HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-07-03, Page 10iA.'Ic.:r �• i . THE GOM ICH s,liA.." N - THURSDAY, URSDAY,. JU.'LY :Ird, •lt$ Wedn!. 41Br noon is . deadlhie' for Classified Ads. *IVO lines or tass, 504; 104 for each additional' line. 25c extra for office blx number. Classified. Ads on CASH BASIS. 9'Charge of 25c extra if ads not .paid by. SATURDAY NOON of week of pubilzation �Guxa+,�ir.,; :v/+'G+a +.s, Nur„y::.a,�,:...+.+{nzcc�cTiclrrx �..rr• °';.u.i.J."`w;, o.ro.� "jG - ....w a at�.d�tf#' dEC'xmr.., •r .m.. +cr^i:.y4 1A. F'or Sale •(General) FOR , the best buy in used appli- ances,” see Shore Appliances, in the Square. Your Frigid. r ire Dealer. ' Braneh- agent for GNR money EIGHT acres of mixed hay, reason- able. Phone 1383W or apply 250 Eldon' street, back apartment.. '• ' 27x ALEXANDER & Ci1APMAN GOOD building lot located on Bri- tannia road west, Goderich---66 Jt by 132 feet. , •, Girders. -12tf lti. Real Estate N F W ,and used refrigerators,' ranges, washing machines, dryers, home air conditioning. lest prices, low, terms, good trade allowances, See Lumbys, 39 St. David street, Goderich. -19t t CEDAR posts, poles and stakes. 1 • John Hindmarsh, R„R. 2, Goderich. Phone 119,OJ. -K.• -4tf HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; l samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Harrtilton, Ont. FILMS delivered in 24 ' hours. W. J. Denomme,' 1,40 The Square, Godericn. ., 9-12x FREE -To anyone purchasing a new baler before haying season shits, we shall give either an elevator or one • year's supply of twine. New Idea' spraeaders, used machinery of all kinds; Purina Chowsl'leave'eggs for eolle fon by Golden' Glow..•. ,Gea, Wraith, .Moi1, treal street, phone 1285. ° -11 LUMBER For Sale Hemlock, Spruce and Pine, roligh or dress- ed, F.O.B. Mill or delivered truck- load ,lots. Attractive prices, Odorizzi Lumber Company Limited, Golder_ Valley, 4 Ontario. Phone 5 ring 4. -18-28 PORTABLE Skil radial sawe 874" cut. -Phone ..588_ _ . ,,,_ ... ,....-19tf_. SALES BAR' SCOURS ? ? ?, STt, :i', the scouring while combatting and "preventing, the cause with "IM- PROVED for SCOURS" available at RLECK's Drug, Store, 14 'Square (near Colborne St.), phone `939. ,, 23-26 BAKE goods show casesused avail- able.. Direct from London owner. Real value as stores being modern- ized. Fair-+McKebwn and Associates Limited. Store designing and in- terior equipment, 182 King' street W:, Dundas, Ont., MA. '8-811 , WVIA.7-7910, r 26-27x 1 SEMI-Vd3OTTOM boat with windshield and trailer; 3 plywoOd , row boats. Apply Ernie Sole, Goderich. -26-27 CUT flowers arranged or by the dOzena:! L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron 'street, phone 722, -26ti 1952 GEORGE White thresher on rubber, in good repair: 2 McCor- mack Deering bffiders; 1 gasoline tank and hose, '220 gallon; baled hay and straw. Gordoh Jewell, Carlow. 26-27x 100 YOUNG weanling pigs for sale. • Reg; Saltford, Ont. • Phone SEVERAL different makes 'of used milking machines. Let us. inStall one of these or a new Woods on' trial. Beevers Auto and Bicycle Supply, -21-43 • BUSCIFER "C" saxophone, silver, .completeH..with case, etc. Good condition. iMay be seen at 33 East street. Phone 14206. 27x FIVE bicycles, four men's, "One lady's, overhauled, good running order. Extra, frame (-small) with pedals, ,chain Lind tire; stand for seven bikes.• Lot sale $48. Phone HU 2-9911, Clinton. 27x GIRL'S bicycle., balloon tires, Mrs. Harold 'Ashton, 300 Huron ro.ad. 'WE specialize and carry a com- plete stock for all Sparten TV's, and all tubes and Most parts for other makes of Tv. B. R. 'vlunday, .Ty, Radio and Sound , Service. Phone.. 598. 127 Widder street. oNE heavy duty 22 inch, 1 -burner, tefeetrie- stove, cheati; also. one enamel kitchen sink, Apply after Thursday to 115 Quebec street, Gciderich. -27 PRIVATE sale of house hole' furnish- ing'S ineluding- Beatty electric 4 - burner range, heavy duty; Leonard' frig. cu. ft.; chesterfield suite; small tables; lamps; scatter rugs; Phillips 21" TV tomplote ,,vith new .aerial; combination radio and re- cord player; bedtoom atiita: -Beatty electric washer, ',May be seen at K. Pennington's,. 5 Blake street, .27 9 X 12 TENT, poles and pegs, P.hone Higgins, .146 Elgin . avenue E, 27x JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker, Two bedroom, one boor bunga- loyv, located on quiet street, price only $-1,300, extra lot included. • Two-year-old brick, long ranch home; three large bedrooms, spac- ious clothing closets, L-shaped liv- ing room and" dining room with natural fireplace; Family•size kit- chen, tiled bathroom. Forced air oil furnace. Built $t r comfort and convenience. Choice location over- looking lake. Mortgage arranged. 'Modern 3 -bedroom home, living rdoni, dining room and kitchen, sun porch, 3 -piece bath, hardwood 'floors, throughout, full basement, forced air oil ,furnace, everything for gracious living,.must be seen to. be appreciated, low . down pay- ment. Lake Front Property • North of Goderich; a very good clay loam farm, buildings in excel- lent state of repair. 660 feet of lake frontage, sandy beach, reason- ably priced. Choice list ,of farms in Huron County, • Com cial properties in Huron County hicluding many stores. Income properties for incest-° Merits. We'll look after your real estate and rentals. Summer cottages. = For buying and; selling, contact - JOHN BOSVELD eal Estate - Broker 4t1 `V llesley'Srreet, Goderich Phone 1108, Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld, Goderich HAROLD W.SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER Frame Storey and One-half -- Cen- tral Location Just a few years old this home has modern, kitchen, dining room, living room with broadloom, two comfortable bedrooms and. four - piece bathroom, full basement and hot air coal furnace. Good terms available. •�r; af•' Four Bedrooms — Huron Rd. This home situated on a spacious lot, has large living' room and dining rooro, roomy kitchen and n -r om on -111e first Hook, bedrooms and three-piece bath sec: ond floor, Full basement, eoal hot air furnace. Priced to sell. Good terms. 'Income Properties Three dublexes, each having .two completely self-contalned apart- ments. Each would proelue a very good return on investment. 68 Acre Farm — Port Albert On highway 21, this farm has 'seven -room house.i...geed bank ,barn, driving shed and very productive land. Reasonable price. Lakefront Lots Bluewater .Beach Only two miles from Goderich these well located lots are offered .tor only $550 each. Pive•Room Cottage — Hunter's Beach Containing five rooms fully furn- ished, this summer cottage is locat- ed on a large lot at one of the best beaches in this district. Full price p;oott--- Goed terms avail- able. n Several other good farms listed, • • Harvey Laskaline, R.R. 2, Gode- rich, phone 1599,1 2, Farm Saleg- ALEXANDE7. and CHAPMAN, ' Realtors; Phone 268, Goderich MALCOLM ,MATHERS INSURANCE AND .REAL ESTATE OFFICE 118 Elgin Ave. E.—an interest- ing bungalow, having an attractive living room with fire place, a pleasant dining rbom, three bed- rooms, bath and kitchen on one floor; basement, furnace, garage and in addition a lot on Picton,. street. Lake front subdivid d lots in a beautiful setting at Martin's Point near Port Albert, A centrally located one -floor bungalow; 3 bedrooms, new oil furnace, many attractive.features. A new small bungalow on Gib- bons street, near the schools. Two bedrooms, 'attractive living room and kitchen, -utility roomoil furnace. ,.., •• A modern attractive dwelling in very good location on Britannia road. Has two bedrooms and bath: on main floor, At Port Albert, Ont nicely situ- ated on . the river, amongst ever- greens, with a good view of both river and lake, a rustic summer dwelling, on two levels; 7 rooms including sleeping porch,. .dining room, sunporch and living room with open fireplace. Includes all equipment and "ftirnishings, also outboard boat and 15 h..p. out- board motor, water' skis, etc, $7.,000 0p. MALCOLM MATHERS ' 46 West St; --Phone 11-5W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker' FURL Business for sale, Goderich. Excellent centrally located yard. Large storage sheds, office, loading equipment, R.R. siding, truck. Terms arranged.. _ Contact Canadian J. L. Killoran, B.A., solicitor, Rich- mond Bldg., London." Tel. Office GE -46839, House HU -31726. -26-28 WHITE Manor, across from—the Shaeffer Pen Factory, No, 8 high- way, white brick house, 11 rooms, 3-pieee bath, good basement, 4 acres surrounded by maple, sptuce .and cedar trees. Can be seen •by appointment. Jas. White, Huron road, Goderich. P.O. Box 292. Phone 723R. 26-27x • BUILDING lot, 108 feet by 65 feet, -100-Britannia road:—Plione-588-.. 2. Real Estate Wanted classified Ads. On Cash Basis 5 lines or.less 50c Each .additional line, 10c Unless ads arepaid for bp SATURDAY NOON of week of publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver- tisement for bookkeeping expenses. DO YOU WANT EXTRA MONEY? We require an energetic man or .woman who likes selling, to repre- sent us in this area. No equipment to demonstrate. " No samples to carry. No sales quota to meet. No territory restrictions. You can earn up to $100.00 per- week for. full time effort. .Many of our part- time representatives earn. $150.00 per month. If you like tosell, you should write today for per -Anal interview. Sales Manager, P.O: Box 81/7, London, Ontario. -27-28 5 k pioyment Wanted WOMAN desires housework by the day. Write Box 99, Signal -Star. 26x rr ' RELIABLE 1)6Y -with power mower available to mow lawns, Phone 750. 27x vimmuessominromma 6. Wanted _{General) OLD horses wanted at 3aeac lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch83 , phone phone colject 1483 J 4 r 1 -BOARDERS-- wanted---- in private - home, girls preferred. Phone 384J. -27 WANTED.—Listings of' properties for sale. No charge to' you until property is sold. 'Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St., Goderich. Phone 115W, -12tf where you obtain the best results. List today with HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St., Goderich LISTINGS Wanted—Farms, Sum- mer Cottages and Town Property. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, 'Bank of Commerce bUilding, Gode- rich. Phone 268, -18 .WE have sold Many Mines in Goderich lately. New prospects are waiting. If you vitant to sell, list with us now. JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St.. Goderich -211.1 GOOD home wanted for two .small kittens. Contact Bill Sudmann, 91 South street. Phone 403. 27x ROOMERS. "The.Kent House" has comfortable rooms for gentlemen. Meals optional. Phone 1570 or '332. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED Phone 766; ESTATE house for sale. ,Large family hoMe, red briek,'white trim, two storey, 'nine room, excellent condition, large lot and garden, jour bedroOms, full basement, auto- matic. bin.led4pleer, new furnace, hot water Neat, electric water heat- er, two natural fireplaces, large verandah, Price $19;000, Terms will be arrancred. Contact' Cameron L, Killoran, Richmond ! ' Badga London, Tel, Office -GE. 4-6m House 'HU -31726 -26-28 • • 4. Help Wanted one fully .expeeienced machinist td understudy our millroom foreman, and one. .youth to learn a good trade. We are busy and need good men, Pleasant working conditions, good, wages, absolutely steady, group insurance,• etc. „James. A, Cole Fnrniture Company, Ingersoll. -26-27 GIRL wanted to do. housework in Goderich home one day a week. Meals and good Wages. Write. Box 104; The Signal -Star "SPEED*" by rAMIS MOTORS I "Make It Iflai:,my Holiday In A Good Used Car t957 BUICK Special 2.Door Hardtop. SPEEDY 4 1955 CHEVROLET Sedan, 2 -tone, 7 ,eloti,mmtiming.034AYS: 1954- DODGE.' 1953 BUICK' Sedan. 7. To Rent TYPEWRITERS — Portable and standards. Skeoch Office ,§ttpplies, phone 6,11, Goderich. • -36tf MAKE your housework easier by renting a floor polisher and vacuum the Square. -1tf FOUR -ROOM apartment, heavy wiring, bathroom, one block from Square. Available May 1 Phone FOUR -ROOM furnished apartment, heated,' utilities 'paid. Mrs.' Ken Allin, .54 Victoria street. -14tf STORE on north side of Hamilton street, newly decorated throughout inside, irninediate possession. Reg. McGee & Sons. UNFURNISHED apartment, Our rooms and bath; heated and hot Water. Phone 1540W. -221f .(X)TTAGE, 3 bedrooms, bath, kit- chen, living 'room, all ,electrical conveniences including auto'matic washer, situated on beauttfill lake- front propertyat.Menesetung Park, 3 miles north Of ,,Goderich. Mrs. George Fiisinger, phone 130, Gode- TWO-BEDROOIVI apartment, self- contained, just 'off Square, avail- able immediately.'• *Phone - 13.58J. NICELY furnished cottage, sleeps six, at Port Albert beaeh, ,$15.00 weekly. Phone Stocum 4-1458, LARGE; 'cornfortable, furnished rooms. Phone .213. -251f roam, kitchen4and bathroom. Ap- ply John Bosveld, Realter, 40 Wellesley street. * -25 FURNISHED, heated apartment, electric frig and stove, private,bath- rodm, front and back entrance. Available Jtily 15th. Phone 148. MODT:RN two-bedroom apartment, available now, Clinton, Phone LIU 2,6677. -27 Come to the Sunset Circle picnic at Harbor Park on July 9.; Bring picnic basket and own cutlery. Ice cream and soft drinks supplied. • Bake Sale under auspices of St. George's Evening Guild at the Music Shop on Saturday, July 49, at 2, p.m. -27-29 Boys and girls, grade 1 (in September) to grade 6, don't miss vacation Bible School, in old col- legiate, July 14 to 25, 9 to 12 a.m. "Bible Sea 'Adventures," games, _singing,_.__handcraft. Registration fee 25c. -27 .Just drop your tools! Don't stop to dress- Come as you are to the Margaret Seegers' Coffee Break, Saturday, July 5th, 10.30 a.m.-12 noon, in the garden'at Mrs. Mal- colm Mathers,.122 West street (St. George's Parish:. Hall if it rains). Coffee 25c: Gift table. Home baking. -27 'Bake sale in Denomme's Flower Shop, Square,. on Saturday, July 12, at 2.30 p.m., under auspices of North Street W.A. -27-28 'The Canadian Cancer Society will hold its regular meeting on -Tuesday; July -8; at- 8 p:th., in the Cancer Society room at the Town Hall. Everyone welcome. -27 Remember the dates; July 25, 26 and 27 for the Goderich Art Club exhibition. -27 10. Briefs „Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for. all Shell • Oil Co. products. ,Phone 98. • -39tf Photographs for all occasions, Also religieua goods, picture frames and "framing. • Fihnsa flash bulbs, photographic supplies. Open eVen- 'Summer prices are now effective on Sterling Fuel at Overholt Coal • Wall-to-wall carpet or broadloom regs-ina all Shadea; ,also stair car- pet, Ilarryinore and Harding Vial- ity, expertly installed Geo W Schaefer & Sons. -23tf • See' our stock of famous ZEISS IKON Caineras—Movie and Slide projectors, screens, ' light meters and accessories. Technical advice freely given. MacLaren's Studio. Paperhanging, exterior and in -1 terior ' painting free estimates, courteous service. A, call will be appreciated. Leo Corriveau, 123 Bruce street. 26-2.7x Sunday special'at Meadow Brook on 21 Highway, 14 mile south of Goderich, turkey dinner $.1..00 from "Let not your heart be troubled" —a book of comfort and strength,; by Rev, J. Robert Watt, B.A., B.D., can be secured from Huron County Clean your rugs and cal -pets the new and easy way. No ki,celing— poo . Master. Fbr rent at Geo. W. Schaefer and Sons. Phohe 56. 4 and stairwells of thefrrst and, sec- ond floors of the new section of the Public School at Britannia road and •Gibbons street. The halls and stairwells to be washed and one coat of paint applied; The data - rooms, two coats. State 'brand name and grade of paint . being used. Colors tb be satisfactory to the Property Committee of the Board. .This work must be finished by July 16th. Further particulars may be obtained from Mr Harold W. Shore, Chairman- of the Pro- perty Committee. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. H. Blake, Secretary Public School Board, 25-26- • Goderich,' Ontario. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 'July 5, 1958, for• the following: Shingling the south side of S.S. No. 9 and south side of S.S. No. 1 with top grade 'asphalt shingles; Painting the interior and exterior of S.S. No; 4 and U.S.S. No. 8, ,also exterior of S.S. No. 9; Oil Heating systems for U.S.S. No. 8 and S.S. No. 1. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas.. Ashfield Twp. School Area, 1 R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ont. EiR,S will be received undersigned: First, to supply aft oil furnace at No. second, to erect a building 25-26 TEND by the,: and install school; 14. In Memoriam my dear mother, Mrs. Beatrice' Arnold, who pasaed away 12 years ago, July 6th. No one knew the pain she bore ' Beneath the smilb•she always wore; orn hospital bed to HeaaenlY rest od took her" home to be His guest. We lived in hope and prayed in vain , That she would Amin get well again; But God decided that we must part He eased her pain, but broke our hearts; , And 'while ,she sleeps in 'Peaceful, sleep, Iler memory we shall always keep.. —Always remembered' by hext daughter and son-in-law, Beatrice and -Gordon MeGratten. -27 MOORE.—In memory of our dear - mother,. Margaret Mae Moore, who passed away a year a o July ,7th, 1957. Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nights are past; And in our aching hearts we know She has found sweet -rest at last. —Always remembered by Beta nice, Hazel and Frank. • -27 1111111111111111116, Specials for Friday & Saturday DeviEs Food Banana Cake � 40,t Marshmallow Filling and Chocolate Creme Icing. 'CHOCOLATE IVIARSHIVIALLOW ROLLS .... ea. gm 'WHOLE WHEAT PITOTFINS doz. 36e OPEN. SATURDAY. NIGHT 'TIL 10 P.M. CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY' PASTRY" WEST STREET PHONE 465 GAULEY.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 25, 1958, to' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gauley, Goderich, a son, Robert GIBSON.—At General Hospital, Air. and Mrs. John Gibson Wroxeter, a son, Douglas John, McPTIEE.—At Alexandra Hospital, aGoderich, on June 30, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPhee, Brenda Mae. WINSOR.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 26, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. William Winsor, of Goderich, twin aons, Daniel and Leslie Paul. 19. Notice to Creditors ALL persons having claims against the estate of James Young, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died 1956, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 3rd day of j'uly, 1958; as after that date the assets of the estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at Goderieh, in the County of Huron, this 10th day of June, 1958. RAYS and ?REST, , Goderich, Ontario, 25-27- Solicitors for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS , ALL persons claiining against the estate of James A. Campbell, late of the Town 'of Goderich, the County of Huron, Druggist, are required 'to 'forward- full par- ticulars to the undersigned by July 25th, 1958, after which date the assets of the estate will be tallibut Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for. the executors. -27-29 VISIT OR PHON1E REID'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534 'til 9 pan: for an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the knew-hoW. Pick up and delivery. -9tf home, liability, aceident and sick, ness. Geo. Turton, R.R. 5, Gode- rich, phone Carlow 179, or at Hutchinson's Radib and TV, Wed - GUY Ives & Sons—Centractors— Phone Carlow 1612. Fire Chief chimneys, Cosy-aire fireplace and roofing supplies.. Terms to suit your budget. . 23-36x CARPENTRY, , building, ,Temodele king, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing • of all, kinds, steel arid asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108: 23-30x FOR artificial insemination Service or. more- information-. telephone' the . Waterloo Cattle Breeding A.ssoci- ation collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 supply service to top quality bulls , 'of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (polled and hOrned), and Dual Purpoge Shorthorn, Angus and Caharolaise breeds. The' cost is low. -17tf 22. Lost an4 Found WALLETIost between CNR station and Ne*gate street. Finder please phone 756. -27 NEW wrist watch taken from boy's pocket on beach. Reward if re- turned. Phone 1523. ' -27 15. Cards of Thanks ANDERSON.—The family of the late Mrs. Nettie A. Anderson take this opportunity' to thank their relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the beautiful floral trib- utes, the offer of cara for' the furieral and the many "In Mem- oriam" donations .to the . Can- adian Cancer Soelety; they es- pecially wish to thank Dr. J. W. Wallate, Mrs. Jean -Patterson and the nurses' •and staff at Alex- a,ndra Hospital., -27 and Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Rath - burn wish to extend their sincere thanks for the beautiful floral tributes and the Many kind- nesses shown during their recent bereavement. Special thanks is extended to Dr. A. IT. Taylor and the nurses and stall -at the hos- press anki t6 frienda who so kindly remembared me with gifts of flowers,' treats, and cards and called to see me while -was- 'a patient in -tfre: hostrital- and at borne. Mrs. Herb Pentland, wrumms.--I would like to thank all those who .sent me cards and gifts after iny accident,. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, qr. Tay- lor, Dr. Leitch ancl „nurses of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for their care and kindness. 1952 PONTIAC Sedan. Above cars are fully reconditioned. 8. Wanted to Rent HOUSE or apartment „on side, street, two or three bedrooms, thene ;1172, Near and Ilearneyer, Plumbing and Ileating. -24 WANT to rent small farm in vicinity of Goderich with, option to buy. Letters with full par- ticulars, BoX 103, Signal -Star. • frouse, pr inifurnished downstairs, apartment, spitahle for couple With three childrn, two of school age, Phone 1528W or call 198, Anglesea street. ' 27x FURNISITEla apartment suitable 11, Auction Sales AUCTION Sale of household effects at .169 McDonald street,. Goderich. on SATURDAY,. JULY 12th, 1958 Four -burner heavy duty electric stove,; Beatty washing machine; kitchen table and chairs.; dining room. chairs a nd'gideboarkiedtibif- al chesterfield; beige tone-on4one Axminster. broadloom carpet, 9' x 10V, with ,fliat; table lamps; tri - light lamp; Various living room tables; Morris•chair; hassock; wal- nut fotir-poster three-quarter bed withsprings; 2 dressers and stands; and curtains; bedroom chairs; small quantity of toWels , and blankets; quantity of dishes; crys- tal; pots and pans andaother house- hold dffects. TERMS—C. ASH. Mrs. Harry 16. Engagements Mr. and Mrs, Klaas Krocsen, R.R. 2, Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Antonia, to William George Ttirton, R.R. 5. Goderich. Tie wadding *ill take plac,e in, the C„Iffistian Reform- ed Church, Clinton, on July 26, ANY THE party who found a brown ' leather change purse containing a slim of money in the phone booth at Bank of C,ommerce kiadly leave at Police Station or at the Bank ' of Commerce. Reward. • 27x 20. Public Notice 23. Used Cars TIIIS isto make known that Harold R. Johnston, of Toronto, .has been Fay (Mohring) Johnston, effective 21. Business Notice SHARPENING — Saws: hand and eleetric, hand power lawn. mowers, farmers' Mower knives, axes and cutlery wet ground; part time farm work, haying, 'harvesting, etc. C. II. Homer, Huron read, (opPosite store). 25-26x SEPTIC tanks, cess -pools, ete., pumped and cleaned with mddern equipment. All work, guaranteed Write or phone Louis' Blake, R.R 2, ,Brussels, or phone 42 t 6, Brussels. • •10-32x SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc, eustom made; also kit, cuPboards and furniture re- pairs, • 184 Gibbons street; phone BULIAXYZING and excavating; land clearing, grading .and_levelliog. Phone HU 2-7436. -27tf L170 Int. 5 -yd. dump, excellent, 825-20 tires, liD282 engine -- „ 5 speed trans. -2 speed axle. tires—mechanically perfect.' ' 1947 KB2 Int. pickup—long 1):Ox. 1949 Meteor Sedan—Make. offer. 1948 Studebaker Sedan — Make offer. BLUEWATER SERVICE STATION International Motor Truck Sales. and Service Goderioh, Ontario, -27 in Al condition. phone 133. RETURNING. to college, must sell 1952 Chev. hardtop, automatic, radio, turn signals, excel.lenLbody and motor. Best offer. Phone 665W, Goderich. 27x '55 CONS4L car, good condition; --•••• 4 acres of .hay, timothy aria alfalfa; ' canvas, for an MaH. binder; hand 'cream separator; 30 rods of No. •9 Can evenings. ' 27x • HEATING - Npw is the time Mr:• and !Mrs. Lyddiatt, Blyth, wish to krmounre the en-• gagement 'of their daughter, Eleanor- Marie, to William Enrry Whetstone, - son of. Mr. and Mrs, L. 0. Whetslone ,Goderieh, the wedding to take place the latter• part of July. .27x mworommime ea iS RUSH.—At Wingharn, Wednesday; July 2, Arthur Frederick Rush, la. beloved, husband of*.Gritte Varleyi nd father of Mrs. John Bailey (Edna) -and John A. Rush. Flan- eral from chapel of McDongall 'and Brown, 646 St, Clair AVenue -27 a. Coming Events Spectacular Water Sports Day pgogram at Gotlerich on Monday, August 4 (Civic Holiday) 'sponsor- ed by Goderich Lions Club. -.'"a -20-28 12. -Fenders Wanted TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders, will be receivee by the thidersi ned up to June, 28th for paiiRtin the walls and woodwork in four classrooms, and the halls FO,R NEXT \A/INTER VICE ELECTRIC PLUMBING — HEATING — WIRING PHONE 808W 4nd 808J VICTORIA ST.