HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-24, Page 10:,+fnyIUflSD % mi*ths ' 1 5
Unique Plane
Believed to be `the 'first ah-.
pitane " in Ontario, a._ 31erlot
plane built at Owen Sound in
1909 has been purchased by
Sky Harbor Aar Services. 'It
is being overhauled and ' re-
conditioned preparat ry , for
anniversary ars ' t' l ow r•
Rights in Canada. . Mr. 14Ic�,
Dowell, of Owen- Sound,
bought the construction plana
to Owen Sound. from -ii rance.
After building • it and using it
for some years he sold the
plane to -Mr. Pratt of Durham.
Sky Harbor Air Services
bought the plane from Mr.
begin his new duties on (May 1.
'OEEN AMALGAMATED Another. change affects the Knnt-
stra family, who are moving- to
41.#'01i. --The amalgamation of Guelph, where Mr. Klimstra has
B Co -Operative cheese factory accepted a position as cheese mak-
. WO the newly -formed poultry and er in a factory there. M1. Klim-
dairn�y¢K Co -Op., has led to many stra has been the cheese -maker for
evb�pa tryge..rs. G " f �y�
casz',1'70 k. Jl 'd L11 Z tivet15i "1J' i •rr, fnL4vut$mea S.0 ,rsp.�+ir.. -�c,. uYttntawr}'"*» +wcY',�Tc:•
V. heat normally accounts for
one-third of Canadian railway
freight traffic, and by federal law
ail grain hauled off the prairies for
export must be carried at freight
rates that applied 'in 1899.
Blyth Co --Op. for a number of
-manager of Blyth Co -Op. for the
past 18 years, has resigned his pos-
ition, and has accepted the position
as manager of a modern cheese
factory at Bryanston, 12 miles
north of London. Mr. Hodgins will
Timely Suggestion it you need money !
Call an Cahada'� leading
consunnet finance company
Modern money service
backed by 80 years
of experience
Any a of day is a good
timeto talk to the friendly
people at HFC about your
money problems. Advice is
sound and helpful. Loans are
prompt and private. Borrow
up•to $1,000 with repayment
terms you choose.
R. K. Fitch, Manager
35A West Street 4 Telephone 1501
The Huron County Soil and Crop
Improvement Association directors
have decided to sponsor a W
county in 1958. '` p 1Teati t 1!
ifnd the rules and regulations in
connection with the competition,
will be available at the" agricultural
office, Clinton.
The score will be made on two
visits by an outside judge, With "a
total of 200 points as a maximum,
plus a bonus based on pasture
acres per animal unit. Judging
In many a home on Sunday morning the above incident
will take place as Daylight Saving Time goes into effect
for another season. Don't forget •to turn your clock ahead
one hour when you retire on Saturday night.
PORTER'S . HiILL, April 21.—The
Community Club held their April
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Blanche Cox with 18 ladies pre-
sent. Mrs. G. Manning, president,
opened the meeting. Mrs. Bill
Cox read the secretary's report
and also the correspondence and
Mrs. Bert Harris gave the treas-
urer's report. The roll call was
answered with the showing of the
husband's baby picture.. The mys-
I tery prize was won by Mrs Arlie
Lockhart. airs. Austin Harris then
took charge of the election of of-
ficers for the coming year. They
were: president, Mrs. G. Manning;
vice-president, Mrs. Bill Harris;
secretary, Mrs. Bill Cox; treasurer;
Mrs. Bert Harris; social committee,
Larene Cox, Mrs. Bill Md]lwain,
Mrs. Wilmer Riddell, Mrs. Bill
Harris; visiting committee, Mrs.
Alvin Bettles, Mrs. Donald Harris.
A social hour was spent playing
cards with the high prize going to
Mrs. Bert Harris and low to Mrs.
Austin Harris. The next meeting
will,be held in July at the home of
Mrs. A. Harris. The hostess serv-
ed a lovely lunch.
Next Sunday, April 25, church
services will be an hour earlier
ori D.S.T.
Wx ..
hat truck buyers canlearn
fror`n the big .Fargofleets...
Look behind the scenes and you'll soon
discover why more and more haulers
are making the swing to FAR•GO. When
successful fleet operators such as
Kleyson's Cartage Company, Limited,
Winnipeg buy forty big Fargos at once,
you know Fargo's got something
special to offer!
Kleysen's Cartage typifies the truck 'fleets
that find real day -after -day, year -after -year
satisfaction with -Fargo on the job. There are
plenty of reasons for that satisfaction,' too.
Turk ecuiioruiy, fur iliptaiace. New Fax go
V- 8's pack up to 234 horsepower, yet their
unique combustion chamber design wrings
bonus miles from ecery tankful of gas. And
no other engine has the famous -for -thrift
repu.totion of Fargo's efficient Six!
Ruggedness' is another reason. Fargo rear
axles in all models are heavy-duty engi-
neered, specially treated. for ,faiigue-
resistance. Rear springs on' high -tonnage
Th700's have been increased to 3 inches
wide, are extra long and resilient for greater
strength. Frames have double -width front
crdssmembers, and extra -deep centre and
rear crossmembers.
Fargo's a better deal for the driver, too,
with shorter turning diameters, smooth,
super -responsive steering; an independent
parking brake that adjustg:' from inside
the cab.
So why not follow - - . • o ' s ccessful
truck operators like Kleysen's Cartage
Company, and check into '58 Fargo Power -
Masters now? Comein right away—see
how. you're farther ahead when you haul
the FARGO `way !
You get more of the future with
'Kleysen's Cartage Company, Limited,
of \ innipeg keeps this fleet
of Fargo'Power-Master trucks
will take plac e on or hbot June
15 and September. 1 • ' -
The 'competition includes ' he
whole pasture ° program, and not
any selected field, The'oni$, excepr
tion - will be rough unimproved
pasture not included in the regular
program but which may be used.
occasionally, for young cattle only.
--The. winner orate competition
• •_ll..enter-ed..in the regional one
he winner of which, in turn; will
advance to the provincial competi-
Directors, in sponsoring the con-
ontest, felt that it will stimulate
greater interest in pasture manage-„
melt in Duron county, a as pasture
is one of the most valuable crops
to the lidestock farmer.
Entries from applicants compet-
ingmust be received at the county 1
agriculture office, Clinton, not later
than tM•ay .1.
Entries may have to be limited
to the first 25,
Prize money for the regional and
provincial winners, to the amount
of $500, s furnished through the
Canadian Seed Trade Associatioxi;
and a suitable trophy, 4w
vided for the 15rovinera1'
Between 1947 and. 1956.average
production per employee in Can-
anadian manufacturing increased by
1.9 per cent Per annum compound;
In the same period •average annual
earnings per employee increased
by 7.8 per cent per annum com-
•4 •(� •, t ,.�?; ft;.,�;• :'-4' ,t} 4 A;••,,:•::{fi..!;:a ::'ydt<'."s;l;;; rk .•: r., 4. - .
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