HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-07-17, Page 5,1r111141 ..;,..:.WRAPAY: JULY 14tAt. .1?•„* . • • •••• • • Fort Henry: one -of the best tire. served • of defensive structures •of the 1612 War, maintains uniforms and customs of that period in order to exhibit some of the historical features Ontario has to offer • 41. Two seven-year-old htoys hadjust been to a romantic moVie. Vasa t it awful.," said one. "It wasn't so bad," replied the other. "During the kissing scenes il just closed my eyes aid made believe, he was SUNDAY SERVICES -1NGODE51C11 CHURCHES ' 4 ST. GEORGE'S CHURC4-1 July 20141 -Seventh Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR', M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., ,Orgaiiist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA :StaeL.UflI,ti Church 10 a.m. Sunday Schoiil. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Guest Preacher: Rev. B. A. Garrett, Kingston, Ont, Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox 'Presbyterian Church, REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of •Praiso 9.30 A.M. - *MORNING SERVICES - 11 A.M. Guest Preacher -THE REV. WALTER H. WELCH. B.S.A. July 20. Sermon: "The Final Proof of God's Love." ' July 27. Sermon: "Victorious Living."• 11 a.m. Nursery and. Junior 'Congregation. A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. • Victoria Street •United Church FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOUR FAMILY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL THROUGH THE SUMMER. July 2.0-11 a.m.-"FORGIVENESS." July 27-11 a.m.-"MUST 1 RESTORE?" • Junior Congregation, Nursery at Parsonage, 10 a.m. BENMILLER CHURCH BEFORE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH., MINISTER, REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A,,, • ORGANIST, MR. FRANK -BISSETT. ° BETHPIL PENTtOOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." SPECIAL WEEK -END SERVICES FRIDAY 8 P.M.-Rev.'and Mrs. Stanley Gibson of Drayton, Ont. SUnday 10 'a.m.-Sunday School. . 11, a.m. and 7.30 'p.m. Rev. Wm: Schram of Orangeville, !Ont. The people of this community are urged_to hear these speakers. (Parents -remember Vacation Bible School in old. collegiate , every morning.) REV. R. ..12,GREEN (Pastor) 1• GODERICH ,BAPTIST CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL: 11 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 'SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service). 7 p.m. The Fellowship Hour. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D. - MINISTER . MRS: R. GOOD - ORGANIST THE CsiQDElt ENWS Or. AUBURN AUBURN, Jul' 14. --The United Mr. George Raithby visited with Church at Burks Falls, Ontario was iedthn ..t.o...4Liburn. and BIyth when-Rei4: 'llarold J. Snell united in marriage Mrs. Myrtle J. Youngblut and Mr. Ralph D. Munro, of Auburn. Only the immediate families were pre- sent. Following the wedding, Mrs. H. J. Snell wits the hostess and servd, a lovely luncheon in their uminer-horne-at Katrine. -Mr. and Mrs. Munro plan a motor trip through the Maritimes and will be at home to their friends around the first of August. Prior to the wedding.a surprise party was held at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Lansing at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Polish and family have moved into Mr. Clay- ton Gross' house (formerly the Sturdy' home); - Mrs. Charles Leach, Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Radford. of Elmira, New )(cork, Mrs. W. E. Rad- ford, Mrs. Sarah Radford, of Clin- ton, were guests last Friday*:with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. _ Mr. Ted Hembly, of Palmerston, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly. The holes of the United Church 'W.A. groups are enjoyn.g hobo teas the past two. -weeks. Mr. John Houston and ci,iughter, Miss Frances, R.N., of London, left by„plane from Crumlin airport tondailifiE441,4L tq,21_44-- land, Scotland. Scotland. After visiting with .his sisters and families they will visit the coirtinent. Mr. David Hamilton is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Mac Alli- son, and Mr.! Allison, at Parkhill. ;Mr. Gordon Rutledge spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rut- ledge, of Mitchell. his brother, Jariles Raithby, who -oRdrnIasfbursdyja...a4,04,014.:1744741*". -aturioti him improving M 'health. . Mrs. John Graham returned to • her home last Thursday after couple of weeks in Stratford Gen- eral Hospital. Miss Josephine McAllister re- ceived word last week that a' son wag born to. Mr. and. Mrs..Thomas- Bailey (nee Margaret Messer), in Hainiota, Manitoba, General Hos- pital, on July 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and Mr. and MrS. Ralph Williams are en- joying a trip to Halifax this week. Friends of Mr. Charles Scott will be pleased to hear that he is re. covering ,from a heart attack. Mrs, Jack- Bennett and sons, of Ridgetown, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan and Mrs. Charles,Straughan Mr. and Mrs. M. !POlich and. daughter, Jeanette, of Niagara Falls, and Mrs, J. Christopher,' of Welland, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Polich and family. Miss Lillian Stewart has return- ed to Lonuon after spending h.er holidays with her mother, Mrs. William Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor .. are visiting at Belleville with their son, Mr. Ronald Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor. C. Weir returned last week from a trip to Port Dalhousie. The •claing4Pexercises of the Daily Vacation Bible School will be held in the Knox United Church on Sunday evening, .July- 20, at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. John Maize and son Rickey are. in Toronto where Rickey has undergone surgery in Sick Child- ren's Hospital there. Mr. and ,.,Mrs.- Reg -- Asquith,- -George and Anne, of Islington, are visiting,. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Asquith. Padre and . Mrs. Garrett and. fam- ily are again holidayingat their cottage on the Maitland Block. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dawson, of Detroit, were Auburn visitors one Welcome to T he Church I That Cares SUNDAY, JULY 20 .10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed. 8 pint -Prayer And Bible study hours. Free Madiirt Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor. SALVATION ARMY 1 SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. EVERYONE 15 WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, testimonies and Gopal messages. LIEUT. LESLIE ROWSELL • day last week. Ncr. W1iarn Haggitt and Rose 'ate attended the _funeral otitis slater, Mra, Florence Tharratt, last week -end. 1 k , and Mrs, Harry Peter, f 4 MA' and Mrs. Sidney Lansing. ay•Nisiters with their-eousin • Misses Barbara MacKay and 'Barbara Sanderson are enjoying a week at Xintail Cann). 1;tr. R. C. 'Weir, Mr. and Mrs. uncut MacKay and John, Mr. and ,rs. John. Weir, Joan and. Bobhy; of London, attended the 40th wed- ding anniversary celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. George Paterson. in Goderich last Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs.' Ronald Rathwell and son Michael, of St. Catharines, are holidaying with her parents, Nit and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. IVIrs. Alfred Nesbitt returned last week -end from a trip to Saskatoon vviiere' she attended the inter-pro- Earm Union Council held there. Dr. and Ws. Annis- and daugh- ters, of Regina, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent, Friends of Mrs. Frank Nesbitt Mr:limi Mrs. Marc Lanthier and' louder tnan that, honey. Those will be sorry to hear that she is a Mr. Frank, Wayne,. of Fort Erie, darn hells are making• such a patient in London hospital, Her and Mrs, Bowman, of Calgary, racket, 1 can'.l hear a word you many friends wish hera speedy spent the weekend with Mr. and say.' Mrs. Mervin Hodges. The Decoration Day services of hrist's Anglican Church cemetery were held Sunday afternoon. Revel R. Kennedy, of St. Andrew's United 1 Church, was guest speaker, assisted 111••••••••••••••••••41•1841414 Lakeview 'Casino Grand Bend THE, FAMOUS GLENN- MILLER ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 Tickets Now On Sale - $2.50 Each DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY, , 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA. Our crowds have been wonderful this season. - Plan an evening of dancing. You'll enjoy every minute of this great entertaining and danceable orChestra. . ..29 cit Albe PORT ALBERT, July 14. -The Ladies' Guild Of Christ's Anglican at the home of Mrs': Roy Paige. Conveners were appointed for the bazaar which will be held early in August. Mrs. Gray gave an interesting talk of their mission- ary work *among the Indians. Rev. E. C. Gray closed the meeting With prayer. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Wenzel, of Buffalo, spent the holiday week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodges. ' • Mr, and Mrs, Tony Vrooman and, family, of, Corunna, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Vrooman.' They' have just return- ed from visiting Mrs. Grace Haw- kins hi Duluth, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vrooman at Port Arthur. Mr. and Mrs: Don McDonald and ,family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald and family, of Walton, 'were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adarns. ,ee Wees. Guelph Saturday .tftr being rained out of two 40.00414:01.1*.la l'imrsdali-evenings -of-lasevieek, the Legion pee wee baseball league is under way again: Dodgers face W.A. on Thursday evening. After each game the "all stars" practice for future cempetition. Guelph and Goderich are to play home and home games ,for district `‘IC" honors. The winner..Will'com. pete in' the Provincial Legion tournament to be held at Thorold on August 22 and 23. • '• First game here against Guelph is on Saturday evening, July , 19, with a return game at .Guelph on July 28. Leading in every division of the league here -batting, runs batted in, runs 'scored, strike -outs, hits givqn up by, etc., is D. Williamson. Wife: "Darling, aren't those chimes beautiful?' Such a beauti- lul tone! Such harmony!" • Husband: "You'll .have to talk recovery. )4r, and Mrs. Ed. Davies spent the week -end with friends in Streetsville. Mrs, Charles Straughan, , Mrs. William Straughan,Mrs. Arthur jiritivg„e. Mrs. Bert Craig...and 1.grs, • e'rt-ttirfrertftrtireittirt-ti culture electing at Lion's Head last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eve visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Herbert Govier. They left for it trip to .Montreal on Monday. A local church drive was on and the' collector called on ,Rastus for a; donation. "I can't ,give nothin'," pleaded the old Negro. "1 owes nearly everybody now." -But," said the solicitSr, '"don't you think you owe the Lord some- thing too?", "Ah sho does," said the old man, "but He ain't pushin' me like the others are." • -7-TRAFFIC and. PARKING. Angle parking signs are erected on streets racliatink from the. Square. for one 'block. Vehicles should he pArked at, • an angle of 45 degrees with the -front wheel ht the, curb. WEST , STREET. • A&P STORE Parallel parking only in this • block. NO double parking. Signs are erected. THE POLICE COMMISSION ' 9O a -00,0••••*••••••••••••••• CASEORAMA-STARLITE REVIEW-, coming to J. A. PLUNKETT, Auburn TUESDAY, JULY 22, 8.30 P.m. f • Extra $ For Your • Hogs • Past experience shows that your provincial Hog, Marketing Plan • has resulted in higher piices: • * MARCH 18, 1958 - Toronto Hog prices were Brandon Hog prices were Gain for Ontario Hogs * APRIL 14. 1958 - Toronto Hog prices were Rrrdon Hog prices were Gain for Ontarioilogs * MAY 26, 1958 - Toronto Hog prices were Brandon Hog prices were • $29.00 per cwt. • 25.25 " " 3.75 II by ,Rev„...11 JenniDgs,44219,r2,, And "Reir.-Er"--C7Gra-r-acting minister for the month of July. The organ- ist, Mr. Walter Tigert, was assisted by Mrs. Gray with the violin. The cemetery was beautifully decorat- ed and., a large crowd -1,04gre-1n attendance. BROWNIE'S Nye -Jr' .thnitecl. • CLINTON 00114111111101111111111011111106111•11411,111111111 •THURS., FRI., 'JULY 17-18 • - Double Feature --I "Rock Around The • World" Tommy Steele, Nancy Whiskey "Reform 'School Girl" - Gloria Castillo, Ross Ford ONE CARTOON •••-• „ •••••eofb••••••••oesemps, SAT., MON. JULY 19-21 "Violent Saturday" (Color-Cinemascope) Victor Mature, .Ernest Beryline (Adult Entertainment) - ONE CARTOON - 411.01100.11.0110011.1Ha.."0.0.1111 TUES., WED. JULY 22-23 "The Racers, (Color) Kirk Douglas, Bella Darvi - ONE CARTOON - 41101111111410110401,41•0•000800410•011 THURS., FRI., SAT., MON., TUES., WED. - .JULY 24-25-2648-29-30 • "The Ten Cominandinenfs Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson - ADVANCE PRICES - Adult '7- $1.25 Student (with student card) 75c Children . - 50c 41.1104111010114004001,44,4110114111111044 Box Office Opens at 8 p,m. First Show at Dusk. • FREEMANAuCKIN9rIfF,;z,z------' and John' C. Freeman' were .„. in marriage by Rev. Si 4,....340te' in North Street, United' (antreb. Saturda • eworoL,.0406404 ff7t4tt • ,:rnoWt*tVe feta with matching bolero with white accessories, and carried a. white Bible with red rose corsage. Mrs. Stanley Freeman was mat- ron of honor in white ilower$ dress and orchid. 'Her corsage was • s white, carnations. • Mr.. Stanley- R'-eeittait Vas brother's attendant. Mr. Rex Duckworth. brother of the bride, was usher. The bride's mother $vore a flow- ered tricot dress of doe grey and peacock blue with *bile 'acces- sories and " the groom's mother those a acrilon dress of Roman pink with white accessories. The ypung couple are honey- mooning up north in a cottage and on their . return- will make their home in ,Goderich. Water from the Amazon river freshens the Atlantic ocean as far as 100 miles out to sea. The Ama- ion's discharge is greater than that of the world's three next largest rivers combined. • `11111111111111, 4■11111611111111, SUNSET HOTEL TFaniiis (Buffet) will be served each Sunday from 6.30 p.m. until 8 pm. Under famous Cher Bill Armstrong. - BRING YOUR FAMILY -- • Reservations now taken for: WEDDINGS • CONVENTIONS - BANQUETS - PARTIES, ETC. _ , Special rates for transient guests and travellers. k - Rooms also available by the week. <,* ... ._ . _ SUNSET HOTEL - Britannia Road, Goderich • IS YOUR BASEMENT DAMP • .OR WET THESE SUMMER„. I . DAYS ? • We invite you to try our FRIGIDAIRE. DE -HUMIDIFIER I to' keep. your basement dry. • • 1 coteAPPLIANCES .26(44f -- FOR, SALES S SERVICE GODERICH await -SQUARE 'Z15444,4586 • s • • • • LKSWAGEN Yes, we have mighty good used cars . . . with the possi- pbility of a few new ones this week ! TEXACO SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN F,IRESTONE DEALER PHONE 20 r `milmiummoressie $29.00 per cwt. 26.75, " " 2.25 18 $33.50 per cwt. 31.25 " " • Gain for Ontario Hogs 2./f * FROM ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS' CO-OP FILES. "You can see by these examples the value of the Ontario, Hog MarketingRJa,t,Iog producers in this county as com- pared to the old system still in effedi Beaeideti," Man: It seems to me that the only possible action for hog producers to take ts-fti.-VOTE YES on July 251" VOTE YES Or, You'll not have another chance for 2 YEARS by myth, - t* to vo e this' lan into operation. MID -SUMMER SALE Annual Clearance of Summer Dresses, Shorties, Suits and All Weather 'Coat: *400 DRESSES ON SALE AT 3.84, 6.84, 9.84 itND 14.84 30 Shortie Coats 11 Suits, REG $39 95 • J th YOUR CHOICE, EACII $10.0O OUT THEY AL 20 All Weather Coats SALE PRICE $14.84 et. The Caseoranta Starlite Review is coming to town, featuring revolutionary Case -o. astatic Drive which caused nation-wide comment at the Phoenix, Arizona, J. I. Case World Premiere of the 1960 CaSe-o-rnatic Line. Case-o-matic Drive tractors will show their special talents in dramatic demonstrations, apd work under actual field conli..' ; tions. Thetwo-hour sholii,, under the stars, will have "as its finale a grand parade.,o..f r.i..d.:i itAAll Case tractors, machines and implements which are' used in this area. ... 1. A. Plunkett, Auburn, J. 1. Case Dealer . 4 .1.. • BERT LOBS, President. 1• ALF. WARNER, Sec-Treasuree. - Huron c ounti- Hog Producers/ Association rr 4. 1 Look for the Yellow Sale Tickets GEO. W. SCHAEFER Phone 56 •