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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-06-19, Page 4
WAY Wro l- FARMERS SHOULD. ESTABLISH. PRODUCTION COSTS IS CLAIM (By J. C. Hemingway) Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their directors' turas„ ' ;� th. 16'17AIPnI�> m•IP� 'dent, - Winston Shapton, presiding. We are glad to report that we ,had several ntembers from _ the town- ships attending along wi tkh the Connty directors. We hope that fxhey found the meeting interesting and hope more will wine next time. ' Warren Zurbrigg, County, mem- ber to the-O.F.A., reported on the last meeting, in Toronto. The' fin- ances of the organization were dis- cussed and it was 'felt that .a 'study of this probletn should be made. It would be helpful if cOmModity • groups could develop some stand- ard of contribution rather than the grant system which varies' from year to year. Where counties have difficulty in nieeting their dues it seemed that better organization at • township level would eliminate this problem. • .In discussing the stabilized prices., Mr. Zurbrigg reported con-' siderable dissatisfaction. llow%ever, it is becoming more and more ap- parent that farmers will. have to do a better jab of establishing their costs of production before much 1•. • can be accomplished. either with supports or deficiency payments. In reporting for the Poultry Pro -. •1 !r that the ©ntario Patilttadr'4>s executive was informed that in Plan " to get the Promotionaln accepted by the Farm Products Marrieting Board a petition endors- ing the plan will, have to be signed by at least 60``4 of all poultry pro- ducers, based on the last censufi .figures. Since 25''• of the listed poultry producers in Huron County have I COUNTY • RATE less than 50' hens and since' about 50'0 of the poultry producers in Ontario have less than 100 hens I 1 3r MILLS this 60' ; of all -producers seems .v^+?rli''� paign plan for the coming vote. A 'County committee was appoint ed and it 'is ',their responsibility to see that conn znittees are esta' liShed '1n each township.' This vote presents the greatest challenge that has laced farm pro- ducers. If everyone will give a iijttle effort to this campaign there will .be•., -a very sage ...,pert ata e.;, f!1 :Y > 'baron," we are no interested in. having 66 and 2/3 in favor; we want 85%, in ,favor. Further arrangements Were made for conducting the Huron -County Federation of .Agriculture Worship Service,' July 13th, at the : United Church Summer Camp, Goderich.• unrealistic. There ' are several' counties with almost 200 producers with less than eight bens. I doubt :if these producers' ha\ e any, inter- ' est in "the price of eggs. There was also some difference' of opinion as to the waning of other clauses in the petition. Re present.atives of the executive meet with the Minister_ and the Faris Products Marketing Board for clarification on these require: ments. Huron County Hog'Directors met June 13th to outline their cam• VE BY TNI.. • Buy now On special 'blue. Cecil' Budget Plan... and save! 1. Save money! You get, big special discount by order- ing now! 2: •Solve worry! No big winter bills. Buy now = pay later on easy installments !. Call vs today! \I/ 3. Save time! No last min- ute rush—have next winter's coal safe in your bin now! `blue r coal' Clean, Safe, Low -Cost Heat THE EDWARD COAL CO. 202 ANGLESEA ST, GODERICH PHONE Don't be color-blind about oal—buy 'blue coal' Help Keep Goderich "The 'Prettjest ,Town In. Canada."' • GODERICH JAYCEES BEAUTIFUL G.ARDENS. CONTEST and Paint -up, 'Clean-up Camtiaign co-sponsored by Town of Goderich, Goderich Jaycees and Goderich Horticultural Society, 0 1st Prize- $25 2nd Prize $15 3rd Prize,, N $-1O 4th Prize $5. 1 • >r Yry P. ✓'li CONTEST JUDGING based on --- 1. EVE, APPEAL that is, s. spectacle, color and layoutout of garden. - gd 2. HOUSEKEEPING — neatness and good upkeep of lawns, paths anal beds. - 3. HORTICULTURAL ATTITUDE — health of plants'' and soil; pruning of shrub and trees. - Judges from Goderich Horticultural Society will inspect gardens _ on twoeccasions - first between JUNE -3Q and JULY 7 and again•between AUGUST 16 and 22. DEADLINE for submitting entries 'JUNE 29, 1958 'You may i either enter your the wnte name or that of someone else ygii think should bt? CLIP OUT ENTRY FOR1Vb teso ow ma sun row owe enso awn was ems mil tom tem on I' wish to enter 'the name of a 5 Street .... . 1 'r 1 1 1 the Beautiful Gardens Contest for Goderich 1 �• 1 Malt entries to: " ' " _..�..- . `_i 1 • GARDEN.MCONTEST, BOX 280, GODER1'CH. 1 /ON sets - OW ;: iOW:irtiifw>TlirO.rrr'lilrilc ii• seta. (wrr t1.. wrq n.w OWI. Huron Cpuiity Council in session last week set the tax rate at 13,4 mills, a' slight rise over last year. Of this amount, six mills is for the highways account and 7.4 Mills for th'e general accounts, The mill rate last year was 12.75. In the revised estimhaes given on Wednesday of last week, County Treasures A. H. Erskine forecast an estimated 'surplus of $1,777 for 1958. Estimated expenditure for '1958 is $476,090. A rate of 7.4 inills on assessment of $57,826,627 will raise $427,917. According t.o the treasurer's re- port, the amount set up for hos- pitalization would appear to be inadequate on the basis of vtlie '' • t _fry e_ months . of 1958. Financial figures from January 1 to )(lay 31, show the general ac- count with receipts of $185,256.78 and a balance of $14,828.96; Huron County highway receipts, $460,703.- 83; county home receipts, $35,627.- 03, 35,627:03, a balance -of $1,048 02; 'Huron county farm account; $6,766.98, a balance of $2,074.07: Mathes Drink . For .His. Trouble Asked -by Magistrate D. E. Holmes if he had ever been in trouble before, Donald McKibben, 29, replied: Quite a bit — all through drink." • When he appeared in court here Thursday, the Seaforth man plead- ed guilty, to car theft and two charges of breaking and entering. Police Chief E. Ehrhardt, of Sea - forth, indicated that .the man has been making an honest effort to keep out of trouble. He is • a good painter, said the ,chief. McKibben - stated that he had a job to go to 98 the, following Monday. In adjourning the case,the magistrate said that McKibbon would be released upon posting a" $500 bond. ` .' On June 9, the man broke' into Rowcliffe Motors service station, taking some keys and $1.53 in cash. He -also : broke into the firm's 'gar- age across the street and took about one dollar—all that was in the 'till. ' To cap off the escapade, he drove off in a car belonging to the firm. •The shite was later abandoned in Exeter. . THP dalERICH SIGMA TAR N BANKS SAYS REC[SSiQN TO ENq SOON Montebello," (0e:, June, ' 13,-'- terials -still awaiting develoginent 4utomation, in Canad4an eking —to say nothing of the innate is on its essay, and will likely be stability and industrial skills of 9 dam^'",;.1w t the '..Canadi " .people --rte. think 'nie leW years; '44; •; ,, ,. , al--. President of The Canadian Bankers' "'"'Even navel, lie ad ci, mere, were Association, said today at 'thee As- some ,halpeful signs,, that the up- sociation's annual meeting here, turn would not be too long de- Mr.fit •,bberge said a tremendous laved.. -. _ . increase in the use of facilities of the chartered banks in recent years, QUICK CANADIAN QUIX found the banks"hard pressed to 1. Which of Canada's bird species maintain the high standards of makes the -1 nnilal nti a - service, the speed and the accuracy �' - that Canadians have come to ex - ' x tion. pect of the banking sytstem:" This 2. Erosion has'moved Niagara was despite increased bank staffs Falls back by what distance? and installation of mechanical aids, 3. In 1941 Canada's farm popula- he added.. t tion was 3,289,140. What is to - "The answer," Mr. Roberge said, day's total? "would seem to, lie in the field of 4.,,Of Canadian trades union mem- electronics, where cheques can be bership, what proportion be - sorted and ledgers posted by auto- longs to the international matic machines many times faster unions? • 5. The federal ,universal old age pension fund is currently oper- . ating at what annual deficit? ANSWERS: 5, More than '$100 million a ,year. .3. At the time .of the 195,6 census, 2,631,587. 1. The Arctic Tern, which migrates 'twice annually from Arctic to Antarctic. 4. About 70 per cent. 2. It is be- lieved that the Falls has moved back about 7 miles in 25,000 years, than those manually -operated and as nearly errorless as a machine I can be." Mr. Roberge stressed, however, that automation "will not destroy 1•the "personal- touch that has feat- ' ured Canadian banking for so many l years." Nor,, he added, would it mean displacement of bank staffs. '.0n the contrary, it would present 1 to both men and women in banking greater opportunity to advance by releasing them from purely cler- cal work for more interesting, challenging and rewarding tasks. . -+2' i'eft ''a vtF1i' Ft.''be- rourn=4n- - - banking for brains, drive and in- itiative," Mr. Robefge said. In a review of the Canadian economics picture, Mr.Roberge said the present recession, while sev- ere, was a temporary condition, and in time would be' regarded as "a pause on the onward and • up- ward path that is Canada's certain 'destiny." "I have complete and abiding faith that the long-range prospect for Canada is continued expansion, progress and prosperity," he de- clared. "There is ,too. much in- herent strength in our productive machinery and too many raw ma - Historians are uncertain as to the discoverer of Hudson Strait, the seapassage from the' Atlantic to Hudson Bay; •Jena Cabot may have Veen ' in the Strait in 1498, or Portuguese sailors • hay have enter- ed it a few years later. �bankrupt stock of Paint is suitable fpr interior or exterior. * Suitable fbr woad, cement or steel... :., ,..... 10 Can be brushed or sprayed." Manufactured by CIL:, Lowe Bros., Glidden, Sherwin-Williams, C.V,,, etc. 1 So1d on a money -back guarantee. Why not try a small order and be convinced of the wonderful value? WE SHIP ALL ACROSS CANADA $2,99 PER GALLON Colors: Light Green, Buff le ge, Pearl Grey, Turquoise, Coral, Light Blue, Battleship Grey, Yellow, Chartreuse, Bright Red, Brick Red, Shutter Green, Ivory, White, Brown. ALUMINUM PAINT $3.99 per gal. ,TAN PAINT ....... $1.99 per gal. C.I.L. WOOD AND STEEL PRIMER $2.99 per gal. Send a deposit Balance shipped C.O.D., or you may remit, and save the charges. SHERMAN'S HARDWAR Dept. M-76, 537, Queen S Toronto, Ontario -- AGENTS WANT LTD. West, xr ItipupapAY, 4IUNIE., .141958 These men can te, � ,0'd+•KY• n. w• dl - s �a confidence' 1. They know their savings are safely invested in 1-Iuron & Erie - Canada Trust Debentures and Trust Certificates, Both these .,,forms of investment earn • 3%/o to 4r,o interest on $100 or more for periods of 1 to„ 5 years. You can save with confidence too, with ... •tw • Huron & Erre.. Canada Trus Head . Office - London, Ontario • District Representatives Alexander & Chapman w Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -Star t{V, • Restore Grants To Breeders Of Livestock' ' Reversing the decisidn it made at the January session, ,,Iluron County Council' during its June session last we,ck restored grants to livestock breed associations" in 'the County of Huron. William McKenzie, reeve of Exeter, and chairman of the C'oun- c;l's iLr...tric•ultur.,l committee, report - cd !friday that his cu,,lnlittec' had r -' I'r, cd a cleput,rtir111 1r0111 the' ti_,i'1',,,•tl breed et..;,rf:1L,!tions concern - and was pa'p,:i S' 1 t7 recoils' rn'':ld that _yr,.tit, of -toll i(J c.,ch •of' 'sae 'sEyE'1 he rc,'(,rerl for 111i5- " 1', :u1' trimmed fro:n the '1'WJ L1 t:ie 'e\e1, Crr,.l:riz,it1ons, the P(r.'th Huron .1tr ey Club, and the Perth -Huron ShortnOi'n :'1s•oc1- 4'10n, weft' hartic:t;;iriy C,;ncerllcrl to have the support eivcn ; y Perth County m,:tehed by support from Huron, • Huron Council ,Approved a pro-, p(,,:il from Reeve McKenzie,'~ com- :nit;c'c' that, beginning in 1959, the se'e'n breed ass0r'ia'tions he asked- to submit fin,:ncial state-' 00.09 iiOr®OierO®0®eeeeiii merits. which • would be filed to assess t allotment l r 1' h- 1.Ilci1t of rl•a,nt�• You Can Depend On When kidneys fail' to remove exce,i ds andwastes. bapodds r backache,.tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to norma[ duty. You feel better -,-sleep bet- ter, '•. ' °' wprk better. You can depend 58 on Dodd'a. Get Dodd's at?'any drugstore. lit is THE OLD ORDER Modern science has completely changed the scene in a woman's world: It has completely revo- lutionized the 'world's standards of the work a woman is sup- posed' to do. Freedom, longer life and the increased joy of .t,iving, these are the gifts our cleaning .service• has brought you, and bast of all it costs you no more to enioy these' bene- fits. IRREGULARITY RELIEVED THIS .EASY WAY When biliousness car constipation rob you of your peep, 'try I)r. Morsel's Indian Root. Pills. They help give c'a:ay r'elie'f by promoting regularity. 'I'ry thorn , get relief with r)r. :Mar'ac'a Indian Root Pills. At all drueaist°. C7•u 0411000011110 00111000000001,000 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Lionel Thoth.son and 'his �- Casa Royal Orchestra NMrrrreeeeeeNONeeNN 25 ..-TEST�HE- �fa'new Fargo pick-up! 'Come over this week! Take one of these stylish new Fargo models out on the road. See how much ZIP it, puts in a trip ... how free and easy it handles ... "and how relaxed YOU feel in the cab! ' Worth. a little of your time? Well, sir, it sure is! After all, your next pick-up will be your work partner every day ! You need the liveliest, thriftiest, workingest one on wheels. And Fargo is all that—and more! For one thing, Fargo's' big Power -Dome V-8 gives you the get, -up -and -go you need in traffic. So' does its peppery L -head. Six. And you can manoeuvre wet in tight places, too, thanks to Fargo's advanced -design steering system. Loo tk for these Fargo features, too,' When you "test the ZIP" ! • Neweasy-shift manual transmission • • • Push-button automatic transmission - These trucks have a low loading and unloading height, which saves you a lot of strain. They have plenty of road clearance. On lowest ton- nage(models you get a new "passenger" car" ride—rear springs automatically adjust ten- sion to varying loads. You can get a new Sure- . ° Grip differential on these models, too, Which prevents loss of traction. in mud, sand, snow or ice. ' Come over for that test -ridge soon. You'll like Fargo's new style ... big, roomy cab with 5 -way adjustable seat . . 'cost-cutting per- formance ... and other extra -value features. There are 'three wheeibases and body lengths —one's just right for you. Pick it out. Price it :.. you'll like what you hear ! Driver -adjustable independent parking bike '• FFulll--opening alligator -type ho • New safety -centre steering • New, higher G.V,W.'s for wheel greater payload Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited • New dual headlamp system • Electric windshield wipers Y--e-u get more of the future with 0 OWER- ASTERS JMr!+axrm•:irncyvnn..a�lr�,{:.nNfrrt :.: fn v Y r 7v '• } { ✓tet . - .;Y-- • , r ..... vel ... Sweptside 100 Pick-up, prestige styling that really. attracts business, D100 Pick-up; 6/2 -foot body, „ 103" wheelbasy; 71/2 -foot body, 116" wheelbase. 4.150 LBS, G,V.W, TO 65 000 LBS. G.C,W.- BUILT TOUGHER FOR TOUGHEST JOBS. GODERICH 7vCv+ ti:: • W. J. MLLS 004 wommenatilik Awe >":!r.! J.9+;1JJf„ •7!?'y'�'. /YY L3rrr.'•' :•:,.�{•i•r,cr{i;; ^;•rJJ.{c: %:r:• r:; ;•w.�•;{•:r,•:{;; ::,,'.;;:v :+{: '%% •/: rL' ::+., r �.y�r: r;7/. >:•Jffi JJ ,;40 : •,•r y/tl;•:,;✓�?}r•,•' :t,;; ; i; ;�. .;.,;. .;r:��,{; r.,G.: .,,,>.'r'•r.�i::Yi:� $ioi:,r;{;r.GJ.vrf.•�'r��r,r/rk�J,uG�' :k:,,;�ffir.�.•, r.!i �•.'•r'•%+ ..,r ::.. �vt::: r... rr...., r. vti•:•i•:... r.•iY/1.•s:d.�. il4?;e•:U•rnbJar. y .r�i Ji f /kms f LE ONTARIO. •^•ti'•:rLr{rev;•�:f;!n�'":`_L:?}: !•: :•;::':5 R{%Fc+�:t•:.Sr:•:' • .vesl:`ai::t�.'•::.rtii;r;:•�;.. r � :`. ..t.:..i.,: , Pr. 0 Alibi :„1,00g4 BREWERY LIMITED r..+r.w: ry>� rtvi: iS:r2 y:•:v:Y++.{'r:•i::rrr.}^x'•.{•:' '11vir to• r r ' 0 r . • 0 0' . 55 r.:., > - •r t Jr J •+;n; •<�:•r.r:rx.x•..-„,,;.. '. •r p.,:: -,;...v•.•. :•.. , ....OV.30 �ar r..... r . >... ars $s r f , r.{ o-,\�7 ? } ii ••± {i 0 3, ,,:. . a ;+.2 .+a< raa <{^,,'r4:;. >• r, r y.,.rr.f v, ,., }.... ,. %' fS r, -.;+ .: .,rr , i v ,,.�4. +$. ? a• 4 r r.? 't•.+NJ?o:..L•;. . v v. ?.•.53�r•:.$ . {8 r,.. v;.-,++Sr?:•b�:•,.`xG. ... �,� :r� t .., t�,:.�,.. ..,�. ..>',+` �. +Y : . .}• d• f. r. err..-.,:,{.?.-r:..,,.rr:.. > ....:r•..:�a�,`..{:::... rJr..r.........r�?.✓.t:..,...v...+ r.rr::....:.r�r..�r; •.: •�”.>:,;,4,.•t..r::�<: •r.•:•f. �ti..s`.ti{ }n..'{.�.�,ir�. .t:�,• \•.,•� +< �;'; is'�'%:na.•�: a:•., tt C• '�:`.• �-•.�\k,.`�v ' e,2tiiL5YMA:C'J m,