HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-17, Page 7,flUJBSDi4Y, 41'TI/4 17th, 1958 SHAW-WISSER •ilxone Wisser inellnle the bride 1.4arSliaW at a dOlible-ring •eerenlOnY in St: Peter'e. Rennin 1147.ChgtarnXerei 3/Tr43114t9 Miday„,, Iteit..ZreeStirkl)P- Related at the nuptial mass. • The bride isf the daughter 6f Mr. and 1Virs. A. J. Visser, of Goderich, and the groom is the son .Mr. and Mrs. Austin Shaw, of ,Hartland, New Brunswick: Mrs. ea,51 Schneiker was orgaiV ,ist rs.Beet Baechler,- soloist, • sang Ave aVlaria. .The bride was attired in a white, floor -length ,gown, net over satin, with fingertip •Vell. She -carried a bouquet of .red_roses. ° {Matron a honer, Mrs Norbert Wisser, of Winds-:::' more a blue, ballering-length klown, net over blue taffeta, and she carried it bouquepOf white Best man *as Lloyd Gust, of Clinton RCAF Station, and Norbert Wisser was usher. Following a reception at tie Club. Grill, the couple left on a wedding trip. The groom. is attached tothe Clinton RCAF Station. Before her marriage, the bride was giiest of honor at showers ar- ranged by Mrs. James Skeoch and Mrs. Ed. Jeffrey. E 1 GEORGE'S. CHURCH April 20,141—Second Sunday -After Faster 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 16 a.m. SUNDAY St114001wand BIBLE CLASS..., 11 a.m. HOLY ftgMUNION and SERMON. • (Junior Congeegation and Nursery) 7 p.n. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., Rector, MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and, Choirmaster. Al 4 Ege-A,M0 tO iilialtcs ot410$C1 at rQ3S0214010 Priees. .4100, nartet road, elle/4 ° ;10.174 • THE UNITED CHURCH OF ,CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. SundafSchool. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "RESIDUAL RELIGION." Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. E.USTACE, B.A., 'Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Mrs. E. A. Wynat and one-year. old- son, John Scott, came from Plainfield, N.J., to see the Young Canada Week finals. Mrs. Wynat, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott -Young, of Goderich, hasn't missed a tournament here -yet. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H.. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of 10 CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper. ,• NURSERY AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 7_ poi„. The _Sacrament of_The Lord's 'Swum. Thursday, April" 17, 8 p.m. Preparatory service and reception of aiew members, , A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAtTS YOU. Praise Victoria Street United Church , "Worship lifts men to the next level of life," 10 a.m. Bible School and Adult Cliss. 11 a.m. Family Service with Primary Congregation. "EVERY DAY A PRAYER." - 1.30 p.m.' -Benmillei; Worship after Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union (Goderich Township) Church after Sunday•Schoel. MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ACTING ORGANIST—MRS. G. CURRELL. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL • TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." SUNDAY: -9-A5 a.m. Sunday School:: - (For free transportation, phone 1328) - 11 a.m. Praise and Worship. 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. SPECIAL SINGING IN BOTH SERVICES BY MR. and MRS. JAMES GREEN of LONDON. IComing—April 25th—"Centervilie Awakening"- Recently released sound motion film. (Watch' this space next week for details.) ' . Rev. R. J. Green (Pastor) • GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL, • 11 A.M. A 'FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR. •(Junior Congiregation and Nursery during morning service.) • 7 P.M. THE FELLOWSHIP HOUR. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. --Bible Study and Prayer Hour. • --REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A-.;-B.D., Minister: - OBITUARY , The death occurred at Alexandra Hospital Wednesday morning of •Mrs, George MacVicar after an ill- ness of some six weeks. She was in her 82ndyear. The funeral ser- vice. will be held from the Lodge funeral home on Saturday after- noon with interment in Maitland cemetery. . Her husband, George MacVicar, died in February of 1957. Surviv- ing are one son, Alex G., of Tor- onto, who is_with. the _Meteorologic- al Service of Canada, orie grand- daughter, three sisters, Mrs. W. Dore, Peekskill, N.Y., Mrs. A. Rug- gle, Kitchener, Mrs. 'D.Davidson, Toronto, and three brothers, Al- bert, of Hespeler, and William and Edward, of Toronto. Another bro- ther, Harvey, died a few weeks ago in 'Vermont. .Born at Carthage, Ontario,. she was married in 1913 at Goderich. The former Emeline Dietrich, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs., Nicholas Dietrieh, of Gode- rich, the -'former • having operated a flour and grist mill on •Maitland Drive some years ago. MrscVicar was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM JOHN JiARDY Funeral services for„ the late William John Hardy were held at the Lodge funeral home on Wed- nesday afternoon. Rev. R. S. Hiltz offielated and burial was made in Colborne cemetery.. The late Mr. Hardy died at Alex- andra Hospital on Tuesday. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Hardy of West Wawanosh and was 78 years of age. Hik.,,wife, the former Lorena Cloakey, pre- deceased him in 1947. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Leslie (Dorothy) Sanders, Mrs. Marshall (Alice) Bell, and 'Mrs, Mervyn (Eleanor) Holden, all of Goderich; there are also three sons, William of West Wawanosh, Clarence of- -,CcIlhorrie Township and Ronald of Brussels, and 13 grandchildren. SALVATION ARMY HOME .LEAGUE SUNDAY 11 a.M. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting Taken by Women of Home League. EVERYONE -IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. - Bright singing, testimonies, and Gospel messages. Capt, Reta Matchett . Lieut. Pauline Howell. ,Spiing brings with it flowers and prettily dressed young girls in their "Sunday best" as pictured above. ERSONMS Mr.. and Mrs. Jos. Crai& left on Thursday last for a visit with Mrs. Craig's sister, Mrs. W. Flatley and Mr. Flatley at Windsor, and also with her niece, Mrs. H. Ellis, and Mr. Ellis, at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Don Themson; Har - .old and Nancy Jaye have returned to Theasalenafter spending the -Easter holidays -with, Mrs. Thom - son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daer. F/0. 'and Mrs. Donald Wheeler • and sons, Larry and Robby, of Ot- tawa, were Easter guests with Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Videan.• Mrs. M. W. Howell has returned home after spending the .winter months with her daughters at Niagara -on -the -Lake and Galt. Miss Mary Jayne McManus spent her Easter holidays visiting in Tor- onto with Miss Leslie Buswell. ..VIrs. Wm. Coo, of Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thomas over the week -end. ,,,,, ,„,,,..... - • ' 'Mr. and Mrs. lack Salkeld, of Toronto, were week -end guests with Mrs. H. L. Salkeld. . Brian Bettger, of Stratford, spent Easter holidays with his uncle and 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bettger and family. , • Mr. Sandy Wilkins, of Wood- stock, -enjoyed the Easter week with his grandfather, Mr. A. J. Wilkins and Miss Vera Wilkins, re- turning to his home on Sunday with his parents and sister, Bar- bara, who speriLthe week -end here. 'Mr. and - Mrs. Kenneth Macauley, of TOronto;*. Were week -end, guests with Mrs., JVI. Macauley. IMiSS Dianne McConnell visited in Toronto for a few days with Miss Bobbie Rosenfeld, sports writer of The Globe and Mail, when the latter rturned to Toronto after covering Young Canada Week here for the , Toronto morning newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. John- Chisholm have left for Palm Beach, Florida, where Mr. Chiholm will attend the Prudential Insurance Leaders' 'Conference being held in that city. • .Billy, Vera and Bobby Desjar- dine, of Forest, were recent guests with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larder, Quebec street. Mrs. W. -P. Abell has returned to her honk\ on Elgin avenue after spending the winter at Toronto. Mr„ and . Mrs. Clayton Edward, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. R. .Shiells, of Amberley, were among the 100 Shell service 'station deal- ers and their wives who attended r, a dinner meeting at Hotel London last Thursday, Mr. 0. Sonley spent the Easter holidays at Port Colborne with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treble. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Porter, of Charlottetown, P:E.I., were guests for several days this past week of Mrs:. Noble ,Lanaway, Huron road. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Arecitow,.._were, Mr,„, and Alas, Harold, BreekOw, .of Leamington and Mrs. N. C. Brockle- bank, Dennis and'Gail, of Toronto. Master JimmY AtkeY, of Cooks- ville, spept the Easter vacatioff with his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Hughes and family. Mrs. W. J. McLean, Saltford., had as visitors the -past week, Mr. and :Mrs. Roy Alton,, Mr. and Mrs.' Clayton Alton, Lucknow, and also Mr. and Mrs. Alex Osbaldeston, Toronto. • Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent during the past week were Mr. Lorne Toll, of Van- couver, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Brewer and family, of Bluevale, Murray and David. MacDairmid, of Hamil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hutton, of Wingham and Mr. Rias. Stewart; of Clinton. - r-Notite-to- A1.414 persons having elaiins against the Estate of Glen I:tar-Pickard, late of the Township of Goderieh, in tie County of Huroe, Farmer, who died on or about the 22nd day of March; 1958, are required to Ale the same with full par- ticulars with the undersigned by •the 19th day of April, 1958, :as after -that datetheassets of the estate will be distributed. . a Dated at, Goderich, in the CQUil, ty of Huron, this, ist, day of April, 1958. t HAYS and PREST, • Goderich, Ontario, 14-16- Solicitors for the Estate 20. Public Notice THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT Statutes of Ontario, 1951, Chap. 93 NOTICE OF REVISION Electoral District of Huron - Public, notice is hereby given that sittings for the revision of the original lists of electors for the urban polling divisions comprised in the above-meptioned electoral district, will be held on each of the following two days, namely . . . . ,Monday and Tuaday, the 28th and 29th days of44,pril, 1958, when the original lists of electors for the urban polling subdivisions com- prised in each of the following revisal districts will be revised by the undermentioned revising officer at the place specified below . . . . TOWN OF GOD.ERICH prising all the polling subdivisions in the Town of Goderich, in the above-mentioned electoral district, the sittings for revision will be held in the Council Chamber, Town -Hall, Goderich, Ontario, before II. Glenn Hays, Q.C., who has been appointed revising Officer. Notice is further given that dur- ing tlie,sittings for revision on the Monday and Tuesday aforesaid, all IPPlications for the additions, cor- -reetions-and,- deletions of the or- iginal list of electors, as prepared and certified by th,e--enumerators for each of the polling subdivisions ,s,ituatedin such revisal district, WM be disposed of in accordance with the several procedures as provided in the above-mentioned act. That each of the 'sittings for re- vision will open at nine o'crock Standard Time (ten o'clock -Day- light Saving Time) in the forenoon, and will continue until ten o'clock Standard Time (eleven o'clock Day- light Saving Time) and during such time thereafter as may be neces- sary to deal with the business ready to be disposed of. That, moreover, on the above- mentioned Monday and Tuesday fixed for the sittings for revision, •the revising officer will sit in his revisal office from six o'clock until eight o'clock Standard Time (seven o'clock until nine o'clock Daylight Saving Time) in the evening of each of these days: and at any further date and time, or times, as may be determined by the re- vising officer, ' to deal with dele- tions. Dated at Godetich, Ontario, this 14th day of April, A.D.,-1958. Election Board for the County of Huron F. FINGLAND, Chairman. Huron United WA- AtWingham May 7 . The fifth annual meeting of the Huron 'Presbytery of the, Woman' Association of the United Church has been set for Wingham United. Church on Wednesday, May 7. Pre- siding will be Mrs. A. MeTaggart, of Brussels. Registration is to commence at 9.30 a.m. In charge of the morning de- votions will be the Blyth Woman's Association. Luncheon will be served by the ladies of the Wing - ham United Church. Special speaker will be Mrs. J. Y. Mac- Kinnon, of London, president of the London Conference W.A. The sixth annual meeting of the London Conference Woman's As- sociation of the United Church was I held at First St. Andrew's United Church, London, on Tuesday with; Yin. J. Y. MacKinnon, of London,1 presiding. Mrs. T. H. Walsh, past president, introduced the 'special speaker, Mrs. J. L. flalpenny, of Toroeto, a member of the Domin- ion Council. Those attenuing from,I Goderich included Mrs. S. Argyle, Mrs. Joseph Thompson, Mrs. Archie Hamilton and Mrs. W. IL Talmay. It()71' TNITtartft Eweripx wattems Subs.e.o#921 0) ' Of-inction 191 of. the Ontario Election ACC reads as followS.:. • '"avery person who.--WllfnilY and maliciously , deStrom ;injures er obliterates, or causes te be destrOY- ,ed,' injured or obliterated,. a' writ of election, or a return to a writ of election, or a poil book, voters' list, list of voters,, polling list; cer-. tificate or affidavit, or other &Cu-. rnent or paper made, prepared or drawn* according to or for the purpose of meeting the require- ments of this Act or any of them, shall be guilty of a corrupt prac- tice and shall incur a penalty of 32,009 and shall also on conviction be imprisoned for one year." -16-17 THE NOTICE placed in the Signal - Star. of April 10th by J. Archie Beattie wag merely a childish act of spite. I have made no debts. All our debts are those made by J. Archie .Beattie personally, and practically all., before March 18th, 1957. Any money 1 received from J. Archie Beattie in the past year, I have had to pay on his personal debts. I will no longer be re- sponsible for payment of these debts, or any of his future debts. 16x -Sharon Rosemary Beattie. I WISH to make it known that I will not be responsible for an debts incurred in my name by my wife, Sharon Rosemary. 15-17X J. A. Beattie. ,,1...WISH it _made kaawn-that-LwilL not be responsible -for any debts incerred by my wife, Rosealena Smith. 16x Andy Smith. NUMBt134 Im.s in'toAtliOt .1CP • case, lest. ' neWa4.. rilldeel*a • netifY 1130X 70,4ignal4tare • ST111*,)G, of Pearia lost at nre _ the person WhS(;11)trY.,. these pearIS pleaSe RCMP. 9407: and receive reward. -•° " 23, _Used i\ 1953 •SD•• 014E71' co'ach, in good conditiet. Wice $700.00. Call 788M anytime after 5.30 p.m. -• 16x A-1 GUARANT=D iisigo ABS '57 FOR Custom �dan, tri -tone, white and grey, whitewall tires, one -owner car, nice and dealt. '56 FORD Custom Sedan, blue and white. This too is, a one -owner car. '55 MONARCH Sedan, green and white, 'one -owner, low mileage. '64 FORD, blue, custom-tudor, one - owner, Coach ; a popular model. '51 ,FORD 1/2 -ton pick-up. '51 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery. '46 WILLYS Jeep with saw attach- ment, '52 FORD Tractor. '51 0OCKSHUTT 30 Tractor. Combine. Also many more used cars, trucks and tractors to choose froth. •GODERICH MOTORS LTD. • Ford-Edgel Sales and Service' Phone 83 South St. -16 IN • 21. Business Notice RID BULLEN'S CA;13TNET SHOP, • chests, desks, etc; custom.,made; also kitchen clipboards and furni- ture repairs, Saw _sharpening 184 Gibbons street,' phone 1234. • -38tf F°' tARTthCIAL - IN&MINA: TION infermation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED. ING ASSOCIATION at:. Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at ,low cost.. VISIT• OR PHONE REID'S NEW ' Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. 'Phone- 1534 'til 9 p.m • for an estimate. We have.. the cover- ings and the know-how. Pick up and delivery, -9tf SEPTIC tanks, cess -pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, or phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 10-32x CARPENTRY, building, .remOdel- ling, dealerinEpps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. 10-13x SHARPENING! Saws. Knives and axes wet ground;hand pOwer lawn- mowers, cutlery, etc. Well ek- perienced. C. H. Homar, Huron road, opposite store. 15-16x Its Tonight Door bells will be ringing around Goderich this evening as an army of canvassers make a house-to-house blitz in aid of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety- The Importanceof-the.... — work of the Cancer Society needs no emPhasis. In Gode- rich alone some 15 people are being aided by the Wel Unit of the Cancer Society. Enough said!. Give generously when a canvasser calls. You never know when you yourself will need aid from this same society. Junior Farmers Hear Reeve Durnin How municipal affairs affect farmers was the subject of -a talk delivered to Colwanash Junior Farmers by John Durnin, reev& of West Wawanosh Township, , at a meeting Tuesday night. George Ribey, Joyce Little, Bob Lyons and Larne -Hackett were named to a committee to plan the next meeting. WINS WATCH Calvin' Straughan, Brock street, was winner of a man's wrist watch in a. draW made on April 5. Pro- ceeds of the draw go to Young Canada Week. The watch was donated for this purpose by N. M. MacDonald, of ,Goderich. GERRARUS pec al Spring • INVITATIONS • ANNQUNCSMENTS • RCCEPT1014 CARDS • THANK YOU CARDS d INTO-NATIONAt-ARRIMITS. • Featuring "TIERMQ-GRAVURE7 PRINTING (Raised Lettering) The CHURCH That CARES Welcomes iffm SPECIAL SERVICES APRIL 20-27 Starting Sunday, April 20, 7 p.m. (WEEKDAY EVENINGS -AT 7.30.P.IVI.), GuestSpeaker: Rev. J. W. Fletcher PASTOR, ZION FREE METHODIST CHURCH FEATURING:, emus • This is your opportunity! We are away overstocked and must sacrifice, • right in the middle of our season. Use Our Special "Lay -Away" Plan. Oni` entire stock knocked 'way down in price to snit your pocket book. • New box and fitted styles in the latest fabrics. Out they go. :Your choice 255 off ALL NEW YOUR OROICE W • • A ^A LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS ... You may se' lect Our Wedding Invitations, Announcements and g747eIrt771;77W7,7;i7orrectness of form. WE ALSO WAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES Goderich,Signal-Star PHONE 71 WEST ST IVIU*IC IN „ALL SERVICES. Mon, Even'g, 21; 7.30 p.m. SPEaAL CYC SERVICE CYC SINGERS. LESSONS:“ "- PARENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED. Plan now tO attend.. Free Method:at Church. Rev. Verlyn R... Snell, B.A. Corner Park and Victoria, Paotor. A Full length, all wool. We make no reservations. Take your pick. There all new. „., ^