HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-24, Page 3mummy, -Avor; 24th, 1958 J. Wintermeyer, Kitchener Lawyer, • New Leader Ontario •Liberal Party thel*ws-lat ohn 3 Wu4eimeyer, thosen The victory o Vir.-WintertneYer as leader of. the Ontario Liberal' was triumph for the young Lib - Party at the two-day annual meet- erals over what has been, described ing, held, at, Toronto last week. as the "old *guard Liberals." The father of six Fhildren. and a Waging a stiff battle for the member of the Legislature for the leadership was, Walter Harris', a riding of North Waterloo, he, suc- former federal minfster of finance, ceeds Farquhar , Oliver,, who re.- edged out ! Mr. Wintermeyer on signed the post last October but the third. ballot. . 414 who carried on as acting leader. The Kitchener lawyer received The election of Winterineyer a total of 398 yotes 'on the .third means that two men with German and last ballot while, Mr. Harris descent names hold: leading poli-. received 340 and J. J,Green, Arn- tical pOstS in Canada, the other, prior lawyer,. 14Mr,. Green *as a being Prime Minister John,. Diefen-, last minute nominee in. the leader - baker. The president of the Unit- ship race and little know,n to the ed States, Dwight Eisenhower, also majerity of the 1,000 delegates at - has a .German descent name. tending the meeting. Immediately after his election', After the first ballot, 'Ross which came on the third ballot, Whicher, Liberal member for Wintermeyer said he would be at- Bruce, and Arthur Reaume,. Mem- tending the Liberal .nomination ber for Essex North, withdrew meeting at lienshll on Monday for from the race leaving the fight the Huron riding brelection. "We between EMr. Harris and Mr. intend to fight hard the by-elec- Wintermeyer. tions called for next month," said Others who. were nominated and • later withdrew were Vernon Sing- er, reeve of North York; Albert Wren, Kenora. Mr. Whicher, drew 39 votes on the first lallot and Mr. Reaume received 32. The first ballot put, Mr. Harris into the lead with 304 compared to 2,64 for aVEr. Wintermeyer. flow - ver, Mr. Wintermeyer took the lead on the second ballot and'main- tained his lead when the third and -final ballot was taken. • BRICK, BLOCK, Cement Work CHIMNEY REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES , •, J. H. REED Phone' 941R Goderich -17 perce Rock, the famed wonder of nature, off Quebec's Gaspe Coast, is a rocky island pierced ,by an arch about 50 feet high. James Richardson & Sons Ltd. "Serving the Feed Dealer's a Western Ontir, PHONE 543 AND 544, GODERICH • - -3 8TF .alimomm••••••••••111•11111•••••• .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o •_ _o IVI Coll-frititenac Products 1 c • For gasoline, heating _fuels, greases and motor oils, tact : I RilD - and NORMAN - . • Goderich distributors . • Phone (collect) 190, 'Goderich. ' -9TF • • •••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••asese••••••••1 10•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 • .ft1=ND • AC9 : R DITIONE- • : • ..______,.GODERICH • • AT PHONE -: • • THE 1150 • • • .....— • Now—Frank Sinatra and Jeanne Crain in "The Jokeri Is Wild"' 0 • • —Adult Entertainment— . • • Sat. Matinee Only—"Denver and the Rio Grande." • e 0 • Present a science -action thriller involving a mechanical compu- • ting machine, a super robot and t1 vanishing lad. • • • • Mon., Tues. and Wed.— • • RICHARD EYER, LIL CAINE and HAROLD STONE • 0 • "THE INVISIBLE 110Y7 • Thursday ONLY:—"'TOMB OF tERROR"—ancrit's all Fun and 0 Frolic! A Dabble Feature scare -show is aided and abbetted by a TROUPE OF LIVE TALENT from down Connecticut way.• - - SO SCARY — WE DAR.E YOU -TO SIT THRU IT ALL! IF YOU DO ---- .., —2...1E0R... GOOD FOR A . ' FUTURE MOVIE YOU .,.TEEMIN6 WITH 5CRE-4A1/14/0- THRILLS! THREE .FEET HIGHER IN OM A anywhere along the,• shores -of Lake Huron will reveal that the , water is at a lower level. than for many years. At Goderich harbor, the beach was never so extensive. Never have' the old pilings, in the lake in front of the CPR Roundhouse, stood- so bigh out of the water. The water line in the harbor 'channel seems' so much lower. People visiting their cbttages along the lakeshore will find their beach wider than ever. The District -Marine Agent has frequently been asked about the prevailirt low water levels and what can be expected in this con- nection for the -coming year.- Admitting that the question is a difficult one to answer, he has pointed out that past records, avail- able through the Department of . . • • Old and new "ships of the desert" provide a striking contrast as they meet at the United Nations Emergency Force airfield in El Arish, Egypt. The RCAF Dakota, which flies between desert outposts in the Sinai peninsula for the' A.• NM— • UNEF, would thus seem to qualify -as the modern successor to the title which the camel has 'held Or centuries. The aircraft is piloted by Flying Officer R. N. Patton ,of Winnipeg,' Man.' (National Defence) -Two New Records Are Set At Knox Two new records were establish- ed at Knox Presbyterian church during -the past Week. - 'When 600 persons took commun- ion on Sunday it marked the 'larg- est number of communicants' on, any single day in the history of the« church. At a pre -communion preparatory service on Thursday evening, of last week, 92 members were wel- comed into the membership of the church. Of these, 64 were on pro- fession of faith and 28 tof cer tificate from other churches. The increase, according to the minister, Rev. R. G. MacMillan, is largely due to the visitations tide recently by the elders of the church. WOMEN BOWLERS ELECT Mrs. E. F. Sale hags been elected president of the Goderiell Ladies' Lawn Bowling -Club- for the -coming Season. The \rice:president is Mrs, George Baechler.and the treasurer, Mrs. L. Westbrook. Former Colborne Residents, Three Sisters Ages Now Total. 275 ..Years Three elderly sisters, mem-- congregation, she still delights berS -Orthe- -Fliek—familY Who-- -.'in attending air -church -affair01-- Until the past two years she _pioneered in Colborne Town- . walked to church a .distance ship, are making a substantial 4-ofabout a, mile but ' naw de - contribution to the average penis on her friends te take' span of life in the United ,fier, there in a car. States.. 'Mrs. Wiederhold takes care They are: .Mrs. A. (Mary • of the "outside chores"' around Ann -Flick) Wiedel'hold, who the houSe such as raking the will be 91 on April 26, and lawn, pieking up twigs, etc. her sister, Mrs. Eva (Eva Flick) " A brother, John Mick, -who " Schiele, who will - be 96. on is president of the Goderich June 14, both of whom live at , Octogenarian Club and who 118 Norton avenue, Pontiac, will be 82 in June, lives in 14, Nliciligan; and Mrs. Leah Goderich. Another brother, Shctler, aged 89, who lives in 'Leslie -Flick, lives at London, Santa Monica, California.. • • Ontario. The two sisters living in !Maybe some of the older Pontiac are in fair health at- Colborne district residents tending lo the duties usual in might make a 'note of the operating a household. Mrs. birthdays of the two sisters Schiele attends the Central living in Pont.i.ae, and send Methodist 'Church in Pontth'c them a birthday card on the every Sunday, plus attending right dates. They would be her -Sunday School class. The thrilled to get such a greeting oldest member of this large from folks hark in their old• Moine district. I N s • MacEwan Insurance Agency YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL 0 SERVICE A s S ° WEST ST. PHONE 230 0 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT - SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE THUR,SDAY, FRIDAY APRIL 24-25 "NAKED HILLS" DAVID WAYNE, MARSHA ANDERSON -3 CARTOONS COMEbY SATURDAY, MONDAY "YAQUI DRUMS" APRIL: 26-28 ROD CAMERON, MARY, CASTLE AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM "LORD OF THE JUNGLE" JOHNNY SHEFFIELD, NANCY HALE • 4. ,Comirnencing next week, the CNR passenger train will leave ,Goderich, at 2.45 p.m. (E.S.T.) - instead of the usual .3 p.rn. (E.ST). That is,. it will leave 15 minutes earlier. it will arrive at Toronto at 7.30 p.m. (E.S.T.) instead of '7.35. Since.' Daylight Saving Time will be - in effect by next (Monday, this will mean the train will leave Goderich every week' day at 3.45 p.m. (Daylight Saving Tine). .OBITUARY tIfRiS. EVA FRANCES MaPHAlL The death of Mrs. Eva Frances iMePhail occurred at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on April 16, in her 76th year. She was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. Samuel Sloan and Mary Livingstone, of Manito- waning, Manitoulin Island, but had lived in. Goderich after her mar- - riage to Joseph McPhail. Her hus- band predeceased her in.1940. Mrs. McPhail was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, and the Ladies' Aid and a member 'of the erich Women's Institute. She is survived by tiren-6011604, Benson Langridge, of Goderich, arid Donald Langridge, of Detroit, as well as two brothers, Stuart Sloan and Robert Sloan, both of Delia, AlBerta. There are also two sisters, 41,1rs. David Pyette, and Mrs. Albert Oakes, df Manitoulin Island. Funeral _servites'_Were _held at the Lodge funeral home On Friday afternoon, with interment in Mait- land cemetery. Rev. R: G.. Mac- Millan conducted the services and the pallbearers were William' and John Marwick, John Newcombe, Ohas. Rance, David McMillan and K. F. Wilkinson. BROWNIE'S Drive -In Limited CLINTON • Co - Operators' hisurance Auto, home protection, lia6ility, accident and sickness. George Turton Transport, may be of some ,goid-r for Lake talti)13 feet ,*to ance. the month of ,aStarch; The lake at , Records have been kept since this time is more than .0 toOt' 1860 and the effltial reference low the average 2.1evel. '14 At*, point for Lake Huron is at .a steel however, the lake was at 577,39 rivet established the dock face feet or appmtimatel$T' tiff'', feet• at Goderich. Records show that at the end of 1949, Georgian Bay and Lake Huron ttayed at a' level of about 578.3 feet above mean tide at Iew. York. In 1952 the lake rose to abottat 582.7 feet, and has since subsided to 579 feet, Beginning in 1958, the chart shows a decline- below the 579 foot level, but, according to records, it is bound to rise during the summer months. Next fall, however, it may decline again, and the decline might easily ge below the 579 foot level. Over # longer period' the average Signal -Star. R.R. 5, Goderich, Phone Carlow 179 OR at Hutchinson'a.Radio and TV, Huron" Road,' on Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday afternoons. e • • 0 • '6 oes••••••••e•••••••••••• Thurs., Fri. April 24, 25 "12 ANGRY MEN" HENRY FONDA„ LEE J. COBB TWO CARTOO1iS 000041104110001110000411011111111041110 Sat., Mon, April 26, 28 "THE INDIAN FIGHTER" Xirk Douglas, Elso Martinelli (Color) TWO CARTOONS iiiitegariavalatare e • Tues., Wed. April 29, 30 "GENTLEMEPT MARRY _BRAILKETIEBIL. T DN AY • 000••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••OR ERSON.-"..6-N•Mimisiorr-Thursr-Nigh.t--Ortly Fri. an Sat.— qporge, Montgomery, Meg Randall -and Keith Larsen a,,_gang.okyobhers_ whichi takes on partners only to eXtehruirare-Thell-rarrifit . 'LAST OF TEE BADMEN' Scope and Coloi, Coming—"LES GIRLS"-T-M-G•M's IMO Color -Musical. ' " " • • ' ••••••••'.'•.• . "WHEN 'GANGLAND STRIKES" RAYM. D G AND ON 'THE -SAME PROGRAM* "_513tANGE ADVENTURE" BEN.00oPER,- ' TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 P.M. CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE. - PLAYGROUNDCONCESSION •••••••••••••••04110”0011•011;••••••••MMINNO004M1 e • • ' 1 , (Color—Cinemascope) Jane ItuSsel, Jeanne Crain Alan Youhg TANO--GARTOONS--- • - • 6 • 0 0 es • W. J. Denomme J FLOWER! SHOP Phone 198 POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS and FLORAL DESIGNS for ALL OCCASIONS. 3 • • • 0• • 0• • • • We Telegraph Flowers • • 8 • • Agent for 24 -hr. 0 • , FILM' DEVELOPING • • lower thanJt is now. In 1860, the. lake registered 582.89 feet, almost ' three feet higher than it is now. That year, 1860, was the highest ever recorded for Lake Huron. In general, according to District Marine Agent F. K. gelKean,, the lakes appear to rise and fall over a ten year period and it appears that, for the present, we have al- most reached the low for the pre- sent cycle. Whether levels begin. to rise .er. continue to decline for another year can not be definitely stated at this time, he said in a repott made available to The • Canida's first shipyard was start- ed by French colonial governor Talon at eluebec about 1665:..„ The way to understand is to be understanding. • Canada's' steelmaking capacity increased durift 1951 by 419,000 tons to 5,923,000 tons;•in the past six years the productive capacity • has been increased by 2,292,000 tons. I DO YOU KNOW . that our 1 TABLE LAMPS REDUCED 2 are • • • APPLIANCES Wowt,FRIGIDAIR,E,26a4t, goiv ' FOR, sALEs. SERVICE GODERICH amit44,SQUARE •• <Phoul- 586 imr :PROCIAMATION. DAYLIGHT_ SAVING .TIME. will commence in the Town of Goderich on RIL 27 AT 2 A.M. CITIZENS ARE REMINDED TO ADVANCE, THEIR CLOCKS ACCORDINGLY. E. C. FISHER, Mayor, TOWN OF GoDERIOH. 51 AMEMERIMMEMENESSINIMEMINEMPV-"--7 HELP THE BOY SCOUTS RAISE FUNDS TO GO TS CAMP MR. MERCHANT! You can help the Boy Scouts financially by employing them to deliver your hand bills around town: n fact, any odd job you can offer the Scouts, A., in order to raise needed cash would be welcome. • • )" r•••••••••••••641101104•••••4 Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk. 4110000000004110011100••••••••• 'Space contributed in the Service -0fttre-coritnittnity Labatt Limited. LABATT'S .13REVVER‘i