HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-08, Page 8F .AUBURN 1.1(itig 7Clitay 5.—Congratuia- Seele of the pupils of Miss ret.A. Jackson who won ho • erdttfireNanc cl'e: ' 44 eS, Silty Lapp and Larfy 404.. Who • won top marks with their trio; als0 Robert Wilkin and WftlicOlm won with- their *let. • ._ and Mrs, William J. Craig -attended ,the funeral serviee for t -ti, late Charles Ro:oinson at Wing- hara last Wednesday. . Mr. and ;Mrs. Robert Arthur and Jayne and John Wright moved to the village last we4. Mr. and 'Mr* BoO nompson and family, of BraiOtbn, visited on Monday with his; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. lierhert Mogridge. Mrs. Gormerly Thompson returned with them to that city after a week's visit with her parents. tMrss Marie Andrews, (Miss Shir- ley Patterson and 'Miss Karen Pet- terson, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at their homes here. Correction.—It was reported in last week's paper that Roy Fin- - nigan-was- employed_ by Reg, Ham- ilton with his ditching machine. This is incorrect. Y.P.U. Entertains.—The Y.P.U. anet on April 30th in Knox United Church with over 50 Young people in attendance. Louise Jefferson, the president, welcomed the visit- ors from the Nile, and Dungannon. The call to worship was given by largo Grange. The Scripture was read by Margo Grange and Rev. R. S. •Hiltz led ii prayer. An open discussion followed on general - questions that teenagers should consider. A debate, "Resolved that, all Education should be over Tele- vision" took place. Wilmer Erring- ton and George Ribey upheld the affirmative side and Louise Jeffer- son and.Joan Mills, the negative. The affirmative side won. The next meeting will be held at West- field United Church with Joan Mills in charge. McClinchey—Daer. — The rec- tory of St. Mark's Anglican Church at Blyth was the setting last 8af- urday afternoon for the wedding of Lila Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Saha Daer, of Auburn, and Norman Gordon, son of Mr: and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, of R.R. 2, Auburn. Rev. Bren de Vries of- ficiated for the double -ring cere- mony. Miss Ellen Daer was her sister's maid of honor. Mr. David McClinchey was his brother's groomsman. A reception followed at Tiger Dunlop Inn where the bride's mother received tin: guests. She was assisted by the groom's mother. The dining room was tastefully decerated with spring flowers and the table wa,s centred with a three -tiered wedding cake, Ttrz GoDERIca SIGNAL-STAlt Natural Gas- , aylilteady lighted tapers and topped with a miniature bride and groom.A 4144"!AMEgclittneraiaravSservn 4Alao..inaine -Guts& Were present.frora Stratford, Gode- rieh, MItcheil, Blyth and. Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. MeClinchey will re- side on the groom's farm in West. Wawariosh. Miss 'Margaret IL Jackson, Mrs, Fred Rossi Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt and &Ir. Ralph D. aVittnro attended the Huron County Library banquet held last' Friday evening in the Goderich• Legion Hall. Mrs. Nesbitt was the delegate from this library. Dr. Tolman, of the University of West- ern' Ontario, was the guest speaker. Mrs. George Hamilton arrived home last Sunday and is staying at the home of Mrs. Fred Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rutledge, of Seaforth, were also visitors. • Mr. Larry Young reported last week to his boat for the season. All pre-school children of this distriet attended the clinic held at Blyth last Wednesday for polio. Mr. Wesley Vodden, of Hullett Township, visited recently with Mr. and .11/4.s. ,Williain-Sfraughan. Visitors over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Daer and Rob- ert were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seiler and John, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roney and Roger, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman alcOlinchey and Miss Ellen Daer, of Blyth. Auburn Annettes. — The fourth meeting of the Auburn Annettes was held last Tuesday evening at the home -of the- leader; -Mrs. Al fred Nesbitt. The president, Betty Youngblut, opened the meeting. The minutes were read by Bernice McDougall. A demonstration on "Posture" was given by Mary Kirk, connell, Eileen Schneider, Marilyn Daer and Anna Marie Schneider. Mrs. Nesbitt 'gave a talk on the pasteurizing of milk and also on various infections -of the body. Mrs. Ed. Davies spoke on the "house fl." The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. Kenneth Scott, R.N., who gave a helpful and inter- esting demonstration on different types of fractures. She also de- monstrated methods of bandaging. The next meeting will be held on May 8th at the home of Mrs. Davies. Lunch was served by Mary Kirkconnell and Marilyn Daer.. Reception Held. — A reception was held last Friday - evening in the Blyth Memorial Hall for Mr. and Mrs,.James Glousher (nee Jane Snyder). An address was read by Mr. George Haggitt and Mr. Gordon Beadle presented the couple with a purse of money. Mr. Glousher thanked everyone for their gift. Walkerburn Club.—The Walker - burn Club held its April meeting i DO YOU KNOW . . •THAT WE ARt 1, OPEN ON 1 FRIDAY NIGHTS 1 • A, .i&JgotC APPLIANCES oittd0.,e, yowt,FRIGIDAIRE #256a../e,c,- FOR. SALES d SERVICE .GODERICH io,SQUARE 5'4 586 REV. BREN, de VRIES tfas' been appointed to the parish of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and St Hensall, effective May 15th. Since 1954 he has been the popular rector of Trinity Church, Blyth, St. Mark's, Auburn, and Trinity Church, Belgrave. A native of Holland, he attended Huron Col- lege, 'London, was made deacon in 1956 and ordained an Anglican priest in 1967. at the home of the president, Mrs. Jim ,McDougall, with a good attend- ance. ' The blanket premiums were displayed and a discussion follow - d. Two quilts were quilted dur- ing the afternoon. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mrs. Leon- ard Archambault, .Mrs. Stuart Ament and !Mrs. Joseph Verwey. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mrs. John Sprung, Mrs. -Harold -Sprung, Mrs. Mary Crawford, Mrs. Stanley Lyon and Mrs. Arthur Clark were among the guests on 'a TV bazaar show last Friday. These ladies went on the bus trip, sponsored by the Blyth Ladies' Legion. Mrs. Louis Blake and Faye and Maryanne, of Brussels, visited last Thursday with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and daughters. " and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips were guests last Wednesday after- noon with Mr: and Mrs. Zurbrigg at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. James Raithby are not enjoying the best of health and have gone to be with their sons in London. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. aid 'Mrs. R. J. Brown in, Julie Ellen, of Fort Erie, spent the week -end with her • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hembly. Miss Brenda ,Colquhon,n, of Clin- ton, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Kenneth • Staples, Marian, Carol and Susan. Mrs. Gordon Wahl was a visitor one day last week with her mother, 'Yrs. John Arthur. Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Mills and family, of Kirkton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- strong and family. . _ s • • • • • • • Treat the family this Sunday TO A Chicken- Dinner at Tiger Dunlop Inn_ HOLMESVILLE 1111UPSIPtAlt, MAY eth,:faa ySeptember,- • 1•12. Now that thelOntario Fuel Bard has given the green light, natural gas may be aVailable to some users in Groderich by September, 4 depends *largely on whetler the Union Gas Co. of Canada Ltd: experiences any difficulties in se- curing agreements -with the owners of properties through which the pipeline must pass. So Town Council was told Friday night Councillor Bruce Sully. Along. with Mayor Ernie C. Fisher; Cpuncillor Sully attended hearings before the Ontrio Fuel Board in - Stratford last week. On MOnday of this week, Union Gas Co. representatives started out on a survey in Goderieh; Clinton, Seaforth and Mitchell. The object is to find out who is interested in natural gas service. This inform- ation will be used by the company in designing its distribution sys- tems in Goderich and the other communities. The natural- gas transmission line from Stratford to G-oderich will cost. $1,360,000, said - Councillor Sully. In addition, the company .will spend about $1,100,000 to in. stall distribution systems within the communities served by the line, he stated. Though. specific information on rates has not been released here yet, the rates will be the same as for the Stratford and Guelph areas. The Ontario Fuel Board approv- ed applications from Goderich and the other municipalities for per- mission to dispense with votes of the municipal electors in regard to making franchise agreements with Union Gas Co. HOLMES:VILLE, May 5. — The Wilhelrnine iMisaien and, of Holmesviiie United Church, met in the school for their May meeting. Charles Houghton was in charge, and Bob Norman conducted the business. Those taking part Were Paul ,Cudmore, Bill Heggarth, Marilyn Yeo, Fred Tyndall. and Jim McCullough. The study books were read by Mrs. J. Yeo and Miss Ann Shaddock. Mr. and Mrs. J. -Wilkinson,of Pickering,. were week -end guests of Cpl. and Mrs. R. Cameron at the Lavis Apts. LIONS LADIES' NIGHT The annual Lions ladies' night will be on Friday, May 23td, when a banquet will be. held at St. George's Parish Hall. Guest speak- er will be Miss Angela Armitt of the Extension Department of the University of Western Ontario. Her silbject will be "In Lighter Vein" Kingsbridge 44, -1""?Ad4iti.;44..44 ,40.1.44P.,4114,44•44.449444 •• IF YOU WANT TO HELP BRING GOOD_GOVERNAAENT ABOUT KINGSBRIEIDGE, MO 5. —, Mrs. Jerry Dalton has been a patient -in Goderieh hospital for the past week. We hope both Mrs. Dalton an Mrs. Leo Moerbeck, who has been in the hospital for several weeks, will soon be able to return to their homes here. Mr. and (Mrs. H. Captein and Mrs. Jerry O'Connor spent Sunday with the John McKinnon family. of Wingham. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin -'Meyer was baptized "Eu- gene Leonard" last Sunday by Rev. H. Van Vynckt. The sponsors were Miss Florence Lambertus and Maurice Dalton. iMr. and. [Mrs: Clifton Austin and Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne -visit ed with relatives in London dur ing thepast Week, Miss -Rose O'Connor and her sister, Irene, of • St, Augustine. wefe Sunday visitors here. Visitors here during the week- end were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Conville, of Toronto; Miss Therese Martin, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm„ Kinahan and family,. of St. Augustine; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O'Brien and two 'sons, of Gode rich; Mr. and ,Mrs. T. Redmond and family. of St, Augustine; Mr. and Mrs. Ted .Baechler, of Gode- rich; Mr. Edwin Meyer, of London Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare motbr- ed to Toronto accompanied by Mrs. Clare's mother, Mrs. Ryan, who underwent eye surgery in a Tor- onto hospital during the past week. • Mrs. Clare remained in Toronto until her mother is able to retnr,n, to her home in Chesley. Congratulations to Mrs. Robert Howard, sr., who is celebrating her 83rd birthday on May 5th, Mrs. Howard conlinues with her household duties daily, and is quite active in church and cont. ,munity activities. ' Mr. Carl Vassella left last. week to sail ,on the Great Lakes. Mrs. Vassella returned .to her home from Wingham hospital recently where she had • treatments for a back injury. • • 4 TE . for your LIBERAL CANDIDATE R. ALEX ADDISON on MAY 12 For 15 years the Ontario Legislature. has been :dominated -1),41 a single Party with overwhelming majorities. Secured by its strength of Members in the House, the Frost Government has grown old and careless. It has become indifferent to nearly all things except Continuing in office. Despite this, it asks. you ,to increase its needlessly large majority. The Government has allowed urgent matters to drift. • Promises that were made alluring as election bribes have not been carried out. 41, The business of Government and the adminis tration of the people's affairs laire fallen into . disrepute. Assistance to municipalities is lading far behind, increasing costs of municipal operations. The 'result is higher and higher local taxes. (Highway 21— 3 -miles north of Goderich). from 5 to 7 p.m. Avoid disappointment --Phone for reservation! Catering to 'weddings, CARLOW 2406. ' banquets, parties, G. KAITTING. Sunday dinners, -19 .r) LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS ARE IN asonic Temple Bldg. ON THE * SECOND FLOOR. SUPER -CUSHIONS Gooii/VEAR $1 195 lowest prices ever Now in the, face of a by-election, new, promises are being made. Ordinary routine operations are being advanced as Government generosity. How Ipng will people be fooled? A new hospital is vaguely announced at the same time as a By-election. The routine paving of a highway is put- forward as something. to be grateful for. .LEt_ THE GOVERNMENT TELL YOU _INSTEAD ABOUT, THE APPAWNG PROVINCIAL DEBT'' Let them tell you about a debt that under the present Government has been increased by $360,000,000— A debt growing at the rate of 12,000,900 per week,. ..• That is what the people of Ontario want to hear about. .'rhey will never hear of steps being , taken to check this runway money madness until they elect a strong Opposition! with trade -In blackwall, tube -typo size 6.70 x 15 fits most pre -1951 cars YOU .CAN DO YOUR BIT BY VOTING FOR YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE BIG BARGAINS IN OTHER SIZES $ 41.4111.: ' $ ' 95 with__ I • trade -In, blackwall, blackwall, tube -type tube -type 6.00 x 16 sire /.10 x 15 size, for eft °Wet model cars fits most pre -1957 cars FREE INSTALLATION.tno extras to buy NIS OFFER IS ROOD FOR 10 DAYS ONLY! , ' • 0 lex Ad ison 0 A OILECT —:.-Chevrolet – Oldsmobile Chevrolet Trucks KINGSTON STREET S PHOTE 1651