HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-11-20, Page 8wet
llica axle Grease 2 for...
Sunshine Stove Polish, six
boxes for
Shoe Blackleg, 6 boxes for
SteellNails, 3 to 6 iu ,
4 gallons Coal Oil..
gels do., (el ,aterwhitei. ,
Alineaied wire, per 100 lbs
Bash wire "
Plain strap wire :a "
Fire clay •` ei
Common iron " "
< : ` Korseshoe nil's, 0, per box
Chesnut Coal per ton
No 4 coal Se
Blacksmiths` Coal per tam,
,- Brilliant ieneusular cook
Feinous Weed. Stove..me
See these Stet. s and
' lc
$ cts re,
�• 04
70 ,,
1 till -zees
3 AJsee
5 .50
5 59
2 75
from the ritual of the church of England : i TETE BURIAL.
T am the resurrection end the Ile, with('The remains of Birchall were em'>almod
• the Lord: he that• heli@retia in tans though t and placed in an airtight metallic coffin. and
he were dead, yet shall teethe: and neve ' in the evening were interred in the jail yard
ever 2iveth and batleveth in Me shall never but not buried -temente the seaff >Id as was.
The prisoner walked in the steps of the geeerally supposed tvoul1 be the cess. The
clergyman. On his right hand lyes ha, iat,':i of iaeasiug• theta in a metallic coffin
friend, Mr. Arthur Leethalrt, a tut'w in t cats that another effort will be ulade to ii -
Montreal, and en his left :lir, George i)erry,duce the 1l to take the remains homelo%v rs,
the son of the deputy sheriff, Who has bin -
Ilarltal!'s clay. guard for a considerable ; to Enl;laud, bbl is -ex; acted. to leave with
time. - Mes,1Va st-Jones on, iPelluesdey next,
AN •AWFCL IIUSU i 112021VED TUE 1xrreseteENCE aeL)Uf
snreeel .1 the slight noise perms>1 by the Mrs. Birchen was made acquainted with
e:,•• stele.* se tee iwooteseee. : ta: most curie the .acts that the execution had tape. a place
ens of tie spectators, talose whose presence ry her sister, Mrs. West-Joaes, when she
at t6.,, last seene of all was rot 11. eSeeltated . awai ane 1 at 16 o Block, She was partiali7
by duty but by. a morbid curiosity ro see an • derst as the re -nit of the light opiate which
exeenoon--shrink back appalled unable to hall been given her during the night, and
le,. : ttv es, i:ps» dial not fully realize the import of the come
7ore of that enxanicatfurr rout eyed to tier. However„,
\vtv befit o a the crotd,i uxv tutu d to trite ,s'ie swear rallierd ant acted las thou;lt Save had
,kr resolved to bear the result without any
a, t::0 (tree . se4auing in doubt mil in fear , more euretl,u that was necessary.
The path Of the spirit's unknown career; ; Ills LATEST LETTER
"Lit •.e d�uaiuu'ti arms, thea' arms what. neer •
tees:1 ire lifted again, u,>t even in prayer- Meehan banded the followiub letter to
Tee buntlr<alsofspeeatorswile hal Mena- • Qecrge Nt37 td.iyortwovel):-
6 (111 ell :t la:'jailwalla and inthe tr;eesat•r'neat W0oDSTait`$ GAIL, Nov. 14, 1sa4.
15 on * ing strained their neck; t • ,toura better If after my death there shall appear" in
lz4 40 ee, sees; of • ! la,. its -larva, sn•ery effort ha t the p e sor in any other manner whatsoever
t...1 u tussle by the-authrrities t a prevent any ei lfeseen that 1 bad any handiat the
other ,,,, t°,.• t,ttleeringotthe to"rb d, butfa•uirlesely, mi. 1�' f Mr. F t!. Bentcell or any pre-
A S\^R
r" IleaunaT Sr. Coal Stvves 1 i y tt, u' A :a • of e costae- eu ae sore a., vioue lot tcvldJge ,I, s ill anal <r,
r'attar tent et malice afvrethoueht, or any before belyint . person -
Just Lr eves n' ac°ate * the 1 a.r.il.* a halt al connection with the mu
hesmurder on the 17th
H. No. 9 Tin Boiler for tel o po ,r of n e:eras of a Minote was measle', fir Feb, or outer *ley or any Ituowledm that
4 50 •.r \1,8.10 m,rantinsa remaining idle r- hall. any meltmenstr tray *.kelt' to be ca:nnait-
5 50 r•r •rises were ,l leanly in trent tie the gallows ' test or any statement further than any that
:• r t)this
are al .ant ;;+1 t+'t awes and the susltt+as s ' [ rely have Me le patb,to p
�' s.::aa I ferrite,. re the crowd. d- to 1 handl this statement • to the care
%me p til - A p La T A PRAYER FOR PARDON. •>f sir. txcar a Perry, of 1\'onistock,
1-4 GROCERIES, SUGARS, TEAL .. 1•ut s':ort space rent -tined for the aeett,r-i O.itnriu,. 'h•u he may know that any can -
10. 2 Daisy t'hurn
;No. 3 Daisy Chum
l^,7 Tui'.et Soaps -full line-Eleetrie,
Russian, London. l.8inan:un.
...Dried Apples. Sheep Skies, Hkits.--
I:gge eta t ekes en Revitalises
t.. !mike his !net, his expu•in. pease with has' foreign or partial c.>etY•a i-ione. are a ltirely
swell t,*. teller, and Mr. \V a e, gil;lr.l tee tie:Zane; all 1;85 ire tray tree weer
1 .. a t•f eternity in those awful moments written tt err', u 7itit�r ernan'tte i from nae
011 • itee.0 arrays itself i 8 her briehseee in any way tthetsnevcr Many person. and
r , an4 bilis the expiriu se -Mattel sink the whole +le ere fl, iti es anti senora a ward
is t ' everlasting twine tv.th h.+lt.'..it wit pi truth. Trite liken -:s0 applies t i my :tato.liana 4 ur t'y A dying,and repentant bi )i1 a:187. in w.tae.l 1 here in isle ne such
,, , prayer iesee 1 from the quiver fa lips of the ' c int a -i 11 or p:irt'ell co;tf++estival
4.1. • 1 -et ., vel ue^u•.lers het hie remarks Tins to b>4 3i threwboat
r''Aeter ikQL ) .1 .1OUr 0*1 leer••. a vat !tc)whhio tter.'N f.•'• arty'. At Best.. 1*11tetter...
eland at $2 00 per cwt. a seta Irani t':.+' deputy- heritr l Melt:il1 was • TIM NEWS IN ENGLAND,
t a r tette 1 forwaral}to the etttr••11, Rev. I Ortnile;, Naar. 1 i,-P,iroitall'€ mother is
Prepride ' trade 'vie in hie s e tee
W. R. ONOUR, .,
1.nwan•7 . r. - ' ' viii'lyel:fstus;anditietritelthattheupwS
na.k,rl with stern n ,'»�1+liar l •r tate: 1 ,.
Bed Wheat ., " 92to 00 9:
Spring Wisest-. .. 00 9e toblear
Barley .,. ., .,• 95 Ito 00 >r
,— ••, 35 to 38
••• 3 00 10 5
•• 1alvo2
•+, • 55 to tit
,., 9 40 to
«• ;oto 28
Flourperbbl 00.10 5 t
t'otatoereperba het 40 to 0
Apples,per oag ,,, ... 1 00 to
PrieciApplespr b .,, 0 4 toe:.
(*seas per lb, 0 Cas to 0 tf
Turkevperlb ,., 07 to if,
Duces per lb .,, .., 0 ()Ate 0 r•
Obiokensperpr ., ... 0 25 to P 3
liogs,dreasedlierltO „. .., ;1 00 to 5 5
eildesrougb, ...,
Sheepskins each
Woo) perlb
elnionsnerbus k
Glover Swed
Timothy '
.., ,., 4 00 toad
,.,, S SO to 13 n,
,., 0 Seto 2
. .. 5 tattoo
,.. ,., 2501o3°a'
se:efeaYa $
Fall Wheat .............. 0 92 0 93
Spring Wheat,..,.....• .... 0 92 n pa
itar,oy ; 11 45 0 4n
Oats . 0 35 13.
clover Seed- .................... trot 75
Timothy ..... ................ .... 1 0 , 01
Peas .„ ..,...,«...,..,.. O 5s ei 00
DISKS 1:• a la.
Butter .,,,....,.. ... ...... ................. re 1113
Potertoee iter bag' ii; 9
Apples perbnsb 0 51
Woollier lb 20 0 20
Hay newton- .«.,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 So 601'
Bran per ton l‘411•••..,.14 Oft 14 to
Shorts t• 't 2O 00 20 085
O#tneelperbbl,..: •• ..• ,,,..,,.,,., 6 00 7 OP
Wheat, 93e to 95e ner bus. Oats, Vie to
41e nerbus. Feaa.57o to Ole per bus. Bar-
lel•,Meltini:• 50 to 0' c per bus. Ilarler Feed,
40a to 43e per bus {.ore, Otie to 07e tier,
Toronto. cvS.--Wheat:Gering-No, 2.: )3e
to flee poi. bus. t.4 5 nter.;No.2 ••a • Lu9'c per
bus Manitoba No -I hard, l ate to 132 :1'0.2.1 2•;
to 130: PEAS fie to 85e per bus OATS 40e
to 43c per bus. FLOUR. extra. R4•l0 to a4.15
per bid: straight roller ,a8 30 to $4.35
s-runrbalters.•"4.Qt1 to S,t•:0. ]BARLEY. No 1
80otonae: :ao3extra. 54e to 55e: No 2. u:o
to 0'le•
n tf the. eleeu.1,19 stilt tina�h her.. •Cook Whitehead t:ok bite up a couple or
lilant. i'r l a:l ":,1, least tltrarfm roltti i f is d t in eraitvll. ltaachod e, toast, canned raspberries and
.ot,.,toota 1 Iv ,-7 ,ell 0,. str..li` iht 53 alit 118'4'da:r 3(!181 a
v"-•• .._ . tai!<. appietr.'+1 on hie fa -es
(: ;i :a Mr Wade le' ;:lir that re,etal el the
f::aaaa= tt' it •r i , "nal that da b,1ra of
u at eerie. wets. but a ,hart time to lava
a• 4 s tun ..t uti-ery.' l ivehall tinned to
11 - ail
Loctiron and kt: s si hint. 11.e
lemernatt at oneo y10111,u14 lois le.; ', 11..
1l`f:ej+ t+i%1 1..tl ,last sit•:.\<• -h,: tall «•..• :t,
Mr. Wade Men £.stat,. to the warn :
1 heard a vniee from 11r:+real '88.184 ra•ato
me: Front henceforth hi •,•• t a e. tete 4 t 1
tt to are to lir' Lod, o8"* ...Alta the ,'t+a'•
it, t •r they teat front tha•ir My) s.
Ile thee stepped tower 1 last I :tee,. 1 .••
ereemer, who murnlurislth.' Coi!•,tv,•1; erre>f
;,'rice .n ;les' to Death on
:-1.; a, w.l AT LAST Alf E1tl.i:
L'ix• e,is:r,lerer t'aerx the Grieve Xing oI
r. -r. or, IaeatIt. \\ itt% a stone -An
.inert Pei tie.,11)e.atlt in Six .Minutes
-flow Ile La..t Night on
Eartle•>.,tn Anneting Parting Prete
111. Wife,
13iro:tu •. halt -brother, the 11'v. Oswald „vetehe.,, Au•l cot%o, Bushell looked at it
l:ireleil, dvui,r . bints,18 to a,1 a ;idlers today attcl gin*his head, saying he did not with
yvvrday, 85(8•111 sari to 18383'.) :;prat alt any food, On second thought, however, he
of Tuur day night iu pray.'r. d • ti"ov'u• fell to and ate heartily at the egos, and R
son. t 8 . tattler of firs Dire tall i e;•usb j 1 shield 0000 nt toa54 and then puibed tho
with anxiety about hes dnt;tt
.a'r. ami 1 ilea tray away from him. Then be began to
again cent word ,'s Mrs, West Jaae 8 iia sea- prepare himsolt for the gallows. 111' put on
turn to England Immediately trltlt bar s1. - his white Avenel shirt, with coat nod rest
ter. Mr. Stevenson is very well situa'ed as over it, having previously asked Turnkey
t0 pirperty and there is 00 +*anger of 1><,s, i Forbes t, see that this was replaced after
Birchall ttaating foranything, The newipa,•
rs are unanimous in sparoviug the action exacation by t white starched shirt, with
of the Cote than authorities !a enforcing the neater dull Rio'
I,ulcttArX s rxnlGRs>w
taw 80 the letter in D.:eaa11'e vaso.
lest( expressive prayer. lea t8l9be lltfi lut0rvdotr With Ills Wite-
leenene, elm ven<ris jailor% n111 nis
(r-•!l'-t.•'111rai'e. - rilr. t'allousness.
1.85 I. gds whee Thou shalt cattle tit ja lge,
.. • Tault a .i treble err,. The dual interview between Birchall and
it re rill hat alrealy it twined the jail ,1114 silo as 'i?hur day night began
vial:.., 'relies than he dfl n.;t poria i:+ *mkt ea., at 7 'Mark mut lasted. till 1:15 a. in.
any ,t.tt:nent up.an the sa'atroid, tine tel lid `tit ]>rslay meriting. It was very nt-
n.•t (make any reference to his case at all.. fectit'g, 1)41'114 the Aro hour( watched wore to•etuer the were closely watched
• " = E WELL • $ After ki•,iug the prisoner the rr,•:,.a e'm'it- - by a guard, and Rev. W. 11. Wade, the
a �" « e p u 1 1- 1'"'! back, (lin llaugmai drew the Week cap ris seer a epirittud adviser, wale in the core
a 1. e
y •
;t es oven, Rha with
amus talo e.:u , shank rider in which the day ectU, where the in -
v d t h e coral 18.81111, tvntia hiru Birchall remari:fu� words
s *. %%inch ushered the that fo r J11eCtatol•s could not c *eb; "(.r- 0*• . t@1•Vi@w wean!reel, {R Bi @d, t1 the in-
i uiIty soul ofthe guard noble' Mrs. Birchen that the in-
i= Gyps old elan, for (clod's sake do your work ; torvre.v must close. She commenced weep•
+.;,.. J t1 b n I8ogivald well.''
Bsrcllall befane itis il'v. '.1r. Wade then began the related of ' ing hystel•ie �lly and kissed her husband a
ileal Judge at t+:26 the Leri':, Prayer, the executioner maautfine number " times, Her last t ��1rds were:
en in. on.ft�riday.,adju.•lun the��rope. At the w,•rds:'`Thy F eiti•up,"fi dBirchillreplied; Good-bye,
will be done, the exocutloner pulled the .
freariul black caP cord which re'eased the weig a and lo, be
was palled down
ere, face three! .A. drop of ten feat wet allowed the weigh t,
minutes before As he d se elided the victitu', height stretch- 1
this fell moment, ! ed the ripe taut, The body turned partially
liirehali's eye , r' aur 1, and the knot under the lets ear was
saw 111 lovely a 1'13318111 daseernible, The executioner gently
murelug for the i tZt1'nee the ha IS with the face to the wall
season as had over and stepl.ed hack a couple of feet to examine
dawned under a his work with a critic'tl eye. R3v. Dir.
Canadian ; 14 ads ceutinued his reading and the words
TITE At'ExGER sky. I u t h a t� `'U, Lard, with whom Heath the spirits of
Inst lffe-look, none could detect the , those departed sounded with preternatural
amu:,y of terror endured by the brink of the'
clearuees. For 3,:85 minutes atter the drop
gray+., and there unlet have been atony I fell the hely showed signs of life at inter-
when under the lovely Canadian sky the i vale. His neck was not broken, death bafng
felon first sate the ghastly ,elves --the seas- due to strangulation. The heaving chest,
fold. the dangifn rope. the assembled !rely i the drawing togetber and then relaxation
Nervy to the last. his Pact was set, though of the muscles of the arms and Legs showed
very *,ala, and his lips were tightly cum- t that life was still present. The executioner
caught hold of the feet and steadied the
dam;lingman. At Beef exactly, two min-
utes after tbe drop fell, his pulse was felt by
Dr. *1cCiurg and was beating at the rate 08
60 pulsations to the minute. For 11} min-
utes longer the body continued to show
signs of life, and 2;e, minutes later the doc-
tors pronounced life extinct. Hisspir.t had
gone, if for weal or for woe is known but to
l•re,sed. Ile fearlessly and steadily gazed
at the downcast faces of the men who were
to wItu: s his fate, then cast his eyes to the
clear vault above. His step was firm. His
attire c.,nsisted of the dark suit he wore at
the trial, stripe," pants and vest and black
box coat, while be wore a white fizunel shirt,
black stockings and patent leather shoe;.
He had only a few minutes . before been
shaved and his hair was nicely combed.
emerged from the jell at exactly 8:10i2.
Prior to this hour, Public Executioner Rea-
ctive bad cooly adju•ted the paraphernalia
of death, and had then re-entered the jail.
Here he "prepared" the condemned roan
by pinioning his arms behind him with a
leather strap. Birchall not only submitted
cheerfully, but assisted, as far as be was
able, tbe executioner in the task. Rev.
Rural Doan Wade, who had put on his sur-
plice, was present in the cell.
Then the procession started and the 175
spectators, to whom the waiting and sus-
pense became almost unendurable. saw Rev.
Mr. Wade, Birchall's spiritual adviser,
warring at the head of the procession, and
in solemn tones repeating the death service
Children Cry for, Pitcher's Castoria.
had been the execution. The body was al-
lowed to remain hanging for 12 minutes
longer, or about 18 minutes in all, and as it
hung there the sun rose higher and higher
in the clear dome above, and there fell a
silence that was the benediction of a pitying
God upon his sinful child. At 8:44 the
body was cut down, and it was removed to
a cell in the lower corridor to await the in-
quest. When the black cap was removed
the dead man's face was found to be but
slightly .discolored and calm and unmoved.
The windpipe was almost completely flat-
tened. The usual formality of an inquest
was gone through with. After viewing
the body, the jury adjourned till 1:30 p.m.
in order that
examinatioa might be held. This was con•
ducted in the presence of the local doctors
by Drs. Mogay, Odium and Mearns, and
was o: the most through description. The
examination showed that the gallow's vie
rim had
but there were ample indications to show
that Birchall suffered no pain. Ile must
have become unconscious immediately aft
er the cord was pulled. The pesterior liga-
ments of the upper verteerre were parted
slightly, but not sufficiently to separate the
spinal column. The heart was normal and
the stomach empty, with the exception of a
slight fluid'. The kidneys were partially
congested, liver normal. The brain weighed
5O% ounces. The developweuts of the head,
however, anything but bore out the repu-
tation which Birchall had obtained of being
a man of culture. The unanimous opinion
of the doctors present was that his learn-
ing was superficial, that .while he was a
close observer of tine ordinary affairs of
life, £tis faculties were not those of a man of
learning: At1 the jury were assembled and
the doctors reported the result of their post-
mortem, finding that- the deceased di -d
from strangulation combined with shock.
John lteginatdiiircllall, the victim of Fri-
day's tragedy, was born, according to his
own 'statement, on February 25th, 1SO0,
and was therefore just 24 years, five months
and 21 days old, filth .ugly ho might easily
have passed for 30. His fattier was the Rev.
Joseph Birchall, Rector of Church -Dirk,
near Accrington, Lancashire, Euglaud,
Rural ])ern of Walley null Praetor in Coen -
vocation for the Arclydeacoury of 'Man-
et?1T tR E5
1;11}iidf•'fllllitj' ' f lane u r t} u-;
She was then escorted to the foot of the
stairs, where she waved her hand to her bus -
bead. In great contrast to the leaviog of his
wife was that of Birchall. He gave signs
of little emotion; in fact, as stated previous-
ly, the parting with him was as if one was
about to go on a journey of a few weeks' dur-
ation, instead of one which was to end for
one of them fn eternity. During the inter-
view Mrs. Birchall presented her husband
with a plain gold locket, in which were
her pdcture and a lock of her hair.
This he wore with him to the scaf-
fold and it was buried with him.
hits. West -Jones, who accompanied her
sister to the jail, did not remain long,
merely bidding Birchall good-bye through
the bars of his.celldoor. While Mrs. Wes: -
Jones was seated in Jailer Cameron's office
she caught sight of the block and tackle to
be used in the execution. She inquired,
"What is that horrid things" and, as if
divining its use, cried. "Take me away."
She was removed to Turnkey Forbes room,
where she recovered her composure.
A wOStAN'a nerstrENOE.
Birchall, in the presence of theagony of
his wife's grief, broke somewhat from his
former callousness of conduct. After Mrs.
Birchall parted with her husband for the
last time on earth, Rev. Mr. Wade entered
the cell, and remained with Birchall through-
out the night. Birchen had announced his
intention of remaining awake throughout
tbe night and the rural dean shared his vigil,
and together they sent up prayers to the
throne of divine grace for pardon. Birchall
expressed himself perfectly satisfied of his
Meantime,: in -the corridor below, the.
hangman was peacefully reclining on a
lounge, with the sound sleep of a babe but
the snore of a traction engine.
At the age of 14 lie was sent to the large
public school at Rossall, in Lancashire, but
had not been there very long when his
father died, ]saving all his children, how-
ever, pretty will provided for. Birchall
was allowed to remain at Raman until1Ss1,
when his guardians removed him to a large
school in Reading, Berkshire, Three years
longer the lad remained at Reading and
then went up to Oxford. Birchall's career
at Oxford was a lively one, and there he
began to lavishly spend the money which
his father had left him, and which would
have been safTic'eut to have supported a man
of moderate tastes.
Birchall had early in the evening asked
the cook to take him supper at 12 o'clock,,
e h eh was done, but as he was then with
his wife it could not be served. He left it
-untested, but fed some of it to the black cat,
which remained with him all the time.
Birchall ate nothing until 8 o'clock, when
It is unnecessary to review the case, the
facts andcir•cumstances being so well known
and fresh in the minds of all. A mere state-
ment of the crime for which Birchall suffer-
ed the extreme penalty of the law is sufU-
C'ent. The body of F. C. Benwell,ayoung
Englishman Birchall had lured to this
country iu order to swindle him, was found
stiff in death, with two bullet wounds in the
head, in Blenheim swamp on the 21st Feb-
ruary last. Step by step the murder was
traced to Birchall, and fixed by incontro-
vertible circumstances as having been
perpetrated on the 17th Feb. The finding
of the cigar case marked "F. C. Banwell"
was the first accidental clew to the identity
of both victim and murderer. and the
evidence presented during the four days of
the trial leaves no room for doubt that
the guilty man was the surprisingly unique,
cool, audacious prisoner whose doings have
been the theme of the papers for the past
few months.
His exectuioner, Thomas Radolive, stew-
ard of the Sunnyside Yacht club of Toronto,
is fair complexioned, of medium height,
with large piercing eyes, and of determined
appearance. He was no novice at the work,
having been principal executioner in titres
. other Canadian cases, and assistant at 18
abroad. His last was his most successful.
His picture, along with that of the long,
black, strangling rope twisted into the form
of a B, °eminences this sketch.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, the cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castor's..
When she had Children, she gave thew Castoria.
ER,A.T.) AND I ;.A.p1 . .
-.- .-.-'TVxNERE TO BUY -
rhe Best Goods for the Least Money.
We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TIN WA E is ir,
t mt. and We sell thele at the lowest possible price for cast).
In Hall and Library 'staph we are showing
to elegant display at right prices, All kends of Table and 1-Ia4ad
-amps at wholesale lances,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
1rt CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing . all the latest all _t
<'ading patterns and makes. Five different pattrerns to choose iro:.).
4.=$—A, large stook at prices that defy eompetitioi*.
As usual, a full stock of general Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass
In baud.
Agents for the Celebrated 'Raymond Sewing Machine.
,+a ,+ .iF, S T T BROS.
The Most Economical Stove The Best Heater.
& Perfect Baker for Pastry( or The Best Stove anal 1+lua
Bread. 13 0o f Person
Good inUte
estr n,
Call and see this and outer first-class strives:f1\un E
4,7 C. Gurney Company for sale only by
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand, Wivan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
THE PEOP3•Ife :1I*1TAiE--People matte a
salt mistake often with seriktta retinas when
they neglect a constipated condition of dm
bowels. Evolving that Darden 13lo..1
!littera is au effectual mire at any t•t age of
oonstipattou. does not warrant us m neg•
leafing tenute it at the tight 'titue. Le'e it
now. x .�
The fTe
uE' n breath, remitting iu from Cutn•
till can bo remaved by a few application of
Nasal lDaltn. Every sufferer should give it n
trial. Sold by nil deniers.
A first class frame house on \rleon•st.
One fifth of an aere of land. Tho hn811a> con-
tains 10 rooms: hard and soft water. Tereus
easy- Apply to
Wu.Iiowern. Exeter.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil E -
G -7-X ESR, 33ITO.,
Office, Upstairs, Snmtrell'sIlloek. Exeter, r•nt
W. SNELL, of lot 15, con. 7, tsborne,
will keep for the improvement of smelt, n
tboro'bred Chesterwhite boar. Terms: I at
111110 M' service.
dl Brea and Neu!
Just arrived at the family Grooery. Also
Pure Extracts and Spices.
Abeautiful piece of glass—
warebeagiven away with oris lb.
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pantings.
at any price
Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave your orders sally, for
with the best staff ,of Tailors ; the best
stook of Fine Trimmings, andthe best
Cutting in Town, yea aro sure of satiafao-
tion_ S. GIDLEY,
(Successor to C. & a, Gidley)1
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Boller Flour for sale.
Call and examine our goods before pur:
chasing elsewhere.
.eli.ableG e o - '
At Prices LoWtir that so -ca,
led Cheap Eonses can give
Undex tak e gg in ani • it
Ela.. a7. F T\TELL:.