HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-22, Page 2•iq u. ati...,w ,, n rt
(urrict Oigottl..§§tar
established 1848. In its • 111th year of publication.
Published by Signal -Star ,•Pubj1shing Limited
•Subscription Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United ilk. i
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• '1Oauto!fwnRePresentative:: C.W.N•A. 237 F..o. my
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t. ,Yo.OO--,Largest i
Olier•Icirculation of any newspaper pubiished in Huron_ County= --mer _a.000
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Milrmber• 'off ;anadian Weekly 'Newspaper Association. Member of of Ontario Weekly Newspapers
Association Member- of Audit. Bureau of Circulation r •
GEO..1....EL:1.1$, Editor and Pubiisher.
'1111URSDAY, 'MAY 2304, 1958
$23;000,000 FOR GODERICM
Expenditures earniarkAl for the towel of.
Goderieh and' immediate vicinity within the
eourse of the next couple of •years guarantee
a period of definite expansion in the Iron too
distant future. All the projcvA add up to the
amazing total of about $23,000,000.
4I+`irst:. ante foremost is the Ontario Govern-
ment Hospital a few miles south of Goderich,
y the.iliithial a9 yt �� 11it°`lz, WIi1» be ktboi1t
000. Next come, the rock stilt ursine, on w'hit.•h"
work is already progressing, and the cast of
which will be at least $8,000,000. Then, in
1959, coni s the coustruetiou 0.t. the iiew bridge
over the Maitland River which the t�)titario
Department of Highways estimates will cost
about $1,000,000.: Aponte!. $1,000,000 ,job will
be the installing of a new sewage and water
works systE'h. Then, thes'e's all -
uthe„r $1,000,000 to 'be spent on foul• different
projects, each of which will run to a cost in
the neighborhood of a quarter of a million
dollars. 'l'hey are: the new F. W. Woolworth
~tore; the new Goderich Post Office; the ne'w
22 unit housing project; an extensive program
of dredging of Goderieh harbor and *the ehan-,
nee 'approaehiitg it.
There are the figures in black and white.
,..41..ita i"fiug..»lstt s,wne. f_ the projects„ night, neat,..
run as high in host as mentioned above, it must
also he kept in mind ,that some of then May
run snore than mentioned. In. additions; -Vetere
is (he strong possibility that other projects
may break in the n•ieantirne. We think (aode-
riuln Ims-reason to be optimistic as to its future.
131►, '�\'[tel these plumsV
twill few head-
ai hes, trio. 1'ou can't go ahead without hav-
ing a few d'iftiettlties to iron out also.
A ,hospital is tke people of the coma unity;
Sickness, like the poor; will always be with us
and there must be a plate where the more
serious cases can be cared for adequately. The '
hospital is the community's answer to this need.
Here,' to tarry out doctor's orders, are highly.
trained nurses.and technicians, plus numerous ,
other staff members who play their part—dir-
ectly or. indirectly=—in the patient's care. Here,
too, are costly facilities and equipment instal-
led and maintained for the use of the physicians
in treating the sick of the community.
A hospital is a Corporate body. The people
of the .com'munity, who own the public hospit- a
al, are represented by the hospital's voluntary `
..Board of -Governors which".is 'lega1}y- respons_ -
Although hockey is not ' a particularly
seasonable subject,', x ftvatule article -in last
week's Weekend Magazine was of special in,
terest to this area. r • 7 •
Entitled "World's Biggest- Little-Hoekey
Toitrrtameut, ". the article was, written by Andy,
O'Irien, who gathered the material while visit-
ing Goderich during Easter week.. •Weekend
Magazine appears as a Saturday supplement
.not only in several daily newspapers that come
into Goderieh but also • in various daily news-
papers across Canada. Thus, it was read by
many thousaird's of people throu•;;ho>att Canada.
As a result, 'Y`Oung Canada Week came. in for
more favorable publieity. We sometimes won-
der'how many dozens and dozens of 'full news-
paper pages woa.ild-be filled at one time if all
the material referring to Young Canada Week
were collected and _.published in one issue.
This would include all:daily,: and- weekly news-
paper accounts, magazines, ra'dio and TV-at.-
cotints. •
Andy O'Prien's article was brief• and to
Down Memory
45 Years Ago -
The Proudfoot demonstration ted
be held in •Goderich on May 30
promised to be one 'of the biggest
'events in the political history of
Wosterflt,,aOtita4io. The rally ,%1/a&
betxig held in support . Qiv. ',..` rohd-.
toot, 'MPP for Centre 1 uren, who
had levelled serious charges . oft
corrupt conduct against the - prez,
mier and' prQv}ncial- secretary.
The law affecting the hours of: •
business far, the barrooms came
into „effect on Friday. 'The sale
of `,wet goods" was now prohibit-
ed before eight o'clock in . the.
In the final law school •examin-
•tition results of the third year, the
name of Will Proudfoot, jr., ap-
peared in the 'list of successful
The Ontario Railway and Muni-
cipal Board set May •30 for the
opening of the investigation into
-e -affairs ••- of ---the- Ontario West •
Shore Railway. the investigation
was the outcome of a demand that
the promoters of theline be forced
to give `an accounting.
A note sealed in .a tightly corked
bottle was found by Russel E. Post,
of Amb'erley, on the ,Lake Huron
shore near the Point Clark light-
house. The note, dated October 8,
1912, said: "Gasoline launch Anna
Bell, of Sarnia, sinking middle of
Lake Huron. John Archer, and bro-
ther 'Tom aboard. Tell father.
sale for all activities within thp institution.
The 'lltellbe[•s of the' Board must be certain
that the hospital •is well managed—that it will
always' be•ready-•to help doctors care --for every --
emergency: rk
A hospital is doetor. Nio, building, how-
ever well equipped, can become a hospital
Until it has doctors. ' The medical staff is
hasie to- any hospital. You cannot.speak of a
'hospital' 'without • automatically embracing..
its medical staffs who. have the scientific know-
ledge to diagnose and treat patients'. illnesses.
Who,. then, is a hospital? It is dedicated.
hien and women, both professional and non-
professional 'co—operating• to make available
the best possible care for• the :sick and injured
of'.t-he--COMM unity.—=Mearford _Expr ss..' -..-
the point and it was profusely -illustrated with
pictures. - He related how he had seen during
the past hockey season' the Whitby -Russian
game in the World Hockey Jous.nament,the
Stanley Cup finals befweei'i I'olit'rearand ns-
ton and the Pee Wee tournament; at -Goderieh.
He 1,ound it difficult to say just which was the
more thrilling. Ile called the tournament at
Goderich "An eye-op'ener." "So enthused was
he about it that he""predicted the calibre of
play in the N:H.L. would be raised by as much,
as 25 per cent in. the next ten years by th.e
graduates from this tournament:
We hope ,Andy is right. But we would
be happier if the tournament would raise the
calibre• of amateur teams which compete in
the 'World Hockey. Tournament, partieularly
against the Russians. ,Ilowever,,his prediction.
would no doubt apply to Canadian amat.etlr
teams, too, and not just to N.H.L, teams. • It.
is not likely that all the• graduates from the
Pee Wee tournament here will go on to pro
hock•ti':', In feet, most -of them will likely
remain in the "amateur" ranks.
Prettiest town
1�► Canada"
• t •
More Attractive -.Than Ever
ForThe Tourist Season
Paint Ups-- Clean
�Ittr ill~ ' •
ii+ri mi •••OiNi•
"Space contributed ,iny' the. service
of thee community'i,1oy� -J lin
Labatt mited, Y...
ears '•o
People who were in thehabit
of handing out the odd big nickel
or shilling to panhandlers had their
eyes opened by an incident in
Goderich police court. A hobo,
who was "stupid drunk" and smell
ed.. strongly 'of rubbing alcohol
when arrested, was brought before
Magistrate Reid. The magistrate
asked, "How do you get it?" The
hobo replied nonchalantly: "Oh,
we bum a dime here and a nickel.
there 'and 'soon we have enough
for a bottle."
•Goderich Township ratepayer's
continued,to hve up to their much -
publicized reputation 'of paying up
their taxes promptly. Less than
one percent of the 1932 taxes re-
mained unpaid, Coilector Howard.
Sturdy reported. ' '
It- was announced that the Sts
Fa north,, 270 foot passenger ves-
sel-,would-call--at-Gbdei.k1 during
the 1933 season on the same sche-
dule as the SS Manitoulin operated
on the year before.
Councillor Carl W. Worsen, who
was for years associated with Fred
Hunt, announced that he ,was now
"on his awn." He had established
an office at his residence on Keays
street . and invited, orders for
'pltnnbingf heating,--eavestroughinrg,
lawn service and general repairs.
Rev, 'L. P. Lowry, of St. Peter's
Church, .was sporting a handsome:
new, Graham coupe.
15 Years Ago •
S. H. Blake, who had been ac-
countant at the Royal Bank o
Canada for several years, was ap-
pointed town clerk and treasurer.
There were more than 20 applic-
ants for the position.
•' On the occasion of their 60th
wedding anniversary, iMr. and Mrs.
John Robertson, of Park ' street,
received a telegram of congratula-
tions from .the. King, and Queen.
After 32 years on the .'staff of !,
4 ,
At the Sunset Drivc-IIn Theatre
on Saturday, the winner of the
draw for a basket of groceries was
Mr. Edward Williams, of Downs-
view. '
Central Pciblice ro"41, r %Miss Win-
nifred.<Ball'zesigned 'oti'.aecoupt of
Fill health, The reQignatiq t was
accepted' by the scho 1''boai d With
regret, which was shared• by fs low
members of the teaching stag and
py pu pies .whose afegiion•; s I
ii'ad Van \by: her carefld nBSI
d don-•
siderate guidance.
Rev. Joseph Janes,. of Brantford,
accepted a'call to ,Goderich ,Baptist
Church to `succeed ftev. , A. J. Mil-
ligan, who had entered' the army
as .a chaplain,
(Mrs. Evelyn Hiseox, teacher of
-home econpmics, resigned from the
staff of Goderich Collegiate Insti-
tute. ,
10 Years Ago
Proceeds from the Shut-ins' Day
Association tag day in Goderich
amounted to $198.27, Miss Evelyn
Glousher won the box of chocolates
for bringing in the largest sum of
-The :n:e-w-wu g••o€ Alexandra Mar
ine and General Hospital was al-
most ready for occupancy.
William Berriman, • of Walnut
street, had a two-year-old . White
Leghorn hen that was earning her
keep. Two of her eggs were
brought into The Signal -Star office.
One measured eight inches one
way and six inches the other way;
the second egg was a little larger,
by 6„
W. J. 'McGrath was elected presi-
dent of Goderich Kinsmen Club.
Andy Clarke, well-known broad-
. h ► q . ,
Ontario and Quebec weeklies, died
at York Mills'after a heart attack.
n't Order Local Help
tt In ntraCut - a
Ontario Department bf iiittee's recommendation.
u r, ,.. , - deet en -a .Qi course.
fel&I'd.WW Council that -it 'eailliOt" -have .equai-.b i't'ti'tn lii i r'
to 'tender for this Work, but„ no
guarantee can be given that the
award will be made locally. How•
ever, in our, `rexperience, we have
found where the prime contractor
is from outside the immediate
area there is a trend towards the
hiring by hien of local sitb-trades.
"On the basis of what has been
stated,) will you kindly advise
whether Council, wishes us to pro-
ceed with this proposal?"'
stipulate in the tender call for 22
new, rental housing units that local
labor be used wherever possible.
But a spokesman for the depart-
ment pointed gut that the general
contractor, if he coshes from out-
side of this area, will likely, employ
a large percentage of local workers
A letter containing this inform-
ation was sent to Council in reply
to Council"s request that the'
hooses be constructed on' the si Fear Pre -Fabs,,
Of the land 'assembly project, nearat the successful tenderer for Fear had been. expressed locally
GDCCI. Council asked that local th
labor be employed wherever pos- the new houses 'might bring in pre-
Pofter receiving the department's
reply at Friday night's meeting, •
Council instructed the clerk to
advise the department that the
town still wishes to proceed with
the houses.
The , letter from W. W. Scott,
director, housing branch, Ontario
Department -of' -Planning-..and—De
velopment, read as follows:
Department Comments
"We mote that,-iq; the latter half •
of the resolution the Council rte- • PORTABLE RADIO BATTERIES?
quests that it be stipulated in the •0
tender call that local labor and o
tradesmen must be engaged when'- g
ever and wherever possibie. "` •
"it must be pointed oat, at this •
juncture, that we are unable to•
comply with this latter request. •
Contracts when called are adver-
tised by Central Mortgage and
Housing 'Corporation in the press
THUa1�.5DAY, 11 r' '`'' -071 "
fabricated units which W nd mean
there would not be a great deal of,
work for local tradesmen:
The department has pointed out
that pre -fabricated units aren't
necessarily cheaper to .construct.
As an example ,a London contract-
or who specialises in pre -fabs did
not submit the lowest bid when
'Central MortOage & Housing..Cor-
'oratitis3i Yet emir ..4ilud-lteww. r :r
or a new' housing pi'OJe l.l+"strat=
Hope has been expressed in dis-
cussions,between members of Gode-
rich Housing Authority and Town'
Council that some local individual
or farm will be able to bid. suc-
cessfully for the 22 new houses to
be built here.
�Iti order to provide the maximum
amount of car parking space on
West street, the town is erecting
"Angle Parking" signs along the
street as. a warning•to motorists.
A `Lange.
NOW . .
election of
• •
basis of the 'lowest tender and on
a federal -provincial tender com-
2 .r -icOR, SALES 4 5ERNICE
i+ O D E R i i-- • C 1 R E 'Maw— 5136
,t: r :1,.. », .. • :. u �e%i1=:•� I;.I:J•fi�`'•• •.1%. Ai•. ri•S• - .
nor -General?
: Phirt !~years•-age-ex-portstaccount=
ed for almost one-third of Can-
ada's national production. '.What
is the present proportion?
3. In what year was the first settle-
ment by white men at the • site
of present city of Winnipeg? • ' k
4. Ili "` 1939'' fedbral gb'(rernitent "'' '
spending totalled 3553 • million,
in 1949 $2.2 billion: What is the
estimate 'for the current year?
5. Of the $14,654 million', in retail
sales in 1957, what proportion
`was handled -by independent
stores, what proportion by chain
ANSWERS': 5. Independents 80
per cent; chain -stor'e'd 20 Per 'refit
3. In 1738, by explorer La Veren- r
drye. 1. Irish-born Charles Stanley
Kelly, who inherited the title Vis-
count' Monck. • 4. $5.8 billion. 2.
About one-fifth. •
41.11111•111.11 4.111.1MMIIIIIIMM11•111.
For the convenience of Sig-
nal -Star readers who purchase •
their paper from week to
week rather than Py a yearly
subscription through the mai►,
Signal -Stars are sold at the
following stands:
A & P Store
Bowler's Groceries. ,
Craigie's Tobacco Store
Dunlop's Drug Store
Goderich News Stand
Rieck's (Lauder) Drug Store
Signal -Star t')ilice
Auburn—Gordon Taylor's
General Store.
Allin's Store.
Dungannon,-.-•Ee 's Store
Holmesville—D, E. Glidden
zie Store
Kintall--W, J. M'acDonald's
Nile ---Nile General Store
Port Albert -- Hoy Petrie's
Saltford Toni Morris Gen-
eral Store
Sheppardton-- - F. Rising's Store
Give gifts that say; Live bet
Express your rgood wishes the,modern way.
' - give the wonderful electrical gifts that
promise happier, easier living for
years to come. Whatever your budget,
there ale, electrical gifts to make a bride's heart
sing.. .. an electric fry pan .. e a handy automatic
pop-up toaster .. a mixer or a. steam iron. For the future
man of the house there are eleictric shavers and a wonderful
array of time saving power tools ... 'and what couple
wouldn't be ,delighted with one or two handsome,
modern electric lamps. They'll be proud of their electric gifts
and happy too because they're so economical to use.
electricity does so much ... costs so little