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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-17, Page 10
Excerpts From Town.oderi.c. 44though the cu• rrent financial, position of tke Town of 8 - REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET >tapgderich Was. uri aired by an operating 'deficit of • $17,550,98, this lin•` �. ;7 .:u. =a' w:x,• .,C,r: ,,'.0.vS:yw+r,•xd ,,I.K: x..°.iuw",Rk t¢a�.:9..r ''""�..,r -Y< U.`Y,s' ,x ;4 "'7'. r ? e5it:W,<rl'1C•a~Tyya.. � � �etS e7ce � � '��� *�+ � cI ,b �fi'e e s from of•,the old High School Building for $17,000.00. In setting the 1957 budget, this $17,000.00 was taken into account and therefore\the year's operations have been kept within the overall budget estinihtes. AUDITOR'S .REPORT March 15, 1958 !,1'he, Mayor, Members of Council and Ratepayers The, Corporation of the Town of Goderich, Goderich, Ontario. Dear Sirs: I have audited the accounts and records of the Town of Goderich for the year ' endet} Decmber 31, 1957 and have prepared therefrom the Statements listed in the Index accompanying this Report. Balance Sheets ,All bank balances have been reconciled witn amounts con- firmed directly to me b37 your ,Bankers. Securities and gust deposits were either verified by examin- ation or by letter received directly from the depository. Revenue- Fund Balance Sheet Cash on hand $2,063.97 The cash on hand was made up of the following: Cash on hand -tax collector 1,963.97 Change fund: . General 25.00 Tax collector 50.00 Petty cash fund police 25.00 \ 2,063.97 Cash in bank $4,552.81 The undernoted bank balances make up this amount: General account 573.5 • Debenture debt account 3,381.34 MacKay Hall account` 597.82 • Due from Province of Ontario $15,668.74 The _fallowing. estimated subsidies receivable .. upt4his,,.,balanee� . _....•.. • . Highways Improvement Relief Taxes receivable $60,198.58 Negative tax verifications were mailed to all tax payers in arrears as at December 31, 1957. The following table sets out the taxes outstanding as at December 31, for the past five years: 1957 1956 1955 1954 4,552,$1 in 1958, make 15,430.00 238.74 15,668.74 60,198.58 56,796.94 .57,050.53 56;52413- 1953 6;524.13 1953 55,651.69 Revenue and Expenditure=Account The ..,operations for 1957 resulted in a deficit of $17,550.98 compared with a, surplus of $1,264.99 for 1956. Presented below is a condensed comparative Statement of Revenue .and Expenditure for . the three years ended December 31, 1957, 1956 and 1955. Revenue Taxation Debenture debt charges able Contributions, . grants and sub- sidies County of Huron rebates Licenses and permits Interest. and tax penalties Other revenues Miscellaneous Year ended December 31 1957 19561955 389,772.93 379,825.76 331,201.08 recover - 42,448.98 42,401.30 43,250.33 • Expenditure General government Protection to persons and property Public works, roads and streets Sanitation and waste removal Conservation of health Relief assistance " w. , Education Recreation and community service Debenture debt charges ,Diseou-nt,••:fer taxes Taxes ' written off by Court of Revision - County. rates Miscellaneous Capital expenditure out of Current Revenue Prior year's deficit 53,714.27 12,573.10 2,311.75 3,514.95 10,192.12 6,094.48 41,311.98 58,742.05 10,492.84, 9,757.81 2,250.25 2,224.00 3,259.03 3,326.31 10,718:96 10,406.06 3,457.20 2,918.37 520•,622.58 493,717.32 461,826,01 27,197.87 29,659.34 44,354.55 42,424.28 50,433.71 52,7.19 12,281.20 11,4 .99 4,616.77 4,603.96 3,021.42 2,826.13 176,157.45 -148,046.17 49,758.73 57,828.54 73,47.46 72,386.16. 2,1, 9.84 .2,157.22 1,462.43 464.04 70,585.98 65.716.05 2,824.85 10,861.30 2,151.26 27,530.44 42,918.14 63,882.24 9,837.49 4,080.39 2,282.24 123,182.94 19-48 Arena 42,537.16. 21-50 Fire Equipment 63,442.95`'•2.1-551 Paving Square _. 1,936.06 24-55 Town Clock 11-56 Hospital • . 852.28 55,314.05 51.05 Assets Cash on hand Cash in bank Accounts Receivable Sundry Total Due from Province of Ontario Capital funds . Taxes Receivable ,(Schedule 5) Other Assets MacKay Hall building Total' Assets Liabilities Temporary Loans , (Schedule 6) .... .. .. .. . Accounts Payable Debentures and Coupons Due Principal •Interest Due to other Municipalities Due to Schools . Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) Surplus (Form C) .... ...... Total Liabilities and Surplus 2,063.97 4,552.81 6,616.78 457.64 457,64 457:64 15,668.74 3,838,41 3,838.41 60,198458 60,198.58 Y-, 3,900.00 3.,900.00 90,680.15 22,000.00 7,013.84 • 3,000.00 371.40 3,371.40 Other Revenues- , ° .",,._ `,''39'1, _ s244,2'i, : . . 1,6 2,3 .. , 2474.97 8,869.22. Fines Service Charges Recreation and Community Service§ Discount pf County rates ...... . ,...: HEPC, street light refund Share of Housing Project profit Sundry • ,* Hospitalization refunds Gross Total Revenue ...... . n Deficit for the year, . Total Revenue Section Expenditure General Government - Executive and Legislative . Administrative Other . 5;963,42 27,197.87 Protection to Persons and Property 1,759.30 2,330.10 991.9, 34f`'.8.5 73.9.82 6,09448 2,794.05 18}440'40 520,622.58 17,550.98 538,13.56 - • . Actual 3,117.29 Fire 818.61 , Police Law Enforcement Street Lighting Protective Inspection 51,065.05 �. Public Works -roads, highways and streets, 90,680.15 etc. , Sanitation awl Waste Removal Conservation of ;health Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Relief .Assistance Education, including debt charges (Schedule 9) - .... Recreation .and Community Services Debt Charges " . Actual. , Debenture. debt changes (Schedule 11) 389,772.93 Less own share of school debt charges • 3,293.96 3,293.96 D = STATEMENT QF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1957 Revenue Total Revenue from Taxation .(Schedule 3) .. Debenture • Debt Charges Recoverable (Sche- dule 12) ................... Contributions, Grants and Subsidies (Coverments: Canada . ...... Onta's- Children's Protection, Direct Relief .... _ Homes for the Aged .... .... _ .... Fire. and Police :...... .. .. Highway _Improvement Unconditional Per Capita Grants Other -Recreation Other Municipalities -County of Huron Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Portion of taxes written off or refunded - recovered 710.53 1,625.38 2,005.34 214.74 25,500.00 18,997.50 2,938.78 12,573.10 •11,918.13 21,547:26 32.00 8,550.14 2,307.02 44,354.55 59,433.71 12,281.20 4,616.77 3,021.42 .3,021.42 116,628.90 44,378.52 42.448.98 - 72,250.38 Interest and other charges 1,207.08 1,722.00 51,992.27 12,573.10 2,311.75 3,514.95 . 1,323.90 . 1,323.90' NOTE: -Include summary of amounts at foot of statement Date of Final Maturity. Interest Z 10-47 0 - a 0 Hospital 4,255.00 , 538,173.56 492,452.33 442,162.43 17,550.98 1,264.99 19,663.58 15,691.46 Surplus -or deficit for year 17,550.98 1,264.99 3,972.12 The results of the operations of the other Boards and Com- mission for 1957 were as follows: . Public Utilities Commission Hydro -surplus 43,288.56 Water Supply System -deficit 7,198.33 Goderich District Collegiate Institute -deficit 1,587.72 Goderich Public School -surplus 9,218.19 Goderich Separate School -surplus 3,757.38 Maitland Cemetery $card -deficit 945.47 Goderich Recreatiorf' and Arena Committee -deficit ' 3,535.18 Goderich Public Library Board -surplus 316.33 General Section 51 of The Assessment Act has not been complied with insofar as it affects the, various Boards and Commissions of the County of Huron. -Respectfully submitted, A M. HARPER, x. Chartered Accountant A'- CAPITAL •AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET 7lecerfber 31, 1957 Assets General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation ,- Collegiate and High Due from Utilities and other Municipal ' prises (for Debentures) Water Supply System Electric Light and Power Sousing Due from other Municipalities (for tures Assumed -Schedule 2) Cash. Debenture Debt-KGeneral Tgratin Other General Debt Local Improvements Schools Collegiate and High Public Utilities and other Water 'Supply .System ',Electric tight and Power • ' I-foosin - . Liabilities 421.7g12.00 209,500.00 243,114.16 452,614.16 Enter - 80,500.00 97,50000 10,507.53 188,507.53 Deben- 238,385.84 5,156.40 1,306,455.93 0 1.. 1947 1949 1950 1955 1955 1957 1 a E ' co 0 • n z H a • x 11 2 7 1958 3 A 20 1 8 1969 3 A 7 1 12 1957 3 A 5 1 11 1960 41/2 A 11- 1 11 1966 41/2, A 20 1 " 6 1977 51,:2 A> 13=51 Goderich Collegiate 1951 20 1 8 1971 22-49 .Public School . ......1949 20 1 8, 1969 Local Improvements 20 10 20 10 15 15 10 10 15 20 15 10 15 10 15 24-49 27-49 22-50 38-51 39-51 31-52 32-53 13-54 14-54 26-54 27-55 28-55 2456 25-56 27-57 „ • „ • „ 1949 1949 1960 1951 1951 1953 195$" 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1957. 1957 1957 1 1 11 1 1 1 22 21 1 1 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 88 8 10 10 6 12 Public Utilities -Water Supply 45-49 .1950 15 1 8 37-51 , • 1952 20 .1 . 2 1753 1953 15. 1 8 Public Utilities Commission -Hydro 1854 1951 20 1 7 1971 4 A NC C 1 125,000.00 97,500.00 5,000.00 4,100.00 9,100.00 39-55 Housing 1955 5 31 3 1960 41, . A NC C, I 17,512.55 ' 10,507.53 3,502.51 601.75 4,104.26 1969 1959 1970 1961 1966 1968 1963 1964 1969 1974 1970 1965 1972 1967 1972 1965 1972 1968 4 A 3% A '31/2 A 3 A A 31/2 A 34/2 A 5 A 5 A 5 .A 5 A -A A A AA A 31/2 3% 4'r, 4,4 5 5 • 5'12 1 Discount for Taxes , Taxes written off • Capital Expenditures out of Revenue (Sche- dule 13) Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates...,..;,. ................,...................,...., °.; - 7.0,585.98- 7.0,:5.98 • Miscellaneous • Taxes refunded 633.02 Provision for deferred income 2,191.83 2,824.85 176,157.45 49,758.73. 73,457.46 2,159,84 1,462.43 - 10,861.30 Gross Total Expenditure Total Expenditure Section -- DEBENTURE DEBT in accordance with Debt Classification_ set out on Capital Balance 1957 Debt' Charges. • U 0 C NC NC NC NC NC 0• 0 C 6 I C I C I C I C I C-1 NC C 1 NC C `1 311,000:06 209,500.00 14,000.00 `17,263.75 21,263.75 •r - ""JM +.4 �:1 -sat • 0 cel .0 _ d Ev e . _9= • Wig. w be'. 0 c 7.) E .....0 c °r-' +' a • , Cit a; w • E a� � a 0 12,000.00 2,000 00 2,000.00 .5_.8 120.00 2,120.00 75,000.00 51,000.00 , 3,000.00 1,620.00 4,620.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 30.00 1,030.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 4,000.00 720.00 4,720.00 6,600.00 5,400.00 600.00 270.00 " 870.00 125,000.00. 125,000:00 - 245,600.00 195,400.00 10,600.00 2,760.00 13,360.00 620,000.00 481,500.00 •25,500.00 '20,280.00 45,780.00 538,173.56 '538,173.56 Sheet. Debt Charges - Matured and Unpaid • NC C I 16,936.35 11,515.41 NC C I 5,000.00 1,100.00 NC C I 10, 748.00. 7,791.36 NC C I 4,312.03 1,904.46 NC C I 3,589.00, -2,370.63 NC C 1 9,318.65 7,400.00 NC 2 I 2,954.30 ` 1,900.00 NC C I 4,125.00 3,091.12 NC C I 5,240.26 4,482.3'7 • NC C I ,6$,3.75.00" 61,000.00 NC C I 5,474.70 4,936.03 NC C -I , 5,578.00 4,649.'71 NC C I " 2,933.00 ' 2,933.00 NC C '1 - 3,060.00 ' 3.,060.00 NC C 1 ' 8,115.00 8,115.00 3%/, A NC C 1 --5 - A NC, 1;(7 - I 6 A NC C I 761.95 r 429.71 . 4191.66 550.00 49.50 599.50 467i9 289.05 756.24 436.55 61.93 518.48 220.92 90.70 " 31.162 500.00 395.00 895.00 300.00 ' 110.00 , 410.00 361,57 172.63 534.20 268.20 237.53 505.73' 3,009.00 2,400.00" 5,400.00 275.26 234.51 509.77 474.36 ` 230.58 704.94 155;768.29, .126,249.09' 7,616.00 4,721.14 12,7.14 60,000.00 18,000..00 40,000.00 35,500.00 13,000.00 32,000.00 4,000.00- 1,283.76 1,000.0 70000. 2,000.0. 1,700.00 118,000.00 80,500.00 7,000.00 3,683.75 5,283.75 1,700.00 3;700.00 10,683.75 Name of By Law Assuming ,o. Municipality 13-1959 Tow fo}d ps of Ash Colborne Goderich Hullett . East Wawanosh West Wawanosh w 0 11.,4011.00 195,400.00' .. . 'F d 126,249.09 •" So•0" 1,592,880.84 _1,201,156.6.2 73,218.51 2 - DEBENTURE DEBT ASSUMED BY OTHER MUNICIPALITIES December 31, 1957 ' • {Included in Schede 1) 1957 Debt Charges nc Assumed 11.2856 16.1160 8.7564 2.2160 2.4472 8.6978 Total per Balance Sheet Unmatured Principal Assumed 54,340.16 77,598.54 42,162.07_ 10,670.04 11,783.27 41,831.76 Principal' Interest Total 2,877.83 ' 2,288.72 4,109.58 • 3,268.32 2,232.88 - 1,775.80 56.08 •449.40 624.04 • 496.29 2,215.39 1,761.90 238,385.84 • 9 - COST OF EDUCATION-, For the year ended December 31, 195'1 Overlevy or 5,166.55 7,377.90 4,008.6+8 1,014.48 1,120:33 - ' 3,97749 22,665.23 a 2,000.00 1,000.00 43,410.39 116,628.90, '3,000.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .,- WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM -I.-nv,PZI-ori.044/MVATATAT.YAM4sAtick. §,11.4 December 31, 1957' Assets " ,Current Cash 11,684.97 Accounts Receivable .. 4 ti 530;08 530.08'' ,Inventories 7,529.82 'Total Current Assets Capital-=-iUtlii'ty.,' Plant Plant and Equipinent 334,985.51 Transmission and Distribution System - .' ' t•.,, 59,501.:03.., Other dt 3,,05 397,970.39 Less Reserves for'Depreciation 97,298.78 310,671.61' 19,794.$7. Total Assets 320,416.48 Liabilities Cent -- Accounts Payable PrU.C. Hydro ',Petal Current Liabilities Capital • 118.25- 8,182.83 8,301.08• DebeSure Debt Due -to Capital arid Loan Ftind (GeneralSection) net 80,500,00 Surplus ' Capital -Debentures Redeemed • - 226,082.17' Earned 5,533.23 231,615A0 Total -Liabilities and Surplus '' 320,416.48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. P-2 - EARNED SURPLUS ACCOUNT December 31, 1957 • r - �' Debit . 'Credit Balance at beginning of year :,:.. 12,731.56: Deficit for the Year - 7,198.33 - Total of Debit and Credit Columxs 7,198.33 12,731.56. Balance of -Surplus or Deficit at year end ' , 5,533.23, P-3-- WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM R EVENUE AND EXPENDITURE .STATEMENT Tor the Year Ended December- 31, 1957 Revenue 'Sale of Water: r Residential.. �..... ... 39 581.00 H -drant Rental......,.... 5,426.54. '45-,007:54, Balance Miscellaneous Income: Installations and other revenue 1,112,57 Total Income -• Deficit for the year Total Income Section Statistics Population Served Inside Municipality . Ainount of Surplus Paid` over in year to Municipality in accordance with Sec. 35, Public Utilities Act Source of Supply, River, Lake, Springs, Surface Well, 'Deep Well, or Purchased Method of Supply, Gravity or Force Miles of, Mains Number of Hydrants within Municipality Expenditure - Administration and General • Customers' -Billing and Collecting Power and Pumping Maintenance 724.52 :operation 17,273.66 17,998.18- 1,112.57: 46,120.11. 7,198.33- 5313.18.44 775• nil Lake Force 24.414 . 93: 9,349.21 . 1,149.77 Purification -Operation 958.19 60.00 Transmission' and Distributibn-Maintenance 6,$12.27 30.00 Depreciation Provision 90:00 Debentyre Debt Charges (Schedule P -3A) Total Expenditure 53,318.44 •: Statistics Method of Ptirification, Chlorination, Filtration .......Chlorination • Production of Water (Thousands of Imperial Gals.) . . 246,770 Consumption of Water (Thousands of lmperidl Gals.) .... 246,770 . Number of Consumers' '(Commercial, Industrial, Resi- 32.50 dential) ti Number of Metered Services " Storage Capacity Imperial Gallons ,Metered Rates Residential N/A 'Commercial --22c per 1000 -gals. for 1st 50,000, 18c per 1000 for next 100,000; balance at 14c per 1000 gals. 958.19 6,812.27 6,367.07 10,683.75. 17.52 50:84' 10.54 80.00 State Basis An which 3'c. --•of As- sumption Determined and. Source of Information Equalized assessment of County Qf Huron Clerk's statement of, Debenture Debt s 371,40 Flat Rates Toilet, no bath- • Tisplet , and bath ,Lawn No bath; .no toilet Current 1 0I 141, 'PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. 14YDRO P-1 - PUBLIC UTILITY 'BALANCE, SHEET December 31, 1957 Assets 12.66 14.66 4.00 8.00 - Cash - 2,150 58 208,000 86;783.06 Investments 36,000.00 Accounts Receivable - 3,407.16 Less Reserve 514.86 2,892.30 Due from Other Funds rj Public Utilities Water Supply Commissipn 4 8,182.83 Inventories Other Current ' Assets Reels and drums ..._ . 397.50 Prepaid insurance . • 52.22 Total Current Assets ..:...., Capital Utility Plant Lands -un Plantildi'angsd Equipment Transmission:W ' and. DistrU?u- tion System , Other T' 3,904.07 w' 79;969.07 '74,705.46 ' 376,415.40 20,651.81 555,645.81 8,182.63 4,204.92 • 449.72 138,513.76 Less 'Reserves for. Dep-reciation- - ,..r. . 136,916:16 418;729.65 .0 • Zither Capital Assets - , Equity in Hydra lectric Power CO'm- 775.82 .mission of Ontario 413 .. , Total Assets Liabilities Dde to Boara ' . ' • E Current „ a) accounts Payable 413,775.82 971,019.23 1,104.40 '1 C:4 ° m `� c' v Total Current liabilities o ..,A Capital 1- • • 481,500.00 691t000.00 w va 0 Municipal Enterprises ��(► ..n • - 80,500.00 Q Q 9 . 97,500.00 u° • - 10,507.53 2~ v) • Total Due to otherr' l:'u'frds w • .. , . Tnve'st'Inertt ..jri• :aP tal Assets G� rick. laiicli aL=:llc��-5 6�:�.�� 188,507.53 Portion of taxes written off by Court of Revision Goderich Separate School Board 412,917 21.76 9,087.02 101.95 1,201,156.62 Portion of taxes written off by Court of Revision 3, 8A1 Goderich District Collegiate Board 5,789,595 8.58 50050.77 09.83 462.27 1'll1 4.60 90 POrtinn of taxes written Off by Court of Revision .�° V c, a 9 Debentiiire Debt • a'A a' .6 a ," •' Due to Capital and Loan Fund (General r., A ea a� . """'" "° °"'• ._ .-t.,_. v.� w 9? -600:" co �, �,-; E a w a w Due to 0iiher Funds (Other than Debentures) . ° a a? rJ © E . ' Reserve for Street.Lighting Maintenance 3,000.00 3,000.00 o d m ,. Other Capital Liabilities �,q'� /) 0 pq y, �s, q9 qct Deserve for equity - in Hydro Electric 5.,27 .1.4.13. . 1 7. 5 ,, : 347,,x,6 141,7 347 18 540.36 117,887.52 117-000.C�l,Oy� 226.26 Power Cominissicd of Ontario 413,775.82 413,7 73.82 ._ J'.'§ .: a :•, :s,^ ;'s f, GII ':." s€c�a.'C�` 1z �� _.�, �.,c'" x."i'.'.t"wN :...............au: -n�trt r.,.w._.. :s -:°x Ngy..••,...,.r,.....w�'.�ea:str4•'i:'a: , 4.14•4115m.4•4•0`".4.' -`4t2.8... 8„985.07 8,995.07 •305.66 9,290.73 8,985.00) 289.75 Surplus - 15.98) Capital 49,688.331 136.89 , 49,925.22 .432.99 50,258.1 49,688.33)4 302.60 ' earned 267.28) d • .40 v " • 1,806,455.03 5,789,595. Ord... , 176,986 54 365.10 ,, 1,6/7.75 176,673.40 484.05 176,157.45 1;279.01 177,436.46 176,617.85 818.61 ,,Total. Liabilities and 'Surplus • r " 123,588.05 - 317,585.44 441,173.49 a 971,019.23