HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-06-26, Page 10aq TM GOD6ierf $R N TAR ' A Y, states I`i��iable (From The Rural Scene) , 9 - c flat , _ .t�a itaa�t Teta *.11t plaee the present Succession Act, rraft copies of the new act have keen printed and circulated,. 141113 requests for criticisms. It is hard to find any justification for a law that says thal,•tkie ,aloe a man dies, he becomes deeply 'in. debted to the Crown, ttiou h he owed it nothing the minute before: and that this new debt is a tars: charge against his ,etat.e. What -can a man do in nrs death , bed to put himself su suddenly 'in debt to the government? He can ' do nothing but depart this life Should he owe the goverument anything for that? Must he pa}: for the right CO die in his own bed?- ' We have never found one sound' justification for taxing the estates of the dead,'.or for taxing widows and orphans just because t have been bereaved of their hus- band or father. ALL, we have 'been able to find is the discreditable excuse that the government; needs the money and there is no one to prevent it from taking it.' It can hardly be expected that governments' that make such laws will be very scrupulous about the provisions they make for collecting the tribute they impose. The .s,,,�„„itigi s••, eulg affered,re aiding the proposed I,egrstatian riitn'tate thart the Act has been' drafted b� people more interested m collect- ing revenue than in treating the taxpayers with any degree of fair- ness. The requests for criticism did not apply to the principle of taxing estates, but only to the provisions for collecting the money. Still, some of the criticisms are very. rth ArACHED The INT, ORBIT! much to 'the point. Strong objection has been raised to taxes that throttle the efforts of an, individual to provide for his dependents; also to taxes that are, in effect, levies on capital; and the payment of which impairs the abil- ity of the dead man's business to W. MacDonald Electric Coitd. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - DOMESTIC A„ General Electric Appliances Phone 235 or 479 Anothgrr big week -end coming coming up ? Yes, a summer week -end can mean a lot of fun for you and your family. But it means a lot of other• things, too—many more cars on the highway, many more drivel's in'a hurry to start their week- nd or to get home again. It can also mean many more accidents and more patients for hospital emergency wards. If you're taking the family ,away for the week -end in your car, be sensible about it. Watch your speed. As.oidim.R• iente_. Drive so,,,th_ at,_,x'ou__an�3 amour family . —and the other drivers yotheeet on the road—arrive alive. When you're on the road, always, drive at a speed that will enable you to stopin the distance between you and the car ahead. At night, drive at the speed that will enable you 'to,. stop within headlight range. If you are tired or inattentive, do not drive at all. Make next week -end .a big week -end 'but make sureyou enjoy it properly ... not in a hospital bed. Your Ontario Department of Transport urges you Ur -- observe the speed limits„—slow down and live. carry on and keep Its' workers employed. Objection has also been taken to the government practice of taking, all the cash and the quick assets of an estate and leaving widows and • orphans to - wrestIe with the doubt- ful and less salable assets. Criticism has also been made of the provision giving the tax officials power to make arbit- rary decisions and to enforce • them without reference to the courts. - One • section -of the- .Art is said m el the officials to co to empower p payment of taxes ori '"fi'c'titious values; and another is said to auth- orize collection by means that would shock Scrooge • or Shylocii Still another section makes • t e executor of an- estate personally j liable if he distributes'any property on which, the taxes are not fully ' paid. -In addition to all these objection- , able features there is a serious omission of any provision for of - r facially closing an account: Tax' officials believe that it is safer t� I collect too npuch, than too., little, and that it is better not to settle a disputed point at all than. to i settle it the wrong way. C>onse- quently, when there is any doubt, ;they vont to be on the safe side j and will 'leave disputed points un-, settled indefinitely rather than make a decision that might 'be I questioned higher up. { One critic writes that, through- , I out the whole proposed -wet, -4th.-- f runs a spirit of hostility toward -r -t. -hese--` o- have—made-~for- :saved -t- money. if this is the attitude of j the department.- it is a serious matter for the !Government, for nothing c;an he more certain than that the Government itself will" have to answer for.the behaviour` 41 b' OUT ON A LIMB . WITH .1E3ILt SMILEY • , Coming up; dead anead,•, is just about the biggest week -end of the year for Canadians. It has an exhilaration that no other week- end, on our calendar produces. Hearts are light and gay because it's the official opening of sunder. * * 5 ' According to an old superstition, summer really begins on June 21st. But try to tell' that to a. school teacher, glassy -eyed in a miasma of chalk -dust and warm running shoes, as she labors through the last week of classes with children whose minds and hearts have fled the classroom to the great, green outdoors. * * * Try to tell it to the resort oper- ator, whose cabins are as empty as his cash register, whose boats squat on the shore like so many gutted crocodiles, whose. dining -room echoes only to the lonely tread of his wife, as she limps in from the kitchen to see if there's any point in preparing `dinner. * * * Nope. Summer begins on the last week -end in ,Lune, and we might as well. admit it. That's when the hordes of children pour forth in a tidal wave from their class rooms, filled with a wonder- ful' sense of freedom. Which will last about 48 hours. * * That's when the factory worker, who, has spent 11% months over a workbench, or putting round pegs in • square holes, sets off, aquiver with Life, for his two -weeks -with - pay, ready te half -kill himself golf- ing, swimming, drinking beer, dancing, or whatever is his pleas- ure,before crawling' back,k, spent, but content, to the Shrieking -mon- otony of his job. * s * Mothers who have spent the past 10 months crawling out of bed to find clean socks and blouses, to totter about the. kitchen making toast with peanut butter and jam, have a new spring in their step, and .a smile in their heart, as they go humming about the job of pack- ing for the cottage. Theirs is the der ihnWrmth that comes from the knowledge- that for the next +two months, they'll get meals when they damwell feel like, it, and do the washing ditto. * *, For* the bass 'fisherman, a breed as peculiar 'in " his' way as' the deer hunter, this is the big week=end of the year. It means two beautiful months •ahead, of baking to a crisp in an open boat, lashing various bodies of water with miscellaneous hardware; and drinking skunky beer. Sheer joy, of its servants. EXPERTS SOLVE DRY CLEANING PROBLEMS A dry cleaner must be on his toes these days. New textile fibres, new fabric blends, new ways of treating the old 'familiar fabrics, all mean the dry cleaner inust con- ' stantly • adapt, his techniques., to keep up wiXff the clothing Can- adians Wear. That's why he so frequently seeks the expert advice of an organiz- ation in' Ottawa called- the Can,: adian Research"Institu;e of Laund- erers and' Dry Cleaners, Support- ed by its membership of cleaners, launderers, textile manufacturers and institutions which have their own launderies, its job is solving cleaning problems. When new clothing.materials are introduced, the Institute's labora- tory works out the 'best cleaning method and reports to members as quickly as possible. Monthly bul• leti.ns keep members up-to-date on all new . developments affecting their business. Articles damaged, in cleaning are sent to the Institute and a full report on the cause of damage is returned. noti-1.1 cleane>C_' fault when garments are damaged, claim the people at' the Institute. They regularly receive clothes„ with inferior dyes which have faded When in contact with cleaning sol- vent. Cold wave solution used in permanents also creates problems fore the dry cleaner. When this solution drolps on clothing it isn't always noticeable: But as soon as the cleaning solvent touches the spot, it immediately becomes azptisinal Service IS IIeId At Bethel. Sunday. evening the Rincarfdine S11,1 thecongregation at Bethel Pente costal Tabernacle, Elgin avenue at,. Waterloo street, for a joint water baptismal service: , A total of 12 candidates from the two churches were immersed by Rev. A. G. Harris, of Kincardine, and 'Rev. R. J. Green, of Goderieh. The Baptistry had recently been installed in ,the new Goderich church and this was the first ser= vice of this type to be held since For the tension -taut young ex- ecutive, too, it's a special week- end. Family settled in at the cot-• tage, he leaves with protestations that "it's gonna be awfully lonely without you guys." And as' he drives down the highway back to the city, his heart is fight as''angel food, as he contemplates those long; lovely summer evenings, with may- be a drink' and dinner in a pleasant restaurant before going home to that beautiful peaceful, house., • * 4 And of course, for everyone, this week -end has a special si.gnifitance, because looming up just alter •it is that glorious 'celebration of Can- ada's great national holiday—The r First of . July—or Dominion Day, as we used to call, it in simpler times, • IF IT'S CASN.YOu-NEED, TN -EN DON'T -D E LAY -- t CALL T.C.C. ON THE '-PHONE,,,TODAY Loans $150. to $2,500. or snore, Take uptri`'30' ninths to repay on a wide ledttiti"lt g `r .. 4.. Fast, ebilrteous servicer 4 # -1/4° What Canadian is not thrilled to the marrow by the knowledge that The First, of July is just around the corner,with its Wild, bacchan- alian, carnival atmosphere, its flag- rant expression of a highly -emo- tional people's deepest feelings ? Dancing in the streets, wine flowing like water, kissing under the maples, as ,those 'hot-blooded Can- adians live it up in celebration of . say, what iS Dominion ay" in aid of?' • Let's see now. Was it -th,e day Sir Wilfrid 'Laurier even] osed "Oh, Canada!"? No, that doesn't seem. to ring a bell. Was it the day t-the-rest-w044._its_#irsi--Grey- I don't think so. Was it the day Mackenzie King introduced the Baby Bonus? I don't believe it was. zet7 Aftr"CitiktACTICX-Rtti tit * * * .Wait a minute. It's coming back to me. 1 remember now. It was the day somebody drove the last spike into Sir John A. MacDonald. Anyway, happy The First of July, and try to restrain that wild Can- adian exuberance within the bounds of decency as our whole nation goes haywire with joy dur- ing the celebration 'of this our glorious national holiday, evident. Frequent troublemikers are win- dow drapes 'which have been stand- ing for a long time exposed to Sunlight, They appear in good condition when .seat'to the clean- ers but when the cleaning solvent is used on them the fibres, weak- ened by sun ,and dust, finally break. This isn't the cleaner's fault bu he has'often been blamed for it, Not all e work in the Institute's lab is dev ted to articles damaged in cleaning. Various types ' of cleaning solvents are also tested t .see_lf... the _gear out the sbanu: c ure c aim`` "`y ' "',a can he guided by the 'results o these tests. The tAnadian Research Institute has been operating almost quarter et a century .now, Solving o e sis the 11113•rtrtrgr Institute.. Through its efforts and the co-operation of members, bet- ter dr'y. cleaning is being made possible. 4 the ' new -building waS.. dedlcaated.: Rtev, Mr, ,Green 110 announced that two special services will be held in the near future with guest. sPeakers. of prominence in the' ' entecostal Assemblies of Canada. Monday evening, June 5014,. Rev: ,.tea id-•aris;x du wr Baily. with other churches im this area tten ing.: - °Ili fay--`evenipg; "July,, 4th, a group from London Gospel • Temple together with Evangelist Don., Cantelin will visit Bethel Tabernacle and conduct the service. Both Rev. Davis and ltev. Canteliin have travglled extensively in Canada and tinned States bold— Lug evangelistic meetings. d cent of tbe,Worlds 'asbestos; •most . ecmnes•fromi-inines but nor- thernOntario and northern B.C. have one mine each. w James Richardson . & Sops Ltd. "Serving the Feed Dealers of Western Qntario" , PHONE 543 AND 544, 'GODERICH' .36TF i 0 Buy now on special `blue coal' Budget Plan;' and save! • 1. Save money! You get -big speeial-discount bye -or. 2. dering now 2. Save worry! No big winter bills. Buy now—pay later on easy installments ! '3. Save ,time! No last minute' rush -you can have next -winter's coal safe in your t'-- ` d �.. '�•'� l . '•}�':t "S. f�ft. I`ttit/tilt • f1#itl�•` I!t�tittflil#.l}!tlllt��•�rl''y'`•;i;: The 'blue coal' Guarantee .Only top quality, specially ,tested Pennsylvania', ah•, fhratite receives the 'blue total' seal of approval -the blue tint that is your guarantee of 'quality. Wilt l l#:. . , ti : it 3#li jl l.. fit; ii • ff • Ithl.� > : ZItx, 202 ANGL'ESEA ST, GODERI'CH Don't be color-blind when you buy coat—always buy 'blue coc'' Call us today! EDW4 'blue Clean, Safe, Low.Cost Heat RD COAL CO. 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Put the ordinary behind you,' Taste the thrill of genuine Roclket action, filled with all the flash and' fleetness only an Olds can offer. There are thre finer Rocket engines this year ... three great carburet�o ... including, for record gas savings, the'famous ew Econ -O -Way. ....••acro, - ifiir.,,c:,..... MORE THAN A VELVETY TRANSMISSION .: .HYDRA-MATIiw JETAWAY GETAWAY New smooth -as -silk Jetaway Hydra -Matic transmission is aspect - , s ect-, ally slick. Evein freezing weather, while other fluid drives seem sluggish, . Olds -- slips through the"shifts on thermostat control, WAY getawayl MORE THAN A LUXURIOUS INTERIOR :.. -A FABULOUS FASHION FLAIR Here indeed is the ultimate in interior, excellence. Crafts- -' rinat»hip,is more'than eiiident. Hand -buffed, glove -soft leath'eEr, brrushed aluminum trim, foam -backed carpeting) C+olosuc rrdluation thfoughout. I .in :excelleo..good tastel ,, • • • SEE YOUR 'OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER TOD4AY! 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