HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-01, Page 10PT.:RESiGNATION ill Ii: • f .. lo. :..,'N-911tV,4111_011 has accepted the 13 1 9 I Acclaimed S'ng' „,, ,.. Or Miss Worthy Bla k hp' 14,,toS been employed in tel4 ' apactie. y Audience 411 24 IOW& 4.7 billion, compared to 414,3 billien in 1056. BUSINESS DIRECTORY I CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. - Doctor of Chiropractic, - Office Hours: , 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. and Sat. -9 to 11 30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Itoad. Phone 341. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343J 33 Hamilton St. the massed choirs 'at the conclusioniiind the Trinity Male--X-ltelietk- of The Harbotiraires' "First Big Kitchener, The Queensmen, of Tor - Sing" at the GDCJ Auditerium Sat- onto, 'and the Waterford Glee Club, urday night left no doubt as to the of Waterford. The massed choirs, extent of the capacity audience's had a total of sonie 150; voices'. appreciation. Mr. Bruce St. George, of Wing- Itight from the awakening apen- barn, was Master- of Ceremonies. ing words of "Salutation," theme • George Buchanan, coaductor song: of the Amalgamated Male of thellarbouraires, was conductor Choirs of , America, "Hail, friends for the pp,ening„ nuniber of the of music . . clear through to massed choir, "Border Ballad," by the stirring rendition of, "The Lost Maunder. Chord," eoncluding number on the Next came "Salvation Belongeth program, the singing was tearough- to Our God"" by Tchesnakov and ly enjoyed. So- much so that it the negro spiritual, "Go Tell It To would not be surprising if a sim- The Mountains" with M. Pace of ilar "Big Sing" were staged hert Trinity -Male • Chorus, Kitchener, again in the none too distant --c-onducting. With Joseph Auty of future. the Waterford Glee Club conduct - The jpresentation was the first of ing, the giassed choirs next sang, its kind here by the Harbouraires, -Swedish Student Serenade" by Ahlstrom and the Welsh choral, In the solo choirs portion of the program, the Harbeuraires led oft with "My Bonnie Lassie" followed by "And The Glory Of The Lord" by Handel. They were .accampan. ied on the piano by Ed. Stiles. Largest single choir was the Schneider -Orpheus Male Choir, of Kitchener of 30 voices, including the local male chorus, which has developed in the last few years into a group of singers of consider- able repute. Taking part also were House 343W Goderich T. Pryde & Son Stiles Ambulance ' Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St. Goderich FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER MEMORIALS Goderich Representative' MR. FRANK McILWAIN CARLOW 27 Eventide and Rock of Aget registered memorials. Life, annuities, business " Insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment. SQUARE-- GODERt,CR ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE t Bank 'of Commeree Bldg. Goderich, Phone 268. A. tt. Alexander, Res._ 860 READY -MIXED CONCRETE • WALLS FLOORS Delivered to the job in the quan- tity you require. The fast clean way to pour con- crete. ,Call or write us for a free estimate. • Rtiron Concrete Supply Ltd. GODERICH PHONE 174 A1so suppliers of Concrete Block. SCOTT FARMS CONPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN CATTLE, 2 HERD SIRES 12 BULL CALVES 65 FEMALES . TO BE HELD MAT14, 1958 AT THE FARM AT 1 p.m. -Featured in the 'Sale will, be the get of such outstanding sires as: Templereagh Royal King (Imp): Culkeeran Gay Boy (Imp). Sanford Ballysudden; Millham Dollar (Imp); The herd was established in 1934. The females -have all been bred on the farm and from outstanding iMported double dbiry Herd fully accredited. R. 0. P. Tested Females vaccinated. For catalogues write: James M. Scott, Scott Poultry Farms, R. R. 2 Seaforth, Ontario. the conductor, Paul Berg. It sang selections from Rodgers and Ham- Inerstein's "The King aed I." Opening number of The Queens - men, conducted by Rod Shepherd, was "Hospodi Pomuli" as sung by the Don Cossacks and which proved quite amusin,g as the -.choir used only the words "Hospodi Pomuli" threughout the • entire rendition with extensive eariations in their use. Next was the ever popular "Road To The Isles" and then "Sea Shanty." ' The Waterford Glee Club open- ed the program after the inter- mission singing "John Peel" and "The Whiffenpoof Song." The Trinity Male Choir concluded the solo choirs presentations with "I Believe" and a negro seiritual, "Steal Away." The massed choirs singing "De Gospel Train," with accompanying ,musical effects, and Rod Shepherd conducting, was ,fallowed by "God Of Our Fathers" by -Waring. 'Next US -REPEAL was the German song, "The Happy We in Huron County are very Wanderer" by Mueller, then fortunate. Under the Canada Tem - Brahms' "Lullaby." The grand perance Aot we have no legal finale was "The Lost Chord" by liquor outlets. Sir Arthur Sullivan. It can still be said, "You 'just The stage was built up in tiers of_ don't see drunks on our streets," heavy blocks supplied by- courteay as one who moved into Huron from of the -Goderich Manufacturing an L.C.A. county declared. The Company. Mr. Bruce Sully and occasion -al drunk episode usually his crew of helpers arranged the originates in a bottle club, boot -- stage. The lighting, effects were legger joint or a tavern outside provided by Goderich Little our county. When such incidents Theatre Under the direction of are reported to our Crown At - Harry Ford., torney, action is taken and pun - Mayor E C. Fisher extended an ishment followS. So much so that official welcome to the many out- bottle clubs during the Past three of -town visitors present for the years have had hard going, and. concert. The president of The numbers of them are closed. Harbouraires, John Moloney, vole- The law provides for imprison- ed the appreciation of The Har-. „lent on a second offence, and al- bouraires on the large attendance. , though liquor money may be found to pay fines, no convieted boot- legger has ever had any one offer to take over a_jail sentence. local federal member of parliament. has shown an. interest in the mat - TAYLOR'S COR. NER, April 29.— ter of having the act amended to strengthen it. Many Churchmen Week -end visitors with Mr. and , of numerous Churches in Huron Mrs. Roy Wilson were Mr and Mrs. are strongly behind the C.T.A. William Swift and Mr. Stanley I This advt. sponsored' by- Huron Stockhouser, of Hamilton, and Miss ' • County Temperance Federation. Wilda witson, of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Keyes, of Varna,- visited on Sunday With Mr. Austin Sturdy and Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Girrirand--Pat7 Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerry Ginn and Mr. and mrs Ben Whitely attended the Letters To The Editor The Signal -Star. • still have our fast car drivers. on the third and fourth ceocessions of both sides of the. crossing twice daily, there are Oeople coming out on both sides -of the tracks, and, in surnmer, there 'are cattle- gelng across 'at times. Unless the situation improves,,,it lei:as like we will be forced to tie a red light on eich cow's tail so even the most thoughtless Moterist will sit up and take notice, Incidentally, there have been two or three accidents al the tracks within the past few years. RURAL RESIDENT. (Name on request). The Signal:Star. Dear Editor: The Ontario Natural Gas Storage and Pipelines Limited is seeking permission frorii the Ontario Fuel Board to construct a pipeline from Stratford to Goderich. New regu- lations under the Ontario Pipelines Act, subsection 8, clause 3, re- quires permission to be granted by the -board before the necessary land- is leased. •Considerable controversy has arisen in some areas over the amount of compensation paid farmers over whose land the pipe- line is to run. ailany farmers be- lieve that as the pipeline company will profit from the line year after year, and since some pipelines are returning large profits, farmers are entitled to an annual rental for their land in addition to compen- sation for signing the easement. If -property owners get together and deal as a group it will be much easier to reach a settlement agree- able to all.. Yours truly, GORDON L. HILL, President, Ontario Farmers' Union. by-election in Huron. was being to the date of anetber election for the same 13146Se. how particularly iutereating was the election in 18513. It wits. won by Donald McDonald, of the City of .Toronto, but the loser, Thomas MOrcee Jones, sought tO twee • Mr. IVIcDonald's election voided upon the ground that Mr. McDonald "eersonally and by your agents ployed means of cotraption by giv- ing and offering. stuns of money and promising sums of money with Intention- of corrupting and • brib- ing certain of thg eleetors of the said Tecumseth division to vote for you'," and further that Mc- Donald "by yourself and your agents opened and supported, and caused to be opened and supported, at your costs and chaiges, houses of public entertainment for the aecemmodatioe of the electors." 1' The actien was• heard by Mr. Robert Cooper, Judge of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce. Mr. Henry IVIeDermott acted as agent for Mr. Jonee and action was taken ender the Controxerted Electioes Acts. The minutes itemized the names of the electors allegedly bribed and the amounts involved, which raeged from $1.00 to a promised loan of 200 pounds. The taverns in which McDonald 'was alleged te have "supported' for the electors are also named. Mr. IVIeDonald protested that Judge Cooper did not have the right to hear such a case and, apart from that, Judge Cooper was not a fit person,- i:iersonally, to hear it because he had actually canvassed and campaigned against Mr. Mc- Donald in the election, and there- fore could not be impartial. The book of evidence states that 'on January 3, 1859,-a copy of the Preeeedinge Was transmitted to the SPeaker j the House to be con:- sidered by the Sdlect Committee it/Volved. . Mr. .Tones' action to unseat Mr. McDonald. interesting, George. All the best. Montreal, Que. The Signal -Star. Dear Editor: . noted, with interest, the article in your April 17th issue referring, to the fact thaf the forthcoming Voice Of Tem erance ssarRommixereatiffirers TV ANTENNAS Taylor's Corner 16-19 DON'T' TAKE CHANCES! funeral of Mr. A. S. Henry at Lnn- don on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. WilliaM Gould, Patty, Ron and Douglas, of Mon- treal, attended the funeral of Mr. G-ould's mother, Mrs. George Gould, at Woodstock, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Oke' were also at the funeral. Mr. and,,Mrs. Gould spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Ike. The May Ladies' „tA.Aid meeting will be held on Wednesday after- noon, May 7, at the home of 'Mit Roy Wilson. The roll call will be answered by baked goods to be WHEN NATURE- NEEDS DR. MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS SERVICED 10,, REMOVED, INSTALLED LETTERS PRAISE LIONS YOUNG, ANADA WEEK From the officials -of various teams' which took part ie.\ Young Canada Week have come letters thanking the Liens comnaittee, • Wrote J". Faller, chairman of the Scarboro Lions Hockey League: "May the players and the manage- ment of the Searborough Lions Hockey Team pass on our sincere appreciation for the most court- eous way in which we were re- ceived by the hockey officials and all the folks in Goderich. Our congratulations are extended to the finest and the best organized hockey tournament that we, in Scarborough, have had the pleasure to compete in. In the past two years we -have been eliminated by the ultimtate "AA" champions with shots- on goal and if we are privil, eged to represent • this area next year we hope to rectify this situ - ation en .9ttr behalf." Writing to the Signal -Star, Mrs. 'Grace Tolbert, who came all the wey front PittSburg, Pa., to attend Young Caned.a Week, said: "I h d in Godertch that I have ever had. Was so, very nicely treated, it is bubbling with 'enthusiasm and pleasure and talk as long as any- one will listen. Thank the whole town. You are grand folk, indeed," SCHOOL PUPILS OPEN WAR ON STARLINGS w!wtuadnecolots: owfho'§iestoN0.703, atoeui tt -mined Mew war owenttrunder- 0 11 the directia4 e r:e,t Qa.c, end of May. Proof of the kill is the right leg of the dead bird which is worth twO points. An egg is worth one point. -4 MacDonald Electric Co. Ltd. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 4- General Electric Appliances Phone /35 or 479 IF IT'S CASH YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY - CALL T.C.C. ON THE PHONE„,TODAY gf to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Let Chapman TV Phone 154 38 East St. 148 SQUARE, piioNt 717 Compounded rrom effective ingre- dients, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills' help bring quick relief to sufferers from constipation or biliousness. Dr. Morse's InMan Root Pills help promote regu- larity. Try them—at all druggists. C8.56 now well do you know Check your knowledge by • - identifying -this--bay ro ((iii(fifiltii1111(011VA L. TERRIFIC 'BRAKE HEAT AND WEAR FACTORS are the problems of today's brakes. Imagine, pressing your hand against a brake drum at sixty miles an hour! The heat generated is such that it could make a cheap ,brake lining completely useless after one fast stopl Raybestos brake linings ate specially made to resist GET A COMPLETE BRAKE CHECK TAKE YOUR CAR TO TOUR • Spring cleaning is_bere again. Let us help you with this seasonal burden with our expert cleaning ' service. Send us household articles, blan- kets and sweaters before you put them away . . it protects against moths. Send us youe spring and summer clothing- and you'll be well dress- ed. However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resort areas . „ . like the Bay of Quinte shown above. Take the -first step now, by filling out and mail- ing the coupon below. KNOW ONTARIO BETTER Fin 1958 Meteor bring? you a brand new kind of per- formance. At legal highway limits Meteor Tempest V- 8's literally loaf to achieve the same 'thrust' or pulling pOwer of ordinary engines. This effortless cruising means far greater economy and a reserve of unused powcr for hair-trigger resPonse should yon need it for safer passing. Fewer engine revolu- tions naturally Mean fewer stops at gas stations, and longer engine life. Whether you choose V-8 or '6' Meteor's poWer and economy is unsurpassed the low price field. It's anOther reason why '58 Meteors are the 'Greatest Road Show of the Year'. See 411111011111v Nimpr greatest Road Show of the !ear GODER.ICTH. DRY CLEANERS c-.7 TWESTV: /2243 ONTARIO TRAVEL, (1152 PARLIAMENT BUDGE. TORONTO. ONTARIO Send FREE Literature and Road MaA. Nome— azo cs+xuiYa cz Address Post Office 7,5214.1037fAIRVIA, Ontario Cteportment of Trove, Publkily Hon. Bryan L Cothcati, Minister ,• 'ST, ANDREW'S ST PHONE 625W