HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-24, Page 6r *At tur.t.,•-utm•,,,;,...,•-,,p,x,p, DRUG STORE presents 4:7 torce••• • tt.t,• MONDAY, APRIL 28 thru SATURDAY, MAY 3 TWO for the price of ONE plus ONE CENT * Plus Special Bonus Buys * Not lo Sale items, but oustanding values. DURING THIS SALE ONLY f---- QU ANTITIES LIMITED. ' Yc Friction Trucks, Aeroplanes, 'Cal's, etc: a Values 1.00 to 2.98 ... ONLY C BATHROOM SCALES With magnifying lens. Reg. 9.95 to 12.95 . ONLY 6.88 WRIST WATCH and MANY MORE Men's Swiss made with expansion band. Reg. 9.95 ONLY 6.88 See them all on display in our store. .4•444•44 RIECKS DRUG STORE 14 SQUARE (near Colborne St.) PHONE .939 GO FORWARD WITH THE • Waterioo Cattle Breeding. Association "Where Better Bulls Are •Used • From December 1, 1957 to March 31, 1958, an increase over the same period of last year of maintained for the balance of this fiscal year, a greater total increase than has ever been exper the territory was expanded and the service for this year is 68,000 cows. r.ar A we have inseminated 18,134 first service cows for g,668 efts or 17.2%. __Shotad this increase be it would mean an increase o 10,032 cows or ienced in our entire history except in 1952 when extended to include all the breeds. Our goal HEREFORD BULLS 'ADDED With emphasis on performance testing and quality, six Hereford bulls have been added to At the Ontario Bull sale, the top horned bull, through the government feeding station at Guel chased. At the Pantech farms testing station at bulls were purchased. The top two bulls at the purchased. Performance testing has been carried ment Station. We believe that the •performance tests of our in any Unit. • • freedom from the dwarf factor as well as high the Waterloo bull stud. who was the fastest. gaining bull ever to go ph, and the top polled Hereford bull, were Pur - Panhandle, Texas, the,top horned and top polled Dixon Springs Experiment Station in Illinois were on for ten years at the Dixon Springs Experi- new Hereford bull battery cannot be duplicated ANGUS BULLS ADDED • Kinloehian 2339th born, September 2nd, 1955, weight over 1600 lbs., brother to the famous 99th in the Schenk herd — and Eileenmere of Dandy Lawn — bred by George D. Storey of GuelPh — make up the 'Angus bull battery. They are tops for Angus quality and come from top ancestry with good size. • • Another Charolaise has also been added because of popular demand for this new breed. TWO HOLSTEINS RECENTLY ADDED Grand Rang Excel is from a top V.G. dam 4.2% and a 9 lactations of 165328 milk -6216 fat— milk — 808 fat —3.85%. Al Cliff Mastajax There are seven Excellent and 6 V.G. 'animals 900 lbs. fat from 21000 lbs. of milk. He carries The pedigrees of these two new bulls appear Staff Increased to 37 Full ;Time EMPLOYEES Inseminators employed at• the different offices Arthur, • f at Palmerston, 4 at Formosa, 2 at Tara, arians, 1 Lab technician, 3 office secretaries, a It is interesting to note that arificial breeding over 200 people are fully engaged in this industry that have put much time and though( into4its with a 2X record of 24016 milk — 1009 fat — 3.76 test. She is also the dam di Franco, a slcstu,,L ART_ Oassifi_ed Excellent with 20982 ' in his pedigree. His seven nearest dams average strong Mount Victoria breeding, in the current Better 'Bovine Bulletin. are as folloWs: 7 at Waterloo, 2 at Guelph, 3 at .3 tNineardine, 4 at Clinton, 2 full time Veterin- manager and an assistant manager. In Ontario has increased to the point where well • plus all the members of the board of directors development. THE GOMM STUART Qqc TO HEAD -CURLERS 4rhe-Goxlerich-Curling Club held ctltsiiStNiikar 451faftlet4liastv'skeelf with 511 attending. Following the dinn-er,' Mr. S. Qgg, president of the club, introduced lVfayor Ernie Fisher, who congratillated the club on their successful year. The GDCI students club was re- presented by Dave Spring and Nancy Hughes. The GDCI club now has 40 or more members under the direction of Mr. Stuart Ogg. Dave Spring expressed thanks to IMT, Ogg,and the senior club. The treasurer, J. W. Wood, gave a very encouraging report Ohthe financial situation. The prizes for the month of January and February were pre- sented to the winning teams by 'Mr. Clem Gracey. The new slate of officers "was presented as ' follows: past presid- ent, Fred Armstrong; president, Stuart Ogg; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Whetstone; Znd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Phyl. Doak; treasurer, J. W. Wood; secretary, Alex. Alex- ander; -.press, Mrs. Morris McMillan; social t onvener, Mrs. Jack McLeod, with Mrs. Fred Price and Mrs. Harold Montgomery assisting; games chairman, Morris McMillan, with 'Mrs. J. W. Wood and Ernie McDonald assisting; nomination committee,. Dr. Jackson, Mrs.lAn- nette Stemp, J. W. Wood. After dinner, the club adjourn- ed to the Arena where they wound up the evening with a dance. Mrs. Ira Oke and Mr. Colin Miirray won the spot dance Ptgizes. ,SIGNALSTAR . PLANT TREES • Town tClerk S. H. Blake reports that about 70- maple trees were planted by town employees this week. Any householder interested in having a tree planted on the boulevard must_ contact the clerk's office no later than CNIonOay. AY, APRA. 24th, WA errsa,rara.wrarrra1.1,41.."..^..........7,••••••••••• .• • ',••1 Plan' Race Meet First local race ' meet for the season will be held here on Wednesday afternooikM,p zi71--the;:-•Gederiell JOettleati';;LW Trotting AasoCiation has an- nounced. The track is in good shape and the many horses which have been in training here are turning in some ex- ceptionally good time. The -money taken in at the gates at, the aforementioned race 'meet is to be turned over to the participants of the meet to help them defray expenses of winter stabling, TRAPSHOOTERS INVITED, TO ATTEND EXETER MEET A meeting for the purpose of reviving interest in trapshooting willbe held at Harry Mather's Garage, Exeter, on aVlonday, April 28 at 7.30 p.m. It is hoped to have clubs formed at Goderich, Clinton, Kippen and Exeter, with meets planned alternately at ' these centres: BRIDGE SCORES On Monday night at the Gode- rich Bride Club when five tables of players took part, the winners were: Mrs. F. Saunders and Mrs. A. A. Nicol with 561/2 points; Mrs. J. V. Thomas and Mrs. J. R. Wheeler with 43 points; Mrs. J. W. Oraigie and Mrs. Geo Jenner with 41 points; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dean and Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes tied with 35 points. .— GETS- STRING OF BIG PERCH Asehnt,,,,YPIRSM,,PA. pxe- - pere erg David's street, brought to the Si$-- nal-Star'office at 5 p.m. Wednesri day a long string TA unusually large , perch, many of them weighing_ over a pound., Charlie said he ,got them a# off •the soutb breakwater betweennoon and about 5 p.m., on Wednesday. , It looked as if there were about ' 75 of them. First catch reported was on Thursday ef last week when, seine large ones were being caught at the same s'pet. It would appear that the perch are larger this year, at least at the present time: SPRING. .SEED,IN.G . The majority of the spring seed- ing in Huron. County has -been- completed. The week -end rain was -a great aid to spring crops since the land was very dry.- Fall wheat and grass are having good growth. •Chirdren maY- tear up a house but they seldom break up a home. VOLKSWAGEN adds prestige to your busines T ..LIVI• NG " tirl ..-14?",.. • 4)1 SHEPPARDTON SHEPPARDTON, April 22..—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barnsley and Jb,Ann, of .Abernathy, Sask., visited recent- ly with Mn. A. Foster, Ralph Foster and family, Mr. and -Mrs. F. Allemang, Eileen and Douglas, of Hamilton, and Vernon Aillemang, of Preston, visit- ed over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins. Mr. and alas. Bob Rising, of Windsor; and Mr. and Mrg. Pat Campbell, of Teeswater, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rising. Mr. Jim Hawkins has had a silo constructed during the past week. ...Several of the farmers are all , through seeding. Liber from $44.95 up See the famous TORO line Thack Sales & Service 115 ST. DAVID ST. v - our -I Candidate uron PHONE 669 0-6185 H. C. McPHEE Phone 20 • Texaco Service Goderich BRAMPTON a&TANDING BEACON, V.G., an example of our Jersey bullp. He i a full brother to Brampton Belle Beacon, Ex., 18171 milk, 1066 fat. - His dam on 2X made 16455 milk — 977 fat — 5.94%. 1 JOIN THE PARADE to Breckenridge Hardware's ,Spring Festival Of Values "TOWN & COUNTRY" HOUSE PAINT • (Gloss exterior white only) $3.39 98t gal. quart e Born in Brumfield 47 years ago, Dr. Addison practised medicine in Zurich for "four years. Since 1943 he has practised in Clinton. POWER „ MWN MOWERS' By Going Forward with the WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION The- Results Will Be TbiliffWrIAMIN BAMBOO RAKE 49c CHAMOIS 69c ONLY $39.95 L IMOD QUANTITY Other models from which to choose._ Check our prices before buying a power mow - He attended Brucefield district Schools, Exeter High School and the University of Western Ontari9.. He is married And his family, rang- ing in age from 12'to 18, includes two boys and two girls. His wife, is the former Jessie Cameron, of Brucefield and Clinton, He , is a 'member of Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton. Active 'in the community, he is a member of the Clinton•Lions Club and for a number of years has served. on the Clinton District Collegiate institute board. As the Liberal candidate, he seeks theiksupport of the electors of Huron at the May 12 by-election. For artificial breeding tvice to the following - breeds — Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford (polled and horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned) Dual Purpose Shorthorn, nd soon Brown Swiss — or more information, phone collect to -1- Clinton0 HU 2-3441 you have not received one of our handbills, pick one up at e store.See the scores of other items specially re- l....LI, between — 7:30 and 10 A.M. on week days . Please note that our summer calling hours, effective May if, are from 7:30 to 9:30 A.M. Life membership only. $5.00. • $5.00 per cow for members. ' $6.00 per cow for nonmembers. HARDWARE PHONE 135 PLUMBING — 'HEATING — GIFTS — TOYS •(PUBLISHED BY THE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCtATION) • 41•`—'4,0'11tat