HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-01, Page 1133 6404 15. 7ld, �✓iti/ ed/141i/ //J9.6 , "The Shoe With The Beautiful Fit" SOLD IN GODERICH ATOSS. SHOE SH y : 5'a ONLY - tad/es" A11.11V091 ING 'COATro CLEAR .Pink and Y9how' o iy. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED FOR THIS ONE DAA. ONLY. Come in and. Make your selection now. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 10 P.M. LADIES' BLACK "IVY LEAGUE" • CAR COATS mart new plains, -.ap L. reversibles. Newest shaYl-es. REGULAR $14.95 $11.88 All the "Boys" are BOYS' SIZES MEN'S SIZES wearing them ! I $3.7'9. $4.79 West Street ITURE‘ PhonelY4 * Hoover Vacuum .Cleaners; Necchi Sewifig Machines Wedding • _ DYER -NEWTON At St. James Westminster Air •glican Church, London. on Satur- day afternoon, Mary Golden New- ton exchanged wedding •vows: with William Emerson Dyer, jr. The bride • is the daughter of Gerald Gordon•. Newton, associate editor of The London Free Press, and Mrs. Newton, of R.R. 3, London. • Mr. • Newton is a. native of Goderich where his fatherran a men's wear store here some years ago which was carried on by his son for a time after his father's death., The groom is the soft of William Einer - son Dyer, Q.C., and Mrs. Dyer, R.R. 3,London. Lighted candelabra, g. ad�abra, hite' 'moms afT'd"lgellow' Shasta daisies decorated the church and Rev. H. E. Merifiejd ofileiate.d..at the ceremony. Attending the . bride was Mrs. Bryan Ainslie, Goderich, as matron of honor, and . bridesmaids, Mrs. John Ingram, Byron, and Miss , Helenmarie 'Harris, Toronto. Alex C. Gay; London, was groomsman, and ushers were Rich- ard Ball, Byron; William Bailey, London; and Brayley Copp, London. A reception in the Parish Hall followed the wedding ceremony.. For a wedding trip to Virginia, the brideh c osee v do eskin wool suit in bluebird ¢shade,,,„ natural `s raw'lat" with shell pink floral trim and blonde toned ac`cessories.. A corsage of sweetheart roses torn - Meted her attire. The couple will ..reside -in -London. Y - - RD ._ .. N'BUYS STORES OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 10 P.M. Jayieens for the smartest in Lingerie. - * Sportswear 1.1 * Maternity Wear 4.other MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY„._ MAY a glamorous PIN SET only $2.00 See the dozens of exciting styles created in the latest colors to hi blight her spring outfit. >,.- N. McLean Bros. your dealer for 1 BOND Tailored-To-easure_ Clothes • GWG Work Clothing i SKYWAY luggage ALGORAIL FIRST GRAIN BOAT 1N When the Algorail eased into Goderieh ,Harbor last - Thursday With, grain from the Lakehead for Goderich . Elevator and Transit Company it marked the arrival of the first grain ship here this season. , To mark the occasion a civic welcome was tendered at a lunch- eon at Hotel Bedford. Present were the Algorail's skipper, Cap- tain Charles Beatty, of • Coiling - wood Councillor C. M. Robertson chairman of the Harbor Commis- sion, Mayor E. C., Fisher, R. G. .Sanderson,. - IM.anagex...of - .Goderich Elevators, -and others. No ice was encountered on the way down from the Lakehead, Capt. Beatty said. With plenty of storage space available now in both elevators, a steady stream of boats carrying grain here is expected. Last •Fri- day, the Maunaloa arrived with grain for Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Company, When she departed on Saturday she took with .her the barge, John Roebling. An arrival last Friday also was the Superior.: On Sunday the Douglass HougTi ton called and took away the barge, John- Fritz. An arrivel Mon- day was the Bricoldoc. iOn Wednesday evening the-Algo- rail and the Brookdalecame in Two Squadrons w grain. loads of The Maunaloa is expected here early next week. In Church Parade' .1 Plenty Of Smelts - PORT ALBERT, April 28. - The population of this village hit an all-time high on Sunday when droves of anglers from many parts of Western On- tario arrived. Never since smelts first made their appear' ante on Nine Mile Creek have so many been taken in one day. Thousands~ upon thous- ands of them were caught and carried away in baskets, boxes, bran saeks and every conceiv- able kind of a container. - As One visitor .said- -about th smelts, "The creek was liter- ally black with them." One hundred and fifty A,ir Cadets and their officers participated in a church parade 'here on Sunday., Members of Stratford Squadron No. 19 joined Maitland Squadron No. 532 for the occasion. Forming up at the Legion Hall, (By Briane D. McLean) the cadets paraded to Knox Presby- terian Church. Members ,of the Lions Club sponsoring committee were in attendance. Cadet WO Grant Townshend read the Scrip- tures, and Fl/Lt, the Rev. R. G. Mac'Vfillan, padre of Maitland Squadron, preached. Later, the Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary served dinner to the Stratford cadets,at the Legion HaII. T. 0 JEWELLERY y . rman PHONE 835 t aless , Clearingthan /2 Price 1 ONLY - Arborite Top Coffee TReg. $19.95 - TO. CLEAR $995 2 ONLY - Tilt -Back - Occasional Chairs. Reg. $19.95 TO CLEAR $9.95 BIacksto.ne Furniture WEST STREET PHONE 240 GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE REEVE HEADS AREA DEVELOPMENT. GROUP William MacKenzie, reeve of Exeter, was elected chairman ,of Zone One, Mid -Western Ontario Development Association, at its an: nual meeting at Clinton last Friday. He replaces Dr. A. E. McMaster, of Seaforth. Gordon Elliott,and Bylth, MIT WAhill t m - - Winghnm; were named vice-chairmen. New Huron County representatives Are Warden 'John Morrisey, -•bf Crediton, and -Roy...Adair, of .W.inghaw, _ Know . Your Lumber Numbers 1 GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED HAS 3 TELEPHONE LINES TO SERVE YOU BETTER. Phone 61, 62 or 63 for rapid delivery of ALL your building needs. IF YOIJ PL -SAN to Repair,. Remodel: or, Build, it will pay you to • talk it over with CO.FRI 'MATIUMTURING- LIMITED vanwiimmumilemmus , t• PI ��- Things are fairly quiet',around G+DCT these days with most sports finished for the year, the year book nearing completion, and students settling down .after the exams. The Easter reports, by the way; are being prepared, and, will be out by the end of this week. The army cadets are practising for -the ••annual inspeetion-•-to be held May 7th. The cadet ,band is practising, KinettePresident , too, in the boiler room, under the Is Dorothy "Scott The Kinette Club met 'at the home of Jean Denomy on Vloilday evening. The election of officers resulted in Mrs. John (Dot) Scott being the new -president. • • Other officers are: ,.•lst vice -pre- Y si ent d BettyYoun blutt• 2nd vice- , !, , president, Jean „Baroister;-. secre- tary, Helen Gordon; `treasurer, Florence Cummings; registrar, Muriel Such. A .snower was held for the Can- -cer +Society - and- -a-talk-given by Mrs..Harper explaining how small gifts are used in the society: • DISTRICT PRESIDENT IS AT DUNGANNON W.I.. 'DUNGANNOON, April 28. - Twenty-four members • and four visitors-gathered'.at the home of Mrs. Graham • McNee on April 24 for the meeting of Dungannon Women's. Institute. The treasurer presented a fine report fdn, the year. The district president was present and installed. gave the topic. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and take what the committee gives you," was the motto given by Mrs. Barr. A talk by Mrs.i Phillips on her trip to Bermuda was enjoyed by all.' ' Mrs. W. Zinn and Mrs. Rutledge delegates tothe were appointed d s g •district annual in-.-Goderach, .-May 28. WINS COMPETITION USS 1'1, East W awanosh and Hul- lett won the challenge shield for unison chorus (sma11 schools) with leadership .of Mr. Seaman. The 1 inspecting officer will be. Brigadier Gibson, who will also present the Strathcone Shield to the cadet corps. Included in the inspection will be displays - by various training sections of the corps. Parents, relatives, friends 'and acquaint- ances are all invited to. -attend. i * 4 In Brief -Both boys and girls are practising after school for the up -corning badminton tournament. This year GDCI will be celebrating the sixth birthday of the new col- legiate building and the 117th since the collegiate began in 1841. The Corn Club is under way under the direction of Mr. McKee. 1VIr. Stephens' highly successful and popular Driver • Education. Corse is on the road these days and the blue '58sight Chevy is a familiar si ht b .on �n'eal streets. Several students '4,w,i]I be -journeying to Quebec this summer under the "Visites Inter- provinciales"" student exchange plan....._ o¢o> amoor--�vo�o�os�o 86 marks at the Huilett Township. Festival held at Londesboro on April 22nd. The teacher. is Mrs. Myrtle Youngblut, ,Blyth, and the music supervisor is Mrs. Elaine :McDowell, RR, 7, Lucknow. By most recent count there are only 26 whooping cranes surviving in their wild state. Their summer nesting ground • is Wood Buffalo National Park, which straddles the Northwest Territories -Alberta the officers for 1958-59. She also border. ° '.Has The Winter Been 0 Hard On Your Wheels?'° ',p Those ruts, uneven pavements and bumpy nare enemies of your wheels. 11 o Have your car checked on our VISUALINER. will get those wheels in line to save your tires give you smooth -sailing. roads 0 p ILDAVIDS.ONJILSUALINING... available for all models & COLLISION SERVICE NO. 8 Ii? GH'V�rA IIHONE 320 0.1....116=0=01=0) TOUCH-UP PAINT We and QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Of Canada's ten provinces, which extends furthest north, which ex- tends furthest south? 2. Which is the greatest annual cost to -Canadian taxpayers: educa- tion,roads and highways, social security and welfare? 3. Which of these appear in Can- ada's official coat of arms: the. lion, the maple laf, the beaver, the unicorn? 4. What proportion of working Can: adians are employed in manufac- turing? In agriculture? 5. Over the past century the num, - ber of hours in the average work- week in Canadian industry has d•eereased at what rate? - ANSWERS:, 5. By three hours every ten years. 3. All but the beaver. 1. Quebec extends furthest south. 4. In manufacturing, 25 per cent; in agriculture, 15 per cent. 2. Social security and t,wel- fare costs about $2.5 billion a year; education about $500 million, roads and highways about $500 million. About one wct'rrking Canadian in four is employed in manufacturing, one in eight in farming. Near & Hoffmeyer Piunibing and Heating 24-hour Burner Service Free Estimates . -� 59 Hamilton St. Phone "1172 GODERICH 0 The Harb�uraires wish to thank the public of GODERICH and DISTRICT FOR THE .EXCELLENT SUPPORT GIVEN THEM ONTHEIR FIRST BIG SING. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE GODERICH ' A•NUPA ' ];G COMPANY IMITED WITHOt T WHOSE 0 PE1AT'ION ANI) A SLSTAN Wig STAGING OF THIS EVENT WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPoSt,titLE. a:.