HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-29, Page 8•
THJUlt§PANt jt AY 28t!h 1
,' . May 26. — Mr. and and a religious background for
Mxa PQnal•d 'Haines visited with
.`0;,4 crena . axiid:iMxs~� Wiililai]c��'
1 t ttritrat; J,lsbaer -last hurs-
• days
Mrs. William J. ,Craig„Mrs. Betty
Wilkin and Mrs. William S. Craig,
of ¶Ciinton, were guests last Friday
future years. At the evening, ser-
vice •the •.,sfaeal}1en'y. tori RL. LLhas. ex-
bu�ld ngg of�
thureh indsor� st
many ' who had never, been to
.church were now showing an in.;
'terest in it. ` The •Elrnira quartette
the scial
evening. at an'O.L,S., reception hon-, byasin provided.
ro ided pe ring Hep.crnu ie
oring, 'the officers of the Grand „
Chapter of Ontario.'
' Rev. L: V. Pocock, of Ingersoll,
was a recent guest with Mr. and
..Mrs, Charles E. Asquith. •
Mr. George .Raittaby visited his
brother, James, in Victoria► llos;
pital last week d reps is that.
from his recent
ter has returned
from a visit with her nephew, Reg.
Carter, Mrs. Carter and family at
Port Elgin.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Daniels,
of Hensali, were guests 'last Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Craig.
Miss Patricia \o.ungblut, of
'Wingfiam, is a visitor with her par•
ents,,.Mr,_and Mrs. Major Young.
Tbrut, and -fa • ”-
Sunday School Anniversary,
The Sunday School anniversary -of
'Knox United Church was held last
Sunday with• Rev. R. S. Hiltz in
charge and Miss Margo Grange
presiding at the organ. The church
was beautifully decorated 'with
baskets of mauve and white lilacs
and yellow tulips. During the pro-,
cessional. the children's choir car-
ried Mowers to the front of the
church which were received, by li
Misses Marlene asom and 'Carol
Armstrong and placed on the dias•
The Scripture was read by 1)r.
Mortimer, minister at Auburn from
1930 to 1935. The Elmira quartrtt•;e
of the .Mennonite church sang two
numbers. A few, words of welcome•
were given by the Sunday. School
,superintendent, Mr. Charles Scott,
after which the guest speaker, Rev.Howard - Dickinson-. formerly of
North Street, United Church, Gode-
• rich; brought ..the ' message on
"Marching Orders." •'Mr. Dickin-
son told how the 'close connection
between parents and child is lost
today in a world' of specialists.
Recalling former drys, the speaker
told how the father and his son
went out together to hunt,"but too,
often today the father works away
from home ;and the ehild is
brought up by everyone exceiit yhis
parents. Every child has a right
to his inheritance, a. good name
At the End of tri' Day •" 'he
be is recovering
Miss Sadie Ca
young ladies who tru,vehed with
them • sang "Count Your, Many
Blessings." The president of the
North Huron Council of Christian
Education, Sam Scott, of Seaforth,
Spoke of the, new Sunday School
'addition ...of which the church
should be justly proud. The Scrip-
ture was read by Mr. 'Sam Scott
and Earl Hamilton, of Wingham••
Mr. Prank Schubert, of Seaforth,
played several selections on his
violin during the service.
4-H Club Meets.—The seventh
meeting of• the Aub-urrl Annettes
was held last Friday evening at
the home of Mrs. Ed. Davies. The
president, Betty Youngbiut, pre-
sided. The 'minutes were read by
-the secretary, Mrs. Bernice -Me-;
Dougall. Mrs. Davies gave a talk
on Public Health Services. She with his -grandmother, :Mrs. Wrl-
also discussed the different dis- liam Stewart.
eases which are found in 'different •
countries. The National .Pantry
-Shelf and the general rules fur
judging meals were also'discussed.
bault ,was fortunate in landing a
speckled trout.
Master Billy Millian, of Colborne
or. rA�UGII�S' ONE,
Tovilnship, ;spelnt the week -end with sung, r
Solemn Hi h M 's far
his, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mary E. Vona on Tuesday,
Fred �Plaetzgr; A May 13, by Rev. Father Urbanksi,
' -he it
� .l•I
n��d r �,ev:... �E'�ther � : 'lien.
air. 1igNOw, . `fns t-- _ 'hridge ., .V
ac soil,• requests all county books Father Duran e, of Wing am. Mrs.
to be in by May .31st.' Foran died at St. Joseph's Hospital,
°Mr. and Mrs. • Les Dalgleish and Saturday, May 10.. She was the
family, of Stratford, visited on Sun- daughter of the late Mr. and 'Mrs
day with Mr, and Mrs. William' J. John Keane And was born in .Ash -
Craig and also 1VIrs. Betty Wilkin ,held Township, September 2, 1891.
and family. She married Cornelius l oran, Of
Mr. R. A. Crudge, Tillsonburg, West Wawanosh, on October 8;
and Mrs. Pat Crudge, Garry, Laurie 1913. He'predeceased her in 1941.
and Ronnie, of Lucan, were Sun- Mrs. Foran lived on the ninth con-
da'y guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. cession of West Wawanosh for
Davies.' over 35 yearn Late in 1951, the
Mr. and Mrs. ;.Gerald MacKay, Foran family moved to a'' farin at
Sandra and John and Mrs., Charles St. Augustine. Endowed; with a
Waterman' and: Cathy, of Galt, were cheerful and congenial personality,
week -end visitors with the lady's Mrs, Foran preferred to look on
parents, Mr. and Mrs• George the brighter side of life. Possessed
Lawlor. of a keen. sense of humor, she
Mr. George Lampman, ..of Kin- made and retained friends easily.
cardine, a forrner Auburn resident; "Mary Ellen," as she was affection -
called on his friends.. of former atel-y -called, was well-known in
days, NIr. and Mrs. Ezekial Phillips, West Wawanosh• and the surround*
Sunday. on S Y ing districts. Her funeral was -one
Mr. Gordon Powell spent' the of the largest in the history_ of
week -end at his home here with our parish.. Her •six sons were
his wife and son Wayne. ..tier.-. pallbearers r Mrs._FQra ..ia
Master Kenneth'Sp`rotiT, of West survived by two daughters, Sister
•Wawanosh, spent the week -end M. Cornelius (Mary) riow teaching
at Yellowknife, N.W.T., Sister M.
Vincentia (Eileen) presently teach-
ing at Maidstone in the Windsor
district and her six sons,
John, Joe, Elmer, Norman,
Leo, Gordon; all farming• in their
native township. Two brothers,
James 'Keane, Ashfield, and J. C.
Keane, Hamilton, and • one sister,
Mrs. Thos. Chisholm, 'Colborne
Township, also survive. There are
12 grandchildren.
g ,.' ass
Dancing Saturdays
The • record books were discussed
and questions answered regarding BEHERRAL—HARDY
them. Plans for achievement' day The wedding took place in St.
were started and the roll call for John's United Church, Dutton,
the next meeting will be answered . Ont., of Mabel Easter Hardy,
1, •the finished ,Record Book."' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray.
Lunch was served by Andre Hardy, 'Dutton, and William Keith
�iachaii and Shirley. Brown. The,' Beherral, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William A; Beherral, of Frame.
Rev. Clarence Beacom Performed;
the , ceremony and Mrs. J. Bam-
bridge, Dutton, was organist. '
ited Church was held in the Sundays, The bride was given in marriage
School room of Donnybrook United by her 'father. ,?..Jo Annr Hardy,
Church• on ;Wednesday evening, sister of the.'1bride,, and Miss Ida
May 21st, with Lyle Smith ' in Beherral,' sister of the groom, were
charge. The Scripture was read brideslziaids: The bride's two
by Mary Jefferson and Ronald sisters, Dianne and Betty Hardy,
Gross led iu....pra!er. The offering
was received by John McDowell
and Ronald Gross. The topic'- on
''Faith and Evangelism," was given
by Gordon Smith. It was decided
to have the last meeting of, the The young couple left on a trip
Young Peoples. iii the form of a to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. On
wiener roast on June 20, at Gode- 'their return, they will reside on
rich. Gerald McDowell and John
Buchanan were appointed to'be ,in
charge of the recreation and Carol
Armstrong and Betty Durnin are
to look after' the lunch. Recrea-
next meeting, a pot luck supper,
is to be held at the home ,of Mrs.
A. Nesbitt, Friday, June 6.
Young People's -Union. '- The
Young People's Union of the Un -
were junior bridesmaids.
The groom was attended by his
'brother, Ralph Beherral. The
ushers were Eric. Hardy, brother of
the bride, and James Beherral,
brother of the groom. •
the groom's farm at Frome. ,
People who went South for the
winter really found it.
tion .was --enjoyed -and ,,the meeting -I-.
was closad'• with "Taps."
Mr. and Mrs: James Hembly
spent last Saturday with, their
daughter, Mrs. IR. J. -Brown, Mr.
Brown and Ellen, at Palmerston.
Mr. Clarence Cox visited with
friends • at Leamttngton over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen
have returned from a ' visit with'
friends 'at Gorrie.
Mr. Al Leavens, of Toronto• visit-
last Saturday with Mr, and Mrs.
puncan 'MacKay, • .
Eighteen members -of the Chief-
_ • .tan Class of Knox United Chyreh
Sunday SCheo'I""'enjoyed-attchtke 'f°ast
Satbrday afternoon with their
teacher, Mr. William L. Craig and
Rev: R. .S. Hitjtz. Refreshments
,Casa Royal Orchestra. were enjoyed on the banks of the
Y Maitland .River after the boys had
• -22-25 enjoyed fishing. Dougie, Archain-
Lionel Thornton
and his
Meadowbrook Restaurant
Mile South on Highway 21
p ®`
This Week's Sunday Special
Southern p Fried Chicken
A LA CARTE $1.50
FROM 5 TO 8 P.M.
DAI, XLMPNt ,Y„f.9 XHU SDAY-8 a.m:-1 • a.m.
Those who received- their first'
Holy Communion on Sunday, May
25, were Constance Hickie, Mar-
lene Finleon, Elisabeth Leddy, Fay
and' Lois Eckenswitter, Jimmie
Hickie and Cornelius Foran. Rev
Father W. Urbanski officiated.
Miss Rita 'McInnes, of Kitchener,
'spent the week -end at, her home
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bernardo and,
babe, of London, were Sunday
visitors at the Devereaux home.
•Mr. Jack O'Connor, Mrs. Gene-
vieve Kinahan and Mrs.. Leo
Courtney visited .the Wm. Kinahan
home Sunday.
Mr. 'Eugene Devereaux and Mr.
Jack Brophy, Wingham, attended
the graduation exercises, at St.
Mary's' Hospital, Kitchener, Wed-
nesday, May, 21st.
.Mr: and Mrs. George 'Nevitt and
.family, -tendon, sent the week-
end -with 'Mr, 'and Mrs. Cyril Boyle.
�901.4. r,, *May 26.4 41's.
E1lisan Cox aass , returned home
After spending the winter with her
daughter at Kirkland hake, atie
..+Mia ..d:.&;.• nt.
„,Glintoa ..:Aubliq. ias1?ifa .: �G act1
to report he is' improving:
This Sunday, June 1, ,The Sunday.
School anniversary will be held
at 9.45 a.m. Mr. Jefferson, ' Clin-
ton, will be guest speaker. The
Sundax• School is preparing special
rusieA .
The Women's Association will
hold their June' meeting , at, the
parsonage in Bayfield next Thurs-
day, June : 12. A, quilt will be
XINGSBRffDGtE, May 26 ==- Mr.
Peter Captein, of Sudbury, spent
the 'week -end with his brothers, •
Arthur and Henk, and Mrs. Cap-
tein at their home, here.
Mrs. G. Whitmore, of Washing-
ton, D.C., and Mrs. John P. Sul-
Ileae, of Bolton, are spending a
few days at a Kintail cottage and
visiting with _ :the _Ifsj ►aid ...and,
O'Neill families here. `
'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Tigert, of Port Albert, on
the birth of a daughter on May
16th, in Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich.
Rev. H. Van Vynckt,,"Mrs. M,
Lierman; Mrs. Ray Dalton, Mrs.
Vassella, Mrs. Leo Courtney and
Mrs. Mark Dalton attended the
C.W.L. convention at Leamington
during the past week.
Mrs. Jerry O'Connor received 'a
telegram on Tuesday stating that
her sister-in-law, Mrs. < Michael
Dean, (formerly Catfiefine O'Con-
nor, of this parish), „died , at her
home in Altadena, Los Angeles,
California: The late Mrs. Dean
suffered a stroke about one year
ago and since then had been an
'invalid, She leaves :to•"mourn herr..
loss her husband, and one daugh-
-ter,--Mrs• . Charlotte Hastings, and
two granddaughters, one sister,
Mrs. Ann Collins and one brother,
James, all residing,, -now in Cali-
Mrs. Jack Kinney, of Detroit,
has been Visiting with Mrs. Jerry
Dalton, during the past :week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Deitrieh and
family, of Kitchener, *spent, , the
week -end at the::Mark Dalton home.
Mss Betty Lou Vassella, of the
Ontario .+Hospital nursing staff,
spent the week -end at the Fred
Vassella ; home.
Miss Rose O'Connor and' her
tet • -
sister, Irene, of St. Augustine; Mr.
and Mrs, John Hu,. , ey:' and son,
John, of Lticlthow, '11. arid'►Mrs. J.
Fitzgerald and fawily, of Stratford,
Mr. Walter Kelly, of London, Were
among the week -end visitors here.
Rev. H. VanVynckt and ` several
otflrarji hin-Liers attended the
-ann,}ua "` 1 7ge ► .."'°a ' ' o,
Sunday- at St. Josephs t o er-
house, m honor' of our. Lady ' of
' PORT AIdBERT, May ' 26.—The
May meeting of the Ladies' Guild,
of "Christ's Anglican, Church, was
held at the liome ,of Mrs., 'Art For-
ester: on 'May .14. After a short'
bt}sine's meeting, the' afternooin
was spent making a crib quilt to
be sold at the 'bazaar.
Douglas Atthill,. of Kitchener,
spent last week withFred•Dickson.
Recent visitors with Mrs, Mary
Dickson were Mrs. Gladys Currie,
of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs: Rich-
ard Herr, Barbara and Jerry
Saunders, of Kithhener.
Mx 'Mervin Hodges' is confined
^his -.home with pneumonia.
SVIr s Mrs. Roy' Petrie visited
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orossett and
family at their summer cottage in
Grand Bend on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Dickson, Fred, Brian
Johnson, and Mr. Alex Dunbar'
were in London on- Friday.
The May meeting .of the W.M.S,
of St. Andrew's United Church was
held at the home of Mrs. W. Craw-
ford. Mrs. M. Dickson was • in
charge of the meeting. The Scrip-
ture, was read in unison. Mrs. C.
Crawford read an article from The
Missionary Monthly, "To Walk
Humbly." Miss. E. Bogie had the
study book.' Mrs. E. Crawford read
a letter. from Beulah Bournes, mis-
sionary in Kbrea. Every member
was, asked to bring a friend to the
June meeting. Mr. Kennedy dos-
ed the' meeting. with prayer.
•.�rx.ww.�S�D�,x}• j,'vAc„�u;.kew.e,mLri4vwotiv, ansa mw -.r,..
Four tables of players particip-
ated in the weekly game of bridge
on Monday evening. The winners
were Mr. and Mrs. K. ' Hunter ;with
31% points; Mrs. A. A. Nicol and
Mr. Frank Curry with •28 points;
Mrs. Frank Curry and Mr. P, F.
Carey- with 27 points and Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst with 25
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