HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-24, Page 1.vn,�,'ur.A4Ln.'.r,�,w•.te
Here is seen •.a -••group of Liberals talking things
aillp.ov,er after the nominating convention at Hensall
on Monday. From left to right: B. W. Tuckey,
Exeter, president of the Huron Liberal Asso-
ciation; Dr. J. A. Addison,.- Clinton, the Liberal
candidate in Huron; -James Taylor, Hensall, '
president of Huron Young Liberals; Harry Strang,
Usborne, .one of the candidates nominated at
the convention.
suggest New Hospita
Share Water Pant Cost
A new water supply -system sewers rather than . separate sani-
which would serve both the fown ,tary and storm sewers.)
and the 1,300 -bed 'provincial obs- While agreeing this would be
true, Dr. Berry said that this storm
P1 might save Goderich consider- be. __diliited..even
its g eveidlovw: -would
able money, it was s suggested in though it could not be given full
Town-Gouneil Friday treatment., •
Dr. A. E Berry, general man- "The International Joint - Com-
mission has gone on record that
ager of Ontario Water Resources even the storm overflow should be
Commission, who attended the treated," he added.
meeting, said there might be merit No Miracle System ) ••
in the suggestion.•Dr. Berry said that much con -
He also urged that Goderich -em= fusion had been rinsed as a result
bark immediately od construction of a recent announcement about a
of both a new water supply system revolutionary new, low-cost sew -
and a sewage treatment plant. He age disposal system. It is pot real -
was not in favor of shelving one ly a sewage' disposal systein and
p'rejeet-ki til later. nothing definite is known about
Members, of Council doubted the cost yet, asserted Dr,. Berry,
that the town'can afford to finance "Iiave • you proof" of pollution
both projects at once. A water here?" Councillor May Mooney
plant "could cost cost50 about
asked. If not, she wanted to kr�ow
a sewage plant would cost abo Dr. Berry's reason for ree"oThmetid-
S419,000• ing a sewage -disposal plant for
Dr. Berry then suggested that Goderich.
the town proceed with parts of • "Where you -are discharging raw
both plans. He said that about sewage, one can't help but have
$300,000 could be pared, off by pollution," claimed the OWRC gen-
leavmg out a filtration ,plant and m
omitting the second stage of thema Councillor Mooney asked what
sewage treatment plant. would the result be if' the town
May Block Growth 'didn't build a sewage treatment
It was hinted that sewer exten-
sions, essential to future develop- Dr. Berry replied that the town
ment of this town, may be held would then run the risk of possible
up by the provincial commission pollution of the water supply and
unless the town moves ahead with of the bathing beach.
construction of -a sewage, plant. He agreed that nothing much
Dr. Berry claims there is pollution could be done to control the dis-
here caused by discharge of „raw charge of sewage from boats call -
sewage into LakeSa. ing at the local harbor, but he re -
Councillor Bruce Sully brought girded this as only a mild pollu-
up the matter of the provincial tion hazard.
hospital for retarded children. Can't Do Both
This hospital is to be built in
Goderich Township, on the shore Before sewage was mentioned
a few miles south of this town, here, the town was already con
according to an announcement fronted with the likelihood of a
made by Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, a new water system, Councillor W,
provincial cabinet minister. A. Tipple told Dr. Berry. The
Establishment of the- hospitalcouncillor said he didn't believe
will likely result in 'a great increase that Goderich could fihance both
a in the o ulation of the town over projects.
and a more conventional plan with
an intake reaching into the lake.
If that much could be saved, then
Council was obliged to look into
it, . agreed- Dr, Berry:•
Build Reserve
Reeve Jdlnes Donnelly. _asked If
Councilshould consider setting up
a fund—through increased water
rates ,or through taxation -4e save
up money for construction of the
water and sewage plants.
One difficulty, as seep by Dr.
Berry, would be that costs might
go up while the money was being
set aside, so that . the purpose of
a reserve fund might be. nullified
to some extent.
"Goderich• just. can't build both
of these at the same time: 1 don't
need the :Municipal Board' to tell
ine-that!" declared Reeve Donnelly..
Dr. Berry had said earlier that the
Municipal Board. would not ap-
prove any expenditures which it
did not think Goderich could
handle. .
"We consider it more important
to have the water system than the
sewage plant," said the, reeve. He
asked if it would not be a -sound
move to set aside a reserve for
the water, plant so that there- will
be money ready when construction
By having money ready in ad-
yance, the town would. be able to
avoid paying out large sums to
cover interest on long-term de-
bentures. -
Dr. Berry insisted that he would
like tei `seeM�'ti'le" town start construc-
tion of water and sewage plants at
the same time, rather than shelve
one until later. .
GQDERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1958. $.ubsc ipti011
(Signal -Star Special) ,
HFNSALL, April 2t2. ---``Wei have
an uphill fight, but if we are de-
termined to reinstate the Liberal
party at Queen's Park we can do
it in quick order,, and we can start
with these by-elections," John J.
Wintermeyer, Q.C., said in • Hensall
on Monday evening at . his first
public meeting since being chosen
provincial leader. He announced
a 'survey, of `Ontario, "talking in-
formally to persons like your-
selves," to determine the needs of
the people in various regions. "We
are going t eke the individual
master of goy nrnent," he said
amid applaus -
The leader praised the qualifica-
tions of Dr. Alex. Addison, of. Clin-
ton, first-baallot choice of Huron
I,4iberals as' candidate -to oppose
Charles MacNaughton of Exeter,
PC, in the May 12 by-election.
• "He .is -'the answer," Mr. Winter-
meyer said, "to what I have been
urging: give us good candidates
and we will win Ontario."
Of six men. proposed- at - the
convention, attended by more -than
300 in. Hensall town hall, three
allowed their names to stand: Dr.
Addison, nominated by. Becher
•Menzies • and Ivan Kalbfleisch;
Harry Strang,' Usborne township
clerk, nominated by Hugh Hill ,and
Garnet Hicks; and James Doig, ex -
reeve of Tuckersmith, proposed by
Ivan Forsyth and Earl Gampb 11.
`'Withdrawing were Gordon c -
Gavin, Mcleillop; John Armstrong,
Londesbaro, and Andrew McLean,
former -1VI.P. for Huron -Perth.
Dr. Addison, a medical practi-
''oner for 20 years in this county,
isclosed an ambition to "get to
bronto and nag, and see if we
can get more general practitioners
to carry on the work in Huron."
"4I • think it is' vital," he said,
"The only thing, that keeps our
men happy is that we have five
good hospitals in the county, Vial enthusiasm shown at the provincial
if we get frozen out, as in big city convention last Week.
hospitals, Qur men-- are going to.. "We, -have gone around the-
lose interest. We want ' a .chance clock," he said; "and it is our time,
to work in hospitals in the big in Ontario. The -Government in
centres, and that is one ' reason Toronto has grown old and tired."
I ani' willing to sacrifice some of James Doig said that had it not
my work and try to bring this been that the economy of the
about. country, "throt'gh Literal govern -
"Mr. Dunlop can say there is no meat at Ottawa, has been able to
shortage of teachers, but anybody stand" such expenditure, Mr. Frost
who has been on a.high school or would find himself in considerable
public school board knows that ,difficulty." n the subject of high -
isnot true," the andidate said. ways, •he said. that "only a •few
"We must get some help for higher years ago No., 8 was in little better
education: condition than when Col. VanEg-
Work With Farmers ' mond rode- to support -William
"When farmers are well off, Lyon Mackenzie."
everybody is well off. I think it "This is one of the most import -
is the duty of any representative alit elections in our history," de -
to work together with the farmers Glared Harry Strang; "pick the best
and get their ideas of what should man, and I will support .him."
be done in Toronto." A. Y. McLean charged that there
President B. W. Tuckey of Ex- was no need to call the by-election
eter, who conducted the two-hour --there would likely be a general
meeting efficiently, spoke of the election in the fall, and the man
Jack Scott Heads
Kinsmen Club
4iJnck, Scott succeeds Len L'1VICGee
as president- of Goderich Kinsmen
Club. Other new -officers elected
at the club's meeting Monday night
were: first vice-president, Bert
Worsell; second vice-presidontr
Bruce . Clifford; secretary, Doug
Gordon; registrar, Ken Miller;
directors, Doug Whitfield, Earl
Rawson, Bill Beacom. installation
of "officers will take place early in
e tember.
S p
.I�•nins -say -
-tile next ew years, said-MCcrtitiel:l'ltrr ---"Coming-to-priority, t" Y
Sully. the safety of the water supply
Reeve James Donnelly asked Dr. comes first," said Dr. Berry.
Berry if any money could be saved Councillor Tipple: "If anything
through some -arrangement where- happens to our water supply, sew -
by the hospital used the town's age won't mean anything."
water intake..or the townis d -th Dr. Berry --said he -had- no first -
hospital's water intake. . hand experience re - the - Ranney
' Dr. Berry replied that engineers
of the OWRC and Department of
Public Works are.now .consider ing .
'a similar proposal involving a com-
bined water supply system for
Chatham and a provincial hospital
at Cedar Springs, which is about
10 or more miles from Chatham.-
hatham.The engineers are - trying to ascer-
tain the cost of a combined system �
as compared to separate systems, .
he said. . Arrived On
PUC n the In first Boat
Sitting in � on the Council meet-
and Thomas Taylor, p
PUC,,manager, and J. J. Heffernan,
of M. M. Dillon & Co. Ltd., the First boat into Goderich Harbor 1 the winter fleet in the harbor, 11
ineering firm which primed --for the season arrived Tuesday have left 'now, leaving only the
Altadoc and six barges.
Latest boats to leave were the
Grovedale and -Parkdale which
sailed from here on Wednesday.
Friday of last week saw the
greatest exodus. The Everetton
pulled out at 1 p.m., followed by
the Algorail at 3 .eft.
At 7 p.m. the Saskadoc cleared,
followed by the Prindoc at 7.15.
These • boats made a pretty sight
as they steamed out into the sunset
and many people watched the
lovely scene from Lighthouse
Next Step
Mayor Fisher asked Dr. Berry
what he would recommend as
Council's next step:'_
Dr. Berry replied that the town
now must make a decision on
whether to proceed with the Ran-
ney-plan or the conventional plan -for -a -new--•water--syst-env:_ �__._ . on Wednesday; i1Vi�ay 1:
Pressed for his -opinion on the It was felt at last week's meeting
Ranney system, Dr. Berry com- that members of the three-man
mented: "It's not only the Ranney commission should have more time
system . ... any well is a gamble, to study the, brief before the mat -
especially so when you are sitting ter is discussed. Constable Mortin
on a body of -water .like yo . " . mitted -the.-"_rief,
Deputy -Reeve MacEwan said that Its contents will be- • disclose
at the May 7 meeting, which, like
other commission meetings, will
be open to the press and public.
�Oonatable Horan -- appeared . -at
last week's meeting to request that
he be classified as a first•class c(rn-
stable because of his previous
police experience. The promotion
he has requested, would carry a
laycettes Host
To Stratford
Goderich Jaycettes welcomed the
Stratford Jaycettes as special
guests to their -dinner meeting
Wednesday of last week at Tiger
Dunlop Inn. Favors were found at
each place at the table and the
door prize was won by Mrs. Audrey
Kuenzie. Blessing was asked by
Mrs. N. T. Ormandy.
Guest speaker was Miss Gertrude
Wilkes of the Huron County Child-
ren's Aid who gave a talk on
Boarding Homes.- Miss Wilkes was
introduced by Mrs. Frank Young,
and thanked by Mrs. Jack Mitchin-
son. -
The business meeting was con-
ducted by the president; Mrs. Rod
MacCuspey. It was decided to give
a, donation to the Girl Guides and
Brownies. Mrs. Frank Young,
social convener, reported that the
club's St. Patrick's Day dance was
a success. It was decided to hold
a rummage sale in May.
After. the' business ` meeting, a
successful penny auction was held.
. 4
Constable's Brief
To Be Discussed
At SpeciaI Mee
In o ericNextWeek.
A new industry comes- to Goderich Armouries are - being
Goderich next week with the renovated and prepared for
arrival of five • large presses the new work. Soxpe seven
r_„wfrom the parent firm, Dear- or eight men will be employed
barn Steel Tubing, of Dear- at the start.
born, Michigan. This firm sup- A little later, possibly next
plies hundreds of 'thousands year, a tube mill will be set
of tail pipes for cars assembl- up to produce the tail pipes
ed in Canada and also for re- completely in Goderich. The
placements. e....„,„„„„;..,- . raw steel will be shipped in
• For some tune .now, '- it has here by boat from Sault Ste.
used ` the former Goderich (Marie for the manufacture of
curies on Newgate street •the tail pipes Additional men
for storing the- - tail pipes and machinery will then be
'which are then -• distributed if needed- for the-- stepped-up
- from ,here to, various. pats of operation. Purpose of locat-
Ontario -and beyond. Now, ing the plant Here is to avoid
they plan to put 'in presses to the present custom duty that
bend the tail pipes here, in- now has to be paid when car
stead of- at Dearborn, as has tail pipes are imported into
been done in the past. The Canada from the United States.
Rev. R. G. MacMillan attended
the meetings of the Synod of Ham-
ilton and London held at -First
Presbyterian Church, Chatham, on
j Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Esther Garrow, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with- Mr. and
Mrs, E. -M. Lee at their summer ,
cottage. ,
Week -end visitors with Mrs.
Susan Grigg were her daughter,
Mrs. Fletcher Gilders, Mr. ,Gilders
and Mrs. Grigg's granddaughter,
Miss Barbara Cilders, champion
swimmer, of Detroit. IA
Mr. Chas. ' F. Breckow has re-
turned after spending a week with
his granddaughter, Mrs. M. C.
Brocklebank, and Mr. Brocklebank,
of Toronto.
Mrs. Martha Patterson, of - Rip-
ley, president of- the Rebekah As-
sembly of Ontario, was the guest
of her.brother, Kenneth R. Bell,'
and Mrs. Bell, Wolfe street, while -
on her official visit to the Rebekah
Lodges of Huron District No. 23. •
VIrandMrs HenryWynantof
Grand Rapids, Michigan, spent' the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Scott
A brief presented to Goderich Young, Cambria road. Mrs. E. A.
Police �Oommissian at • its meeting Wynant and son, Scott, returned
last week will be discussed at a with them for a short visit. -
special meeting of the commission Miss Eva Somerville, who has
--been•-•"living. at Meaferd, recently
returned to Goderich and leas, taken
up residence at her newly pur-
chased home at corner of Elgin
-avenue and Market street.
Mr. and (Mrs. J. C. Videan, of
Detroit spent the week -end with
Mr. Videan's sister, Mt' . D. J: Pat-
terson, and Mr. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Joan and
Walter have just returned from
a three-- weeks' trip -to Edmonton„
Alta., • and Victoria, B.C. -
�M�rs. M. E. Sutcliffe joined her
ship, the SS Forestdale, at Hamil-
ton recently::. Other goderich per-
sons- on the same ship are Charles
Fenner, •Eldon - Austin, William
Littlechild, (Ray Fuller and Graham
Danny Toruk has • returned to
Thoreld after visiting with has
grandmother, Mrs. Annie Morgan.
water system—the lower cost water the Ranney firm would allow the
plan which he Council has been town to defer payment of 70 per -
stud i —b ._"there is always_a
gamble” when one goes Under-
ground for water.
Deputy -Reeve •MacEwan said
cent of the contract price for five
Reeve Donnelly said- he felt that
the town should go aheaa with a
there was a difference of about new water plant and "not let the
350,000 between the Ranney plan sewage plot put tis off the track"
ing were three members of the
Public Utilities Commission Chair- ''
man R. G. Johnston, W. J. Mills T u e s d a• 11 -Have Left
Elmer Weaver, �/- •
the preliminary report ori a pro- evening when the Imperial Hanul-
posed new sewage;•,treatment plant ton steamed in light from Sarnia..
for the town. - 1 Normally the first boat in is one
Opening discussion, May or bringing gasoline,,but ,in this case
Fisher recalled that -the OWRC had the Imperial Hamilton name in for
refused to approve estensio of a - load of gasoline from the Im-
sewers to the land assembly plan perial Oil storage tanks here to
and to the Clingan subdivision. take elsewhere. Changing the ser -
Permission had been given to the vice of the tankage at Goderich by
town only after Council agreed to Imperial Oil is given as the reason
hire engineers to prepare -a report for this move.
on a new sewage disposal plant. 1 Skipper of the Imperial Hamil-
"We do want Goderich to -go on ton, Capt. H. A. McLellan, of
with this as quickly as possible," Sarnia, was presented with the tra-
stated Dr. Berry. the pointed• out ditional silk hat by 'Councillor C.
that his commission -is responsible M. Robertson, chairman of the
for dealing with pollution of On- Members of the tht and arbor own council
ria-•; `'S-; 'r• .11 .4 .4, 6 ...4i a: i, " a% fi� .u.
"Why' earl . ' � �- _ _
1,000 feet dut into the a e. as ed- tT T vii all" To the 'be'efr i'611;
Deputy -Reeve Peter S. MaeEwan.' Second mate on the boat is Donald
He wondered if the waters of -the Vickers, of Goderich. -
lake wouldr dilute !:- $ Puri the' The ocean-going Imperial Quebec
` , A , - 4.! • . �.. !I e
that far. - first ,hoat in almost two wee s ago
Besides feeling that this method but the abnormal ice conditions
would b
e unsatisfactoryt Dr. Berry at the lower end of Lake Huron
`' sl trtitt''-ttte0st„''�of itch lari$=heel zi. baokry=its=: d.epartuxe.••awi the nth.
might he rather high. !result that it was sent to another
Continuing along this line, the port with its load.
deputy -reeve noted that during the . First bout in last year was Im-
high flow which follows a storm, perial London which arrived on
ld be a by-pass and some -March 25. Consequently., „the first
For some reason
boats waited until
night , before they
or other, three
just after mid -
cleared. They
o. ir' KAMM M ....4.'.ice_. Matarralna-'i's~
scheduled to return to Goderich
harbor today with the flrst load
of grain for here from the Lake -
e d this season.
r •oa o
bor for the season was the -James
Stewart ,on 'Monday, April 14. She
A. A. lludson.
Men ' are at work -cleaning up
Harbor Beach and there . i. ,snore
of -it than ever before due t the
low water level. From the water's
there woo
sewage would have to be sent out. boat n-. 'his spring is , about ,a edge to the western end of the
to the lake without being fully month later than in 1957.
inshade house oil the beach measures
treated. (Goderich has combined Of the 18 boatit" a'nxl'^barges of same 100 feet.
salary increase with it.
Mayor Ernie C. Fisher is chair-
man - of the recently -established
commission. Other members are
Magistrate D. E. Holmes and Judge
Frank Fingland.
The Goderich Community Concert
dinner at St,' eorge's Parish Hall
J. Stuart Nall, of New York. From
association president; Miss Helen
Mr. Nall.
Association held a campaign
When the guest speaker was
left Co right are: John Walls,
Videan, campaign chairman;
S.S. Photo .by R.H.
Mrs. N. T. Ormandy and Miss
Una MacDonald were in Toronto
last week to attend the Provincial
meeting of the Girl Guides Associ-
ation held at Victoria College.
They also attended the Gold Cord
Ceremony held in Convocation Hall,
University of Toronto,- when 267
Guides from all parts of the pro-
vinee were presented with - the
highest award in Guiding profic-
iency, the Gold Cord.
Mrs. John 'Hindmarsh is spending
a month with relatives in Tampa,
Florida. -
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baechler, of
Ludington, Mich., spent a few days
with his cousin, ;Miss Anna Moser,
of Goderich.
The annual Father and Son ban-
quet. 'of the Maitland Air Cadets
is being held at the Legion Hall
this evening at 6.30 o'clock. Since
this is Air Cadet Week the Gode-
rich and Stratford squadrons will
hold a church parade to Knox
Church on Sunday. On Saturday
the annual tag day will be held
Mrs. Frank Curry was named
convener -of -the -penny -sale- -to--be
held in September by the Hospital
Auxiliary. The annual hospital tea
is to be held in May in connection
with the official opening of the new
wing. -
Ex -Mayor, Wife
50 -Years Wed
A former mayor of- Goderich,
John E. Huckins, and his wife cele-
brated -their 60th wedding anniver-
sary at their home on Blake street
Saturday. -
Present ' for the occasion were
their -four Sons, Ormond, Bert and
Reg., all of Goderich, and Fl/Sgt.
P. J. Huckins, of Winnipeg; and
their daughter, Mrs. Frank J.
Chase,- of Stratford. Many other
relatives were also present. Mr.
and 'Mrs. - Huckins have 19 grand-
children and six _great-grandchild-
ren. down to r realizationi�at 'fhb` Tftli=
Fl/Sgt. P. J. Heckles arrived dividual is the important man in
here Friday afternoon after -motor- society, - and his needs -must be -
ing 1,206 miles from Winnipeg to met. We are net a party of the
Goderich in 30 hours, without stop- cult of leadership; you are as im-
ping for rest. portant as any official , in the party.
A three -tiered wedding cake Liberal Principle -
graced the, table for the anniver- "After we have had an oppo -
sary dinner, and the house was
decorated with daffodils and bronze
mums. Mr. and (Mrs. •Huckins were
presented ' with a number of pre- can set 'sail, and which will lae of
tents. M¢•. Huckins iso• in his 72nd assistance to all the"' people. Our
year and Mrs. Huckins is in her policy will not be one of eat
71st year. - iency,- but one of traditioxlal Ledr•
She is the former Elizabeth rLax- eral principle, and we will fight
ton. They were married in the the issues of the day on _principle
Anglican .Church in the small vil-
lage of Lillingstone Lovell. in Buck -j portunity to -choose--between. -per
inghamshire, England, on April 20, ciple and expediency. '
1908. "They (the Conservatives) have
had no policy on education. Out,
broadly, is this: we will assure that
rto child in Ontario -lacks the op-
portunity to develop to the limit of , ...
his ability because of financial dis,
ability. Any child given the abil-
ity to absorb education at the high-
er levels will have the opportunity
to go to university, irrespective of
whether or not he can afford it.
elected now might ,never Sit 10 the
.present Legislature, but the lam.
wei can dois show Mr Frost .
will change."
Wintermeyer, who clew from
Kitchener to Centralia after a pm-
viously. Scheduled radio TV appear-
ance, was received with cheer's by
a standing audience on/ arrival.
9,40. Ten minutes later, the
scrutineers reported Dr. Addison k.
elected as ;candidate, and Messrs,.
Strang and Doig made it nor
aliirtafiis. __
"I' hope we can work together
in the next few weeks and mak
if pos ible - said Dr A,ingsoca i
a brief speech of acknowledgment,
"I. have a few good Conservative
friends and I hope they will see
the light."
W. J. Kelterborn, of bIilverton.
Liberal candidate in Perth, offered
any- help his organization could
give. ,
James Scott, Seaforth, who in-
trodu ;dV-51F. Winternneyer, said
the servatives "have developed
a m hod of winning elections: all
theyhave -to-do-is buy votes --Huron
is •1 get a 1,300 -bed hospital. The
ele tors of Huron county cannot be
the new leader, he 'said:
"There .is no man of higher prio
ciples, greater integrity and sin-
.cerity in public life in Canada to-
day. We have a man of outstand-
ing intellectual capacity, _a _ gradu-
ate of - three universities, a man
who has earned the support of the
people who know him best,' --
"The compulsive spending for
the purpose of buying power'is nog
good enough for Liberals," Mr.
Wintermeyer said. "We .must get
tunfty to correctly determine tom.
needs of the people, we are going
to build a platform on which- we
The Goderich Parent Teacher As-
sociation. met in the school on
Wednesday of last week with Mrs.
H. •Enzensberger in the chair.
Various reports were given and
Mrs.-Enzensberger reported on the (Applause). Ninety per cent. of
Provincial Convention held in Tor- the -cost of university "education
onto on April 7th. Mr. J. Hefter today is borne by parents or
reported on the Filen Council's
meeting on April 10th and Mrs.
K. _McAstocker reported on the
success' of the spring tea and bake
sale. -
It was decided to give certificates
to the members of the first com-
munion class and the confirmation
A nominating committee of J.
Graf, Mrs. C. Schneiker and T. J.
Drennan, was requested to bring
in a slate of officers at the next
meeting. -
-Sister-Mary.lmma•cullate's...r oom-
won the attendance award,
About -17 tons of paper were
shipped out to Toronto by Gode-
rich - Kinsmen Club following the
paper drive on Wednesday of last
Date of the Teen-age Road -e -o
at Sky Harborhas been changed
from May 7 to May 14.
Due to the pressure of pol-
itical and other advertising
arriving late for, this week's -
issue, The Signal -Star regrets
.that a number of news items
were crowded out. We would
ask the pardon of our readers
and remind advertisers of the
necessity for early advertising
copy to properly gauge the
number of pages necessary in
time to make required adjust-
Daniel James Rose, .B';.1-, Gode-
rich, has been appointed Student
Assistant in Huron County from
April 28th until his return to Col-
-lege in September. - Dan is a grad-
uate of the Diploma Course and
has completed his second year to-
wards his dcoree.
Most of Mr. Rose's work will be
in assisting A. S. Bolton in the
Junior Program in the County. He
is a native of Bruce County.
Victoria Helpers met Monday
evening with, the president, Mrs.
Ernest Patterson, in charge. The
church tables have been attractive-
ly remodelled by Graham MrNee.
An antependia in memory of Mrs.
Mew, an honorary president who
passed away last fall, was dedicated
by Rev. S. A. Moote recently. The
May meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Fred McCullough on
Bruce street.,
"We will definitely undertake a
solution of the teacher shortage.,
We have to reinstate the teaching
profession as the most honored off
all, if we are to do battle with
the scientific age in which we live.
'IMy criticism of Queen's Park
in regard to agriculture is that
by their inability to decide exactly
what they are going to dothey
have put the farmer in a positioe
where he cannot help himself and
his. farm organiza_tionr annpt,help�_1
-oriel. This situation must be re-
"We- have in the House 80 Pro-
gressive Conservatives, four vae-
ancies and 1-1 Liberals. Only by
more effective opposition can we
do more for our -eause:- - We -are-"-
interested in good government, and ,
we will attain that by a stronger
Opposition. Do your job, and we
will then, and only then,- -be -able
tcp do ours."
William Cochrane, thanking Mr.
"Wintermeyer on behalf of the
audience, expressed his own thanks
for support received as federal
"The road back to Ottawa is
through Toronto," he said, "and
the road to Toronto is trough
Dr. Addison." .
The Eastern Star held a card
party at the Masonic Temple last
Friday evening. Mrs. J. Seaman
won the prize for bridge, Mrs. B.
Crane and Mr. Bolton for euchre
and Mrs. H. Vines and Mr. II.'
Adams for "500". Lunch - .rouses
served by Mrs. Roy Bentley anti
her committee.
Provincial Grants
Cut Tax Rate 2
Due partly to increased provin-
tlWn's 1x350 tag'ri e*
50* two-
mills lower than in 1957.
At a special Council meeting
i1Vlonday night, the new rates Were
residential and farm properties and
67.25 mills on industrial and corn-
ni rcial r�o:perties.•w4_
,, mell o
a�seiT on an a� s
$,5x829,862 (up from $5.783,520 last
year), the new tax rates will' yield
$382,321. This sum, coupled with
grants from other sources, will
finance total expenditures of
$525,975 (compared to $5338,173 last
year). 0 -
The new budget provides $24,0001 years of continuous employment,
tit it is expected.--that--this-•-work
will be subsidized 75 percent by
the. Province under new legislation
re connecting links. -
Council allowed for the following
salary increases, retroactive to
.fanu�� ry l,, forto m yyteoy�ees:
r wn c% ani reasurer
'I�"Bfa�ce, i`o ,
$400 per annum; E. H. Jeso , 'as-
sessor and tax celleetor, $200; W.
`A. Black, $100; Marion MVracKay,
$100; Roy Meriam, $82.
Employees of the public weeks
depaftmen' Were. -granted two
weeks' vacation with pay lifter two
an hour.
The new budget includes $19,500
for Goderich Recreation and Arena
Committee. Part of this amount
from last year when the
oomfnttee's budget was $14,500.
Debenture • ebt champ, will .
ti about '$i'f , i " t ns" y"ear'"` ec use ° 'N
of the first payment coming tI
on the hospital wing debentttr
The water, fight and With& CO�i
mittee, headed by CotMeiilor''.
Roberouttso$1n, has i'i
ab,5,00 inanebeetills . alto in t•
improvements at Snug. trarbori