HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-22, Page 411- • W DECLINES TO A PX ASHFIELD PUPILS N'.$quest from the Ashfield ShRl1 Area f r the tuition of five .0404 from S.S. N. 9 for the *OA academic term hasbeen turn- down by the Lucknow Public •C 1 �t Y i Y v� �i�'liT•1 `enrollment at the Lucknow scheol. 10r next year made the decision ...:necessary. The Ashfield Township School Area Board has decided to tempor- arily ,close S.S. •No. 9. Since the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ;Hallam and family tQ iLt,►cknow only six pupils remain at the school. These pupils will be transported to 'LISS. No. 8 next year. T 4,Rcrw �"Gor • e. „:tom �uli�A svwcm ou.hattagl.4 • :Vital: Factor __. Seed costs solittle that one is inclined to overlook its import- ance. But of all. the things that go into gardening, including one's time, seed is the most important. Without good seed,.- suitable and "tested for Canada, successful 'gard- ening • is simply impossible. A tlower or a vegetable that may give "TM - PI t ung Iocks out, the weather The perfect fit of overlapping ribs in adjoining sheets -- of -Eastern. -Steep, -'galvanised. `T.iue-Lipl--roofing*-an siding guarantees weathertightpess for, your farm building. Both at side and end laps, this snug'Tite-Lap' keeps out driving wind and rain. ted, 'rite -Lap' can 'be laid right over old wooden shingle or asphalt roofing without removing the 'original roof- ing material. Each 5 -rib sheet covers a. full 32' width. astern 'Steel manufactures - several. distinct types of ental roofing and siding—each designed with a different application in mind. To help you choose •the right covering, write today for 'your free copy of Bulletin 140, showing the best roofing, siding and accessories for the covering job you have in mind. Remember, when applying Eastern'Steel roof- ing or siding be sure to use 'Preston' spiral shank Led-Hed nails --the roofing ,nails with the lead seal•undemeath the head which plugs the nailhol'e with rustproof, weathertight lead. IT. le ed lrlF, ..,;E,... r' EASTERN "STEEL PRODUCTS LIMITED t Mlr,tr 1„110, 10/0HIO MOMtYIA(, 4 member of the Combined Enterprises group 5639 -Sr • bion L i�nda y $mitt �- won -Ott `i'( ixlts glans or the,Sputhern States can be a ,com- plete washout in our different climate. It's not patriotism but eominon ,sense to buy seeds from 'Canadian sources. •' The Wonderful Zinnia The colorful. Zinnia has become one, of our most popular flowers.,,', And it'richly deserves this place 'because it is .easily grown either from seed or. , plants; it conies in a variety of sizes, from tiny,' to giant; and in an amazing range'of color. Few sights are more ' strik- ing than a big massed bed of Zin- nias, Although, today's varieties are a far cry from the wild species from which' they wereF developed the re- sistance to heat Which was a neces- sary factor in the survival of the native North and South American types still persists, , This heat en- durance makes zinnias well adapt- ed to Canadian summers. While exteremeiy easy -to grovv,--there-are" a few general rules that one can follow to be sure of the best re- sults. First, time of planting, Since zinnias grow best in warm weather, one will find it is well to wait until the weather and soil are reliably warm before the seed, is planted. Second, if you are going to trans- FonAL b sy right,b'ug or water that drooping plant you CONCRETEcan keep everything,,grrowrng at its peak capacity and present injury :from spreading to the other plants. 77E, CODE c plant zinnias for any reason; dl ' aQ at the .earliest stage possible '�tpr- ferably whey .When t bane just ' their •1 rat pair o tirPe leaves). Plaints moved when they are larger will. live, but they take a long Wile to recover,' and it is much better to have started from seed sown where the plants are 'to remain. Finally, when you, pick . zinnias „ fo4 4/101A.: ct • rhe latq ^y ��� ,r � A..•1�� u�li��l IG 1.1� necks in water and keep them ii a cool place over night. " Frayrant Garden ifone lass a bit of extra space, a fragrant flower garden will make an' in.tefesting and pleasant feature. Here are, grown, those flowers, noted for perfume. People don >r have • to be- able to see „toenjoy such •a garden and it is just 'as attractive. after dark as in, , the daytime. In . the , old fashioned -garden, there' was .always a bed or two of specially 'fragrant Bawer?; planted in such, a location that their per- fume would reach the people sit- ting oil, the verandah. There are plenty of special Sowers ' listed in any Canadian seed catalogue which will suit this purpose. Some of the best known for perfume are nicotine, , sweet peas, alyssum, evening primrose, lilies, sweet william, pinks, and mignonette. "�. _ Marring, Inseection _ One of the greatest pleasures.in the flo"wer garden comes from the daily inspection during. just a five minute tour before the day's work begins., This proprietary examin- ation of, your acnievements not only gives you the satisfaction of seeing fresh new blooms each day - but also serves to check the con- dition of every plant. A wilted stem, a curled leaf, a ragged edge in the foliage all point to damage in its earliest stage. If you get' • — FOR — WALLS FLOORS WALKS. BARNYARDS ETC: Delivered to the job in the quan- tity you require. The fast clean way to pour con- crete. Call or ,write us for a free estimate. Huron Concrete Supply Ltd • GODERICH PHONE 1/4 Also suppliers of Concrete Block. 16tf IF tT'S CASH YOU NEED; THEN DON'T. DELAY- T.C.C. ON THE PNONE,,,TODAY Loans $150: to $2,500. or more • Take up to 30 months • to repay on a wide selection of load plan:;. Fast, courteous service, • 148 111E SQUARE, PHONE 797 TRANS CANADA CREDIT if OOOO He will need money for the �1. family vacation , Of the 59,704 "professional, tech- nical and kindred workers" 'who migrated to the United States in the four years' 1953-1955, 15,933 or 26,7 per cent came from C iad;i. Who drank all the Orange KIST ? Orange KIST i3` made rom`.' 'real •ranges. That's why it, tastes so good — why smart people insist ott..Orgnge KIST.? accept ane "lust -as -good -"f brands. Get Orange _KIST today! >'° hare's a, KIST flavour for .very ,• lasts. In canon or cooler . • . a ported "pick- M. 44. KIST YOUR KIST. BOTTLER t refresh yov ,f�S'T/ • KI -6353-A Tuckey Beverages , 451 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone Exeter 515 London 2-5924 i� ......., .. :%f// ! 4:. %I r 4 k odk 2i She is saving uf'!•�"�!�i' ::.nay; for her , trousseau 5 9.L '...so • bot& are building up bank accounts Every 11 seconds during banking hours last year a new deposit account was opeiidi4n a chart red bank. And to millions of 11fi tans a an s no ony. e •s plaite to keep savings—it is a{°fii ; itlti`tt1 ' - .00ie-centre ")picoviding services ifieful everyone in the community. A visit to a cherecdTiank is the way to handle all your banking needs. Here you can deposit ' ant. 3,' e t safety deposit hole, buy travellers cheques, ,,,transfer money—all safely, simply, easily. THE CHARTERED BANKS 'S'ERVING YOUR COMMUNITY' �r. 1 .. 1 A yg7.t 5p DU JatAJMV',OI11. a 17.E -iMr, and Mrs. Frank. 'entia d Patricia, Hod and I�orna visited,•' roeently`. with the .for' er's niotther, Mrs... B. Pentland, Toronte,, Who is conval- escing since an operation, and is much ,improved. , " s. Wini'<i are ,dcoi lbs, T3. •� ' a .^�ay. k" tier '11arents, Mrs. °W. FL ( IoClure,. and other relatives. . Afrsw-Lorne• >lvers leas' been •a pat- ient in Wingham hospital, taking treatment for injuries to her back. 1Mra. Harvey Alton was at Guelph rec,ently as o delegate' from Dun- gannon Wanign' Institute- attend- ing the (Federated Women's Insti- tute officers conference • at the Ontario Agricultural College. Miss Ruth, Orser, bride -elect, was honored by. a miscellaneous show- er at the Parish Hall attended by about 6(1 friends. As .the bride-to- be was escorted to a specially dec- orated chair by four girl friends, Lynda Blake, Patricia Pentland, 'Eleanor, Alton and Pauline Ander- son, Mrs. Allan Reed played on the piano. ,Mrs. Esther Rivett led in a sing -song and sang a solo, `Love's Old . Sweet Song," dedicated to Ruth. Little' Lynda Young and Patricia Eedy brought in pretty; wagon loads of gifts. Ruth thank- r lrle nds,.,a WI invited _them, to. her home to see her trousseau and gifts. Her aunts, (Mrs. Toth Young, Mrs, Fred Young and Mrs. Marshal Gibson, with assistants, served a lunch at the close of the evening. • Mr. Marvin Durnin has received word Of the` passing of his sister, MMrs. Vera IMcN'ab, in her 63rd year, ,.She was a daughter of the, late Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Durnin, Dungannon. We extend our sym- pathy to the family, in their sad - loss... , OBITUARY MRS. ARTHUR FISHER, LER, ' The funeral services for Mrs. Evelyn Beatrice Fisher were held don IMo{{iiday afternoon at the Stiles .;funeraa1i.fbome,Montreal street. Rev. A.' E. -Eustaee' officiated- and- inter- ment was in 'Colborne cemetery. Deceased died , on Friday at the•. age of 75 years aur Alexandra Hos- pital after an illness of two and a - half years. She was a .daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James. Wallis' and was born , in Goderich Town- ship, near 'Bayfield. She moved to Colborne Township in 1907 and continued to reside:there until 1946 when she and her husband retired to Goderich. She was a member of North Street United Church arid also a member of the Dorcas , Club. Her husband, ArthuF' Fisher 'pre- deceased her about five years .ago, Surviving her are four sons, Wil- fred, Elmer, Leonard and Arnold, all of Colborne Township, and three daughters, Mrs. Irvine (Edith) Tebbutt, Mrs. Kenneth (Reta)_ Holmes, and Mrs. James (Lorraine)' Young, all of Goderich Township. There are eighteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Three brothers, Fred Wallis, of Pickford,.. ?Michigan, Herb -Wallis, of D'Arcy, -Sask., and Walter Wallis, of Lon- ' don; also survive. • , Those from a distance attending the funeral were- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wallis, .,Mr. Fred 'Wallis and sons, Percy 'and Fred, jr., and Willard Welsh, of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs.' Herb Wallis, of D'Arcy, Sask., who made the trip by plane... - The pallbearers were grandso. Bruce Holmes, Jack, 'Gerald, and Gordon Tebbutt and nephews; Chas. and Fred Wallis, of ..Bay- field. Ex-Pohceman a PIads .ToVChares Four• An ex policeman, .,Ronald tiring, 27, of RA. 5 GoderiCh, was re- when he pleaded guilty to four charges in magistrate's court here Thursday. He was to appear again in court today to be sentenced. He ad'mitted':•obtaining 'a $2,500 car from Pearson Motor Sale's; Exeter,,by false pretences on April 21. Earlier, en, March 7, he ob- tained gas and cigarettes, with a total value of '$4.92, from R. Marks & Son, of Walton. Qn April 18, he obtained lodg- •ing to the value 'of three ,dollars from the Bedford Hotel, Goderich, by fraud. The next day he obtain- ed credit to the extent of $10 plus five 'dollars in cash `from Curry's Taxi here. • Robert A. 1MeEwcn and (Terry J. Yakiemenko, both of :Clinton RCAF Station, pleaded guilty to stealing a .ear in Clinton and attempting to steal gas hi Kitchener. On one charge they were placed on Sus- pended sentence for one year. On the other charge, each was fined V16 and--eosts--or,Y•tliree.. w.eeks.-. in. • j ail. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays explained that the pair took a car, owned by Kenneth (`ribbings, from BRICK, BLOCK; Cement Work CHIMNEY REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES .' H. REED Phone.... 9,;A�.1R........._ .G,oderni17h.;. You Can Depend On Whk kidneys fail t■ to remove 'excess adds and wastes, backache, tired DOads feeling, disturbed % K, -o N E •,' rest often follow, Dodd's Kidney kidneys to normal duty. You feel ' 0�1 ,�N Yn•r'E o,; ror better --sleep bet- ter. et ter, work better. You ran depend T'Nc - 58 on Dodd's. Get Dodd's at any drugstore. edica}'Mirror WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT MEN AL , HEALTH 1111 Q. Does the fast 'pace of , modern living , cause mental breakdowns? A. It probably does in some cases .but, it maybe -high time to get another whipping boy: "' Ah English doctor says too "" Much stress is being p1aced on stress. He tells patients that life is a battle against many unavoidable stresses. The healthy ,attitude .is to enjoy the fight. We might all do better by faeirig the facts of life. Material in MEDICAL MIRROR' ' is based' on various scientific ' p'iiblications and. does not • 1'" i'nece'ssarily reflect the opini- on of all doctors. • The diagno- • sis and -treatment of disease requ res t e s till and, knowl- edge which only a physician can, apply by personally at- tending the patient. Direct your inquiries to J. Dowhey Ralston, "M.D. Science Editors, P.O. Box 174, Windsor, Ontario. PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY EMERSON'S Tow - CORNER WEST ST. AND SQUARE DON'T TAKE CHANCES! '�.G:vw%:lw+.4f:LLafwiS�iAwFn'i:�� cMc ,P,:.,%j.•�,,r:lir,':,{�,'cf ..•'+.,+'.' iS••'nr'}4�' sem:; tv.:� :cssac rat iio.:r: essol TERRIFIC BRAKE. HEAT AND WEAR FACTORS • are the problems of today's brakes. imagine pressing your hand against a brake drum at sixty miles on hours ,' The heat generated is such that it could make a theap brake lining completely useless after one fast stop) • Raybestos brake linings are specially made to resist --heat .aidwear—for yoursafety.. GET A COMPLETE BRAKE CHECK FAKE :YOUR CAR TO YOUR 0 DEALER fdicvico CANADA'S BEST-KN9Wt ND LARGEST -SELLING BRAKE LINING Punto, on 14fay 9, 'Theyere 'phi e d�, ed tu... in Kitchener as they parked to Steal gas ,:from a' truck pd behind a place of business. (Pleading guilty to careless driv- mogder chmwas (fid ned $15 and costs. e .charge was laid as a result of , observations made by Police .chief F. M. Hall on .the Square around noon on Sunday,, April*': d . X 1.ECTED ----ZWAI. t - ._ . .1k -native of- Goderieh' ToWnship, Rev,, Charles 13:, Vo; has, been elected chairman of the Perth I Presbytery h% the tTn'ited, Church of Canada, effective1y 1st: He I also alternate comm1asio�ner to 'the General Council of the United • Church. ...11.11•••••••••••••• 1180 .....• . OOOO •••• ......... years pciy SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS ......, $ Es 1114, I 01 urners and furnaces n:. 3. • • a.a.e.e.a.a.a.. Written Guarantee Authorized dependable service BACKED' _BY I.1111 PE RIM.' OIL .Because Esso Heating Equipthent is engineerectto meet your home's special requirements, you get inaxiinum heating efficip,ncy 'wig:out any waste. And,Jor the last word hi dependable heat, use tsso Furnace oa too. It, burns • super clean, greatly reduces deposits on furnace parts—you get unif9rm higher quality in every gallon: Consult the Yellow Pages of,your phogo directory for your nearest Esso Burner Dealer. ALWAYS_ LOOK TO 1111111PERIAL 011, THE BEST Britannia Road ECT LIMITED