The Exeter Times, 1890-11-27, Page 2; EstabIihed t$77 ow=i1L, BANKSR„ 04NT 71.`rauzi t o aeneralbaulting business. . Reeeivee the accounts of merelmeets tend , others on favorable terms.. Offers every aecommodatioe e onsiet eat with V%3'( 1P1 Piv-e seer cent interest allowea on deposits Orafteisettea Ile...sable:et easy office of the et ex -elates Dank.. NOTES DISCOVNTED, MONF.T TO -LOAN OS NOTES 'eaND nlon,T.GAUS the wholesale price is horn 7d to 8d per pound, and in December from 8d to is 2d per pound. Thee appears to be no room to doubt that a good quality, well. placed on the market, will yield a remuner ative profit -London Free Press. TUE IRISH ENVOYS TO AMERICA., tlatle, 1 890. TELE POULTRY TRADE. The 1-7.. S. duty planed by the McKinley tariff of three cents per pound ou live and five cents per pound on di esseil poultry, lia.s led many to b. lieve that the trade in these articles heretofore carried on by Canada with that country \vitt be notterrary affected. '.nhe exports from Canada thither for the past two years are as follows :- Live Poultry dreased poultry. and uotiressed 18a9 $110,7413 01,73a 1890 -.10412 0,233 It is by ro means certain that the L tilted States consumers will 110t have to pay at times a part, if not the whole of the inereased tanif but it none the less becomes the thty et the Canadian people to seek other and better markets for their pnultry, so that, it rostible, a more profitable sale may 1, found lot what is not consumed ixx Cana.da. For this again, Clan, oda turns to the Mother Country, where, for the last yeat, the im- ports of poultry and game, alive -- Messrs Dillon and O'Brien are at present in the United States soliciting aid in connection with the Irish cause, and have been successful iv securing large sums. They will shortly visit Canada on a annular mission. , While the English rule in Ireland is, ot course well known, yet as to the actual situation there is uot much preciss ehest (which, by the way, tilts good) .t ant :formation amorg us. The gener- i eany s'orry that I am not in a position to give the moues of the respective justness. al feeling in this country is that it Irish home rule, within due limits Pr,;!"irPA li just 00 w°1' as smaa `)1 thew' _ le it nn hard of me, Tile Aria tiny 'mpertal suprernany, would In.• a 1h"S had h3"11"ek•gettiug no gmne ustud had the liven edge knooked off, but --- To the Editor of the Euter DitAkit SIR. --A }mutant party ham your village and vnity was up bere at Dray Lake deer ettooting, and lime goue home again with the reselt of pretty good sie ss, having Killed eight deer all eold, wbiola was good, loneidering the number of green horns and eeeitable butitsmen among them. Tile reason 1 write yoa this small history of their stay Lore, is that huntsmeu are so aot to stretch the ti nth, or rather oulish their storienl. I thought I woula tell the story straigltt, Ana maxi& is somewhat •amte. They arrived here on Oet 280, aua pitched their tent la the paradae of the country -the Dative rock -a, Ooneidering the tints, shooting matteial, eatables, and Seat Aet oteaicine (?) a person would imagine that they bad come here to stay outil, Muskoka was rid ef all its native rue, They some really a jolly crowil and when 1 was iu their presence, little they xpecte(1 that 1 would gwe away their ex perience, or they wonla have este' we with contempt instead of invitieg we to partake me of the contents of their medicine was Arguing with the graia buyer that the deer be allot at 25 feet from him was not hurt as be saw buok that 15 feet up in the trees. Of coarse the gram laver was excusea for this as he laiA been taught in bis early doss to look heayeuward . Upon another oeeasioa I naay write more. Hoping the boys will forgive me I remain youra, ammo. Bray Lake, Nor lathe 1890, .--ersarrearesaa^-reas-ao--. NfatalltiE O. -- lieseesy-Veunete-At the R. C. Oath - earn!, London. on the 19th. inst. Mr 1). Henuesy, of Bidanipla to Miss lgatkeYs of Loudon: CLIRRM-linconrtm• -At Mt Carmel, On the 25tb inat by Rev Father Keeley. Mr Ronald Carrie, of the Royal Fletel, Park - bill, to Mies Ellen Tatagblin, of Mt Car- mel, Stephen township. wise policy. The arrival of the' the nest morning they arose awl were Insh envoys, and their proposed ";°""t1"P t° shtY the Pritle ot the toreot and eessfal in leilliog a largo due eppeat fin -sympathy and support, ti;u7;t..werisli‘line(, from as usual:tI ' id reopen the Irish cainpaign in this learn. that this was tailed by ried ef:cued. country. These gent' m 11 Englisimuu 4na a Dr4°14°1841 (°"ea t 11 le en WI used to fling Dutch eongis in camp) b frit: perform a 1 ublie service it they "'au' "3 livelY thls "ight• Y''" "ft "b"1"' Will raneeni1eor that what is needed 8Quanifinl„`U',': sv,;.', tatesP,.2: -et°114 rib'''. is itiformation, and it they w ill ilfaible epuareititillyeaoomaiileetilgtmet hlt:ii el :Ismoetealtrelittrel tiP8.iel1Z.Is1.4.;' no assuming any very general I.,_auxions to leant t3be uteriatunbalde etrvIvi:et" ,rillt , %taut euccese the b • ' went to 'et. state the m‘st elementary facts, knowledge upon our part. The untreea ow pie li-es r simplest facts are what should he Dutchman Itrviisataulbrad:AirliOteg tIth'id3-% and dead, amounted to $2,302.872„ From this it appears that there exists a valuable market for poul- try in Great Britain, and the only questions to he answered, ac• cordit g to Bulletin No I Issued by the Pittance Department, Ottaw.t, ate; Can our poultry be placed on the Bntish market in good con- dition, and how ? a. Are the prices in Great Brit- ain sufficient to warrant a fair re- turn for consignments set.t ? In respect to the first question the Department is met with the fact that extertmentally little is known as, to „whether and how .poultrycan plaCed in good oda- &don in Great Britain. • Canadian 'trade has,not. therretnfore 1111,1C11 n that .iii#Ctiaii; "daring to oilier connt° ie"s 'aff5idionir ;ills a suffftoi,ent no reliable data'can be gathered expern cane on :the pari; Of Canadianhi, pers. to ,nscertaA several shipaienrs areahout 4611e riiade,tli.t: t.dsutt's:of ,which ,will 'ho ,caTetutly and =reported, 'and, the • Got:errithenton-Canada.,:alas noy/. bn• •,se 'Bale& nilTiade.bas ;tam. found w;; . . • the `Ertlandan experiet1cYr „ tt.ist4i mhilner min ,nf4lieti,"s.a -410Y • weinomed -shl`pEor,of egga. .anift..pp.ttltry*110. 41 cb,i1,,i4, • twngwasnserrn: . by ali but the minister, inrisdiction was m 6 a thipqitign. /ft geliat b; Di .4' reap i eteeett..e.P.P,'FaaS I tedeataeoweao Aseeseyould confiseate the !Owe. lo eeaeite,oejai eeeeseelgothaji., ,.;utingy ' reteasawa'a' t 1..7.3,1,,Isyl cossioecitl gatyacA,e.y.,.. qpri 1.14 iitmat3T:diotaieh,o.hcli traatrai-too,u13.1:001iloyetoratredteito,minohetiIetlliiieneukqetniitattreiddee ete tpektkterektotere M•(3.7/he Canat1aJ3 -wank "nie • vt,,r,r :nt.,7p-thfic tame. efonse • Decem ber ea eartsatAO,fm (ma tsr eleet ' eat elde was a 'sad `salipeci-didnrifliivalifbet4416•111,4Liecepo ry4rirg, ,q,,iiltiltio...11.,,,e,,,actii,„„doisinnt,s-78:.ptiep et; 17,44.77th bat' `fl ' r spir,Ma*t1,-a buyer A. Present To Our Subsoribers. McCiaososa-Drearx.---At the residence of the braile's father, on Wednesday, Noy ltIth, by tee Rev H. 11, Diehl, a Hyde leark, Mr. James MeOlyment, to 'Miss Nfaggie, seCoud daughter of Dar Jacob Diehl, both a Stariley. DISUL.-TY.Mtaut.-Ou Thor -day, Nov 15. at the residence of the brides gram' parents, Stanley, by the Rev L. W. Diehl, of Holinesville, Mr Valentine M. youogest son of Mr Jacob to Wise Agues Alaimo emoted sleughter oi the late Mr Tyndall, ef tea by our Irish visitors. 1,, inns, whot,i would tartiP thy Let;itilteimal eolt,103: 02 Ibis (I ttitok he is a grain imyer, it land the tenni e of land, for in- 't-` :ieltilr (iris, very anxious that the boys be very different front those in this prise), was fdllillua: ibtlaV0411V Wt'aill'i Inis°1in Stanek', at d the „system ot rent 'must witty, and the dtifere.nce should tent Ideldug himself, °anetlnt"I'ire°fret'l° e made clear. Irish leaders are i't" of tl'e P'1•":v was In tia) b"al. inderstooeito advise tenants in he tirgeriug. it he weld uot Lae some boy land not to pat- rent, and the money self neevIelr(ITnitdlultIfilik fr bletn.guasgbe behu" o be asked for in this cou •try is aaTY laT "eh an aaaan'1°'43e. 141:14:136 ueres- ent the trouble 1 approaahed 3 vinnilit siiil to be designed tor the support incautious way and learned that the Pinch. of those who are evicted for uot the minister 4001 pavit 1.3s ren t. I 1 i this country land shatiaotwaasrezrilloihat waited for the game,gtttehglnaraiinn: bcnitti nadg lords evict tenants Wit° do not pay stationed at the foot of the hditel,Yeurn a ets a paarictfiarly cautioned not to shoot. unless rent more sternly than Irish land lords- There is undoubtedly ereoesru remacuativ)itbia. his reaeb, or rather visitors could not serve their noun- 0134a- Ath°0ta'r2 pv111'111411 Ilan Ohtlatleaerr6 v'tl'a)11' arraa: diitVrenCe in the ratuation, and our a . io'o the lake from the east sale, runt no try mote eflectively than by stating plaInly what it is. — NOTES AND_COALUENTS- It is with pleasure that we aunoueee to our many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wide awake, illus- trated !Arm magazine, the Axiom:No Fanume. pablisbed Lkt Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 500,000 farmers by vhioh tbat great publication will be mailed airect, to the address of Any of our sub- scribers who will come in ata pay up all oarearaoes on eubseription and $1 lo in totemic; from dete, aud to any now sub- seriber who will pay $1 15 one year in aavance. This is a grena opportunity to (Attain a twat -class farm journal, The AeuatReva Faitsion le a large la siege jcuroal, of nation:el tercalatiopt. whath lanae Among the leading Agricultural papers, It treats the question of economy in agrieolture and the rights awl privi leges of that vast body of eitizeus-Arnera can Fermers- whose inanstry is the basis of all material ana teatimes' proepefity. Its blithest, purpose is the elevation roult ennobliag of Agriculture throuelt the higher aud broeder educetion a men and womeo engag.ed in its pursuits. The regular substiription price of the a etEaticeee Flattitte. is $1.00 per year. It costs yon little. From may one. number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription. pram -to you or meathers of your household. adO :ma see sample copy. •"'"'","'!".r!`"'',T ••••41.1Mo• Canova-In Exeter, on the 1.5eir lust„ Ilath Caries', rellet of the late lobo Cartels, tigea Oa years, 8 ineuthe. Biaaelph on tite etla Mie Aaiun Hudgins, alaol 97 years- aleasenseu-In Fullerton, Mooday, Nor 17 Helen alelettyie,a,mr, aged 76 yrs. and 7 days, • le AA !Mit W TS D Canada exported nearly $1,000,000 worth of goods in excess of what she imported during the mouth of October. Yet our Manufacturing industries are of no value to Canada, according to Free- traders, +4+ •I• Hon. Hardy, who is an ardent Sportsman, lues of late received several deputations in regard to the enforcement of the game laws and the better protee- tioiaof gamee„,`„Chini beeit'so many deet damped on tileoteeti,eyet by Men sup- posing thentselVese to tseaPortemen, that venison' is "cheapee than heef-; This! "wholnsaltislaugliteincanoot",:be 'eatibseot,. and the law abould.beitanleneled a`a to. redoce. tlientitithereeelifoli cat 'ha -killed! Isee eecle tentei'. to-• patete0 !IMO asd "of-n4on,s2Atilgethcr.. sh.oultA,be nniP 't() 110 mxiv.9teRali'. like am/ 11 ; • .4-14 • .• • , , I, • The. secreary -erltte Porrs. rthur; sooner bad it entered. the lake, about 80C Female -ono hoisting second eiass eertifie eat°, for school eection No 2, Stephen. Arida with testimonials te alteneou Ilireezga, it 11 Croliton tatt. on.garff Olt S JE OR, Ti.) RENT. A ftret elase frame bowie so Neleorast. Ono tif tit of enure -AA tall(1. The house COLT. tains 10 rooms.: hard, itua eoft water. 1:cruif easy. Apply to AVIS.ITowAnn. Foceter. RED W. FeillaNCOS113, Provincial laud Surveyor and Civil Da - G -=X•1"14301'4,=0.. Office, ili__•_L___dt",___tirs.3strinvoli_11Dooleellete_e_eeost,Out A.0 TION SALE -or- VILLA.Ghl PROPERTY ards distant, than the G. 33. Maned to OARPF,a`TER SII0P,M1CHINERY.Bro. poen lire. Tbe Dutchman t(11(1, the mule 'laser were in the boat going to slay his majesty, but eousidering bullets bad thinge to titeest, crone to the et, clusiou to pull in their oars and. cease to go closer to the deer while the grain buyer was enabling his gun sbooting at macho long range, lest they foul not the deer should tetteive the bullets. The retialt was that the fine deer neva reached your village, but za atin roaming tbe wilds of this couutry. There 19 no doubt that the deer Wailla Imp been it'llea Lad the -would be slayor not inter-. FARMER BROS., 771.0.esale an& Retail GRI:GEnS WINE and SPIRIT MERGHANTS. rohl or 4 TA 111 a a n KR, J. _Et. GRIEVE, (Late Cutter for IL Pickard) has teemed out a:stoele of Under and lw virtue of nu asstgnment for the genteel benefit of theilitors, ulnae to the Vendor, there will be sold by Publics Auction, upon tte premises in the VILLAGE 01'11E1k:- 84LT,, on FRIDAY the 12th day °Bender, 1890 A(2 e'elook,p.meby MR. E. DOSSENDERe RY. auctioneer, subject to such conditions as shall then be proeueed, the following ProPerty Yiz - Altana singular that certain paree or traot rupted the *Mance of the 00011Pants Of the of land and proleises. being composed of Lot boat, After bearing the above story I No frl, on the north side, of Kite street. ip the aempathised ibthe miutater and went to villoge of (Jensen. Petty's survey, contruntng one fifth of an a ere, more or lose. The next morning, ; uuderetand, that it•ouTtilt)couretnis.en elm° ifIoratutiablettraabig itiss txor6ouvr ebeetu, seen. offer my services but found lion in bed. 1 wits considered best to replace the hunters tit° weirtifiest at different positions, and in a ehort time Ale° the following chattels: Hand Ayer sleigh, Wheetbnerow.1 dozen patr et viewless music was echoing through the lively forest ,naofootle Motor .an'W. all saw. grind stove, light weggon, toad tenve mortising and presently a report from the gnu o t e lietle man from Waterloo Co, made 'mother "otthe pride of the lulls humble himself. Otiatiother day the grain buyer and a thin :litt%Fliaglishroan, who had to stand t WIC° 4. - ap e Mime place to cast a ehadow, were "plaiisel'ailiihe west aide of the lalte,and your Tikieinotedtint, living in the vicinity, beerd eti ttaailletilastamnonadiug on the tette, and ahnikiaigethare won d be some muuserneut leteratent• waudered to meet a zeta stacanantance On erre:hop at tent I il'' t 71-06.11 tin atlfet.. ta,CS 61.tho fqann were •'1'111'"T^I oitit ":efliVadialtrt ;LAI:Paul*. 'r The steam-'- Pealitaig1 1531ii91-10.114]Pi . !'klie?z4.'k .ezr:.,M,kt,1 aT,'140/ve4jot stile seartiaA ialoit"eti tat:" la". - -i'lr.stla 4k e.-7--'d."-'fauffilt- to hg.' gearessarYn of dunym-aT,119.•,e,9,°',F,e. P ._ s a 'ad'a'a alas 1 i "'editirIttLttua ersttetin pet e int:fie,iiie, ation coilleetetP". ha 1- -A. ; ,:- -1 ,11 01: .10aa. take , i ee . . _ , . , , e , e n lig: ' 1-14' 9t/ ' - • a ""a ' " '1:TentediS ates praseaties•I:s' Ear tantriontot. a .:1.. . v a la bee 1 Wa. ,a1 ' "a' • a tAl 4 ' 4 "1 1." - '' - narr$: la.' ttefi fliis datter. '-'• 'oat notkiaesentablieeP Vale:, in ebee,astke and no " b t d , But ...es, ...,:r, -.,....iot ;1r,-,:ils•e: lifett6 ; 4 "irli;itibt : '. but rwel this .prisso.Egop,31,41,,likplrnaceiy. ea . .kast.ri.R-rP,%•91a.t.actlalifilairf ; ::)".'1:7.'' '3Ali?erie.1.1 fiaa'eag.tte nteWato: tnitede eRetakieeleieyeribaaao %Le: .1 I r. d e-iTlact ehooters at the ieer eretaa eet; aegis, t•Sagi .g.....efeaseaAmili,s-i6igtoteovf.d& -1 , ..T.5 -amilib.0.0 etnmenttls inZgew: •,txus.wfalgratAetves!turcinill3 to,L iAlutees havaladaised &her 1b1313 vats etl? „ - . - , •,-.i i, • • e teantroleof atilts. gati." all: Ilshml:'"n. - Y.,' lid 4`eitteditied'-aPhs'llue ---,;i0m- -;„ when a. il-,:_ ,,..1,& ;.`t 1,4- L",..4"°,1,,.)" ''' ' ' liatri, iSades area • ao .theajarearateei iciatesteoefiettessiQr. , eeeee. oaken/if seal asho iatiratitottisofe thia searatim caveat -Mit ve. ilr. be foUnd-a attaa1h#S7 ° • „e year a • . .. itlf°rni• ' ' ' Iii:etedersonlideember 31 next, so . - . . .t „tijii4,11241°9t. abP1016::uelese 'tile grain buyer leinee:a majeeetredges that , -41?-, Weioner in Londopoit 1.3..q 1„ ...,, , , n 1 .,, . 4 17., t • '.- '''' ' ' . "-'4A' d '' l• 't thrlitta6iblebf ija'. t ."`41'1711.licrli.41i1j1` "1b/1 f theaagarisediat la lativecatimagale atesaathe oa an T he wou a ft r the deer tandae'ot its throat aa ' ' '.f- 'cl-' index to thetpeines..curn.nnts ,,,-.I :a ED tit I teci la', ---1-..;II.JEC) (ern" • ft a e or ax.) . ,,n.nndc,:-? . • - . , tcnber .an '-t , , .., 1--i!., ails :,) lair sliksiveratien,tc:Ml.ifF.9 °,• g ,4, • iti,:eo- setase, no doutt.„-Rmn(d have done en' 'aeeeac - 4 )1:31:1 • • ---Pa —1'. e. ° ' adaittoYtablealeunteri4 eelleasio him from ' ' ' 'tl'-ff 9 Calle4ii.i'veaselifffeakIP n"yin the export 1's'i es;- r • ' res of a PaY1r4 6.a.' '''''' '' !” ‘.. ''''' ' f '' 'Cilit' ' on OtimPlogitis al liglii.dtrAea'15:1r. l'a u beat j e I% ,eiaee• eeel eat' re trte -u'et ., ,,,,, , „ e 8 . the re, that reader! .peeaertonfrostances e,'" ' 'afratilte, d re.„ tuts aney .. . the ''' ' ''''"' '''' ''" '' • ''''''Ihetclu°tattgin4 a recent sta. rn . _ • Plk111.fil;., li 'vigya,,,inhan, bey. gaw was one of , .• ' 1 : . , ' - a a. rites on, e th Octobertastalea a a, riees in tlieZmitihr .. . • - o ,, e • • ' foun Oa . ,-, . • , --" Xiii- ittle Vitiefethirt gepapits of the boat sieeettA tit Idea', e le, eeritientaaatihe ttfa-iee, - --1)4' lai., ne Express, are as bune. "The removal ttliet.ttity, :„says.. ,t.,-,,,, iitittl giotnanni 01(14,, of a dem. as fe.plitsforthjua s 119 z, , taiwdwfid.Wila aesalassing that no 41 trellE,r7qiburie, "is reallyiral.4 ; asesee le ease ei.., a ecafailtiwa selaktl'are, tree -7s ea each ,,. Surrey --e. sumeas of lumber afifd, tabiraati"./Indit ttlIg tgagns,werbt efb,4 o„On arriving at 'tail •••••Lia'asf. et tagOolectlatfieYet l.'s i 1.- oaag ' fei livals.. OeFla oe,.. ...Int e T 1 aa slaw:a asear clic zee:lent a n ' e. e ,,e• ret erea..;:a; aet".e.e.etieLe,eeresoe, s'ale'filittba§s tialise; e - a --a•e.te •taileanere. ' O'cl i ' "as' 6 t atat 1 iFib toe. toatele,' isaidito - , e e patate'lihar,•extetitsb rate talaemp en inylaltZtfilt a int ,($, ,,) G G t • T.i itlIA es tS a'Alisteeil teAdonnd that the ,,reeeele,,, e"p ,. `tf.. , _ .hetfite.. , A., klialti •' ,(1,1 ?et ,..1o4 la tip ti oi trouble during the ' ad, ace ssex w , xteeign'ef : 7 ki,,:ri a' re .,"-, e'.'",.. -,., - ...a,_ aateedlelittgia 2sr - e, - - • • . • , at sta o . • ,. . - ' , alifigs .4.,..za. tom ea p o ; • sashes, screens, benches ete. Terms of sale for reel 'estettel 0 per cent on diva sale and balance in 30 days. ; Chattels. 55 and under cash, over that amounts() months eredit, ou approved joint notes. For further particulars apply to D. 1.711QpilAIIT, or to Ei.mov 'tutor, Assignee, Vendor's Solicitors. Ilensau. aoxeter. *".• • C.A.N.A.DIA3.17 &NO Iniiierted Tweeds, surallos, French:-:Worted COATINGS, STAR GROCERY * MAIN• ST. - EXETER. sou, ran Wiri.ten; Stook Oorattlete in every line. Al bought for cash awl will be sold. at reasonable prices. XTRA VALUES IN Tweed and Fur Overcoats A full range of Flannels, Meltons, Dress Goods, Gloves, etc, and. all the new- est things in PANTINGS, made up in the „ Onr STOCK is nom- plete in every line. it. fine range of Deaver IIats, and .l.mdies' and. Obildten's Caps. gall solicited. JOHN HALL. 'Dash -wood. Latest Style A good fit G-naranteed ern° side. Special attention. given to Ladies' JACKET and MANTLE Making STAND ; One door N'erth of E. Fish's Rather Shop. NOTIOE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of Samuel Baskerville, of the village of ()candle Township of Province of Ontario, Grain Thrasher. NOTICE is hereby given thattbe above named Samuel Baskerville has made an assignment to mo of all his estate and effects, in trust for the benefit of 031 his creditors. A meeting of the Creditors of tbe said estate is 'hereby convened and bo held at me office, Orediton, Ont. on Stephen, in the county. of Huron, ST, LAWRENCE OAN ALS. aoxV=S=C)11r. IsZOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, TENDERSaddressed to the under - as' eigued, and andorsed 'reader for at. ewrence Canals. will be regolvea at this tote. until, the iirriv,il of the eastern and 'western 100110 00 Wednesday, the 3n1dav of' December next. for the construotion of a lift, leek ,weirs- ete.. at Morrieb rg, and the deepen- ing and enlargement of the Iterate Plat Canal. The work will be divided lute three mitoses, eath oboutamile.in length. nsp 01' t,114 104,,e4tY, together with num anusp cumations of therespeetive works. caa be seen on and after Wednesday, tho 10th day of November uext. at this °thee1 and at the Besident angineer's Office Morrisburg. where printed forms of tender can be obtained, In thee:tee of firms there must be attached 10 the tender, IA actual signatures of the full n me, the nature ef the occupation aud resi- dence of eaoh member of lac mime. and furtber, on occeptea ebeque on it, thartered bank in -- QTOLEN—ON OR ABOUT 17TH inst., n nurtntity of tile 110011011g to the township of otephen. which bad been drawn to 3rd con, Lake/toad. fur thapurpose of mak- ing culvert. Any person givtng information as to the that will bo suitably row arded. Peoney, Ci era. Steplum. .4 OR SA.LE OR RENT. A good clateco-tbat valueble property 21miles east of' Exeter 011 Thrunee Road 1 oue acre of laud filled with thelee fruit trees. Time is a frame house with rooms in it end a -frame building 20x30 and e stable, good wen with pump, suitable for a privets:, mai-deuce. l'er partioulars apply to srart Dream (1)1 Lutniee mat aloe 4. habildfeistbeh tette ful trapper had 'I" I'd fl"eiP17', • - abopti, eagaiireigeln, faidatkoiere atiewith leaves, the '6 `-‘416'611'..1d°1 eae-ri 'elee"trke'eatiaia tatipa.estopeet. " 16'eadittltidi3 te)rrate. The Dutch. ,r0 1:0,1 413,' ate team; beilag„eeftedseastole ittlriaotbillitabos attar any deer nay Lem a stela as Lee at _tate ii;jwis-Fwerg.„0.0 e,s1 a irePr.utid,p% 4i.6..atoi. I a'ctiatead4 inalb.. ,11,1 Sagn""AvO 'T4TfiFtle &nal a hedialp ttgirbet,nlriRK fAftlitittelyi lipped into the trap, .7piP.thatti DI vi it Imitlidtriivt(b(441) ,131 "tqrbIlaw lifeD1 the trap. He , ;#;3 ed,,per7., 00.„impik ehtbaYgo...11 affaT6Lth'5"'iViibtlig" (-haat' atitiiiktaatb *Me te,the arrive' of Raz. 6 hi'dh 'clad " eo 15OlaaaallerhaadtaWa for TRIDAY. the 5th clay of DECEMBER, 1890 Or AT TIIE litYUR OF 1 O'CLOCK P. M. for the appointment of Inspectors and the giv- ing of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. Ail creditors of the said estate are hereby required to file 'their claims with me, duly sworn, on or before the day of such meeting, as after the first day of January, A. DM, I shall proceed to distribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only to swill claims as 1 shall have notice of, and I will not bo responsible for the assets of said estate or any part thereof, to anyms Person or persons whose claim or claishall not have been filed. ey „.eitiewn, et. d.1ag. t eaa &lagoon -in IseaSraithat River)- geeseteelt Oeleto giSg. •Li ,,(11 a: 1 „,'Y' , wath etitpac tilie,deighttAbnared 41 ;Irma/ terelopi tepanrsytruo tette. amneerEikeatE: f .1 g,-,17raa6rit),, each h.0•041,1a,iiice,:!pilged eaeamen•faeteatritled Rated, oifithtliffeS,teutfoe6 fit jrt solotirgrif,0, 144-: Oat h ttlf atoll 2' at t at ',Oitaitingsa"104 -• f 110 :•-.-qurke • s" turrim 0 e sih r'81'.:-1 %it ttbfgsitilt0:41,.. 61,.0igtirn)np, 4c1; raZirufa,:ral!:',1gnha ittel'are'Stilt;faetati tiew, trio Pys.7 re.„ stilsolgspitUgroV-:( • kP 7ra .esa m wo alt'▪ '''''Ithefeallitaffie begs muted then:met 14:A if., in 911` (te% n'ettn,akee'4604srikk"-, — • • ,t. , - gtV. nientayea. itatot been, day. -me, m - ;1,511y1. egeti;pete. rep.. d t , dP , „cleprAveR • P.. e old have beene able ineenditiateTbeene „, .. ne ts, A •••, lea o a, t Oa da and, a'Shiolieslibultil elseeaottagil Sid,dtlefeatteivisible, dead t ; fine back `4ancling natfitS ,Whenten to, the astonislamen moke bad faded :swat; w I shall break ilet arta 'sail idef' • "P'TIF04)415 4671' r ,i-clfickei="3;`,..3g` s'' ' usfixa _ is ,c1 ti tttli, . .t ,ksis ,s , 4 - • tiZ110$114;IP 1.11 "-4t •„" viewleeritta otttutlY raw" °AL° • • ' ' edtarartetthe hen he addresses h th °vete"' tons a3t1).9e "./ "tyd (1401110(ta • no_ s 0. lataeal ":1 lifditiVild43(1341, A PPR() aet eee. ,t4't ,.Z ,Carrealialle eselese , at '' rIArcal,Aped - or alive, On 00- • aVU°141 " ra a tl- eoltinitatOfethe DetTlatti bee eeelegeueicifte of the oys shot a sma iyr I. enitailia ers ;)-('...t).5 dtc.j.ina ellen, is the ea n 11 afaletured withina .ah aee e adtew afreiena Laze:4, - eif alisob ti.(. .<1 tiallS(SE lrth . , tilt the • pices1 - Hoodai imrsaparilla purifies Alla Ibleadotinds are best is frrim January to Juke, Et We doasereteeTtio Dutchman christened h t "Jack the Rippei a'and no doebt .' 1:1911• tf*t '1.11"1,42itti:11);1"I(11Le' ' %AC.. titYITWIlf thStiP3dtrifl" '' :".-1C''1':'111:H-riiigni:ta,lbt-ii-'61 in`ri'saio,' c1;14.oti(ls.1-4,4111:1164'ilillAcilifiii61.11Zillage.f4Yuit° linitat4ttket: osiliellEtetoybfraWt lahlYte, lateleti amisa 1..;`,11 Tiqh ,t/' 7 egettiri „tittle al,, , , 1 itp i HENRY EMBER, ASSIGNEE. Dated 22nd November. 1390. Caned& for the sum of 5000. must accompany the tender far Section No 1, stud an accepted cheque, on a obartered bank in Canada.. for the sum of e2.000foy each of the otitersoctions The respective accepted chequee must be el:lamed 4,1V6r to the Minieter of Railways and Canala and will be ft:arched if the peaty ten- dering declines coterie; into into cotatutot, for the works at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheques thus sone in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders aro not accepted This Deparanent does Pot, however, bind itself to accept the lowest er any tender. By Order. A. P.DRADLEY, aceretarse Department ot Railway,' and Canals. Ottawa, ith Novezuber 460 New Fall GOOdS - nwn, en n.n, 4:nn OAR FOR SERVICE. W. SELL. of lot 15, eon 7, ITaborne, will keep for the improvement of stock. a thoro'bred Chester white boar. Terms: el. at time of service. NEORTGAG-E SALM • FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power ot sale containea in a certain registered mortgage made by the Otte Samos Oke and. held by the Vendor. there will be offered for sale be PUBLIC AUCTION at the CENTRAL TIOTEL, Exeter THURSDAY the 27th November 1890 • • thee permenently (tures catarrh ' when game to. any extent is not in season. Turkeys are in season Ilwasancla 1'7116 have wed Nasat Balm give testimony to its wonderful merit im 11 from November till February, or cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh. even a little tutor. let November Give it a trial. Take no Substitutes, EXETER Pork Packing House Raving ceinmenced business for. tbe Fail& Winter Trade • We are prepared. to purchase any quantity of Pork, subjeet to the following regulatiens We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pounds if soft. Shoulder stuck, twenty -cents. It any (Mahe long gut is left, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No Pork will be bought at any price if Warm. We want all Hogs Cuttings tight through breast to head, and Hams opened out to • SNELL BROS. & CO. New Velveteens. Dress G-oods. Mantle Cloths. Flannels. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashraere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Un.derwear. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, toe following lands and promises, viz, Lot tilo 2, in the third eon. of the townshie of Stephen, in the county of Huron, containing ono hun- dred acres, more or less. Thalami is all clearest. There are on the nreinises a one story brick house, two frame barns and a fide oroaard. TERMS e -Ten per cent of the p urebase mottey at the time of sale ' and the balance within two weeks thereafeer or the vendor will allow a portion of the pu'rchase money to remain upon first 'mortgage of the premises, if so desired. For further particulars, apply to in ieni the red faced, Englishman ,frora litt II Y E 2 N. P* GRLYD°1(' . . . 14.auctfo"naeor, 11411 ' Vendor's Solicitor. yr town, who I nu** is a retired fanner, n a; ..,re....ton• Rome:see Hera. Onemseits. atilititos GI"V few it'Watual' t ItstostPrir Louden. 't r --L--• 100 he richly deserved the title. Another night, Money Saved I( t It 11 (1 it 3. MATHESON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. Donunon !Allay Satisfaction assured to every customet. Can. You Buy Cheaper P NOTE THE PRICES: All wool Flannels, 15c yd and up Dress Goods - 5c " " Ladies' Slippers, - 25c pr " Ladies' Kid Boots, $1.25 pr " Tea - 8c lb " MILLINERY VERY CHEAP 1 1 HEADQUART.ERS FOR ------ Pure Drugs, Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuff, Perfumery and T Articles. SchoolBooksandStationary, Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTA.R, Main St., JI W. row11111 Call and Bee at DOITF'B'S STORE SIRICTON.