HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-05-01, Page 7gAr 1.41.4 ' -,••• • -^ TWO NEW ACTORS IN ume THEATRE .PLAY When Goderieh Little • Theatre Presents the one -act PlaYr "It's Easy to Write a Play" at their Meeting on Wednesday; PIO 7, two new,,,NeOPle on. the ind Junb Iiin. Others in the east are S. Cummings, D. MCCannell and ,j. Thack, the latter directing` the Play aa Well.- A skit, entitled, "A- Pair of Lunatics," Will be pre- sented by S. Cummings. and Bert Such. Mr. Allau Reid will perform some tap dancjjig and V. Lodge w).11 give a brief account of the Dominion Drama Festival being held in Halifax, May 12A1.74 RI iRboNo SUN • . Many people in the district were puzzled by a peennar -ring Wh'idi, 4P1144red AM/44A e- 4114.24,attif 'TraorfAiri-'Wedriesdetf•Jast week.. Weather officials have', explained that the "halo" was caused' by high duo -Stratus clouds. The presence of .the ring iMplies an abundante. of ice crystals. Thus,' looking at the sun through .a thin layer of lcirrostratus clouds loaded with ice crystals is like looking through a 4prism. filiTON ,piek,14„trilek 00 rhene, .1410511 r, 1 . 481 SUNDAY SERVICES IN GOI5ERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH IMay 4thFointh Sunday After Easter. 8.30 a.m.- HOLY- COMMUNION. TO a.mSUNDAY t CHOOL and BIBLE CLASS. • 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E, TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster : - THE UNITED CHURCH -OF CANADA -- North Street United -C-hurch 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES - Rev. Bruce Hall of Seaforth, guest speaker. MUCH QBLIGED, LORD." Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. Evening, Worship. "Tiny kits of Goodness.' 0 Mrs. Bonnie Gowman, Soloist, et both" servIteS. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. -Knox Presbyterian'Church REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL., , 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP_ A. -t!;:'-'-f;11:11dEWAlerittatole--T-altaltE0AMOIC-11="'"-:'. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 8 p.m.—SERVICE OF- PRAISE BY THE OOLIEGE 'CHOIR. • A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Victoria Street United Church _.,"Families Worshipping Together, Stay Together." 10 am. Bible School. Adults welcomed in A. B. Class. 11 a.m. Families united in Church. Jr. Congregation. . -"GRACE IN THE HOME." , 1.30 p.m.Benmiller Church follows Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union (Goderich Tp.) Church after Sunday School. MINISTER, REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST, MR. FRANK BISSETT. BETHEL PENtECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." r Sunday, 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. REV. J. H. BLAIR (Speaker). Western Ontario District Superintendent of Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada. Tuesday and Friday Service -8 p.m. Rev: R. J. Green (Pastor) GODERICH. BAPTIST4CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHO.OL. 1T A.M. A FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR, followed by Th'e Ordinance of The Lord's Supper, (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service.) 7 P.M. THE FELLOWSHIP HOUR. Study_and Prayer. Hour...„, -- REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.�, Minister. c*rt, 1.0,.Cardcof Tht,ks 19,, :Notice to creditors, Aaskinarrz- • sincere't and appreelation to our many friends who were so kind to us during the long illness and bereavement of -Mrs. Genevieve Aberkart. Special thanks to Dr. Watters and Dr. Leiteh, Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, ,and the members of the Cancer Clinic, Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, for their tender care. Thanks also to the Stiles funeral home and so many others who ministered to our family. Don 'Aiberhart and family. -18 ALLIN.-1 wish to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and treats, or who visited me while a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson, Dr. G. F. Mills, Dr. J. W. Wallace, the nurses and staff of Alex- andra Hospital, Goderich, for their care and kindness. Mrs. Clarence Allin. 18x CONGRA1M.4--Mrs. Gordon CongFam wishes to express her sincere thanks to refatives, friends and neighbors for visits, gifts and cards while she was in Victoria' London. 18x CRAIG. --4 would like to thank all my kind friends for the cards and letters of cheer and gifts they sent me while I was a patient in the G-oderich hospital -and--Vieteria-Hospital,--- London. Also my sincere thanks to the nurses...who attended me while I, was hospitalized. , Mrs. Jas. T. Craig. -18 --- DILWORTH.-I wish to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the lovely cards, flowers and fruit sent to me during my reeent illness- in the hospital; special thanks to Dr, J. W. Wel: lace, the nurses and staff for their kindness to me. - (Mrs. Dilworth. , 18x ELRECENIGTON.-The family of the late fMrs. Sarah Elizabeth Erring- ton wish to express _their ap- preciation for the kindness shown them ankfor the flowers sent during their recent bereave- ment. -18 GOVEK.R.-I wish to express my sincere thanks -to my friends for the lovely cards and -treats; also :-.rart1W.'70 stat 'The hospital and 1:11. Wafters and (Mills during my illness. Mrs. Carl Gevier. *MD:BROOK. - May we extend our heartfelt thanks , to those wit° expressed their 'sympathy in so many thoughtful ways dur- ing our recent bereavement. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Leonard E. Westbrook and the • Thurlow Family.. -18 ,dEllallEMMIIM11111111111111w 16. Engagements (Mr. and Mrs. Williaffi Wiggins, of Nile, wish to announce the en- gagement of Mrs. Wiggins' daugh- 'ter, Mildred Ruth Orser, to John George Ribey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ritiey, of- Nile. •- Wedding to take place in Nile United Church on May 15. -18 17. Deaths 'IV1ARTYN. - Donald. 91. Martyn, April 17, 1958, age 51, of 11791 Engleside, Detroit, beloved hus- band of Anne; dear father' of Donald T.; brother of Mrs. Chris- tine Fox and Mrs. Catherine Ellswood, of Colorado; also sur- vived by granddaughter Lynn. Member of 1Composite Lodge, No. 499, F & A.1111,• and Fort-Gratiot Post No. 2254. VFW Funeral 111/Ionday, 1 P.m., from the Gordon C. Crabb funeral home, Gratiot at Outer Dr. Burial Gethsemane cemetery. • ' -18 18. Births - At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, onApril 25, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kirby, Goderich, a daughter, Parol Lynn. RYAN'. -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on April 26, 1958, to • Mr. and (Mrs. Ronald Ryan, Gode- rich, a daughter. WISE. 2-7 At Clinton Public Hospit- al, on April 29, 1958, to Harold and Kay -Wise ,(nee Holmes), a , son, David Andrew. ;45 In the Estateof.RePfgat,* late of the Town of (0.(lelielt deceased. All persona having c1aim4'against, the .above Estate are requirect.te file particulars in Writing with 010 undersigned by May 16th, aftek which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. DONNEDLy 8g DONNEILY', 18 The Square, Goderich, cintariO, • • Solicitors for the Estate 4-28 ALL Persona having claims againit the estate of Emeline Matilda Jae - Vicar, late of the Town of Gode? rich, in the County of Huron) widow, who died on or abouf the 16th day of , April, 1958, are r••• duired to file the saine with full particulars with the undersigned by the, 17th day of May, 1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed.- , Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 28th day of April, 1958. HAYS and PREST, . Goderich, Ontario, 18-26- Solicitors for the Estate. ALL persons having claims against the estate ef John Henry Parker, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, -teeth- ster, who died on or about the -20th day of April, 1958, are re- quired to file the same -with full particulars with the undersigned by the 17th day, of May, 1958, as after that date the assets of the ,estate will be distributed. 61 Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 25th day of April, 1958.. HAYS and PEST, Goderich, Ontario, 18-20- , Soliciters for the Estate: ALL persons haVing claims against the estate of Maud B. Brecken- ridge, widow, late of the Town. of Goderich, in the County of Huron and of the City of Chicago, in the Stale of Illinois, who died on or about the 8th day of January, 1958, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the l'Ith day of May, 1968, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. 'Ditekat_Goderich, in the County of. Huron, this 29th day of April, 1958. C_KIEST -Gear'hfai , 1840. Solicitors for the Estate. 21. Business Notice sm BULLEN'S CABINET. SHOP, chests, desks, etc. custom made; al10 kitclien cupboards and furni- ture repairs. Saw sharpening 184 Gibbons street, ,phone 1234., -38ti VISrr OR PIrolviE- REID'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534 'UP 9 p.m. for' an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the know-how. Pick up and delivery. -9tf SEPTIC tanks, cess -pools, etc., pumped° and cleaned with m,odern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis- Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, or ' phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 10-32x CARPENTRY, building, remodel- ling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, 'bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kind's,' -steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. 10-13x REPAIRS to all makes of bicycles at reasonable prices. Joe Burke, Huron road, Goderich. ..M7x PAPER hanging, painting exterior and interior, „. reasonable rates, courteous serViCe Leo Corriveau, 123 Bruce street. A call. will be epPreciated. 17-18x FOR artificial insemination service Or more information telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9:30 a.m. We supply service-- to -top quallitzrbulis of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolaise breeds. The cost is low. -17tf S. PORTNEY, Mildmay, spray painter, brush painting, eave- troughing, whitewa3hing. Roofing, repairing and new roofs. 18-21x '23. Used Cars st AO. ,gOund AT TaGION Hall, night ,of Viin .banquet, man's Harry; 'Tweed top.. coat, grey elleck, mei about 40. i , almost new; altovair-or gloves and new beret n pocket, was taken in error for a large grey check topecrat. Would finder please phone 303. — • -18 FIBRE glass fishing rod in :alum- intitn.-e-ase, left .on do.* on tatur- day. last.' Finder please Phone Stratford 1597.- Rewara -18 LOST, one orange and white cat. Answers to "Jiggs." Children's pet. Reward. Phone 1811. -18 ST. AUGUSTINE • ST„ AUGUS'IiINE, April 28. -- Mr. Thos Foran has -returned to , his home here after spending the 'winter- Vvith his sister, (Mrs. Clara Winters, Richmond HIM Mr. and 4Mrs. Will Kinahan with Mr. and Mrs`.."A. Kennedy and Rita. Seaforth; motored to Itichmond Hill to visit Mr. Gordon Kennedy, of the Basilican Fathers on Sunday. While there they celebrated a fam- ily birthday party for Gordon. Ada Brophy and friend visited Ambrose and Mary Ada Brophy_for a few days last week. (Miss Maureen 'Leddy, of Kitch- ener, spent the week -end at her home 'here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy and Rita spent Sunday at the Will Kinahan home. Miss Irene O'Connor, Port Bur- well, was a recent visitor with her sister Rose. Mr. Jim St. ;Marie (jr.), ofs St Catharines, ,spent a few days with his brother, Miles, and Mrs. St. Marie. Mr. Joe Foran, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Devereaux visited Mrs. Mary Foran in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on -Satuiday. We wish Mrs. Foran a speedy recovery and we hope she will be back home with her family soon. ' Miss Rita and. Alec •Mclnnis, of Kitchener, were recent visitors at their parents' home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Nevitt and family, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle over the week -end. We offer our sincere sympathy -t-Q.1•AES.;-Qa4r.kiz,nobinson,:-an4-T Aron the -death -of the late'CiVeiTe's Robinson who died in Wingham hospital April 27. RED CROSS DRIVE • The Red Cross canvass in Gode- rich will be on, June 5th, and not June 15th, as- previously reported. agNotANNew, W. It Aud,rewe has received word 4Vb.R.-*#.4.44.4..r4e..thw • Ho'Vas.:a son of Mrs, Abe Evans (formerly poibr ROO and the late. . Abe Bvans, of the West. The.-MT.of the -United Church met 40'1day nightin charge of J. C. Durnin. Tom Fowler .rgad the Scripture ..,azia Lynda Blake ,gave the prayer, Rev. A. Kennedy gave a topic on Vocational Guidance. The YtPU have been invited to Auburn -this Wednesday night to take part in a debate. The YPU of Goderich are invited to the next meeting, May .119th. 'Trustees of the thumb have given approval to a tennis court; ' Ars. Arthur Stewart after a critical operation at Victoria Hos- pital, a month ago, , Was able to come home last week-encl. She is now making steady 'gains to re- covery.at her home in Ashfield. Mrs. Eva Elliott, of Farran's Pettit Ont., is visiting her daugh- ter, rAftys. Hugh McWhinney.. TV fans enjoyed the program on CKNX-TV Monday , -when Miss Amy Johnston's dancing, class, Lucknow;took- part in square danc- ing.- Sandra Brooks, Dungannon, was one �f the participants. Fri• day night- several attended the dance- recital at Lucknow of 11/liss Amy Johnston's dancing class. Pupils here taking part in the program were Jeanie Stothers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stothers, Rosemary Eedy, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy, and Marcia Hodges, -daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Lloyd Hodges. The United Church IMission Band was held Sunday morning. The Power of Love was the theme of the worship service. Mrs. Nan Rivett reviewed -the study of Kenji. A -film on Eskimo -children and family life was Shown. Taking part in the service' were: leader, Heather- Kennedy; secretary, Shar- on Park;. treasurer, Beth Kennedy; prayer by (Mrs. Hugh McWhinney. Mrs. Ivan Rivett led in a motion hymn. at TilSe*St!"Th.e'4";PG944m:: 1tqday ter Mi 31Zilmai- Partners Open New Business' A new plumbing . and heating firm,- to be -known as Near & Hoff- meyer, opened shop this morning at 59 Hamilton street, next to Bradley & Son. The partners, Leonard, Near -en Ai:40F; -• ment will be in Predige Aleln9rla Park. She is surviv44-0 her -Imbal4 Port Stanley harbormaster; pone, George and Woodrow, Pert Stanley:* daughters, Olf_rs Kenneth Watt, Port Stanley; Ads. Lionel Goodwin, RIR. 3, St. 'Thomas; Helen, at home; brother, William • Stirling, Port" Stanley; sisters, Mrs. Sainuvl Scoyne, Port S.tanley; [Mrs: Annie Morgan, Kincardine, fomer RebeecaStanbury, of Mrs. 01004,: 41 ten, Of• Gode- rih Thwnship A 1$04* Stewart*: resides° at - home. . -.0f L, Pais ley;PL Clinton, 'and *O. Wllflam Tebbutti •Qt 'Goderich. are sister8. 'The fiAP0fal was 414:1 on Tuesday afternoOn with iDterment inffaird:a, cemetery, 'Stanley Tortgily... brother prede,ceakedttim In ail last, * HEAR an R. ALEX ADDIS Liberal , Candidate ,itt the Huron Ey-Election, discuss _issues facing the Electors of Huron CKNX - TV TH U VOTE LIBERAL -ELECT ADDISON A STRONG Opposition Means BETTER: Government! - ._ It .1tiffmeyer, are -tat eXpetT- ienced plumbers, Mr. Near, who comes from Stratford; is married and has two daughters. Mr. Hoff- meyer, who has been a resident of Mitchell up to now, is also married and has one son. They will bp .moving their families -here as soon as accommodation can be found, FARMERS —iCONTROL WEEDS -18X NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY WINTER WHEAT. • Place your order for custom spraying now. - REASONABLE RATES - EARL WILLIAMS PHONE 1546W1 -18-19 1958 Geo. R. Hardman Attending — I:7 FIND THE PT.RASANT WAY TO FOOT HEALTH . . . with Miracle Foot Aid -the Foot Aid that was inventedlor ' relief and correction of foot troubles. MIRACLE exercises . . . MIRACLE suports . . does both, mildly and gently. When ted by Mr. George R. Hardman, you'll find the benefits MIRACLE FOOT AID can extend beyond the feet; to the legs, and back, MIRACLE strengthens; works with nature to over- come the causes of foot defects. Discuss your problems person- ally, with Mr. Hardman. MONDAY, MAY 5 —,10 A.M. to 8 P.M. AT MILT 'OESCH SHOE STORE, ZURIOH, ONTARIO — PHONE 130W. TUESDAY, MAY 6-10 A.M. to 8 P.M. ROYAL HOTEL, LISTOWEL, ONTARIO • , ohn J. wintenneyer, Q. r„. newly elected Ontario Liberal leader. WILL ADDRESS A PUBLIC MEETING AT MacKay _Hall, Goderich on MAY 3 AT 8.30 P.M. .001i Look over — don't overlook — these fine 1956 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE 1956 VOLKSWAGEN CUSTOM .1955 voLKsw:A.Ggiv DELUXE 1954 VOLKSWAGEN CUSTOM 1954 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE used cars.: SALVATION 'ARMY SUNDAY. SERVICES 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting EVERYONE 15 WELCOME AT THE ARMY. • Bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. Capt. Reta Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell. DEPENDABLE USED CARS '56 DODGE "Regent", 4 door sedan, V8 motor, radio, sportone, 20,000 actual miles. - '56 PLYMOUTH "Plaza' 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, sportone paint. '55 BUICK "Special" 4 door sedan,s radio, 2 tone paint, A-1 condition: '55 DODGE "Regent" 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, 22,000 actual miles. '54 PfLY1M,OUTH Station Wagon, 30,000 actual miles, like new. '53 DODGE Station Wagon, radio, new.paint job. '53 DeSOTO "Sportsman" 2 -door hardtop, radro, power steering, power brakes,.2 tone, V8 motor, A-1 Condition l'oly mileage. ()Iconic) to — he Church art '50 pcso.TO Sedan '50 DODGE Sedan.. NEW •OARS '58 OHM. "Delray" 4 door sedan. Jr-458-BeEre '58 RAMBLERS. ! TRUCKS : • '56 DODGE ',,ton express. 55 CHEV. %-ton express. ,. '55 FAfRGO 1/2-t0n express. • Seir-MrliirlallMt6141 and carry our written guarantee. • Trade - Terms Open Pmenings. REG. McGEE 8g SONS' Phone' 7.55 Goderich — HEAR ALSO Huron's Liberal Candidate • TEXACO SERVICE _C–Man Drive in for your SPRING OHANMOVER today!' SUNDAY, MAY 4 - ro, 10 a.M. ?unday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. - P., in, Evangeltstic ,Servic_k„, , Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. "Hour of Power." Fres Meihodis0 Church Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Patter JOHN J. WINTERMEiER • ;,•,:--;--t• DJ. 1 ALEX EVERYBODY • WELCOME • eAkeiwf •