The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-29, Page 7111111JRSOAN, MAY 29th .19578 Grant 300 - f dOontinued from,age 1) r' Teachers are public servahts, site Estimates Set ' 1 noted, and "the public knows every ontend.e� "We have no rig i t cent' yoti make. 72=,VI r�_ et i 4g+e i sdi' • . lciA ^a roae once we have set our estimates." in,g midnight— the' m;eetin ` irew- By this he meant that ' the board' more"disofdteriy, ••wittrtwo or 'three had set its budget for the year persons often trying to talk at 'and had asked Town Council to once. provide sufficient money to meet Trustee Shore, who was being this budget. The board qui(' 'not assailed . by two or three teachers now, ask Council for more. money, et once,, grew a little provoked, * 'Trustee Shore . singled Out the Without personalities 'being inter-. vias called back in thp mem, clueStion could.' not be discussed After the teachers' committee saying he" was dis,appointed if the , ' tenchers' claim that they are being jected, . 4 short-changed $100 on their in- , 1 , Thursday Meeting ' He claimed that this was not„ ing, . whichTbtoke up at midnight The case. 'Figures showed, he said, Without a decition beinereached. that local teachers would be on When the board met again Thurs. an equal footing with those just day, Trustee Rae said he felt the joining the staff tins fall. board should have more time to A teacher who has been on the consider the salary schedule, even staff, four years will receive her if it took until Septenriber. . fourth $200 increment, bringing ' Trustee Aberhart ,thlt that the • her to $3;300 next term. A new minimum salary here was "out of teacher, with four years of ex- line" and should be increased rig& perience, will also start 'earning away. 413,300 when she joini the staff Blit Trustee Shore contended it next term, he stated. was not necessary to pay a mini - There were puzzled tooks on the mum salary as high,as in the larger committee. is higher. Said Mr. Crawford: "I still don't Seeing that the tiine for ' sub - Miss Masprr: "Sometimes you can passed, he felt it would be unfair adjust figures to suit." to the taxpayers to make any In The Middle change now, As the debate continued, Trustee Examining the teachers' request Share summed up the board's posi- for a $400 across-the-board adjust - tion as follows: "We're hi between ment, Trustee •Dr. Leitch noted the teachers and the taxpayers." . that if the request was granted it Miss Mason: "Not noW with the wquld not make things any fairer new grant system." ', for those teachers who were sup - Miss Hurtle: "It seems that every posed to be penalized by the year'. there, has ta be a fight. I Ward's amendment. would never advise anyone ' to go Neve. rth,„e.l.e.,ss, he felt the teach - into • schoolteaching!" ers were entitled to some more SUNDAY SERVICE GODERICH CHUR:CHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH June 1—Trinity Sunday. 4,10 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION." 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation .and Nursery) . Evening Service discontinued until autumn. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. nTHE UNITED CHURCH. OF .CANADA North Street United Church "a.tn:---Sunclay School. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox Pres terian Church Minister Deaconess 10 a.m. .CHURCH SCH9OL. 11 a.m. MORNING WOASI-1113. Sermon: "God Is the Juaii.d . (Nursery and Junior Congregation). A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. money, 'The seeme! to�Mfeei he board was Discriminating against them, he said. Favor Ovorhaul . Trustees �iaCkston and Mrs. .Edward -favored a complete,. over- 1a�nl. of the schecluie. even. A i 1, �catrlof�•doat#s=" same time, rfi.,,. doing new schedule with categories, ete: "I don't see fthis buying peace," commented TriiStee Blackstone. He and other trustees seeined to. feel that would be ibest in the long ruit.to give thorough'sttidy to taking any action. Yet, they felt "at same time that they had US give the teacherS. something right 'aWay to keep them from getting -toe dissatisfied. - - Trustee Shore suggested that the board wait, prepare a schedule during ' the summer months and. present it to the teachers for their opinioris' in the fall. The new sehedule could be put into effect Also, it would be Wise- to ex- amine the new Schedule being brought cult by the teachers' feder- ations before the board did any. thing, he said,. tion by Trustee Aberhart that he didn't want to do anything for the teachers. "I'm sick arid tired of throwing money away and not getting any- thing in return," explained Trustee Chairman, who can be bought . . and I feel that that is what we are doing, because ,the increases have not been justified." He added that he objected to the board "making the first step 'with - out knowing what the last step is." Was If Fair? Dr. Leitch stated that the board must face the question of whether it was combletely fair `to give better salaries to those who are just joining the staff without, giv- ing equal consideration to those in senior positions, on the present staff. If the hoard. felt _it .wasn't comDletely fair, it should do some, thing about it, he said. It was then moved, by Trustee Aberhart, seconded by Dr. Leitch, that the Minimum salary level be raised $300 in two stages—$100 in September, plus $200 in January. Trustee Shore moved an amend-, ment that the board consider in-. creasing the minimum salary when it considers a new schedule to be presented to the teachers at the beginning of • the, next terin in September. Part of the- increase should be paid starting in January' and part starting in September, 1959, he proposed.. The whole matter should ' be wrapped up at one time, not piece- meal, he said. But his amend- ment failed to get a seconder and the original motion carried. The following day, members of the teaching staff met and accept- ed the board's offer, ppr the steel bridge. loc t- . ed on ,the old pertipa 'of Uighw the' 'Baiheld River, 'span appro., „- imately 320: feet. The. succesallAk 'bidder- to remove" tile structure, at, his • own et.pense and leave, the, 'the office -ofIthe!,undersigned;:.A 'certified,- Oh.eque ••payable to ',the ,Corporation ipctOty, -of the full .aniount of- the bid' fiS be included with each tender. The highest or any tender not necessar- ily. accepted. 'County Engineer, County of Huron. -22 SEPTIC tankti, cP88-909161 etc., pumPed and .cleaned with modern Write or phone-Leuts Blalfe;-Rat, Brussel 10-32x FOR ificial insemination .service or more information telePhone the Waterloo Cattle " Breeding Associ- ation collect at Chnton.'111.1 .24441 supply ,service to top iluality bona of the Holstein, Jersey, Alirshire, Guernsey, Brown. Swiss, R,ed Poll., Hereford (Polled and herned) )3eef Shorthorn, (polled and herned), and Dual 'Purpose . 'Shorthorn, - Angus and,' Charolaise .hreedS.,, The cost 15. Cards of Thanlis GUY Ives & Sons—Contractors— Phone Carlow 1612. Fire Chief chimneys, Cosy-aire fireplace and roofieg supplies. •Terms to suit your budget. " 23-24 SID .Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, deskS, etc. custom made; also kit- chen cupboards and furniture re, pairs. 184 Gibbons street, plibne thank all those who sent me flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in Goderich hos- pital. I would also like to thank Dr. G. F. Mills and nurses and staff who were so kind to me. Mrs. Ross, Tjchborne,. 22x PERSONALS 18. Births • GEoRGE,—At St. Joseph's Hos- - pital, London, May 18, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon George (nee Margaret Tigert), of Lon- don, a daughter, Peggy Lorraine. GODtFREY.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on May 22, 1958, to ,Mr. and Mrs, Howard Godfrey, Goderich, on May 26, 1958, to PINDER.—At Luxembouig, on May 20, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Gorden, Pinder, a, son, Jahatpordon. RODGER.—At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on May 22, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. William Rodger, (nee Jean Chapman); of Blyth, a son, David Darrell. al, Goderich, on May 27, 1958, Sheldon, Godbrich, a son. • 20. Public Notice CA,RPENTRY, building, remodel. ling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softepers, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. 1Q -13x SHARPEN" THOSE TOOLS! Saws: hand and electric, etc. — hand or power lawn mowers — axes wet ground, also cutlery. Homar, Huron road, opposite store.. Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. N.Crich, MW road; were:: �Mr. and Mrs.. John Hall, .Kincardine; Michigan, :Mr. and Mrs, Ira Brinker, Ubly,bMichigan; • and Mrs. "Byrn Erb, Stratford. '�Mr. and Mrs. Young,' of Toronto' were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winter. Mr., and Mrs. Jas. MacAdam and son, Bobby, Of Torpnto - spent ' the week -end • with Mr, .MaeAdam's mother, Mrs. Jas. tMacAdam, New- gate•street. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stevens and son,„ have•'returned' to Cornwallis, .dpi,$., after afl Visit :with the • lady's' parents; Mr. and «Mrs. Geo. Sander- son. Sgt. and • ''Mrs. Eric McAllister and family, of Catnp Borden, visit- ed last week with Mrs Annie Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris, of Toronto, visited at the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett ;Harris. - Miss Cora D. Driver and Miss Joan E. Fitzpatrick, both, of Gotie- �h„ are-wainon.g.µ.khe suceessLuL students to graduate from the 'Nursing School of the University ' bf Western. Ontario. ' Mrs. H. A. Dickinson and Rich- ard, of Windsor, renewed acquaint- ances in- town at the week -end. Rev. Dickinson was preaching at the anniversary services in Auburn. Mr.... and Mrs. -J. C. Read, of Elmira, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGuire. • Constable Donald, Westover, Who has been with the Ontario Prop KdnlX'Qiltet begr Poste 'ti t` a',ipdert C ns b�e' "W s ver's fat , liars ,, estever, was '.A.* en eer. iad la�rr�ed in �odi�xtoi�, ",�h 'children Utnre.' garry Silverton, of Toronto, were recent guests Miss.C. McClinton, (Freceil't guests at the tome of. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney .and Brenda, of Toronto, " Recent'guests with Mr. and tliks. W. Weptlake were: Mr. and Mrs. *dell etritiAttrAti daughter, BettY Jane ; ter Of Mrs, OsherVe 4.4 received her. degree 1.4.PhYste, Occupational TheraPY, to her home on IfighthOUSe Stree,t after slending the. winter m'ontha 'with h4brother,4r.-Win. Gordon, • DOG TAGS--pOGS, RUNNING AT LARGE.—Dog tags are past due and should be obtained' at once, •Dogs are not permitted to run at , large during the period—May 1st! to September •30th; Any dog rtin-1 ning• at large maY be impounded. If the dog has a tag on, it will be , field 72 hours if necessary. Dogs,/ )vithout tag.s- may he destroyed at -22 Mrs. Helen Whitmore, of:Clrex,ry Chase, Maryland, and her sister,. of Toronto, were callers on Tues- day at the Newton Davies and -sisters' home and,alse spent a -week at the Davies' cottage at Kintail 'Mr. Reg. Matheson, of -Port Col- borne, visited last w,eelt-end with his sister, Miss Isabelle Matheson, St. Patrick •street, Donald Chisholm, son df Mr: and Mrs. 'Ben Chisholm, has'tsuccess- fully completed an engineering technology course at the Ryerson, Institute of , Technology, Toronto. He has , accepted a position with Kenting Aviation 'Limited, of Tor- onto and 0Shawa. On Tuesclay he left Toronto for Bailin Island where he' will spend' the summer as an airborne profile recorder 'with 'headquarters at Frobisher Bay. 21. 13as-in-is& Notice VISIT OR PHONE RpID'S NEW ' Upholstering Shop, 48 'EaSt street. Phon-e 1534 'til 9 p.m. fot an estimate. We have the coKer- CO-OPERATORS' Insurance, auto, home, liability, aceident and sick- ness. Geo. Turton; Gode- rich; phone "Carlow 179, or at Hu.tchinson's Radio and TV, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons. -20tf . Victoria Street United Church SUMMER ORDER OF, SERVICES 10 A.m. Bible School. A. B. Class. d1 a.m. Worship and Primary .Church.ANursery at Parsonage. 10 a.m. First B'enmiller morning service. 3 km. ,Union Cburch after SUnday School.' MINISTER, REV. 'ORGANIST, MR. FRANK BISSETT. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. At. WATERC.60 SUNDAy, 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 4.m. PRAISE AND WORSHIP. 7,30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Servicei-8 p.m. Rev. R. J. Green (Pastor) GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE, folloWeil by the Ordinance 43.4 the Lord's Supper. •(.11unior Congregation and Nursery during morning service). 7 p.m. The Fellowship Hour. TUESDAY, -7.30 p.m.—JUNIOR CHOIR CONCERT. c e to If he Church That Cares 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11, a.m. Morning Worship, Wed. 7.30 p.nri. Prayer and Bible StudY Hour. Free Methodist church Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor SUNPAY SERVICES Have You Renewed' Your Subscription to— the -§iiritatEtir e wopld 'like to thank I ...,Hotton and Sons .forthe opportunity. of remodelling new offices for the Dearborn §teel Tubing (Cinada) Ltd. plent, which will open in the near future. BRUCE ..E...:RYAN. BUILDING; CONTRACTOR GODERICH -22 WEST1NGHOU,SE WITH LIFT -OUT ELEMENTS REMEMBER You Can Be SURE If It's ---WESTING1101iSf-- AND You Can Be Twice As Sure If You Get It From WILF, REINHART'S TV 22 33: -EAST- itPligigiii JUNE 2nd to JULY 3rd PHONE 1206 TWQ-F9R-ONE BOOK' SALk in co-operation with Grosset tit „Dunlap, Inc. Such famotis books as THE BOBBSEY TWiNS, NANCY DREW MYSTERIES, THE HARDY`BOYS, etc. 2 for $1:29 Regular Price --$1.29 SALE PRICE — Watch for Books and Advertising in Our Windows — • Ideal For Sandwichqs,--:Cold, Plates Gold Sear—Fancy Red . - SOC EYE, SALMON • . • DO YOU NOW K ....„ O THAT WE STOCK I:FLASH BULBS, for _your : Projection' Lamps for • • • • your movie projectors .90te APPLIANCES FOR S'ALE5' cf. SERVICE • 2 SPECIAL! 1 -LB. ECONOMICAL SPREAD 1 REGULAR • •'• PKG. TULIP MARGARINE 490 TENDER 'AND SWEET — FANCY QUALITY' SPECIAL!' STOKELY'S PE s - , %a 300 SPILADA ,TEA !ft- AGS OF 60 PKG. 190' THE FAVOURITE OF MILLIONS — ORANGE PEKOE FACIAL SOFT TOILET TISSUE' . .PURE71 TISSUE 200 2 , SPECIAL! . N , „ E Ili N. ai4' 41 11 A L 1 T y P R 0, . D Ug; Ts. p:RSEll: .VEN BAKED IN TOMATO SAUCE . HEINZ BEANS IDE'AL FOR QUICK LUNCHES SPECIALI HEINZ SPAGHETTI 3 4.51-1.C1I. IN TOMATO SAUCE r COO,KED ADDS ZEST TO ANY MEAL ! — PURE TOMATO 2 ...AL, 10 lb. bag 39c New Cabbage' ..CALIFCANIA, Sweat- ind Juicy Sunki5t, Oranges HEINZ HEINZ INFANT OR JUNIOR HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO HEINZ—ASSORTED INFANT ICE JAR 370 DQMINION PEANUT BUTTER 11-13 SHORTCAKE LAYER each 25c Bicycle licenace, must t ined by May 31. The following particulars are re wed:— , OWNER'S NAME Champion — MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT CAT FOOD 2- 41127c DINNERS , ra. tor "ST. WILLIAMS (With Added Pectin/ MIX YOUR OWN SOFT DRINK ' PLUM JAM 390. ,FRESHIES PKGs- 290 SHORTCAKE LTZ:/50 RAGS pg°074100 830 .Bologlia PAPER , SLICED By' the piece lb. pkg. 53c lb. 37c Conducted by col. -ahd Mrs. C. N. Warrander. 2.30 pin. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. - Bright singing, testimonies „ and Gospel messages. MAKE: RENEWAL: TRANSFER: MEN'S LADIES' •JUVENILE CONTEST AT DOMINION If you do not have last year's slip , issued with 'y -our license, cut out and usa' the aboVe form. TOWN. CLERICS OFFICE, GODE4ICH Get FREE Entry Forrns and Contest Details at your iocai DOMINION ORM SATURDAY, MAY 31