HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-22, Page 6Marvest �eseaich ,too Plays ForestDevelopment Montreal Fifty years or more _„,wlu,uw«.wnuuuarew.,,, for . a single crop. That's how long it takes --'for .most trees to grow trans seedlings to maturity. , During their long growing pe- rfocl, trees, just Like a,farm crop, must be tended and protected. When the crop is mature it must be harvested, -if it is- not, ',th trees will be wasted3 as they rot in the forest or fall prey to in- sects, wind storms, and disease. These are the faets of forest management about which profes- sional foresters' and woods oper- ators talked at the 40th annual meeting of the Woodlands Sec- tien--ef.ehe Canadian—gulp.—.an Paper Association, held recently in Montreal. The Woodlands Section of C.P.P.A. plays an -active role in the management ,and protection of the forests. Working” coramit- tees of the,Section participate in research projects, investigate stew protection techniques, and :hei- ;-design -new -logging ' .p; ment. Forest management, as it was discussed at the meeting, is more than a conservation and protec- tion program. -It is creative. It includes and makes use of advanced scientific research. It _provides' the _, continuing and overlapping cycles of natural re- seeding, growing, and harvesting that will bring forth `sustained annual crops.to enrich Canadians and the nation: Commenting on the future of Canada's forest resources ir1 his' announcement of the Montreal confei'lence,' W. A. E. Pepler, manager of the Section, .said, "Over the next twenty-five years Canada " will have the exciting opportunity of doubling its out put of pulp and paper and, at rhe same time, increasing by o`rYze 40 per •cent its output of .. rl Sh•.'w:. .. •x ..• .{; �..: .....,:..•... r. A forest researcher, 'tapper lefts, examines n 4arid poplars at. a 'i ommercial forest plantation on Manitoulin- Island in Ontario'.s Lake "Huror1 These trees were planted as cuttings in 1955. By the following mid -summer, when this photo was token, they were more than six feet toll Careful breeding produced these omazingly rapid -growing trees, which may' be ready to horyest in ten years: (LoVer.Left ), •Eight foot pulpwood logs are loaded for :delivery to o pulp and poper mill. They, are port of the annual harvest from Canada's woodlands (Right), o fire tower,. symbol of forest protection, stands out ogoinst a clear summer'sky, Forest protection also includes insect .ond disease control, ' other forest products. Most of this, output will earn rrroy"ior Canada through ;,sales abroad."„ "In, terms of wood volume," Mr.. Pepler continued, the na- bon's forest resources are suf- ficient to sustain such an output. But""urw xtensive forest devel•• opment will naturally create sorre problems for forestry, offi• cials and woods operators," he said. "That is why the Wood lands- Section, and its :members throughout the pulp and paper' i industry, continually strive to improve all aspects of their forest management and harvest ing operations. Our concern is for future as well as for imme- diate harvests." _LAN.D ,.IN CENTRE OF- • COUNTY NEEDS RAINFALL Areas .to both the north and south of Huron County enjoyed liberal showers during the early part of the week. However, the -central-part-of-Abe-county is still seriously'` dry. ':Most of the crops have been planted, with the excep- tion of white beans and. some silage corn in areas that' haven't received moisture. Most of ,the cattle are out on pasture; grass in most cases is short. Baptists To Hold 56th Anniversary On Sunday Rev,., F• T. Darnell, of Egerton Baptist Church, Landon, will be guest 'preacher at the 56th an- niversary services of Goderich Bap- tist -Church on Sunday. Services will he held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special music will include a Jun - „John P. Graf s Finaservice (Finest in Corner Bayfield Rd. and Bennett St. North America) NOW OPEN LUBRICATION 0 WASHING TVITP, UPS MINOR REPAIRS' PHONE 552 ' WATCH' FOR JUNE 15 -2t-3X • for Choir' selection and a. duet by Rev. and Mrs. John Ostrom, jr. At the evening service, Mr. Ostrom will play a violin solo. Commencing at 630_ p.m. on Monday, a' church family supper will be held. This -will be catered to by the Florence Pletsch Mission Circle. ' Mr. Darnell will be the dinner speaker, • • • An early move toward the estab- lishment of the Baptist Church in Goderich was made at a meeting on April '3',. 1902. About a dozen. , persons of theBaptist_ faith met at ' J. E. Lewitt's home where they were addressed 'by Rev. Mr. Dun- lop, a Baptist clergyman from Clinton, Following another meeting a week later in the home of Mrs. McColl, South 'street, it was an- nounced that establishment of 'a mission here in connection with that denomination was „contem- plated. . Later that year, the Baptists' started holding services in the as- sembly hall over the J. W. Smith store •on .East street. r The present minister of Goderich Baptist Church is -Rev. S. H, Find- , lay. ,FINAL MAJbRITY 1,165 The.. .final ..- olfrgal= count. of ballots iri the Huron by-elec- tion gave'Charles 8..MacNaugh- ton a majority of 1,165. This count was.. made Tuesday at Seaforth and announced by Russel Bolton, returning of- ficer, and . W. E. Southgate, chief election clerk. The final count made a drop of only one vote in the total of Dr.. J. A. Addison. It was in poll No. 10. at Goderich which should have been 78 for Addi- • son instead of 79. Heavy Damage ..._ _ ..-. As Car 'Hits Tree A car was damaged to the ex ! tent of $400 to $500 when it struck a tree on the south side of, Britan- nia road, at Victoria street, on Friday afternoon. Police said the driver was 'Dennis McCullough, age -about 20, of St. David street. The driver and a passenger came out of the accident with nothing more than a few bruises and minor cuts, • it is reported. - A L S ' r`, 'Mr. a id'iDQrs. IL- T 0'ob i tone iof Mr. `and 1Mra. Jim Eedditt and FAse , isiteed.. wal:th,. faxen here fami, of Toronto, nt - dulcabg All hpi}day week -en s. end lywiltb tt►e foxmesper's aunt, weekMiss 14O Roy {'Vel,, , *ho. has, tte(en Lillian' MaeViear. „ • stationed. at Edgar, Qntar o, spent . Miss Leslie Leitch and friend, of a low����d,ca_y. - itlt 1-s. parents, lMr. Tor -onto, spent tile„ week -end with ,"" 40 i f .0y r ice' « i&`�', :ti ... • ... Day, where he wJll be §tatione+d for ►Mr. attci yrs, Roy Breckenridge Stokes, West street. the net 12 ;mont'l*s. and Litt 'a visited last week in Mrs. W. U. IXar'r""is�rn; of 1letrgit, Gananoque with Mrs, Brecken- arrived last week to open her sum- ridge's • brother, Mr. Ross Griif, mer,home, on Lighthouse street, ..,,,Mrs. �Griff and .family. a,;. ,.c. ' The druggist temporarily oiler. ; Dr. and -Mrs. R. W. Hughes were sting Cpmpbeli's Drug Store since in Toronto this week attending the the. death„ of James A. Campbell Ontario Dental convention, is W. H. , (Mutrie, who, „has' been Week -end guests with Mr. ''and living retired at Erin, Ontario. Pre- Mrs. George Filsinger' were the ,vious to that Mr. Mutrie ...lived at •latter's sister, Mrs. Charles Robin - Brantford and Stoney Creek. op, Mr, Robinson • and David, of Mrs. E. L. Dean, of -town, is a oronto. • • patient in Victoria Hospital at Mrs. Victor Campbell and son, London. , tb , . Larry, Of London, was ,a week -end (Miss Penny Thorpe, or Don Mills, guest with her parents, Mr., and visited at the week -end with Miss Mrs. Chas. L'reckow, Palmerston Fra Hees. Curry. - street, Mrs. J, L. Whitten leaves today Mr• and Mrs. Bill Alclnnis and from Montreal via the Corinthian daughters, Gail""and Susan, of Owen for Scotland for an extended visit Sound, were holiday guests with with her sister, Mrs. Frank Ram- Mr. McInnis' mother, Mrs. N. Mc - say, at Kilmarnock; and .other re- Innis, West street. latives, all of whom she has not Mr. Jack ' Bowlcr, "-of Detroit, seen _for 38 years. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bowler. --Me i. o\very ..ancr"Pet'e- Zimmerman returned ori the week- end from a w'eek's fishing in the Gogarna di.;trict of Northern On- tario,. They met with excellent fishing results getting speckled trout up to three pounds in Rover and llis pals are -causing weight and lake trout up to ten Town Council some concern, So pounds. much, in fact, that Council may . Miss Joyce Greer has joined the hire a` dog catcher. - staff of Donnelly and Donnelly, "We've got a by-law ' and no one barristers: !Miss Greer is a gradu- ! to, enforce .it," claimed Councillor ate of the •Goderich Business Col - Bruce Sully • at Friday's Council letie. Meeting.:. eek -end guests with Mrs. J. Mc- . It was noted that there have been Gratten, Essex street, were her son, numerous complaints this year Chester McGratten, of Aylmer, and about canines running at large. Mr: Lyle Summers,.of Aylmer, and This is strictly against the law her granddaughter, Marie Silver- ' during the summer months. thorn, of Belmont. "I'd like to suggest that ,we give Mr. W. Hoy,. of Goderich, was very serious• consideration to the named to. the M.B. Committee of hiring of a- dpg, catcher," declared the South Huron Camp of Gideons Councillor Sully._. been .._• _ „ when --they met for their annual In the -past, it has been left up meeting at Dashwood.-The..,Gide- to the local police to sed that dogs on report an increased interest in do not run at large in the summer, their program both locally and na- Phone said Councillor Frank Walkom. tionally. Elected president was i ;But. he felt this should not be the W. J. Thompson, of Seaforth. job of the -police, Councillor Tipple wanted to know: "Are there any qualifications for• a dog catcher?" He was informed by Councillor Sully .that a pair ,of running shoes -and a big, net might be helpful. As to whether a town dog ,catch et' would need a vehicle, 'it was suggested that roller skates might `1411 the bill. • - Y -.- Councillor Sully and the town clerk were 'appointed a committee to bring a recommendation. to Council re the possible appoint - 1 ,ment- of a dog catcher. They will also investigate all the terms of the by-law covering dogs. THURSDAY, KAY 2, UI4.1858 Cpl. and I4rs. Des. Wood and family, of Trenton, spent the week, end with Ors,'Wood's' mother, Wira. .J. L. Whitten,. prior td taping up residence in•: Dayton, OIuq, where • Cpl. Wood has been posted• Miss Claire Reynolds :left) on Wednesday to spend the lsuufiner in England.. Mrs, Dorothy Ward and Mr, Fred "t-okes of-Voron}Ovxte+ O , Q�1d� hn Tu4 +wvrw'+ •(1'•4 Sa,u 4'VTIto s ' ntir'' 44ir: °-and Mrs. Chas. Rover pauses Council Concern Yes we have the NEW Bissell SHAMPOO' MASTER CLEANS 9x12 RUG. IN 30 MINUTES AT-YM.E-!_..- Now you can golve your rugs a pro- fessional -type Dag cleaning job at home .:. for one tenth the costl And' it's easy with the Bissell Shampoo Master. As easy as using a carpet sweeper. Odorless,” nontoxic, nonflammable! Come in for a rag cloning demonstration. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! CAN OF LIQUID CLEANER (REQ. FREE$16.95 ULAR$2,39 VALUE) SWTEHRENAPPLN YOU CATOR FORS 6 95 F. E. HIBBERT & SON :Classes- FIIIed For Race Meet - Classes are ;filled up for'Goderich Trotting and Agricultural -Society's second harness racing meet of the eason. The date is Saturday, May 1, starting at a p.m. The place, of course, is,Agricultural Park. There are 'five classes, including the free-for-all, which features a classy line-up—probably the finest array of racing talent that will be I seen here this year, 86 Goderich Good, Clean Used, VOLKSWAGENS 5 These are 1954-57 model; inclusive, low mileage on majority. Look em over and take your choice os colors. Many other used autos on display. • STOP WORRYING about .your ' worn tires ! " See us to -day about safe, new ,f1-R-ESTONE TIRES .. and, because yourcar deserves the best, always use' TEXACO Gasolines, Ails and -Lubricants, available at TEXACO SERVICE H. C. MacPhee Phone 20 Volkswagen Dealer The qualityinargin „. starts with thafinipb...::, fr �ck�;•G,':%i•4 �r:�h.te-.,.�r�.•rr�:;�f5 / •..: :3•H.,•r.g;.: it 1: :.w `........,' a,eTi- fi ...and continues here A • e INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • i E"CEPTION. CARDS e► TCIAN K YOU CARD RM a�yea cy IMT[-UATIONAL-AT(MTS 4 Featuring "THERMh_GRAVI,IRE". PRINTING ! (Raised Lettering) _ A GENERAL MO''IORS VALUE* ▪ .. in fact, from bumper to bumper,Chevrolet' dcjvers a bonus of extra beauty, extra performance. for every dollar you spend! LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS . , . You may \select your Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Acknowledgment's with complete confidence as to quality, and correctness of form. WG- ALSO HAVE PsRS©NALIZ,ECi WEDDING NAP.XI' ,, M SS At1o,„C K. BDAgl . P e • Sae the Chevy Show . . . an hour of musical variety every Wednesday evening. Check your - local TV listing for times. �SS �!'' .•y'r:C:r:{viii. Price doesn't prejudice quality, when you settle for Chevrolet. You can see the quality margin reflected in Chevy's lustrous finish ... feel it when you touch.,smoother bodywoilt)•There's unseen quality, too, in the sturdier, safer chassis ancj road- snoothing Pull Coil suspension. , Better design and attention to detail. follow through to the double-wall construction of Body by Fbsher. You can hear and feet this q'.,aiity when better -built doors .close tight. What you can't hear is road noise: Acoustic' insulation shuts it out. And when you stretch in Chevy's silent, more roomy interior, you begin to know w kit's called Luxury Lounge. Yes, extra care is rywhere, because quality pontes by the carload.. into Chevrolet. —see One today! ...and here r► ..iandhere A, C -2158D INIMO OVOID 0.11r THE NI01,11, mals EFFICIENT ENGINES IN TIII'. WORLD SEE YOUR LOCAL .AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER FOR QUICK APPRAISAL -- PROMPT DELIVERY V YOUR CAR V YOUR DRIVING V ACCIDENTS 4161011010100.611.111.111.111. --���a�+w.z. ,�+.h' 'w*jla��S'tn`�:�t"�`•fi�"'d�`��! 1b�,�+m",�xk1�+'=�^�4��F'Rwdwtiu:t�rYt G KINGSTON STREET ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC •d ';. 11' ., M1 w r ...rvN , s-.f"xkw+.euh�.C�uww'A+:SW: •W yam PHONE 165 - 4. 4 ,y Ir A • t,