HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-29, Page 5• nun, 11111U4tSPAY; MAN MA,' 1958 Hers's a grand oppor. lunity to stock up Our ti***r. -suvinglliVw; 744#7 sary to buy a dollar's worth of all ono .1(1d. • , If you wish, you may buy a mixed selection. in into hd teh%4149409r :1479177,11„C:13,‘ •4 Irodli*Ailamor1th- articles .94 display a large sketch which lie had done some years. ago. TQA:whnis'amsUor;rriiejlec,, e 74; the r drawing he had made of the the Goderich iMemorial Arena several years ago. His name -is on the -bottom -of the sketch. For some Year's it wag on north wall of the arena and specta- tors faced .it wlrn - Queen" was played. ' NaW it's the Museum. • • • L. ••:•••••:;',,•;:',::*:•;;••••'*i';'••••••'*.f.•*"*.''''.;.'::...;:l'::: • •••:•:,.../..p.,•;;:,:,..$;•44,•,,,,,,,,,••• ••(•??.••• • • ••• • 4 e Torortt� .artist mrbil *dig n weekend was Jai k00014;-- , over the we4c..44 with his friend, Maj,k. Murray :Mc.. -00414, iirpgig street. • The two - mely mot 14t in KorOelopheee Major MacDonald was serving with .Canadian•ATO.14 Both wata War correspond,- ent for the SotiOant Press. '41/lajor „IlViedDenald, after lengthy lolilay at bisrilome here, leaves, for Ottawa- 'next • week. Then, on Jue. 18, he " dies from Vancouver for posting' #.1 Inde -China. 4 Somestrike Fancy Quality Cohoe Reg. tin 37g -SAVE 110 SALMON 3 ws tins 1.00 Res: pkg-37c-S*Vi lie Mt_ Stoney ereek Reg. tin 35c -SAVE '5c BORELLW M(Kim_ A tins_ too Betty Crocker t0sii4pucRE • • • • • • Ann Rque ." . , 0, •-• • . ' 'Reg.okar 35c -SAVE 5c PE#NUT BUTTER° ,' 3.16:021;s 1.00 'lReg. 2 -Ib 55c --,SAVE 10o :_i** -1.' GARRINE ' Mira -.:i , Reg. pkg'29--SAVE 16o GARBAGE BAGS 4 pkgs of 20 1 .00 , Fancy Quality, Reg. tin 310 -SAVE 24c A&P TOMATO JUICE,-..: , 4 48 -oz tins 1.00 . , • • ,Chef-Boy.Ar.Dee -..,, ”,•: RePrilin,29cL-SAVE 16c BEEFARONI . if, 4 go,..tkir)s 1.00 Choice Quality Reg. tin 23c -,-SAVE 150 *CHES ..._ -,., 44. , e 5 20 -oz tirts1.00 A&P Deep .Brown Reg. tin 210 -SAVE So LIBBY'S BEANS- 5 2CLoz.tins 1..00 . „ Maple Leiii.,.._ Req. II? 210 -SAVE 5o LAR , _...,..:. .,:,• _._, -5-1-16pkgs-11-.00-- -- -- ....,....._..._ , Choice Quality , , Reg. tin 22q -SAVE 10o ' Ada TOMATOES, 5-28-oziirts 1.00. The Foaming Cleanser .. Rai. 2 tins 35* -SAVE 5o SUPER, AJAX ' 6 14,o. tinstoo . Green Giant Reg..2 tins Si*L-SAVE 110 MUSTS Mandarin ; Reg. 2 tins 37c-.SAVP 110 ORANGES woz nn tins Kellogg's RICE CRISPIES Choihe Quality •AfigP PEAS Evaporated A&P MILK t . 4 , Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 31c -SAVE 9c Rep. 2 pkgs Sic -SAVE li•e 6 51/2 -oz pkgs 1.00 • Reg. 2 tins 33c7 -SAVE" 16o , 720 -oz tins 1.00 , ,8PECIAL I 7:16 -oz tins1.00,' APPLESAUCE 7 15-qz tins 1.00 ,o• iety DOG FOOD 0 20 -oz tins 1.00 2c Off Deal • :Nuko'n Club (Ciintenti` Only) " GINGER 'ALE Interlake'Whit; Cross TOILET TISSUE • • Seacliffe Small • WHOLE POTATOES 'MP 6,1 8 30 -oz btls 1.00 Reg. 2 for 27o -SAVE Sc 8 rolls 1.00 Reg. 2 tins 29c -SAVE 8 20 -oz lins1.00 FiffSitl FIIIIIT liffETA PI SPECIALS California New 'Crop' )40.1 Grade Long White FL •lit - The Delectable, Tropical Fruit - Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS lbs 9c foki- Califorkia, No. 1 t..": jthcy, Fresh - A&P Label LE ONS Icello pkgs Of 4 29c No. i Graile,'-Cuban Red Spanish, Jumbo-Size,9 . • Each " New -At -Their Elest,- California Fancy Valencia 35o ss ORANGES . 5 -ib cello bag 79c ' 'PINEAPPLES 3 f1.00 , OUR, APPLES ARE PACKED UNDUE A&P LABEL, _ Finest For Eating Crisp, Fancy), McIntosh Red . Finest For Fies - Juicy Red Fancy Northern troy 3 -lb cello bag '15 Sc APPLES APPLES cello bag 5 5c'. Louisia FIbtind Btringless, New Spring Crop, Na. '1 Grade , Han'cl.Selected Quality, No, 1 Grade, Texas, Fresh' •," • • rift • • • Oh oh ai -GREEN BEANS 2, lbs. 3 --jc TOMATOES picg Lc Florida, Tender Sweet, No. 1 Grade, Pascal -CELERY-STALKS 1.9c •-1110WATTHEIR PEAK • FRESH STIMMIBERRIES Liquid Detergent 'GAY Lawra'son's • FLUSHO ". Pi I Isburr$0! Sweet Milk BISCUITS •ip Ching Lily • • BEEF 'CHOP SUEY • Amy Black Diamond Old Matured White CHEESE 5 Flavours artrAt4rIVER" AGNS"4"wldriartittli9e Raiff Parkay 20 -oz btl 59c „ 11/2 -lb tin 2,5c 8-oi pkg 19c • 20 -oz tin °A7c lb 69c MARGARINE ' Chef -By -A; -Deo _ Plait ,DAD'S COOKIES Club House RICE FLOUR Club House - POTATO ,FLOUR 2, 1 -lb pkgs 55, 'n33 pkg of 12 31 8 -oz pkg 15c 2 8 -oz pkgs 3 3c • DARE'S - DESSERT CHOCOLATE WAFERS 16 -oz pkg 3 7,, -HARRY MINE DOliBLE, CREAM CUSTARD 12 -oz p. g 44.• DEEP CUT SPECIALS Libby's TOMATO J.UICEFivd . Ros'FLO.etiR AniniigiSeAD DRESSING Wade• , ,TEA -BAGS Reg. tin 36o -SAVE 11e 48-pz tins 59c Reg. 4.1c ---"S °NE 2o 3-9r Reg. 33c -SAVE 4c 16 -Oz jar 29t SPECIAL 1 box of 6075c New::.:SfARLIT-..YOURIEjf GIANT 114CTIONRY OXFORDANTERNAT'10 L UNABRIDGED b CTI NARY IN .16 SECTIONS -AND A DELUXE 'BINDER 99 SECT 60P4 SALE • THIS WEEK FOR WITH ANY PURCHASE SECTIONAONE STILL AVAILABLE' FOR 25c SECTIONS 27'43 '4 AND 5 AVAILABLE FOR 99c EACH DELUXE BINDER - $1.98 . BAKERY SPECPIS BAKED IN ,QWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Pay -key APPLE PIE • Jane Parker Orange ' " ‘, * CHIIFFCIIN. CAKE . Jane Parker rtIain,,..Suoar or Cinnamo) DONUTS CRACKED WHEAT BREAD Jane Park�r DROP COOKIES FANCY RED SOCKEYE. , 1 . Reg. 59c.4 -SAVE 10c each 49c Reg. 59c -SAVE 10c 'each 49t Reg. 1' pkg 29c -SAVE 9c pkgsof 12 49c Reg. loaf i8 -AVE -'3c 2 24 oz loaves 3 3 c Reb. 35c-4AVE 6o " °kg 29c FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS - r er s Reg.,2 for 39c--8AVE 170 PEAS 6 12'67 Pkgs 1 .00 Ventura Fordhook Reg. each 27c-SAVE*130 ?---LIPAA113EAN-S4 -rr !A's tip • Prices In This Ad Guircrlifeed Through Sat., ROBERT l.CO'Cl LIXTIFOgbit? of -Mr: and. Mrs. Leo Ouellette, 55 Bruce street W., who received his iB.A. in Honors 'Philosophy from St. Peter's College of Arts at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario convoc- ation on Saturday. He is now studying 'theology at St. Peter's $rtArY, beeden• Summer Plans. Include Flying, Technology Study • (By Briane P. AcLean) This year aitiout 20 Air Cadets from Goderich and' vicinity will attend summer training courses in .various parts of Ontaria. ClaCt§7F/IS.' W. Brown, St.. A.. McNee and Sgt. W. Kerr will at- tend a six-week flying course at the London Flying Club. At the corn': pletion of the course, each will • receive a private pilot's licence. To provide training in air force technology, .the RCAF holds an eight-week • course- vat different pointsacross- the country in con- nection with' the Reserve Trades Training Plan. Sgt. Finnigan will represent ;Maitland Squadron in Toronto. While two other cadets,, W'OZtowfishend, and LAC 'Cureell have been nomiliated, this has .not yet been conifirmeci. The--largest-and- most widely known of all Air Cadet undertak- ings is the summer camp held each_ "year at air. force stations all across eanada. Last year the squadron went to Greenwood, Nova Scotia, and this year will be back In home 'territory at RCAF Station, Clinton, -j-Ust 12 miles' from Goderich, The attendance will be slightly larger this year with some 16 cadets e,x- ,pected to go. In connection • with this camp. an NCO,' s course will be held and applicants are Flight Sgt. B. 'Mc- Lean, Cpl. P. 'McIver, COL P. Link - later and LAC J. Bisset. The dates, by' the 'way, are July 27 to August 9. This should add up' to a pretty full summer, and a bigger and better training 'Year, come fall: ' Film Council Sees Canaclipri films r A "'AIM night't'sponsered by the Goderich antbDistelet Vm Council was „held at MacKay Hall last Fri - 'Although there, was not at • 'had - had an opportunity of viewing a aprgurVoes reso! films for demonstration The first 'film "The Family Tree" Was the best of all entries ip 1951 at the International Documentary Filth 'Festival of Sarleno, Italy. it was the story of the settlement of Canada illustrated with cheerful animated cartoons. The "Color of Life" film which received an award of Merit in 1955, and a number of wild life films were shown. Two films from the "C,apada Carries on Series," were shown, They were'-*- "Tadet HOliday," showing the training of army cadets, at Camp IpperWash On Lake Hirron and "Singing Champions," the'famous boys choir of 'St. Joseph's Univeirr! ity, N.B., winners of the Lincoln trophy as Canada's best male choir, and in 1951 ,of the famed, Inter- national Eisteddfod of Llangollen, WedA.I 'shortalet w, was decided to purchase business meeting follo a film splireer and also, to adopt a card system for the purpose of assuring the librarian that the films were in god condition. Dr. J. C. Ross, repeesentative on I, the Huron County, Film Couneil, -reported that the next meeting in Clinton would be held the, latter part'of .Jtine Loi p11 members of film councils in ille county. Miss Josie Saunders, president, told those present that in choosing' the right 'film for their, group they , would find' the new catalogue of 1958, which is in the film lib- rary, ,very helpful: • It .reteee, Mrs Frank Young Heads Jaycettes Mrs.- Frank Young was elected president of the Janette Club of Goderich at their annual meeting held' at the home of Mrs. Gus Chisholm. Others elected were: vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Trey. Ormandy; secre- tary, Mrs. Jack Mitchinson; treas- -orer, Mrs. Howird kuenzie. Installation of a new' member, Mrs. 'Charles Tyndall, was conduct- ed by MrS. Peter ,MacEwan. An- nual reports were read by, -the chairmen of the various com- mittees, An interesting report was given by Mrs. Jack Mitchinson, Jaycette delegate to the 'Ontario Convention held at Niagara Falls,. The draw for a .priM donated by Mrs. Murray Sheardown, was won by Mrs, Rod MacCuspey. At -Me- eroge -erne' meefinc,,, 1116 hostess and her committee ,erved a delicious lunch. • - Rebekalis, Observe 49th Anniversary Goderich.' RebekahLodge met TifesdaY last week with N.G. Sister Della•johnstOn Kesid- ing. 'Sister Martha Patterson, pre- sident .n.L....the Rebekah_.,;Alseinbly of Ontario, was an hanored guest, also Sister MacKenzie, assembly pla_nist- They were. accompanied by members of the Ripley Rebekah Lodge. After the business 'of the lodge, Sister Martha Patterson spoke briefly and enjoyably as did Sister Ma Fritzley, D:D,P. A few words were alSo enjoyed from the new in- ,. c 0 i eg_ o_f_ %Pie Y • ns fee- .. initiation at 'the next meeting, the first in June, were completed. A penny sale was held by'the P.N.G.'s club at the close of the meeting. A dainty lunch followed under the convenership of Sister Riley and her committee, --The birthday cake, marking the 49th annivers- aiVrWrff'cut by Sister Martha Pat- tersbn, guest of honor. S.peciaLprizes_were.Aon-h.Y-Sigier___ A. Abel, Sister Eva Mohring and Sister P. Straughan. ti• Fastest -Mile Valuable Jerry Lee, owned by Reg. McGee •& Sons. of Goderich, stepped off the fat - est mile mile of the day in 2.09 4/5 'to win the second heat of the' $350 c I ass i,a est ,fealttr.g , ,.1,b,F Strathroy Trotting Associa- tion's first racing meet of the season at Strathroy on, Sat- urday, Valuable „Jerry Lee set a hot pace to nose out , Argyel 'Tommy, owned by the Carnii, bell St ' ables of Ailsa Craig, 'uneti,ofothediratuheatninaglifl. till 611A,1 AttAlitit PACMCOM COMPANY Cab May 31st, 1958, t • . . - 7'• OBITUARY TlioyAs A. HARRISON ‘, Th,omas A. Harrison, a McKillop Township farmer, died,at his 'home on Saturday last following an ill- ness of several months. .He was born in Goderich Township„ 68 years ago, .8 son of the r late Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Harris'on an& was a member of the township council befbre he moved to McKillop Town- ship 'some years ago. He is survived by his wife, the former Annie Menzies, of Wing-- • ham, and two sons, Kenneth, of Brantford, and Keith, of •calgary, Alta., as well as one daughter, Mrs. W. A. Hodgert, of Seafortle there are also six Sisters, Mrs. Mary Smith, of Grand Bend, Mrs. George Proctor, Mrs. Lorne -Thur. low;both of Goderich, Scotatifer, of EgitiatidYille, 'Mrs Ernest Townshend, of Bayfield, and Mts. John .Williamson, of ,Vaneouv• er, and a brother, James Harrison,. of Clinton, surviving. The funeral was on Tuesday from Box funeral home, Seaforth, .with interment in the Bayfield cemetery. Mrs. Thurlow, Mrs, Proctor, Mrs.. ChaS. McCabe and Miss Helen Ful- ford, all of Goderich, attended the funeral. HAVE YOU REN WED, YOUR eigcLE PLANS PICNIC The Way meeting of the Su hset Circle was held at' thtfchorne of Mrs, .,Maude Jewel! dn. May ,49. fl__EPAgib • ra. Larder and Mrs, boulder •gave their report of the spring banquet at London. Plans were made for the, picnic to be held soon. Mrs. Kelly won the mystery prize and Mrs. Maude Jewell, the shut-in's 'prize. 44v WM. or CRIPTION .1'. 41. " • ... .. . ... A , • .. . a , ., .,,,.. ..: LAITY .. . .. . • . , . . RED or BLUE BRAND • • ti. BLADE BONE REMOVED , . , . , ' .. , . , SEA SEALED BEEF . - . , COOKED SCALLOS . . . . . . . . - 7 -oz pkg, _ . . „ . lb . FULA. CUT . 0 . ,• . . ‘ . . , .Alli . , . . ,..., . . . . . . Banquet BBrand Frozen Extra Leal; . - Burns -Liver --- MINCED ...i:=EE Essex Brand - Macaroni and lib pkg 5 9, a, • 't' Ilehiceiaer.1.5 . . " . „:, .1 jg C s 12 -oz bowl 3 9c H, ,... . 1 .7...- .&-Bacon Fresh Boiled • LoBsTERs ;Sea Seared .s, , ‘ , 8-0 z &A-45 C '• ' • • - • -CHICKEN, TURKEY or BEEF 1to11/4 lb average lb 8 9c . .... ';: .. . • ..• . FOR p ,,, , 1-1b. pkg, 5 9c -, ' ,..t.,..,....r, _ .. FiffSitl FIIIIIT liffETA PI SPECIALS California New 'Crop' )40.1 Grade Long White FL •lit - The Delectable, Tropical Fruit - Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS lbs 9c foki- Califorkia, No. 1 t..": jthcy, Fresh - A&P Label LE ONS Icello pkgs Of 4 29c No. i Graile,'-Cuban Red Spanish, Jumbo-Size,9 . • Each " New -At -Their Elest,- California Fancy Valencia 35o ss ORANGES . 5 -ib cello bag 79c ' 'PINEAPPLES 3 f1.00 , OUR, APPLES ARE PACKED UNDUE A&P LABEL, _ Finest For Eating Crisp, Fancy), McIntosh Red . Finest For Fies - Juicy Red Fancy Northern troy 3 -lb cello bag '15 Sc APPLES APPLES cello bag 5 5c'. Louisia FIbtind Btringless, New Spring Crop, Na. '1 Grade , Han'cl.Selected Quality, No, 1 Grade, Texas, Fresh' •," • • rift • • • Oh oh ai -GREEN BEANS 2, lbs. 3 --jc TOMATOES picg Lc Florida, Tender Sweet, No. 1 Grade, Pascal -CELERY-STALKS 1.9c •-1110WATTHEIR PEAK • FRESH STIMMIBERRIES Liquid Detergent 'GAY Lawra'son's • FLUSHO ". Pi I Isburr$0! Sweet Milk BISCUITS •ip Ching Lily • • BEEF 'CHOP SUEY • Amy Black Diamond Old Matured White CHEESE 5 Flavours artrAt4rIVER" AGNS"4"wldriartittli9e Raiff Parkay 20 -oz btl 59c „ 11/2 -lb tin 2,5c 8-oi pkg 19c • 20 -oz tin °A7c lb 69c MARGARINE ' Chef -By -A; -Deo _ Plait ,DAD'S COOKIES Club House RICE FLOUR Club House - POTATO ,FLOUR 2, 1 -lb pkgs 55, 'n33 pkg of 12 31 8 -oz pkg 15c 2 8 -oz pkgs 3 3c • DARE'S - DESSERT CHOCOLATE WAFERS 16 -oz pkg 3 7,, -HARRY MINE DOliBLE, CREAM CUSTARD 12 -oz p. g 44.• DEEP CUT SPECIALS Libby's TOMATO J.UICEFivd . Ros'FLO.etiR AniniigiSeAD DRESSING Wade• , ,TEA -BAGS Reg. tin 36o -SAVE 11e 48-pz tins 59c Reg. 4.1c ---"S °NE 2o 3-9r Reg. 33c -SAVE 4c 16 -Oz jar 29t SPECIAL 1 box of 6075c New::.:SfARLIT-..YOURIEjf GIANT 114CTIONRY OXFORDANTERNAT'10 L UNABRIDGED b CTI NARY IN .16 SECTIONS -AND A DELUXE 'BINDER 99 SECT 60P4 SALE • THIS WEEK FOR WITH ANY PURCHASE SECTIONAONE STILL AVAILABLE' FOR 25c SECTIONS 27'43 '4 AND 5 AVAILABLE FOR 99c EACH DELUXE BINDER - $1.98 . BAKERY SPECPIS BAKED IN ,QWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Pay -key APPLE PIE • Jane Parker Orange ' " ‘, * CHIIFFCIIN. CAKE . Jane Parker rtIain,,..Suoar or Cinnamo) DONUTS CRACKED WHEAT BREAD Jane Park�r DROP COOKIES FANCY RED SOCKEYE. , 1 . Reg. 59c.4 -SAVE 10c each 49c Reg. 59c -SAVE 10c 'each 49t Reg. 1' pkg 29c -SAVE 9c pkgsof 12 49c Reg. loaf i8 -AVE -'3c 2 24 oz loaves 3 3 c Reb. 35c-4AVE 6o " °kg 29c FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS - r er s Reg.,2 for 39c--8AVE 170 PEAS 6 12'67 Pkgs 1 .00 Ventura Fordhook Reg. each 27c-SAVE*130 ?---LIPAA113EAN-S4 -rr !A's tip • Prices In This Ad Guircrlifeed Through Sat., ROBERT l.CO'Cl LIXTIFOgbit? of -Mr: and. Mrs. Leo Ouellette, 55 Bruce street W., who received his iB.A. in Honors 'Philosophy from St. Peter's College of Arts at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario convoc- ation on Saturday. He is now studying 'theology at St. Peter's $rtArY, beeden• Summer Plans. Include Flying, Technology Study • (By Briane P. AcLean) This year aitiout 20 Air Cadets from Goderich and' vicinity will attend summer training courses in .various parts of Ontaria. ClaCt§7F/IS.' W. Brown, St.. A.. McNee and Sgt. W. Kerr will at- tend a six-week flying course at the London Flying Club. At the corn': pletion of the course, each will • receive a private pilot's licence. To provide training in air force technology, .the RCAF holds an eight-week • course- vat different pointsacross- the country in con- nection with' the Reserve Trades Training Plan. Sgt. Finnigan will represent ;Maitland Squadron in Toronto. While two other cadets,, W'OZtowfishend, and LAC 'Cureell have been nomiliated, this has .not yet been conifirmeci. The--largest-and- most widely known of all Air Cadet undertak- ings is the summer camp held each_ "year at air. force stations all across eanada. Last year the squadron went to Greenwood, Nova Scotia, and this year will be back In home 'territory at RCAF Station, Clinton, -j-Ust 12 miles' from Goderich, The attendance will be slightly larger this year with some 16 cadets e,x- ,pected to go. In connection • with this camp. an NCO,' s course will be held and applicants are Flight Sgt. B. 'Mc- Lean, Cpl. P. 'McIver, COL P. Link - later and LAC J. Bisset. The dates, by' the 'way, are July 27 to August 9. This should add up' to a pretty full summer, and a bigger and better training 'Year, come fall: ' Film Council Sees Canaclipri films r A "'AIM night't'sponsered by the Goderich antbDistelet Vm Council was „held at MacKay Hall last Fri - 'Although there, was not at • 'had - had an opportunity of viewing a aprgurVoes reso! films for demonstration The first 'film "The Family Tree" Was the best of all entries ip 1951 at the International Documentary Filth 'Festival of Sarleno, Italy. it was the story of the settlement of Canada illustrated with cheerful animated cartoons. The "Color of Life" film which received an award of Merit in 1955, and a number of wild life films were shown. Two films from the "C,apada Carries on Series," were shown, They were'-*- "Tadet HOliday," showing the training of army cadets, at Camp IpperWash On Lake Hirron and "Singing Champions," the'famous boys choir of 'St. Joseph's Univeirr! ity, N.B., winners of the Lincoln trophy as Canada's best male choir, and in 1951 ,of the famed, Inter- national Eisteddfod of Llangollen, WedA.I 'shortalet w, was decided to purchase business meeting follo a film splireer and also, to adopt a card system for the purpose of assuring the librarian that the films were in god condition. Dr. J. C. Ross, repeesentative on I, the Huron County, Film Couneil, -reported that the next meeting in Clinton would be held the, latter part'of .Jtine Loi p11 members of film councils in ille county. Miss Josie Saunders, president, told those present that in choosing' the right 'film for their, group they , would find' the new catalogue of 1958, which is in the film lib- rary, ,very helpful: • It .reteee, Mrs Frank Young Heads Jaycettes Mrs.- Frank Young was elected president of the Janette Club of Goderich at their annual meeting held' at the home of Mrs. Gus Chisholm. Others elected were: vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Trey. Ormandy; secre- tary, Mrs. Jack Mitchinson; treas- -orer, Mrs. Howird kuenzie. Installation of a new' member, Mrs. 'Charles Tyndall, was conduct- ed by MrS. Peter ,MacEwan. An- nual reports were read by, -the chairmen of the various com- mittees, An interesting report was given by Mrs. Jack Mitchinson, Jaycette delegate to the 'Ontario Convention held at Niagara Falls,. The draw for a .priM donated by Mrs. Murray Sheardown, was won by Mrs, Rod MacCuspey. At -Me- eroge -erne' meefinc,,, 1116 hostess and her committee ,erved a delicious lunch. • - Rebekalis, Observe 49th Anniversary Goderich.' RebekahLodge met TifesdaY last week with N.G. Sister Della•johnstOn Kesid- ing. 'Sister Martha Patterson, pre- sident .n.L....the Rebekah_.,;Alseinbly of Ontario, was an hanored guest, also Sister MacKenzie, assembly pla_nist- They were. accompanied by members of the Ripley Rebekah Lodge. After the business 'of the lodge, Sister Martha Patterson spoke briefly and enjoyably as did Sister Ma Fritzley, D:D,P. A few words were alSo enjoyed from the new in- ,. c 0 i eg_ o_f_ %Pie Y • ns fee- .. initiation at 'the next meeting, the first in June, were completed. A penny sale was held by'the P.N.G.'s club at the close of the meeting. A dainty lunch followed under the convenership of Sister Riley and her committee, --The birthday cake, marking the 49th annivers- aiVrWrff'cut by Sister Martha Pat- tersbn, guest of honor. S.peciaLprizes_were.Aon-h.Y-Sigier___ A. Abel, Sister Eva Mohring and Sister P. Straughan. ti• Fastest -Mile Valuable Jerry Lee, owned by Reg. McGee •& Sons. of Goderich, stepped off the fat - est mile mile of the day in 2.09 4/5 'to win the second heat of the' $350 c I ass i,a est ,fealttr.g , ,.1,b,F Strathroy Trotting Associa- tion's first racing meet of the season at Strathroy on, Sat- urday, Valuable „Jerry Lee set a hot pace to nose out , Argyel 'Tommy, owned by the Carnii, bell St ' ables of Ailsa Craig, 'uneti,ofothediratuheatninaglifl. till 611A,1 AttAlitit PACMCOM COMPANY Cab May 31st, 1958, t • . . - 7'• OBITUARY TlioyAs A. HARRISON ‘, Th,omas A. Harrison, a McKillop Township farmer, died,at his 'home on Saturday last following an ill- ness of several months. .He was born in Goderich Township„ 68 years ago, .8 son of the r late Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Harris'on an& was a member of the township council befbre he moved to McKillop Town- ship 'some years ago. He is survived by his wife, the former Annie Menzies, of Wing-- • ham, and two sons, Kenneth, of Brantford, and Keith, of •calgary, Alta., as well as one daughter, Mrs. W. A. Hodgert, of Seafortle there are also six Sisters, Mrs. Mary Smith, of Grand Bend, Mrs. George Proctor, Mrs. Lorne -Thur. low;both of Goderich, Scotatifer, of EgitiatidYille, 'Mrs Ernest Townshend, of Bayfield, and Mts. John .Williamson, of ,Vaneouv• er, and a brother, James Harrison,. of Clinton, surviving. The funeral was on Tuesday from Box funeral home, Seaforth, .with interment in the Bayfield cemetery. Mrs. Thurlow, Mrs, Proctor, Mrs.. ChaS. McCabe and Miss Helen Ful- ford, all of Goderich, attended the funeral. HAVE YOU REN WED, YOUR eigcLE PLANS PICNIC The Way meeting of the Su hset Circle was held at' thtfchorne of Mrs, .,Maude Jewel! dn. May ,49. fl__EPAgib • ra. Larder and Mrs, boulder •gave their report of the spring banquet at London. Plans were made for the, picnic to be held soon. Mrs. Kelly won the mystery prize and Mrs. Maude Jewell, the shut-in's 'prize. 44v WM. or CRIPTION .1'. 41. " •