HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-29, Page 3BISHOP TOWNSHEND PRESENT Confrmtkn .SeMC George's In- a ' 'ii Oressive service at St. George's Anglican Church Sunday evening y10 persons were confirmed by Bishop W. A, Townshend, Suf- fragan Bishop of Huron. , They, were: . Desmond Weber, John' Marriott,' Arnold Fisher, ;Elmer Jenkins, James Semple, James Bayes; 'Kenneth Hartman, Donald McCabe, Judith Patterson, Catherine Anderson, Mrs, '}L B. .such Mrs. Gertrude Goldthorpe, Hr. and ' Mrs.. Albert Kneeshaw,. Mrs. 'Joseph Craig, Nancy Haysoi Mrs. Cayley fill, Mrs. Munroe and Norma Hamilton, The class for confirmation was presented by the rector, Rev. K. E. Taylor. At the start of the service a new door at the entrance to the church was ,,,dedicated by Bishop Townshend." The door is a gift df Mrs. John MaciEwan in memory of her parents. " "" -Dr:-Taylorextended-a--weloome- to Bishop Townshend, a native of Goderich Township, and expressed the hope he would visit the parish again. • Bishop Townshend said it was always a great joy to come back to his native county, township and to thetown of Goderich. He referred to the splendid progress that. was noticeable in St. George's Church, mentioning the improve- .ments .made,..in-,•the--parish..hall-an d the nursery. Bishop Townshend said the class for confirmation was "well" pre- pared." Ile took as his text Act 1:8: "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come .upon you; and ye shall be wit- nesses ,unto me both -in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the iitterii oarload °o ,the earth," After pointing out that this con- firination was. 'on the day of Penter cost,. Bishop Townshend said, On this day' the wohdrotis ,gift' of the holy ,spirit was 'given." i'Addressing those' confirmed, .he said, ' "Your membership in the Church should be yopr most prized possession, your greatest asset." The church ` today has prestige, position, ',organization}; . it has so much—yet today it' seems 'to ,fack the touch of the radiance of those God-fearing .men of 'early days, said Bishop Townshend.. Why is this, he asked? We are too self - dependent, too self-centred, too self -sufficient ---forgetting that our self-sufficiency is of God, he stated. Too many of us want to run the chuteh2 in our own. way and that's a tragic mistake, he stated. We need to get down on our knees nd pzay, that tie,• holy spirit will give us guidance. "Men are chang- ed through the' power of the holy spirit, he said. . In the course of his sermon Bishop Townshend recalled a state- ment of the late Archbishop Sea- ger who once said, "The acid test of Christianity is our ability to work together' as fellow workers for God." SELL IT THRU THE W*NTADS BOATS BOATS BOATS YOUR DEALER FOR A1;UIVIINUM, FIBERGLASS, STEEL BOATS FOR YOUR 'BOATING PLEASURE CONTACT HUck's Boat Livery LIVE BAITS AND BOATS FOR RENT 4, -21tf MEMBER " MacEwan Insurance Q • yet, ``' ASS0 • 0 • Agency 'YOUR AGENT Or PERSONAL SERVICE-- . ERVIC.E_._.__ WEST ST. PHONE 230 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT LionsiLdic: 4S;'t. George's • IEarish Ball was crowded t� ^al?a>ty untdaY,k the Coderiph Lions ,Club. Quest :speaker for the special banquet meeting was. Miss ,Ani,,gela •Arxnitt, of the Extension Department' of the University of Western Ontario. Speaking in' humorous vein,,11liiss Axnitt . displayed rare ability as a teller of tall tales, jokes, etc. She had the large audience in repeated ,gales'ot laughter as she,• gave amus- ing illustrations of words with double meanings, Miss Armitt .eX- plained that life was pretty ,much as •the person saw it o ode it and emphasized the impor Ace do seeing humor in the incidents that make up life. The guest speakier' was introduc- ed by Dr.'. R. M. Aldis and thanked by Ken • Hitbley. The toast to the ladies was pro- posed by J. W... Britnell and was replied to by Mrs. G. G. Gardiner. Chairman of . the meeting was Glen Gardiner whp•expressed plea- -sure in-the--large.-Wry. nnt.,,at adj,ea Among former Goderich Lions pre- sent from a. distance *as Leon Black, of Fort. Madison, Iowa, and Mrs. Black, and Howard Heath, of St. Marys, and Mrs. Heath. Winners of draws for prizes were, Mrs. W. Gardner, Mrs. J. Leitch, Mrs. Ed. Jessop and Wm., Clancy. Leading in community singing was' Harold •Bettger. Doing a -speeiaf ;hong-•were rs;--8:.^Edw 'Mrs. G. G. Gardiner, Mrs. Leo Walzak, Mrs, J. H. Kinkead and Dr. J. R. Leitch. Solos were sung by. Mrs. W. McKee. The women of St. Georges who provided the lovely meal were thanked by George Parsons, chair- man of the ladies' night 'arrange- ments. Responding to the thanks was Mrs. D. J. ,Patterson. AT THE AIR CONDITIONED PHONE 1160 GODERICH Now Playing—"Action of the .Tiger"—.In color with Martine Carol. MON., TUES. and WED.—Double Feature Program. ' , 40 Sal *linen, James Whitmore and. J. Carrol nNeish A aeeventeen-year-old orphan becomes involved"with an escapee mfroomm�aa Georgia chain gang. %� "i A.HE OUNG - DON'T CRY" , Robert Vaughan, .Dorothy Green and Tom Pittman ' Present a dramatic shock -story. about a wrong -track college student. "NO TIME TO BE YOUNG" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT They're There! It isn't the fish, it's you. ,That could, be the explanation if you are an angler and have tried ' to catch fish in the Maitland River between the C.P.R. bridge • and theN tnouth of the river. Because they're in there! You can take the word of two skin divers, Bruce and Allen MacDonald. 'Sun- day > afternoon • they donned their suits and went wading • along' -the -bottom of the.. river. "There are thousands of fish • there and we'saw them;t.4said Bruce ;MacDonald. He told of . seeing large schools of big bass, pickerel, carp and what..-, have -you. Despite this fact, anglers report holding their fishing lines .in.,*ese waters for hours at a time. and coming. away .with, nothing _but ._the odd bite. {2✓ dr �, 5 �.... ri... ..++,p may. ,'r�J7 y''«. ♦.. �N ..,... �n�, Racing, possibly one of the' olcl- est = and hrost - ,thrllliing sports of ►anldnd ; has* kept• 'Pattie with this e l rl man era ..p fantastic 4 developments bf the Jet Age,' speed has,been the goal, During this. period 'of tire,., the high -powered automobile has -evolved to be a popular -symbol'�nf racing today. Californians, seeminglym the os,t ear conscious people in North AM - erica, have taken a great interest in the car racing sport and espec- ially so in the Midget, Car • field, originally _racing . the Full Midget; However, the fascination was so tremendous they developed a sleek unique series , of '/.f and 1 midgets to include even the small fry of five -, years of age; competing on specially constructed 1/,10. be a mile ,tracks. • As the popularity of this thrill- ing sport has demanded even new- er and better ideas, the' Associ- ation has cleverly engineered' a pciwerful+ creation called the Micro Midget. This car is suitable for both- adult and teenager and is c'per a'p bhourTe of. " s eels `ilp to -60"'-"miles - As' show business 'producers are .always on the lookout -for -new --and appealing attractions to present to the public, the Mighty Midget Thrill -O -Rama is making great use of these fabulous Micro ,Midget Mace Cars in their special arena show consisting of chilling race at',. ori 4rm44ee •at B 31 liaeme�n .* WcT,1 The egar.ntees f!Mh lll,rBa II 1 road'- wit. attendance. Mr.. s, Vii, "�Johnzt n had charge. of iheldevotional., o start George •`d ftp PeasEr and ii rs. Johnstone ave, n , 'otional_...--reading.•'.= s „Jur,ep l Cranston took .charge of the bin - ness sessilin. A total of 125 calls, eight bow+' duets and , $2,00 in gifts were re- ported;' also ,f4o.00 sent for the work, of the union. " The meeting was closed .witb prayer and a social tine enjoyed. ,. Denornrne FLQWER SHOP Ph�ne'19W POTTED PLANTS CO'• FLOWERS and FLORAL DESIGNS • for ALL OCCASIONS. We Telegraph .Flowers unusual • circus; acts, clowns, and • • many other exciting thrills. e ' FILM DEVELOPING ' This mighty midget racing comes a 15tf, • Around the clock—throughout the year. Whatever the need, the Salvation Army atands ready to. serve. Canada has six provincial univer- sities, •16 'private universities and 'about 170 colleges that give degree credit courses. BROWN 1 ES Drive -In Limited CLINTON eeeeee•Neree.N•NNN• THURS., FRI. • ,MAY 29, 30 Thursday, Friday and Saturday c, Errol Flynn, CoLtu41. Borchers and Nat "King" Cole Head a topflight ca a thrilling story of 'diamond smugglers and an American who tangled. - ISTANBUL" In Cinemascope and -Color Coming—Elvis' Presley, In "Jailhouse Rock." THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL WILL MEET IN THE COURT HOUSE, G c DER1CH, ,ON Wednesday, June 11,, 1068, AT 10 A.M. All wceounts, notices of deputations, etc., should be in tlie hands of the Gaunt ' Clerk •not later h n , a da June 7th, 12 noon. "TIDE SIARK- FIGHTERS" (Color-Cinemascope) Victok •Mature, Karen Steele "TWO CARTOONS 90011040041141.0114111001111111111000 3AT.,' MON. • MAY 31, JUNE.2 ":CANDIDO" (Color-Cinemascopeh,, 'Robert Mitchum, Zachary ,$cott TWO CARTOONS 000mmeeeeemNeeeoeoeeoe TUES., WEED: JUNE 3, 4' The Canadian Pacific's chain of 'summer re- sorts from east to west coast will soon be attracting vacationers from all parts of the continent:. At .top. ..is, . seen Banff _Springs Hotel_ and the famous ;Bow, River Valley golf course. f - At lower left is Banff Springs Hotel swimming . pool. At lower right sailing is •seen 'near Lakeside Inn, ' Yarmouth, Nova 'Scotia. The CPR's famous hotels are, internationally known for their fine cuisine and beauty: "MEN IN WAR" Reber t-'_ttyan:.'Ald, ',Ray ONE CARTOON OeNGGMe`N�; Box Office Opens at 8 p.m; First Show at Dusk. ABOUT 700 TULIPS DESTROYED IN WILD SPREE OF VANDALISM One of the most graying ex- hibitions of vandalism in town in quite some time took place on --W e'- ne -day * tight . of : last week when about 700 tulips , were cut down. Police state there is not sufficient evidence on hand to definitely charge any one person or persons with, the act. It is believed that it was committed by youths, some of whom have been in police court here be- fore. Although some think the de- struction was done by a scythe, others feel it was done by,'a-H -Tong; sharp stuck. • ' About 200 imported tulips were destroyed at the rear of Ivan Louzon's Fruit Market. At the Goderich Public Library afid ' also • at ,the residence of Mr:- "WiTiiarri' •Bisset,-' Nelson street, some 160 tulips were clipped, off at each place. Other places at: which tulips were destroyed included: George Paterson; Miss Eva Somerville; Mrs. Wm. Sturdy; -Keith ,Hopkinson, Mrs. R. Mc= Whinney, Fred Armstrong; Mrs. Len Westbrook. A few nights previous,to the tulip cutting spree', the three inch trunk • of a young maple 'tree on the lawn of Phil Carey was -cut -through, deitYoying' the lovely shade tree. AIR FORCE DAY THIS YEAR AT CENTRALIA RCAF A major departure in the plans for Air. Force Day in • the Huron County, area has been announced by theCommanding Officers of RCAF Stations' Clinton -and Cen- tralia. For the. -first time, the two stations will combine their efforts to produce one major Air Force Day program June 14 at RCAF Station, Centralia. In the past, both stations have held separate Air Force Day pro- grams, giving spe ial emphasis to their particular roes in the RCAF Training Command. It has been _decided that . it the be more convenient to the residents of the area to have the two incorporated wto one major production so that the best of the activities can be seen by the public by visiting one station only. J�hh P. Grafs Finaservice (Finest in Corner Bayfield Rd, and Bennett St. North America) . �= • / 0 LUBRICATION 0 TUNE-UPS° 0 WASHING / . ci MINOR REPAIRS :PHONE.' ssz ATCH FOR JUNE 11 1, D Near & Hoffme)er Plumbing and Heating 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE PRESSURE • SYSTEMS — SO?TEN'ERS CLARE — HECLA FURNACES, Oil and Gas 9 Hamilton St. Phone 1172 G0XtERI0H m afety A SPECIAL RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR ! See him and find out what the Air Force trades training„, --'pay — pension -- and other ben' fits ! ' ' • Safety comes first with the gas industry. Year after year, -National Fire Protection Association records show that gas causes fewer fires in buildings than any other fuel. Safety is parts, and parcel of your gas `service. This in- dustry ndustry has taken t>ie lead over the years in research and 'the development of safety standards, covering every step in gas distribution and use. - Gas appliances, for example, are tested and retested to comply w.fih the Tiighest stgridards of safe performance. M a fuel, gas hay' everything ... economy, speed, clean- liness, ,dependability . = r and unexcelled safety! So -get -the twin keys to better living, with gas, the ideal fuel, and modern -as -tomorrow gag appliances. .A SERVES YOU •--- AND TILE COMM IJf NITY; TOO. at .your GAB •1 L A.PPLIANCE • DEALER,/ aatw.uaG� mum farm r A. H. ER:SKINE, Clef k, County of Huron. 22-3 NION 85 Downie Street, Strtforl c, 4 A a... .Igt • rJ • ,