HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-06-12, Page 7�TIIURDMX, Jit. NE 1, ,'x,858 County Council Recommends Ana, DollaC CIinton r1 To County Horne ,., A "million dollar" addition to the Huron County home at elinton was ,given the first stamp of ap-. proval by Huron County -Council in seS•sion here on Wednesday. "'After weighing all economic angles, your committee recom- mends an addition to the Huron County Home ' as the solution to indigent hospitalization,!' said the report of the -special committee. "We further recommend that the County Home Committee be given 'authority' to proceed with the pre- paration of plans for the' proposed addition for, later submission to Council." At the time the present ad"dition. to the County Home was built, a master plan wa's prepare& which provided for future expansion. The architect is to' contact the Depart- .. merit. of Welfare at Toronto with a view to proceeding with ;the pro- posed addition. , During a period of less thanljf our years the number of people at the Huron County Home has increased from 66 to 103 with .every indica- tion of further increases. The--epeeial - canna teo'e ra read, in part, as follows: Your committee 'first made an analysis of the hospital accounts. • We found there -were --57- ehronie• p'atients in hospitals and ,nursing homes over 90 days on which the dr + cam 17•y . .. ,,.a: • County, was paying the full cost of $4,886.00 per, month. In addition to this, the hospitals were receiv- ing $2,800:00 per month in Old Age Security ora total of $!7,686.00' per month. Your committee then visited the Cotinty Home to, 'learn' what Ac- commodation was ayailable. ' We learned that the Home was filled to almost capaciW with no accom- modation for further bed patients and that 1, ,`patients shad to be refused admissions for lack of bed patient accommodation. At this time, your committee invited the County Home Committee to join us for further investigation. The facilities at the Huron County Horne were. checked. It was learn- ed that the stoves and ovens in the kitchen: had been in use' for approximately •20 years and are practically worn" out." The -major, ity of the kitchen equipment is in the same state and will have to be replaced. Some of the laundry equipment is of the same vintage and is near the end of its best service. he�old-sect, „A,f,.,the...Fioj _wa built in 1895. The windows • are shrunken and it is difficult to heat. •The back verandahs have been -condemned. It is. inthis. fire dangerous section that all the bed patients are housed. There is no prevision for segre- gation of patients in the present setup. Accommodation should be. made for , segregation of special. care patients apart fronormal or' bed patient cm are.- , Visits were made to the County Hames . et Kitchener and 'London, Each of these Homes have accom- rnodationufor 275 or more, patients. An enquiry into the ' costs of in- digent patients produced ' these figures: Waterloo County, $32,000, Middlesex County, $1'80,000; Huron County, $4112,000. A further study of hospitaliza- tion reveals that 'National Health Insurance will take effect in 1959 and the .Governefent will pay the cost of active treatment indigent patients but not chronics. - If pro- vision could be. made to have the `chronics placed in bed patient care in ,the Horne, the reduction in our hospitaTiiatien `,costs would mater- ially assist in the payment of de- ,bentures...,. Letteito Editor 5Ul�1DAYSERVI E IN GODERICH "CHURCHES ST. ° GEORG'S CHURCH �June 15, '2nd Sunday after Trinity. '8.30 a.m: HOLY COMMUNION. 10' a.m.. SUNDAY' SCHOOL and- BIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION and SERMON. (Junior 'Congregaion and Nursery) Evening Service, discontinued until autumn.REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., DD., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and. Choirmaster. ,THEUNITED CHUROJIOF CANADANorth Street United Church 10 -a.m. Sunday Schol. 11 a�m. ,MORNING WORSHIP. FLOWER SUNDAY. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD . KLINCK, Music Director. noxPresbyterian Church REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, - • MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR. W: H.' BISHOP, F.R'.C.O., A.R.C.M., 'Director of Praise • 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. '- 11 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon: "THE RiGHT WORD." (Nursery and Junior Congregation). Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A.,F. & A.M. will attend this• service. Victoria Street .'United Church. "FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOU" 10 a.m. Bible SchoolBeginners fo Adults. 11 a.m. TOGETHER IN CHRIST'S NAl1liE. 2 Reports from London Conference. Junior Congregation. Nursery at Parsonage. 10 a.m. Benmiller Morning Church. 3 p.m. Union Afternoon Church. MINISTER, REV. S. A. MOOTE, .B.A., B.D. ORGANIST,. MR. FRANK BISSETT. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WA;T'E.Ri.00 ST."• SUNDAY, 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: .. 11 a.m. PRAISE AND WORSHIP. - 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and. Friday Services -8 p.m. --•-•••-' REV. R. J. GREEN (Pastor) GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service). 7 p.m. The Pellowship Hour. TuesdayL- 8 p.m.,- Bible Study ,and PrajPer Hour. ,REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D. - MINISTER MRS. R. GOOD - ORGANIST Welcome to es.ShMilh That Cares SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10 a.m. Sunday School only. No Worship Services. D.Q.M. London, Ontario. Wed. 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Hour. 'Free Methodist `Church Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor 4 iY SALVATION ' ARMY SUNDAY SERVICES • 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. -Sunday School. 7 'p.m. Salvation Meeting. EVERYONE iS ..WELCOME AT THE ARMY. ' Bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. " Capt. Rota Metchett• Sox 312, Eckville, 'Alta., June 5, 1958. Editor,ion al -Star. Dear. Editor:-- . The Signal -Star reaches me every week and it has been a real plea- sure to keep up with the home town news. I have been watching with interest the growth of new industry 'and other developments around the town. .. I noticed .you had an early spring, but, from all reports we have had better weather here since the be- ginning of May with temperatures in the 70's and plenty 'of ,sunshine. Here in Central Alberta we are quite close to the •mountains and our climate is ' affected by the winds biowing across them. While it is a very =beautiful ,country still I miss the refreshing breezes blow- ing in from Lake Huron. 1 recall the sign that was, or may still be, posted at the entrance to. town, "Goderich, prettiest town in 'Canada." Asa growing boy, I used to laugh at this; but, after travelling .over most of Ontario and living in several towns and, finally,- after seeing 'Western Can- ada right out to Victoria, I am convinced .that the sign is not f4ar. wrong. There are few towns in Canada with such beautiful, wide, clean, tree -lined streets, with .fine housing and a, choice location on the shore of Lake Huron. Gode- rich takes a backseal to no 'one. Perhaps it might be of interest to some of, your readers that my wife and I have accepted a call to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Eort..PMacLeod; 'Alberta, to -become effective the. last Sunday in Jame. Fort 4ViacLeod is , an ^ attractive western town in southern AIberta, located almpst in the shadow of the mountains."It is an historic town connected with early settlement of the province and R.C.M.P. work. Thanks for your time. PETER. J. W AL'1 Ii,. OBITUARY ELI ZIMMERMAN• Mr. Peter Zimmerman received word of the death of his brother,, `Eli Zimmerman at Newstadt on Tuesday. He •was 76 years of age and .is survived by two sons, ,Mil- fot•d, of ` Ne.wstadt, and• Carl, of Grand Valley:' Five brothers also survive including Peter, of Gode-' rich. 'Mr. and Mrs. Zitnmernran and `Carol Ann will attend the fun- eral services on Friday afternoon Pat the. Neustadt funeral home.,, • • MRS, H. IM. SHACKLETON Although a resident of Goderich for the past 23 years, but a native of , Dungannon, Mrs. Harry M." Shackleton:, died,at Alexandra Hos- pital on Tuesday. She flan, suffered a lengthy illness.„ .'Nil's. Shackleton, the former Ruby Margaret Allen, was born fog years ago at Dungan- non,, -a" daughter of the late Mr. and ,Mrs. Thos. G. Allen. She was married to Harry M. Shackleton in 1923 and spent about eight years in Saskatchewan and one year in :Mount 'Forest before moving to• Goderich in 1935 when her hus- band became the principal of Cen- tral Public School and later of' Victoria •Public School. • Deceased was a member of North Street United Church and prig to her illness had been active in` several of the churchrorganizations. Surviving besides her husband' is a son, Thomas D., of Toronto, 'and two daughters, Mrs. William J. (Madeleine) Adanis, of • Green- ville, Texas, .and Miss Beulah, of Ilaniilton. Two. sisters, -'Mrs. Everett (Georgina) Finnigan, of Walkerton, and Mrs. Reginald (Dorothy), Ball, of Clinton, also survive, The funeral services will he held atLodge funeral- home this after=' noon with burial in Dungannon cemetery. Rev. A. E. Eustace will officiatt,, Has Cntario Third-Raie- Schoa!inv2 Ontario ' people who,put their faith in figures and believe that" you get only what 'ydti"'a'y' for, should nuzzle some of these figures put out by the research director of the Canadian Teachers' federa- tion. , According to them, ' On- tario's- school 'system is, at best, third rate. In the school year 1956-57, 25 per cent of the teachers in On- tario's elementary and ,Secondary schools had less than senior ma- triculation and one year of teacher training. In this category, On= tario ranked third in the list of the provinces, the percentage for Saskatchewan ,being -nine aid for British Columbia 14. As the brief which. the^Ontario Teachers" fed- eration presented to Prime Minis- ter Diefenbaker last week said: "Many thousands of young Can- adians are dependent for their - education upon teachers who ,are immature, ' relatively uneducated and inadequately ,trained for the job." In the school year 1955-56 only ASH FI ELD ASI-IFIELD June 10. -Mt'', aid". Mrs. Frank MacLennan attended the running of the Queen's Plate at Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Robert ' Bullen, and Mrs. GO at...•i�oy-oeoay s an O' er, friends on Saturday: . - Mrs. Margaret Oliver is 'thi's week visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. MaeDonald before moving to Goderich. Mrs. Elliott And Mr. and Mrs. 'Duncan Simpson and family attend- ed,,the Elliott reunion on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jack Collinsbh held a suc- cessful raising to a new bin to his barb last Friday, 24 per cent of'. all Ontario teachers in the public system had univer- sity degrees. In this category On- tario ranked • third from the top, being preceded by British Colum- bia (35 per cent), and the Protes- tant public schools of Queebec (25 per cent). The federation's 'brief• to the prime minister said:` "No single factor is as important' to the welfare of Canada as an adequate supply of well-qualified teachers." • In ' pay to ' teachers Ontario again ranks third. The, average salaries of teachers in Ontario in the last school year was $3,818, compared with $4,140 in British Columbia and $3,867 in 'the Que-, 'bee Protestant school system. Despite the • apparent high cost of schooling pupils in Ontario, this rich province spends less per pupil than three other provinces. In 1956 it is estimated that On- tario and its school boards' spent $211 for the year on each pupil - compered with $298 in British Col-' umbia, $278 in Alberta and $238 in Saskatchewan. • mess.. Geo. 'Turtor, R.R. 5, 01)46- rich,, odes• rich,phone Carlow . 1,79, or at Hutchinson's Radio. and TV, Wed7 nesday and Saturday afternoons. 20tf (BUY Ives '& So{ns--CCcntractors-• Phone Carlow 1612. Vie. Chief' chimneys,. Cosy-aire fireplace ,and roofing supplies. Terms to suit your budget. 23--26x SII'. Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests,. . desks, etc. custom made; also• kit= chen cupboards and furniture re- pairs. 1$4 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19tf CARPENTRY, building, remodel- ling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all ,kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, -phone Carlow 1108. 10-13x SHARPENING -- saws: hand and electric; hand power lawn mowers; axes . and cutlery wet ground; mower knives,. etc. 'Part time farm work; -fencing," etc. C.. H. Homar, Huron road, opposite store. 23-24x WEED spraying over .15 acres, $1.00 per acre, $1.25 per acre for Iless; also wholesale weed spray. Wm. F. Robertson, R,R. 3, Auburn.- Ah, but Ontario really can't af- ford more. Can't it? In compar- ison with all the other .provinces and taking the yardstick of finan- cial ability to be the personal in- come of the inhabitants, Ontario is year by.y_ year either last or second -last in the amount _put out for public education. Ontario spends only about 2.8 'per• cent 'of the total personal income of its citizens on public elementary and secondary education. The average for Canada as a whole is 3.1 per cent -which is only a. little less shocking than Ontario's. how .figure. (Incidentally, Alberta and Sas- katchewan usually head the list, with British... Relumbia coming about half -way- dowrrr�"+r+rn'r,nu,�,,nunx m • The foregoing figures tend to. confirm. what some people who have intimate professional or par- ental knowledge of ,.our schools and their products have reluctant- ly concluded: that our educational system is not first rate -Dr. Dun- lop's protestations to the con- trary. -Toronto Daily Star Edit- orial: NILE .1 IL1E, June 9. -'The pupils and teachers of S.S.: No. 17, West Wawanosh, along, with several of the Mothers njoyed-rb'ug`-"tills to London last Friday. They visit- ed 'Fanshawe Dam, Kelloggs, Fire Hall, Post Office and Springbank Park. Mrs. Joe McCann is a patient in the, Private Hospital at Lucknow, Mrs. H. Horton, of ,Lucknow, spent the week -end with ' Mr. and Mrs: Orland Bere arid family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross MeNee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B•ere, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. McNee, Mr. and Mrs: Orland Dere, Mr. and Mrs, Graham ,Melee, Allan and Donna, were guests at the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. • Worthy- McNee, of Belmore, which was held • at Tiger Dunlop Inn last Saturday. Mrs.. McNee was the 'former Shirley Lutz, of Auburn district„ = Mrs. Ruth Hayden, of 'Goderich, spent • the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dickson. ' The W.M.S: meeting was held at. ,the home. of Mrs. Ross McNee on Wednesday 'of last' week: The president, Mrs. W. Rutledge,' was in charge. Four visitors were pre- sent, The study book was taken by Mrs. S. Taylor and Mrs. J. Clements. A dainty lunch • was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Roy Connell, Mrs. -Ralph Matthews is a pat- ient in Alexandra Hospital, Code-, rich. . Graham McNee' started work on a pole barn for John Ribey of Port Elgin on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Iiu,gh McWh"inney and Mr. and Mrs. Clift' Stewartson attended a wedding in Toronto on Saturday and on 'Sunday attended church serdices conduct.d by Rev, George Watt, of Oakville. B�y Dies OiThe Operating Table The funeral service was . held Wednesday afternoon at the Lodge funeral home for 14 -month-old John Murray Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Graham, Keays „street, who died at Alexandra hos- pital Monday on the operating table. Death occurred while the boy was under anaesthetic follow- ing a skin graft operation. The skin graft was required as a result of an accident a few weeks ago when the boy pulled a 'hot iron off the ironing board at his home. Dr. N. C. Jackson, coroner at Goderich, said that the death was an °unusual one and no similar case was known in Goderich for at least the past 25 years, Chief Coroner of Ontario Dr, Smirle Lawson, said -everything possible was done to save the boy's life. Surviving besides the parents are three sisters, Judith Ann, Vicki and Brenda. He was a great- grandson of ex -Mayor J. H. Graham. Rev. R. G. MacMillan, conducted, the funeral service. Interment was made in Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers were Gerald fisher, Arnold Young, Donald and William 'Graham. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Dan GQssel, of Kincardine, visited Sunday : with, Mr. and Mrs. \Howard Sproul. 4Mr. •and s_Manee1L Fowler,- of ''Goderich, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Wiggins arid Mrs. G.. McNee attended. the,Zone Federation of Agriculture meting held in Wingham on Tuesday. The regular meeting of the W.A. was held Tuesday evening at' the home of ,Mrs. Leonard Christilaw. Scripture was read by Mrs., Ribey and topic by Mrs. L. Christilaw. Final plans were made for their trip to Point Pelee National Park. A humorqass readir was given by Mrs. Rolfert--,Bogie. Lunch was served by Mrs, Clifford McPhee, Mrs. Wilbur Johnston and Mrs. 22. Lost 'and. Found - NuoNLAcE, and,. pair of earrings, found y; Owner may- recover same by id`ntifying property;, Phoiie - 1340 !Carlow. 24x DRAW bar for Fer Cason tractor;-' lost on Hinelfs sidei oad, GQderielt Township, between' 6th ,concession- and No. 21 Highway: Phone • 1044J2. ' ' -24 PAIR of glasses, found on Tuesday: -' • •� • , Owner may' have same by calling, at Signal -Star, Office 'and paying for this ,ad. -24 23. Used Cars 1939 DESOTO sedan;" ,new tires,. good condition, $100. ' License and insurance' for '58- paid. Phone' Stratford 830J: 24x 1952 PONTIAC sedan' delivery, radio, heater, oil filter, good tires; .has always been used as ,a pas- senger vehicle. Must sell, $450 cash. 95 Blake street, east, phone hone. -44.1-6; Garlew:••--.. 2344x -1029R- L r - home spent Sunday with their p-� daughter, rss:_ W lda Wilson.,, Taylor s Corner- Brantford. M - _._ - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keys and fam= TAYLOR'S CORNER, June 11. - Mrs. Bud Mathieson, Valerie. and Bobby, of Goderich, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Millan. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Oke,- of e, Sarnia, Mr. Paddington and his sister from England, -whorri- he had not seen' for 50 years, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Oke. ; Mr and Mrs. Sam McNeil, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Vanstone, and family, visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Chester McNall and family at Waterford. Mr., and Mrs. Roy Wilson, Elaine and Kenneth attended the 55th wedding anniversary of Mr. and '1ertr"hWiti " PtAvril min.-Mil`toni'. on, Friday evening and, on their way Ross McPhee. Editor's Note: Mrs. Graham Mc- Nee has been appointed by The Signal -Star as its Nile news cor- respondent. Arearesidents are asked to phone in..news items to Mrs. McNee each week, preferably by--t-he-week.end---itt•-the'-•latest-sine the news budget has to reach the Signal -Star by Tuesday of the week of publication. Your co-operation can give Nile a fine weekly news budget riot only for Nile area residents but also for former resi- dents, of this district now living in .distant centres and who receive the Signal-Star.- RIVERS ignalStar.- RIVERS FUNERAL ' • Pallbearers at the funeral of the late Mrs. A: Rivers on. Saturday. last were grandsons, Don Rivers, Lorne Rivers, Brian Rivers, Robert Snell, Norman Dickinson and Jack Boos. iiy, of Varna, called on Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sturdy's and family. • Mr. Benson Stratighan, of Min- neapolis, visited with his sister, Mrs. Howard Sturdy,. and family on Friday. The Jule meeting of the Ladies: Aid was held tat the home of Mrs. Geo. Ginn with 18 members pre- , sent. , Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Sani McNall •and Mrs. Elroy Rodger. The July meeting will be at .rhe home of Miss Nina Waiter. The three prairie provinces were the first to grant women the right' to,•vote• in.kavinc4al elections in 1916. 13SED Mr. Motorist; " why take 'chances?.. This year • enjoy a ,WORRY -FREE summer at. the wheel of a SAFE Used Car picked from our kine -up. .See our new units; tool Come here for ,. . ,IRESTONE TIRES - the choice. of champions. TEXAC1O Gasolines, Oils and Lubricants. TEXACO SERVICE H, C, MacPhee Volkswagen -Dealer PHONE 20 1 OUR BUSINESS 15 4. F YOU NEED ..: LETTERHEADS: STATEMENTS OFFICE FORMS SHIPPING TAGS WiNDQW CARDS BUSINESS CARDS. ENVELOPES INVOICES TICKETS FOLDERS BLOTTERS TILL • -HEADS7 SALE BILLS CHEQUES BOOkLETS PAMPHLETS WEDDING STATIONERY ... WE'RE AT YOUR SERVICE, 4. .1,,N )4X-