The Exeter Times, 1890-11-27, Page 13 - ens fr r test TSE TIMES -FROM NOW UNTIL .A.N'Y 1891 AND InTRON MIDDLESNX GAZET E. VOL. XVIII. NO, 8. I4EGAL 1H- 0IQKSON, Barrister. Boil - ,4•1 eitoi of Supreme Court, Notary Ru ilio, t7onveyancer, Carnm.lesioner, &c ¥onev to loan - Office n Faneon'a#lock, Exeter. a. COLLINS, RR. Banister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,, ItXI!'T1r13, ` ONT. 0,2160 Ssniwoll'* Blo;k, fielYis old °aloe- ELLIOT 4 ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &e, Sao. • ;tleney to Loan at lemma Beteg of lutereet, ovum, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. If. T: 614410T, 7, Ebr44O7, DENTAL. INGRE' U, DENTIST. 'l i • &mete or to I Billieme (Member of the Royal College of Dental 8u xgeons"ri or Anaesthetic given for tbe putnlecs OF'B'1,QE : Over O'Neirfa Bank. Luau every Medea. KINSMAN , A i'iNTIST.ia.D. . S. ialnweitl.'a Week, Main•st, Exeter. newest:OP Teeth without Arlin, away ore If*omeLa.on skit freest: Orates,: end a„d faortir `i'ueaday' an•;t Zeroes] A. oil tate last `resume day of each mouth. 31EDIl111.i, T W. BICQWNING M. Q., M. {; ! . P. ti academe Victoria University; ousts ;trod reeidouce, Dora Mon Leber*. tory. Exeter. R. iiYND:1IAN, ooroner for ON as ©aunty of limon, office, opposite Carling Ile. store, Exeter.. P. J A. P•oLLINS,AM.©..N. S. Q. Oaten, Math fit. Exeter. Ont. Residence, Ileum recently occupied by P. btoPbrttipa. Rog, .L F. CUTTEN, M. D., 0. AL, • U:oluate Trinity University, Tor- onto r Fel. Trite Med. school. Toronto ; Grad. Am Inst•.i'rantology ; Member' N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; p• Du ogy; debt er Col. P. b., Ont. -- D R. WOODRUFF 1lIsenses of the EY1;, EAU, NOSE. step THROAT Eye *lasses and Spcctaales furnished for • both Nearand Distant Vision, Always at )tome. except on Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenuo, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. 13USSBIsailrRItY, General Li L.1 • Doomed Auctioneer Seise conducted iu afparts. Hatisfaotion guarantoott Charges moderato, Homan P 0, Out. 'HENRY EILI3LR Licensed Aaa- tionoor for flay, stollen. and Sam +C}lllivray Townships. Sales conducted at modorateratee. (utce,atPost-Ulloo, Cred- iton Ont. H. VORPER, GENERAL D. Auctioneer and Land Vahsator. Orders sent by mail ,o my ndiress, Baytield.P.O., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer. nommummoionmasi VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent EXETER. ONT. draduatesof the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Orman: One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. 'WONKY TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, 050,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property andprivate residences, either on buildings or eontents,the most favorable protection in'oase of loss or damage by fireorlightnine, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- ableoompany can afford to write. 42,875 poli: cies in force lstJan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00 In cash in bank. Government depost. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMBS GRANT, President;. D. C. Mo DONArn,Manager. Dorm JAeuss,Agent for Exeter andvioinity. rptiE WATERLOO MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. This comI:anV has been over Eighteen years in• successful operation in Western Onario,• and uontinuee to insure against .roes or Hamageby Ogre Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories,•and all other descrip. tions of insurable property.. intending insurers have the option of insuring on a the Premium Note o s r 0 hS ystem. past years this Com- pany the s T P During >} Policies. covering panyhae issued 57,096 Pol g propertyto the amount of $40.872,039 ; and paid; in losses alone $700,712,00. Assets, *178,100.00, consisting of Cash inBank, Government Deposit and the un assessed Premium Not vs en nand and in force.; J W War,DEN t1I. D. Preeadel: t C. M: TA Lon Secretary. J. B . ELEGEE!,"In- :speotor. CHAS: SNDiL, Aeont;fcr _Exeter and vicinity. THE TIM '1 r TRL1L TatnioOFFER ,, -„-ls.-- imp! 400,PTINe ‘ILEW TO THE LINE, LET . TaR CHIPS FALL WEEEE tF T. EY tT'w EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1890 �:tion Thursday Evr -, 7 to 9 Saturday P. NSI.., 2 to 4 Saturday Eve. 7 to 9' Everything hush go and you HlirES the cheap spot if you do not come to these sales. Remember during the Week we lead the trade, and ill, Shawls, Hoods, Clouds, Under=wear, Over'eo ts, Suits, Caps and Mantles andMau-- thugs. Furs -in Muffs, Boas, and Storm, Collars, Fur Coats away down. BRUMPTQN BROS. The Molsons Bank Q11AftTBItEAIIA P,'181.IA:4E.10;T eye) Pale up Capital „< eelei,te Rest Fiend ,,. , 1,009,02 UeadOAtce, lt1outreel. les WOLFEI'+STAN TRA31A5.Reel•, Ormaset.Meweri as tibraeetaoOleosIntfle Pomfniou. Agenole in tbeLtewinlon,L?,R.A,and Serape. Exeter Brunch), Olsen evert lawful day. from 1t a,Ho,toe;,.ln SATURDAYS.] 0 a.m le 1 p.m. 4Percent.perannum alleweeformoney on Deposit Receipts R. $• ARCHER, Manag€±r. OONDENSED NEWS WINEUMMCRIWO k'roui Vibilolls Sources Through out the I)lstlliet. Mr W. Erosleriek, of the Soluble linea Welt, has sold oat. Willie tiantelon, a Clinton boy, ran a rusty nest in his knee, and is now laid up with n balky atiftege,I limb. ;list Yon Lug Iola Aso btoresit-=Yon will live longer if your week uses only lin. rnrigl Create Tarter baking'l'elf4tttlf-c.Al•:., grays reliable, purest and best. Mr M. C. Cameron, of Goderioh, has suflciently recovered from his recent India- peettion to betake himself to the Blount Clemens sanitarium for further recuper- ation. No one knows better than thoao who have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief they have given when taken for dyspepsia, dizziness, poen in the Nide, 0onatipailon, and dim tiered est mash. Mr, Wm. De$ay, of Berlin, bas received the end news of the death of his son Percival, n young man m the 26th year of his age, who was killed by an accident at Huntingdon, Indiana. The deceased was for some time conductor on the 0..11, R, A M. C..I R. express shuck a couple of cattle in Tilbury West, near the Gracey sideroad, and thobig mogul engine com- pletely severed the head of one and threw the other clean over the telegraph wires and a distance of 200 feet, On Monday night of last week, Mr James McIver died at his residence on the Baby. lon line, Stanley. at the advauced age of 73 years. He was one of the oldest pioneers of Stanley, having been for over forty years a resident on the Babylon line. He remain- ed a bachelor to the time of his death. Thieves broke into the back cellar door of Mr John Brewster'* store,at Clandeboye, on Tueseay night, and stole about $200 worth of groceries, eottori ,,underwear, etc. Mr Brewster was away in Pene nguishene at the time, and Miss Meer ly was in charge of the store. The Onanoery sittings for the county of Huron, held in Goderiob last week, the following eases are of local interest :-Op- perheim vs Ducharme, settled by the part- ies and withdrawn. Collins for piff ; Holt for deft. Green vs Stuart. -An action about $50 worth of threshinp`mach- ine, and resulted in the plff getting a ver- dict of $50 without costs. Garrow, Q. 0., and Elliot for plff ; Collins for deft. Clinton Now &rt: -Less than a year ago, Mr Ludlow Hartt (son of Mr C. A. Harte), accepted a position in the office of the manager of the Wabash Railway, St Louis, at a salary of $65 a month, Hia salary was advanced from time to time, until now, when he bas been appointed to the position of private secretary to the general manager at a salary of $110 a month. The death is announced of Mr Fora Sparks, implement agent, of Clinton, whioh took place at the residence of his father, Mr A. Sparks, Bronson line, Stanley. De- ceased returned from a trip to Dakota only a few days sinoe, and at once drove. out to the home of hie father, where his wife was. He was taken next day with in- flammation of the lungs, and although medical aid was oalled innothiup could be done forhis relief. Mr James Johnson, Reeve of West Wawanosh, received two pounds and a half of Danish Chevelier barley (two.rowed) from the Dominion. Experimental Farm at Ottawa last spring and tested its growth urt on his farm during the pat season. The result was a return of ninety eight pounds, and the roots in some inetenoes,showed as high as twenty four heads, and the heads exhibited; thirty four petals in many eases. He claimi it is the best return of bar- ley he has yet handled.-Goderioh Signal. Children. Cry f0," Pitel ergs Castor£= At an adjourned meeting of the ereditora of tiaxwe11.4c Sone, of the St Marys im- plement works, held on T#urselay *t the Reagin house, Toronto, an extenaton of 12, 18 and 24 months was granted subject to interest, The banks represented approver) of this arrengetneut. The firm is alleged to have a eurpiva of $200,000. Mr Rngb Inelntyre, sr, died at hie son's farm in Fallarton. the other Aigltt at the ripe old age at 76 ears. He spent most of the summer with, his daughter, Moo -lolly. iereoronto, and bail been at Fullerton but a week or two when he took ill and died in a few days Ile had been a residept of Mitchell about twenty.:five years. Zurt01l. Bnfars-Conaoil meeting on SSatureay week. ,A1iuutee will be found in another caimans: Don't forget the A. O. F. oono cert on Prlday evening, Nom 2804, Air ex- cellent prim -amnia is being prepared.- Tfte aortual public eobool Entertainment in aid of the library, will be lisle in the new town .ball, on Friday evening. Bea 19. ']'hie is the event of the season, Do not miss iti--Mr Plsillp Sippel has returned from Woodatcok, where be witnessed the baugiug of Birdsall. He reportait as being a eery peel *$air, -'1h6 Menge/re of the council had their photos' tapas est Mr Geo Heea's on Saturday last. -Spaced meet- iugs are still being continued in the Bram pelical ohureb with four euccees,-•.The new town hall is finishes) end was taken off the contraetora' hands ou Saturday last. It is matlnijreent structure and Messrs E. and d, 0,. Eelbdeiacti are to eougratelete4 for the apienslei maunor an which they cotn.- pteted the crntraet, C$reeuway. Eames --Wonderful industry of beet. Our Peetma+ter examined a hive of bees that had b;'.cu robbed of all their comb but one, sornetitno since the let of November. On the 1•tth the remaining bee; that stuck to the one rack of comb, led built 2 new pieces of comb, about 3 its :tug, and etoted sorra honey.-- Tito oltirstisea have made tomo startling diacovoziea, of the breakers of the command : Thou shalt lest steal. No arrests have been made bat no one knows Selena day the messenger nmy coma• -Mir C. H.'Wilton sold a valuable thoroughbred boar to Mr \fim Ritchie, of the 7th con, 11cGillivray,-13eu J. E, Holmes is to preach a special merman next Sabbath -subject : .ludas, his relation to the ataneme and anlvation of the world•- A cordial in tenon is extender' to the public: --Mr `John Brinker load a paralytic stroke last Sabbath. -Miss Jesse thereon is sink with inflammation of the hugs. Dr Carr is attending her and has good hopes of her recovery, • SOdom,. . .... Buten-Quito a goodly number gathered in the school house on Sunday, word having got out that, in the absence of any proaobor a Snnday School would bo organized, winob was done. .A. Snperintendaut and a num- ber of teachers were appointed and we may now matador the Sunday Sohool ac estab- lished tact, It is not confined to the bona. tit of ebildren only, but for those of older years, ail ages aro invited to attend. And we think it is thodnty of all parents around Sodom to exert themselves to iuorease the number of such a sabool.-It 18 also calcul- ated to start tlio usual Debating Society as soon as possible; we think it is intended to holds meeting next )Wednesday week, Deo 3, in the school hone for the purpose of organizing. Allparties feeling an interest in such things are invited to attend. -In conversation with 0. Prouty Thursday morning he said he is well aware of the names of the parties who removed and broke the tale on Lake Road and that he would have no trouble in establishing charges against them ; that if the parties world pay for the brokeu tile and the Dost of getting them there he would drop it ; if not he will give the names to some deteotsve to work up the ease. To the Editor of the Exeter Tinges. DEAR Srn,-I have very frequently, through the columns of your paper, notified the inbahitants of Stephen, of the necessity of notifying the olerk of this township, of all births, marriages aud deaths ; also of any stray cattle that may have come onto their premises and retained by them. But notwithetauding this fact, no atten tion is paid the notices by m any. It is a duty of the head of any house to report a death before burial. If not oonvenient to go to the olerk I would suggest that they go to nearest or any post offioe (postmasters keep blanks)611 in a blank, or any intimation of a death having taken place and mail to me, notify- ing post master of the nature of the oom- munieation, and a statement from him will he sufficient for the minister and acknow- ledged by me ; no postage required if not sealed. In case of any contagious disease in any house, notice should be given to the secretary of the Board of Heaths within 18 hours after knowing that •such disease exists. Quite a number of deaths have oo. cured lately without the proper notices being sent. Clerks are liable toa fine of $50 at the instance of any person for neg. leot to prosecute :,ny person not making proper returns. Again, any person retaining stray cattleon their premises, must give the: olerk notice, withiu 48 Lours after taking up the same. he is not entitled to 1 cent for keep or his trouble, for any time previous to 48 hours before notifying the clerk. The pound keeper has no right to hand over any the proceeds of the sale of such animals to the party retaining the'. same until after the retainer shows said poundkeeper a certificate from a J. P. that lie (theretaiuer) made affidavit that he put up and gays all the necessary notices A"Pound keeper rens great risk by selling ni is in the. absence of J. P eoha maae u certificate of affidavit. T have so frequently through the press, and: otherwise, given the law relating to stray animals and re gistratioup, that I am forced to she con - elusion that all departures from the require- ments of the statutes relating thereto are wilfully done„ -C. PROUTY, Clerk and Sec'y of Board of 'Health B dulph• Bnlzrs-Mr Denial Hennesey, of Bid- dnlpb, was married to Miss Markey, of London, on Wednesday last. We wish the young people joy and prosperity. -•A number of our Phicluleh boys left. for Mich- igan lumber woods on Warinesday last, Ms ii. Casey leading the eau se foreman.---t.lir Samuel Hodgins has gone to Ottawa to purchase entire Itoicee,--ef* Lewis, of :Alpena, Mich, is around purchasing heavy draught mare,. ---Mr R. Coblafgb, of Cen- tralia, hap pnrobased at large quantity of geese and turkeys for the 'northwest market this week. --'k *Dempsey. teacher of solrool section No 2. Biddul:t+, par having * wusioal and ljietary eater menttn thea *Mood toren art t h;a ovg of Fri. day 18th of Doettmler.--Tho store of Mr. Brewster wets tutored. oft Tuesday night Met and a quantity of dry goods and grocer- ies stolon therefrom also a Orkin of bottler; this is the second trate lately this store ha* beenburglarile4:. It was the property of lis John. Flanigan the last time. Hay donne)). ' The Council niet ptuauent to adjerxrne 1 trent on November 15th. All the inctn- berg present .1101 Moir. Schnell ---that the taxes on W ,I 6, con 16 ($23 52) mentioned in the county treasurer's report of sale of laudrefor taxer be cancelled and that the clerk notify the County Treasurer to that elient.--•Carries). 'A ueiker--Schneil--that this eouneil Wring examined the town hall, furnaces. fixtures oto' and finding the aurae to be coustttictesl and nniehed wording to phots anal opr�eitlea�ticne, wept the same aud therefore release H. and J. C. Kalbdeisah from the agreement made between them and this Municipality of Hay, and that an order be granted on the tre&surer, to pay to the said contractors the remainder of the amount mentioned in the contract, --- Carried, aluir-*Schnell--that the charges for renting the town hall be three dollars per meeting. The canneil do not agree to f nrnish l iggbt. -•-Carrie tl. Hevroek--:],Moir.--that tiro town hall be insured in some reliable Company. - Carried. Iloyr.7ck-•Voelker--that the following accounts be paid viae : Henry Pfau', mak- ing diteh, 520 ; If. and J. C Kalbfleiseh, S100; .,Paullieli, lumber, $175 6S; 11. and J, C. Kalblleisch. lumber, $177 41; Richard. Jerurison, culvert andhauling lumber, 45 50 ; 1:,, Bothermcl, culvert, $1 ; Fred Baker, lumber, 516 91; Robert Taylor. work an Lake Hill and repairing culvert. $0 ; .Den Shatter, snaking diteh and filling culvert. 561 50 ; Jiu.rthur and Ball, nails and spikes 51 05 ; Mrs Jahn Nelson, washing and sowing for indigent, al 23 ; John Nelson, minting wood far indigent, $1 501 Tyortheott, baker, 'limed far indigent, $1 ; Nicol Shirra, wood for indigent 57 50 t Wm Brill. coffin for Wild's child. $6 ; John Hall, goods and eto for Wild's family $11 52 ; John Mors, for bolls, 51 ; J. W. Howard, for culvert, $1 5s1; Henry Deters, work onside road in con 15, between lots 10 and 11 $37 50 ; Peter Bender, repairing culvert, 50c ; John Haug, do $1 ; Conrad Miller, do $1; Peter Becker, making ditch under award, $4 ; Eli Henbefier, do $1 50 ; Charles Troyer. culvert N 13 $5, and 170 loads gravel, $13 90; Jacob Shatz, rep washout, $2; N. Kennel, culvert, N 13 $2; Wm.Battler, dog tax refunded, $1; Jacob Woltz, do 51 ; Wm Pfaff. do $1 ; David Spencer, gravelling, $7 75 ; John Swatz- entreuber, culvert, $2 50, and gravelling, 1115 ; Wm Rlopp, work in gravel pit. $3 50 Solomon Jacobi, gravel, $6 ; Mrs House. indigent, $10 ; Robert Bell. gravel and surface damage, 879 5., ; J. Holtzman, funeral re Mrs Starkes indigent, 515 60 ; Henry Kalbfleiseh, assisting surveyor, $1 50 ; August Murray, gravel, $4 91 ; S. Ronnie, gravel, $4 76 ; Wm Bell, do 32c ; George Turnbull, gravel and hauling plank, $1 ; George Ford, gravel ani work, $11 18 ; T G Willson, gravel, $14 S4 ; C Kropf. gravel and hauling lumber $8 94 H. and J 0 Kalbfleiseh, extras for town hall $38 15, for furniture and gravel $12.- 65 ; Robert Taylor, Gravel, $5 46 ; L. F. Cutteu, M D., attendance on members of Wild's family, $70. -Carried. A11 accounts should be handed in before the next meeting. Pathmasters please take notice that by neglecting to return your lists you make yourself responsible for all work mention- ed on that list. Please send your list to the clerk immediately. Council adjourned to meet in the town hall on Saturday December 13th at 10 o'clock a.m. SAM. S. LATTA, Clerk. THE OLD Rli1LIABLE. Every day adds testimony in favor of the view that all people in all lands are growing more and more in favor of that which is absolutely reliable. Whether dealing with men or things people want them, above all things, to wear well, so that they can be depended upon. It is this healthy tendency that creates euch a universal demand for that great and reliable weekly newspaper, the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR Of Montreal. It is safe to say that it is rarely that any enterprise in any quarter of the globe meets with such magnificent success as the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR. It counts its readets by hundreds of thousandsand it is a recognized authority upon all matters . of public . interest. Those who have the, ] es= HERALD AND WEEKLY STAB have a treasure, those who have not got it do not know what they are missing, Stephen Council. Comma met Nov 24th, 1890, ell the members present. lklinntes of last meeting rear, and signed. Etlbsr--Wurth Thee" the fines collected by 3. P'a, of Crediton be handed to +Creel,- iton P. M. to improve rof,.is. Eiiber.•.Sthorritt-The; J Barry be pound keeper is&tead of J Lang, resigned., Eiiber---Shorritt-That $490now se0ured by vete, whoa paid to be take* £roan; gone era) funds et township and placed to. credit of sinking tune act -C Prouty for at the meeting called by IT bfcCreei}j �s half of oonncil.-also to proem;fdi rim that removed and broke the til aka reset) on Snndsy evening 16th haat. after passing the following orders elle council adjourned to meet again on 13th Veosnber. A Clark, first 8 it, 52; J Itieshen, 4th B ll, #8,514 It OP. nke,,ditobing, It 13, $2.- 58 3 Murk, dito and tile. $7.88; fol Keough, remitted L, $3 50; T Baker, lumber, pas 20; 3 °McKeever, Mad creek. rep, $10.50; G lIawbinney tile culvert, J Walker, gr vel, $7.50; 1, Brinker. 22 eon. $15; J arry.. ooutraet, $18; it! Finkbeiuer, $15; J 5toKexevor, GOP, $2.60; F D Tetreaut $'14; 1a Ryan, dog tax ref, $1; R Taylor.,8 S 11, $12; G Rouurin, gray; gore road. $S7; It Adair, do, $3; J Schuette culverts, ;'; F MoKoever. gravel VS.85; G Webb, rep. 21a1 con. $1.50 22ra Bamaey, relief. $3; 1' afittleholtx,, rep. 14th con $8; W Bakner ., aulverta, $1.00; J I3: Hodgins, own 13 10 05; J Ramo, i3 1. 52 50; 3 Nanshwanger,10 eau $6; d Trevsthick. cut 50c; J Rollins. gravel and lime, $60.4tt; Emmen it Wein, culvert aud ditch, $.:i; W Farneombe, 5.30; 11 .Prouty. repairs, $1 50; 0 Kuhn. tile. #1'1 62; Jr Sharp, rete 26 con $1 50; J ?avitrr, 2 culverts. a7 J,;, Wein .k G tiger, 13 3. $35 70; J Mitchell gravel, 418 15; W Lawson, ditch ;i 11, 523 25; d Winer, gravel, 0 R. $3 75;; M Fiuklreicer, 8 oon, 61; ;l Finkbeiner, ditch and tile, <a lei, $12; W ]:early tutees, $1; W Brown. 11 B,13; ,T Forel 2 con- $'1; 0 Hoff man $3; d McKeever, $1.1 15; W Mown, 0 It $2; airs N.ewestartm, relief, $10: W Mit- chell relief $5, ,. • iron 1' 31-;$20; as per resolution. u. ” ,TY. talork. arson s° Noises -In the ears, sometimes a roariugbuzzing sound are caused by catarrh, that exceedingly disagreeable and very common disease. Lies of smell 'and. hearing alio result from catarrh. Hood's' Sarsaparilla, the great blood - purifier, is: a. peculiarly sucmesstal remedy for this dis- ease, which it cures by purifying the blood. If you suffer from catarrh, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar inedicine. It011. lit lap --Maim 13 Drown, jr., awl Jno ,grown, jr., ape away in alichigem looking for cheap fa ' .-.This week has witnessed otite an axial ` from thea .lace. fillies fl FZwiker 1• A1cGa lam ur�llner for. . Tr has gone to her bO no in Dutton ; Mr James Dennis. fashionable tailor, has pulled up stakes =lie ;gone "jouring".---air Geo Hamilton has struck for W node=tock ; Mr Alonzo Hodgins has gone to Detroit to seek his fortune.' And Mr August Sweit- zer has chosenfor his destsuation, His lathers peach fsrm in Deleware, winch he will take'charge tits--U.epurt says, that we are shortly to have another doctor in Crediton, who is to come from Berlin Ont. -Mr John Praetor is confined to his bed with a serious attack of inflammation, we wish him a speedy recovery. -Mr H Stanley is very low with an attack of pleurisy and inflammation. -Our villaco barber mourns tho loss of one of his guinea pigs and is on the lookout for another to take its place. -The central hotel owned by Messrs Grant Bros and now occupied by Mr August Hill, bas been sold to eIr Ira Bice, of•Clandeboye, for a good figure. - Mr Noah Heist bas removed to the village and occupies Mr Wm Mitchell's house. - Council meeting was held on Monday and a large number of farmers were in the village, no doubt after money. -One day last week Mr Heist who lives along the river bank was surprised to see aline buck deer coming across the flats. The deer was coming along the feace and Mr H provided himself with a club and hid, and when the noblebrute came up to him he dealt him a blow, but it had no othereffect than to increase his speed aud Mr R. soon lost sight of him. The deer was after- wards seen near the flax mills and was not molested bat soon made himself scarce again. -If anyone here is asked what papers they are going to take next year, their reply invariably is: Well, I must have the TIMES -and other papers are a second- ary consideration. The "Times" has now a very large circulation here, but 1891 promises to break the record. -A Lodge of the Royal Templars of Temperance has been formed here, and the members have orgauized and elected officers. They meet every Monday evening. -On Monday night last the barns and outbuildings of Mr Hy Emery who lives on lot 5, con 5, were burned to the ground. The fire was dis- covered at about 12 o'clock by Isis sister who lives n:ar at hand who aroased her brother and thus saved the live stock and some implements; there was a high wind at the time, and the house was saved with difficulty. The origination of thefire is a mistery and must have been incendiar- ism. The buildings were insured, Brucefleld. BaIEFa-Mr Nice Molntosh, of Nova Scotia, is spending the holidays under the maternal roof. -Miss Jennie Jamieson is home paying a visit to her parents and friends: -lair Beatty, of Vancouver, B C. was the guest of hie sister, Mra Scott, last week. -We are very sorry to bear that Mr John McIntosh is again laid up with his knee. We hope to see him about soon attending to bis duties behind the mounter. -The Royal Templars met in their new hal Monday evening for the first time. The evening was spent in addrebses, music, readings. eto. They intend getting Mrs Sage and her daughters for one evening next week. We hope they will have a full house and large receipts. -The gentlemen la the west side of our village 1 e are doing fi heir statute labor, theyextending 'the t ro, are walk from'the town to the station,and doing, other necessary work. This was badly needed, and it is a pity that we could not procure more lumber to lay more side walk where it is also required. Mr Alex Mustard is master over, the men, and under his guidance, we know that the work will be etablisJOHN is *and WHITE Prop SON' ROW to SHE EN Y WHEN SHOfPJNH. Ruow exactly what youwant and what yen don't want. What yea do get let it be good if you have to pay a good price for it. Ole to a shop where you east depend on setting good value and honest dealing: xlC3. apaieow for institute- Don't be maw buy what you don't need, LET ME WHISPSH !t';+ Y;F u` { . , p . avoid that ow mete t `nes is nayvow when aamtc le our r end in snob enormous adindeed they must have it i£ tf•r give the good* away, sod yea dale), pay ter the advertisint. WO peed money and are willies to ntakeereeertions that are in your interest as well as 0114, and when we wrke you SANE. No hekime...cno mistatemeata, ria exaggerations --straight busineas-'-LOWEST ]'RICES, large aysartrtient and one ,price. Polito and careful atteutten to rich end poor alike. We cordially barite you to examine our *took, and will not look erols'eyed if wo Can't Suit Yeti, beleiviva mint have a mirroot right to go elsewhere if our good don't atilt you. We also give you the privilege which the wane• have already enjoyed, viz: returning and get- ting our goods -when you sliaeover yon cannot eeuelther.. J. P. ROSS, Bargain ]Depot. sell dene Tba aienisersary svrvisra in oouueetiett with the '.glen Presbyterian Chureb, will bo held on S,abb.ttlr. Doc 28th. and also a, tea meeting un the following liouslay erenies; in the Royal Templars and Ft,reaters new ball. Bev yfr .Murray, U. A., of Ii?ut:online, will preach on the :labiiatlr 834 give an a.Ureea on Moudty evening entitle&; MY 'l'rip to Della -elk James S.van, is layrrtg floors in tho *table erected by tarn Met stumtner, and wlter. fioishe.l will be oust of the finest in the village. dint is a pusher, when lett leas to. .-The Cltristrau Endeavor iu connection witliTinion 1'te byteriau Chu£ea, is being largoiy at end,:;), awl lnuelt ia.tereet is being ruanrf..'•ted by the members. The meeting ]set :llondap uight was taken ebarge of by Mae Jessie McDonald, wlto gave a fins: atl•irere on the btelyect of Faith. Mr Grant, of Ctfirt.-n, also spoke for a short time. Mr Biehardrou aud BOLO, of Varna. were there as visitors- They in.. tend starting a society its Varna. We wish them every success. --A utmber of our young ladies aud gentlomeu epeut last Friday everting at, the reeidouce of Peter MoGregor, The music by Mies Annie Campbell on the piano and Mr Murclook. of Heiman, on the violin, utas liiglrly ap. preeiated. This is the second time the yersug people hmve,heou yet Mr MoGregor'r. 51118 winter. They speak very highly of the treatment extended to ,them by Me McGregor and family. Varna. We are glad to know that Mr Keys, egg dealer, is recoveringfrom a severe attack of sickness. Ha was taken suddenly 111 when attending to his work on Wednesday. But under the doctor's care he is improving slowly. It will be a few days before he can attend to his business. The discovery of a nickel mine is re- ported from Queen's County, N. S. Two miners viewed the specimens and pronounced them excellent. Live stock shipments are closed for the season. The figures for the year are ;-123,738 crottle and 43,573 sheep, against 85,668 cattle and 59,343 sheep last year, making an increase of 38,070 cattle, but a decrease of 15,770 sheep. Mr William Chisholm, of Colhorne, died on Saturday evening and was interred in the R. C. cemetery Mon- day morning. His family. were among the very first settlers in this township, their arrival here dating back nearly' sixty years. Mr. Thos Cook, of the Bayfield Ltne, lost several head of cattle one day last week. A straw stack had been built on top ofa shed. The supports of the shed gave way, killing two valu- able cows and injuring a third cow and several pigs. The loss wilt be heavy to Mr Cook. BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. London, November 24. -The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says -English wheats are steady at a fractional rise for fine whites. in foreign wheats Russian_ and American are 6d cheaper. Indian is firm. The decline of wheat in Ameri- ca would have similarly depressed prices. here, but for the rise in freights. Bar- ley, rice and peas are quiet. American corn is 5d per ton dearer, European is unchanged. As to -day's market English. wheats are slow of sale. Foreign drop- ped 68, Flour, especially American, was firm with an upward tendency. American corn was steady. Oats. were firm. Rye was 3d dearer. Beans and peas were firm. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from Draotico hnv ins had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pnrmanent cure for n and Bronahltis, Catarrh,Asthma Consumption, sitthroat and lung affections, alsopositivea and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints after having' tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known 10 his suffering follows. Actuated by this motive,' and n desire toreleivehuman suffering ,I wilU,' send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe in German,. French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by wait by addressing with stamp, nation' this paper. W. A. NOYES,850. Powers' Blo Rochester, N. Y.