HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-24, Page 74. ,D ,r • THURSDAy, API= , SERVICES "itU,UAO; . nC1-1 *14 4.41.131.A, Additional Classified A 20, PUBLIC' NOTICE Corperatiorr of the Township of Logan " • li4.e"1"age'4)f"Ri#41414:4*"ir-t------ ST. GFORGE CHUR.C1-1 . . April 07—"Thiri Sunday After Easter. , , 8.30 'a.m. HOLYCOMMUNION.. . .,,... 10 a.M. #UNDAY $O0OL td BIBLE CLASS. 11'4.4 MORNING It Ay4-7..-AND ,SERMON. ' (Junior Ccingregation mid Nursery)%S" 7 p.m. EVENSONG ANOeRivioti. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR., NI.A.,)D.D., Rector MR, J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmastsr. THE 'UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "THE CHURCI1 IN. OUR LIVES" Junior Congregation and Nursery: REV. A. E. Ek/ST-ACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAK.Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F;.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise . 10' a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING 3NORSHIP ° Squadron 19, Stratford and Squadron 532, Goderich. Air Cadets will parade to this service. NURSERY AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION. / p.m. 'EVENING WORSHIP. Rover -Stour Utitice, conducted by the Rovers: ' A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. - Victoria Street United Church "Fellowship awaits You" 10 a.m. Bible School and Adult Class. 11 a.m. Family Service with Primary Congregation. "EVERY SUNDAY WE WORSHIP NO -OTHER GOD." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Worship after Sunday Schooli- 3 p.m. Union (Goderich Township) Church after Sunday Schoo , MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ACTING ORGANIST—MRS.-G. CURRELL. BETEL PENTECOSTAL trIBEILE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." •.. Friday, April 25, 8 p.m. "Centerville Awakening" * 72 Minute Sound Motion Picture. * One of the Greatest Films Produced. * The Story Every Church Member Should See. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY OF VIEWING A FILM THAT COULD CHANGE YOUR WHOLE LIFE. SUNDAY -9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Praise and Worship. 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. Rev. R. J. Green (Pastor) ---GODERICILIAPTIST _CHURCH _ 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M. A FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR. * (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service.) 7 P.M. THE FELLOWSHIP HOUR. TUESDAY, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D., Minister. " 1 ••••.••••'' Hey,' Fellows! You can throw away the oars. See us for Canadian -made SOOTT- .ATWATER OUTBOARD MOTORS' fiora 3.6.h.p. to 40 h.p. ONTARIO • , • ONTARIO FUEL BOARD 1VIAlritlat a The Mnnicipal anchises Act, Chapter 249, RS.O. Section 9; as amended, and IN THE MATTER' OF Applications by Union Gas Company .of Canada Limited for. approval of proposed By-laws and Franchise, Agreements of the under -mentioned municipal- ities between the municipalities and the Applicant granting to the Applicant the right to extend its works and pipes into the said municipalities. AND IN -TFIE1 IVTAT1t.it OF Applic- ations •by Union Gas Company of Canada Limited for an Order de- claring and directing that the as- sent of the municipal electors of the municipalities is not necessary to such By-laws. dirporation of the Town of "Gode- rich Corporation of the Town of Clinton COrporation of the Town of Sea - forth Corporation of the Town of Mitchell Corporation of the Township of Fullarton Corporation of -the Township of Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith Corporation of the Township, of Goderieh Corporation of the Township of Hullett Corporation 'of the Township of McKillop Corporation of the Township of Logan • the Police' Village of Dublin s NOTICE OF HEARING, The Ontario Fuel Board hereby aPpoints Tifesday, the 29th day of April, 1953, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, Local Time,. in the Court Room, at the Court House in Strat- ford, Ontario, for the hearing of the above Applications and all persons interested therein. Copies of the Applications, By- laws and and ,Franchise Agreements may be inspected and further par- ticulars obtained at, the offices of the Clerks of,,, the respective muni- cipalities, the Applicant, the Solic- itors for the Applicant, Messrs. Mc; Nevin, Gee & O'Connor, Chatham, Ontario, or this Board, „ NOtICE OF APPLICATION TO -DISPENSE WITH VOTE OF MUNICIPAL' ELECTORS I, a 01011 61 1.. 1 • . 1 • public hearing the Board Will be asked to issue an Order declaring and directing that the assent of the municipal electors to the passing of said By-laws is not necessary. Dated at Toronto this .16th day of April, 1958. ONTARIO FUEL BOARD "A. R. Crozier" • Chairman, "J. J. Wingfelder", 'Commissioner. -17 22, TAO and Found. • Loor.--smAu iron lawn gate, green, believed tO baVe been re - Moved on Hallowe'en. Would finderplease phone 1356. Gode, rich Lawn „Bowling Club. tre • .',' -7" . NO(111Qt OF rioThiamd The Ontario •Fuel Board hereby 23. Used Cars . appoints Tuesday, AKA 29th, 1958 at WM o'clock in the forenoon, FOUR -090R 1950 grey Pontiac, Local Time, in the Court Room, at in good shape.t, Cheap. Apply the Court Hou04n Stratfer,c1, On-- 106A South street or -phone 1222, tario, for the hearing -Of the Above • :APplications and all persons -inter - gated therein. 'Copies, of the Applications may be inspected and further particul- ars obtained at the offices iof- the Clerks of the respective rnernicipal- ities, the Applicant, the Solicitors for the Applicant, Messrs. MeNevin, Gee &O'Connor, Chatham, Ontario, or this Board. Dated at Toronto, this 16th day of April, 1956. ONTARIO FUEL BOARD "A. R. Crozier", Chairman J. Wingfelder", Commissioner, ONTARIO ONTAFt10 FUEL BOARD JiN THE .MATTER of The Municipal Franchise Ad, Chapter 249:R.S.O. 1-950, Section 8 as amended, and by Union Gas Company of Canada Limited for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to con- struct 'works and to supply natural gastothe inhabilantg of the under-. mentioned municipalities. Corporation of the Town of Gode-J rich. Corporation of 'Of Clinton Corporation of the Town of Sea- ' forth Corporation of the Town of Mitchell Corporation' of the Township of Fullerton Corporation of the Township of Hibbert Corporation of the Township of Tnckersmith Corporation of the Township of Goderich Corporation of the Township of Hullett Corporation a the Township of McKillop ONTAIdo NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE ONTARIO FUEL BOARD 'BETWEEN: UNION GAS COMPANY-• OF CANADA LIMY= Applicant_ — and Corporation of the Town of Gode- , rich,. • Corporation of the Ton of Clinton Corporation of the Town of Sea -- forth - Corporation of the Town of Mitchell Corporation of the 'Township of- -- -Fullerton Corporation of the Township of Hibbert - Corporation. of the Township of latickersinith Corporation of the Township of Goderich Corporation of the Township of Hullett Corporation of the Township of McKillop ' Corporation- of the Township of Logan the Police Village of Dublin Respondents .• TAKE NOUG"E of the hearing by the Board of the Application of Union Gas Company of Canada Limited, for an Order fixing rates to be paid by ultimate consumers of natural gas in the above muni- cipalities served by this Company, in the Court Room, at the Court House, in Stratford, Ontario, on the 29th day of April, 1958„ at 2.00 o'clock in the. afternoon,, Loc -al Time. A copy of the Application may e inspec et a u er p ars obtained from the Applicant, the Solititors for the Applicalit,-' Messrs. McNevin, Gee & O'Connor, Chatham, Ontario, or th6 Board. Dated at Toronto, this 16th day or April, 1956, ONTARIO FUEL BOARD "A. R. Crozier", Chairman "J. J. Wingfelder", Commissioner. -17 17x SPRING SPECIALS 1956 MONARCH four -door Lucerne Sedan, automatic transittission, power brakes, cpstom radio, ts- tom sunvisor, new tires‘ Like new condition. • . 1956 FIORD SEDAN, to -tone, rung like" a top. Seat covers, ell the extras: 1954...FORD-Maliiline Tudor, new tires, new paint, very clean car. 1962 CHET. Tudor, ,,new paint, runs very well. 1952 (METEOR Convertible, auto- matic, radio, whitewalls, new paint. Now is the time to buy this one. 1952 BUICK, auitomatic, radio, seat covers, whitewalls, good condi- tion, 1951 CHEW. Sedan, two-tone paint, new tires. Priced very low. 1949 MMOURY Tudor, whitewalls, seat covers., GODERICH MOTORS LTD. South St. Phone 83 , -17 50th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riehl, of Blyth, were entertained at a family dialer on-Smidartarst at th-e-laine of their son, ponald, and Mrs. Riehl, Goderich, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Riehl were married at Sandusky, Micfiigan en April 22, 1908 and have farmed in Grey Township for 45 -years, retiring to 'Myth- just a year ago. They ham one son, Donald, and three grand- children and one great-grandchild. On Tuesday afternoon and even- ing, Mr. ,and Irs. Riehl, sr., were at_home to their friends and neigh- bors at their son's home, Gloucester Terrace. The table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake and flowers and candles augmented the pretty decorations. Those as- sisting Mrs. Riehl at the dinner on Sunday and the tea on Tuesday were Mrs. Norma-ilVIeNair and Dianne 'McNair, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. dhas. MeCabe, Mrs. Jack Cook, Mr. W. Kingswell and Mrs. .A. Riehl, Guests were present from San- dusky, Detroit, London, Rostock, Monkton, 'Moncrieff, Walton, Blyth and, Goderich. ° PLAN TO SEE "Centerville a • 72 ,,MINUTE,,SOUND MOTION PICTURE Shown at BETHEL TABERNACLE Friday, April 25, 8 p.m. Elgin, Ave. at Waterloo St. EVERYONE WELCOME O 401=0, (0=0=0=10 0 II 11 0=0 ,OBITUARY M1$ .MILS..1430INARID E.WESISACOK . The death occurred on .$01140Y - at ,Alexandra Marine and General ,11-004tal atlins,--Lenuard Edward -Westbrook, a native :of -0*Or.lifi Townallipildx0:170*rbeeiihildialti of Goderich for some years. The funeral service will held at the Stiles funeral home at 130 p.m., today. Rev. A. E. Ensta,ce will =duet the service. Interment will be in (Maitland cemetery. The former Emeline Thiu•low, she Was a* daughter of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. James,--!,Thurlow, of Colborne Township..For some years she she lived in GOderich Town - 'ship. She was married in 1006 at 'Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. From '1006 to 1919, they lived near Edmonton, Alberta and later returned to Goderich. Mrs. Westbrook was an active member of North Street United Church and a member of the W.A. and WM.'S. Surviving besides her 'husband are three sisters, Mrs. Clara Mc- Kay, of Goderich, Mrs. Maud Morris, of Patterson, N.J., and Miss Mary Thurlow, of Brampton, and one brother, George, of Detroit. MRS. DONALD C. ABERHART An unusually large attendance is expected at the funeral service to- day in tribute to mr8. Donald C. Aberhart, who died at Alexandra Hospital Monday in her 52nd year. Her many friends learned with deep regret of her passing after a lengthy illness. The service will be at p.m., at North Street United Church, of which she was an active and faithful member. Rev. A. E. JEustiaee-will-..conduet„the sayice and interment will ben Ntaitlaiir cemetery. Prior to the service, the body will rest at Stiles funeral home. The former Genevieve Frost, she was a daughter of the late Mr: and Mrs. John Frost, of Hampton, where she was barn. After attending Hampton Ilfgh School, she went to Teachers' College at Fredericton, N.B. :.;She taught at Victoria Public School at St. Join?, N.B. in she was married to' Donald C. Aberhart. For two years they, lived at Fairville, N.B., and then at Toronto for four years. In 1946 they came to Goderich. She was a devoted Sunday School teacher at North Street United Church and was a former president of ,the Evening Auxiliary. She was a member of Maple Leaf Chapter of the IODE, and of the Home and , School Association. Members of North Street United Evening Auxiliary, CGIT and Maple Leaf Chapter, IODE will attend the funeral service in a body. Surviving besides her husband are one son, John, and a daughter, Donna; also a sister, Mrs. Alan (Leah) MacGowan, of Hampton Station, N.B. •The pallbearers vvill he Wm. Moorhead, George Parsons, Ernie Pridham, Glen Gardiner, James S*1-14'Ir? E PROJECTOR, Slide Trey .Cabinet and • 12 Micro•Fit Trays. oote Bell & Howell "Headliner 706" SLIDE PROJECTOR reg. $69.95 SLIDE TRAY CABINET PLUS 12 MICRO4FIT SLIDE TRAYS reg. $24.50 The family have suggested that -any memorial should be directed to the Cancer Society in lieu of flowers. STUDY PARKING A Goderich Police Commission 'recommendation that Town Coun cil revie* parking by-laws, espec ially the regulations 'concerning angle parking, is being studied by Connell. Angle parking is speci- fied for the outer rim of the Square and for one block on each street radiating from the Square, but there is a feeling that this cannot be enforced until signs are erected on all streets concerned. Total Valup $94.45 41e. Special ALL FOR 76.90 °HENDERSON' ig)01( STORE . 0=0=0=0=0=0=0= , ['Clinton Community Swimming 11 II .- Pool Committee . g icoi $3,000 Cash BINGO 11 Clinton Lions Arena ; g FRIDAY, MAY 9 ° Doors Open at 7.30 p.m. D.S.T. — Games start et 9 p.m. 4 aHARE-itm-WEAT21111 GAME:a JACKPOT — $1,000.00 — MUST GO , 4, 115 DOOR PRIZES $50.00 each ADMISSION: $1.00 s 0 o n , 0 11 i Extra Cards: 25c each or 5 for $1.00 Jackpot Cards: 50c each or 3 for $1.00 II — — --- -7 CLIP THIS ADV. Bring this Adv. to Box Office and Get Extra FREE Ticket on Door Prizes. . ., -17-18 i or=6=====locko====m=01=0=0 . - 0 • -d-ifirliffili*gref; "Iiiiiire-iiielTs'air:Mir'Fedlire"-el ' 11 Don't Court Trouble . • • • 2 14... -= fi tire wear by having the front wheels of your car checked :ft on our VISUALINER; • LONG EXPERIENCE 'plus LATEST EQUIPMENT means BET'rER SERVICE. , 0 DAVIDSON 'VISUALINING '111 11 & COLLISION- SERVICE Huron Road and Maple St. Phone 320 0 0 0=0) (0=0=01=0) 10=0 SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY' SERVICES 11 a.m. • Hpliness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 par. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, tastimonies and Gospel messages. Capt. Reta Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell. Westlake Furniture ANNIVERSARY SALE Bargains! Bargains! THURSDAY, APRIL 24 ; to SATURDAY, MAY 5 Open all day and every evening until 10' p.m. SALE STARTS AT 4 P.M. ON THUB.SDAY ese•••••••••rnspoimmo• ••••••seeseise••••••• As in previous years we are giving away • --"7"-"VingroTtre767: • V.luabl Door Prizes There are big bargains for everyone at Dunlop's' Reitill Drug Store during the Rexall Spring One Cent Sale. – — $410000embeeeetrameedroolisolowoiesepee0000410 , EVERY ARTICLE IN STORE -REDUCED DURING SALE. VALUES GALORE. RFAVIEMBER THE DATES. Thursday, April 24 to Saturday. May -3.-- SUNDAY, APRIL 27 10 la.m. Sunday School. Morning Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelist c ery Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. "Hour of Power." ,Free Mefirdist Church Verlyn R. Shell, B.A., Pastor Over 275 bargains to choose from, as listed on our Rexall lc Sale Bill. WEVILAKE FURNITURE PHONE 893. • ZURICH 47-18 h •-,4;e ••• •