HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-22, Page 10„•••• • ••• • tt,,,,g;Tr;;,;rz,',-,,,,,"",7T---":,..,•r7TNy,,,•:,7":•;"•,•••;,,Tv•••f• 'Iltrt7.1% • r 4,,04,4;r4 , • 7,•;,., • TUE' GODtPAGIT SiCasTA&STAR, 14,01,41SkI0,7111 v4ylcia0aa rryng ezd8199tvb,tihtiam4Iptidit4p(Xtbanodig.ns 1PC0.4**4„ tthq• 441 wo "i4w::"ItliScu*srettr.lailt yZt.'” decided to' use 271 which is an 85-88 day corn, while the 401 brawl is 96-102 day. Lt was announced ROO ,d year members would either have to use Simazin, on one plot and not on 'the other, or else have -tiro different varieties to Compare as ap extra. project.. The sod sample reports were discussed and gave everyone a complete knowledge as how to prepare their .seedbed. The seed, was then distributed and at the 'close of the, meeting Mr. Ken Murpify paid us a call,. The next meeting is to be early in June. ayfield News + YM..11:1 May 1.9.—Mr. and left en "Simday to spend four cloys at Toronto. Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Barber and 1. Afro:* Charlton and family, Stratford, spent the Week -end in 4 44144,-*-4,,-1.444;#4.1144,141bAge*:, -•‘INS•Vr4AV°,,iierguttriart, -nril; 4:101i,' spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Steadman and family, London, spent' the holiday week -end at their cottage. • • 'Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cook and two daughters, London, . were at their cottage from Friday to Mon- ' ' day. Ttu.. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter and family, and Mrand tMrs. Chas. Rogers, Toronto, were at the Hunter home •over the week -end. • Dr. and Mrs. A. Chapman, De- troit, spent from Friday to Tues- day at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser, River- side, are spending a few days at. their home. Glenn Brandon, Chatham, spent the holiday week -end with his wife and three children. Miss Janis Galbraith, Clinton, spent the week -end at the home of her -grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bell. . _Mr ..and -Mrs Wm—Dunn, -Janis. and Alyce, London, were at their cottage over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Pfaff and son, Windsor, spent the week -end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. -M. Dundass, Lon- don, were at their cottage over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tillmann and children, London, spent theo week- end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and I Ms. John Lindsay held a mis- ....\.„Bonmer.Scanborn„..spent,,..the—,w . ! ..• end with his mother, eMrs..,..Taa ing in honor of Miss Marion Mak- Parker. ins, a bride -elect of this month. 'Miss 'Marion MalOns', London, Twenty-three ladies enjoyed garnes spent, from Friday to ,Monday with and contests. Marion reeeived her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd many beautiful gifts and thanked .Makins. Mrs. 'Lindsay and the ladies for Sgt. and ,Mrs. Joseph Mayman the lovely gifts and evening. The and haby;-London, spent the week- hostess served dainty refreshments. end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mat - Millen. . • . Mr. and Mrs . -E. A. Featherston • VW' me -over the • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hart and two children," London, spent the week- end at the Hart cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chapman and family, London; spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs., L. A. Stephens and family, Toronto, were at their cot- tage over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Peters and family, Stratford, were at the Peters' cottage over the week -end holiday. 'IMr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, De- troit, spent the week -end at their home on Main street. Mr. -and Mrs. A. W. Hayman, London, spent the week -end with their daughter, Ruth, at the "Little Inn_ ' Dr. and Mrs; Wm. Tillmann, and family, .London, were at the Till - mann cottage over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Len Smith, London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Larsen. 'Mr—and Mr,s.-Jas...:Day. and _three, children, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., spent the week -end at their cot- tage. Miss ' Helen McLeod, London, spent from Friday to Monday with her mother, Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Mrs. Chas. Bell is a patient in the ,Public Hospital, Clinton, and Miss Lucy Woods in Victoria Hos- pital, London. Their many friends wish them a speedy recovery. '0- • All grand thoughts come from the heart. • •;-• This British girl is seen draped with terry towelling of novel de- sip—blue and amethyst butter- flies and q bumble bees and pale pink and green roses on a white ground. The display vas at the Textile Show in Lond'on, England, rion-s /rink—cur ' which came from the same labor- atories as another revolutionary British discovery—Terylene. The Chinese design • in the top left corner is printed in black , and various • pastel -colored •grounds, while the "London Pride" design in the top right corner is a novelty range, showing .the lights of Pic- Cadilly against a black background. 11 4,11 CORN CLUB • IRREGULARITY RELIEVED THIS EASYWAY When biliousness or constipation robLygg of.,..youpep,„. try liforse Roof Ma. They help give easy relief by promoting regularity. Try th•m --- get relief with Dr. Morse's Indinn Root IV* At all druggists. C7-56 1004,411••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cColl-Frontenac Products -.000, 4 0 0002,4 0.0140r24.14ler.r0VMMI For gasoline, he,ating fuels, greases and 'Motor oils, con- tact • , REID and NORMAN. Goderiblr- distributors Phone (collect) 190, Goderich. ii••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOW is the time to make or choose those plans for " the building or renovations you been thinking about. .. • • =L.,' • - 0 • Anglesea St. ' over .to Goderich Manufacturing Co'. Limited and see the W -f -b -g -S -T selection of all the. latest in building materials. forward with confidence, knowing that when you buy 'here you get the Inateriala that are best iiiiikrto the.jiarticular job you are doing. (I GODERICH MANUFACTURING. CO. LIMITED : "Your Headquarters For All Builders' Supplies" 4 Phones: 61, 61 and 63 il Be* .1 prleo . .. The May meeting of West liraWa- . aoSh 1,'X'ewilsW,P, Piwagil• PUrA4Pgfl, izo.adaule,.. spraWhg. Ma‘eriai 4,1:Q. Iiirn't,ITT.Rebertton. R.A. Z.Aujiurri: who has been employed by the ,03.00•1,11,40ffiretrar.,••••.-y.r township to do the roailside spray- ing at pl. per hour. a ‘4410ti9u V Councillors Nic- Phee and. Purnin, the following accounts were ordered paid: n. T.- rkilPatrich, insurance Poild, 7.00; A. 11. 4-sXine, indigent patients' ,aunts, 42.7 Iffichnow Histor- 1 1 Book ofnmittee; advertising,. 12:60; Donald .murray,l. fox botty, ty, $1; Harold • igrrington, 4 -fox b.0PEURSuntles,1114A;II:icl"arlIrO?;Ifeverdl',,'1795,afox', bacinitioeuS6ty7,; $tiOb jeawit etrs0,044 fox bounties, 2; Ontarzo Ily $0.07; S.11. Mike, Go-derica, mu cfpal officers' fee, $20; Village of LtleknoWi relief account, $21.77; Myth, .Ristrktalre,„-ArestizLennual, ibeovnu;tiVels.5.:,^$4'ly me • t 4 0 0 0 — 0 •• di. , 11, 4, • -4:: • • Clean as aWhistle Oh, the joy of using modern appliances ... so time, • saving, so work -saving! And when they're gas appliances, • so utterly, -utterly clean -besides!. When you cook with gas,. broiling goes unnoticed, be -- cause the gas flame simply burns up every whiff of smoke and greasy vapors. And the "burner with a brain" com- pletely ends over -cooking, smelly burning and boil -overs. , But your home will prove how mu"ch cleaner gas is! Walls, curtains, woodwork keep that "just cleaned" look. • Gas doesn't produce .any tell-tale soot, greasy films, dust or ashes. ,`• • So just put gas, the ideal fuel, and modern-as-toin'orrow gas aPpliances together, and you have the twin keys to , better living, with everything "clean as e'whistle." . „ . . , S SEgVES YOU.-- AND THE COMMUNITY, T901 /• -.at your L APPLIANCE DEALER,/ - • • •„,,,;;; " • '4,•• •••• • •• :•••• • •'• • ' ' ' ' " , *vie, • 44. 4 • • COMPANY _ ,85 Downie Street, Stratford , f .••••,••• . • • . TO YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE A new Blue Cross service designed to,cOver the difference in charges between standard ward and semi -private accommodation in participating hospitals* ,is riow available to residents of Ontario 'for an effective date of January 1, 1959—the date your Ontario tiospital insurance comes into .effect. If you enrol for basic coverage throutti the Ontario Hospital Services Commission, you can prepay'semi-private care through Blue Cross. 'Sanatoria, hospitals for the chronically ill, and mental hospitals are exeltided. 84. dam, DEPENDABILITY • Available to employed groups of Six or more and to individuals -L. Blue Cross seMi-private,cOverage carries with it the same • •,dependability you have come- to expect from this non-profit community service. si4lh' ONE P-AYMENT.-CoNE CERTIFiCATE r Through an aerangement made with the Ontario Hospital Services ,Commission, one payment covering the cost of both plans will be made to the Commission and one certificate coorming coverage • At) both. will -be- provided. Regulations governinve payment to the Commission will apply to Blue Cross. REMEMBER .. . 0"BE'ELIGIttE:POR'BUIE—Cle0S1 SEMI -PRIVATE COVERAGE, YOU MUST ENROL FOR BASIC COVERAGE EIROUGIIIIIVONTARIO-HOSPITAL 1 • SERVICES COMMISSION. r MaW to Enrol: 1 1 1 1 ..• EMPLOYED- GROUPS; LE:mploy-erS. -Of %ix :or • nri'ore' may. apply for -This new Service at the S-ame , time t, .-enroffor basic coverage by indicating those ojAheir employees wiSh'ink Blue- Cross semi -private • coverage VI the,colUnin provided on the Enrolment Form the Ontario Hospital Services Commission (#101). INDIVIDUALS—Present Pay Direct subscribers to Blue Cross will receive complete details alOng with an application ' for new semiprivate coverage during July. Further advertisements featuring setii-priVate *coverage for other individuals will aprj'ear in Jitly. THE COST IS LOW RATES FOR -EM LOYED ,GRQU SINGLE. $ .55 PER MONTH • FAMILY' $1.10 PER MONTH nrddifion to yoUr Pflideb3 hospital iiisarance. ONTARIO HO'SfiTAL.SSOCIA 0 I. 0 N tOO ., Ft NTO 7. 1/0443,1kLii:4:Tliae,4,-Vp,P4-itAie,004,1*41;4*.tt,t4,1,,,,,A , • ,•• r • ;Atm To: Ontario Hospital Astociation, 135 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto 7, Ontario. I wish furtheleistits_ort the enrolment of. employed groups fo'r Blue Cross sta. .NAME • • ADDRESS. CITY OR TOWN 0 PLEASE PRINT , , , .„ • • • L. N , , "rt • 4•-r .1