HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-11-27, Page 3r.
Mica axle ease 2 for...
Sunshine Stove Polish. six
cts 4^
25 Y
boxes for ".... . 25 ,
Shoe Blacking, 6boxes for 25
Steellflaila, 3 to ti in , 2 ail
4 gallons Cost Oil... .... 70
4 gals do., (t't aterwhite).. 1 09"
Annealed wire, per 100 lbs 5 90
fiat wire L4 - 4, 5 50
Plain strap wit •` " 5 50re
Fite " ,, 100 (L.
0 Cot . ren "" 2 75 1~
Horseshoe nails, 0, per box 2 75 '
'el Chesnut Coal per ton..... (""i
No- t Coit . "
Blacksmiths Coal per ton, 6 00
r Brilliant Penensular cook 15 (10 r-
r -I Famous Wood Stove.... 18 00 '-'f
,1Z• See these Star• s and other
Heating & Coal Stoves ene
Lor Ix fore buying,
i 1 No. 9 Tin Bader for.., .. , 2 00 aer
i-1 No. 2 Daisy Churn 4 50 ree
.tio.:i Daley Churn 5 50 1';
ca Toilet Soaps. -foil true; i:lr trite,
• Ruselan,
t..* -Dried AppesSheep
Skins, Hides: -
14 Fergie etc , taken m Exchange;.
tr�,1 Exeter Roller- Flour on
Baud at $2 CO ,per cwt.
JAS. N. EQ''ARB, Propri6tor
W. H. NONGUR, _ I1aAwp'er
The National Teachers' Association
will meet in Toronto In July, when h
is expeetei 12.060 teachers will be
A large lynx was killed in the woods
north of West Lorne last week. The
animal was about six feet long, and
was placed an exhibitlou nn the village.
Cablegrams state that Canadian cat-
tle landing in Groat Britain are in a
badly damaged eontlltton. The Gas•
isus is reported as having lost 100
Winnipeg Nov. 21. -Abl. Andrews
and wife wore drowned rn the Assiut'.
tomo 4tver on Saturday evening.
They were out skating for little emir.
Oise before dinner, and while going in
an easterly dnreetien near Mare street
bridge they dropped Into ahole about
50 fent square.
" Charles Clew, a (1 T. R. brakQman,
residing with his parents in London,
met arible death betweeu 8 and 9
o'clock lilay morning. He was put•
ting on the brake of a car on a gravel
tram running from Iiomoka to Strath-
roy, when he fell beneath the wheels,
the caboose passing over his chest and
literally cutting him in halves.
Ottawa, Ont, Nov 18. -Complete re-
turns of the sealing operations of the
British Columbia fleet for the season,.
show that 39,547 seals were taken, an
increase of 6,000 as compared with
1389 , of these 21 383 were taken oft
the coast of British Columbia, and 18.-
165 in Behring Sea. Twenty-nine ves-
sels were engaged in the business this
year. About 35 vessels will be in com-
mission next season.
Wallace M. Burdick, of the Niagara
Falls Review, died last week, aged 35.
Deceased went to that town from In-
gersoll, and began work in the Review
office on August 23rd, 1834, and con-
tinued until Nov 29th the same year,
when he went to Port Colborne and
started the Port Colborne Banner dur-
ing the latter
part of the same y
ear or
early in 1885. Be was subsequently
with the Welland and St Catharines
papers. Consumption took him oft.
$5,900, The next building, atwo story
frame, owned and occupied by J. G.
Lkene as a general store, leas on build-
ing $1,500; stock partially saved; in-
surance on building, ;5003, and on
stock, $2,t00. W. J. Fairfield, photo-
grapher, complete loss of $690; in.
surance, $300. 31ra \Falter, dress
maker, total loss; no insurance. 'Tia
fire completes the total loss by fire of
the whole business portion of the town
in f5 years, which has been rebuilt
with substantial brittle stores. only
three frame buildings now remaining
in the business portion ot the town.
A Wodstook despatch styes -•'The
public here are looking anxiously tor,
ward for the promised statement by
Rev W. 1I St Ade. in which it is hint-
ed, he will give Birchall's confession,
It is understood the clergsman wilt
give his statement to the public after
Birehali's widow leaves for the Old
Country, which will be early next
week. Your correspondent was in-
formed that Birchen did make a full
confession to his spintualadviser, end,
afterwards wrote the letter which ap-
peared in the Toronto Mail denying
that he had done so. The public aro
Inclined to accept Mr 11 a'le's version
of the affair, and what he has to say
will be interest ng."
A French syndicate has peal £50,00&1
for copper mines in enmity cork, in
the hope that g)112 may be found
rhe :^tar, the !tonne Bute paper, in
England saga alias reliable intormati 'n
that Mr. Parnell will retire from the
leadership of Irish Nationalists
stamp F
for 10
England says be has at last got a tassel;
Brattleboro stamp (American) of 1846.
Ile thinks it is tine Only st,ecimer, ee
existence, inlet le worth 4:25t).
It is believed Areliinshop Walsh. ot
Dublin, who has been summoned to
Rome, will be raised to a .041410na1ate
concurrently with the elevation of
Mgr Stoner
Mr Parnell has intlrnate,z to his
Mende that he will not resign bis
leadeislnnit uiniesi Ida party wants hent
to do so, and Ina followers protest that
they have no such wish.
lotor Rclfcr Mills,
Wheat , . 90e. to 92e. per bush
UUu SL':r441Ne PUIGIi;S.
Flour, Strong Dakees,
do Best Fatuity
do Law Glade „
Chop ..
Bran per ton, e
Middlings. `4 -
$2 75 per 100
r 35, "•
1Za 4,
70e. "
90o. iS
to 1 25 "
• $14
- 10
Chop stone runuiug every day.
'Ptid`; I XI6'r ;Lir MILLING Goy.
x,11 I►tfe>a
young, old, or widalle•aged, who find thein
t•elvea nervena, weak and exhausted, who
Euebroicen dome horn eaves, or overwork,
resulting in many of thefoll0wingsyneetom8
Meatal depression. premature old age, loss
of vitality, lass of memory, bad dreams,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart,
omissions, bolt of energy, pain is the kid•
nemFs, headache. pimpier on the face or
body, itching or reenter sensation about the
scrotum. wasting of the orgtus, (Jhelum,
sleeks before the eyes, twitehiug of the
moles. eye fiat and elsewhere, bashful•
nest three -its in the trine, loss of will purer
tenderness of the 8oalp and tiptoe, Wea!: and
flabby tense:ea, desire to sleep, failure to be
ra'aked by *Jeep, constipatiuu, .dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of te P
e snnLcusurround-
eyeses s rro
with lt'advn efreIe, oily looking skin, etc.,
are all symptoms of nervous debility that
lead to insanity nisi death unless oared.
rhe spring or viral fume having lost its
tenei0u every funetiou wanes in coneequi ace
Those who througih abuse committed in
iguorance may be perweneutly oared.
Send ;roar address for Prof: on ell diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V. Lab,,u, 50
rivet St. E., Toronto, Out. Books eclat
ire a sealed. Heed disease, the ay.anptem•,
(.leo Booth lies begun a atunping
tour of the Provinces in advo acy of
Ins swheme for the relief of the pov-
erty stricken masses of Englenci, At
Bradford the amount contributed was
AU Europe is now dimming the
consumption cure of Dr Koch, of
Berlin. So tar as known the treat.
tient consists of an injection under
the skin of a clear brownish liquid.
Tho place of injeetiotl is between the
shoulder blades. The 1'quui produce;,
constitutional disturbances, buctn as
nausea,,shivertng, rise in temper-
ature. l'he first effects soon pass. If
the pattent is in ordinary health node
ing farther ensues. Dr Koch proved
the effect on himself. If' the patient
is suffering trona scrofula a acconrinry
action begtns. It fixes upon the dis-
eased apots and proceeds to cure them.
It has not been known to do this m a
demonstrative way in consumption,
Leeause the preemie is Widen from
The use of twine by farmers in bind
ing sheaves of grain is becotning a
source of danger to the lives of cattle.
Last week two valuable cows belong.
ing to Mr William Mulock, M. P., of
Newmarket, Ont., died without known
cause. On examination the stomachs
of the dead animals were found to be
congested with undigested binding
twine, and this discovery probably
explains the loss of many other ani-
mals. Farmers should not allow the
twine taken from sheaves at thrashing
to go to waste among the straw,
Hon. E. Dewdney, fl•1:nnieter of the
Interior, and Mrs Dewdney have re.
irned from England. In aninterview
e said :-'.1 found that the McKinley
'111, instead of proving a fatal blow at
suede, has proved one of the best
things that could have happened, for
It has had the effect in England of
turning attention to Canada of thous-
ands of people who never thought of
this country before. Everywhere I
went I found sur ,rising ignorance
about the area, fertility and undevelop-
ed resources of Canada. The receut
visit of the British fanner delegates
will have esalutary effect, for they are
all men of influence, and not likely
to exaggerate one way or the other.
Re$ wiles
Spring Wneat...
Barley .,
Oats ,.,
Clover Ssed ... ,.
Ti'notiby ' ... 0•01
Peas ,•,
Corp ... ".
Eggs -. ,,.
Plourpetbbl , ..
Potatoos,perbushel „
Apples,per oag
Drier1A.pplespr b
41eeeea perlb.
Tnrlceyper lb «.
Decks nor lb I.
Chicken sperpr .,.
lfidearough, ...
" dressed
Sheepskins eacl:
wool perlb ...
ST: tIARxs
- 901(4 00 02
••* 40 80 0(4 6
3'3 to 30
,.. 150so2,
• 5?to rg
, 040 to ft
I lI t o `!(E
..: le to 015
Cato 0 C
�.. 50 to 0 5'
• 1COto1".0
• 0 480000
• O €S to t'tO
• e7 to 46
. „ 0 C5 to n 4[
.,. 0 25 to a a.
,.. 5COto55
... 400
.., 2eeto26
▪ 340tos4
• 0Seto 2
., 000t0041
▪ 01Stof2
... 5 (0 toil '
, 05+itr.E,(5
• EO to 300
Fall Wheat 0 00 0 9'
Spring Wheat 4+6' a ;t3
(+1 '2.
.«............. vis 1 7,5
Clover Send..,
1 fr ' e,
Peas 0 I n Co
Eggter ................... e
Potatoes nor bac r II
Apples perbnah........ 05."
Way perton
Bran per ton
Shorts ...
Oatrueel PeJ bbl,,
n,e 0 2r
14 61 14 ra
The Best +Goods for the Least Money.
We carry the largest sock of STOVES and TINWAR in
own. end we sell tiler) at tit1,:west possible price for cash.
In Hall awl Library Lamps we are showing
u elegant display at right prices. . Ali kinds of Table and Hand
...amps at wholesale prices,
In CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing all the 1at•'st and
eadt' g patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from.
large stock at prices that defy competition.
As usual, a full stook of general Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass
Agents for the celebrated I;zyrnon-1 Cowing Machine.
-,-..+- ,.. The ;Most Eeononieal Starr I The Pest Heater.h°ND0:1T. & Perfect Laker tor Pastry or The Best Farn►ets' Stove arm 1 q.nally
^q nerbs.? Poaa.STe to file per liter- 1
oy.3i titiag•"l to s'o nor boa. Barley Feed.
Wiped. 0 o to'ilo ner has.
d is n +
4. Bread, Good fur a Person In'; a)wn1,
4a� to 410 per bus Corn. 91 O to tare per.
Toronto. Nov .,i. •-Wheat Spring -No. 2...13e
to Ohs eel. 1,a.- real winter. to ,air to".e per
bus. tranitnba No n hard, i 30 to -1 32 No ".1 23
to I :40 ;I' 8 s.:.' to ear per pus "LAW dee
to 43e per bus. PletGtt, extra. e.4 10 to ''4.1:
per h4'4 etrright roller St ell to tki.2:18
s'songbakors."1.exnto 3t'0. BdItLBY.Wer 1.
fee tern,:';; \03 extra. etc to 5'0; :fie 2. re
to it
Ilackaeho is almost immediately rrlieve.l
by weal here one of Carter's Smart % ell and
of which are faint spells purple lift% newt 1 Ihell:trle,nua Bacicaebe Pereira Try one
ne-s, palmation, elan Dear's, hot flashes,. null 1. fra>e Isom pain, Trice' 25
rush of 1.1,1n,i to the Loco. dull paha In the
Mfr. G, lirowc, a farrier near .denE:t rot, ;�
heart with beats strong. tared and irregular, rebel! a ram de pard IR April la -t, Odell
the neared heart beat timelier than the iltat, tipped die ecalra inOeteber at 1"0 rends.
pain ahont the breast bate, etc., can peat- Why dant yeti try Catter'e Little Liver •
tiedv ba cured. No care. uo pay. Bend Pilled They are a pueitiveeure for *6ek head-
fur boob. Address M. F. Lome, 50 Front telae, and all the ills produced by disaer4ee-.
Street Bast. Toronto. Out. cd liver. Oats, oue pill it dose
It is said a large business is being
done in smuggling Chinese women
into Canada, who aro distrihu ed in
British Columbia, and the Stites for im,
moral purposes.
United States Secretary Windom
w.ili shortly report to congress in favor
ot an issue of $500,OoO,000 in bonds
bearing interest at 2 or 21 per cent. to
take up the bonds now outstanding
which bear a higher rate ot interest.
The New Orleans grand jury has
found true bills against the seventeen
men under arrest charged with the
murder of Chief of Police David C.
llennesy, Oct 15, for murder and ac-
cessory thereto.
Is the grippe really on the move
again? A dispatch from Middleton,
Conn., says that the epidemic has
broken out in Durham, a little village
four miles from that place. The local
cases, reports twelve c , some of
which are very severe. The disease
takes the form of catarrh of the stom-
ach, which soon ends in the patient
being .taken down with the dysentery
Brussels, Nov 22. -About five this
morning fire started in the rear of the
merioan Hotel which quickly spread,
he building being a three story frame.
he next build ,ng to it, on the south
on caught, and burned so rapidly
at nothingcould be saved. It was
upied by A. R. Smith, general
re ; loss on building, $2,000; on
k, $12,000, with an insurance of
00. The next store a two story
eiland the largest store in Brussels,
Ccupied by A. Strachan, general
Ices on 'building $3,500; stock
Wally saved, insurance on stook`
Dila IxrFRTS --The htggeat inICIRSt Aa
4 Star1Uns. Cpntratllatiola�, duly investment is that obtained by toying Call and see this and other first-class
A bottle nr 11. II P. The dividends of e .
CGurney Company for sale only by
To the Editor of the Exeter Timm. hien ;th health and vigor oro atwave reel*.
Dunt Sin, -There is an old adage that zed, ad there aro no assesemeuts. tier-
eays " a prophet is not without homer save dodo Bleml Bitter r, the great blood purifier,
in his own country," and the saying le costa one dollar it bottle -about one Brut a
generally accepted as coutaiuiug much dose.
truth, Indeed it is expanded into the gen- A iaianeho rd fanner malt a beg full of CiE�I m r �'1�
erally accepted belief that true merit. out to St. Marys the other (ley, end dawo,
whether it be that of nn tudivitlual. or that ed them one on Qaeen street, Itis eeareely
of some medicinal preparation, is lunch necessary to Fey diettheenpple exceeds the j)
were likely to meet with puputer approval domewl,
ata distance than nt home. 'Nagai Balm
Come 0110. dame all,
acknowledged as being tate greatest reined; Beth great and email
for colic iu the heal and eaterrh,aver offered Try re'atard's Yetlaw Oil,
the people et Canada, affords a atrikieg It stops the pains
instant() of the fart that popular opinion, Of wounds or sprains,
for once at least, is wroeg, From the out That r 18t and comfort spoil.
set its popularity iu tho home of its mann• English Speen) iu Liniment removes al
facture has been unbounded and constantly e p
inereasiug. 1n evidence cf this we offer hard, soft ereallousedLumps autlt3lemishos
tee;kuoulals from two Broekvil o ttentlemee, from berm, Blond Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
who aro known throughout the Dominion. *lone; inane, sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore
D. Derbyshire, Laq, llfayor of Break• nasi Swollen 1'ltru:et, Conggs, etc. ave
villo, for the past vee• President of tate $00 by use of one bottle. Warratite,l the
Ontario Creamery Aesoeiation, says ; Your most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Nasal Balm is truly a wonderful remedy. I Sold b)* C. Lutz, Druggist,
may fay that I was afflicted with a dis- Mr Geo Shaver, of Wilton Grove. Lae a
hosing came of catarrh, accompauied by a 6 months old pig which tips the scales at
number of its disagreeable symptoms. I a little over ..109 pilule.
laud tried other remediia, but without avail,
and well nigh dispaired of a cure, when I
was indueal to give Nasal Balm a trial.
Its effects were wonderful, And the results
arising from its use enrptibiug Briefly
stated, it stops the drooping into the
throat. sweetens the breath. relieves the
headache that follows catarrh, and in fact
makes one feel altogether like a new man.
No one who is enffering from catarrh in
any of its stages should lose a moment in
giving this remedy a trial.
Seines Smart, Esq ,Brockville, Sheriff of
the Tinited minutiae of Leeds and Gren-
ville, says : It would be impossible to
speak to extravagantly of the wonderful
curative properties of Nasal Balm. I suf.
fared for upwards of a month from a severe
cold in the head, which despite the use
of other remedies, was becoming worse and
ing into
catarrh. I
procured. red a
uottlo of Nasal Balm and was relieved from
the first application and thoroughly cared
within twenty four home. I cheerfully
add my testimony to the value of Nasal
These are but two illustrations of
the hundreds of testimonials the proprietors
of Nasal Balm have had from all parte of
the Dominion, but they ought to convince
the most skeptical. If your dealer does
not keep Nasal Balm it will be sent on
A unique structure has been plan-
ned for the World's Fair, consisting
of a huge globe resting on a frame 300
feet high. The topmost point of the
mast of a vessel, which surmounts the
globe, is 1,400 feet above ground. A
gallery encircles the globe like an
equator, from which an inclined rail-
road runs to the top, having a length
of nearly four miles. The estimated
coat is $5,000,000.
In their pilgrimage through the
United States the Irish 31. P.a have so
lar been very successful in raising
money for their campaign fund. So
far they have received $75,000, made
up of $15,000 obtained in Philadelphia,
$37,000 in New York, $8,000 in Boa.
ton, $3,000 in Tersey City, $5,000 in
Providence, R. I., $2,000 in Worcester,
Mass., and $3,000 in Buffalo.
Mr Geo Tapson, of Stephen township has
made an assignment ; as has ' also Mr
Sam'I Baskerville, of Centralia.'
One of the Crediton Hotels, oocnpied by
Mr A, Hill, and owned by Messrs Grant
Bros, was sold last woek to Mr Eli 13ioe, of
Clandebove, for the sum of $3,600. tete
Hill wilt complete his lease, when Mr Bice
will take peuiesaiion.
Mr Wm 13alkwoll,• who lives one mile
south of Exeter, on the London road,•bas
lived continuously ou the same farm that
he. was born on. He is fifty two years old
and has never moved.
- . ..,
When'Saby was sick, we gave her Caatoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,'
When she became Mies, she clung to Castoria.
When slashed Children, she gave them Castoria,
receipt of prise -50 cents small size and $1
large size bottle- by addressing FIILFOID
& Co., Brookville, Ont.
Mr T. E. Hays, McKillop, sold 53,600
worth of cattle in six Months, and has two
carloads yet to ship. t-1
Wiarton pays a higher salary to the
teaoherin the primary department of its
public sobool than for several of the higher
departments. Three hundred dollars is the
amount paid.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest
speoifio of the age for the care of Blond
Diseases, Suppressions, hregalarities, Fe
male weakness, ete, Give them a trial.
Never fail.
Mr F. Homestead has disposed of tli
Cole property in Hallett township. near
Kinburn, Lot 8. eon 9. containing 100 acres'i
It was sold toMrWW. Dunlop for $5,100.
if you will send us your address, we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Col bratod Electra -Von ale
Belt and Appiiarcos. and theiroharming effects
upon the nervous dobilitntodsystom, and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor oedema -
hood. Ps amphlet free. If you are thafflicted,we will send youailolt and Appliances on a
VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Marshall, Mich.
.t.DvlOB To:110TruiBe.--areyou dtetnroedat
aigbtand broken of your rest by a sink child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so solid at onoo and get a bottle
of "Mrs . Wins loves Soothing Syrup"for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable
It wi114.,1ieve the poor llttle sufferer Im
Ipedistal; )eneudupon it, mothers ; there
is r...mietake about it. 'tourer; Dysentery
and Diarrl'ma, regulates the Stomach and
Bowew,cures Wind Collo, xenon, th0 GUm$.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy tothe whole aystem. Mrs.Wmsno
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to thu taste and is the prescription
of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and. r for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Prion twenty fivo
cents a bottle. 1ie sure and ask for"Mus
WIxsLows fioornrwo Sxuup"and take no
rug Stare
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exetei
Pa�hio�a�lz tytc:
Beaten IN Mantis -health -giving herbs,
barks, roots and berries are carefully com-
bined in Burdock Blood Bitters, which regu-
late the secretion, purify the blood and
renovate and strengthen the entire system.
Price $L a bottle, six for $5. Less than
one cent a done.
Mrs E. Davis, of Mitchell, arose from:
bet bed and went into another' room tilt:
awake her setvaut a few mornings sines.;
On returning she missed her bedroom demi
and fell down stairs, breaking her right ar
at the elbow, and ep;asning the nrist o
the other. `
WINTER Soars -The gay winter seas°.
exposes many to attacks of colds, oougb1
hoarseness, tightness of the chest, seam.
bronohitie, etc., which require: a rehab
remedy like iagyard's Pectoral Balsam f
their relief and cure. Known as reliable f
ever thirty years. The best cough cure,/
tttives from B.
One Doom Scutli
of Post Office
• —HE HAS--
--STOCK or --
Boots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repsiriztg promptlyattended to.
eR T 7'esh and New
Just arrived at the family Grocery, Also
Pure Extracts and Spices.
1 A beautiful piece of ;lass-
, ware given away with one lb.
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Flour for sale.
HCall and examine our goods before per:
chasing elsewhere.
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pantings
, at any price
Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen ! leave your orders early, for
with the best staff ,of Tailors ; .the best es
(Successor to 0., de S. Gidley)'
Reliable Good;
At Prices Lower that so -ca.,
led Cheap Houses can give
Undertaking in all if
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best
Cutting in Town, yon are sure of satisfac-
A. J. s T7FLL.