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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-07-31, Page 4
m"^ ee Wees Win ons • On Saturday, July .19, Guelph Legion ,Tee Wees' and Goderich Legion Bee Wees played the first of a home -and -home series,, runs , to count, for the Legion District "0* ,championship, with the win - 111 the Legion Provincial Tournament to takes place, in Thorold August 22 and 23.4' in the first game in Goderich; Guelph went down in 'defeat by a score of 8-L Batteries: for Guelph Legion Pee Wees, George Sinclair and David Zacker; for Goderich, •9• NOW 'OPEN The Mar -Dee.,. Beauty Salon .. 91 HAMILTON ST. For Appointment - . Phone- 239- o e Dennis 'Williamson and Wilfred Weber. Sinclair truck out four batters and Williamson 10: In the second game, Saturday, July 26, played at Exhibition Park in Guelph, the Goderieeh .teem lost by a score of 12-9. Although Guelph and, Goderich each. won a game the lgca�cee' Wees won the District "C" champioinship 17-13 and will represent this disc, ,triet in the Legion Pee Wee Teta* nameot in Thorold. 13'atteries in the 'last game: ''for Guelph, Terry Valeriote and David, Zacker; * for Goderioh, Dennis Wil liamson acid Wilfred Weber. Strike- outs,: by Valeriote 4 and by Wil- liamson 1,0. After the game, both teams got together at Branch 234 Canadian Legion and were dined and entertained by the sports offi- eer Alex MCDermid, of Guelph Legion. Goderich All -Stars: W. Weber, D. Williamson, W. Rumig, V. Kina- han, D. Lassaline, Cre Doak, J. Fritzley, F. Gilbert, B6' Carroll, D. Harrison, 13. Wilkinson, G. Cham- bers, V. Skeoch, Ra. Duckworth, P. Stoner and F. Taros. 'The team is managed by Jack Duckworth with ' Jim Queen, Gerald Mero, Ken Miller d—George-eurrefl as coaches. TOO seeece TRANS CANADA CREDIT IF YOU KED CASH— , THEN DON'T DELAY CALL T.C.C. ON THE PHONE TODAYI L©ANS—$150. to- $2,500. Up to30 months to repay- - Plans to suit ysta budget. dounting Heads l,' lead$ „end oars have beencount- ed ounted on East and West streets in Goderlch.e, It ,has. 1aci.•a:.b 4. Waif .Re rout Xi 'Oar on behalf of the. Federal Department of Public Works. «The work is iu._,connection with the appraisal being Made of the Post Office and Pewit Hall with a vietiv taewal:ping sites. On West street, the number of cars passing over a given period of time. 'were counted and also the nuniber of people- entering- thee Pat-- Office: Results of the findings will event- ually be presented to 'Tewn• Cotui- ell. Mr. and Mrs. John S. B battle, of Brampton, visited recently with Mrs. W. J. Buchanan. ' . ; TiiajE ... GOOERIOR SIGNAL4TAR POST QFFIgE HOURS SET FOR c IVIC-,HOLIDAY,: The wickets at -the Gg4erich Poste Office' for general delivery of mail wiiA.iree4Ri�sifo'+�,Nllf � .,.. uric b frOki to 5 p.m.' The lobby will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mails will be received and despatched as usual. - There will be no mail de- livery on the rural routes 'on Monday. „ AHEAD BY 1,,000 Jiuron County Museum this year was Margaret Merriman, of Deckerville, Michigan. On July 16th, 6,075 persons had visited the museum which wets 1,055 more than for the same date last year. orticultural Society Summer Flower Show The Goderich Horticultural So- eiety has:meiled entry forms to all of its 220„members fur 'the Summer Flower Show to be held in MacKay Hall on August 23. This yeai there are no less than 61 classes an which to show, in, chiding one for a Howe: arrange meat by - ee ublic--Schooleptipie Citi- which any -flower's, including wild flowers may be used • The Society has also decided to double the prize money offered for the six classes which cover flower arrangements, since thes's arc con- sidered to require so much -more time to prepare than do the, classes for specimen Bowers. ' This show has a further innova- tion. To encourage the numerous growers of vegetables, there will be a class, for vegetabfes. One specimen of each of four different vegetables may be saafPwn. If the • response in this class is good, it is intended to increase the vegg- table classes in future shows. • It is hoped that every member will show in at least one class, but the more classes entered !iy each member, the better will he the show. Whilst entries are limqecl to paw • a:--m_erribers...-only,.. aeyone Goderich may irO..w providing they become members of the Society•be' fore August 23. The membership fee is $1.00 and may be sent to the Society at P.O. Brec 280 4:r membership may be obtaiaied when exhibits are delivered to the Hall. Entries will be received at ,Mac- Kay Hall from 9' a.m. to 10.30 a.m. on August 23 and . the show is open to the public from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. It is hoped that the show will.. draw a record numbgr of entries and also a :ecord attend- ance at- the public viewings: •s 14$ THE SQUARE, PHONE 717 Probe Conduct Of PROCLAMATION DO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH Monday,Aug. 195,8 HAVING BEEN FIXED BY RESGLUMON AS CIVIC HOL1DAY' 'MA1]"ci'tieens are requested to govern themselves ,. accordingly, E, C. FISHER, MAYOR. 1953 CHEVROLET Two -door., exceptionally clean, 31,009 miles. 1957 PLYMOUTH Savoy Sedan, automatic, 14,000 miles, show- .• room condition. ' 1953 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN Station Wagon, good condition, clean inside. 1953 METEOR Custom Sedan, "1953 METEOR Custom Tudor, overdrive, radio. 1950 CHRYSLER Sedan, radio, good condition, special price. — MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT — TEXACO SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN - FIRESTONE DEALER PHONE 20 Town Police (Continued from page 1) police chief and other citizens abouttheir conduct, the commis-. sion suggested that it would be iri the best' -interests of all ifthe two officers would resign. _Monday.. Meeting When the commission held a second meeting on Monday morn- ing of this week, it accepted -the resignations of three constables.• In addition to the resignations of Constables 'Horan and , McIntyre, the board received Constable Lucien - Theriault's resignation, which had not been requested. Constable Horan, in his letter of resignation, asked for a chance to attend a meeting of the commis- sion to comment on. • "the conduct and -negligence of. the three re- maining members",of the Goderich Pollee 'Department. His request was granted at Mon- day's meeting. Present when he spoke were Police Chief Hall, Con- stable McIntyre and the members of the .commission. Beginning,- Constable Horan stet- ed:'"We're all involved a shade in different things we sho•uldn't be." He saia, "I know thee have been complaints about a certain boot- legger in town and no action has been taken.” ' • Constable Horan claimed there had, been two telephone cells to the police about this person. The officer said he himself „had been. approached personally with' a cern: plaint, He. said he didn't know why no action had been taken; he would Tike to knew the answer to that- himself. hawhimself. One of the telephoned com- plaints was received about June 3, Constable Horan thought, while the other came in "about a week. ago Monday." One of the complaints was not registered in the police record book, he said. Woman Complained Constable Horan then told of a complaint about drinking in the Council Chambers at the Town Halla A lady had complained of ,this.e.to:_„Constables,, ..Sant-h.—an+d WRESTLIN • GODERICH ARENA S ' T.; AUG. 2 — 8.45 P.M. — TV MIDGETS — 4 (TAG - TEAM MATCH) DON'T MISS THESE LITTLE MEN iN ACTION • ,SPECIAL ATTRACTION • 550 LB.....WRESTLING SEAR. TAKES ON TWO WRESTLERS AT ONE TIME $AKITA, Japan vs. - -DONER, Chicago • (230 LBS.) (228 LBS.) /OL: EFE_ 4240 LOS.) -- ASCOT t229 Ringside $1.25, General $1.00, Kids 50c Theriault, he; stated. Constable Horan did not mention any names, but he said that three men—one member of the police department and two other citizens —had been playing cards and drinking -in. -the Council. Chambers Because of this, said Constable Horan, a cleaning lady was unable to carry out her work: One 'man made a remark' which the woman found distasteful, . said the officer. Mayor Ernie C. Fisher, chairman •of the Police Commission, com- mentett;that a lady had complained to him 'Indirectly” about such an incident. ' Surveying the situation, Magis- trate ,D. E. Holmes felt that "in- consistent discipline" might be a, key 'factor in' the present tremble in the police' force. And Police,. -Chief F. M. hall was not altogether to blame, he said. . . The magistrate felt that, before' control of the force passed ,from Town Council' to the new Police Commission, there were times when the chief might have been kept guessing as to whom he should takehis direction from. ro ' New Setup Now that the commission has been set up, • removing the force from possible political interfer- ence, the magistrate felt that the chief should be in a position to, operate the department in a satis- faetorymanner. Judgc''Frank Fingland observed: "There's a great moral responsibil- ity en these men who put .on the , uniform." Police officers, both on duty and off ,duty, sh.ntid set a good 'example for the rest of ,the comMu pity, he pointed out. The Monday morning .meeting was adjourned, It resumed at 1.30 p.m. In the afternoon session, the ' commission decided it was advis- able to increase the starting salary for constables by $200 a year. The minimum salary, which was $3,000, was increased •to $3,200. The maxi. 'mum salary'for constables remains unchanged at„ $3,800. de. pt ,ta, cellon.' ,eJligher startingsalary to new men, the commission noted that the starting salary for Ontario Provincial Police is $3,240. Magistrate Holmes reported that 'the OPP has a police training school in Toronto and would .be willing to accept town constables should the local commission decide. to send new men down there for training courses of six to eight .weeks. Judge Fingland was very much in favor of the idea of• send-, ing local constables to the police school. Bridging The Gap Commission• members felt that the OPP would be willing to loan men to bridge the gap in the event that the 'town force is short-handed between the time the three con- stables depart and new men start. ' Last act of the commission at the Monday meeting was ' to arrange for a further meeting Wednesday morning. Constable South was,re- quested to attend this meeting. In 195'7, five tonetables resigned from the force in less than seven months. In May of this year, Constable Horan was suspended from the force for a few days for a breach of regulations:. He !oat three days' pay and six of his regular days off as a result. He was suspended after he walk- ed off duty follkwing a disagree- ment arose partly out of the fab that Constable Horan reported IM for duty one Sunday after he had attended a house party while off duty. Shortly before this, Constable Horatesuhmitted to -the commission a list of grievances against the ad- ministration of the police -depart:, ment. After looking over this Its of complaints, the commissio - members appeared to feel that th ' points were mostly of a minot nature, 't yU Y N°' t ,•r THURSDAY, Y, jvi Silt, Mrs. W.. Party, of Windsor, ews,pnt the week -end With yher mo- Xtrx Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grill and fam- ily, of Harriston,; visited last week with the -former's sister, Mrs. Roy$i Breckenridge an1Vr, Breckenridge at their cottage at Bogie's Beach. , Cpl. and Mrs. Hudson Milburn apd little sons, Alan and Ricky, are spending, this month with her parenfs; Mr. and Era; -Norman Allin, of Bonmiller. They motored from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory and were, accompanied from rMin- burn, Alberta, by Cpl. Milburn's. mother, Mrs. Hudson Milburn, Who its also visiting Mr. and` Mrs, Allin and Mrs. M. Ohler, Cambria road. When they return they will reside in Winnipeg, 'Manitoba, where Cpl. Milburn is serving with the RCMP. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet O. Sallows, of Druinneller, Alberta, are visit- ing at 'the home of Mrs. Jarvis Mc- Bride, Carlow. Mrs., Phil Sturdy and children, Elizabeth and'' Nancy, have return- ed to their home in Thorold after spending two , weeks with Mrs. Sturdy's mother, Mrs. Fred Morgan•, Essex street.' Mr. and Mrs. Barry Doak spent the week -end with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brunel!. Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. William Moran, of Toronto; -are •visitingerelatiVeValit friends in ;Goderich. Mr. and M'rs. James Vic!.ean, of Detroit, are visiting the former's. sister, Mrs. D. J. Patterson and Mr. Patterson, as well as other relatives and friends in Goderich.,. Mrs. Jack '1`ebbutt and children, Patty and Wayne, and Deanna Mal - 'lough have returned one after holidaying with the for er's sister, Mrs. Sherman Willows, Orillia. Miss Donelda ' Bennis r, of Brantford, spent a few days last week at her home here. ' Mr.:and -°Mrs. Thomas Flattl-ey,-of Detroit, are guests with Mr. and. Mrs.... Joseph Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson, Flint, Michigan, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Fred Morgan, Essex street. Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood, Mrs. Evelyn Watson and Mrs, A. Johnston, all of Goderich, attended the funeral of Mr. Dave 'McWhin- ney last week at Dungannon United Church, :Mrs. W.. H. Doak and Mrs. C. L. Bissett have returned home after spending a week' at the Ontario Agricultural. College, Guelph._. Mr. Carman Doak, of A. & P. Store in Windsor, spent the week- end with his. parents, 111r. and Mrs. Harold W. Doak, South street. David Wilkinson, son of 'Mr. -nand, Mrs. James Wilkinson, St. David street, who is training at Ipper- wash Camp, was home with his parents over the week -end.. Dr. David. 'A., Scott, .of Toronto, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William Moorhead. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Elgin avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, of Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Lee Scott, of Sarnia,. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clark, of London, and their families; Mrs. 'Ballard and Mr. M. R. Ballard, principal of Central Collegiate In- stitute, Moose Jaw, Sask„ and Mr, F. C. Lee, of Oshawa. A piece of the 5 ton centennial cake cut' by HRH Princess -Margaret at Nanaimo, B.C., in connection with the British Columbia centen nial has oeen received by Mr. and Mrs. Iwis Taylor, Elizabeth street, Goderich. Mrs. E. Ruthig, of McCord. Sask., is a guest of Mrs. L. L. V.'alter. Capt. Jessie Mayo, of the Salva- tion Army Training College, Tor- onto, enjoyed last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stiles and re- newing acquaintances in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lfillyard, Sylvia and -David, of Dundas, spent the week -end with Mrs. Rae Mc - Nevin, Brock street. Mr. Alex R. Kennedy, of Win- nipeg, his granddaughter and. her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walker, and their two .daughters, Gail and Wendy, also of Winnipeg, visited- recently with his' sister, Mrs. H. Tichborne. They also visit- ed ',with.- his aged mother, Mrs. David Kennedy, of Whitechurch, and other relatives in the vicinity. A,CA t engthaiteheYe. returned home after spending' a-. few days' with Mrs. Straughan's uncle, Mr. Thomas Rogerson, at Balm Beach. They were accom- panied by Mrs. F.„Ross, of Auburn. Mrs. Geoffrey O'Farrell,. Miss Ada Smith and Miss Stewart, all of Toronto, were guests on Tues: day of Miss Lillias MacVicar. Mrs. Ernie Kirk, Mary Lou and Roger have returned to their home at Nipawin, Saskatchewan, after visiting with lVlr. and Mrs. Harry,T. Williams, Saltford. Misses Marnie MacKay and Jo Ryan, have returned from a holiday at Port Elgin. Chief Petty Officer Wm. 'Sander- son and Mrs. Sanderson and$Sharon and Judy, have returned to Halifax after spending three weeks with the former's• parents, Mr:' and Mrs. Geo, Sanderson, Blake street:- - • - Visitors with Mr.'and Mrs. Harry Powell, Goderich Township, last week -end were Mr, and Mrs Henry McLeod and children, of Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell, of Mil- ton, Mr• and Mrs. Hugh Powell and son, Lynn, of Milton Mr. and Mrs, Edgar. Stokes' and family, of Campbellv:lle. Mrc and Mrs. Wm. Sl ywchuk and- baby, Stephen, of London, and Mrs. John Slywchuk, of Timmins, -were visitors on Sunday at the hoaiie ,Mr. and Mrs. M: J: • Martin: They were accompanied back to' London 1 'S tvch.0 who spent t e wee o • eying wi 1 grandparents. Mr. George Filsinger, well-known Goderich merchant, suffered a heart attack last Week and will be coh$ned to Alexandra Marine and General hospital' for about six - weeks. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Filsinger is the second Goderich merchant to have suffered the same ailment in recent weeks. Mr. M. J:' Ainslie is recovering from a heart attack of several weeks ago. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan and faun' , recently returned ilrom Ger- 1Lig uur, vin posting In Ottawa g - Mr.. and Mrs. J. D. Clifford; of Detroit, Mich., spent several days recently with jr, and Mrs. Wile McGuire Mr. and Mrs. D'Esterre and fam- ily, of Edmonton, are visiting with Mr. end -Mrs. W. A: Medd. ie and Mrs. Brice Symonds, of Lindy, • - are renewing- acquaintei antes in .town the week. Rev. Richard'Stewart, of London, and formerly of Goderich, visited briefly in. Goderich on Monda, y with ;his family while on holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chisholm have returnee home ' after a two weeks' visit with Mr. Chisholm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.. Chis- holm, o of Debert, I.S. and his grandmother, Mrs. F. Stevenson, of Truro, Nova Scotia. On their way home they visited witli Mr: and Mrs. H. Sully, of Trenton, formerly of Goderich. STOKES—WARD Wedding. vows were exchanged by Dorothy Olive Ward and Fred- rick Charles Stokes, both of Tor- onto, at Knox 'Presbeterian Church manse before Rev. W. H. Welch, BSA, of Toronto. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. S. Cc Burleigh and the late Mi-:- -Burleghs..: of nrt'o',-- -. The groom is the son of Mr. Charles F. Stokes and the late Mrs. Stokes, of Goderich. 'The bride wore a silk street - length sheath dress' with duster of ice blue with matching accessories. Her corsage was Talisman roses. Mrs. Gerald Smith, Wingham, sister of' the groom, was ,matron of honor, wearing sky ” blue sheath dress' with white accessories. Mr. Donald Stokes, Goderich, brother, of the groom, was best man. After a ---reception at the- home of the groom's father, on West street, the bride changed to a beige travelling dress with matching coat and accessories. On • their return from a wedding trip through parts of Ontario and United States they will reside in Toronto. Guests at the reception Were from Toronto, Wingham ant: Gode- rich, - - STREET TURNED' INTO A VENICE CANAL BY RAIN The deluge of rain Tuesda - - evening -gave er• Goderich a Ven ice canal, only two blocks from the Square. Preparatory `to putting a new surface on Vic- toria street, en 'excavating ma- chine had removed the entire top of Victoria street to a depth of several feet between St • David's street, to Park street. Into this new -made ditch the rain fell and two sewers which backed up emp- tied into it too. The result was a canal about one and' a half -feet deep -which gave that por- tion of Victoria street for a time, at lest,;, the appearance of a canal' street in Venice. -$2,000 FIRE When fire broke out during the noon hour on Tuesday at the home of Norman Redford, AngIese`a street, damage to the aniount of $2,000 was caused. The blaze -was confined to the kitchen. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE 0% Discount. on all Summer Merchandise PR1DHAM'S MEN'S WEAK • 3 BIG NIGHTS • 23rd ANNUAL SEAFORTH LIONS ' CLUB SUMMER :CARNIVAL - at Lions Park WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY FRIDAY' AUGUST 6 - 7 - 8 BANDS —GAMES — BINGO Different .Program Each Night. ADMISSION 25c e PARKING FREE CHILDREN FREE. -30 ECIAL VALUES I FROM E o -ton-..fabrics Dan River, drip -drys, metallic prints. Regular to $1.50;• clearing at 98c yd. 15 ALL-W,OOL SKIRTS Good styles in the Lighter shades. at :Clearing. 1/2 price LADIES' ALL -WOOL CARDIGANS Regular 6:50 for 4'.9 8 ea. LADIES' SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS R 4;5. SALE , PRICE LADIES' BABY DOLL AND, LONG COTTON Stripes and floral patterns. PRICEONE ONLY :189 All Sports Wear • Swim Suits • Shorts' • TShirts • Beach Towels • Slacks 3.95ea. cd CLEARING AT .20 o OFF F.E. Hibbert 61, Son r �w u✓'