HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-06-19, Page 2„.•.. 14, 1, pot#:**1•..., TA4E-1WP '.14.1144414:0.•""'1:'. mrptstratc•••1••••;••0•44,,:s.!e•M,4.,' HA, .„ !***.•,4,4174: '14.,c0i,"'*,..1*414., THE Cf0DRI 1 KORAI-STAR , • '101/11SIVW, Junlothi 1958 444444.44444.444.44M • (Guitertill *ignat-ibtar- HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Established 1848. In its 11Ith Tear ,•of publication, it ig Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited • , • Subscription Rates -,-Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United 41,.. "lat4 Advertising Rates -von 'request •• • - ..Authorittell as setlilikittAass;rnitiVivott5(lifice-Department.-Ottawa• - Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A. 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. -Over 3,000—Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron ,Countv--Over 3,000 Member of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Member of .Ontario Weekly Newspapers AsseCiation, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation GEO. 1.0 ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. , 27//• -/”. '<X•, • Ito TIIUlifS,'DAY, JUNE 19th, 1958. 1414.41.1.. 44444414414 COMBINED EFFORT SUGGESTED 'Every year Goderich }mares and business esta.blishinents arti canvassed for 'donations by various organizations all of whom champion worthy canses, Among the organizations are the Cancer Soviety,, the .Salvation Army, the 'LIPPer Canada Bible Society, the Clideons, the Ontario Society for -Crippled Children through Easter Scals, the • 1I3 Soeiety through Clarilit mas Kal, mid the lied CroAs. There are others, 1'>'), which \10. (1111 1101 recall at the momen1. ln nro.t of the major eanvasses there are the 4frsa1tle‘ faithful" rew who' 1111 1-1A41 1 litinihers we augment ed ily othe.rS to the degroe that the. others .are cause. The usual praetice is to organizatio'n in Croderieh select from within its ranks 't number of canvassers for the differ- ent eampaigns, It is well-known how difficult .it is to obtain. the number of vanvassers needed for any particular blitz. Often they have to do tiot'lble or triple dutjs bevause of the lack of help. Sotnetimes' they do such repeat per-. fOrItliillees for Several ea uses over the course or 0 year's time, It iS 110W suggested that rather than have the numerous different canvasses that there he one eombined effort for all causes. It could he a C,»uniunity Chest, Red. Feather or what have you. Rut it seemsappaeent that the time is a pproa o lii ngwhen some consideration should he given to such a combined effort. If not, 111( 4107 til•. , '111.14, )'I 4”. ; fait41;u1.-'.4.c.w,elluNa§., aye --eatIt. may he thinning out with the passing of time. ONTAR19, LAW WOULD HELP Huron County Couneil has rejected a pro- posed resolution calling upon ,the Dominion Governurent to rescind the Canada Temperance A.ct, as it applies here. There will be. differ- ence of opinion as to the validity of some cont - plaints, listed in the resolution, but the vote of 18. to .1.5..must indicate dissatisfietion with the. working out of ,the .C.T.A. ' The Temperance 'Act, under conditions greatly changed from those existing' when it was first enacted, lacks certain important con- trols -provided in the Provincial laws applic- able over most of Ontario. Prosecutions can-, not be made nnder provisions of the Lignor Control Act so long ,as the federal law is in, force. In Section 143. of the L.C.A, it is. speejfieally provided that. it "shall not apply 'in any area within Ontario in whin the Can- ada Temperance Act is in force." Section 67 of the Liquor License Act is similar.' In event of the C.T.A. ceasing to be in force; +both On- tario laws shall apply, subject to certain pro- -visions about...local option bylaws ..and, votes. . The legislation providing .tharthe L.C.A. shall ,not apply in IC.T.A. areas was enacted in the time of Hon. George Drew. Premier Frost allowed it to renii,n, and has taken no action upon requests that the' Legislature be asked to ,reseind, it. He is said to be 'unlikely' to change his mind. There, however,.lies a 'cure' to defects of the Canada Temperance Act. WATER SAFETY WEEK Last year more than 1;000 people drowned - in Canada. That is, not a proud record for any nation. TelioSemen,.women and children" lost their lives simply because they neglected . to observe elementary rules of water safety.,. Every year the Canadian' Red Cross re- • -minds us of those rules and at first glance they seem so obvious and self-evident'that we won- . der why the Red Cross 'keeps issuing this ma- terial. • This is the ,thought until we look at the record and compare a few..statistles. Most happened because people didn't think -or never realized they were in any danger. They were foolhardy and ig- nored -nne Or more of the simple preceptspf safety. in, on or near the water. This year the Canadian Red Cross Society GRAND JURY lt"0114)ing the 11111151101 notion or 1111 )11- lete(.011111(.11(1.111t2.' 1 111' 01)011- G/11 1/1' ilIT'104, 111010 Illiii'11S51()11 (1f 1 Ills; 1)01'('111I01i /10.1t.10 hits 1;1 111,111,' 01' 1;11 t' 1 111111 lir;•1. 1-01.4. 1;110. • Tile 1'rill1(1 ,r1 N'Ork, .01111.1,\ s1•,,1011`• 111 il. 1'011011'1 11 111111 t rle,...rHeil 0 l,•10,• ',11- 411•ty1 1 .,!!,'''—'111,1.1\'11111;11, 11;01 • 1•,01 '; rn•:' p; •, • 0(11, P11,1 ((11 i 1 1/1.,'41)1 101 1, j1(1 .,111 1 111'lly 1111.\• 111 r.virtirriec. heforo .1t1,1 •ati(1 111101. 1 !;1,10 11 ..11,44(•(1 • p.,r,010 ((11 The .(10100 ,11\\';1\•o int el;s1.111 A) 4 ';.10-t,in hall ()11.1;1 tm• 1.1101 0, 1 11, 10 1 j)1',,vi)0., it ;1 11 i'111- _is_asking us to draw the, attention of readers to National Water 'Safety Week, June 15-21. This we: are happy to.do, and it is hoped that words of -warnii* may awaken ,sonie thought and save lives ,in this area, it will take more than a 'water 'safety week to cut down our annual' drowning toll but a mutual effort may produce results. Every citizen. has a responsibility in this problem of Swimming' and boating accidents. We have a, responsibility for our children, the passengers in our boats and those who Use our lakes, rivers' and streams for healthful, happy rec- reation. • Everyone should :become acquainted with the Red. Cross rules of water safety, • Oonsid- „arable literattqe on this subject has been dis- tribined in CrodePieh: LIKELY TO GO at ed $100,000 it year and is ,sair1 to delay the eourso,oll, juAstiee, • itut5inueli its 0ease inaf le held “Ivhile court officials aint "\vitnesses are 1,110 grand Jurorys. 1;rand '',j111'ies 1115(1 insjit-tet certain 111111i1i11p.'S 111111 ii15111 111 1011.1 1111(1 report (111 1 heir Rovoininemlatiolui thus rnade, 05 ill', York jury pointed out, 01.1' nsually "re - eek' ynd 'filed- hy the antho'rities. ons'ionl s • I 1 1 , 1 Down Memory's .1 :-.,--: •L',.. :.•<••,4•_,..'-',-• ' . [ 45 Years Ago Unsworth Jones, a Goderich Col- legiate Institute student, had a narrow escape from drowning in the ylaitalnd River, just below the OPR bridge. He was rescued by George Case, son of Dr. T. E. Case, of Dungannon. With the assistance of some other boys, the half-con- scious Jones lad was taken up the hill to Dr. Taylor's Office, where .11e.was revived._ . Will Proudfoot, jr., and his sister„ -Miss Isabel, left on a trip to Great Britain, and the Continent. The Nile correspondent of The Signal reported that Rey H. Wil- lans would continue as pastor there for another year. W. J. Brownell, of the. First National Bank of Detroit, visited for a few days at the home of J. B. Graham, Sheppardton. Mr. Brownell was -a former school leacher at Sheppardton and this was his 'first visit since he left 13 years before. Robert Medd was elected to the West Wawanosh Township Council by acclamation to succeed his bro- ther, the late Stephen Medd. 25 Years Ago further cut of two and one- half percent was made in the salaries' of teachers at Goderich Collegiate institute. This, with the previous cut of five percent, made a total cut of seven and-Orie- half 'percent. . . .Hudson Essex of Canada Ltd. announced .the appointment of F. R. Miller, corner of Victoria street ,and Elgin avenue, as distributor - for Hudson cars and._Essex Terra-. planes. The Essex Terraplane Special Six sedan sold tor • about $800. In a local bowling tournament at the Picton street greens, honors went to Dr. Hall and L. L. Knox,. with L D. Eastman and William Snazel corning second. The Colborne Municipal Tele- phone System, 'Carlow, announced that its rates had. been reduced to eight dollars per year. Percy Grant announced the re- opening of the Goderich Inn on Hamilton street. Calgary.natives, Mr. and Atrrs. Grant came to Gode- rich from Ijrartangton, where they had been engaged in the same line of ousiness. 15 Years Ago The Board of Health 'asked Town Council to consider the. establishment of a regular garbage collection service. ' Net profits of $73.510 for the, 110 111 -(1?'?!\ .001 01 01( (111. 111111 11.1 ( 01111 , . 111(1;1,11,r0(1 111.(,:S0111 (1011(111 1011,; 11 'IT0(),i- • • sup.,rilouils, A11 n,lvi51(ry committee (111 1 110 adtilini,,iration or justice in (Thtario 11(15 round it ,expetisiN-e and tinio-w05ting., roilfirt,•11 1),v A1 1•1.10,y •Toberts ms` 1 11N11.•• 1(11(111 11(0114 101, Is 111011.11.101!, Tje intim. ;11••(1 111111 if 1 hi Cabir0,1 oorwurs, ;01)1'01 -Wild,' 1i00 rvill broittOlf don al the next • WOULD YOU 'MIND STEPPING OVER To THE NEXr PEPARTMENT ? 'previous business year were re- ported at the • annual meeting of shareholders of Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. Ltd. Grain re- ceipts for the 1942 navigation sea- son totalled 13,988,261 hishels— about two-thirds the quantity re- ceived in 1911. Goderich restaurants' found' that their meat and butter quotas were insufficient. One cafe proprietor obtained temporary relief by mak- ing a hurried trip "to the Wartime Prices and Trade Board office at London. Another -restaurant- was laced with the prospect of having to close, up because its meat quota for the week was exhausted by Thursday. Waterfront folk were talking about a report that the J. T. Wing, last three -masted Schoonei on the Great Lakes, would again be press- ed into freight service. The J. T. 'Wing was regarded as somewhat of a -curiosity when she was in port here several years earlier with a cargo of logs for J. E. Baechler. The county tax rate for 1943 was confirmed at four mills. 10 Years Ago First prize of $50 in the Lions Club perch derby was split be- tween Mrs. H. Reis, of Stratford, and Constable Gordon Rumming, of London. Each caught a fish weighing one pound, seven ounces, early in May. The next two prizes Were claimed by Mrs. F. Brown, of St. Marys, and Miss Hikta Smith, Aof Goderich. Eight girls from displaced .per- , -sons' camps in Europe arrived in Goderich to take jobs' as domestics. Six of the girls had been promised work at 'Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Bert Sanderson was elected pre- -sident of Goderich Lions .Club , at a meeting held in the British kx- change Hotel. • 'Craig Costello pitched his second consecutive no -hit game as , Gode- rich Midgets trounced the Wing - ham ball team 20-1. "'Open house" at the Holeproof Hosiery Co. plant in Goderich at- tracted a crowd of about 800 per - sops. Sixty-five girls were employ- ed at the plant, and more workers were needed. Learn the riles of tile road. Make sure you know what to do whenmeeting or passing another power boat or when approaching a sailboat Or can. Play safe for more fun'afloat. indecisive Driver auses Highway Hassle Canadians have always believed in plenty of freedom for ever) body. It's in Our blood to value things like freedom of roligion. 01 speech, of the' press, of sivepiitg 111 on Sundays if we want to. . Of ,course, some people do take unusual1ibertles with liberty, Like that woman who is always dashing around town,. She was out for a drive last week and had aeollision —with a man. The policeman on the scene was a gentleman, so naturally he cross- examined the, man first, about why he hadn't given the lady h-er half cif- the roach The man wcts pretty mad. Ile said he was ready to do just that as soon as he could figure out which half she wanted! 'Whicir is a good example of what 'comes of indecision. Maybe Canadians are not always models of 'deciSion, but theie Rods OP, AGM ttto. wall of some churches, in art eels *hi. dove, may often be seen the 'bleu tare Rod; of Ages. Loiverin,ghlaok clouds roil along the vast ,horipn, ,and the lurid lightnings flash a. thwart ilia ebon masses of the , sky. And a great cross ,of rock is lifted above the wild waves' Play. Arid a woman, with flying gari ments and widely streaming hair, clings with both hands to the cross of rock, On a cottage wall in the cottn- trypide was seen a picture very' likb that which has just been de- scribed — the same storms'wept expanse of the great deep, the same lightnings zigzagging the sky, the same cross of rock lift,Ing,itsclf above the wild' waves' play. 4it there is one distinctive differenEe —she clings to the cross with only, one hand while with the other she' lays firm hold upon another 'who bid tfrnekv would be swept away into the stormy deep. Rock of Ages it is, but let it bear another name—Saved to Save Someone Else. • ,..„71Live-7ti,', blessings that we have we must share them with the other fellow. We must share the good in our lives to preserve and multiply,it. And the .final triumph of the church will corneas our attitude and our service are shaped by the fact that we are saved to help save someone else. ' -4, • You're a lucky guy if you own a high-speed outboard runabout. But remember that the canoe, row- boat and sailboat have equal rights on 'Canada's waterways. -Slow down when passing other boats or, docks where boats are moored. Play safe more, fun afloat. BOATS BOATS BOAT$ YOUR DEALER FOR ALUMINUM, FIBERGLASS, STEEL BOATS CONTACT 4,44, Huck's Root Livery LIVE BAITS AND BOATS FOR RENT .21ff Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the' Signal -Star Modern — Rock'N'Roll Old,Time CING TO THE MUSIC OF JACK KINGSTON plus' Wally TraugottL with LLOYD BANK, EDDY PRESTON, ROLY D'EON Stars of the "Main Street -Jamboree -ShoW-n- TV=Radio—Quality Records Artists. Thursday, June 26 9-12 p.m. GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA ADMISSION 75c. 25 TIREGRAIVI CANADA WIDE COMMUNICATIONS AltENTION—Goderich and district motorists CONFIDENTIAL—new Dunlop cushion ride arriving Goderich this week. Stop. Regular price $20.49 , (exchange). Stop::: Authotized ,to sell at special grand opening. prices. Stop. See next week big news for Goderich motorists, Stop. doolmimeimmesaloommossom LINFIELD & ATKINSON- One, thing 'a lot • of • us made up' our minds about a long time ,ago. —and kept them made up, • That's the importance of saving regularly for the future at the Bank of Montreal. • A savings account at "My Bank" can mean.so many things—an edu-1 cation fund for •the children; help' for the whOle family if there's .ever a rainy clay, a down-payinent fund on a new home, if you'haven't: yet started your own plan for regu-1 lar saving, plan to visit the Gode- rich branch of the Bank of Mon- treal, soon. Doug Gordon, the ac-; -countant -there will- be- glad• -tot show you how 'easy it is -----and how profitable—to operate a B. of M. savings account. `13,eal opportunity coines only to the man with ready •money," '(John D. Rockefeller.) , Advt. 25 .•• RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY. CLEANING ••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••ioeseeoaose Have them shampooed in your . own home or place of business. • We use the Von So ader method endorSed by le ing ;.--oarpstr:Nsand-fabtio-manufaotur • pARmN' 14E MEN FROM THE BOYS • „I '5 CHECK YOUR . . 0/ACATION DAYS AHEAD ! SU'ER NEED:S, Whether you're. at home or away, there are many special needs for your summertime comfort and enjoyment. Here's a list of reminders, so you wOn't overlook them, Save time,. • . save trouble . , . check those you'll need and get them' right away. You'll find them at our store at economic -al, prices, " . BATHING CAPS COLOGNES, TOILET WATER, PERFUMES DENTAL N'EEDS, ' MOUTH WASH, ETC. HOME PERMANENTS . POISON IVY TREATMENT SUN GLASSES' iNtAN, SUNBURN- 8'LOTIONS and CREA CAMERAS and CAMERA SUPPLIES. FIRST AID-ICIT AND .SUPPi•TF,S ADHESIVE TAPE, COTTON, BAND-AID, IODINE, ETC, Walter Stud! Kincardine Phone 546 Kincardine during even. ings or write P.O. Box 187, Kincardine. 2Sx form- AURA SECORD CANDIES - DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS 1CALLED poR AN'o DELVEXED., Cainpf)ell's Drug Store mowlemelemoiisome. • .• 4.•