HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-24, Page 4„ EUSTALE 15 AOR AT WCTU MEET E. • Eustace was guest ate a meeting of the WCTU at the home of Mrs. J. R. lies Ie told of the sin that ri e - ..ad thinking, -the d .:entira.ied. , 4n" a he .?, .e- yea it - ;rcpoiitl=attott-moths mod. r -. fitters were read from Mrs. Stevenson, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Keay, • of ; Iwmarket. The guest speaker was thanked ' by the president, Mrs. J. E. Cranston. • You are what you think you are. BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC f ERBERT. B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a,m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1 • f7 p.m. to 8 p.m. -Wed. and 'Sat. -f9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin -Therapy herapy Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. . A. M: HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343J 33, Hamilton St. House 343W Goderich Stiles Ambulance Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime' PHONE 399 77 Montreal St. Goderich FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business Insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone .346 Church St. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST ' Phone 1100 for appointment. SQUARE ' GODERICH AIexander & Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Get insured -Stay insured- Rest Assured. A. J. ALEXANDER C. F. CHAPMAN Bank of Commerce Building, Goderich Phones 268 W and 18 W. a — ..- .• r"-w1Nit4 G A Fine Lawn Once one realizes. that grass is a.Rlant that requires food and care like any tither plant, half the battle of a fine 'lawn is won. Poor lawns are invariably neglected lawns. This does not mean, however, that to have a rine, green, luxuriant 'lawn one has to spend most of ones waking hours at hard4 labor. Nothing at all like that is needed, only a little timely care and a -little knowledge. First and foremost, of course, the lawn should be based on good seed, preferably high quality from a reputable source. One can't use a mixture of timothy and sweet clover and turn that into a good lawn. But with good seed, then all that is needed is a little care. to refresh yoq FARTS TV ANTENNAS • SOLD SERVICED # REMOVED .� INSTALLED Les apman TV Phone 154 38 -East St. 2atf WOOL The Government Deficiency Pay- ment -applies' only on Properly Graded Wools: Secure the Utmost by Patroni- zing Your Own Organization. JACKSON HOMES' LTD., SEAFORTH is collecting wool for grading and sales on the co-operatj.ve plan. SHIPPERS may 'obtain sacks and twine free of charge from the above .or their Licensed Opera- tors. • CANADIAN C -O -OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto. PRYDE .SON MEMORIALS The above firm will continue to operate under the ownership of Jack Pryde who was long associated w tilt �u f ef';'thelil 'The "Pryde: Your= con= — tinued patronage will be appreciated. For the Goderich. district, the firm is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Frank Mcllwa,in__. as its representative. w . Any inquiries will receive prompt attention by . -. calling MR. McILWAIN at Carlow 27. • 14-17 Grass thrives best on tine, rich soil, and it likes an occasional dressing of good fertilizer. Give it this and water well in dry weather and it will stay green all Summer and will grow so well that it will choke out most weeds: Most of the others can be easily disposed of by spraying with a chemical weed killer. Regular cutting too., will help keep .it fine and encour- age new growth which provides the rich green color. Needless to say a sharp mower, power or hand, will cut more easily and leave a More finished appearance than a dull one. Vegetable Soil. Likes Most vegetables ask for rich, fine, open soil with lots of sun. Now in some gardens that may be asking a lot but so far as soil re- quirements are concerned, we can - provide them with it no matter how discouraging the prospect. If the soil is heavy, sticky clay, get it well dug or cultivated and at the same time turn in all the humus possible. Humus, of course, is just a gardener's name for any- thing in the way of vegetable ma- terial that will rot, stuff like barn- yard manure, leaves, grass clip- pings, green weeds, even clean garbage. The more of this dug in, the finer and looser becomes the soil. After a few years the difference will be amazing. For very light sandy soil, the treatment is about the same only easier. This too; -needs a lot of humus so that it will hold moisture and not dry out.• For very stiff deep clay, other measures like draining, or treat- ment with soil conditioners, may be necessary, And, of course, any vegetable garden will benefit a •lot from regular applications of com- mercial , fertilizer applied ' accord - FAST. REUEF FOR uy HEA C.OLDS •10111N011O0111111111111111110t)91110NI. RAin�.�n+nE 1 / '1 ing to directions. Seedlings Need Transplanting , Seedlings in the fiats from seed sown indoors will be needing some attention now, When the little plants have developed two to four sets of leaves they should be.prick- ed :oft care and transplanted d ,� nr�A mts ' two -inches• apart each way, or to small individual pots. Give the plants plenty of light, preferably full sunlight in a window with a southern exposure, at this stage of development.. • If the, plants get too tall and spindly before the weather permits them to' be moved to the garden, they may be nipped back to a' leaf joint to encourage busby growth. •;Discovery About ppate in four people who plant fipWer seeds try something new each year. Sornetitnes high hopes are not fully realized, but there is nothing like the feeling of excitement and pleasure that comes when you find something new and different that is just right for you and your garden. BAYFIELD BAYFI LD, April 21. -.Jack Till- man and daughter, Joan, London, spent the week -end at their cot- tage. Misses Alice Drouin and Adele Fernette, Detroit, are spending a few days at the Drouin cottage. William Rolphe, London. spent Thursday and Friday at the "New Ritz." 'Corporal and Mrs. Lloyd West- lake and two children, of Kitch- ener, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms.. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bryant re- turned. to Byron on Saturday after spending last week at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R.Moore, Detroit, spent the week -end at their hpfne on Main street. Dr. and Mrs. A. Chapman, De- troit, came on, Friday to spend a few days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser and grandson,- -Fraser ..Fellows, River side, were at their cottage over the week -end, Mr. and IMrs. Nelson McConkey, Toronto, spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr. and --iM rs. Harry Baker and Gwen, London, spent the week -end at their home. Mr. and rMrs. Warren Cooke and two daughters, of London, were at their cottage over the week -end., Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cpok and family, of Stratford, spent the week -end at the Cook cottage. ' Miss Ruth Hayman, London, came on Thursday to the "Little Inn." Mr. •and Mrs: L. Smith, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid, Varna, are with Mr. and Mrs. E. A° Featherston, owing to the death of their brother, John Parker,gwho passed away suddenly on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Parker, jr., London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser. . Mr. and . Mrs. Don Mathews and baby, London, spent the week -end at the "Albion Hotel." Trinity Church Guild held a situ cessful euchre and bridge party on Friday evening in the Parish' Hall. Seven tables of euchre and bridge• were enjoyed. Lunch was served by the ladies of the church. Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter and fam- ily, Stratford, spent the week -end at their cottake. Mir.. and Mrs. Ed. Flogg, London, were at their home over the week- end. The W.A. of Trinity Church held their April meeting on Thursday at the home of the president, Miss Lucy Woods. Reports .weregiven by the president and secretary. Lunch was served by the members. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson, St. ,Clair Shpres, Mich., are at their home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D..Bisback, Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. St ur.;g... ..,,.,. ,......... __... Weather in' which you can't -Bang out clotliittg...yo tLvs.• just.: cleaned doesn't bother us. All cleaning sent here is done in- doors in a made-to-order atmos- phere that assures odorlessly clean clothing. And, of course, delivery is dependable. in rain or slime, sleet or snow. GODERICH �.. yfe DRY CLEANERS WEST ST. Cnizetc, I2 2 C.R. LOW E RY , PROP. iiNiiiNiNNNfi• UNION UNION, GODERIIOH TOWN- SHIP, April 21.--4'he Union W.M.S. held their Easter Thank -offering service at Union United Church. The president, Mrs. E. Mcllwain, welcomed guests from Victoria, Benmiller United Church and the Benmiller t G1T gro"itp. A,,O inter- esting film, =.`Younger_ Brother;' depicting the life of a Japanese youth, was shown. The Union CGIT girls favored the group with two musical' numbers. On'tario Poultry Producers. Accept; Plan For Promotion Of Egg Selling ,.rk.. ,.ti11k4 .. ..(By J. C. Hemingway) --Oatar.,10.41Vefi4falK9t9APAlit their annual meeting in --Toronto' on April 15th, Mr. Tom Robson was re-elected president, Mrs. Evelyn McCartney, first vice-presi- dent, and Albert Pond, second .vice- president. The new Promotional Plan ways accepted unanimously. This plan tomes under Section 9 of the Farm Products Marketing Act and auth- orizes the organization to levy a„ fee for educatidnal purposes and for the advertising and promotion of the product. -To make this plan effective, the (Minister of Agricul- ture must be asattred that at least 60% of the ,producers approve the plan. The Farm Products Market- ing Board will decide whether peb- lic meetings or petitions will be required. Ifthe producers approve the plan, a maximum of 2c a bird on poultry and 2c on each 30 doz. grate of eggs or portion thereof will be deducted at point" of sale and will be remitted 'to the organ- ization. A percentage of this will be returned to the counties and the rest will be used to finance the Ontario Organization and to pro - 'mote the better handling and sale of eggs. In Ontario, we must compete with western producers anti this can most easily be done by pro- ducing only high quality eggs and In '1957 Canadian labor income reached a record high of $15,348,- 000,000, compared to $14,284,000,- 000 in 1956, $9,641,000,000 in 1951 and $4,920,000,000 in 1945. IRREGULARITY. RELIEVED THIS EASY WAY When biliousness or constipation rob you of your pep, try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They help give easy relief by promoting regularity. Try them- get relief with - Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. At all druearista. 07.56 READY -MIXED CONC RE; FOR -- WALLS * FLOORS * WALKS RARNY.ARDS ETC, _ - -_ Delivered to the job in the quan- tity you require. by taking the necessary steps to 124 ww •' � Jh ter `tie' same gond condition A very large percentage of our eggs are still produced by flocks of 100 to 400 birds„ .and too many of -these- j ducers,,fail- tb gather eggs often enough and fail to cool thein ,quickly. A few dealers fail to provide protection while mak- ing pickups' in the • hot weather. Few retail outlets provide refriger- , ated . counters but those who de have increased their sales greatly. In one store window in Toronto, three large baskets of eggs were on display last Sunday afternoon, These eggs must have been sitting in the sun part of Saturday, all day Sunday and I'm sure the purchaser on Monday wouldn't be pleased with the quality of the eggs. Finally, with reasonable finances available, this organization will be The fast' clean way to pour con- crete. Call or write us for a free estimate. Huron Concrete Supply Ltd. . GODERICH PHONE 174 Also su//////,, ppliers of Concrete Block, 16tf Time To Use VIGORO LAWN FOOD RYAN & SON PHONE Z45 13, 15, 17 YOU CAN •DEPEND ON Wben kidneys Intl to fomove excess acids rind wastes,' bask DODDS sae, tired feeling, KI D N EY disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills etimu- lnormato alk idneysduty. You to. F i� feel better—sleep �u +c STM [ /,{nor better; work belies. 1,, �i; �� ".' 1�M1!pe f Get Dodd's at any drug store. You' oaa 'o� �' r ►+ r 1' depend on Dodd'a �Z '}xi1N'4M!71N. LY, ANIMA 24th. 1958 able to make definite studies of, Comex scion the `' Customs and kets and thus promote more Revenue I>vision of the Depart - advantageous selling »of poultry iiientsure. of WTeahent onalanew Revenuposte o andce theis and poultry produets. Canadian >4)epartment of Aricul- NEW POST OFFICE built at Goderich the saute set-up A new post office is to be erected as mentioned .above will be the in Stratford soon. The building case. of e dry ,,, ;'Q�,q„-w,M 0'- sxc�.`�'�!erl.4 P_-�,,,�:�A �I,,��`!��; c=!;l1r,1P�..ro- Natiotial Uriem T'b 'rienitsuraiuh..., ' ' vince-of-Newfo� nmat OTT FARMS : COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF DUAL-PU OSE SHORTHORN CATTLE,' - 2 HERD SIRES 12 BULL CALVES 65 FEMALES TO BE HELD MAY 14,.1958 AT THE FARM AT 1 p.m. Featured in the sale will be the get of such outstanding sires as: Templereagh Royal King (Imp): Culkeeran Gay Boy (Imp). Sanford Ballysuddenl_ MilJham Dollar (Imp); The herd was established in 1934. The females have all been bred on the farm and from outstanding imported double daily - bulls. Herd fully accredited. Females vaccinated. For catalogues write: James M. Scott, Scott Poultry Farms, R. R. 2 Seaforth, Ontario. R. O. P. Tested 16-19 • s, Doctor ...Wednesday will be finer When _it's time to have the dentist_ check daughter's teeth,. Mrs. Smh naturally reaches for the telephone, that helpful 'member -of -the -family" with the 'habit of getting things done. When you look back over your day, it's sometimes sur- prising to realize in just how many little .ways the telephone has helped you ... how it adds so much convenience and - comfort to everyday living. THE 'DELL TEL.EPHO,NE COMPANV OF CANADA ' It"s A Fact ... -4 Here% the quick, easy way to -bor- row the extra money you need. Simply pick up your phone and ,arrang-e for a loai>rfromsTrans Canada Credit. Loans from $150. to - $2,500. Up to 30 months to repay. Call us today—by telephone—for a life -insured loan. FAMILY RATES No Charge for Children 12 and Under -_A . . , the average family can 'enjoy magical, electrica living for Tess than 25 cents a day ! O1CK CASII LOANS THE ALL -CANADIAN • One of the country's most popular you,TUi,LER featuring convenience, comfort, quaty! A cosmopo)itan atmosphere in ' home -like setting. In the center of all d o n activities. Newl decorated. 800 ROOMS WITH BATH . from $4 'a 0 rout excellent food at moderate prices our modern coffee shop and eaf Radio and Tefevirion in room. „-.,-„, aiE.GeiuWjea roo,it In kcaaO its eteria. n. FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK GARAGE avail- able at nominal -errant parking for registered -guests in., PARK- ING LOT. :a. e -x o es -a = -no tiler.:,_ washed 'than tkoy're fluffily, spotlessly—_elec- trically dried. The freezer keeps ex- • lLand-. dean, , electric --' o;oking cuts out the guesswork. • -' The magic of electricity enric es the leisure hours it ha `helped to create. A 1 Live Better Electrically — The - Safe, Clean, .Modern Goderich Public s -17 { B,.