HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-15, Page 114.4 'CO,1104t4.1,4 :to 4s JMar, .Haines : *Oh Winiilhg'bigiF;•• tqr, ber vOCabsolo at the ge'dertell, •• 'Mr. and Mrs, Duncan. MaeNayt cepted. IP4ns,Were: ingtle• for,the Barbor4-. And Johnny . spent '& ,thk. 'OhServaek Ottke. wek-end in London with herbro- of t49 'Pegsb$rterfair"Wc144';:triti • ither," John WOry.-itlksz• Weir 6-1.4%; reading: on !,61Nlother!;,.!, Joan and: Bobby." and , the Obse&* ven.,of 1.day Nlbitto .FestIval lAtintiers4-4.1*0 of .was giVen by*, ; 'Davies.4 the ditrict Scheele „Wok -Partin solo was sung bY Mts. W. tWad the music festival 400 tecenty At ;n9c)r„"%, lunch:Vas aertted•bY tMrs Belgrave. Mrs. aiLiTily.41eDowell Haines," gietated the,,Annsig. supervisor for, Bea, ,Henn -• , WowaSioghi''' VA& NO.. th- -Ladies" Aid,,411teg(Latile,,S1',4t4 •4 - "Mrs: mantle Youn_gbitit,, as teacher,*Knox Presbyterian Chorea met 'ex von first place 'With' the' unison the • eMlehts104,,, OP the WMS with chorus -at the Hullett Music Fest- the president, frs. 41,„Pavies, in • ival. They also won first at code -charge.„, Plans, were made send rich. This scheol, placed second four tevi.,Anitatl., 'Capin this at Belgrave,-with the same unison simmer, Varbara Sanderson, Bar - chorus. Betty Mae Youngblut won lbara. MaKay,' Linda Andrews, and first Place with her solo :in the Jannett Dobie. •• class for girls, 14 years and under. St. Mark's Anglican Guild. -The US4_11No4.41,„witiairs.:Beth...Lans- -May-msteting-ot--Ste-iMarkfa-Angit. as teacher, won 'first' place with can Guild was held 'at,the home of their rhythm band, winning the NO, Fordyce Clark last Tuesday. - Belgrave Women's Institute shield. 'Mrs. Bren de Vries :gave a reading • They also plated second with their on "GOO Giving and Ours.” Mrs. • 2 -part chorus. Other Winners were: , Clifford. Brown - spoke on Seager Norinan Lockhart, _firstplace in Hall of Huron 'College. Mrs. Gor- the solo classfor changed--Vnicesi, don R. 'Taylor gave a humorous • Nancy Anderson, first place in solo 'readtng--on,---the "Ancient 'Church • class, 9 years and under,• Grace -Canvassers.' ' Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt Bromley, second plagln the same told- about a confirmation service class;- Larry Lockhart( second on an Indian Reserve. - (Mrs. de place in the boy's sole, :1 years and Vries was presented with• two tin e ekhart,-fifith-place-iii---beautiful-eups, and saucers as • 6 ''s solo, 11 years and under. remembrance ' of the Guild. - The Presb erian WMS The MS WhiteGroupof IltpV‘Q„„cp. et -Knox IPA 19onitay Mem:. ,". -MiSa Matg7 ,„..e0.yteFiej0Phliteh."-,Met.last Sol,' got Clark presided at the organ urda3r. Marilyn and '•during the offertory'..twooir .4 ... 'ono3' . • Love: to Tell - the.; StITY ,00:441iLogrost;,,y4 the with the .Solo. parts taken by Mias '1090er; grg:friongi4 Haines. . Mary .Ellen /Met. -sacrament Of .401 e.04.or0,0!re0149 ,SPrit/t4e , The • baptism was given to; $osen'i#, senior grouppre painting the • map Elaine, infant' daughter of ;Mr. and of Apo along with: their study •Mrs. Frank. Nesbitt-, (koclOterits, of the little. boy, Knjle. were Miss.. Mary Clark,..*VStrat- , -Mother's - Day Observed. Mo- ford, and Christopher Butehinson; tilers Day was:. observed in all the • of :Auburn. - 'The '11OWC1'S '41•1 the churches itt.the district. .The Otit- altar were, Placed in inemery ;of edChurch --choirwas composed of the. late Mrs; ',David HamiltonbyMothers, ;wearing tulips as ,corsages her daughterS.... At the conclusion on their gowns. During the ser- of the' .sermon, the Rector said it vice, •holy baptism was administer- was hard to realize that it was ed to the following children: Wilda , the last sermon- in St. Mark's Jayne, daughter of !Mr. and .Mrs.' Church _where: he been . rector • bed., __Arthur.Karet_Afargaret,.....for4he4tistijaree-and-alalf-years.. daughter of Mr and Mrs. LioN• He thanked everyone for. the .many MeClinchey; Gregory Elmer, son kind gifts given to him and 'his', of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur; family. The . new rector, Douglas Eric, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meaily, of London, will be in GordonChamney. At the. morn- charge of the service next Sunday ing service on Mardi 9th, Gorden morning. The new rector and "his Wayne, sop '�f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon wife pine to Ca,nada from Ireland Powell and Harold Lawrence, son one year ago. The members of St. of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, M -ark's regret the departure of were baptized. The minister Rev. ,,de Vries and his family but nounced that the new addition to will welcome mt.. andMrs.. Meally the Sunday school room would be to' their small church. -dedicated May 25th by Rev„C-harles1-7-aaptira-Church. Daniel; .,.ehairman of the Huron conducted*a special service at the Presb ter . This e t e oc- Ba • tist"th e c lure ---deeefitga-*1 eatiti- ful bouquets of .fiowers. The. theme of hie sermon was in keep- W.M.S. ing uDayn. of Knox it'eck' • .- The WAVI.S. of Knox United Met-bn Tuesday afternoon. The. president, Mrs. Earl Wigbtman, gave the• -call to--wership7-Mra.--Haroltrirebater gave an encouraging. • treasurer's report 4and •thc. supply secretary, Mrs. William .Straughan, gave. her report. (Mrs Ernest Durnin then took charge of the program. The 'Scripture was Teld by Mrs. R. Easom. A chapter of . the study book on Japan was ,given by Mrs. Gordon IVIeClinchey. Mrs i- William T. -Robison gave a • talk on Chtis- tian Citizenship. (Mrs. Everett Taylor favored with two , lovely,. mouth -organ- selections, • •aceoriipan- ed by Mrs. Kenneth McDengall. Fred, Plaetzer read .a letter from -Miss Amy • Schatiflu, a sionary in Africa. Mts. H. Web- ster andMrs. IL S. Hiltz,' who were delegates to the W.M.S. Presbyter- ial, prepared and presented two splendid reports. Mrs. Durnin thanked all who had takes- part. • The ,Wingharn and District 'Min- isterial Association met.at Auburn. Knox -United Church- •onMonday- afternoon. The devotions were taken by Rev. It. S. 'Hiltz. A film on Bermuda was shown 'by,Rev...C. E. Peacock,. of, Bayfield. ••This'is - the last meeting of the year of this -association." Lunch was served by Mrs. Hiltz • and Mrs. Eustace, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McClarty and • J-23 •family, Of Goderich, and, Mr. -and' Mrs. Percy Youngblut and -family, spent Sunday with Mrs. Nelson McClarty. •, (Mr. and Mrs., Harry Arthur, Judy, Mark and 'Gregory, visited on Sun- day with her parents, (Mr, ancl1VIrs, Elmer -Keller,-at. BlYth-- . Mrs. • Oscar Ament Was able to leave .Goderichhospital and is re- cuperating at the home of her son. Miss Ethel.- Washington, of Gode- rieh, • spent the- week,nd visiting with Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mr: and Mrs. Donald Campbell 'and family .visited on Sunday, with her mother, Mrs. Stanley Johnston. Rey, -James Elliott, Mrs. 'Elliott and Margaret, of Chesley, visited last Friday with her cousin, Gordon Taylor, and :Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and (Mrs. Maitland Allen re- turned last *Monday from a two - weeks' visit with 'relatives at Flint„, :ELECTRIC Chevrolet —,Oldeutobil; LPL: Ohev. Trucks KINGSTON STREETP PHONE 165 "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY LOOK! NYLON TIRES AT NEW LOW PRICES • • •• Ask for these -toff tire -buys too: Deluxe -• Super -Cushion . • Super -Cushions $169-5- w-Nrnegn- $12 451.00.. ; tube ty • In fact, the pot, and the kettle will be your pride and joy ! They stay so bright :..never any 001 stubborn black stains to' scrub off. Curtain,' • ,walls and woodwork stay fresh longer; too, because electrical cooking is clean cooking. You, Goderich Public . . . c :an. Mrs -John Graham...spent the week -end with Mrs. Roulston at Wingham. • Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. (Major Youngblut were ,Mr. Keith Youngblut, of Kingston, and iMiss Patr-iela--Yetingblutr-of---Wingham. Keith left for Spraggue inNorthern Ontario where he will be employed for the summer. Mr. Clifford'Brown•and son, Wil- liam, attended a meeting of his gas company in London recently. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Asquith, Anne and George, of Islington, were week -end visitors 'with his parents, Mr. and Mra. 'Charles Asquith. • 4H Club • Meets. -The fifth meet- ing of the Auburn Armettes was held at the home of Mrs. Etl. Davies last Friday evening. Miss Shirley Patterson, Home Econom- ist for Huron _County, was the guest for the evening. The presi- dent,. Betty Youngblut, presided. Bernice (McDougall, the secretary, read the minutes of, the previous meeting. The leader, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, gave out bottles, so the girls could send to. the Department of Agriculture a sample of their well water. The leader also spoke on accidents outside the home and Mrs. Davies told of the numerous accidents which occur inside the home, and stressed the lesson on Safety first, Miss Patterson was introduced to the club members and speke on* Achievement Day. She showed Ake girls how to fill out their- Hbnie and Myself" charts. A discussion on posturt followed; also a demonstration on first aid. 1.itineh Was served by June and Barbara Baechler, Mrs. Robert Miller, of' Regina, ,and Edmund Ott and -Miss Ruby , visitors with (Mr. and 'Mrs. George Schneider and family. Mrs, A: E. Henry, of. Exeter, visited last week with Mr. and *Mrs. Robison: • Mr. and Mrs. Beverley French and family, of Detroit, visited on Sunday with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle. • Visitors over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs'. Harry 13eadle were Gorden 'Beadle, of Hamilton, and P':it‘PilP4`-P.,' -114014P 'HowarBaer comluctedlhe sectiofl, Mrs: 'Leonard TiShee ranged the develunnalitafter winch' frgw*Afh Att''iroPressiVeVeereniony, in *which, Ave new ,Members reeePted• ,badge. The„ W0474, 'committee repelled that t hg,, blanket- project' was very .snePOsiP: 11/1- ad; 94 hand' fOri•distribUtioh• in bales,- PM; Were some AO hiankets„ and Motor rugs. Dona- tions for payment of these. Were. requested frOm, the ,SOeletY- Mein - hers. The study hook Was interest- ingly taken by Mrs. Fletcher Fisher. • - An appropriate meditation read by Mrs. A; M. Straughan welled the W.A. portion of the meeting. The roll call was answered with the naming of a spring sound. The secretary,IVirs. Hugh David- son, ,read the, minutes of the last ther-cericeepOride tide: The report from the treasurer, Mrs. Franklin •Mitehell, indicated funds were a little low so • plans for a bake sale were com- pleted. The parsonage committee. Mrs. Nornia Hazlitt, and Mrs. Ralph Jewell, reported work finighed in the manse kitchen. Those who •were unable to attend the recent •tea there were kindly invited by Mrs. S. A. Moote to come in to _improvements . anytime. The (Mission Band leaders are.filan- ning some summer activity for the Miss Carol Beadle, of London. lAirs. Gordon R. Taylor is. visiting with her daughter, •Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr. Rathwell and 'Mich- ael John, at St. Catharines. • iMiss,Ella- Wagner,- BeN., has re- turned to her home at Wyandotte, -Mich., after spending her vacation with her sister, Miss Minnie Wag- ner, and other relatives. • • Mr. William L. Craig reports see- ing a beautiful squirrel several times at the overhead railroad 'bridge. Mr. Squirrel has ,a silver • tip on his tail. As this is an un- • usual- sight, we Wondered if any- one else has had this pleasure. Hortitulture, Society., - The ex- , ecutive af the Auburn Horticulture Society ,met iast Tuesday evening in the Public Library room. • The president, Mrs. Bert Craig, was, in • charge. A • committee of, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. 'Duncan Mac- Kay and Herbert •Govier were rim- ed to assist in the planning ,of plants for the, school grounds of US.& No. 5. All conveners of the village flower -beds are asked to have. their order tor plants in to •the secretary soen. The .orders for the bulbs for the fall planting must be in before June 21st. These bulbs are coming direct, from Hol -1 land. -Other business was discuss- ed and,plans made for the summer season. ijiI • - • • gLyen from those' attending Presbytery $1401 .ingthe day. 49, „Written, report was given by Mrs. 4,tfgh 1141(1. an. V411PO4,tat,_'- .P0 Durst, Mrs. Moore,At10,..1Nit'At.$;,:,.;44iNtoet, giving their hAPXsa.9P4 � gte •,149004g-. as volL...,Tlie'14dieS Were balVr-W see: the. redeebratiOn Of the •antit toriuni cOMPleted 'c and ailpinge,- Ments' wereto:O(lo' to *ail Up, in time for the =Others' Day service, liewelter,'•the o*ial",epenitirwill be inJune. Thef).inertibers pre-. sent 'enjoyed a lunch, prepared by the hostesses, %fro. Ralph 1Iis. Arthur NaSkell, lMrs. Grant MaePhee, -and 'Miss Beulah Long. KINGSBRIDGE, May_12. - Mr. Schefter, of aVllldmay, has been ,vi5iting„. with his dsitgliter,-Mrs Louis 'Hogan, and famil,V. Joseph'Courtney returned to her: home last week after two weeks at Victoria 'Hospital, London. Mrs. Eldon Austin visited' with the Joseph Courtney family last week, but is with her mother, 'Mrs. Fin- leon, of St. Augustine, at the pre-, sent time. • Eldon Austin, of the SS. Forestdale, spent a day here with his family. during the past- " Congratulations ti Mr, and Mrs. Fred' Crawford-. on the -birth of a 6th. ---- • • „Mr. Peter Lierman, of Western University, is now enjoying-: his vacation •and spent last week -end with relatives in Langton. Mr. Walter Clare and his father, Wm. Clare, visited yvith the Ryan family in_Chesley on -Sunday. Miss Frances Dalton has com- pleted her year's studies at' West- ern UniVeitity, and is engaged at the Norman O'Connor home for QVgAnell innu PA4V,i(is, f440,40, 4449,A '44114 ••t gun. week. „:„ ; , _warE. Mrs.- 14P0 Aleerliet*Ati Ow PP/Az,' 0:6.010, iraleseingOt he.,r hone, after •,Sey4' 040,01' 'meel eral weatkvitt Ooderiak AQsPit41,,br.0110' . , 61 4. , Windsor-and`:04,Y,0,40iO.e ol ''a44•04###::,by vyiling‘i.V1040$'4A pleasing 14:0$16 John -Hughes anct.',1fter 13ettter,,, We are sorry z ito2 lar- �f the death..-. of .,(Ntr4:cpu; Augustine, in St. Joseph's ups* London, ' on ,%.1Sattirdsv. after a month's illness there. tMrs. rorPf. was the former ,Mary Ellen -Keane of this parish. The-fifileral- will take plaee ins St. Augustinechurch on Tuesday at 10.0% ''Given Conference Riport. Tfirlirff.r-OTIVOrtli Street 'Un- ited Church met in the church hall when the president. Mrs. D. Mooney, opened the meeting with prayer. The secretary, Mrsf J. Miller, read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. H. Turner gave the -treasurer's report. Mrs. Peers gave a report on the bales and -requested mbre baby ASENVILIDii MAY' and Mrs. Shillroth 'and children, of Owen, . Sound,, visited with Mr. Hector 'MacLean .last 'week-exid. Miss Beverley 'MacKenzie, of, , ,,•, Brantford, and Miss Maryanne :• West, of 'Elmwood, were home for • Miss (Muriel Famish, of London, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. K. Farrish. • . Miss 'Mae1 Thomps 'n • and Arthur Thoihpson, of Dungannon, visited with Mrs. Kitson on Sun- • day. Mrs. Neil Macdonald is visiting her' daughter, Mrs. Thos. Bogie, at Lambeth. • (Highway, 21 - 3 miles • north of Goderich) • 5 to 7 p -In: CATERING - Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Sunday Dinners. G. KAITTING Carlow Phone 2406 May 1 express my grateful ,appreciation to all Who supported me on Monday, May 12. - • . • "DESIGNED WITH THE FUTURE IN MIND" * 11 -lb. capacity tub. *.Power Pump. * Automatic Timer (just set the timer for the length the wash and forget it). * Exclusive automatic roll, stop wringer. * Modern long -skirt design. * 5 -Year Warranty. DEL6XE QUALITY FEATURES 11 * Completely Automatic Defrost and water disposal, nil messy trays or pant to empty! ^ * Spacious fUll-width Freezer, 50 lbs. capacity, provides sub. freezing food storage. ,, ••. " ,,IftetearAysitIbutaersoLn art- - ment, two egg racks, two upper and two liiiiiar-4141 . , * 5 -Year Warranty. , . •. .:.- Far a fully automatic deluxe refrigerator, the price is emu- -Tingly low at • ,• - OTHER MODELS FROM $149.05