- bal, made a survey of its residents, 'and submitted to The Signal -Star her findings as follows: Reasons given ler coining to thq Trailer Camp at Harbor ,gark were Varied but, in brief, the rfu5st com- mon is that they thorougfily enjoy coming there. Take the Goodwins, from Strat- ford, for example. Mrs. Goodwin said they .have, been camping at the park, year after year, for 20 years. When they first came, they brought their own children along, to enjoy the clean air and sunshine, of Goderich. Now, they bring their grandchildren. Mrs. Goedwin's main reason -for their annual return is that Mr. Goodwin is a keen fisherman and can fish to his heart's content in the Maitland River, where he gets d bass; pickerel and pike, He fish,es with some success, .too, as the children ran to show me a framed p_er t_i_keate ,which Alkiv_gedthat lila won a ToroStarangler's awarif for his catch of a five potuul, nine and a -half mince small nienth black bass, at Goderich in 1956. 1 called on Mr. and Mrs.' Pflance in their cosy trailer. They , have been camping every summer at Harbor Park for a quarter of a century. •-• k..1* Mr. Pflance doesn't eare for fish. ing, but just relaxes and enjoys the good clean air, be says. Mrs. Pflance says she has. made more friends at the camp, on summer vacations plus week -end visits all summer than she has done the rest of her life in the city. She likes shopping in Goderich, too. With reference to the camp- ing facilities at Harbor Park, she remembers when the camping site was only one-third the size it is today. The camping fee then was 25 cents a day, but compared to the one dollar a day fee now, Mrs. Pflance thinks it's worth the dif- ference as the campers now have PENNY 'CARNIVAL AND DOLL AND SWIMMING DRAW AT GoodOrham Memoilatirark Wednesday, August 13 TIME, -2 - 5 and, 7 - 10 GAMES. MISS GODERIOH CION'rEST --- PRIZES ProCeedi ' • . ha' Avt71)4,4t0,_ 1,A1 .Sfe.E.grA, (1: envere.d r °l• • stree.W whenh was...,• early spu4s in his garden -week. He reported finding what,43.0ented to be two or three Small tomatoes growing, on the 'Upper Part't*the plant.- -Rath- --about4,-three- cfnarters of an inell around. When told about it, .A few other gardeners ventured the opinion thatthese might be seed pods. .„..f;_,_.1--.... .,,,,,, ,.„,•7., ' sioAu,'- ik tal:eXia,• :•-N, D,AR AT THEARI Al R -CONDITION ED GODERIorl PHONE 1150 NOW PLAYING --Walt Disey'Presents "PETER PAN" -in Color. MOW TUES. -- W Etr. -and --THURS. AUGUST 1.1 - 12 - 13 - 14 Alive on .the wide screen-. A11 the characters of the town called ADMITTANCE ESTRICrIED io now. If YVAN 0, 4‘01Q o" "PEYTON PLACE" . IN TECHNICOLOR -The lives and loves of the people in a 'small New England town: . based on the novel of the same name. Lana Turner, Lloyd Nolan, Terry Moore and Lee Phillips ONE SHOWING ONLY EACH NIGHT AT 8- O'CLOCK 4?) FRIDAY and SATURDAY . Robert Mitchum., Curt Jurgens and Al Hedison A German submarine and a stalking destroyer; a character study of the opposing captains before the inevitable' encounter., "THE ENEMY BELOW", . — IN TECHNICOLOR - Coming - "DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS"- In Color - Adult Entertamnient. Michigan Man Wins Lions Boat Winner of the draw for the Lions Club's boat, motor and trailer on Civic Holiday was James W. Wayman, R.R. 2, Goderich. A resident of Birm- ingham, Michigan, Mr. Way - man has had a summer cottage on' Lake Huron about three miles south of Goderich for about 15 years. He usually spends from May to September at the cottage but this year rented his cottage for two weeks to Dr. H. E. Lichtwardt, also of Birmingham, Mich. Since this week was part of the two weeks when he had his cottage rented, Mr. Way - man was -back home at Birm- ingham hen a member of the Lions Club dropped in to his summer cottage to give him the good news, on Tuesday morning. The draw was made at about 9 p.m., on Monday by Reta Sherratt, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherratt, Bennett street. . use of hydro and hot water. Soraq__4at _ tlit CaliaPPTS., _are Air Force boys. One - of them I spoke to, is doing a course at Clinton, and-. makesin.s.....temporary-beine, with his family in a trailer. He will be there all summer, he says, and loves it. . ' One of the newcomers is Mr. Leonard Barrett, of the ,Lucknow area. This is his second year at Harbor Park. Mr. Barrett had something to say about the Underdeveloped camping sites around these parts, especially at Kincardine, where there is only . space for about half a dozen trail.- ers. He thinks that the people responsible lor-the-variou-s-eamp. ing, grounds in the surrounding areas are not accepting seriously enough the fact that this "Holidiy by Camp" is getting to be a big thing. -, ' it used 0-15"e,'"taid 'Mr.. Barrett, that camping was confined to people in the low income brackets, . as an inexpensive way of holiday- ing. -Now, people from all walks of life arespending their vacations by trailer camp, •he said. He thinks there could be a great deal'of•im- provement, in camping space and facilities: ,- He -added---that -Herber- Park is far ahead of many -of the ' surrounding camps in providing for the campers' needs. - , . • ' Mrs. Barrett likes the town of Goderich and loves it at Harbor Park. She especiallyenjoys mak- ing friends at the community • kit- chen where the 'women gather to do their family,' wash. „ Some of the campers come to Goderich because of the sandy beach, where the •‘ellildren can spend happy hours bathing, or play- ing in the sand. They are pleasant- ly surprised at the long stretch of comparatively shallow water, which eliihinates some of the dangers of paddling. Others prefer first to relax in the cool, tree -shaded park while still others preferfr.the good fishing Goderich offers. - There are at present some 30 families living at the Trailer Camp at Harbor Park. iflq Hou Fifty-oae , citipps who live near to the ' keeping- 4 4 PIT 41lickens.1 the old organ factory have pte- is most Offewie, and, ,Whire it may tioned Town Council to piss a by-1,+not be injurious' to ,health, •it is law w' hich will prevent the factory -definitely detriMental to the peace ,, and 'welfare of the citizens who re - being used as a "boarding house , 'Side near the huilding." for chickens. "We therefore request that aliy,- A flock of 20,000 chickens, Was -law be passed under the provisions raised on the third floor of the iofhphtee r14142411r• PSaeictiltanel' R384.S,0(.1)1 9(502): factory this spring and c summer. ., prohibiting the keeping of domes - These chickens were recently re- tic fowl in this area and in such moved in trucks, but another flock , other part or parts of the town of 30,000' chickens may be arriving as may seen desirable to the soon at the factory, Council was Council. • told.- ' BROWNIE S Drw eln Limited S _ . - -- -- unse _Dri. _. ve atibeatre _, -cutiToN - 114 MILES EAST OF GODERJCH ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY , AUGUST 7-8 YOUR IE111 CHOICW11111111R'Y'ADMISSII.ONI IIPFROM A WITCHES BREW OF HORROR! HONiE A SKELETON FOR YOUR CLOSET, ' *TIMED W1TCHI A TITREE PRONGED IDEVIL, OR A A D U LTLETAN1411:".11411.11:4:6641;t:rillijg°411 TIMENI CO/Wal st,asors too smok -n0 • S'ir.e.4, o 2) anLeSirwr;t4;. Pt140Ar dr4e-114111AANDIEws. " SATURDAY/ MONDAY " ' "SAIGON" • Allan Ladd, Veronica Lake • 1 • •VTri""j""'"'"'"" AUGUST 9,1,1. Be lucky. Win a 'large hamper of groceries at the Sunsoi on Sat. night. 0000.004141410.0000000000041 THURS., FRI. " AUGUST 7-8 - DOUBLE FEATURE - 44 ' Ask Speedy ,Action Mayor Ernie C. Fisher agreed to "As this nuisance, gets progres-' make a personal call on, the fac- sively worse .with the hot weather, tory's proprietor tosee, if arrivalwe request that immediate action of'the-next flock can be postponed. be taken." Council is also seeking the town Commenting on- the petition, solicitor's ofunion on the situation. L Mayor Fisher said he had been The petition ,:was read when called dout by residents on one Council .met Friday night. This ' occasion to sinell the odor in the was the second time that Council ' factory area. also noted the had had a formal complaint about ; chaff from the feed. the chickens. . • ' The mayor felt the people in Object To Odor ! this neighborhood had !`a justiji- , 'Nearby residents have objected ' able beef." to the odor which comes from the Deputy -,Reeve Peter S. MacEwan factory: particularly on hot days, felt that if Council considered and they have also complained that drawing up a by-law it would have chaff from 'chicken feed has been to include the whole town. falling on their lawns. S. H. Blake,' town clerk, read Accompanying the petition was a section of the -,Municipal Act a letter signed by Mrs. Clarence which • gives a 'municipality auth- Johnston, who stated: ority to either regulate the keeping "We submit attached herewith of certain. animals , or bar them a petition (five pages) With the entirely from the...town., names and addresses of 51 resi- Deputy-Beeve MacEwan said he dents and ratepayers in the vicin- could see the neighbors' side of ity of the old organ factory, now the chicken question but he also known as Scotsmith Furniture felt that -some consideration was Company, who appeal to' themayor due to the factory owner, who has and .Council to.. pass, a by-law pro; made a sizeable investment here nutaber 01„ ,1001 - fowl in this building and area, workers. Other Troubles Chicife,118 aren't the -only thin which have beep the subject of -complaints here' recently. A com- plaint about a horse was recently made to the town authorities. .1Viayor Fisher has had his share of investigating the complaints. A.t about 0.30 o'clock on one morning, recently, a Bayfield road resident phoned the mayor and complained about two hounds in his garden„ Council was informed that a candidate for dogcatcher „would be here on Wednesday for an inter- view. This man is _from out-of- town. No one in Goderich seem- ed interested in the job -even at wo dollars per Mutt. PASSES COURSE t7'; The Institute of Municipal As- sessors of Ontario has notified Town Council that. E. H. Jessop, town assessor and tax c9llector, was successful in the introductory c o u r se examination conducted under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Extension, Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston. • • • RETURNSAMIWE,_- Walter Sillib, who speii.khelaSt two months visiting relatives and friends in Godefich and district, left Mqnday on the train to return to his home at Sidney, Vancouver Island, B.C. Among those he visit- ed. here were his brothers, Tom and George Sillib,•of Goderich, and Ritchie Sillib, of Blyth., Before leaving he attended the:centennial celebration at- Lucknow. •"A -letter regently_ received from The Department of Municipal •Af- fairs, Toronto, clearly indicates that it is within the power of your Council to pass a by-law which will eliminate this nuisance" - The petition read as •,,follows: • "We, the undersigned, ratepay- ers and residentS. in '-'the area bounded on the north by Nelson street, on the east by Albert street, on the south by St. David -street and on the west by Victoria street,' respectively submit that the keep- -ing--of -a large number--of-chickens on the third floor of the old Godp- rich Organ Co., plant has created a very disagreeable nuisance. %The odor and dust arising due • Rock All Night"-, Dick Miller and The Platters (Adult Entertainment) it . " Dragstrip Girl" Fay Spain, Steve Terrel • -ONE 'CARTOON 004100414100414111410001.414104104,110 SAT., MON. AUGUST 9-11 - DOUBLE FEATURE - Apache Woman" 0, (Color) Lloyd Bridges, Joan iaylor "Naked Paradise" (cow) Richard Denning,. Beverly -Garland ONE CARTOON ••••••••••ii••••••••••••• TUES..; WED. • AUGUST 12-13 TUESDAY, WEDNESDA "THE SHIRALEE" Peter Finch, Elizabeth Zellars PLUS ADDED -SHORTS ALWAYS A CARTOON AUGUST 12-13 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE. REFRESHMENTS • PLAYGROUND e ri e n The Passion" (Color) Cary' Grant, Prank Sinatra . Sophia Loren ONE CARTOON •••••••••••••••••••••••• Box Office Opens at 8 p.m.. First She* at Dusk. sisseiwskeessammestasimmw. Thea deputy,reeve_said, that the owner has been trying to make -arrangements so that'the odor will be reduced. Councillor May Mooney wonder- ed if the proposed zoning by-law might take care of 'the situation. The deputy -reeve said he did not, believe so, because this is an exist- ing business. One member of Council the third floor of the factory a "boarding house" for chickens. Council has been given to under- stand that -the. chickens- are being raised by the furniture company for another local businessman. The factory's main activity is the production of church furniture. H 14. 4 11, * • ,(111 AN .INDEPENDENT 1NSURAN.Ct AGENT MEMBER • o N. MacEwan Insurance Agency ------ YOUR AGENT OFPERSONAL SERVICE WEST 'ST. PHONE 230 SEE HIGHLAND DAY Pipe Bands — Dancing — Games Sunday, Augof 10 • A.M. - 4 P.M.' CENTRAL COMMAND CADET wimp CAMP IPPERWASH, ONT. -31 .- is the time to have your FURNACE CLEANED ,JUST PHONE US AT 135 , WE SPECIALIZE in 'Furnace Pipes made to order If you're interested in we'll be glad 'to take careof your needs. Watch. for our display -of -Gas -Stoves; -Fufttates-and.-Water---14eate-rs. -at -the . Goderich Kinsmen Trade Fair August 20-23. The Ahmeek Chapter, held a garden tea on the lawn of Mr: and Mrs.G. O44Jy, 30th. • The weather was peifect and the spacious 'lawn and garden of lovely flowers made a graious setting for one ef the nice events of the summer. • .• Mrs. E. Pridhani was general cenvener. The hostesses were t.4e regent, Mrs..G. Dustow, and Mrs. Ge. Paterson. Pouring tea were past regents, Mrs. I/ J. Lane, Mrs. C. A. Reid, Mrs. F. Walkom and Mrs. G. Henderson. The bake table was convened by Mrs. Jas. Robins and Mrs. plf. Simp- son. The White elephant table was in charge of Mrs. Thomas Glazier and Mrs. C. A. Reid. The main table was beautiful, centred with a huge bowl of pretty garden flow- ers of every color. • The members in charge of the tea were Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, Mrs. C.. K. Saunders, Mrs. H. E. Knechtel, ,Mrs. W. Doak, Mrs. E. Pridhain, -Mrs. Miss Farrow, Mrs, Guy Emerson, Mrs. David MacMillan, Mrs. John Vickers, Mrs. J. L. Webb and Mrs. H. 'Dodd:"''"''s Lanemade--the draw on-a-de.racitigLeake:.niadeand....dil atpd by Miss Florence Paterson and won by Mrs. Carl Schneiker. DR-. GRAHAM. FUNERAL Pallbearers at the funeral of Dr. J. A. Graham -on Friday were: L. B. Graham, ayley Hill, George Parsons, John C. Sully and Robert 4ays, of Goderich, and Dudley Burland, of Niagara Falls. Lb:maw the. gNi1-4taX will '.44444.1311';.' ing a speciar supplement as . salute to the,' Qederich Trade Fair to be held on August 20 -to Tehtoseinth , whowislhou'papteemrtie- mnas t, Pahairtviiullyh negaarboottholsii%iwdheoo'rwi,alltd play outside. at the Trade Fair ake asked to please have copy fpr advertisement in to 'the Signal -Star office no later than Saturday, August 9th, .ThIs is necessary Ui order to plan pages for the issue. An 'advertisement in the Signal - Star brings quick results, 1W. J. Denomme 1 FLOWER - SH I Phone 198 POTTED -PLANTS CUT f.1..OWER.S FLORALDESIGNS for ALL OCCASIONS. We Telegraph Flowers Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING 15tf 0.1;t3M"St'• • ' SUPER -RIGHT MEAT SWIMS Veal,,Xnuckleetemoved RUMP ROAST Boneless SALE! lb 6 9C Veal Cutlets or Fillet Roastib 8 9c r.w 4116,,waieffloalt Shoulder Veal 7CHOPS-Ot-ROAST ib33c •--Rib Loin VEAL 'CHOPS lb 6 9 Veal, Breast, Shank or Flank STE 'INC CUTS .1629( !E, Ready to Cook,— 3V to 5-1b. Average R*E.WL 9c Super Right, Smoked BACK/3"lb Pkg 49c Sea Sealed _ ;4v COD FILLETS Zi pkgs Sea Sealed BAKERY SPECIAL • Bakeein A&P's Own Bakery by Master Bakers Jane Parker Large 8", 21 -oz. Pie RAISIN Pi E each 3c SCALLOPS - -16 pkg 59c 49c --SAVE 6c EXTRA SPECIALS PORK- & EA MIT 41 RS TORT TISSUE (PEE T PE C: ES ACP PAS ST 14 RY JAM Ciarks(In Chili Sauce) Reg -.2 for 37c—SAVE go Aylmer Choice Reg. 31c—SAVE 2)o White Swan Reg. 4 for 49c—SAVE 43 Spork Reg. tin 51c—SAVE 12o Choice Quality Reg. lin 23c—SAVE 15o New 'Pack, Choice Reg, 2 tins 33c—SAVE 9c ICra, pectin -Added Rg. jar 47c—SAVE •.• 2, 20 -ea titis 35c 20 -oz tin 29c pkg of 4 4 5 12 -oz tin 39 5.20 -oz tinsl EDO 4 20 -oz tins 5 7c • 24-02 jar 41C P,ir & VEGET“LE SPECIALS Ontario Grown, Fresh Yellow Sweet • •Jit ',!••i NO. 1 GRADE doz 45c A&P Brand, Ontario Grown, No. 1 Grade, Yellow ooking ONIONS - 3 -Ib cello bi)si A&P Label, California Sunkis, No. 1 Grade, Fresh Juicy •• ---131(45- 01 4 HARDWARE Phone 135 PLUMBING "-- HEATING! v- GIFTS TOYS Prices 10 This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, Augut9th, 1'08. • '',4'34.."..2.44444.4,41,4444.at#4,414%,04aare 10;(4,,,,7, 1;40 • N... 44x