HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-11-27, Page 4INSURANCE
RN EST r. 1141,0 Pi &UEIN : FOR
l'aeseT of 'reroutealso for the PHCE?'
etititR iNSUlteNen CObiPae Y, of Lcudon;'
Ruglaud, the ROYAL CANADIAN. of Mon-
Creat. a: d the cis Ta mi) etu ra'ALL is
ASSIMANCit,CO'Y of Waterloo established
1e70. Assuraneesintorce,M127.4Q0. Bemuses
every year after 3rd year.
a • as [
t a}:a i. m wetcr. tea-. t dsy
c S ' ° rem e, : so. „, :" ^
a t ow $
▪ `in H yv
feel it 0,1 weee to make
pleasure its name
time and
'money here ,•
, 'w
i v
Value d
fFlo? Tor ? one,
ee -71
Sad Demise.
The many friends of the late Mrs L.
Beatty (nee hiss Mary Spackman formerly
of Exeter) of Varna, will be sorry to learn.
of her sudden death, which occurred on
the 1,lth inst, .he was ouly ailing from
the Sunday previous and had never taken
to her bees. On Friday she was about the
house and on her husband returning from
the stable be found, her speechless ; she
died about 25 minutes afterwards. Her
disease easnmed a torte of apoplexy. She
was a daughter of the late R. Sparkman,
of the:Sauble Line, and was highly re-
spected by all who value the dignity of
woman hood. When in Exeter she was a
favorite among her sex and was most high-
ly esteemed by all who knew her. The
funeral waswell est attended, 144 vehicles
forming the procession -
Furs of all kinds ening fast at the
Big Bankrupt store.
31r John (=rant shipped:. quantity of
!turkeys to Toronto yesterday. He paid
7 cents per pound for them.
Mr 'Benjamin Case. an old resident, anal
one of the most sueeessfn1 farmers of Hay
township, is serious9y 111„
They do for a feet give 18 pounds nee
height sugar for $1 at the Bit; Itenkr. rept
k Store- Yes and 14 paunch hest gramelat
s py eel sugar for $1,
4. > '� Meesrs Verity .t Sows have heti the roof
r ; v t p of their foan b y re•tinned. Business at
'^ ' this eetablialunent has been lemming amt
• E is daily ianprnving, orders front NIatitolra
C. continuing, to arrive in rapt I suecessioa•
IPublio School Board Mbmtes.
f Nov 1. Board ;:n-ei at the store of the
secretary, absent A. G. Dyer. Items
passed: Minutes of previous meeting.
,Hueston - Hoskin -- That Thos A
Brown, of Orono, be engaged as prin-
cipal for the year 1891, at a salary of
OM -Adjournment.
Nov 23, Board met at the residence
of the chairman, absent A. G. Dyer.
Items passed: Minutes of previous
Hoskitf-- Treble --The following ac-
c='unts :-E, Follicle, extra labor, $11.-
88; care of trash room, C5; ti, Eamon.
labor, 55 cents. Fitton---Hoskin-that
the council be billed with $40.25, the
cost of drain connections lalitde on as
per valuation of the contractor, T Hart -
not Fitton,Treble,Thatdue iudorsation
of account of $104,13, for gravel, labor,
oto., as presented by W. J. Bissett, be
requested from the council.- Fitton-
Iiuestun-That T. Hartnoll's accuunt
for wood, etc. of $8.911- be paid, Treas-
urer's receipt of tea dollars for sale of
stoves to Me McCallum. Huestoa-e
Treble ---That a suitable testimonial be
prepared by the secretary for present,
anion to the present principal, • to be
• , submitted at the next meeting of the
Board. Huestoin--Treble-"Tat the
eheairirtan, T. Fitton and W. Ixoskin be
a comuaittee to arrange details of jan-
itor's movement for 1.91. Ter T. Fit-
ton, adjournment. . -J. liriLOo, Seey.
Axl Attractive 'Stook
of New W hater Tweeds
Worsteds on.d ''razes•
ings. now being shown
The Saturday market was another suc-
cess. 1 great quantity of produce seas
marketed, and at high prices. Poultry
was in in abundance, turkeys ;wiling kr
from Sc to lire per lb: geese 7e to Se per
Ib. and other stuff proporttouately high.
Sfia Smith, who kept a candy store op-
posite the: town hall, wag tnarrie:l en
t'htueday last to Mr John lei;sett, They
have returned from a wedding tour and
are now a settled down. " We wish the
newly made nuptials every prosperity.
During the past feu weeks we have ad
dedellila minces to the lists e.f subscribers
t<, the Tow.. The Tz'ati'a" eira:nletion
isail ...env ore fe nrel,ly with an7,• ne%ra-
rape-t• +a tin, . t rte•. 'Tia is saying a
geed aced a Lett its LI. feet.
On Thuralay evg hast a deputation from
the eAngre ,+tit*n of the :chain at Methodist
visited the residence of :tor 11.:�
Lees and presented Mfr: and :Mt -s Rees
€:at•li xitlt a h ui,t*nae easy chair, euphil.
,tercet+ in naps'; i.•tien of Mr Rees" ofe4lent
'Ferri h:mica of the ehuir,
r the different towns liert.' h at care
t .itnitainipz of dull times and no business.
the merihunts of Exeter are kept nn"the
•' fe•-t-i e.a-rning till eight cut day.
11)a'r,' is feetitl'rtr:elry hem and nth' fern+
ere fear mites arnnnd me takingodvantage
orf it by spending their money in Exeter
The Choir e.f the Pi eel,yteriate e 1 er.h
visited the regide•nee of t1r. (leo 4ians,.n
f •.
nn f'ne' t ev evcnaeir , .,nil rale himself ani -1
estimable l ride a pli,as;ant Surprise. Soon
after a.mnzu ii ing their* mission :ill were
made quite "at ht , e ' by Mee and 'lar.
Manson and a very enjoyaldet evening w"ss
slant in amusement of v arieene lain^ls.
It tippears th.it the elee trio, light will
not In mtrtkin't 1 into Exeter until the
eienpiny lean dispense of the plant. Efforts
are now 'vine made to form a joint stock
Company for theutrel.0
uese of the ane,
and it is expected that satisfactory ar-
t um;ie'ntt.ntea shat' he ee)tnp'eted in due
comes,. $evetal persona have signifir 1
their intention of snbseribing,
Mr. Ed. Roberts has disposed of his
groeery business. here, to Mr. E. J. tipace-
man. and will shortly leave for Toronto
where he has purchased a grocery busiue:as
on Parliament st. We wish Eel. every
)"eeeeei .success. He wilt lie greatly missed in
r+: church circles, having always taken an
}•■•I•+.l active part in everything ca%euhitt:d to
ferther church interests.
"The Delineator" is a monthly journal
published in Toronto, and is a journal of
fashion, culture and ilne arts. it takes
its place at the head of all Canadian
periodicals of the same nature and we
cheerfully recommend it to our readers,
The subscription price is but $1 per year
and every lady should be a subsorrber to
THURSDAY, OV E iIliEIt 27th, .89O
A. Canadian's Success
Mr Harry Cain, of Mt. Pleasant, Mich.,
spent last week visiting friends in the
township of McGillivray, and during his
short sojourn, called on his friends in
Exeter, Mr.!Cain 1efe the 2nd concession
of McGillivray about eight years ego and
•einigrating to the States settled in Isabella
Co., Mich., where he and brothers engaged
in different branches of business, with
unusual success. In fact they became
quite popular among all classes ; and dur-
ing the laterelection Harry was nominated
as sheriff of the county. He Wes at first
opposed by three others, buttwo resigning
left the field to two, The election came off
with the result that Harry was elected by
xa majority of nearly two hundred and to-
day occupies the honored position of
sheriff of Isabella Co Mich. Sheriff Cain
is not only a gentleman of pleasing manner
but a'so one of enviable stature, and we
feel assured that he will do all honor to
the office. One notable adversity in his
election was that he is a single man, the
sheriffalty giving preference to a married
4nan; but notwithstanding this Mr. Cain's
.other superior qualities recouped for those
lacking, Elis visit to Canada may, how-
ever, be significent in connection with
occupying the sheriff's home.
A.ddress and Presentation,
On Thursday evg. Iast Madams R. H.
erity and (Rev.) J. Wilson visited the
residence of Mr D. A. Ross, and after
reading the following address made Mr.
:and Mrs. 'Ross, each the recipient of
+,beautiful easy chair:re •
WO 1LZr. is, A. Ross
li.asracren FRIEND. -On behalf of the eon-
aFagatioft of Main-st Methodist church. we,
having for many years past, witnessed your
bility and kindly courtesy untiring zeal,
ohurch choir, beg leave to present you with
this address and also with this easy chair as
an evidence of our appreciation.
Nor would we forret your estimable wife,
who for maps years has been denied the
pleasures of. your ecmpany in the evening
hours of choir practice, and who is ever pleas-
ed to know of the welfare of the ohuroh and
the prosperty of Zion. Whom we now also
present with this associate choir.
We hope that you Mr. Ross may long be
pared to fill the position of leader of the
choir in the future as you hare done in the
.past,andthat both you and Mrs. Ross may for
many manyyears happily occupy these chairs
and when the time shall come that your veleta
Ig had' be heard in this life no more, may they
mingle with the voices of the Great. Choir in
singing the songs of the Redeemed.
Sagned on behalf of the congregation by •
t lens. J. WILsoN,
Mas. R. H. Vsasrr.
Mr. Ross on behalf of himself and Mrs.
Bos, although taken by surprise made a
suitable and feeling reply,
During the past week there has been
a large quantity of grain marketed in
Exeter, and the prices paid were higher
than paid on any neighboring market.
From 92 to 94 cents were paid for wheat,
while from 52 to 54 cents were given for
barley. There are four different interests
represen, ed en, our market and competition
is therefo.e keen.
A. St Marys correspondent says :-
"When wheat is over a dollar per bushel
the buyers are never very particular about
a cent or two, but when it is under that
sum they adopt all kinds of cheese -paring
tactics." In Exeter tlf ••a ,ay the
highest market prices,
of bait or blow, do n
friend a few cents per
can be legitimately p
no "cheese -paring try
The evidence take
of the workings of
(live stock, human a
contiunes to show
being perpetrated on
fools enough to pay i
Government will be
in wiping out the co
ed directors have
they knew practie
inner working of
managing the busine
mental fraud the
scheme leads the pro
Mr Justice Rose o
judgment on the n
him on behalf of
Grand Trunk Railw
judgment in the 8
His Lordship diem
the result is that t
tried over again,
appealing to the
ready an appeal is
the railway comps
the jury. The ca
will also be apneal
moved therefor.
Messrs Coad,
Farncombe, of Ex
ing marsby lands
The entire scheme
Hay,, Stephen, 8
drains an area of
which over 6,000
open marsh lands
tion. The main
township of Hay
intoStephen to th
drain together
up in all over 18
mated post of wl
The persnu, who, during the winter of
ISSS-fig, borrowed rt double cutter from
the stables of W. (s, Bissett, will please
return the scene at once, and oblige, W.
ti. Bissett,
Wound It Wnrtiln Exeter?
There are two towns in Ontario where
the authorities do not permit boys and
girls to run the streets after 9 oe eeb. at
bight in Berlin and Waterloo the cur-
few bell is rung at 9 o'eloek and after that
hour Let's anei gide must me, be found on
the street. The law ie :nil to work wel
It is not a 'sad i I a that law eau step in
and do that which too many parents pas
no attention to ---lock ate . the et4e-ra's of
theire•hilelreu, Bola and iir;t who •w.e
permitted to nut the streets at night are
not likely to have their morals improved..
Trhtec 3.1i-nt0031 thurci.-
.Zr. I:uttVrtield, lit Baltitnt-m, is in
town preparing the tower cif the Trivitt
:trinomial Church ftsr the Aimee and
peal of liens v"hieh ;lir Trivitt has do
nated to the ebureb, and which, it is
anne,unee-al, will lie rang feet the lint
time on December 7th. It isa+ssiblu
that, owing to the bell now in the- tower
having tit be taken down at once, there
will he nu hell run.,..
sen Sunday next,
to less, i s rchance, t,ne of the Ies-w ones
be got-itito peeitiun by that time. The
eengre„ •ati"n, huwt ver, are ri'-ine wed to
geveeru themseives mei inlingly, and not
depend upon the usual Sunday morning
nunt.nnee meut. On Sundaay, the 7th,
Rev II. O. Miller, Principalof Huron
College, will eonduet tho services, and
on blunder following, the Rev Cauca
Rieit:rrdcsun of the Biemoriel church,
Lutuleen, will officiate.
Miss Ilyndman, of Exeter, with her
niece, Charlotte Ilyndinan, are spend-
ing a week or so here. the guests of Mrs
R.'S'illi: ms. -Dunlap correspondent. --
Rev. Edwin Holinets, of Loudon, con-
ducted services in the 3lain•st Method-
ist church on Sunday last for Rev.
Jasper Nilson. Mr. Wilson preached
Missionary sermons at Melrose, Middle-
sex. ---]lir. B. W. Grigg spent Sunday in
town,• ---]lira, (Rev.) A. L. Russell has
gone for a couple cf weeks' visit among
her friends at various points ; Miss.
Dulinage, her niece, from Saskatoon,
I. W. T. who is visiting among her
friends in Ontario, this winter, accom-
panied her,-I4lessrs. E. J. Spackman
and Ed. Roberts visited Toronto last
week. -Mr and Mrs. Dan'I Moir, of St.
Marys, were in town on Tuesday. They
intend spending a few days with friends
in Hensall and vicinity. -Mr Will
Dempsey, a former typo of this office, is
lying ill at Toronto, at present, of con-
sumption. -Mr. Richard. Neil, of Mc-
Gillivray, is in a low condition, the vic-
tim of a severe attack of inflammation.
-Miss Lizzie Verity is taking lessons
from a professor in London, with a view
to manipulating the new pipe organ of
h Church.
people ai a crowd -
he Big Bankrupt
tars and Over Shoes
f price at the Big
nee the death of
the late John Car-
t been strong for
ath was not looked
and when announc-
ceived with some
ly taken violently
d being low core
umbed to the at -
general infirmity.
and 8 months, and
ily to survive her.
e years ago when
e farm iu the 3rd
will be given .to the
eatest number of errors,
or misplaced) in the
a Hones." In addition
prizes of 8200 each,
t of $50, ton of $2e,
of $5, one hundred of
d fifty of $1, distributed
in rules and regula-
nt with a copy of De•
t of 15 cents in stamps.
en away almost every
n which closes February
Publishing Oo., Br'-.ek-
Farm stock and imple-
of Mrs Joseph Durand,
5, Stanley. Salo at 1
.nA Czfe4t Ph'e��
ood$ Oppottiiqit
We have just purchased a large line of Dress: Goods
from a Montreal; firm at a great sacrifice. They will
all be cleared. at once at prices way below regular values,
We would call speciial attention to a line of all -wool
Plaids which we will sell at 1Oo per yard. These goods
are just 50 per cent below their regular price. Come
and select your goods at once before the stock is Alir
We make a specialty of
.Zaee, O $ and the
fines class of Jc welery.
The rapidly rising value of dia-
monds make them a most destrable
investment:. With every diamond
sold we give a guarantee to re-pur
chase same at any time—less five
per cent. off price paid. We carry
the largt-st stecic wtst of Montreal,
, our diamond business extends
tel all l+arts of the United States
d Canada.
Gods sent on approbation by
express or mail to responsible
A. MORL'fa'i &
Cor. Richmond nand Dundas Sts.,
Loudon, (hit.
(Established 1814
;lir. A. Q. Bolder ships this week a Ear„e
quantity of peu]try to the (ltd Country.
i - nnearly
it fwav Gnat ends of . as coca for
half price at the swig Ilaakrupt store.
Magnum, occurs one caieuttar month
from Tuesday lout -on Thura.iay Ilece,n.
her 25.
Yet can save n.nney by attending the
Big Sale now fatting at felt Mitt at the Dig
The. Ministers of the ,Tames•st and
Main -s*. 1lethnali st ehurches mill exchange
pulpits nest Sunday morning.
The ;salvation Ariny ltelit a special meet -
'lug on Sunday. There was quite a time
among the eoldiers.
The y cnmt man Davie, oho was suet in
the heats while hunting Iast week le doing
nicely and wial ha all right in a few weeks.
The condition of the roads in this neigh-
borhood was never better at the same
season, and in fact scarcely aver better
during summer months,
The chimes are liciag placed in the
tower of the Trivitt Memorial elturelt, and
will be rung`forthe first time on Sunday
Dee 7th.
The fall wheat plant in this section has
trade fairly good growth. and will enter
the winter season in better condition than
for several years past.
Parkhill cemetery requires enlarging, so
say the town papers. IA the town dead,
that the people are all preparing to bury
These are the Indian summer slays of
song and story -the second edition of
summer. We have a grand. and invigorat-
ing climate for a healthy population.
Lawyer Graydon, of London, will offer
for sale at the Central hotel Exeter to -day
the 100 acre farm of the late James Oke,
which is situated in the township of Ste-
The Dominion Government has ordered
that children between and 18 shall attend
school at lease 100 days in the year. Par-
ents and guardians will be proceeded
against for violation of the order.
The picture hung in the south window
of Mr. Fitton's store is an oil painting of
little Miss Susie Moir, daughter . of Mr.
T)an'1 Moir, of St Marys, and is the work
of Miss Moacrip, of that town. The work
is creditable to the artist and is admired
by alt.!
Last week we received a communication
from "sport" of Muskoka, but owing to
the crowded state of our columns were
forced to carry it over for this week s
issue. It may be found in another column,
and doubtless refers to theparty who
visited those wilds from this vicinity a few
weeks ago.
A straw stack on station street belong-
ing to Mr Thos Bissett was burned to the
ground on Friday evg. It was doubtless
the work of tramps. The town was awak-
ened from its peaceful slumber by the
loud and rapid tolling of the fire itlarms.
The stack was worth about 800 and will be
quite a loss to Mr Bissett.
the best paying advertisement for a re-
tailer is the one he puts in his local paper.
Set your back against all other schemes.
Let the matter in your advertisement be
such as it will attract attention and tell
the truth in it. If you do not mate your
advertisements in your local paper pay
the fault is yours, because others have. -
[Canadian Grocer.
An exchange says that a shark is taking
in the different towns in order to fund if
there are any firms of eo•partaership, who
have not filed their partnership Certificates.
Some big hauls have been made in some
places. It would be well to be prepared
for this adventurer, as he may coma any
day. - Therefore, if Brown & Jones, or any
ether firm have not registered they should
do so without delay, and get their certifi-
We have on hand one of the largest and lee
assorted stocks in the village, which we etre prepare
to sell at
No shoddy d� 1 1
about goods ; they are gL'lltlil
every time. All who love perfection in footwear, wi
seek for ease and economy, fit and fashion, finish al
fineness, the luxury of lightness Gad tfio 8ati$facti(
of strength. AU who want a perfect shoe are invit
to call on
Men'f3 underclothing to be sold at,, once at
than wholesale price. Having bought the above
of $11111.TS and Ditiati.V7M13.8 at a job pI
will clear them at less than cost of making.
200 Overooe ws, 400 .its --beet qua,
best fitting goods in the market
in the county.
1Sr CH•
Fanson's Block, Exeter..
' t' -O WO --
Goldsmith ,`. Hall!
e.•�'eazs S' OVR.-
I -"Porsonaletteattongivento repairing of
watobea,olocks andiewelry.
Opposite Post Office PAREHILL
A. Has"
Shaving an
style of the ea
Every ate